Class hour on traffic rules “Take care of your life! (road hazards). Class hour summary on traffic rules Class hour on traffic rules at school summary

Classroom summary for grade 2. Travel to the country "Rules road traffic»

Description - this summary is intended for grade 2 students. Class hour helps to consolidate the current topic - the safety of children on the streets and roads, the prevention of child road traffic injuries.
Topic "Travel to the country" Traffic rules "
Goal: continue to acquaint with the rules of the road, teach them to practically apply them in various situations.
- continue to acquaint with road signs;
- improve dialogical speech;
- continue to enforce the rules of conduct on the roadway;
- to develop in children a sense of responsibility while observing traffic rules;
- to develop in children the basics of a road sign, to expand children's knowledge about traffic lights, about the meaning of traffic lights;
- to form friendly, benevolent relations between children;
- to develop the ability to listen to your peer without interrupting;
- to form a desire to comply with the rules of the road.
Formed UUD
Ability to formulate a problem; mastering logical operations; be able to follow the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads; learn to recognize, name traffic signs
Form the ability to set a goal; planning and forecasting the situation; finding ways to overcome life problems
Caring for your life; to educate a cultural pedestrian, the desire and desire to study and follow the rules of the road; the ability to provide mutual assistance; the ability to be responsive.
Ability to interact in society; the ability to enter into a dialogue; take into account the opinion of the interlocutor; persuade or agree with an opponent.
Equipment: leaflets with a picture of a traffic light, colored circles, presentation
Literature: Dmitrup V.P. "Traffic rules for schoolchildren"; Kalashnikova M. "Travel to the country of road signs and fairy tales"; Kovalko V.I. "Game modular course on traffic rules"

Course of the lesson
I. Motivational stage
We give the guys a warning
Let's learn the traffic rules today,
So that parents do not worry every day,
So that the drivers are calm while driving
- Guys, our class hour is devoted to the rules of the road. We will go on a journey through the magical land of traffic rules. (Slide1)
- Why do you need to know the rules of the road?
- Every year more and more vehicles appear on the roads of cities and towns. In order for the traffic to be safe, there is a strict law - the Rules of the Road. Everyone is obliged to comply with these rules: drivers, pedestrians and passengers of public transport. We will talk about these rules today. Remember them firmly, and strictly observe them. By doing this you will save your health and life.
Everywhere and everywhere the rules, you must always know them.
Without them, ships will not sail from the harbor.
Polar explorer and pilot set sail according to the rules,
The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.
They don't just walk around the city, down the street,
When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get screwed up.
Be attentive all the time, and remember in advance:
Chauffeur and pedestrian have their own rules
II. Substantial stage
one . Station "Journey to the Past". Slide 2-3
- Hear a little about the history of traffic rules. Attempts to introduce rules for driving on streets and roads were made back in the days of horse carriages. In Russia, the rules of the road for horse riding were introduced by Tsar Peter I on January 13, 1683. - The decree warned cabs that they would drive carefully, not crush people on foot. In 1812, rules were introduced that established right-hand traffic, speed limits, and the introduction of license plates for crews.
2. Station "Types of transport" Slide 4-14
- Guess riddles.
Drinks gasoline like milk
can run far away (car)
I run with two legs
While the rider is sitting on me.
My horns are in his hands
And the speed is at his feet.
I'm only stable on the run
I can't stand still (bike)
The house is walking down the street
Everyone is lucky to work.
Not on chicken thin legs,
And in rubber boots (bus, trolley)
Past the grove, past the yar rushes without smoke, rushes without steam
Steam locomotive sister. Who is? .. (train)
Amazing wagon! Judge for yourself:
The rails are in the air, and he holds them with his hands (tram)
Does rain have four wheels?
Tell me: what are these miracles called? (watering machine)
The one-armed giant raised his hand to the clouds.
He is a very important worker, he is building a multi-storey house (crane)
A mole climbed into our yard,
Digging earth at the gate.
he replaces a hundred hands,
Without a shovel, he digs (excavator)
The palace floats on the waves
It carries people on itself (ship)
A bird flies - a fable
And inside the people are sitting,
Says among himself (plane)
- Well done! You know, there are many types of transport: water, air, rail, road. And what is the main purpose of all types of transport? (transportation of passengers and goods)
3. Station "Attentive pedestrian" Slide 15
- Now I will check what attentive pedestrians you are. I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no”.
- What do you want - say, sweet water in the sea? (Not)
- What do you want - say, red light - no way? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement? (Not)
- What do you want - say, if you are in a hurry, then run in front of the transport? (Not)
- What do you want - say, we always go forward only where the transition is? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, we are running forward so quickly that we do not see the traffic light? (Not)
- What do you want - say, on the sign "there is no passage" is a person drawn? (Not)
- What do you want, say, on the round signs red means "here is a ban"? (Yes)
4. Station "Traffic light" Slide 16
And so ... the car follows the car. No end in sight. Such is the street that there is no way to cross. Will you stand until the evening? But there is one assistant who can regulate the movement. Listen to the riddle.
I blink my eyes tirelessly day and night,
I help cars and I want to help you (traffic light)
- Guys, do you know what a traffic light is for? (To help a pedestrian cross the carriageway correctly)
- In front of you are sheets with a picture of a traffic light. Color the traffic signals in the correct order.
Slide 17 They burn for you,
traffic lights:
Red - wait
yellow - wait
And the green light - go.
- These colors were not chosen by chance. Red is alarming color, it reminds us of danger. When you see him, stop, do not cross the road. Yellow warning color: be careful. Drivers see yellow color from afar, slow down, drive cars carefully. And when you see a yellow traffic light, do not rush, wait. Finally, the light turns green - now cross the road calmly. Green is calm, pleasant - it is the color of leaves and grass.
- Now let's play. All stood up. Traffic light game
I show red - stand still.
Yellow - clap your hands.
Green - go on the spot.
5. Station "Road Alphabet" Slide 18-25
No traffic sign:
This sign is very strict,
Kohl stands on the road.
He tells us: "Friends,
You can't ride here at all! "

Pedestrian crossing sign:
There's a ground crossing here,
People walk all day.
You, driver, do not be sad
Pass the pedestrian!

No pedestrian traffic sign:
In the rain and in clear weather
There are no pedestrians here.
The sign tells them one thing:
"You are not allowed to walk!"

Underground pedestrian crossing sign:
Every pedestrian knows
About this underground passage.
He does not decorate the city,
But it doesn't interfere with cars!

First Aid Point sign:
If someone breaks his leg
Doctors will always help here.
First help will be provided,
Where to be treated further, they will say.

Children sign
This is a very important sign
It hangs for a reason.
Be careful, chauffeur!

Cycle path sign
Bicycle lane
Overtake Maxim Seryozha.
No one will bother you -
All children know this sign.
- Now let's play game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"
1. Which of you only goes forward where the transition is?
2. How many of you walk home on the pavement? (The children are silent.)
3. Which one of you and your boyfriend walked to school along the sidewalk?
4. Who is waiting for the bus, jumping and pushing everyone? (The children are silent.)
5. Which of you in the carriage is cramped gives way to the elders?
6. Does anyone know that the red light means "No move"?
7. If the yellow light is on, who is walking? .. (Children are silent.)
8.Who is standing?
9. Who knows the rules and always follows them?
6. Station "Question - Answer"Slide 26
- Can I play on the roadway?
- What light should you cross the street to?
- What should be done before crossing the street or road if there is no traffic light?
- How to behave in public transport?
- Is it possible to cross the road at a yellow traffic light?
- Can you sit in the front seat of the car?
III. Outcome of the class hour
- In what order are the traffic signals from top to bottom? (red, yellow, green)
-What does a red traffic light mean? (Stop)
- What does the yellow traffic light mean? (Attention)
- What does the green traffic light mean? (go)
-Designed place for crossing the carriageway of the street (crossing)
- I want to end the class hour with these words:
Be careful on the street, children,
Remember these rules!
Always remember these rules
So that trouble does not happen to you! (distribution of reminders)

REMINDER on traffic rules
Be disciplined on the street!
- Walk only on the sidewalk!
- Cross the street in places where there are crossing lines or signs, and where they are not - at intersections along the sidewalk line.
- Cross the carriageway only when the traffic light is green or the traffic controller gives permission.
- Do not cross the road in front of a nearby vehicle!
- Don't stop playing and don't go skating, skiing and sledging on the street carriageway.
- Observe the rules for using public transport.
- Observe the ROAD RULES yourself and help your family and friends in this.

Objectives: to promote traffic rules among children Russian Federation and instill strong skills for safe behavior on the streets and roads; involve younger students in the systematic study and implementation of the traffic rules.

Tasks: develop in children the ability to quickly assess and navigate the street environment; train and educate competent road users; to form the skills of literate pedestrians and passengers through the game in accordance with the Program.

Equipment: magnetic board; layout of the road; station name plates; signal cards; doll - Petya Traffic lights.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Hello dear guys!

The long-awaited call was given.

It started a circle

And the circle will tell everyone -

As without troubles and without problems,

Early in the morning, slowly,

Come to school for kids.

Sit down comfortably, because today you are not just boys and girls, today you are travelers who have to fulfill various roles in life. Before going on the road, I suggest that you rub your palms (shows).

Rubbed, apply them to your cheeks. Do you feel warm? Warmth is life, and life is the most precious thing we have. Life must be protected.

II. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Today I invite you to go on an amazing journey. Is the journey always safe?

(Answers of children.)

Where dangerous moments and situations can lie in wait for us? (Answers of children.)

What helps us to overcome them? (Answers of children.)

In our journey, we will expand and replenish our knowledge of traffic rules, which are the most reliable helpers and defenders of our life from the dangers and troubles that lie in wait for us on the streets and roads.

The city in which we live,

It can rightfully be compared to a primer.

The alphabet of streets, avenue of roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet above your head,

Signs are posted along the pavement.

Always remember the ABC of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you.

Who believes that he knows all the rules of traffic rules and knows how to use them, show the green signal.

Who knows all the rules, but does not know how to apply them correctly, show the yellow signal.

Who does not know everything and does not know everything, show the red signal.

Guys, I see that we still have a lot to learn and a lot to learn. In order to replenish the collection of our knowledge of traffic rules, on our exciting journey we will go to the school of Petit Svetoforov.

III. Journey.

What kind of transport do you like to travel on? What types of public transport do you know? (Trolleybus, bus, tram, car, metro.)


The red car is running on the rails

He will quickly bring everyone where necessary.

Children like his jolly ringing.

What are you guys going to ride on? (Tram.)

The model of the tram is attached to the board.

I’ll tell you a secret: how to make this tram go. The main thing in a tram is a bell so that everyone knows that we are going and make way for us. And it rings like this ... (shows).

Children repeat the movements behind the teacher.

The tram also needs doors to get in and out at stops. "The doors are closing" (close your hands in front of you). "The doors open" (hands are spread apart), and we help with a voice: shhhhh.

And they forgot about the wheels. Even the fabulous trams don't move without them. And the wheels will knock like this (they stomp with amplification of the sound.) Stop!

Well done! When we walk down the street who are we? (Pedestrians.)

Shows a poster "Pedestrians".

And when we ride a tram or other transport, who are we? (Passengers.)

Shows the poster "Passengers".

How should a passenger behave in transport? (Answers of children.)

The result of the conversation.

A Passenger Memo is attached to the board and distributed to each child.

Let's hit the road! (The doors close, the bell rings, the wheels knock - showing by the children.)

Stop! (Stop.) The doors are opening! (Sh-sh-sh.)

Stop “School of Petit Svetoforov. (Table "School of Petit Svetoforov".)

Petya Traffic Lights appears - a puppet staff.

Petya Traffic Lights... Hello guys! I am Petya Traffic lights, a resident of the city, guess which one.

Houses stand in two rows,

Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.

And square eyes

Everyone looks at each other.

They invite you guys

To the glorious city - auto ... (city).

Autograd table.

Statement of a problem situation.

Guys, what is missing in our city?

The teacher creates on the blackboard a model of a street with an incorrect traffic situation as answers arrive: houses, roads, sidewalks, intersections, cars, pedestrians.

What is a road? (A road is a strip of land equipped, adapted and used for the movement of vehicles or an artificial surface of a structure. The road includes one or more carriageways, tramways, sidewalks, shoulders and dividing lanes.)

What is an intersection? (An intersection is a place where roads intersect, join, or fork at the same level.)

What is sidewalk? (A sidewalk is a part of a road that is designed for pedestrian traffic.)

What is a pedestrian? (A pedestrian is a person outside the vehicle on the road.)

Guys, is everything all right on the streets of our city?

Not. (The traffic situation is being assessed.)

Where should pedestrians walk?

Where should cars go?

What kind of traffic on our street: one-way or two-way?

Where and how should you cross the street?

What is a pedestrian crossing?

How is street traffic regulated?

What traffic light signals do you know?

Guys, name the rules of behavior for pedestrians. (Children name rules of conduct for pedestrians.)

The bottom line.

Petya Traffic lights hangs “Pedestrian Behavior Rules” on the board and gives the children a memo with these rules.

And now we will go with you to visit the Svetofornaya station on a visit to the Traffic light.

The doors close, the bell rings, the wheels clatter.

Stop! Station "Traffic Light"!

The teacher hangs up a sign with the name of the station.

Formidable and serious in appearance,

Very formidable traffic light

From the intersection, from the intersection

He stares at me.

Everything he wants to say

The light is green, yellow, red.

Game "Collect the traffic light".

Puzzles are distributed to groups of children.

Your group puts together a jigsaw puzzle that represents the stop signal.

Your group assembles a traffic light "Attention!"

And your group is collecting the traffic signal "Go!"

Children are doing the task.

Well done! You know well the traffic light signals, and for this he gives you a dance of colored lights.

If the light is green, you are dancing merrily. The yellow light is on - you need to stop and look left and right. Well, if the red lights up, you stand still and threaten each other with your finger.

Children dance to the music, the teacher changes traffic signals.

We had a good rest, and now we are going further, to the next station.

Children are closing. The bell rings, the wheels knock.

Stop! Station "Game!" (A sign is posted.)

Guys, look, what else is missing in our city on our street? (Signs.)

What types of road signs do you know? (Warning and prohibitive.)

Warning signs in a red outlined triangle. And the forbidden ones are a circle with a red outline. Now we will consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Game "Find the right sign".

The teacher divides the children into two teams that line up in columns.

The task for the first team is to collect warning signs, the second - prohibition signs.

One by one, the players of the teams must reach the goal (the goal is the mixed signs with the road signs depicted on them), select the desired sign, return to their team.

At the end of the relay - checking the selection of the required characters. Be sure to repeat what this sign is, what it means.

To keep your hands safe

To keep my legs intact.

You need to know these signs!

We must respect the signs!

Well done! Remember these signs: they are your reliable helpers! And as a reward for your excellent work, our tram will take you to a fairy tale.

The doors close, the bell rings, the wheels knock.

Stop! (The doors open.)

Stop. Station "Fairytale".

Guys, did you recognize the hero of the fairy tale? (Emelya.)

Yes, this is Emelya. You remember that Emelya went to Princess Nesmeyana to make her laugh. But we have not one Emelya, but three. To find out whose Emelya will reach the princess faster, you must complete the following tasks.

Quiz "Let's know"

1. Road sign "Children".

1) Hurray! Lessons canceled!

2. Traffic light regulation road sign.

1) Balls without rollers.

2) Traffic light regulation.

3. Road sign "Road works".

1) Treasure of Leopold the cat.

2) Road works.

4. Road sign "Pedestrian crossing".

1) Walking on the piano is prohibited.

2) Pedestrian crossing.

Emelya is moving.

Contest "Riddles".

Are you waiting for the landing

On a designated site

You don’t need skill

This place is ... (Stop.)

Here stands on the pavement

Tall, stately guard,

Turns, turns his head

He says to all passers-by:

"The way is now open for you." (Adjuster.)

She is a miracle wand

Everyone is familiar, everyone can see it.

Visible during the day

And in the evening

Illuminated from the inside. (Regulator's rod.)

Emelya is advancing.

Contest "Guess the Crossword".

1. The place where we live. (Town.)

2. The purpose of studying the rules of the road. (Security.)

3. What does one or more carriageways include, as well as tram lines, sidewalks and shoulders? (Road.)

The winner is determined. Rewarding.

The bottom line.

Guys, has the signal of your traffic light, which we raised at the beginning of the lesson, changed?

Please raise your signals.

Well done! We learned a lot of new rules today.

Do you think there are enough of them to preserve your life in a city and enter with this knowledge into adulthood? (Answers of children.)

Yes, we raised the bar of your knowledge up with you, but every year we need to raise it higher and higher, so we still have many meetings with Petya Svetoforov ahead.

Class hour summary for younger students "Duties of passengers"

Goal: familiarize passengers with the responsibilities; develop the skill of observing the rules for using public transport; foster a culture of behavior in public transport.

Class hour

I. Statement of the problem.

On the desk:

What can you say?

What do they have in common? (Road users.)

Which of these concepts apply to us? (Passengers, pedestrians.)


Who is more in danger of being in danger: a passenger or a pedestrian? (Attach the answer board to the empty rectangle.)

Prove: what is the danger?

How can a passenger avoid a dangerous situation?

What is the topic of the lesson? ("Obligations of Passengers".)

What do you think is the purpose of the session? (Learn and remember the previously known duties of passengers, rules for using public transport.)

Students are encouraged to create a flyer for passengers as they discuss the issues.

What is it for?

II. "Opening".

What is public transport?

Why is this type of transport considered public?

From the explanatory dictionary:

Public - belongs to everyone, intended for general use.

Guess what types of public transport we'll talk about today?

Here is a car rushing along the rails,

Holds on to the wires.

And she doesn't need gasoline

To rush back and forth. (Tram.)

What a miracle - a miracle house!

There are a lot of kids in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline. (Bus.)

Amazing wagon!

Judge for yourself:

The rails are in the air, and he

Holds them with his hands. (Trolleybus.)

So, you are passengers.

Determine the sequence of movement of any passenger, distribute the signs in the right order. (Students are presented with a set of tablets to place on the board in the order below.)

(From what point does a pedestrian become a passenger?)

Where can you see these signs? What group do they belong to?

Is a dangerous situation possible at a stop?

How to avoid it?

How to behave at a bus stop?

When to get to transport?

Let's formulate the rules for passengers at the bus stop:

Be calm, don't run.

Do not stand close to the road.

Approach the door of the vehicle after the vehicle has completely stopped.

The next step in the passenger's route is when boarding.

Do you need to follow the rules? Prove.

Work in pairs.

The task... Choose the correct rule-statement that can be included in our cheat sheet.

1) Run into the transport as quickly as possible.

2) Do not interfere with the exit of passengers. (+)

3) Observe restraint. (+)

4) Nudge the passengers in front.

5) Be attentive and careful not to be trapped by doors. (+)

Which statement do you think is wrong? Why?

What other rules do you think could be included in the passenger memo?

Is a dangerous situation possible?

The teacher shows the students illustrations depicting the behavior of passengers in transport. (For example: passengers crowding around the driver; looking out the window; talking loudly on the phone, etc.)

The task of the children is to guess what facial expressions the passengers will have in these situations. Explain why.

Help write down the rules for passengers in our memo.

1) Be polite and considerate.

2) Don't linger on steps or near doors.

3) Hold on to the handrails.

4) Don't lean out of the windows.

5) Prepare for the exit in advance.

The last leg of a passenger's itinerary?

Pupils are shown illustrations depicting passengers:

a) correctly walking around the vehicle;

b) incorrectly bypassing the vehicle.

What can you say?

Where are correct (incorrect) actions depicted?

Where should you bypass the tram, trolleybus, bus after exiting the transport?

What is the danger of a situation when a passenger leaves the transport? (There is a dead zone.)

Dead zone - the space located near the bus, almost close to it, since it is not visible from the driver's seat.

Where to cross the street after exiting any vehicle?

Formulate a rule.

Cross the street only on a pedestrian crossing.

III. Summarizing.

What was the purpose of our session?

How actively did you work?

Did everything work out for you?

"We are young pedestrians"
Summary of the class hour on the rules of the road in grade 1

Prepared by a primary school teacher

Starokhmelevsky branch

MBOU Novonikolsk secondary school:

Sapunkova A. D.

Goal: ... repeat the rules of the road, teach to apply the knowledge gained earlier in practical activities.


1. To reveal the level of readiness of first graders to solve road traffic situations.

2. To activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; bring up quick wit and resourcefulness.

3. Raise the need for children to be disciplined and attentive on the streets, careful and discreet.

Course of the lesson:

There is a knock on the door, the postman walks in and delivers a letter from the pre-school class.

Teacher: Younger children ask us to help solve riddles. Let's help them? (Yes.)

Three colored circles

Flashing one after another.

They light up, blink -

Help people.

(traffic light)

This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit astride and ride it

Only better to drive.


I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast at any hour

I'll take you underground.


Amazing wagon!

Judge for yourself:

The rails are in the air, and he

Holds them with his hands.


Doesn't fly, but buzzes

The beetle runs down the street.

And burn in the eyes of a beetle

Two shining lights.

(the machine)

Teacher: Well done boys. What were the riddles about?

Children: About transport and traffic lights.

Teacher: That's right guys. On the road, a traffic light helps to comply with traffic rules, but what else helps our safe traffic on the roads?

Children: Road signs.

Teacher: Road signs - best friends pedestrians and drivers. They talk about what you can and cannot do on the road.

There is a road on the way of the guys

Transport goes fast, a lot.

There is no traffic light nearby

The road sign will give advice.

So come on, come out,

Collect the signs quickly!

Each child receives a road sign cut into pieces. Children begin to collect their mark. When all the signs are collected, the children name their signs and explain what they are for.

Teacher: And we continue. And now it's time to find out how well you know the rules of the road. Guys, stand in a circle. I will throw the ball and ask the question, and you answer the question and return the ball.

1. Who is walking on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

2. Where do people wait for transport? (At the stop)

3. Who is called the "driver?" (The person driving the vehicle.)

4. How is a pedestrian crossing marked on the road? (Special markings - "zebra".)

5. What is the name of the intersection of the two roads? (crossroads)

6. Why can't you appear suddenly in front of a nearby vehicle? (As vehicles will not be able to stop immediately.)

7. What is the difference between a transport traffic light and a pedestrian traffic light? (A traffic light has three signals - red, yellow, green, and a pedestrian two - red and green.)

8. Who should get off the bus first - an adult or you? (An adult always gets out of any vehicle, then a child.)

9. How should you get around the bus correctly, in front or behind? (We have to wait until he drives off.)

10. Can children play near the road?

A game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

Teacher: I will read out the questions and if you agree with the statement, then in unison say the phrase “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, if you do not agree, be silent. And now I'll check you:

Who among you only goes forward where there is a pedestrian?

Who walks to school every day in a merry band?

Who always goes forward, mouth wide open?

Who lets cars pass, observes traffic rules?

Who walks indiscriminately at traffic lights?

Who always gives way to the elders in a small tram?

Who will cross the road only where the crossing is?

Who kicks the ball on the road in front of the house?

To get some air in the trolleybus,

Who stuck both the head and the body out the window?

Who knows that a red light means no move?

Who is running so fast that they don't see the traffic light?

Who knows that green light means - the way is open?

Who is playing a ball near the roadway?

Who helps the traffic police, oversees the order?

Teacher : Well done, guys, they coped with the game. Children, pedestrians have helpers when crossing the street. Name them.

Children : traffic light and traffic controller.

Teacher: Now I suggest you become a traffic inspector.

Each child is given a card with a picture of the traffic situation, the child must comment on the picture.

Possible situations:

1. The boy runs out onto the road, chasing the ball.

2. A boy runs across the road in the wrong place because his attention was attracted by friends on the other side of the road.

3. Girls in the back seat of a car travel without wearing a seat belt. In addition, they interfere with the driver.

4. The car has not yet parked and has not stopped, and the boy is already in a hurry to get out, and into the roadway.

5. The boy runs across the road on a pedestrian crossing, but in front of a nearby vehicle.

6. The girl crosses the road, bypassing the bus in front.

7. Children run out onto the road from the bushes.

8. Boy and girl rollerblading on the road.

9. The boy makes a ground crossing by bicycle.

10. The girl walks along the sidewalk past the arch, from which the car leaves. The driver does not see the girl and can run over a young pedestrian.

Teacher: What are you guys! You know the rules of the road well. Try to be extremely careful on the road so as not to cause trouble for yourself or those close to you.

Hello guys! My name is Natalya Viktorovna, today I will spend a class hour with you.

Imagine that in our city all the traffic lights suddenly went out. And all the traffic inspectors disappeared somewhere. All road signs are gone. What are the consequences?

And now I will ask you riddles:

It will oblige us to go quietly,
A close turn will show
And remind you what and how,
You are on your way ...

What kind of zebra is on the road?
They all stand with their mouths open.
Waiting for the green blinking
So this ...

Got up from the edge of the street in a long boot
Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.
Where the cars are moving
Where paths converged
Helps people cross the road.

The house on the rails is right there,
He will whisk everyone away in five minutes.
You sit down and don't yawn
Heading off…

Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far.
Carries goods and people
You know her, of course.
Shoes are made of rubber, called ...

Well done, who guessed what the topic of our lesson was?

Correctly. Well done.

Now we are playing with you in Avtomulti. I will ask you questions from cartoons in which transport is mentioned, and you must answer them:

    What did Emelya ride to the king to the palace?

    How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor?

    What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents make to the postman Pechkin?

    What did the fairy godmother turn into a pumpkin for Cinderella?

    Personal transport Babe-Yaga?

    What did the old man Khotabych fly on?

Now let's have a quiz. I want you to split into three teams (by rows). I will take turns asking you questions, which team will give the most correct answers and which won

1. Is it allowed to tow the bike?

2. What is the most common name for the driver?

3. From what age is it allowed to cycle on public roads?

4. Is the moped driver allowed to drive on pedestrian paths?

5. Who do we call "road users"?

6. Does the cyclist have a braking path?

7. Can a cyclist ride on a road if there is a cycle path nearby?

8. What road sign is installed near schools?

9. Which turn is more dangerous: left or right?

10. What is the name of the "zebra" on the road?

11. Are road workers pedestrians?

12. What signals does a traffic light give?

Game "Name the Sign"

There are also three teams left, road signs are shown on the slides, the teams must take turns explaining what these signs are.

The team that scored the most points in two competitions wins.

    Railroad crossing.

    Traffic light regulation.

    Dangerous flog

    Rough road.


    Road works.

And so, now let's take the exam. You each have red, yellow and green circles on their desks, imagine that this is a traffic light. I will tell you statements, if you agree with me, then pick up the green circle, if not, green.

    You can cross the carriageway at the yellow traffic light, as the transport is at a standstill.

    If the red traffic light is on. And the car is far away, then you can quickly cross the road.

    When crossing the road, you can talk.

    If I see a slow moving vehicle, I will boldly cross the road.

    Even if the transport is moving slowly, I will still wait for it to pass.

    I will only cross the road if the green light turns on.

Guys, what new have you learned today?

Will you obey traffic rules?

Everyone was so active and friendly. Thanks guys, I really enjoyed our class hour.