Folder for self-education teacher kindergarten health care. Modern health-saving technologies in Dow

Topic: "The use of health-saving technologies in working with children preschool age»

Purpose: Continue to raise professional qualifications on the issue of modern health-saving technologies.

Tasks :

1. Continue to study educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on the issue of health care.

2. Learn to model work based on studied species, techniques and methods of health care (complexes of respiratory gymnastics, gymnastics of awakening, mobile games, physical attacks)

3. Direct the life of children in a preschool institution to preserve and promoting health.

4. Develop walks for the preparatory group at the time of year.

5. Systematize the studied literature.

Perspective work plan

Section Plan

Form of work

Practical outputs

Report on implementation


Work with children

Holding a day of health

Holding an autumn holiday

Organization of rolling games (daily)

Conducting physical education (during the year)

Teach children to guard and strengthen their health

Develop an emotional sphere. To form a harmonious person.

To form the need of B. motor activity.

To form the need for motor activity, health skills.

Photo report

Photo report

Work with parents

Individual conversations with parents on the topic "Sportswear and footwear for physical education"



Continued learning the program educational region "health"


Work with children

Conducting dynamic pauses during class (during the year)

As prevention of fatigue

As prevention of disproportionate load on the muscles

In order to strengthen the body

As a development of motility

Develop level physical development Children. Collect and data processing

Photo report

Relaxation (within a year)

Conducting morning gymnastics


Holding finger gymnastics (daily)

Holding an autumn holiday

Diagnosis of the level of physical training of children

Work with parents

Consultation for parents "Take care of eyes"

Provision of pedagogical information to parents on this topic



Work with the book Tkachenko T.A. "Develop a small motorcy"

Increased knowledge collection


Work with children

Holding thematic event "Mothers Day"

Develop an emotionally volitional scope and game activities

Photo report

Work with parents

Consultation for parents "Aggressive Children"

Provision of pedagogical information to parents on this topic



Physical Corner Update

Continuation of work with the book Tkachenko T.A. "Develop a small motorcy"

Creating conditions for conservation of health

Increased knowledge collection


Work with children

Holding a New Year's Matrennik

Develop an emotionally volitional scope and game activities

Photo report

Work with parents

Consultation for parents

"Meet New Year Together with the child. "

Provision of pedagogical information to parents on this topic



Analysis of morbidity in winter

Collection of analytical information


Work with children

Holding thematic days New Year's holidays

To form a need for motor activity, develop the ability to consciously produce useful habits.

Work with parents

Consultation for parents "What is training for school?"

Provision of pedagogical information to parents on this topic



Continuation of the study of the program on the educational field "Physical Culture" "

Increased knowledge collection


Work with children

Conducting a matinee for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Develop an emotionally volitional scope and game activities

Photo report

Work with parents

Consultation "Father as an educator"

Provision of pedagogical information to parents on this topic



(Zhm "Preschool Education")

Increased knowledge collection


Work with children

Develop an emotionally volitional scope and game activities

Photo report

Work with parents

Consultation "Happiness is when you understand"

Provision of pedagogical information to parents on this topic



Work with methodical literature

(Zhm "Health of the Preschooler")

Increased knowledge collection


Work with children

Entertainment "Earth Day"


Develop an emotionally volitional scope and game activities

Summing up the effectiveness of the use of modern health-saving technologies

Photo report

Work with parents

Consultation "School readiness"

Provision of pedagogical information to parents on this topic



Continuing to study the main approximate program "World of discoveries" in the educational field "Health"

Increased knowledge collection

Work with children

Holding the holiday "Victory Day"

Develop an emotionally volitional scope and game activities

Photo report

Work with parents

Consultation "What is Patriotic Education"


Provision of pedagogical information to parents on this topic

Summing up work. Analysis of joint activities



Continuation of the study of the main approximate program "World of discoveries" in the educational field "Physical Culture"

Collection of information

Increased knowledge collection

Replenishment of the methodical piggy bank


1. Program of education and training Vasilyeva L.A.

2. "Pre-school education", scientific and methodological magazine; Publishing House "Education of the Doeschlorian", Moscow

3. "Health of a Preschooler", Scientific Practical Journal; Publishing House "Education of the Doeschlorian", Moscow

4. Sample overall program preschool education "The world of discoveries" edited by L.G. Peterson

5. Tkachenko T.A. "Develop a small motorcy." - M.: Eksmo, 2008

Plan for self-education

Plan for self-education

Topic: "Unconventional use of health-saving technologies in physical education and rehabilitation of preschoolers."

Direction: Physical and wellness.

Educator: Vanina Julia Aleksandrovna.

Group: Senior.

The purpose of the plan: the creation of an integrated system of physical culture work with children aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, the formation of parents and pupils of responsibility in maintaining their own health.

Tasks plan:

Protection and strengthening the health of children, the improvement of their physical development, an increase in the resistance of the protective properties of the body;

Formation in children and parents of a conscious attitude towards their health;

Attracting parents to organizing health work with children.

Expected results:

The creation of an educational environment forming a healthy, physically developed, socially adapted, personality enthusiastically, consciously using knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

Reducing the incidence rate;

Positive dynamics of children's physical development indicators.


- "Green light of health" M. Yu. Kartushina;

- "School of Healthy Man" G. I. Kulik;

- "Wellness work in Dow" under the program "Health Island";

- "Recovery of children under D / C" edited by L. V. Kochetsky;

- "Organization of physical education and recreational work in preschool educational institutions" M. V. Romanova G.


Explanatory note

It is in preschool age as a result of a focused pedagogical impact, health is formed, the habit of zoom, the overall endurance, the performance of the body and other qualities necessary for the full development of the personality. Mobile Games and Game Movements are the natural satellites of the child's life with a great educational force forming the physical and personal qualities of the child. We use folk Games and gaming imitative movements, both on physical education and in all moderate moments; We use folk p / and in respiratory gymnastics, wellness aerobics, yoga in the game form, folklore when conducting a gaming massage, hardening procedures, in the morning gymnastics and in self-child activity.

At the same time, the family is an active participant in the educational process in Dow.

Perspective plan

Stages of work Contents

Selection of literature, conversation with m / s, parents.

Observation of the behavior of children and health status in everyday life.


Diagnosis of physical development.

Identification of often ill children, identification of physical fitness and motor skills.


Effective hardening system.

Self-masrata, gymnastics;

Sports games and competitions.

November December.

Correctional work

Games for the formation of correct posture,

Games for prevention flatfoot.

January February.

Creating ideas about zozh

Development of ideas about the structure of their own body, appointment of bodies.

Formation of ideas about what is harmful, which is useful. March April May.

The use of psychogenic and psychoprophylactic means and methods.

Aroma and phytotherapy;

Music therapy;

Monitoring the health of the child and timely correction;

Organization of a corner of psychological unloading in a group ("Privacy"). Constantly.

Work with parents

Questioning, seminars, consultations, organization of joint cases, holidays. Constantly.

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

Kindergarten compensating type number 000

Leninsky district of Saratov

Self-education plan

Topic: "The use of health-saving technologies in working with preschool children"

2013 - 2016. G.


Purpose: Continue to raise professional qualifications on the issue of modern health-saving technologies.

1. Continue to learn educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on the issue of health care.

2. Learn to model work based on studied species, techniques and methods of health care (complexes of respiratory gymnastics, gymnastics of awakening, mobile games, physical attacks)

3. Direct the life of children in a preschool institution to preserve and promoting health.

4. Develop walks for middle group At the time of year.

5. Systematize the studied literature.

Expected results:

The creation of an educational environment forming a healthy, physically developed, socially adapted personality; Consciously use knowledge of a healthy lifestyle;

Reduction of incidence rates;

Positive dynamics of physical indicators;

To form in children and parents a conscious attitude towards their health.

Perspective plan for the period 2013-2016. G.

Section Plan

Terms of implementation

Practical outputs


Study of methodological literature, Internet resources for health-saving technologies.

Registration and replenishment of folders on a call.

Manufacturing benefits for conducting gymnastics awakening (track).

Registration of card files for walks at the time of year in the middle, older, preparatory group, finger gymnastics.

Selection of music to perform relaxation exercises.

Creating a substantive development environment in a group.

Pedagogical experience: "The value of psycho-generic measures in organizing the regime moments of preschoolers"

Report on the pedsovet "The use of health-saving technologies in education in preschoolers of a healthy lifestyle"

September 2013G. -2015

October 2013-2016

January 2014

Selection and study of literature on this topic

Registration and replenishment of folders on health-saving technologies

Production of orthopedic paths

Decorated card files for children of middle, senior, preparatory group

Made a selection of musical works

Registration of the physical recovery center in the group.

Report on pedsovet

Publication on the site: MAAM. Ru

Work with children

Diagnostics, analysis of rates of morbidity of children.

Conducting hardware events, morning gymnastics, awakening, finger gymnastics, dynamic pauses, relaxation elements.

The project "Young Olympic"

Conducting weeks "Healthy"

Conversations with children about zozh

Conducting competitions, sports entertainment.

Participation in competitions and competitions at the level kindergarten and the Area

Organized activities: Instrueming with children of proverbs, sports mysteries, zozh

2013 -2014Uh. G.

according to the work plan for the year

according to the work plan for the year

Diagnosis, analysis of incidence indicators, the level of physical development of children.

Conducting all events control of the head of the Dow, a doctor.

Project, photo report

Perspective Plan for Health Week

Abstract conversations.

Entertainment Abstracts, photo report

Photo report, having reference.

Work with parents

Consultation of an orthopedic doctor, educators on the topics: "Healthy to be healthy";

"Formation of proper posture";

"The role of the family in the physical education of the child";

"Resting in the summer!"

Registration of the mobile folder "Organization of active recreation by family"

Seminars: "Children's health in your hands"

Issue wall newspaper healthy. "

Preparation of material in the corner for parents.

Selection and manufacture of memos about a healthy lifestyle.

Questioning of parents, interview.

Participation of parents in competitions, contests.

Decorated folder for parents "Consultations for parents"

Photo report

Availability folders mobile.

Distribution of memos about a healthy lifestyle

An account analysis

photo report


Methods of physical education of preschool children /,

Health gymnastics. Complexes of exercises for children 3-7 years / - M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2013.

Physical and health work with children 2-7 years. Expanded perspective planning. Labor abstracts. - V.: Teacher, 2011.

Scenarios of improving leisure for children 6-7 years / 2004.

Fabulous theater of physical culture (physical education classes with preschoolers in the musical rhythm of fairy tales) / 2003.

Formation of motor activity of children 5-7 years. /. 2012.

, "Health-saving system of preschool educational institution."

"Being healthy want" institutions

Conference: Modern kindergarten

Organization: MBDOU DS KV "Buratino"

Locality: YNAO, Purovsky district, Tarko-Sale

One of the main criteria of the well-being of society is the state of public health. To date, the problem of the health of children is very relevant. The main thing in raising children is that they should be healthy, as it is well known that a healthy child is easier to educate. It is quickly installed by the necessary skills and skills, it is better adapting to the change of conditions and perceives all the requirements for it. Many factors affect the health of the child, one of which is the environment in which it grows and develops. Therefore, I chose the topic of self-education: "Heating technologies in Dow".

Relying on the tasks of protection and strengthening the health of children, I set up three main tasks:

Create conditions for their timely and full mental Development;

Provide every child the opportunity to joyfully and meaning the period of preschool childhood.

He studied literature on the topic:

Voloshin L. Organization Health of the saving space // Pre-school education. -2004.-N1.-S. 114-117.

Ternovskaya S. A., Teplikova L. A. Creating the health of the saving educational environment in preschool educational institution// Methodist. -2005.-N4.-S. 61-65.

New health saving technologies in the formation and raising of children. S. Chubarova, G. Kozlovskaya, V. Yeremeeva // Development of the personality. -N2.-s. 171-187.

Proceeded to the practical part


In my work, I use modern health-saving technologies to support interest in organized educational activities, relieve fatigue, raise emotional attitude and improve performance.

Dynamic pauses that are held by me during class, 2-5 min., As children are fatigue. I turn on the elements of gymnastics for eyes, respiratory gymnastics and others depending on the type of occupation. With the help of proper breathing, you can avoid hymorite, asthma, neuroses, get rid of headaches, runny nose, colds, digestive disorders and sleep and quickly restore performance after mental and physical fatigue. For a full breathing, the following rules must be observed: it is necessary to breathe only through the nose evenly and rhythmically; try to fill the lungs to the air when inhaling and do the most deep breath; With the appearance of the slightest discomfort, the occupation of the breathing gymnastics stop.

Movable and sports games. I am held by me and the head of physical education. As part physical activity, on a walk, in a group room - low-modular games.

-Relksation. I spend in any suitable room. I plan to use quiet classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Nature sounds.

-Himnasti finger. I spend with children individually or with a subgroup daily. It is recommended to all children, especially with speech problems. It is held at any convenient time, as well as during class.

- Gymnastics for the eyes. Daily 3-5 min. at any free time And during the classes to remove the visual burden in children.

-Gimnastics respiratory. In various forms of physical recovery work, for physical. Mock during classes and after sleep: during gymnastics.

-Gimnastics invigorating. Daily after day sleep, 5-10 minutes. Valid form: exercises on cribs, wash; Walking along the ribbed dors, on the salt path, "Savages".

-Fescultural classes. Held in a well-wired room 3 times a week. Held jointly by the head of physical education and the educator.

- Large-gaming situations. It is carried out in his free time, more often in the afternoon. Time is strictly not fixed, depending on the tasks. This is a good possibility of targeted formation of the foundations of mental self-regulation in children, achieved through mobile, scene-role games, Fizkultminthka.

-Samomassage. I spend in various forms of physical culture and recreation work or during Piz. A moment, in order to prevent colds.

- Issuing the method of influence the color on cognitive processes, in my practice I use the health of the saving technology of color impact in training. Thus, the brain activity is activated using color, neural connections are excited, which take part in intellectual processes, as well as attention and memory. In the group hangs 3 circles (radius 20 cm): red, yellow, green. Each color performs a specific feature.

Red: activates the mental process, warms, if cold, produces the interferon green: the color of harmony, equilibrium; Soothes. Yellow: the color of joy, optimism; Lifts mood, activates all physiological processes.

Saving Educational Technologies used in working with parents

The main educators of the child are parents. From how the child's day mode is organized correctly, what attention pays parents' health care, its mood depends, the state of physical comfort. Healthy image The life of a child who is involved in an educational institution can or find everyday support at home, and then fix it, or not to find, and then the information received will be superfluous and for a child.

Visited the classes of educators and instructor physical culture In order to study the use of modern health-saving technologies in educational activities. The percentage of children attendance at the end of the year increased, and the incidence decreased in relation to the start of the year.

I plan it

I plan to include in your work

- Communicative games at the rate "Know yourself" M. V. Karepanova and E. V. Harlampova.

1 time per week to 30 minutes. From older. They include conversations, etudes and games of varying degrees of mobility, painting classes that help adapt to children in the team. Conducts a psychologist.

- Turning out of the "Health" series for safety for children and parents as cognitive development. 1 time per week to 30 minutes. with art. age in the afternoon. Conduct teachers.

- Syroidism. 1 time per week since the older age of 25-30 minutes. Conducts a psychologist.

-The technologies of exposure through fairy tales

Tale - Mirror reflecting real world Through the prism of personal perception. In it, perhaps, all that does not happen in life. In taletherapy classes, we are learning to draw up verbal images. We remember the old and coming up with new images, children increase their shaped repertoire, and the inner world of the child is becoming more interesting, richer. This is a true chance to understand and take yourself and the world, increase self-esteem and change in the desired direction.

Since the feelings are not only positive, but also negative, then the images in children are born not only joyful, but also frightening. One of the important goals of these classes is to transform negative images to positive so that the world of the child is beautiful and joyful.

The calm condition of the nervous system returns health to the child.

A fairy tale can tell an adult, or it can be a group told, where a storybook is not one person, but a group of children.

-The technologies of musical impact. In various forms of physical culture and recreation work. Used to remove the voltage, increasing emotional mood, etc., conduct educators and musical leader.

Additionally, you can use hardening methods:

- rinse throat and oral cavity with herbs solutions (eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, calendula, etc., having an antiseptic effect on the mucous membrane respiratory tract, or a naval salt solution is carried out daily after lunch for 2 weeks alternately.

- Washing with cold water after day sleep.

- Bosochiness in combination with air baths is carried out in physical culture and after day sleep.

- Healthy lifestyle includes adequate physical activity, rational nutrition, personal hygiene, healthy psychological climate in the family, at school, in kindergarten lack harmful habits, attentive attitude to your health.

- The time of organized educational activities I plan to use squares (for each child should lie on the table).

If you look at them for a few minutes, the overwork is easily removed and the brain work is activated.

- Over the board hang the stand "Circle of flowers Goethe"

Technique. I suggest children to look at it before starting organized educational activities. Contemplation of various colors increases the functional ability of the brain, helps the body work at a higher energy level. During the year gave open occupation, Holidays using health-saving technologies.

Use in working with parents health saving educational technologies

personal example of the teacher, non-traditional forms of work with parents, practical shows (workshops); Questioning; Joint shares: sports holidays, health days; Memo, booklets from the "Fingering Gymnastics" series, "How to order a child? ", Open days; Training of parents receptions and methods of healing children (trainings, workshops); Issue of newspaper DOU and others. Forms of work.

Summing up the work on self-education for the year, I would like to note that the introduction into the educational process of modern health-saving technologies in a complex with a music director, an instructor of physical culture, a medical sister turned out to be successful. These technologies in learning contributed to the preservation and health promotion and ensured the success of preschoolers. Children actively included in an organized educational activities And they received knowledge of skills and skills provided for by the educational program.

Health care is one of the most important tasks of each person. Among all earthly goods, health is a valuable gift, given to human nature, to replace which is impossible for nothing, but people do not care about health as it is necessary.

Elena Perevalov
"Heating technologies in Dow." Self-education report

Subject " Health-saving

technologies in Dou».

Educator Junior Group

One of the main criteria of the well-being of society is the state public health. To date, the problem health Children are very relevant. The main thing in raising children is that they should be healthysince it is well known that healthy The child is easier to educate. It is quickly installed by the necessary skills and skills, it is better adapting to the change of conditions and perceives all the requirements for it. On the health The child affects many factors, one of which is the environment in which it grows and develops. So I chose the topic self-education: « Health-saving technologies in Dow» .

Relying on the tasks of guard and strengthening health children I set up three main tasks:

Create conditions for their timely and full mental development;

Provide every child the opportunity to joyfully and meaning the period of preschool childhood.

He studied the literature in topic:

Voloshin L. Organization health saving space // pre-school education. -2004.-N1.-S. 114-117.

Ternovskaya S. A., Teplikova L. A. Creating health saving educational environment in a preschool educational institution // Methodist. -2005.-N4.-S. 61-65.

New in the formation and raising of children. S. Chubarova, G. Kozlovskaya, V. Yeremeeva // Development of the personality. -N2.-s. 171-187.

Proceeded to the practical part


In my work, I use modern health saving technologiesTo support interest in organized educational activities, relieve fatigue, raise emotional attitude and improve efficiency.

Dynamic pauses that are held by me during class, 2-5 min., As children are fatigue. I turn on the elements of gymnastics for eyes, respiratory gymnastics and others depending on the type of occupation. With the help of proper breathing, you can avoid hymorite, asthma, neuroses, get rid of headaches, runny nose, colds, digestive disorders and sleep and quickly restore performance after mental and physical fatigue. For full breathing, the following must be observed. regulations: It is necessary to breathe only through the nose evenly and rhythmically; try to fill the lungs to the air when inhaling and do the most deep breath; With the appearance of the slightest discomfort, the occupation of the breathing gymnastics stop.

Movable and sports games. I am held by me and the head of physical education. As part of physical education, on a walk, in the group room - low-live games.

Relaxation. I spend in any suitable room. I plan to use quiet classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Nature sounds.

Halfish gymnastics. I spend with children individually or with a subgroup daily. It is recommended to all children, especially with speech problems. It is held at any convenient time, as well as during class.

Gymnastics for eyes. Daily 3-5 min. At any free time and during classes, to remove the visual burden in children.

Gymnastics respiratory. In various forms of physical education wellness work, for physical. minutes during classes and after sleep: During gymnastics.

Gymnastics invigorating. Daily after day sleep, 5-10 minutes. Form of various: Exercises on cribs, wash; walking on the ribbed dors, on the salt walkway, "Slestics".

Physical classes. Held in a well-wedrid room 3 times a week, in the gym. Junior age - 15-20 minutes. Held jointly by the head of physical education and the educator.

Problem and gaming situations. It is carried out in his free time, more often in the afternoon. Time is strictly not fixed, depending on the tasks. This is a good possibility of targeted formation of the foundations of mental self-regulation in children, achieved through moving, plot role-playing games, physical attacks.

-Samomassage. I spend in various forms of physical education health Work or during Piz. A moment, in order to prevent colds.

Having studied the method of influence of color to cognitive processes, I use in my practice health saving technology Color exposure in training. Thus, the brain activity is activated using color, neural connections are excited, which take part in intellectual processes, as well as attention and memory. In the group hanging 3 circles (radius 20 cm): Red, yellow, green. Each color performs a specific feature.

Red: activates mental process, heats, if cold, produces interferon green nyu: Color of harmony, equilibrium; Soothes. Just ltoy: color of joy, optimism; Lifts mood, activates all physiological processes.

Health Saving educational technologies We use in working with parents

The main educators of the child are parents. From how correctly the child's day is organized, what attention is paid to parents health babyIt depends on its mood, the state of physical comfort. Healthy child's lifestyleto which he is involved in an educational institution, may or find everyday support at home, and then consolidate, or not to find, and then the information received will be superfluous and for a child.

Attended the classes of educators and instructor on physical culture in order to study the use of modern in educational activities. The percentage of children attendance at the end of the year increased, and the incidence decreased in relation to the start of the year.

I plan it

I plan to include in your work

Communicative games at the rate "Certify yourself" M. V. Karepanova and E. V. Harlampova.

1 time per week to 30 minutes. From older. They include conversations, etudes and games of varying degrees of mobility, painting classes that help adapt to children in the team. Conducts a psychologist.

Classes from the series « Health» According to kids and parents as cognitive development. 1 time per week to 30 minutes. with art. age in the afternoon. Conduct teachers.

Psychogympics. 1 time per week since the older age of 25-30 minutes. Conducts a psychologist.

-Technology Exposure through fairy tales

The fairy tale is a mirror reflecting the real world through the prism of personal perception. In it, perhaps, all that does not happen in life. In taletherapy classes, we are learning to draw up verbal images. We remember the old and coming up with new images, children increase their shaped repertoire, and the inner world of the child is becoming more interesting, richer. This is a true chance to understand and take yourself and the world will increase self-esteem And change in the desired direction.

Since the feelings are not only positive, but also negative, then the images in children are born not only joyful, but also frightening. One of the important goals of these classes is to transform negative images to positive so that the world of the child is beautiful and joyful.

The calm condition of the nervous system returns a child health.

A fairy tale can tell an adult, or it can be a group told, where a storybook is not one person, but a group of children.

-Technologies musical influence. In various forms of physical education wellness work. Used to remove the voltage, increasing emotional mood, etc., conduct educators and musical leader.

Additionally, you can use methods hardening:

Rinsing the throat and cavity of the mouth with solutions of herbs (eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, calendula, etc., having an antiseptic effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, or a naval salt solution is carried out daily after lunch for 2 weeks alternately.

Washing with cold water after day sleep.

Bosochiness in combination with air baths is carried out in physical culture and after day sleep.

-Healthy Lifestyle includes adequate physical activity, rational nutrition, personal hygiene, healthy psychological climate in the family, at school, in kindergarten lack of bad habits, attentive attitude to their health.

During organized educational activities, I plan to use squares (For each child should lie on the table).

If you look at them for a few minutes, the overwork is easily removed and the brain work is activated.

Over the board hang the stand "Circle of flowers Goethe"

Technique. I suggest children to look at it before starting organized educational activities. Contemplation of various colors increases the functional ability of the brain, helps the body work at a higher energy level. During the year gave an open occupation, holidays using health-saving technologies.

Use in working with parents

health- Saving educational technologies

personal example of the teacher, non-traditional forms of work with parents, practical shows (Workshop); Questioning; Joint shares: Sports holidays, days health; Memo, booklets from the series "Fingering gymnastics", "How to harden the child?", open days; Training parents receptions and methods head of children(Trainings, workshops); Issue of newspaper DOU and others. Forms of work.

Summing up

works by self-education for the year, I would like to note that the introduction into the educational process of modern health-saving technologies In the complex with the music director, an instructor in physical culture, a medical sister turned out to be successful. Data technologies In training contributed to preservation and strengthening health And ensured the success of preschoolers. Children were actively involved in organized educational activities and gained knowledge of the skills and skills provided for by the educational program.

Care about health - One of the most important tasks of every person. Among all earthly goods health is a valuable giftgiven to human nature, replacing which can not be anything, but people do not care about health like thatHow necessary.