The meaning of the word & laquoantropronism. Anthroponymics in the modern world What is anthroponymik

Afanasyev Anastasia Sergeevna

Project Manager:

Bessonova Maria Sergeevna


MOU "Gymnasium № 25" of Blagoveshchensk

In the process of working on research project In Russian language on the topic "Anthroponymics in modern world" The author was set to figure out the origin of the names. The paper presents the analysis of the popularity of names in 2012 and 2017.

The basis of the work is the analysis of theoretical information about onomastics, anthroponymics, and the stages of personal names and analysis of the names of their own Indo-European and the Afrorosy family of languages \u200b\u200bare considered.

In the proposed project in the Russian language "Anthroponymics in the modern world" The author was conducted a comparative analysis of the most popular names of Blagoveshchensk in 2012 and 2017. According to Internet resources and the registry office of Blagoveshchensk.

1. Onomastics and anthroponymics.
2. What is a person name?
3. The history of names in Russia.
4. Indo-European and Acrosor family of languages.
5. Comparative characteristic.


Relevance : a person and studying the history of names will be and will remain an urgent topic for each person. The name of the person ... how it means much. From ancient times, they gave their children names, wanting to reflect their cherished dream in it. In the name of the child, they wanted to see some excellent start. All the peoples of the world in their name reflect all the best that they saw in life. Names different people reflect the culture and history of the development of the people from ancient times to today's days

purpose : To deal with the origin of the names.


  1. Explore the sections, the sciences engaged in the names (deepen in the anthroponymics)
  2. Learn the historical appearance of own names
  3. Make a comparative name analysis (2012 -2017)
  4. Match the data obtained
  5. Submit an online article as a product.

Project type : Information

Object of study : Anthroponyms in Russian.

Subject of study: Own names of people.

Project product : Internet-article « The value of anthroponymics in the modern world»

Subject of study: Articles, statistical data.

Research methods : Information collection, comparative analysis.

Information sources: Literature, dictionaries, textbooks, Internet resources.

Stages of preparation and implementation of work: Search for the necessary information, processing and monitoring the data obtained.

Onomastics and anthroponymika

Onomastics - Science, which studies its own names, the history of their occurrence and transformation as a result of long-term use in the source language or due to borrowing from other languages.

  • Anthroponymics (personal names of people)
  • Zonimika (nickname animals)
  • Theonimics (the names of the deities)
  • Toponymy (geographical names)
  • Entroponimika (names of peoples)
  • Cosmonimika (the names of the celestial bodies)

Anthroponimika(Greek - man and - name) - section of onomaticists studying anthroponyms - names people and their individual components (personal names, patronymic, surnames, nicknames, pseudonyms, etc.); their origin, evolution, patterns of their functioning, geography.

Anthroponimika - The section of the onmastics studying the anthroponym (from the Greek.AnthRoPOS - man and onoma - the name) - the names of people: personal names, patronymic, surnames, nicknames, pseudonyms, encrypted names, etc. (literature and language / ed. P. A.Nikolaeva. - Modern illustrated encyclopedia).

Anthroponimika - Science of the names of people, as well as Toponymika, the one of the onomastics. Other sections of onomastics - Ethnonimia (names of tribes and peoples)

Anthroponimika(from Antropo ... and Greek. ónyma - Name) - section of onomastics, studying their own names of people, origin, change of these names, geographical distribution and social functioning, structure and development of anthroponymic systems. (BSE. - 1969-1978).

Anthroponimikait was silent from the onomastics in the 60-70s of the XX century.

Until the 60s of the XX century instead of the term " »Used term" onomastics" This science studies the information that the name may be: the characteristic of human qualities, the relationship of the person with the father, the family, family, information about nationality, the kind of classes, origin from any terrain, class, caste. Onomastics, translated from Greek, means "the art of giving names"

Anthroponimika studies the funnoponym functions in speech - nomination, identification, differentiation, change of names, which is associated with age, a change in public or marital status, life among people of another nationality, entry into secret societies, transition to another faith, etc. Not so long ago, the anthroponymik received another name - nameplate. This term, as suggested, offered for the first time Portuguese linguist J. Leite Wasquells in 1887.

Anthroponimik to some extent reminds archeology: according to the disclosed name, as well as the subject found in the ground, you can learn about people who have once inhabited by the etiqué, about their origin, classes, beliefs, culture, life, tastes. In contrast to archeology, Classes anthroponymics do not require long-range expeditions of protected tools for excavations. No archaeologist will be satisfied with the groove - it requires clearing, possible recovery, and then a thorough study. So the anthroponymist: to determine the origin, he often should clean his object from later distortion, restore it

Initial guise, and then to already ensure the meaning and history of education. But the anthroponymist does not have to dig in the ground, more required " kopania»In libraries and archives. The work is very complex, and in many cases at all unsuccessful.

Each name has its own individual history, usually leaving for a distant past.

VV Bondaletov, N. A. Baskakov, S. I. Zinin, Yu. A. Karpenko, V. N. Mikhailov, A. A. Reformatsky, V.P. Moroshkin, N., were engaged in the development of the main issues of anthroponymics. . Petrovsky, A. M. Selischev, A. V. Superanskaya, O. N. Trubachev, N. M. Tupikov, V. K. Chichagov., L. V. Uspensky. Domestic anthroponimik in the 1980s --90s of the 20th century was replenished with the works of I. M. Ganghina, M. V. Gorbanevsky, Yu. A. Karpenko, I. A. Korolev, T. N. Kondratyeva, V. A. Nikonova, N . N. Parfinovova, N. V. Podolskaya, B. O. UNBEGAUN, N. K. Frolova. In recent decades, domestic scientists are interested in the formation of regional anthroponymics. Only the introduction of many texts in the scientific circulation of various territories of our country, including a significant number of personal names and surnames, will help to present a real picture of the formation of the anthroponymic system as a whole.

Studying the names of their own all types, about the history of their occurrence and transformation as a result of their use in the language, to borrow the names of their own in other languages, the linguistics section, which is called the laws of their development and operation onomastics. Term " onomastics"Educated from Greek Onomastik -" Art of giving names. "

Onomastics is a very valuable section of modern linguistics, complex linguistic discipline, equipped with its terminological apparatus, its circle of problems, research history and its own research methods.

The complexity and variety of the Oblastics object (name of own) largely determines the interdisciplinary nature of this discipline. A number of scientists (O.N. Trubachev, V. Tashitsky et al.) For example, consider it appropriate to eliminate onomastics beyond linguistics and allocating it into a separate discipline using linguistic research methods, but is cleaned with the complex of humanities, as well as earth sciences and the universe. Despite the close relationship with other humanitarian disciplines, the names of their own are still the object of the linguistics section, linguistics that is the science of language. For any name is, first of all, the word and it enters the language system, forms under the laws of the language, lives in language laws and is consumed in speech, exposed to various kinds of changes.

Onomastics is traditionally shaped into partitions in accordance with the categories of object names. The onomastics include: anthroponimikawhich studies people's names toponymy - studies the names of geographic objects, zonimika - animal nicknames, astronomic - the names of the celestial bodies.

Own names include people's names (Alexander, Maria), animal nicknames (ball, Murka), the names of mythical beings (Aid, Venus), tribes and peoples (Aztecs, Goths), countries (England, Germany), Rivers (Kuban, Oka), Mountains (Andes, Kilimanjaro), Human settlements (Leningrad, Gorky Avenue), etc. The distinguishing feature of the names of its own is that in modern use they, as a rule, are not called concepts, but serve only to designate specific items. We can accurately determine exactly what the seamstress differs from milking, the doctor from the accountant, but no one can say, relying only in the name of a person, what is the difference between Marina from Valentina, Sasha from Boris. Own names have only denotative significance (denoted a specific subject) and the values \u200b\u200bof the ingnecific (conceptual) are deprived. However, with its occurrence, all names are used as ordinary nominative lexemes. Restoration of the initial value of the name of its own is one of the tasks of modern onomastics. Origin of anthroponyms - names, patientities, surnames, nicknames, pseudonyms, etc. - quite extensive literature is devoted. It works A.V. Superan and A.V. Suslova, E.N. Polyakova and L.V. Uspensky, V.A. Nikonova and Yu.A. Fedosyuk, M.A. Gorbanevsky and N.A. Petrovsky.

Currently, the term "poetic onomastics" is often used. This is stated in many works of scientists: M.V. Karpenko ("Russian onomastics"), V.A. Nikonov ("Name and Society"), A.V. Superan (" General Theory Own name "), O.I. Foniakova ("Name own in the artistic text"), N.K. Frolov ("Favorite Works on Linguistics").

So, anthroponimika ("Man" + "Name") - section of onomastics engaged in the study of origin, development, derivation and functioning of their own names of people.

To the number anthroponymic units, or anthroponyms, belong: personal names - words that are assigned to people and under which they are known in society; patronymic (cartridges, patronymic names - Greek. "Father" + "Name") - words included in the naming of people and denoting the father of the carrier of a particular name; Surname (family name) (Lat. Familia "Family") is the hereditary name, moving from generation to generation: from father or mother to son and daughter, from her husband to his wife, or vice versa; Nicknames (nickname names) - words given to people in different periods of their lives on a particular property or the quality of these people and under which they are usually known in a certain, often quite closed in a circle of society.

A number of the main concepts of anthroponymics as a linguistics section can be distinguished:

Anthroponymic formula (name) - a certain order of different species Anthroponyms and nomenov in the official name of the person of this nationality, estates, religion in a certain era.

Literary (poetic, stylistic) anthroponymics - An integral part of the literary (poetic, stylistic) onomastic - discipline engaged in studying the names of its own in the artistic text.

Literary onomastics He examines the "reflection of elements of real and fictional onomastics based on their individual refraction and application in the work of each writer and separate text."

Literary anthroponimikaIn turn, it is not a mirror reflection of names used in life, but their projection that has passed through the prism of the author's creativity.

Literary (poetic) anthroponym - Anthropony artistic workwhich usually gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe field, age, nationality, social status, the moral and ethical qualities of the character of the work.

The combination of anthroponyms learned from the text of the artwork is called literary, or poetic anthroponymy.

The study of names in school is necessary, since the names have a large educational potential, stimulate the need for the assimilation of national traditions and attach to the culture and history of the people. According to E. V. Ekheeva, the names are a unique monument of the history and culture of the people. They reflect his ideas, knowledge and experience. The people through names sought to realize their desires of the physical, moral, mental, aesthetic, religious education of children. As you know, modern Buryat names are a bizarre mosaic composed of the names of ancient and new, Buryat and borrowed. Each name is the content text. Great help to schoolchildren in the study of personal names, their roles in the human life are provided by A. V. Suslova, A. V. Superanskaya "On Russian names", Dacpa Yanzhima "My name is my fate. What do Buryat names mean? ", Publications in the newspaper" Buryyad Unan "A. G. Mitrushkina" Personal names Buryat "and others. The object of research is the history of the occurrence of Buryat and Russian names and the motives of the nomination, functioning in speech and use in the artistic text. We make our own pedigree, we list all our relatives on the father's line to the seventh knee, we write an essay "I and my name". For us, students of 5 - 7 classes, a scientific-practical conference "Encyclopedia of one word" is being carried out, preparing for which, we investigate the chosen word, including the name of the name, from the point of view of all sections of the Russian language, we see the "life" of this Words in speech, make up fairy tales, poems, stories, select examples of using the word in artistic texts, the results of the study are reflected in the dictionary "Names of own students of grade 5", etc.

Anthroponymics - Science, which studies the personal names of people, surnames, patronymic, pseudonyms. The basis of this term is the Greek words of Antropos - "Man" and Onuma - "Name".

Each people through names sought to realize their desires of the physical, moral, mental, aesthetic, religious education of children. Names designed to call may be extremely significant. Names are a unique monument of the history and culture of the people. They reflect his ideas, knowledge and experience.

In the lessons and extracurricular activities in the Russian language, we have already appealed to the topic of names. This work is interested in us. We decided to expand and deepen our knowledge in this area, so for the study, they took the topic "Names of own students of grade 5 of the Uzon Secondary General School".

After all, many of us do not even suspect that the name Alexander came to us from greek. And at all, not similar names of DIMED and the chimit from the Tibetan language. How did Buryat borrowed names? Each name is the content text. Great help to us in the study of personal names, their roles in the human life are provided by books, dictionaries. The results of the study were reflected in the dictionary "Names of own students of grade 5" and others.

For Buryats were characteristic of the names: nahata, Ethigel, Arsalan, Bayar, etc. But over time, the attitude to the name was changed. Now we are watching a bizarre mosaic composed of the names of ancient and new, Buryat and borrowed.

With adoption in the Trans-Baikal of Buddhism, new names appear: Tibetan, who came from Tibet. About 300 years old Tibetan language was erected into the rank of a language of religious ritual. Thus, the names of Tibetan origin spread among the Buryat. Let us turn to the compositions of students. Let us give an example from the writing "Family for me - this is a circle of people close to me who treat each other as good and gentle. Members of this family never betray their genus, they protect his honor and dignity. When I was born, I was called Maria. And the history of my name is as follows: Mary called me mom, because this name sounds beautifully. And besides, this name is very popular. In many fairy tales, the main characters wear this name. For example, "Masha and Bears" and others. Many well-known and famous people They wear this name: Maria Nikolaevna Akhmetova - Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, etc..

2. Names of students of grade 5 students of the Uzonian secondary school

Consider what names are the students of our class, in which 13 children of Buryat nationality are learn.

1. Alexander - (gr.) - Defender of people.

2. Alena on behalf of Elena (gr.) - Interpretations inaccurate: Selected, Bright, Torch, etc. In Greek Mythology, the Spartan Tsarina, the most beautiful of men Alena, is able to show sympathy and compassion for a person who needs help, can even bring Himself sacrifice. At the same time, it is smart, does not robet with danger, does not tolerate deception. The offender knows how to punish, showing uncommon ingenuity at the same time.

3. Angela (gr.) - Angelina, Angelic.

4. ARYUUN- (BUN) -cryst, beautiful, honest. The Buryat female name is aryuna-styrilized from Aroryu.

5. Dasha (Tib.) - Happiness, prosperity, prosperity.

6. Dimid (TIB.) - Clean.

7. Dulsson - (Tib.) -Ceduced, decorated, Buddhist his meaning - a monk (i.e., led along the way perfection).

8. Maria - (Heb.) Etymology named is unclear. Perhaps a bitter, or, according to other interpretations - strong, beautiful. In the Christian religious and mythological legends - the Virgin, the Mother of God, Mother of God, Madonna - the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, the Jewish virgin, wonderfully born without the destruction of his virginity (Dar, p. 48 (. Name, has several values: "bitter", "Favorite ",« Desired "," stubborn ", or" Mistress ". Decency, kindness, reliability, activity, humanity. Maria has a huge margin of love and tenderness. Since childhood, she has a softness, obedience, sympathy for people and willingness to help those who have fallen to Bed to man.

9. Solbon - (Dr.) There are two meanings: Morning star and deft, prompt. The option of this name is frequent and other nations: Zolbon (MONS.), Solban (Khakas.), Cheolboche (Yakut., Evenk.), Zolvi (Orat. - Kalm.). This explains that in the mythology of Mongolian peoples, Siberian Turks and some Tungusky peoples, Solbon - Personification or spirit-owner of the Planet Venus, a heavenly deity.

10. Timur- (Turk.) - Durable, persistent; Literally-iron. Cf. Tumer.

11. Rasseng- (TIB.) - Long life.

12. Chimit - (Tib.) Immortal (gift, p. 70 (

13. Yant (Tib.) - Meldé Melody, possessing a melodious voice. (Dar, p. 74 (

So, among the 13 names, we found:

3 named from Greek: Alexander, Angela, Elena;

5 names from Tibetan: Dasha, Dimid, Dolson, Rassen, Chimit, Yang;

2 name from Buryat language: Aryun, Solbon;

1 Name from the Turkic Language: Timur;

1 Name from the Jewish language: Maria.

For us, it was a surprise to know that in our class the names of Tibetan origin (40%) prevail. No less interesting was the fact that the names of Greek origin in the second place (25%). Only in third place Buryat names (17%). On the fourth - one name from Turkic and Jewish languages \u200b\u200b(9%). We found out that the name is followed by other laws. Of 13 Buryats, only two are Buryat names.

As a result of the study, we came to the following conclusions:

Many parents try to call a child rare namesso that there are no repetitions. But still there are such coincidences that in our class there are two boys with the name Timur.

Choosing the name to your child, parents pick up excluding names that are pleasantly pronounced and listen to: Alena, Aryuna, Yang.

Choose names borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bso that the child adapts faster to a specific environment, so do not always give their national names: Alexander, Angela, Alena.


We found out that many parents try to call the child with rare names so that there were no repetitions: Dimid. But still there are such coincidences that in our class there are two boys with the name Timur.

Choosing the name to your child, parents pick up excluding names that are pleasantly pronounced and listen to: Alena, Aryuna, Yang.

Choose names borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bso that the child adapts faster to a specific environment, so do not always give their national names: Alexander, Angela, Alena.

The origin of human names examine anthroponymika- One of the sections of the science of onomastics.

Each people have its own special "set" names. But inside this "set" there are "small sets" of names - depending on the area, social origin, education, finally, even year of birth.

So, Innokenty is a typical "Siberian" name, as well as surnames from "them" (long, dry). Until XX, while "common" women's names In Russia, Agafya, Fekla, Matrena, while Tamara or Elena were the names of "noble", and Valentine's name was considered the privilege of nuns and was almost not used in the world. After the October Revolution, the names of Aelita, Octobrine, Vilen, Ninel, Azurita, and even the idea, Ruin, Energy appeared.

Anthroponymika as a science of people's names

Russian names are an invaluable source for historians, for sociologists, and for linguists. therefore anthroponymika as a science studying the names of people - the object of close attention of many scientists.

Rus took Christianity about a thousand years ago. But non-canonical names remained among the Russians for many centuries until the end of the 17th century - only by this time the pagan names were completely prohibited. However, in the very official list of Christian names, the names of Slavs, Scandinavians, Scythians come across the names of Slavs.

We give a few bright examples, sometimes beyond. Orthodox Church On the name of Inna, Pinna and Rimma canned the three Scythians who died for faith. The end to the vowel "A" is usually characteristic of female names. And the priests began to give the names of men Scythians ... Women, Kreat of them as a "slave of God Rimma" and "Slava of God Inna." Since then, these names have remained women.

In the saints there is a name of the Zotik, from the Greek "Zotikos". But suffix -ik in Russian has a diminutive value. That is why in living language and the documents began to use the name of the tar. A similar story occurred with the word umbrella, which turned into an umbrella, although his source is the Dutch "Prognostek", that is, "Tire from the Sun".

In the saints, the Great Tamar is listed. In Russia, the name of the Tamar was not used - the eye turned into Tamar.

A similar story about the surprising transformation of the names would require, perhaps, the whole book. But each people have its own name system, its own "registered" story. Moreover, the principles of the name in various languages \u200b\u200bdiffer from the Russian nominal system.

In Azerbaijan and Turkey, the child gave the two name - one of them was false, the second here is, everything is in the same as the Russians, the hope of misleading the unkind perfumes. In some nations, children give knowingly bad names - the son of a whore, a dog tail, etc. - repulscing these evil spirits. The custom hide your name historians and ethnographers find almost all the peoples of the world.

The ancients were confident, the candidate of historical sciences Alexander Gorbovsky writes that the fate of a person, cities and even the state is destined to his name with this idea, in his opinion, today's custom named behavior. As with the ancients, he suggests a change in fate. It is in this sense that, entering into marriage, a woman takes a new name (surname) of her husband. So do writers and actors, writing a pseudonym; By changing the name, taking a break or church san, entering into a secret society.

About the striking homogeneity of the characters and properties of carriers of the same name wrote at the beginning of our century, Russian researcher S. R. Mintzlov. Based on the analysis of the names of the outstanding personalities of the past, he came to the conclusion that there are most often calculating people among Alexeyev, Alexandra, as a rule, merchant, and Petra in most people are quiet, quiet, but with a solid and stubborn character. Sergey, says Minthold, are very often fathers of outstanding people: Pushkin, Griboedov, Turgenev, Dargomyzhsky were Sergeevichi. It is difficult to disagree with the latter, if we remember that from a small number of the leaders of the Soviet state, who played the most prominent role in his history, two - Khrushchev and Gorbachev - were also Sergeevichi.

Pavel Florensky, an outstanding Russian scientist and philosopher, believed that Alexander's name corresponds to a sanguine basis, with a cholecular bias. Alexandra in relation to women are helpful and kind, but they rarely "blame internal life with a plow" and more often limited to a light flirt. With Alexey, it's good now and you need to be satisfied with it, not counting on the fact that it will also be good in the future. The name Elena marks women's nature, Nikolai in character warehouse is very kind, Vasily usually hides tender feelings in themselves. Konstantin is distinguished by impermanence.

Touching the mystics of names, V. A. Nikonov, a specialist in the field of anthroponimics - science of names, recalls in his book "Name and Society" the story of Jack London, in which one woman calls her sons with the name of the deceased brother Samuel, and their all four, One after another, takes death. Interesting observations of G. Eys, who analyzed three hundred modern detective novels and found the connection between the names and the fate of the heroes.

According to the newspaper "Abroad" (№ 39, 1986), psychiatrists from the US conducted a study and found that people with funny and strange names four times the rest are predisposed to various kinds of mental complexes, and a child with the name of mockery, Since childhood, it is in a defensive position, he is forced to fight for a normal attitude towards himself, which forms certain traits of its character. Specialists from San Diego and Georgia universities found that the teachers in schools stubbornly put low graders with students with one names, high - with others. Girls with attractive names are poorly progress in the service in the business world, but can achieve noticeable success in show business. The English Therapist Trevor Weston determined that persons whose names begin with the letters of the last third of the alphabet, are three times more often cardiovascular diseases.

Does not deny the connection between the name of a person and his personal features of Academician A. A. Bodaliev. He believes that the name, as often hearing the word, is subjectively very significant for the formation of a complex of forms and methods of manifest personality features.

There are several theories explaining how a person's name can influence its character.

Social theory. From a social point of view, the person's name is a clutch of social information about his carrier. Praskovya, Okabrina, Oksana, Guram, Isaac, Nikolai ... knowing only one name, we already have an idea of \u200b\u200borigin, nationality, possible religion, basic properties of character and human temperament. Representations of the ZGI are approximately the same among different people, which, in turn, defines approximately the same attitude to the media of this name. Well, when thousands of people meet a person "by name", it cannot but form in different carriers of one name similar character traits. The socialism of the name was stronger than expressed in the last century, when the names were given through the sacnesses and every name was the story of the life of the saint with quite specific forms of behavior, features of nature, attitude to the surrounding reality, etc. - Life. "By name and living," the stereotypical formula of life, and this formula, the Church and Orthodox people followed, raising the future Christian.

Emotional theory. According to this theory, the person's name is considered as an emotional stimulus. Some names sound gently, affectionate and cause the feeling of a pleasant, gentle, sublime, other, on the contrary, cause unpleasant emotions, causes unpleasant emotions, cause internally cringed, strain, watery. This is the so-called "music of names". From what it is, it will largely depend on the initial attitude of those surrounding the names of the name. In the future, this relationship can radically change, but when a unpleasant name causes a one-way negative reaction in a thousand people, it will make it, of course, on the characteristics of a person.

Sound theory. The name is a set of sounds of different height and timbre. Different names are different sets of sounds, unequal for the brain sound stimuli. And different stimuli, as you know, are excited by different structures of the brain. And therefore, the child named Vasya, who, throughout the Torcheek period of its development, hears thousands of you in the words "you", "you-imek", "you", a thousand times the excitement of brain structures related to the reflection occurs Sounds "in", "A" and "C". It is very different about the boy with the name Kolya. He has brain structures associated with the reflection of the sounds of "in", "A" and "C" are in a state of relative rest, but the structures associated with the perception of sounds "K", "O" and "L" are constantly excited. Sound load on some brain formations in a single-mounted and completely different, in its physiological figure, the other cannot, in our opinion, do not affect the formation of differences in the psyche of these children. The original confirmation of this theory found an electrician engineer Kharkivchanin Vladimir Sanazarevsky. Through the cascade of amplifiers, he joined the microphone with the membrane, on which the metal powder was messed. After that, a name was pronounced several times in a row. And it turned out: the same name always corresponds to a strictly defined pattern on the membrane.

There is another mechanism for the impact of the name on the formation of character. As we believe, it acts at the level of unconscious associations and human sensations. To this conclusion, we came as a result of research, during which they requested people to answer the question, with some color different names are associated. It turned out that the statistically prevailing majority studied name "Tatiana" causes an idea of \u200b\u200bred (and close to it) colors, the name of Elena is usually associated with blue (and close to it) with flowers. From color psychology, it is known that the red color awakens a state of anxiety, danger, suffering, blue, on the contrary, causes a feeling of calm and peace. According to Higira, Tatiana is mostly powerful, somewhat rude and unrestrained, stubborn, try to resemble men in something and assign their functions. Elena, on the contrary, - and another Florensky wrote about it - there is an impersonation of softness and tenderness. We assume that Tatiana, causing their name a sense of unconscious anxiety and danger, forced from childhood to experience a wanneous-negative attitude of people I be because in constant "deaf protection". Hence this type of character. The girls named Elena, having received the name from their parents as a gift, causing the unconscious reaction of peace by the surrounding unconscious reaction, they grow and form in the situation of more favorable psychological comfort.

I do not know how whom, but me the above data, observations, research, theories convinced that the relationship between the name of a person and his mental peculiarities is. Of course, it is impossible to absolutize this relationship, of course, it is not tough, of course, a lot of other factors affect the formation of a mental warehouse of personality, but this does not mean that the name does not affect the character of a person.