Topic: "Wild animals" intense occupation. Didactic game "Who is moving

Lucumber Ahmetshin

Didactic game "Who is moves"

purpose: Expand Children's Dictionary, use and secure the verbs in speech, denoting different movements (fly, run, crawl, swim); Exercise in the exact name of movements; Take out exact verbs for proposals.

Game Material: 4-5 sets of pictures with the image of animals, birds, fish, insects; five stripes card for lad out pictures

Game traffic:

1 option: "Who like moves"

Envelopes with pictures, playing Can call what animals are depicted on their pictures. The lead calls any movement of the animal, the child raises the appropriate picture and put on a strip. Thus, animals will gather on each strip that can be equally move.

Option 2: "Name correctly"

Lead Asks: "Swim",children answer: "Kit, Shark, Dolphin, Goose, etc."

"Fly", children answer: "Crow, swallow, and so on"

Img] /upload/blogs/detsad-682682-1464624433.jpg

Publications on the topic:

Didactic game Didactic game "Monkey" Task: develop thinking, smelting, desire to play with peers. Gaming rule: collect from individual.

The designer game "clowns" is intended for the development of shallow motility hands. Hand finger training is a powerful toning factor.

The speech therapy is your own hands the goal of the game: the development of phonderatic hearing in children of preschool age. Game Material:.

The game introduces children with the concept of "opposite." Children learn concepts: a lot - little, thick thin, wide - narrow, long - short,.

It's no secret to anyone that the development of shallow motility, t. e. Flexibility and accuracy of the movements of the fingers, and tactile sensitivity is.

The game is created on the basis of unused laser disks, which caused the image of three types of didactic figures. Figures are depicted.

The second younger group (3-4 years). The goal of the game: To form in children the ability to guess the subject, relying on his description. Tasks of the game: Educational:.

Handing the figurines on the laugh. Promotes the development of shallow motility and coordination of movement. Recognition in form, color and images.

Size: px.

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1 card file for the development of speech "Who is talking about?" Purpose: Extension vocabulary, Development of fast reaction. The move: the teacher alternately throws the ball to children, calling animals. Children, returning the ball, must answer, like this or another voice: Cow Miletty Tiger Rugs Snake Ships Komar Fast Dog Lights Wolf Wolf Duck Cracks Pig Grunts Option 2. The speech therapist throws the ball and asks: "Who is growing?", "And who growls Mixed? "," Who is barking? "," Who is dug? " etc. The game "Who lives where?" Objective: Fastening the knowledge of children about animal dwellings, insects. Fastening the consumption of children in the speech of the grammatical form of the proposed case with the pretext of "B". The move: throwing the ball alternately to each child, the teacher set the question, and the child, returning the ball, answers. Option 1. Pedagogue: Children: Who lives in the Dupel? -Bel. Who lives in a birdhouse? -Cvoretsa. Who lives in the nest? -Ptitsy. Who lives in the booth? Food. Who lives in the horses? "Who lives in Nore?" Lisa. Who lives in the lair? -Olk. Who lives in Berorc? - MED. Option 2. Where does the Bear live? - Berler. Where does the wolf live? -The Laor. Option 3. Work on the right sentence design. Children are invited to give a complete answer: "Bear lives in Berorga."

2 Game "Tell the Lream" Purpose: Development of thinking, speed of reaction. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball alternately to each child, asks: Crane kits, and forty? The baby, returning the ball, must answer: forty shine. Examples of questions: owl flies, and rabbit? Cow eats hay, and fox? Mole roet mink, and forty? Rooster Quacked, and chicken? Frog squabs, and a horse? Cow calf, and sheep? Have a bear mother's mother, and the Belchonka? "Who is moving?" Objective: Enrichment of the verbal dictionary of children, the development of thinking, attention, imagination, dexterity. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball to each child, calls any animal, and the child, returning the ball, says the verb, which can be attributed to the named animal. The dog is standing, sitting, lies, go, sleeps, barks, serves (cat, mouse) "What is happening in nature?" Objective: consolidation of consumption in the speech of verbs, matching words in the proposal. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball a child, asks the question, and the child, returning the ball, should answer the question. It is advisable to hold the game on topics. Example: the topic "Spring" Sun What makes? -Svette, heats. What are the streams? - Go, murmur. Snow what makes? - Tempenet, melts. What do poultry do? - come, whip nests, sang songs. Drops what makes? - Signs, dripping. Bear What does it make? "It's good, gets out of the burgoot.

3 "hot cold" target: consolidation in the presentation and the dictionary of the child of opposing signs of objects or Slovintonians. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball a child, says one adjective, and the child, returning the ball, calls another with the opposite value. Hot-cold good-bad smart-stupid merry-sad sharp-stupid smooth-grungy "Who can perform these actions?" Purpose: Activation of the verbal dictionary of children, the development of imagination, memory, dexterity. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball a child, calls the verb, and the child, returning the ball, calls the noun, suitable to the named verb. Pedagogue: - Children: man, animal, train, steamer, rain running-stream, time, animal, man, road flying bird, butterfly, dragonfly, fly, beetle, plane floating fish, whale, dolphin, boat, Ship, man "What is happening in nature?" Objective: consolidation of consumption in the speech of verbs, matching words in the proposal. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball a child, asks the question, and the child, returning the ball, should answer the question. It is advisable to hold the game on topics. Example: the topic "Spring" Sun What makes? -Svette, heats. What are the streams? - Go, murmur. Snow what makes? - Tempenet, melts. What do poultry do? - come, whip nests, sang songs. Drops what makes? - Signs, dripping. Bear What does it make? "It's good, gets out of the burgoot. Flying bird, butterfly, dragonfly, fly, beetle, plane floating fish, whale, dolphin, boat, ship, man

4 "What is done from?" Objective: consolidation in the speech of children of the use of relative adjectives and methods of their education. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball a child, says: "Leather boots", and a child, returning the ball, replies: "leather". Pedagogue: -Derty: Mittens made of fur-fur pelvis from a copper copper vase from crystal-crystal mittens from wool-woolen "Spread on the shelves" target: orientation in space. The move: Fedor's character asks the children to help her: put the pans and frying pan on the lower shelf, plates, spoons, knives fork on the shelf higher, and saucers and jugs on the upper shelf. "What is the vegetable?" Purpose: Development of tactile, visual and olfactory analyzers. The move: the teacher cuts vegetables, their children sniff them and taste. The teacher gives a sample: "Sweet tomato, and acute garlic" "Who was who?" Purpose: The development of thinking, the expansion of the dictionary, fixing the case of the case. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball from some of the children, calls the item or animal, and the child, returning the ball a speech therapist, answers the question of whom (than) was previously named object: Chicken Egg Bread Flour Horse Foam Cabinet - Cow Cova Tribe Bike Iron Dud Zhaloud Shirt Cloth Fish Fish Icrile Boots Skin Apple Tree Seed House Bricks Frog Golovatik Strong Weak Butterfly Caterpillar Adult Baby

5 "What does it sound?" Purpose: Development of auditory attention and observation. The move: the teacher behind the screen playing on various musical instruments (tambourine, bell, wooden spoons). Children must guess what sounds. "What happens in the fall?" Purpose: Learn the time of year, their sequences and main features. Move: on the table lie in a picture of the picture with the image of various seasonal phenomena (snow goes, blooming meadow, autumn forest, people in rascoats and umbrellas, etc.). The child chooses the pictures where the autumn phenomena is depicted and calls them. "What happened?" Purpose: Development of attention and observation. The move: the teacher on the table lays out 4 vegetables: "Children, look carefully, which lies on the table. This is onions, cucumber, tomato, pepper. Look carefully and remember. And now close your eyes. " Children cover their eyes, and the teacher removes one vegetable. "What happened?" Children remember and call vegetable. "Catchy yes throw color call" Purpose: selection of nouns to the adjective, designative color. Fastening the names of the main colors, the development of the imagination in children. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball a child, calls an adjective, denoting color, and the child, returning the ball, calls the noun, suitable for this adjective. Red -mack, Fire, Flag Orange -APelsin, Carrot, Zarya Zhilny -tsy Cape, Sun, Ripe Green-Cucumber, Grass, Forest Blue -Ne, Lode, Forget-me-not, Blue-bell, Sea, Sky Purple - Lilac

6 "Whose head?" Purpose: Expansion of the dictionary of children due to the use of attractive adjectives. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball a child, says: "At the crow's head," and the child, throwing the ball back, finishes: "Vorona". For example: Fravel the head of trot in fish fish has a cat's cat in Sorochy's Sorochi's horse near the Eagle Eagle's camel at the camel Camel "Fourth Excess" target: fixing the ability of children to allocate a general sign in words, develop the ability to generalize. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball a child, calls four words and asks to determine what word is superfluous. For example: Blue, red, green, ripe. Zucchini, cucumber, pumpkin, lemon. Overcast, rainily, frown, clear. "One Many" Purpose: Fixing in the speech of children of various types of expirations of noune. The move: the teacher throws the ball to children, calling the names of the nouns in the singular. Children throw the ball back, calling nouns in the plural. Example: Table Tables Chair Chair Mountain Mountain Leaf Leaves House Home Sock Socks Eye Eye Slice Slice Day Days Jump Jumping Sleep Sleep Gusokok Gusyat Libe Tiger Tigrite "Picky Signs" Purpose: Activation of the verb dictionary. The move: the teacher asks the question "What can squirrels do?" Children answer the question and find a picture to asked question. Exemplary Answers: Squirrels can jump from the bitch to the bitch. Squirrels can make warm nests.

7 "Animals and their children" goal: consolidation in the speech of children names of children's animals, fixing the skills of word formation, development of agility, attention, memory. The move: throwing the ball a child, the teacher calls any animal, and the child, returning the ball, calls the baby of this animal. The words are arranged in three groups by the method of their formation. The third group requires memorizing the names of a baby. Group 1. Tiger tiger, at Lev Lions, in an elephant elephant, a deer deer, at the Elk Losyok, in the fox fox. Group 2. At the bear bear, a camel camel, a hare of a hare, a rabbit rabby, in a squirrel squirrel. Group 3. The cow is a calbel, a horse is a foam, a pig piggy, a lamb, a chicken chicken, a dog's puppy. "What happens round?" Purpose: Expansion of the dictionary of children at the expense of adjectives, the development of imagination, memory, dexterity. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball with children, asks the question, the child who caught the ball should answer it and return the ball. What happens round? (ball, ball, wheel, sun, moon, cherry, apple) What happens long? (Road, river, ripe, ribbon, cord, thread) What happens to high? (Mountain, tree, rock, man, pillar, house, wardrobe) What happens to prickly? (Eugene, rose, cactus, needles, chill, wire) "pick up the word" goal: Development of word formation skills, selection of related words. For example, a bee bee, a bee, bee, beekeeper, bees, etc.

8 "Generalizing concepts" Purpose: Expansion of the vocabulary in the account of the use of summarizing words, the development of attention and memory, the ability to relate generic and species concepts. Option 1. Turn: The teacher calls a generalizing concept and throws the ball in an alternately every child. The child, returning the ball, must call the objects relating to the generalizing concept. Vegetables - Cabinet, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, radish. Option 2. The teacher calls species concepts, and children generalizing words. Pedagogue: 0Tti: Cucumber, tomato vegetables. "Close-far" goal: development of auditory attention, hearing acuteness. The move: the teacher behind the screen produces the sound of a large or small toy. Children on the power of the sound determinate the size of the toy (large or small) "Good bad" goal: familiarity of children with contradictions of the world, the development of a coherent speech, imagination. The course: the teacher set the topic of discussion. Children, passing the ball in a circle, tell that, in their opinion, good or bad in the weather. Pedagogue: Rain. Children: Rain is good: sheeps dust from houses and trees, it is useful for the Earth and the future harvest, but it is bad - the worship of us, it can be cold. Pedagogue: City. Children: Well, I live in the city: you can ride in the subway, by bus, many good stores, do not see the live cow, rooster, stuffy, dusty. "Guess who called?" Purpose: Disassembling on the timbre of the maximum abbreviated sound complexes. The move: driving turns back to children and the "Pi-Pi" sound complex determines who called him. Written by the child on which the teacher points.

9 "Name gentle" goal: fixing the ability to form nouns with the help of decreasing suffixes, the development of agility, the speed of the reaction. The move: the teacher, throwing the ball a child, calls the first word (for example, a ball), and the child, returning the ball, calls the second word (ball). Words can be grouped by the similarity of the end. Table table, key-key. Hat cap, squirrel-protein. Book-book, spoon-spoon. Head head, painting-picture. Soap soap, mirror mirror. Doll-doll, swamp coat. Spit-pigtail, water-water. Beetle bug, oak dubble. Cherry-cherry, turret tower. Dress dress, armchair. "Funny account" goal: consolidation in the speech of children approval of nouns with numerical. The course: the teacher throws the ball with a child and pronounces a combination of nouns with a numerical "one", and the child, returning the ball, calls the same noun, but in combination with the numerical "five", "six", "seven", "eight". Example: one table five tables one elephant five elephants One crane five cranes One swan five swans one nut five nuts one bump five cones one hooks five guns one chicken five chickens one hare five hares one hat five hats one bank five cans.

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The surrounding world "option.4 0.5 hours a week, 8 hours a year. Explanatory note. An important aspect teaching a child with heavy and multiple developmental impairments is the expansion of ideas about

Stage 1. 2.Tap. 3.Etap. Purpose. Tasks teach children aimed target. Learn lessons for children to form dedicated verb forms in the present time (draws, improving the work with the pictures of classes

Topic: "Garden-garden". Objective: to promote the development of a lexico-grammatical system of language, including the skills of word formation and word imposition in preschoolers with speech and (or) cognitive pathology (general

PSA M I \u200b\u200bT K A D L I R O D I T E L E S I Rachet Exercises for Preschoolers, who contribute to the successful mastering native language. Dictionary and word formation. By the time of arrival at school, a child should be

Didactic speech development games in 2- junior group "Binds" (consultation for parents) educational games for children 3-4 years aimed at developing proper and competent speech in children. Game enriched

Consultation for parents "The development of children's speech is 4 5 years old. The use of a technique in the development of a coherent speech of children "is one of the important lines of child development. Thanks to the native language, the kid is included

Integrated Speech Development Claim

and familiarize artistic literature

Topic: "Wild Animals".

Software content : Teach children to understand the meaning of mysteries, select definitions to words.

Exercise in understanding and properly used in the speech of prepositionsin, on, under . Secure the ability to form the names of young animals and consulate them in the nominative case of a plural and the parental case of the only number.

Learning to allocate, clearly and correctly pronouncec. In words and phrases, select words to a given sound.

Educational environment : Child in Costume Pinocchio, Recording the song "Buratino", Supplement pictures with an image of animals: Squirrels, hare, foxes, wolf, bear and their young, toys - Run, Bear, Lysteat, Volctera, Lachata, game "What Mishka does?" , animal housing pictures, magnetic board.

Travel course:

Greeting guests "Smile"

The educator offers children to look at the guys present here, unusually say hello to them and give each other their smile and a good mood.

Draws attention to the guest. To record the song "Buratino" runs the same character.

Pinocchio. You know, Malvina, asked me so much homework, but I can not cope with them, and I also don't want to upset my Malvina. Guys, will you help me?

1 Task: "Guess a riddle"

He is offended and animals and birds,

He is afraid of each bustle

Winter under the tree he freezes

What summer shewki does not remove him. (Hare)

What are the ears hare? (Long ears)

What is the tail of the tail? (Short tail)

The hare has a soft warm skin.

The animal will find out with you

For two such signs:

He is in the fur coat in winter in winter

And in red coat in the summer. (Squirrel)

What are the ears proteins? (Short ears)

What is the tail of the tail? (Fluffy tail)

The skin of the protein is warm, soft.

Host Ferena

Wakes up in spring

And in winter under the wolf

Sleeping in a snowy hut (bear)

What are the ears from the bear? (Small ears)

What is the tail? (Short tail)

I, I confess to blame:

I am a cunning and plot

I'm in a chicken coop

We often run secret. (A fox)

What are the ears in fox? (Pointy ears)

What is the tail? (Long, fluffy tail)

Who is cold in winter

In the forest go angry, hungry? (Wolf)

What ears have a wolf? (Pointy ears)

What is the tail? (A long tail)

Rest: And where do you live hare, wolf, fox, bear and protein? (All these animals live in the forest)

What are these animals if they live in the forest? (Wild animals, produced food themselves, defended)

2 Task: "Who is hidden?"

Pinocchio shows the children a picture and asks them to find animals on it. Suggests to say whose tail in the voupel, whose ears under the bush, whose head in Nore is visible; Who where hidden (in Berorgan, in Nore, in Dupel, under a bush, on a tree).

Fizminutka: "Buratino"

Rest: Out of this Pinocchio, wants to play, get up with him together.

Pinocchio reached out

Once bent, two bent,

Hands on the sides spread

Visible the key did not find

To get the key to us

It is necessary to get up on the socks.

3 Task "Nazis Young"

Children find a cub with supporting pictures:

Fox - Lisyata

Wolf - Volchata

Squirrel - Belchata

Hare - Run

Bear - Messenger

On the table there are toys - animals. The educator proposes to consider toys and call them. Then the children take on the toy and call who he has in their hands (fox, bear, bunny, bobcones, wolp). Then the educator suggests to swap a toy with a friend. In the exchange of the toy, the teacher takes part: Look, I gave my sachet of my bunny, and he took a wolf tree. When children change toys, the teacher asks who and whom they gave, and whom they got. And let's call and show how these animals move.

Game - Imitation "Who moves?"

Hare - jumps

Bear - goes a rotational

Fox - steal

Squirrel - jumps

Wolf - chops.

Game "Bunny" (with movements )

Bunny across the forest grew, bunny stern sorry.

Suddenly a bunny on the painter, rose as an arrow ears.

The rustle quiet is heard, someone in the forest steps?

Maybe the hedgehog here is rustling, can mouse runs here,

Maybe the bird flies, maybe a bear is walking here?

Bunny confuses traces, runs away from trouble.

He jumped in his side, turned,

And under the bush rolled.

Like a small tangle, so that no one can find.

5 task "What makes a bear?"

Children are there cards, where the bear performs different actions. (Children call actions: Bear - goes, sitting, etc.)

Rest: Guys, why did Pinocchio come to us? (So \u200b\u200bthat we help him fulfill the tasks) and we coped with the tasks? (Coped)

And Buratino, what a well done, who listened carefully, learned a lot. He really liked how you all worked together and helped him.

Buratino . Thanks guys! One would never cope with such difficult tasks.

The teacher offers children and Pinocchio playin the game "Praise beasts ».

He asks everyone to think who he wants to be: a squirrel, a hare, wolf, a bear or a fox. Invites the child to him, and the game begins.

I am a bear, "says the teacher.

And I am a wolf, "the child answers.

I have a brown fur coat.

And I have a gray.

My ears are round.

And I have sharp.

  1. To organize the activities of students on the study and primary consolidation of the names of the actions "who, as moving", the correlation of the names of the subject and action, formulation of issues to the verbs.
  2. To promote the development and correction among schoolchildren to analyze and act by analogy, enrichment of the active dictionary.
  3. Promoting the formation of cultural behavior skills in the lesson.


  • Tutorial "Russian language" for the 2nd class E. V. Yakubovskaya;
  • Poster with the image of the forest and animals;
  • Cards with questions who? What?;
  • Distribution material (hearts, triangles, supply schemes);
  • Games for individual work;
  • Demonstration and subject pictures for vocabulary and independent work.

Sketch of board design.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Preparation of students to work at the main stage.

What? Just laughter!
It is impossible to split a nut.
Put on her palm
And in turn beat.

(In turn relate to the pillows of the palms, first with their right hand, then left).

A minute of cleaning.

Today we will work on the right setting of questions to the words denoting objects and actions, relate the names of objects and actions "who is moving around." Our goal is to learn as many words as possible, learn to ask questions correctly and give full answers, write words. Let's start a lesson from dictionary work.

3. Wise work.

1) Vocabulary dictation.

Let me read the dictionary words on cards and relate them to the appropriate picture.

Dog, hare, crow, cow guys.

2) acquaintance with the new word.

Read new vocabulary (1 student with a card presented by the teacher - sparrow)
- Who is such a sparrow? (Bird)
- We write the word on the board, we define the number of syllables, put the emphasis and emphasize vowels (in aboutr aboutb. - 3 words)
- Write the word notebook

3) Compiling a proposal.

Make a sentence sparrow.

(Pupils make up orally, the teacher writes on the board).

Then make up on the board and lay out a proposal on the desk.

(1 student on the board).

4. Application of knowledge and ways of action.

1) game "Who? What?"

Each student receives two cards: one with a question "Who?", Other - "What?". The teacher shows a substantive picture. Pupils raise a card with a question that the word denoting the displayed object corresponds to.

2) The game "Live - inanimate."

Each student receives a card with pictures and a set of chips. We need alive objects to celebrate the heart, and the non-resident - blue triangle.

3) Repeat the names of actions.

The teacher shows the storybook. Need to ask a question and answer what makes a bunny (runs, lies, calls, jumps ...)


Central Committee, CSC, CSC, CSC,
I am a horse - gray side!
I will knock the hoof
If you want - pumping!
See how beautiful I am
Good and tail, and mane.
Central Committee, CSC, CSC, CSC,
I am a horse - gray side!

5. The absorption of new knowledge and ways of action.

1) Working with a poster.

Close your eyes and get into a wonderful summer forest.

(A poster is hung on the board).

Let's fall on the clearing not by people, but animals. Who will be?

(Pupils near the board are attached tokens with the image of different animals: squirrel, hedgehog, frog, snake, pt ka).

Collected animals in the forest and compete. Squirrel on trees jumps. Snake on the grass crawling. Hedgehog on the path is tolerate. The frog on the bumps jumps. Bird flies in the sky. Who will be the first to his desk?

(Pupils are returned to the place).

What animals do? Move. Who among animals as moving through the forest. Let's select the name of the action to each name of the subject.

(The student receives a card with the name of his animal, reads and attaches the card to the poster).

2) Working with a textbook.

P. 126, uPR. one

Now perform an exercise. Consider and call items in the drawings.

(Dolphin, Horse, Owl)

Tell me how the dolphin moves? Horse? Owl?
- We write the proposals in the notebook

Dolphin floats.
Horse jumps.
Owl flies.

(Pupils add action names, weak strokes).

Fizminutka for eyes.

To your eyes were your eyes,
So that you do not walk in glasses
These light movements
I propose to repeat.

6. Fastening the knowledge and ways of action.

Independent work.

Each student receives a sheet with the image of various animals and printed actions. You need to read the word and connect it with the appropriate picture.

Flying ... Bird
Crawling ... Snake
Flies ... Butterfly

The teacher carries out individual control and correction in the process.

7. Information about the homework.

P. 127, UPR. 3.

Students need to choose from two actions necessary and record two offers.

8. Summing up the lessons.

Positive assessment of class teacher. Compilation of daisies from petals.

9. Reflection.

Did you like it in the lesson?
- Who will give his smile, a cheerful or sad little man?

Individual work:

  1. Pupils perform written work in notebooks - prescribed pre-prepared samples of letters and elements of letters.
  2. Didactic games for the definition of color, liners, hatching colored pencils.

Games for the formation of lexico-grammatical operations

1. Formation of lexical operations

The game "Who is like moving"


Instruction: Tell me who is moving?

Equipment: subject pictures.

Structure. The child is invited to consider the pictures and say who is moving.

(Man walks, turtle crawls, bird flies, frog jumps, hare jumps, fish swims)

Purpose: Enrichment and clarification of the verb dictionary.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Structure. The child is invited to consider the pictures and say who gives a voice.

(Dove worship, Cow Milet, Sparrow Chirirts, Cat Meow, Rooster Quackets, Dog Gets, Chicken Cut, Pig Grunts, Goose Sweets, Mouse Fasting, Duck Cracks, Wolf Wolf, Cuckoo Cooks, Bear Rugs).

The game " Find out the description "

Purpose: Enrichment and clarification of the dictionary of adjectives.

Instruction: Listen to the riddle and tell me, about whom she.

    About whom you can say: redhead, fluffy, tricky?

    Yellow, oval, sour. What is it?

    What can I say: Round, above green, inside red, very sweet?

    Green, oblong, solid, tasty. What is it?

Equipment: subject pictures.

Structure. The child is invited to listen to the riddles and guess them. With the right answer, an interface is presented and the child is asked to once again call the adjectives describing it.

Game "Compare and Explain"

Purpose: Work on multivalued words.

Instruction: Think, how did the word appear?

Equipment: subject pictures.

Structure. Children should independently assume how this meaning of the word appeared, to clarify it, choose synonyms, include phrase in the offer.

Lexical material: Cherry Smells Snow Power - Flour Syft - Rain Rain - Sypt

chastushki.Sypt - Rhines something frequent, petty, sow. Is it possible to say "Shower Syll"?

It is impossible, because during the rainfall drops are large, strong, like jets. Therefore, the shower beats, shine.

Game "Guess the subject by name of its parts"

Instruction: Guess the subject by name its parts.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Lexical material: Sock, Heel, Gorel, Heel, Lightning, Sole - Bow.

Structure. The child is invited to listen to the names of the pieces of the subject and guess what it is for the subject. After the correct answer, a picture is presented with a guess, the child is asked to re-name all the parts listed and show them.

2. Formation of morphological operations

The game "What is what?"

Purpose: Teaching the word formation of relative adjectives with suffix - N.-.

Equipment: pictures depicting beets, carrots, tomato, apple, potatoes.

Instruction: Listen and answer questions.

Starting: The child shows pictures with vegetables and fruits and ask to answer the question:

What a carrot juice?

Tomato pasta what?

What a beet salad?

What kind of potatoes?

What a puree of apples?

"Who does what?"

Purpose: Training in the word formation of submissive verbs.

Equipment:pictures depicting actions.

The course of the holding and instruction: the child shows pictures and offer to answer the question:

What does the boy do?

What does the girl do?

What makes a parrot?

Game "Nazis Laskovo"

Purpose: Teaching the use of nouns with dimensional suffixes.

Instruction: Today we will go to visit the doll. The doll is small, and it can be called " doll" All items for the pupa are also small and therefore they need to be called gentle.

Equipment:doll and stuff from a puppet house.

Structure. The speech therapist offers children to invite a doll to visit. In the process of the game, children reproduce diminutive forms of nouns (table, locker, chairs, vase, napkin, plate, spoon, fork, cucumber, tomato, apple, etc.).

The game "Two Brothers IR and List"

Purpose: teaching the use of nouns with suffixes - iK and - looking.

Instruction and progress:

There were two brothers. One called IK , He was small and slender. And other called Like , he was a high house, Like - big houselike. What kind of brother IK ? (Small.) And what kind of house was at the brother Like ? (Big.) IKA was a spout, and Search ?..

In the future, the differentiation of words is fixed: Rotik - Rotes, Lobik - Lobysk, Glazik - Glazes, Pens - Creech, legs - bugs. The conclusion is made: if in the word hears iR, This means that the subject is small, and if looking - So the subject is big.

And now I will talk two words and throw the ball, and you will be answered in one word using iK orlike . For example, I will talk small table, And you will answer: table. I will speak big house, And you will answer: domysch.

The following is proposed speech material: Big Mosquito (mosquito), small bush (bush), big mustache (efforts), big bush (bush), small carpet (rug), big hut (beser), small screw (codkin), big tomato (tomonor).

The game "What is the name of dad, mom and a cub (cub)?"

Purpose: Teaching the use of young animals.

Equipment:subject pictures with pictures of animal family.

Instruction and course: On the blackboard wallpaper "Three Bear".

What fairy tale reminds you this picture? (Fairy Tale "Three Bear")

Remember how the name was dad, mom and a cub in this fairy tale. (Dad - Bear Mikhail Ivanovich, Mom - Major - Nastasya Petrovna, Cubs - Mishutka Bear.) That's right, three bear are a bear, a bear and a bear. In every forest family dad, mom and cub are called differently.

Children call pictures Papu, mother and cubs (you can and young in plural) animals: Lis - Fox - Lisenok, Hare - Bunny - Bunny, Wolf - Wolf - Volchonok, Hedgehog - Hedgehog - Long-Lion - Lioness - Lionok, Tiger - Tigress - Tigrenok, Elephant - Slonich - Elephant.

And what are the name dad, mom, young at domestic animals? (Bull - Cow - Calf, Dog - Dog - Puppy, Rabbit - Rabbit - Rabbump, Cat - Cat - Kitten)

3. Formation of syntactic operations

Game "Garden"

Purpose: Learning to compile proposals with pretexts "OB", "PO", "C", "FROM".

Equipment:subject pictures with a picture of vegetables.

Instruction and course: - Now I invite you to the garden.

I have a garden

Every year it grows on it:

Name the choir, what? (The pictures showing vegetables: radish, turnip, potatoes, peas, tomato, cabbage.) Wash vegetables for me, which grow over the ground and underground. (For example, the cucumber grows above the ground. In cases of difficulties, an illustration is used).

Tell us how to collect them? (Radish, turnip - pull out of the ground; potatoes are digging out of the ground; cabbage is cut off; peas, tomato - break from bushes.)

The game "What is with what?"

Purpose: Clarifying the form of a cooling case

Instruction: Look at the pictures and answer questions.

Structure. The child is offered:

1. Name, with which they drink tea (with cookies, with candy, with jam, with a bun, with cake, etc.).

2. Name pairs of items according to pictures: a picture book, a cat with kittens, a cup with a saucer, a basket with mushrooms, a vase with flowers.

Game "Winter Fun"

Purpose: Drawing up simple suggestions on pictures.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Instruction: Look at pictures and tell me what guys do.

Starting. The child is invited to consider the pictures and say what are busy guys in winter. Attention is drawn to the sequence of words in the sentence, their connection with each other.

The game "Where is that growing?"

Purpose: Use of nouns in the form of the proposed case.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Instruction: Plants escaped from their places and got lost. Help them return to our places where they grow. Where grow vegetables?

Structure. On the board on the left - pictures with a picture of a garden, garden, forests, meadows, fields, swamps; Right - pictures with a picture of vegetables, fruits, trees, herbs, wheat, cranberries.

Children answer questions and move pictures. Picture of vegetables is located near the image of the garden, etc.

Similarly, the game is held "where what is buying?" (medicine, bread, newspapers, milk), "Where what is stored?" (dishes, clothing, books).

Game "Compare"

Purpose: Drawing up proposals with the Union "A".

Equipment: subject pictures.

Instruction: complete the sentences with.

Structure. The child is offered to choose from the proposed pictures suitable for sense of the sentence. Then he needs to reproduce the offer independently with a support in the picture.