Catalogs of projects of houses from sip panels, projects of houses on Canadian framework technology

From a single framework Dock is characterized by double enhanced design. The wall made on this technology is a construction of two frames, fastened with each other. To enhance vertical beams, drives and horizontal jumpers are used. Cellic frameworks form a solid design with a large bearing capacity.

Basalt insulation is placed in each other, the frameworks are put into the cells. The additional layer of the insulation increases the thickness of the walls and improves thermal insulation properties. Due to the decrease in the gaps and the best adjustment of the insulation to the racks, the most correct circuit of insulation is obtained. In such structures, the cold bridges are less noticeable.

The house perfectly retains heat, so you can make it with electricity. Another plus of a double volume frame is a high degree of sound-proof properties. When building buildings, the double frame allows you to conduct work even in winter. At the first stage, the main framework is installed and the warm contour is made, then in a warmed building, communications are installed.

The buildings built on the dock technology are the highest quality and powerful among frame house-building. In terms of reliability, they are comparable to stone houses. Modern country cottages, due to the ultra-expense frame, are warm, reliable, environmentally friendly, durable housing, suitable for accommodation in both in summer and cold in winter.

Constructively projects frame housesperformed by technology , more complex compared to usual. The specialists of our company have a rich experience in the field of such construction.

Construction of carcass houses turnkey

Domodedovo company builds small summer houses and modern suburban cottages intended for year-round accommodation. Among the wide selection of projects you can always find optimal for yourself. If the customer has its own wishes and additions, designers will make changes to a typical project or develop a new one.

In addition to appearance, frame buildings are distinguished:

  • floor;
  • common and residential area;
  • quantity and location of the rooms;
  • type of wall set;
  • roof type;
  • price, etc.

A tangible effect on the cost is the type of package: "Economy", "Standard" or the most expensive - "Extra". Using the calculator presented on the site, you can calculate the approximate price of the construction of the frame house. The necessary data should be made: the type of package, the size of the house (length and width), the type of foundation and roof, the height of the ceilings, the thickness of the walls and the roof, the presence of the insulation.

Stages of construction

The company carries out construction of frameworks of turnkey houses both in type and individual projects.

In the construction of a frame building, you can distinguish five stages.

  1. The basis of the house is the foundation. For buildings of a frame type, we recommend two types of foundations: pile-painted and burbilling piles.

A feature of the pile-scolded form of foundation are beams or plates related to the surface of the soil. it a good option For embossed areas with uneven landscape and height drop.

  1. The second stage is the assembly of the walls of the walls and the casing from the outside finishing materials: Siding, carriage. Inside the walls placed insulation with vapor insulation properties. Then the walls on the inside are trimmed with plasterboard or clapboard.
  2. The third stage is the roof. Installation begins with the construction of rafters. Then the roof frame is insulated, the internal filling of which contains the same layers as the walls.
  3. Fourth stage - work on the finishing of floors and their insulation.
  4. The fifth stage is the final stage, which includes the inner and exterior decoration Total buildings.

A reliable strong house is confidence, security and comfort. It is such house buildings "House-system service". We are building and put into operation both small single-storey skewrooms and elite two-storey cottages of high comfort. Innovative technologies, quick installation, high quality - these are the main components of our activities in the construction market. By ordering a turnkey carcass houses in our company cheap, consumers get a safe reliable home of their dreams at a low price.

In the company "Hotmell" a powerful project department, so the implementation in the drawings of any architectural ideas takes only a few days. Such efficiency allows us to work not on the typical, but on the individual request of each customer.

The HOTMLA information database contains more than 1,500 ready-made projects ().

Below the selection of projects "Favorites". Grouped pictures so that you are easier to decide on the architectural style of your home. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe house (highlighting the cursor in the picture) is calculated around the perimeter of the floors, including terraces, balconies and loggias. Each project can be implemented both more expensive and cheaper. This decides the customer. Examples of projects with prices.

All projects have been worked out before the AC stage and have already been implemented. Many several times. Clicking on the picture, you can see the storey plans, increased visualization and photo reports about construction. If necessary, layout, total area, design of any project you can change under your requirements.

Examples of projects

In 2015, the company, the company, went to the design of sip-houses in the software package Dietrich "S. ().

Today you can:

Individual design for the speed and cost of building your home will not affect.

Archive implemented LLC "Haldwell" projects can be found. One of the advantages of the implemented project is that someone chose it for construction among thousands of other projects as the most suitable.

Database Haldwell Contains processed information about more than 1,500 projects implemented by us. We hope that the system of filters developed by our experts will help you choose the appropriate project faster ().

Our specialists use the project database for more than a year, which helps them in working with customers. Each project can be implemented both more expensive and cheaper. This decides the customer. Examples of projects with prices.

Below we provide links both to the most popular catalogs and some less well-known Russian audiences. Choose any project. Planning floors if necessary, correct under your requirements. The project adaptation under SIP construction will not require additional expenses from you. We will help you choose the optimum design of the box of the house from the SIP and its complete set.

Choosing a project, be sure to look ! A huge selection of elegant and, at the same time, simple projects of houses. Excellent visualization. Often even interiors are worked out! Chic branded catalogs in PDF format. Many building organizations "borrow" projects in these directories, guided by their taste. Do not limit yourself and choose a project from the original sources themselves.

And even better come to the office. In the office, architects and designers will answer any questions and help you decide on the choice of project:

Surely you have our own ideas about the planning and architecture of your home. In this case, our architects implement them in a virtual 3D, through the CAD automated design systems. On the virtual house you can travel with a computer mouse and keyboard!

Russian project catalogs

  1. - 4000 projects for every taste
  2. - 1350 projects
  3. - 1400 projects
  4. - Catalog " Modern house"(2000 projects)
  5. - Architectural and Designer Studio "Alfaplan"
  6. - Catalog "Cottage Collection" (1000 projects)
  7. - Catalog "Beautiful houses"

European projects

  • Z500.
  • Archeton. - Polish projects (in Russian!).
  • Archipelag. - Polish projects (in Russian!).
  • jukka-Talo, Kastelli- projects of Finnish companies. Directors of projects of houses from Finnish companies on the Internet a lot. Almost all of them have Russified versions. Leading trademarks of Finnish framework houses of factory readiness: Castelli, Cranustal, Yukkatalo, Otatallo, Putalo, Yamer, etc. Part of these brands belongs to the FinnTomo Concern (Catalog), the largest supplier of low-rise factory-made houses among Scandinavia countries.
  • - Catalog of European projects in the style of Hi-Tech (in Russian!).
  • Murator. - Catalog of the magazine "MURATOR" (in Russian!).
  • - This is a large catalog of projects from German construction companies. For those who appreciate German quality and practicality. It is possible to master navigation on this site will take some time, but you will not regret. To facilitate navigation, use copying to the clipboard and online translator from German into Russian. Main words: Häuser - Houses, HausTyp - Type (style) of the house, Haus-Bauarten - type of house in construction (prefab, array, log house, etc.), DachForm - Roof shape, Grundrisse - Floor Plans. Each company presented in this directory has its own website with the base of projects, the address of which is easy to find using Yandex by the company name.
  • - 2000 projects of German prefabricated houses (FERTIIGHAUS). Selection of projects from the main page for the price. Possible selection of projects on living space (by reference from the main page

Countryside is, first of all, fresh air and proximity to everything natural and natural. In the country, there must be a house in which the entire family is easy to accommodate. This house should be a reliable protection from the hot sun, protect the owners from a pouring rain, heating in winter and give coolness in the summer. With all this perfectly coped with frame houses, which have become so popular over the past ten years.

Of course, you can build high-quality and solid country house from concrete and brick. But think about how much time to build the box you will go. In addition, brick is not the cheapest building material. Such a house can fly to you in a penny, and the endless construction is stretched for years.

Production of frame houses created a real revolution in the field country constructionAnd it is not by chance. Construction framework wooden houses There is much faster, except for it, the material used in these homes is much cheaper than brick or concrete, although it is not inferior to them in strength and durability. In addition, the construction of the frame of the frame house is significantly lower.

Construction technology

Using modern technologies The construction of frame houses allows you to get high-quality results.

The basis of the future house is wooden frameon which a multi-layered insulation that maintains heat in winter is attached. The manufacture of all parts of the future house is produced at the factory on European equipment. therefore country construction Frame houses take place in a short time. You already bring to the site already practically "ready-made house", which must be properly assembled.

Such a house, in contrast, for example, from the brusade, does not shrink, as the design is very easy for its weight. After completing the construction of a skeleton house, you can immediately begin the interior decoration.

The company "Green Belt of Moscow" - the best construction contractor for the construction of frame houses

The construction company "Green belt of Moscow" is one of the few who gives a guarantee on the built houses. The main activities of our company are the construction of framework houses in Moscow and Moscow region.

Our customers appreciate us, first of all, for our degree of responsibility in the construction process, as well as for an individual approach, regardless of the area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment or the total value of the finished frame house.

If you are interested in the construction of inexpensive and high-quality housing on your dacha or country plot, Call our managers and find out all the necessary information about construction periods, as well as prices for the construction of carcass turnkey houses.

During the construction of frame houses, the company "Green belt of Moscow" uses only high-quality construction Materialswhich are absolutely safe to human health and animals.