The health path is the goal. Research paper "health trail project"

Sergeeva Olga
Health Path Project


What was the basis for solving the problem of the correct organization of the environment? Functional equipment of sites kindergarten for walks and the entire territory of our preschool educational institution # 544? Near the kindergarten there is no public garden, no park, no reservoir. Therefore, we are trying to protect the kindergarten with green spaces. The urban child communicates with nature less and less, there is a process of his alienation from nature, which sometimes becomes alien, unknown and unfamiliar to the child. And nature, as you know, is one of the main sources of the formation of children's sensations, perceptions, ideas.

In preschool childhood, on the basis of the development of interest in the natural world, an ecological orientation of the individual begins to form. During this period, the foundation of a conscious attitude to the surrounding reality is laid, vivid, emotional impressions are accumulated, which remain in the memory of a person for a long time.

Understanding the specifics of different living organisms, their intrinsic value and uniqueness, an inextricable connection with the environment is a meaningful element of the environmental education of preschoolers.

At the same time, ecological education is impossible without a sufficiently developed interest in nature in children, and one of the conditions necessary for the development of such an interest is the subject environment. It is designed to provide the child with the opportunity to develop in activities, including independent ones. To do this, it must be periodically changed.

It is for this reason that in our preschool educational institution No. 544 a desire arose to change the already established environment, to create an individual and stylish appearance of the kindergarten territory, corresponding to the general laws of organizing open-air space, which have long been known to people, and also corresponding to the trends of modern landscape architecture. When creating the program, we relied on such principles as the correctness and convenience of the location of various functional areas on the territory of the kindergarten; outer beauty; harmonious inclusion of existing valuable plantings.

The free, asymmetrical layout style we have chosen is in line with the interests of children - it is convenient for them to play on the lawns and lawns.

So, we all need to come to the realization that a person can save and improve his life only by improving himself, and this should start from the very first years of life. Our noble task is to help every child in this.

Our cognitive wellness the program is one of the ways to achieve this lofty and humane goal.


The main goal of the program is to prevent flat feet, improve coordination of movement, contribute to the formation of a more perfect person in a moral, ideological, creative sense; education healthy the younger generation.

The main objectives of the program:

prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, colds;

preserving and strengthening children's health;

habit forming healthy way life;

formation of the need for daily motor activity;

development of attention, concentration, organization, imagination, imagination, the ability to manage their actions, feelings.

disclosure and development of the perception of beauty;

the laying of ethical and moral foundations;

expansion of consciousness and horizons;

disclosure and development of individual creative potential;

In the process of solving the assigned tasks, it is necessary for the educator himself to be a living example of striving for everything that they would like to educate and develop in children, remembering that the living example of an adult affects the child most of all. Not only his actions, but also his inner state, what he himself feels, how he thinks.

The child spends a lot of time on the territory of the kindergarten. From how well-groomed it will be, beautiful, reasonably planned, periodically renewed, combining admiring the gifts of nature with the solution of environmental, moral, physical, artistic education, will depend on what kind of children we bring up.

The decoration of the kindergarten site gives our pupils the opportunity to observe, research, conduct experiments, work, and then in a theatrical, musical, visual activity reflect your impressions of interaction with nature.


cognitive activity;

development of artistic and aesthetic culture;

organization healthy the rhythm of life and physical activity of children;

hardening of children;

creating conditions for wellness work with children;

work with parents;

work with the DOE team

To strengthen health children in the summer using natural, natural healing factors was organized “ health path ”.

The main goals " health paths ”are:

prevention of flat feet;

improved coordination of movements;

improvement of cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

increased resistance infectious diseases;

improvement of the emotional and mental state of children;

introduces children to healthy lifestyle.

Organization " health trails”Was carried out in stages.

The first stage is the search for information and methodological sources, the creation of a creative group and organization meetings for the implementation of short-term the project« Health trail» .

Second stage - search and purchase various materials for health trails and its direct construction, in which the employees of the preschool educational institution, children, and parents took part.

« Health trail» 15 meters long, 70 cm wide is divided into 1 meter sections, which have different coverings:

grass cover;

needle covering (rubber mat)

plastic plugs;

sandy surface;

wooden hemp;

medium cobblestone;

large cobblestone;

thin logs;

Conditions for the implementation of the program:

Personnel preparation - exercise therapy instructor, physical education teacher, medical worker.

Material and technical equipment:

sand, gravel, small logs, pond, cobblestone, fine cobblestone, plastic plugs, wooden hemp,

Grass cover, needle cover.

Children's age:

jr (3-4 years)

Middle (4-5 years old)

Older (5-6 years old)

Preparatory group (6-7 years old)

Forms of classes:




A mechanism for evaluating the received results:

Open classes


Interviewing children

Parent survey


Quenching on health path can take place during the warm season. It is conducted by both the physical education instructor and educators.

Walking through different parts of the surface trails, children receive a consistent effect on the biologically active zones located on the plantar part of the foot. These zones are associated with the body's immune system and help stimulate and strengthen the body's defenses.

Children pass by barefoot trailperforming breathing exercises... Sufficient length « health trails» allows you to go to it as a whole group. Children additionally walk along the log and the lawn. After that, hygiene procedures.

Along trails specially selected shrubs, flowers and herbs were planted, enriching the air with phytoncides - biologically active substancesthat kill or inhibit the growth and development of bacteria, microscopic fungi.

All along trails grow: hyssop, mint, lemon balm, calendula, marigolds, medicinal chamomile, horseradish, onions and others.

In the evening, when the cheerful hubbub of children dies down, parents, grandparents and their children can go to the playground and walk barefoot along « health path» !

For laying trail or circle of health is necessary:

1. Coordinate all issues related to the allocation of space for the future route, with the relevant departments of the district administration, heads of institutions, enterprises and organizations.

2. Obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station to equip the track.

3. Locate the track away from polluted and crowded places.

How to conduct classes

Classes on health trails depending on their purpose, there can be two types. The first is classes with dosed physical activity at the stations. The second is classes with dosed physical activity at the stages between stations. The first type of exercise is dosed multiple repetitions of various physical exercise on shells, gadgets and training devices. They are mainly of a forceful and acyclic nature. Most part of time (up to 70%) involved in this health path spend at stations doing exercises. The second type of activity includes strictly dosed according to age and condition. health walking and running... They are performed in stages between stations and also take up to 70% of the total duration of the session.

Consequently, the main workload is received at the stages between stations. At the stations themselves, the intensity physical activity decreases and those involved switch to active rest, recovery, as a result of which interest in performing exercises on various simulators, devices and devices of an entertainment and play nature increases.

The pace of walking and running between stations is strictly set by the rhythm sensors in accordance with the length and relief trails, state health and the age of those involved. The quality of tasks fulfillment at each station can be assessed according to the previously established number of points, which gives the classes a competitive character. The winner is determined by the highest total of points scored at all stations.

Thematic work plan for the year

month Topic name Number of lessons

may "Acquaintance with health path» 1

"Tour of health path» 1

"Our Plants" 1

june "The locomotive from Romashkov" 1

"Buratino invites you to visit" 1

"From pebble to pebble 1

"From stump to stump" 1

july "Needles" 1

"Let's help the legs" 1

"On a visit to fairy-tale heroes" 1

"Who lives in the water" 1

august "What have we learned" 1

"Hot Summer" 1

"Nature around us" 1

"What have we learned" 1

september "Is our health» 1

"Splash of water" 1

"Golden Autumn" 1

"Closing the season" 1

"Farewell to health path» 1

List of used literature:

1. Zakhlebny A. N. “On the ecological trail experience in environmental education "- M .: Knowledge, 1986.

2. Zakhlebny A. N. Suravegina I. T. “Environmental education of schoolchildren in extracurricular work: a guide for the teacher "- M .: Education, 1984.

3. Deryabo S. D., V. A. Yasvin V. A. “Environmental pedagogy and psychology. Tutorial for university students "- Rostov: Phoenix, 1996.

4. Remizova N. I. "Educational ecological trail on the school site "... g-l "Biology at school" No. 6, 2000.

5. Chizhova V. P. Petrova E. G. Rybakov A. V. “Environmental education (educational trails"- Sat. "society and nature" Moscow State University, 1981

GBOU SOSH No. 1155 (combined kindergarten No. 544)

Moscow Department of Education

North-West District Education Department

Educational program:

« Health trail»

compiler: Kindergarten teacher No. 544

Sergeeva Olga Alexandrovna

Health Trail.

In the last 10-15 years, there has been a sharp deterioration in the health status of children. Decrease in physical activity, increase in mental stress negatively affect physical development.

One of the priority directions in the activities of the Burmakinskaya secondary school №2 is health related work: prevention of morbidity, strengthening the health of children and ensuring their physical development using traditional and non-traditional methods, introducing them to the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle.

The main means of healing are natural factors: sun, air, water. In order to strengthen the health of children in the summer, using natural, natural, healing factors, a "Health Path" was organized. For several years now, it has been successfully working and allows for the prevention of children's health in a playful way. This year, the "Path of Health" has been updated and supplemented with new elements.

« Health trail»15 meters long, 60 cm wide, it is divided into 1 meter sections with different coverings:

grass cover;

needle cover (rubber mat)

plastic plugs;

sandy surface;

wooden hemp;

medium cobblestone;

large cobblestone;

thin logs;

plastic boards;

plastic tubes;

Walking through different parts of the surface trails, children receive a consistent effect on the biologically active zones located on the plantar part of the foot. These zones are associated with the body's immune system and help stimulate and strengthen the body's defenses.

Children pass by barefoot trail.

The purpose of creating the "Path of Health" is: organization of physical culture and health improvement work in the summer.

The main tasks of the "Paths of Health" organization are:

Prevention of flat feet;

Improve movement coordination;

Improve the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

Increase resistance to infectious diseases;

Improve the emotional and mental state of children;

Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.

"Path of health"

Nature does not always spoil us with good weather. Sometimes, during the camp shift, one has to forget about the "Health Path". But for children, these activities are extremely important, because are not only prevention, but also a direct method of treating flat feet.

It is known that there are many active points on the feet, stimulating which you can have a positive effect on the processes occurring in the body. The feet are a projection of all our organs. Wellness foot massage improves blood circulation, metabolism in tissues, increases immunity, reduces fatigue and fatigue from mental or physical stress, and restores working capacity. Regularly doing foot massage, you can improve the health of children unnoticed every day.

We decided to organize a "Health Path" right in the classroom. It turned out to be quite simple to make a "health path" with your own hands. Filling elements can be completely different things, from natural materials to old felt-tip pens. These are acorns, pebbles, buttons, plastic bottle caps, thick rope, a plastic grass mat, rubber shoe mats, foam sponges, bags with cereal fillers. Runner elements can be sewn onto old carpet runners. Here we have it.

Now our children can regularly do foot massage, and every day during the camp shift, they can imperceptibly improve their health.

On parent meeting we told the parents about the "Health Path" and offered to make a similar one at home. Many people liked this idea very much. We hope that it will be implemented.

Preparatory group

Educator Trofimova A.A.

“Taking care of health is the greatest work of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental and physical development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence "

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

  • Creation of an optimal motor environment using natural factors and non-standard equipment, contributing to the preservation and strengthening of the physical, mental and social health of preschool children in the summer

Project objectives

  • Provide physical activity for preschoolers.
  • Form the need for daily physical activity.
  • Reveal the level of culture of children's health, their needs, functional capabilities, taking into account age characteristics.

4. Design a motor environment to nurture culture

health in children. Develop a plan - site layout, model equipment sketches.

5. To carry out an integrated approach to the issue of protecting and strengthening the health of children in the summer through the formation of knowledge, habits and values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle.

6. Prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, colds.

7. Diversified and harmoniously develop children in the summer.

8. To form responsibility among pupils, parents, teachers

for the preservation of their own health.

9. Summarize and disseminate the experience of creating and implementing

of the Health Path project.

Stages of the Health Path project

1. Statement of goals and objectives.

2. Planning work, finding answers to the questions posed in different ways.

3. Execution of the project.

4. Generalization of work results, their analysis, conclusions, drawing up recommendations, generalization of work experience for teachers of other institutions.

All participants in the educational process will be involved in the work on this project.

Stages of project implementation

1. Preparatory (analytical) - the search for information and methodological sources, the creation of a creative group and organizing meetings for the implementation of the long-term project "Path of Health".

may 2017year

2. Organizational (informational - methodological) - analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, search and purchase of various materials for the "Path of Health" and its direct construction, in which the employees of the preschool educational institution, parents take part.

june 2017year

3. Practical (implementation of the outlined plans) - approbation and experimental verification of the main ideas of the project.

The health trail is divided into thematic blocks

1 . "Movement zone".

2. "Ecological zone".

3. "Recreation area".

Block "Motor zone"

Basic goals :

  • prevention of flat feet;
  • improved coordination of movement;
  • improving the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases;
  • improvement of the emotional and mental state of children;
  • introducing children to a healthy lifestyle

Block "Ecological zone"


  • fostering a conscious attitude to one's health through communication with nature;
  • education of skills of environmentally competent and safe behavior.

Rest zone block


Formation of the foundations:

- personal safety and prevention of injuries in the summer;

- occupational and recreational hygiene; nutrition and health;

- emotionally positive attitude;

- development of the cognitive sphere.

  • 1. Introduction of the optimal motor regime of children in the summer.
  • 2. 100% coverage of kindergarten pupils with summer vacations.
  • 3. Reducing the incidence of children in the summer.
  • 4. Positive dynamics of weight indicators.
  • 5. Formation of correct posture, its improvement in children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  • 6. Improving the emotional and mental state of preschoolers.
  • 7. Increasing the competence of teachers and parents in the field
  • organization of summer vacations for children.
  • 8. Awareness by adults and children of the concept of "health" and the influence of lifestyle on health; mastering the skills of self-improvement.
  • 9. Development of long-term plans for the physical activity of preschoolers on the "Path of Health" for all age groups.

It is known that there are many active points on the feet, stimulating which you can have a positive effect on the processes occurring in the body. The feet are a projection of all our organs. Wellness foot massage improves blood circulation, tissue metabolism, increases immunity, reduces fatigue and fatigue from mental or physical exertion, and restores working capacity. By regularly doing foot massage, you can imperceptibly improve your health and the health of your children every day. And to make this lesson not only useful, but also exciting, we make the "health path"!
For children, the health path is extremely important, because is not only prevention, but also a direct method of treating flat feet. It is good to combine "walking" along the "health path" with hardening. By doing this, we will make an invaluable contribution to the health of our children. You can organize a health track both at home and on the street. Two options are ideal. It is good if the path is accessible for the child, and he can walk along it at any time, as soon as the desire arises. But if it is not possible, lay out the track 15-20 minutes after sleep.
Making a "health path" with your own hands is quite simple. The filling elements of the “health track” can be completely different things, from natural materials to old felt-tip pens. These are cones, chestnuts, acorns, twigs, sand, wooden sticks, pebbles, pebbles, nuts, and buttons, beads, plastic bottle caps, themselves plastic bottlesfilled with water or sand, thick rope, plastic grass mat, rubber shoe mats, reasonably thick metal chains, and even old abacus. The massage track can include and soft elementse.g. foam sponges or sisal sponges. You can include bags filled with cereals, peas and beans in the track.
Elements of the track are sewn onto cuts of dense fabric, glued to plywood, oilcloth or linoleum. You can also line up special boxes with fillers, and the child will step from one to the other. Finish the "walk" along the path with good cool water, gradually lowering the water temperature to 10-12 degrees.
When organizing a "health path" on the street, it is necessary to make a substrate under it, for example, from oilcloth so that the path does not grow with grass, and to protect it with a low curb so that the elements of the path do not disperse throughout the playground.
Do not massage on the "health path" if the child is sick.
I offer you inspiring ideas for creating your own "health track" found on the Internet!
inverted plugs

plugs up lid

decorated grass rug


foam sponges



In this article we will tell you how a path in your garden can turn into a "health path".

Path in the garden - highly important element the landscape surrounding your home. And even in very small areas, this element must be thought out. Well, it would seem, what can you invent?

The task of the path in the garden is very simple - to link the objects in the garden so that it is convenient. But it is important that it also becomes a real decoration of your garden.

In order for the path to decorate your garden and lead to where you want it is necessary to take into account:

  • In what directions will you walk in the garden (it is better to do this on paper);
  • what is the purpose of the paths, the width of the path and its configuration will depend on this (for example, to the pool, to the children's or sports ground, to the barbecue or to the utility area, a width of 1 m to 1.3 m must be provided, while, paths to secluded areas of the garden can be 50 cm-70 cm);
  • depending on the function, the paving material is also chosen: stone, gravel, pebbles, wooden flooring, crushed bark, brick, paving stones, even mosaic.

A few more tips: if you design paths with bends, alternating open and closed spaces, then you can visually increase the size of the garden. But the main thing here is not to go too far: too winding paths can "tempt" a walker to shorten the path along the lawn)))

It should be borne in mind that multiple bends of the tracks will make a small section even smaller.

Now about ...

How to turn a garden path into a "health path"?

Every year landscape designers more and more pay attention to the ecological component of their creativity, today the landscape is not only the decoration of the city, but also its salvation. The pacifying, relaxing effect of landscape parks was felt by everyone who walked through them, for example in the Crimea, or in Sofiyivka, or in the Krasnokutsk Botanical Garden, etc.

Landscape therapy (treatment with landscapes), marine therapy (healing by "contemplation" of the sea), special therapy (treatment with space), herbal medicine, etc. - the therapeutic effect of these areas does not need proof and is used everywhere in medical resorts.

Now let's try to create a “small resort” in our own garden with the help of another element of landscape therapy - the “health path”. This method of therapy is based on the ancient science of reflexology, which uses the most active zones of the human body for treatment - the hands, ears and feet. It is not hard to guess what is using the reflex ability of the foot.

Ancient medicine used to massage certain points on the soles of the feet, which was a serious treatment. Indeed, on the skin of the legs there are projections of all internal organs. By acting on the feet, you can regulate the work of internal organs, relieve pain, and restore blood circulation. Therefore, walking barefoot is very beneficial.

FROM edit: the mechanism of action of the healing system through the feet lies in the fact that when exposed to the zone, the projection of the diseased organ is generated in it electromagnetic wave, which has a healing effect on the diseased organ. The human foot is in second place after the hand in terms of similarity to the structure of the human body. The big toe corresponds to the head, and the continuation below the foot corresponds to the body, the 2nd and 5th fingers are the hands, the 3rd and 4th are the legs, and the continuation between them is the pelvic organs. The left foot is the left side of the body, and the right foot, respectively, is the right side of the body.

A list of reflexogenic zones can be seen in the figure.

The design of a health trail comes down to the fact that on the site where the tracks are provided, you need alternate different types coverings of a certain length.It is better to design the track as a circular shape or in the form of a figure eight. Each type of paving produces a selective reflex effect:

  • sand, small pebbles, paving from boards of different types of wood - have a calming effect on the body
  • large pebbles, wooden cuts - have a tonic effect
  • crushed stone, marble chips - have a stimulating effect.

The task is to walk barefoot along the trail for a certain time. For healing, the exposure time is as follows: first on large paving, then on fine gravel, followed by a board and along the sand:

  • 1-2 minutes with the whole foot
  • 1-2 min on heels
  • 1-2 min on fingers
  • 1-2 min on the outer lateral surface of the foot
  • 1-2 min on the inner surface of the foot

If you want to act purposefully on some organ, then a health-improving walk should be carried out in accordance with the human biorhythms, taking into account maximum rhythms of work of a particular organ.

  • from 3 to 5 am - lungs
  • from 5 to 7 am - large intestine
  • from 7 to 9 o'clock - stomach
  • from 9:00 to 11:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00 - bladder
  • from 17 to 19 hours - kidneys
  • from 19 to 21 hours - pericardium (pericardial sac)
  • from 21:00 to 23:00 - a system of three heaters
  • from 23 to 1 o'clock - gallbladder
  • from 1 to 3 o'clock - liver

So let's summarize. The path in the garden, in addition to its usual utilitarian functions - the connection between objects on the site, and aesthetic - to give pleasure when contemplating the garden, can also have a healing effect. Based on the research of scientists, on your creativity and on the above tips, you can safely turn your path in the garden to the "health path".