Bank card authentication error. Unfortunately, there is no data for your authentication: what does this mean

Sberbank uses 3D Secure technology to ensure the security of all financial transactions with electronic money. The main scope of its application is cashless payments when paying for goods through online stores. 3D Secure uses multi-layer encryption, one-time passwords, and to make a payment, you need not one, but two devices. This is not only a bank card, but also mobile phone that is attached to it. Let's consider this technology in more detail.

from Sberbank - what is it?

Sberbank uses comprehensive measures to improve security. When performing any financial transaction, you must enter as much data from the card as possible. Moreover, those that are specified in the contract for its receipt are also introduced. This is the period of its validity, the name and surname of the holder.

One-time passwords, as 3D Secure payment protection technology, are mainly used in Sberbank Online and Mobile Banking. If the latter is connected, then it is advisable to receive a one-time password by phone. If it is disabled (for example, pensioners disable it as unnecessary), then a list of one-time passwords can be obtained from an ATM.

Since Sberbank uses 3D Secure for electronic payments, the developers have taken care of ease of use. At one time, the ATM issues about 20 one-time passwords in a check. This check must be kept in a safe place. It should not be stored next to the card, as this reduces the level of security. Each time, when requesting a one-time password from a check, you must enter exactly the password, the serial number of which is indicated in the electronic entry form.

Authorization in the Personal Account with the right to manage accounts will occur only after the one-time password matches. This is a very good defense. The system does not protect 100% against losing money. No bank in the world gives such a guarantee, but this allows you to weed out almost all Internet scammers. It should be borne in mind that careful storage of the card and phone, strong passwords, use of ATMs only in the bank branch - all these are effective additional security measures.
You need to use the 3D Secure technology of Sberbank correctly. Failure to comply with some of the nuances leads to problems and the impossibility of making a payment.

Certain problems and delays in obtaining a one-time password via SMS occur when traveling abroad. Not everyone is comfortable keeping their phone on all the time. The phone can be discharged, which is also a problem when you need to make a quick payment.

A paper list of one-time passwords is sometimes more convenient than a phone. It can be accidentally lost, but attackers will be able to use it only if they have a card or its duplicate along with the list (the so-called card cloning). Such a situation is highly unlikely.

3D Secure, at the moment, is the most reliable protection. Knowing this, many plastic card holders are wondering how to connect 3D Secure from Sberbank. At the moment, this service is included in the standard package and when issuing a card automatic connection. This service is activated not upon receipt of the card, but upon making the first payment. When making a purchase in the online store, a request to connect it pops up automatically.

If this has not been done, then at any time the service can be activated in the following ways:

  • apply in person to the nearest branch of Sberbank;
  • connect to .

Connecting 3D Secure via Sberbank Online

3D Secure works in Sberbank Online, therefore, having opened the available cards, it is enough to select the “Connect 3D Secure” option.

Sberbank offers it to all its customers for free, despite the fact that this technology requires quite powerful technical equipment. If you need to make a purchase where there is no 3D Secure support, then you can use any reliable exchanger with a low commission. In addition, you can opt out of the calculation and make a regular bank transfer. Sberbank is the largest bank in Russia, so almost all online stores work with it.

Another way to pay for purchases in an online store that does not support 3D Secure is to temporarily disable the service. This is done through Sberbank Online in manual mode in the Personal Account. Once logged in, follow the instructions on the screen.

The principle of operation of the 3D Secure system

The 3D Secure technology itself was developed by the global SWIFT system and is used in VISA. Hardware equipment is the usual servers on providers and all the equipment of the cellular network. General security is achieved by storing card user data on secure bank servers. Integration with cellular networks is used to quickly block the card in case it is lost or stolen. In addition, the data is repeatedly duplicated.

Banking servers are protected by multi-level firewalls with deep packet filtering. When accessing them, their preliminary identification is carried out using cloud data. In other words, not every computer and not every person can access data on a bank server. Sberbank's 3D Secure screens out intruders very effectively.

Automatic detection of attacks is also a significant component of the overall protective scheme. It is carried out by a statistical method, for example, if the data from the card is requested from an unusual computer or the client's phone behaves incorrectly.

Cellular operators also pay great attention to the security of their data. Through their networks, not only almost all confidential negotiations pass, but also the exchange of banking data, especially in the field of micropayments.

Online shopping has become commonplace for a long time. modern man. But they don't always go smoothly. Some users encounter an error that does not allow you to confirm the payment, displaying the message "Sorry, there is no data for your authentication." To solve this problem, you should take a deeper look at the payment procedure and check possible reasons the occurrence of an error.

Possible causes of the error

Money transactions carried out via the Internet are often targets for hacker attacks. Theoretically, cybercriminals can not only get all the hidden information from a particular user, but also take possession of his money. But the development of information technology does not stand still, and almost all Internet resources related to electronic payments have acquired decent protection.

The main reason for the occurrence of errors during payments is precisely the protection. In case of errors in passwords or security codes, the payment will be canceled - the system will be reinsured and will not allow the loss of important data. It should be understood that complex security systems are created specifically for the safety of the user's funds, and it is better to encounter a payment error than the theft of money from the card.

The error with the text "Sorry, we do not have your data for your authentication" also occurs due to security issues. The reasons for its occurrence are as follows:

  • The card with which the payment was made was not protected (3D-Secure). Internet banking service is not active.
  • Disabled the ability to make payments via the Internet.
  • The card has already expired or has not been activated.
  • Malfunctions in the system of the mobile operator, which prevents the user from receiving the desired SMS message.

Also, the payment system may issue an error message if the one-time password function (distributed through an ATM) has been enabled. This is stated in the text of the error, in a request to the user to get a new list of one-time passwords. The fact is that for security reasons, this method of protection was disabled back in 2016. But such cases are also extremely rare.

3D Secure

3D-Secure is a user identification system that is the most common. With its help, you can stop any payment, including unauthorized. Protection is carried out in the following way: at the final stage of payment for the goods / services, a unique code is sent to the buyer's phone. The code comes in the form of a regular SMS message or push notification. The user enters the code in desired field and payment is confirmed.

The code comes only to the cardholder's phone. It will not work to change the recipient's number, or in any way forward a unique message without his knowledge. It will not come out to guess or intercept the code itself - it is generated randomly. Thus, the user absolutely confirms that he is the organizer of the payment with his bank card.

If an outsider received the card data and tried to make an online payment, the owner (and only him) will receive a message with a code, without which the operation will not be completed. And if no outsider has direct access to the owner’s phone, not a single payment will go through from the bank card without his knowledge.

How to fix this error?

Fixing the error is pretty easy. Just follow this instruction:

  1. First you need to make sure that the card has been activated. This applies to new cards from which no banking transactions have yet been made. You can activate the card different ways, for example, through an ATM of Sberbank (Alfa-Bank, VTB or other partner banks), or directly to a bank branch.
  2. If the card has been used for its intended purpose for a long time, then it is possible that it has expired. The expiration date is always indicated on the front of the card. If the term has already expired or is coming to an end, then you should come to the department and replace it with a new one.
  3. The cheapest electronic cards may not support online payments. In this case, it must be replaced with a more modern one, connected to the Visa or Mastercard system, and supporting the necessary payment protection system.
  4. Connect the card to the Internet banking system.
  5. As a last resort, if neither method works, you should contact the bank's call center. Everyone has their own number by which you can contact (for example, for Sberbank - 900).

By dialing the number, the operator needs to explain the error situation that has arisen, as well as what actions have already been taken to solve it.

Connecting the service through a mobile bank using the example of Sberbank Online

Connecting the banking service to the card is very simple. Consider how this can be done for a card received from Sberbank. To do this, you need an ATM and the card itself. Judging by user reviews, this service is not available in all ATMs, so it is quite possible that you will have to look for another one.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Insert the card into an ATM.
  2. Enter the correct pin code.
  3. Go to map options.
  4. Find and select the mobile banking connection string.
  5. Select one of the available rates.
  6. Receive an SMS message confirming the connection of the service.


The problem with online payment caused by the error “Unfortunately, there is no data for your authentication” can be solved quickly and easily. First you need to decide what exactly caused the payment error, and then do desired action. Most often, it is enough just to activate or replace the expired card with a new one.

Many of us buy goods on various network sites. Having looked at the next product, we start entering payment details, including information about our bank card. After filling in the specified data, and trying to make a payment, we may encounter the message “ Unfortunately, there is no data for your authentication. Please get a new list of one-time passwords at an ATM or register for mobile banking". What does this message mean in Sberbank, and how to fix the problem? Let's figure it out.

What you need to know about protecting data in a bank with 3D-Secure

Online shopping security is one of the most important tasks for banks and payment systems. The growth in the number of such purchases attracts many attackers who want to gain access to user data, and then steal money from the bank accounts of such users. To prevent such scenarios, banks are actively using a variety of technologies, one of which is the popular 3D-Secure technology.

"" is a special XML protocol that supports the security of online payments using payment cards. Codification "3D" means the use of three independent domains (D):

  • a bank serving a specific chain store;
  • bank - the issuer of the payment card;
  • payment system domain (Visa, Master Card and others).

An important step in the payment identification of the client in 3D-Secure is the input of a confirmation password on a secure page on the network. Such a password can only be obtained by phone via SMS, which significantly reduces the chances of an attacker to intercept and change such a password. After entering the password, the payment is confirmed and the selected product is paid.

Using SMS with a password allows you to secure online purchases

No data for your authentication - what does it mean

The message "Sorry, no data for your authentication" usually means that 3D-Secure technology is not connected to your card. Accordingly, you cannot confirm your purchase via SMS. Identifying your identity to the system is also difficult.

In addition to the lack of 3D-Secure, the causes of the problem may be the following:

  • Mobile banking system is not connected to your bank card, which also uses confirmation via SMS. At the same time, in addition to user verification, mobile banking provides many opportunities for monitoring and control Money placed on your bank accounts;
  • Your card is not intended for payments via the Internet. This happens with the simplest and cheapest electronic cards. These cards are rare these days. Most banks have switched to issuing Visa and Master Card cards with standard basic functionality;
  • Your bank card has not been activated, or its validity has already expired. In this case, you will also receive a notification about the lack of data for authentication in Sberbank.

How to solve the problem with the lack of data for authentication? Let's find out.

Step 1: Activate your card

If you have not yet activated your new card, it will be necessary to carry out the procedure for its activation, including confirmation via SMS. Visit the nearest branch of Sberbank to complete the activation procedure.

Step 2: Check your card expiration date

Take your card and make sure it has not expired. Usually, the month and year of expiration of the card are indicated on the front surface of the card. If this period is coming to an end, visit Sberbank and renew your card.

This card expired in November 2017

Step 3. Get a new Sberbank bank card

If you have used the cheapest (electronic) card so far, we recommend replacing it with a modern Visa Classic or Mastercard Standard bank card. These cards support the entire range of basic payment transactions, including payment for goods and services via the Internet.

Step 4. Call the Sberbank contact center

A call to the Sberbank call center at the toll-free number 900 will allow you to solve the "There is no data for your authentication" problem. Call the number indicated and tell the specialist the essence of the dysfunction that has arisen. Usually, after that, the Mobile Banking service will be activated for you, and you will be able to make purchases via the Internet using a confirmation SMS.

Make a call to the hotline

Step 5. Connect mobile banking through a Sberbank ATM

You can also activate the mobile banking service at the nearest Sberbank ATM. Judging by the reviews of cardholders, this option is not available in every ATM, so it is worth trying several ATMs.

Do the following:

One-time passwords at a Sberbank ATM

Until February 2016, it was also possible to receive 20 one-time passwords at a Sberbank ATM, with the help of which the necessary Internet payment was confirmed.

Check with a list of passwords

This technique turned out to be quite vulnerable. The fraudster picked up the discarded check with the specified 20 passwords, gained access to the user's personal account, after which he had the opportunity to withdraw money from the user's account 20 times.

Given such a sad practice, Sberbank decided to refuse to print a password using an ATM. Now payment confirmation is carried out exclusively via SMS to the client's phone.


In our article, we analyzed what “Unfortunately, there is no data for your authentication” in Sberbank, and what to do when you receive this message. Most in a simple way The solution to the problem is to connect mobile banking services to your card. Such a connection can be made both through a Sberbank ATM or by calling the toll-free support number 900. After connecting, you will be able to make all the necessary purchases on the Internet.

Online trading is becoming more and more popular, as are online payment tools. The created mechanisms ensure the reliability and security of financial transactions, but they can also fail. Increasingly, when paying online, users receive the message “Your card did not pass 3DS authentication, or was rejected by the payment system.” Failure occurs with cards of Sberbank, VTB24, Alfa Bank. In the article we will tell you what this error is and why it appears.

What is this authentication?

3DS authentication– a special security protocol for users, by entering two-factor authentication. The main purpose of the developed technology is to increase the security of the transaction, reduce the likelihood of using the card without the owner's knowledge through an additional confirmation step. The first payment system that started using this feature is VISA, and the rest, having assessed the reliability of the technology, connected it later.

Not all stores use 3DS Secure, which allows you to protect the user, outlet and bank during the payment process. Logos speak about the use of technology:

  • Verified by Visa - VBV;
  • Mastercard SecureCode - MCC;
  • JCB International - J/Secure;
  • M.I.R. Accept.

The essence of the technology is that when making a purchase, an additional step is added - confirmation of the code. As a standard, the scheme for purchasing goods via the Internet in this case looks like this.

  1. Enter card information.
  2. The store's website redirects the user to the issuing bank's page for 3DS authentication.
  3. Completion of the deal.

Please note that merchants do not receive full card data, only having access to a part of the information.

3DS Secure is represented by the sending of a security code by the cardholder. It has several options:

  • SMS alert;
  • one-time code card;
  • code fixed by the holder.

Thus, the transaction requires a card, a mobile phone, but if the code number is chosen by the owner of the plastic carrier, then the use of a mobile phone is not required. The option is activated at the moment of linking the card data and paying from it.

Causes of the “Card failed 3DS authentication” error

There are several main factors that lead to a failed transaction alert:

  • not connected function;
  • wrong code;
  • code expiration date (no more than 10 minutes);
  • problems on the bank line, delays on the server;
  • unsupported payment system or problems setting up the system in the store;
  • There are cases when an error appeared with an insufficient amount in the account.

How to fix?

You need to start by checking the account, if there are no problems with this, then the easiest and most efficient way to solve it is to call the hotline of your bank. For example, in case of a call, call 900, or +7 495 500-55-50. The call center employee will check the settings and tell you how to solve the problem and the probable causes. If we are talking not about problems on the part of the bank or the payment system, then with the help of the operator it will take 5-10 minutes to solve the problem. There is no way to talk on the phone - all modern banking structures have a staff of online consultants who can be contacted via the chat form on the site.

Calling the support operator is the best option

If you want to solve the problem yourself, then you need to start by checking the connection of the function. To do this, do the following.

  1. Go to Personal Area in the bank.
  2. Open a list of available cards.
  3. Explore connected services. If 3DS authentication is not in the list, connect online or through an operator.

To connect 3DS authentication, the operator will ask you to provide:

  • code word - entered by you during registration;
  • 4 digits at the end of the problem card number.

Connection takes no more than 1-2 days. The 3DS authentication service is paid in most cases, but there are banks that offer free connection.

Summing up

3DS Secure is an additional security measure to improve the security of online payments. Passing it without a card, owner and phone number is extremely problematic, which reduces the likelihood of fraud. Under normal conditions, this stage is included in the payment scheme for purchases of 3,000 rubles or more. If the card does not pass 3DS authentication, be sure to check the active options in your account, or call the operator for clarification.

However, don't expect a security protocol to be 100% secure. There are still many stores that operate without this technology. Thus, we can say that this function is useful in combination with other protective tools.

(3 ratings, average: 4,67 out of 5)

About the author: Vyacheslav Orman

Website administrator and author. I try to find the best useful information in dealing with difficult situations faced by the reader. I have extensive experience in analyzing and writing articles on financial topics. I am an expert in the field of combating Internet fraud and data protection.

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The prevalence of Internet banking and plastic cards among the population has made this area attractive to fraudsters. The number of bank customers affected by cybercriminals is constantly increasing. In order to change the trend, Sberbank uses a special security technology on its plastic products - 3D Secure.

Purpose of technology

Today there are a large number of online trading platforms. They use credit cards for payment. Many scammers take advantage of the insecurity of such sites, stealing the funds of individuals making purchases. To prevent this, the 3D-Secure system was created.

It was originally developed by Visa and was called Verified by Visa. A little later, a similar system was adopted by the MasterCard payment system. Despite the fact that the technology was created relatively long ago, modern Russian banks are very slowly implementing it in the domestic financial market. One of the enterprises that connect their customers to this technology is Sberbank.

The essence of 3D Secure is the use of special codes that are available only to the owner of the plastic, which must be used to make transactions on the card. Without this technology, the buyer in the online store only needs to enter the following data:

  • last name, first name;
  • plastic number (debit or credit);
  • validity period of the used bank card;
  • CVV code (located on the back of the plastic).

In a normal situation, this data is enough to make a purchase. If 3D-Secure technology is connected to the plastic, its owner will be redirected to the Sberbank page, where he will undergo Sberbank 3DS authentication before making a purchase. What is it and how to go through this procedure?

After redirection, the owner of the plastic will receive a special code on the phone, which must be entered in the appropriate field on the site. If the correct code is entered, the purchase will continue.

Does 3D Secure increase the security of card transactions

According to experts, the introduction of technology can greatly increase security. money transfers. This is achieved due to the fact that the phone number to which the message is received is available only to bank employees. Sellers of marketplaces do not have access to such information. In addition, the number of codes is limited, each of them is valid only for 10 minutes. Thanks to this, the protection of monetary transactions is really increased.

When a mobile bank is connected, the code will be sent by message to the number backed up to the plastic. Thus, you can quickly enter it and make a safe purchase. To steal funds, the fraudster will need not only plastic, but also the phone of its owner. Previously, a list of codes could be printed at an ATM, but today the financial institution has abandoned this practice.

Three domains are used for the operation (with which the 3D part in the technology name is connected). This is the domain:

  1. The bank that serves the Internet site.
  2. A bank that serves a particular customer.
  3. The payment system to which the plastic belongs.

Despite these precautions, the implementation of the technology comes at a high cost. Some of them are assigned to trading platforms. Not all online stores are connected to this technology. If it is not available, a card with enabled protection will either not be able to be used, or there will be no owner authentication process. Attackers, having obtained the necessary information, can use this loophole for fraud.

Therefore, although the system allows you to increase the security of payments, it is not a 100% guarantor of the safety of the bank's client's funds. In this regard, it is recommended to use only trusted Internet sites that are connected to this service.


Persons who have issued plastic at Sberbank relatively recently may not worry about connecting the technology to their card product. Today, a financial institution automatically implements the service on all cards of the Classic class and above. If the card was received a long time ago, even before the use of 3D Secure, or plastic belongs to the initial types of card products, you will have to activate it yourself.

There are two ways to enable 3D Secure. Sberbank allows you to do this:

  1. By a personal visit to one of the branches. It is necessary to contact an employee of a financial institution with a corresponding request and submit a written application for connecting plastic to protection.
  2. remotely. You can use Sberbank's Internet banking and activate the technology yourself.

The technology is expensive. Banks have to spend a lot of money on its implementation. It is not mandatory and is used only if the financial institution wishes to do so. Despite this, connection to the protection is not accompanied by the recovery of funds from the client. For owners of plastics it is free. There is also no charge for using the technology.

It should be noted that it is impossible to disable the technology after its activation. It is aimed at protecting the interests of owners of plastics and their funds stored in Sberbank. A financial institution is interested in preserving the funds of its clients, so Sberbank employees will not let the cardholder turn off 3D-Secure. Such an opportunity is simply not provided.

Protection Benefits

To introduce technology, it is necessary to spend significant sums. Despite this, financial institutions, including Sberbank, are taking a similar step. This is done not only for the safety of existing customers, but also to attract new citizens to cooperation. The more customers use Sberbank plastics, the higher the total income of a financial institution.

What is 3D Secure on a Sberbank bank card for clients of this institution? First of all, it is an opportunity to increase the reliability of online shopping. After connecting to the technology, the chance of becoming a victim of scammers and losing personal funds is significantly reduced. This is the main advantage of the 3D Secure system. In addition to it, the system also has the following strengths:

  • during the payment process, the system checks both the bank of the store to which the funds are transferred, and the financial institution that issued the plastic;
  • all data related to cards is stored on a secure Sberbank server. In case of gaining access to them, full responsibility for the theft of funds rests with the bank, and not with the client;
  • the authenticity of each translation is checked.

3D Secure is a unique system for protecting payments on the Internet using special confirmation codes. Its implementation significantly increases the security of funds that are stored on the plastics of bank customers. Modern card products (above the entry level) are automatically connected to the technology. If for some reason the card is not connected to 3D Secure, a citizen can apply to the bank with a corresponding application or use Internet banking. At Sberbank, connecting to the technology and using it is free.