The meaning of the war in Napoleon's life. Napoleon military trips

Napoleon stated: "The victory will give me the opportunity, as the owner, to carry out everything I want"

Napoleonic Wars 1799-1815 - France and its allies in the years of consulate (1799-1804) and Napoleon I (1804-1815) against coalitions of European states.

Character wars:

1) Celebrating

2) revolutionary (undermining feudal orders, the development of capitalist relations in Europe, the spread of revolutionary ideas)

3) bourgeois (conducted in the interests of the French bourgeoisie, who was striving to consolidate their military-political and trade and industrial domination on the continent, pushing into the second British bourgeoisie plan)

Main opponents: England, Russia, Austria


1) Fight with 2 Anti-Manzu coalition

2 Antifranzuz coalition was formed in 1798-99 . participants: England, Russia, Austria, Turkey and Neapolitan Kingdom

18 Brother (November 9) 1799 - Installation of the Military Dictatorship of Napoleon Bonaparte, who became the first consul - the conditional date of the beginning of the Napoleonic Wars

may 1800 - Napoleon at the head of the army moved through the Alps to Italy and defeated the Austrian troops in the battle at Marrengo (June 14, 1800).

Outcome: 1) France received Belgium, the left bank of the Rhine and control over the entire Northern Italy, where the Italian Republic was created (Luneville Mirny Treaty)

2) The 2nd Antifranzus coalition actually stopped existence,

Russia came out of it because of disagreements; War continued only the United Kingdom.

After the resignation of W. Pitta Jr. (1801), the new English government entered into negotiations with France

Negotiation outcome:

1802 - Signing Amiens peace treaty. France took its troops from Rome, Naples and Egypt, and England - from O. Malta.

But 1803 - the resumption of the war between France and the United Kingdom.

1805 - Trafalgar battle. The English fleet under the command of Admiral Nelson defeated and destroyed the combined Franco-Spanish fleet. This defeat threw the strategic intention of Napoleon I to organize a landing in the UK of the French Expeditionary Army, focused in the Boulogne camp.

1805 - Creation 3 antifranzu coalition (United Kingdom, Austria, Russia, Sweden).

Military actions - along the Danube. Within three weeks, Napoleon defeated the Stroyky Austrian Army in Bavaria, forcing the capitulate the main forces of the Austrians on October 20 in Ulm.

December 2, 1805 - Battle with Austerlice, in which Napoleon inflicted a crushing defeat by Russian and Austrian troops.

December 26, 1805 - Presburg Mir. Austria pays to the conference, she lost a huge part of the lands. From the South Germanic states, Napoleon created the Rhine Union and appointed himself his head. In turn, the Russian emperor Alexander I did not accept the defeat and did not sign the world with Napoleon.

september 1806 - between Russia and Prussia was concluded new Antifranzuz SoyuzTo which England and Sweden joined

October 14, 1806 In two battles at Jen and Auerstadt, the French were broken by the Prussian army, after thirteen days the Army of Napoleon joined Berlin.


    prussia's capitulation, all possessions west of Elbe - Napoleon, where he formed the Kingdom of Westphalia

    On the territory of Poland, the Duchy of Warsaw was created

    It was imposed on Prussia 100 million control, before the payment of which it was occupied by French troops.

2 battles with the Russian army:

french troops dropped the Russian army and approached Neman. And Napoleon, who by this time won the whole of Europe, and Alexander I, who lost all allies, believed to further continue the war senseless.

July 7, 1807 - Tilzit Mir. On a specially delivered raft in the middle of the Nemman River, a meeting of two emperors took place. Outcome:

    Russia recognized all the conquests of the French Empire

    Russia received freedom of action against Sweden and Turkey.

    According to the secret point of the agreement, Alexander promised to stop trading with England, that is, to join the continental blockade, shortly before that Napoleon announced.

may 1808 - Folk uprisings in Madrid, Cartagena, Zaragoza, Murcia, Asturias, Grenada, Balahos, Valencia.

A number of severe lesions of the French. Portugal rebelled, in whose territory English troops landed. The defeat of the Napoleonic troops in Spain undermined the international positions of France.

Napoleon was looking for support in Russia.

Napoleon managed to achieve extension franco-Russian Union, but only the price of the recognition of Russia's right to Moldova, Valachia and Finland, which then belonged to Sweden. However, in the most important issue for Napoleon about Russia's attitude to Austria, Alexander I showed persistence. He was well aware of Napoleon's difficulties and was absolutely not located to help him pacify Austria. The discussion on the Austrian problem was held in a tense atmosphere. Without having achieved concessions, Napoleon shouted, threw his tricon on the floor, began to trample her legs. Alexander I, while maintaining calm, told him: "You are a hot man, I'm stubborn: anger does not work for me. Let's talk, reason, otherwise I will leave" - \u200b\u200band headed for the exit. Napoleon had to keep him and calm down. The discussion resumed in a more moderate, even friendly tone.

Outcome: October 12, 1808 g signing union ConventionBut no real strengthening of the Franco-Russian Union has happened.

The conclusion of the new Convention with Russia allowed Napoleon to quit his strength against Spain and again master Madrid.

april 1809 - Austria began military operations at the Upper Danube, enhancing support from England, which formed the 5th coalition against France.

    heavy defeat of the Austrians, after which Franz I was forced to start negotiations about the world.1

    Napoleon joined almost all Western Galicia to the Duchy of Warsaw

    Russia departed the Tarnopol district.

    Austria was deprived of Western Galicia, the provinces of Salzburg, part of the Upper Austria and Extreme, Carinthia, Croatia, as well as land on the Adriatic Sea coast (Trieste, Fiume, and others who have become the Illyrian Departments of the French Empire). Shenbrun world of 1809 is the largest success of Napoleon diplomacy.

Russian-French relations began to deteriorate rapidly because of:

    the conclusions of the Shenbrun Agreement and the significant expansion of the Duchy of Warsaw due to Western Galicia

    napoleon's unwillingness to distinguish between spheres of influence in the Middle East. He sought by all means to subjugate the Balkan Peninsula.

    july 1810 - the Dutch Kingdom was joined to France

    December 1810 - Swiss Territory Valis in France

    february 1811 - the Duchy of the Oldenburg, parts of the Duke of Berg and the Kingdom of Hannovorsky moved France.

    Hamburg, Bremen and Lubeck as well as France, which became the Baltic Power

    Napoleon's unsuccessful attempt to wonder Alexander's sister 1 Anne Pavlovna (of course it is not important)

    napoleon's support The poles' desire to independence that was not satisfied with Russia

    napoleon Napoleon Promises Support Russia against Turkey

    Russia's violation of the Continental Blocade Agreement.

This was the cause of war 1812.

Both countries violated the conditions of the Tilzite world. War was preparing. Napoleon sought, first of all, to stronger to bind to France Prussia and Austria.

On February 24, 1812, Friedrich Wilhelm III concluded a secret convention with France, according to which Prussia pledged a 20 thousandth building to participate in the war against Russia.

March 14, 1812 - Austria also pledged to take part in the war against Russia, exposing a 30-thousand corps for action in Ukraine. But both of these agreements were signed under coarse pressure from the French diplomats.

Napoleon demanded from Russia to fulfill the conditions of the Tilzite world.

On April 27, Curakin on behalf of the Tsar told Napoleon that a prerequisite for this could appear:

    department of French troops from Prussia for Elbe

    liberation of Swedish Pomerania and Danzig

    consent to Russia's trade with neutral countries.

Napoleon refused. He placed the Armed Forces in Prussia and in the Duchy of Warsaw, the most borders of Russia.

alexander 1 Balashov spokesman, tried to convince Napoleon to stop the invasion. The latter answered the Tsarskoy Messenger with rude and arrogant refusal. After the departure of Balashov, the diplomatic intercourse between the Russian and French governments stopped.

The first failures of Napoleon, who failed to defeat the troops of General Barklay de Tolly in border battles, forced him to look for the honorary world.

August 4-5 - Smolensk battle. The retreat of Russian troops. After Smolensk, Bonaparte first tried to start negotiations with the Russian government, but the negotiations did not take place.

November 14-16 - Berezin fight. The retreat towards Berezia and wine led by Napoleon's army to almost complete death. And without the catastrophic position of the French troops was even more deteriorated by the transition of Prussian troops on the side of Russia. Thus, a new, 6th coalition against France was created. In addition to England and Russia, Prussia was now opposed to Napoleon, and then Sweden.

On August 10, Austria entered the 6th coalition at the moment when a huge army was concentrated in Germany against Napoleon, consisting of Russian, Prussian, Swedish and English contingents.

October 16-19, 1813 - the "Battle of Peoples" under Leipzig. The broken armies of Napoleon were forced to retreat for the Rhine, and soon hostilities were transferred to the territory of France itself.

On March 31, Alexander I and Friedrich Wilhelm III, at the head of his troops, solemnly entered the streets of the French capital. Found in Fontainebleau, 90 kilometers from Paris, Napoleon was forced to refuse to continue the struggle

April 6 - Napoleon renounced the throne in favor of his son; Later he submived to the south of France to follow the sea to the island of ELBA, granted to him allies in life ownership.

May 30, 1814 - Paris Treaty between France and the Sixth Coalition (Russia, United Kingdom, Austria, Prussia), to which Spain, Portugal and Sweden later joined.:

    restoration of the independence of Holland, Switzerland, the German principalities (united in the Union) and Italian states (except for the land that went to Austria).

    Freedom of shipping on Rhine and Shelda was announced.

    France returned most of the colonial possessions lost by her during the Napoleonic Wars

September 1814 - June 1815 - Vienna Congress. Convened according to the conditions of the Paris Treaty. Representatives of all European states (except Turkey) participated


    the elimination of political changes and transformations that occurred in Europe as a result of the French bourgeois revolution and Napoleonic wars.

    the principle of "legitimism", i.e. the restoration of the "legal" rights of the former monarchs that have lost their own ownership. In reality, the principle of "legitimism" was only a cover for the arbitrariness of the reaction

    creating guarantees against returning to the power of Napoleon and the resumption of France of the Corrective Wars

    redistribute Europe in the interests of the Winners


    France is deprived of all the conquests, its boundaries remain the same as in 1792

    Malta and Ionian Islands to England

    Austria's power - to Northern Italy and some Balkan provinces

    Section of the Duchy of Warsaw between Austria, Russia and Prussia. The land included in the Russian Empire were called the Kingdom of Polish, and the Russian Emperor Alexander I became the Polish king.

    including in the new Kingdom of the Netherlands of the Austrian Netherlands

    Prussia got a part of Saxony, a significant territory of Westphalia and the Rhine Region

    The formation of the German Union

Value Congress:

    identified a new alignment of forces in Europe, which established by the end of the Napoleonic wars, for a long time, denoting the leading role of the winning countries - Russia, Austria and the UK - in international relations.

    there was a Vienna system of international relations

    creating a sacred union of European states, who had the goal of providing the inviolability of European monarchies.

« 100 days"Napoleon - March-June 1815.

Return of Napoleon to power

June 18, 1815 - Battle at Waterloo. Defeat of the French army. Link Napoleon on Saint Helena Island.

Napoleon led battle

Napoleonic Wars (1796-1815) - the epoch in the history of Europe, when France has tried to impose the principles of freedom, equality to the capitalist path of development, the brotherhood, with whom her people did their great revolution surrounding States.

The soul of this grand enterprise, his driving force was a French commander, a politician who eventually became Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Therefore, they call numerous European wars of the beginning of the 19th century by Napoleonic

"Bonaparte is a small increase, is not very building: it is too long torso. Dark brown hair, gray-blue eyes; Facial color, first, with youthful hoodo, yellow, and then, with years, white, matte, without any Rumyanta. The features are beautiful, resemble antique medals. Mouth, a little flat, becomes pleasant when he smiles; The chin is a bit short. Lower jaw Silent and square. Feet and hands are elegant, he is proud of them. Eyes, usually dull, give the face when it is calm, the expression of melancholic, thoughtful; When he is angry, his look becomes suddenly harsh and threatening. The smile is very good, makes him suddenly quite kind and young; It is difficult for him to resist him, so it is all good and transformed "(Mrs. Remuza, from the memoirs, the court lady at the court Josephine)

Napoleon's biography. Briefly

  • 1769, 15 August - Born on Corsica
  • 1779, May-1785, October - Learning at Bryren and Paris military schools.
  • 1789-1795 - In one way to participation in the events of the Great French Revolution
  • 1795, June 13 - Appointment by the General Western Army
  • 1795, October 5 - on the orders of the convention dispersed the Piano Putch.
  • 1795, October 26 - appointment by the General of the Inner Army.
  • 1796, March 9 - marriage in Josephine Bogarne.
  • 1796-1797 - Italian company
  • 1798-1799 - Egyptian company
  • 1799, November 9-10 - a coup. Napoleon becomes a consul together with Cayes and Roger Duko
  • 1802, 2 August - Napoleon presents a lifelong consulate
  • 1804, May 16 - proclaimed by the emperor of the French
  • 1807, January 1 - Proclamation of the Continental Blockade of the UK
  • 1809, December 15 - Divorce with Josephine
  • 1810, April 2 - Marriage to Mary Louise
  • 1812, June 24 - the beginning of the war with Russia
  • 1814, March 30-31 - the army of the antifranzu coalition entered Paris
  • 1814, April 4-6 - renunciation of Napoleon from power
  • 1814, May 4 - Napoleon on Elba Island.
  • 1815, February 26 - Napoleon left ELBA
  • 1815, March 1 - Napoleon landing in France
  • 1815, 20mart - Army Napoleon with triumph joined Paris
  • 1815, June 18 - the defeat of Napoleon in the battle of Waterloo.
  • 1815, June 22 - the second renunciation of the throne
  • 1815, October 16 - Napoleon is concluded on the island of Saint Helena
  • 1821, May 5 - Death of Napoleon

Napoleon is considered by the unanimous recognition of specialists the greatest military genius of world history(Academician Tarla)

Napoleonic Wars

Napoleon led war not so much with individual states as with the unions of states. All these unions or coalitions were seven
First coalition (1791-1797): Austria and Prussia. War of this coalition with France is not included in the list of Napoleonic wars

Second coalition (1798-1802): Russia, England, Austria, Turkey, Neapolitan Kingdom, Several German Principles, Sweden. The main battles occurred in the regions of Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Holland.

  • 1799, April 27 - With the Addness River, the victory of the Russian-Austrian troops under the command of Suvorov over the French army under the command of J. V. Moro
  • 1799, June 17 - With the River River, the River of the demand in Italy, the victory of the Russian-Austrian troops Suvorov over the French army McDonald
  • 1799, August 15 - with Novi (Italy) victory of the victory of the Russian-Austrian troops Suvorov over the French army of Jubera
  • 1799, September 25-26 - With Zurich, the defeat of the coalition troops from the French under the command
  • 1800, June 14 - at Marrengo, Napoleon's French army won over the Austrians
  • 1800, December 3 - Gogenlinden Indian Army Moro defeated Austrians
  • 1801, February 9 - Luneville world between France and Austria
  • 1801, October 8 - a peace treaty in Paris between France and Russia
  • 1802, March 25 - Amiens world between France, Spain and the Batava Republic on the one hand and England - on the other

France set control over Level Bank Rhine. Tsizalpinskaya (in Northern Italy), Batava (Holland) and Helvescent (Switzerland) of the Republic are recognized as independent

Third coalition (1805-1806): England, Russia, Austria, Sweden. Maintenance martialctions happened on land in Austria, Bavaria and the sea

  • 1805, October 19 - Napoleon's victory over the Austrians at Ulm
  • 1805, October 21 - the defeat of the French-Spanish fleet from the British during Trafalgar
  • 1805, December 2 - Napoleon's victory over Austerlitz over the Russian-Austrian army ("Battle of Three Emperors")
  • 1805, December 26 - the Suppleary World (Nursue - the current Bratislava) between France and Austria

Austria lost to Napoleon Venetian region, Istria (Peninsula in the Adriatic Sea) and Dalmatia (today, mainly belongs to Croatia) and recognized all French seizures in Italy, as well as lost their possessions to the west of Carinthia (today, federal land as part of Austria)

Fourth Coalition (1806-1807): Russia, Prussia, England. The main events took place in Poland and East Prussia

  • 1806, October 14 - Napoleon's victory at Jena over the Prussian Army
  • 1806, October 12, Napoleon took Berlin
  • 1806, December - Joining the Russian Army
  • 1806, December 24-26 - Fights at Charnovo, Gollane, Pultusk, who ended in a draw
  • 1807, February 7-8 (n. Art.) - Napoleon's victory in the battle of Precisch Eilau
  • 1807, June 14 - Napoleon's victory in the battle near Friedland
  • 1807, June 25 - the Tilzite world between Russia and France

Russia recognized all the conquests of France and promised to join the continental blockade of England

Pyrenean Wars Napoleon: Attempt by Napoleon to conquer the country of the Pyrenean Peninsula.
From October 17, 1807 to April 14, 1814, while athighted, the fighting of Napoleonic Marshals with Spanish-Portugue-Angi forces continued to renewing with the new fierce. France could not completely subjugate to Spain and Portugal on the one hand because the theater of war was on the periphery of Europe, on the other - due to counteracting the occupation of the peoples of these countries

Fifth coalition (April 9-14, 1809): Austria, England. France spoke in alliance with Poland, Bavaria, Russia. The main events took place in Central Europe

  • 1809, April 19-22 - Victory for the French teugen-Khausenskaya, Abensoberg, Landshutskaya, Ekmüul battles in Bavaria.
  • The Austrian army endured one failure after another, did not make up cases of allies in Italy, Dalmatia, Tyrol, Northern Germany, Poland and Holland
  • 1809, July 12 - A truce was concluded between Austria and France
  • 1809, October 14 - Schönbruna world between France and Austria

Austria lost to the exit to the Adriatic Sea. France - Istria with Trieste. Western Galicia, Bavaria received Tyrol and Salzburg region, Russia - Tarnopol District (as compensation for its participation in the war on France, received Bavaria.

Sixth Coalition (1813-1814): Russia, Prussia, England, Austria and Sweden, and after the defeat of Napoleon in the battle of peoples near Leipzig in October 1813, the German states of Württemberg and Bavaria joined the coalition. Regardless of Napoleon on the Pyrenean Peninsula, Spain, Portugal and England fought

The main events of the war of the sixth coalition with Napoleon took place in Central Europe

  • 1813 - Battle for Lutzen. Allies retreated, but victory was presented in the battle rear
  • 1813, October 16-19 - the defeat of Napoleon from the Union troops in the battle near Leipzig (the Battle of Peoples)
  • 1813, 30-31 October - Fight at Khanau, in which the Austro-Bavarian Corps unsuccessfully tried to block the path of the retreat of the French army, broken into the battle of peoples
  • 1814, January 29 - a victorious battle for Napoleon under shaved with Russian-Prussian-Austrian forces
  • 1814, 10-14 February - victory for Napoleon battles for champ boards, monimirale, Chateau-Thierry, Voshun, in kotra, Russians and Austrians lost 16,000 people
  • 1814, March 9 - Successful for the army of coalition Battle in the city of Laon (North of France), in which Napoleon was still able to maintain the army
  • 1814, March 20-21 - the battle of Napoleon and the main army of the allies on the river about (center of France), in which the coalition army dropped the small army of Napoleon and went to Paris, which entered on March 31
  • 1814, May 30 - Paris Mirny Treaty, which ended the end of the War of Napoleon with the countries of the Sixth Coalition

France returned to the borders that existed on January 1, 1792, she returned most of the colonial possessions lost to it during Napoleonic Wars. In the country raised the monarchy

Seventh Coalition (1815): Russia, Sweden, England, Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal. The main events of the Napoleon war with the seventh coalition countries took place in France and Belgium.

  • 1815, March 1, fleeing from the island Napoleon landed in France
  • 1815, March 20 Napoleon without resistance took Paris

    According to the headlines of the French newspapers as Napoleon approaches the capital of France:
    "The Corsican monster landed in Juan Bay," Godwood goes to the highway "," the usurper entered Grenoble "," Bonaparte occupied Lyon "," Napoleon approaches Fontaineblery "," His imperial majesty enters the Paris faithful to him "

  • 1815, March 13, England, Austria, Prussia and Russia declared Napoleon outside the law, on March 25 formed a seventh coalition against him.
  • 1815, mid-June - Napoleon's army entered Belgium
  • 1815, on June 16, the French were divided by the British at Catr Scon and Prussians at Liny
  • 1815, June 18 - the defeat of Napoleon

The result of Napoleonic Wars

"The defeat of feudal-absolutist Europe Napoleon had a positive, progressive historical meaning... Napoleon inflicted feudalism such irreparable strikes, from whom he could never recover, and this is the progressive value of the historical epic of Napoleonic Wars " (Academician E. V. Tarl)

Napoleon Bonaparte - Conqueror of the whole of Europe

On August 15, 1769, a person was born on the island of Corsica, who belonged to the French kingdom, whose name was in history forever: if someone is called Napoleon or talk about the Napoleonic plans, they mean both the grand plans and the individuals of the big scope, endowed with outstanding talents.

The boy received a rare name for that time - Napoleon. It was not easy with him and the last name - Buonaparte. Becoming an adult, he "reproached" the name and surname to the French Floor and became known as Napoleon Bonaparte.

The life of Bonaparte belongs to a number of strange cases, when the posthumous historical fate of the hero not only crossed out, but even forced people to forget those real cases that this hero distinguished in real history ...

So what was the real role of Napoleon for France and Europe, and what were the results of the era, which is customary to call Napoleonic?

Napoleon was not distinguished by the knowledge of origin, as it was just a second son of a small nobleman. Therefore, he could not count on any big career. But the Great French Revolution intervened, broken all the estate partitions, and in the new conditions Bonaparte could easily show its natural abilities. Of course, without luck: at first he successfully chose the specialty of an artillery driver, then several times successfully chose the right time and the right place (for example, under the rebel toulon in 1793, then at the head of the troops who suppressed the royalist riot in Paris in 1795, and At the head of the Italian army in the campaign of 1797).

The circumstances of the post-revolutionary development inexorably pushed France to dictatorship. There were a lot of applicants for the role of the dictator, but by virtue of the circumstances and again, the candidate of Bonaparte in 1799 did not have an alternative. His reputation did not damage even the failed expedition to Egypt - leaving the French army on the banks of the Nile, Bonaparte returned home not as a deserter, but as a savior of the Fatherland! And immediately captured the power, without having any resistance. Provided the position of the first consul and immediately consolidated his dictatorial status amendments to the Constitution, formally approved by their popular voting.

France expected Bonaparte to quickly bring order, and he was this task, in principle, fulfilled: created a centralized bureaucratic management system, and authorities legislative power turned into purely decorative. And, of course, introduced his first brainchild - the famous Code of Napoleon, legally, the foundations of bourgeois protein.

In the course of subsequent revolutionary wars, Napoleon joined the rich and strategically significant territories of the current Belgium and Rhine Levobasya to France, whose residents have long been under the strong influence of French culture, reacted to conquerors who have abolished feudal orders, completely loyally. In the future, it was possible to count on the complete assimilation of the population of the conquered land (as in Alsace, the original German, but by the end of the XVII century a completely "film-made").

Territorial expansion significantly increased the resource potential of France, and in the future it could be the most powerful and rich state of Europe. But first it was necessary to consolidate the conquest and diplomatically issue new borders of the state.

In 1800, Bonaparte won another victory at Marrenggo, which opened France the path to the honored world with Austria, concluded in February 1801. In March 1802, a peace treaty with England was signed in Amiens. The seizure of the power of the dictator proved that it can more effectively use this power for the benefit of the French than the rulers that bezed by the people. Becoming a real idol nation, Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed himself with the emperor of France, but did not refuse new wars and conquests. Thus, the world with England crashed a year after his signing, the next war with continental monarchies began in 1805.

In fact, all Napoleonic trips 1805-1811 were completely useless to France and her people. Napoleon captured and forced European countries to obedience, creating a huge patchwork empire, comparable to scale with the possessions of Karl the Great. According to the creator's plan, this empire was supposed to dominate the whole world. But she collapsed after a trip to Russia.

The Napoleonic Europe's gained wars created from the blood and mud reminded the Barbaric Empires of the Early Middle Ages: Around France - the remains of conquered, humiliated and robbed states connected together only by the force of French weapons. And managed to all the puppets of the French dictator - either his appointees, hated by the subjects, or representatives of the old dynasties, secretly hated conquerors.

The most visual sample of Napoleonic arbitrariness was his policy in Spain. At first, the Spaniards sympatheted France, and King Carlos was a reliable ally of Napoleon, the French and Spaniards were fighting against the British together. However, the smug emperor did not need allies - he needed only vassals. Napoleon decided to transfer the Spanish throne to his brother Joseph (by the way, not marked by any talents and merit). Carlos, together with his heir, Ferdinand, the emperor had a little lured into French territory and entered into custody.

But the proud Spaniards did not conquer the dominion imposed on them. Napoleon occupied Spain, captured Madrid, but it was not able to break the resistance of the Spanish people, which was supported by the British troops landed on the Pyrenean Peninsula.

In 1799, the Italian victories of the Russian commander Alexander Suvorov discredited some popular generals of the French Republic and caused Paric in the ruling circles to panic, which, by the way, helped Bonaparte to seize power. After becoming the first consul of France, he grabbed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Union with Emperor Paul, with whom was going to organize a campaign to the proven British India.

After that, for many years, Napoleon considered Russia as a hostile state, thinking so and acting accordingly, even in 1807-1811, when he consisted in the formal Union with Emperor Alexander I. Iconed in 1812 a trip to Russia, Napoleon collected the United Army From all countries subject to Europe - and she, according to all the canons of European Military art, should have achieved a complete victory! However, the European Strategy of Napoleon was rescued before the wise strategy of the Russian Feldmarshal Kutuzov, which, moreover, was supported by the People's War in the specific conditions of Russia with its thick forests, rare cities and a population who did not want to subjugate conquerors.

But at first, fate was favorable to the French. Anxiety worried Verchami russian nobility After the occupation of Moscow, Napoleon, and Alexander even tone, that not only among the peasants there are rumors about freedom, but among the soldiers say, as if the king himself secretly asked Napoleon to enter Russia and free the peasants, because the landowners were afraid. And in St. Petersburg there were rumors that Napoleon - the son of Catherine II and goes from Alexander his legitimate Russian crown, after which the peasants will free.

In 1812, many peasant unrest against landowners took place in Russia. Napoleon, then suddenly ordered information about the Russian Buntar Emelyan Pugacheva in the Moscow archive, then the surrounding emperors did the sketches of Manifest to the peasantry, he passed to the question about Tatars and Cossacks.

Being in Russia, Napoleon could, of course, try to cancel the fortress right and inclined the people of Russia (without such measures of the recruit potential of France, could not be enough to achieve the goals set by Bonaparte).

Thoughts on the use of Pugachev experience show that the French emperor really imagined the possible consequences of his decisive speech as the liberator of the peasants. Therefore, the Russian nobles, if they were afraid, then there is not so much continental blockade as the abolition of serfdom in the event of the victory of the French.

However, Napoleon did not want to try to implement this plan. For himself as the emperor of the new bourgeois Europe, he considered the "Men's Revolution" unacceptable even at such a moment when this revolution was for him the only chance of a possible victory. He also fleeily, sitting in the Kremlin, and about the uprising in Ukraine, about the possible use of Tatars ... And all these ideas were also rejected them. Everyone knows what happened further: the collapse of the French army and the shameful flight of her residues from the burned Moscow and from Russia.

Meanwhile, as the liberation march of the Russian army is promoted to the West, the Anti-Napoleon coalition grew. In the "Battle of Peoples" on October 16-19, 1813, Russian, Austrian, Prussian and Swedish troops were performed against the oversized of the French military forces.

The victims in this battle is complete defeat, Napoleon after the allies entry to Paris was forced to renounce the throne and in 1814 to go to the exile to the small island of Elba in the Mediterranean Sea. But, by returning in the mood of foreign troops, Burbones and emigrants began to demand the return of their property and privileges, which caused discontent and fear of both in French society and among the military. Taking advantage of this, the extraordinary ex-emperor fled from Elba to Paris, who met him as a Savior of the nation. The war resumed, but long-suffering France had no longer had the strength to behave. "One hundred days" of the re-impereatment of Napoleon was completed by the final defeat of Napoleonic troops in the famous battle with the British under Waterloo on June 18, 1815.

Napoleon himself, becoming a prisoner of the British, was sent to the island of Saint Elena in the Atlantic Ocean. There, in the village of Longwood, he spent the last six years of life.

Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821 and was buried not far from Longwood, in the area with the beautiful name of the Gena Valley. After 19 years old Louis Philipp, giving way to Bonapartes, sent a delegation to the island of Saint Elena to fulfill the last will of Napoleon - to be buried at home. The remains of the Great Dictator found their last refuge in the house of disabled in Paris.

In memoirs, written on the island of Saint Helena, Napoleon tried to justify his fatal campaign of 1812 in Russia by the considerations of the highest good. Former plans, the overthrown French emperor depicted as a project to associate Europe into a certain community of states, in which the rights of peoples would be respected, and all controversial issues were solved at international congresses. Then the war would cease, and the army declined to the size of the guards parts entertaining the parades of unborn monarchs. That is, from the point of view of modernity, Napoleon seemed to anticipate the design of the current European Union.

The famous French writer Standal somehow confessed that he again loved Napoleon, hating those who came to shift. Indeed, the colorless despotism of the last Bourbon created a rich soil for nostalgic memories of the first majesty of the French Empire. From this nostalgia was born as a special ideology and the corresponding political flow Bonapartism.

In simplified form, it is possible to state the foundations of the Bonapartist worldview as follows: the French nation is the greatest European nation, so France must dominate in Europe, and in order to achieve this, the nation should lead the great leader. Authoritarian methods of government management and priority use of military force to solve external problems - such are the main methods of manifestation of Bonapartism.

The glory of the Glory of Napoleon I fell on his nephew Louis Napoleon - a rather grip adventurerist, who dear to power cleared the revolution of 1848. So, the drama of the Napoleonic Empire was played again - in the style of tragicomedy, but with shades of farce. Napoleon III spoke in the role of the main character (Louis titled, recognizing Napoleon II never reigning the son of the first emperor).

Louis Napoleon was elected president of the Second Republic, and then, as usual, made a coup, and in December 1852 climbed the imperial throne. He could, in principle, to reckon with a good ruler: she smoked the country, contributed to the development of the industry, encouraged art, rebuilt Paris, giving him a modern appearance. The economy of France flourished, the elite bathed in gold, something overrered and a simple people. By the way, at the end of his reign Napoleon III, even somewhat weakened the dictatorial regime.

But the mythology of Bonapartism demanded the "brilliance of bloodshed." And Napoleon III did not have a tendency to the military case and on the battlefields looked more sorry than heroically. However, he often fought: together with England against Russia, together with Piedmont - against Austria, together with Austria and Spain - against Mexican Republicans. The French army occupied Rome under his leadership, landed in Lebanon.

Wars created the deceptive visibility of the power of the second empire, but did not bring special territorial benefits of France. Trying at least a bit to move the borders to the cherished Rhinean shores, Napoleon III fell into a difficult diplomatic binder, where his opponent became a fanatical Prussian Patriot Bismarck, who united Germany truly by Napoleonic means - "iron and blood". The result of their dangerous game was the defeat of the second empire in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-1871. Thus, Bonapartism is secondary (and finally) failed in real politics. But his political techniques and ideological promises included in the practice of many subsequent applicants for world domination.


It is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment of the values \u200b\u200bof the consulate and the empire of Napoleon Bonaparte for European history. On the one hand, Napoleonic wars, which were conducted for the conquest of other people's territories and the robbery of other nations, led in France and in other European states to huge human victims. Hoping defeated countries with huge contributions, Napoleon loosen and ruined them. When he spraulously reproved the map of Europe or tried to impose a new economic order in the form of a continental blockade, he intervened in a natural course historical Development, disturbing age-old borders and traditions.

But, on the other hand, history is always evolving as a result of the struggle of old and new. And from this point of view, the Napoleonic Empire personified a new bourgeois order in the face of the old feudal Europe. Just as in 1792-1794, the French revolutionaries tried with the help of weapons to carry their ideas in Europe and Napoleon the bayonets introduced bourgeois orders in the conquered countries. By establishing French domination in European states, he simultaneously canceled the feudal rights of the nobility and the shop system there, carried out the secularization of church lands, spreading their civil code into them. In other words, he destroyed the feudal system and acted in this respect, as Standal said, like the "son of the revolution." So, the Napoleonic era was in European history one of its bright stages of manifestations of the transition from the old order to a new time.

Napoleon entered the story as an outstanding, ambiguous, having brilliant colodular, diplomatic, intellectual abilities, amazing efficiency and phenomenal memory.

Thanks to the victorious wars, the territory of the Empire has significantly expanded, the majority of Western and Central Europe states dependent on France.

In March 1804, the Code Signed by Napoleon became the basic law and basis of French jurisprudence.

Departments and district prefects appeared in France. That is, the administrative division of French lands has changed significantly. In the cities and even villages from that time, managers appeared - mayors.

A French state bank was created, which was intended to balance the financial situation in the country and reliably store his golden stock.

There were lyceums, a polytechnic school and a normal school, that is, the education system was updated. Until now, these training structures are the most prestigious throughout France.

What did you say about him:

"The poet Goethe said rightly: For Napoleon, the power was the same as the musical instrument for the Great Artist. He immediately launched this tool, barely only managed to take possession of them ... " (Evgeny Tarl)

"The history of Napoleon reminds the myth of Sisyif. He courageously rolled up his stone block - Arkla, Austerlitz, Yen; Then every time the stone fell down, and to raise it again, more and more courage, more and more effort " (Andre Morua).

What did he say:

"Ingenious people are meteors designed to burn to illuminate their century."

"There are two levers that can move people - fear and personal interest."

"The last word always remains for public opinion."

"Won the battle is not the one who gave a good advice, but the one who took responsibility for his fulfillment and ordered to fulfill."

"You can do everything with courage, but not everything can be done."

"Custom entails us to many nonsense; The biggest one is to deal with his slave. "

"One bad commander-in-chief is better than two good."

"The Troops of the Baranov, headed by Lev, will always win over the army of Lviv, headed by a ram."

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(1804-1814, 1815) Protection of the An-Ti-Fran-Tsuz-Svu-Darisi and Individual Mi-Ra countries with Tse-Luya His part-in-native and eco-no-ethnic state in the Ev-Ro-ne, the di-di-thread to the Far-Ri-Rii and Li-sew ve-ly-co-brother of a hundred-tu-sa Mi-Ro-in-go-de-Ra.

On Napo-Napoleonic wars of the SPO-ST-Wa-Vas-Ey-Mu National-Os-in-Bohn Moto and Ev-Ropai Easy, -Ho-diva-shih under the jen of the Tom of the Schuchen Roman impeding, the Super and the Mo-Nari-Khichsky Rea-Mov, the for-Mi-RO-Wa -Mo-hundred-of-country national go-su-darisms. One-on-to-ko-re samo on-in-le, I am a break-til and under-chi-neil a number of countries, na-dy-dy Snove is the volume of foreign over-Voe-te-lei. Napoleonic wars are a hundred percent-grip-ni-che-mi, pre-ti-ti in an is-point nickname pre-ho-yes for on-le-o-new FRs .

To the Men-Tu at-Ho-yes to Voshi on-in-les-o-on-on-pa-ta-ta, Far-La in the co-standing of the war from the 2nd An-Ti-Fran-Tsuz-Skoi-Li-her (COP-Ya-on in 1798-1799) in the co-hundred-ve-lee-co-brothers, co-roos Lev-St-Va of both Si-Qi-Lii, Jubi-Rim-Skoy, Ros-Siy and Os-Man-Square Im-Pe Rija. In the re-Zul-Ta-Those of the non-successful Dae-St-Viya Far-ration to the Ox-NE 1799, the Oka-Uasha in the complex in the Lo-Nii. Pro-Dol-Zhai-Pet-Schaya ex-per-di-in-les-oh-on-na-par-ta, from-re-tajan from Met-Ro-Po Lii Ex-PE-Di-Di-di-di-di-di in the crickets. France's ge-gay in Ita-Lii would be Ut-Ra-Che-on in Re-Zul-Ta-Th-Ta Yang-Kho in Ho-yes 1799. The Austrian AR-Miya on the top of him Rei-not be-la is-va-vagi-scant-Xia in the pre-lies of the French. French pores would be a block-ki-ro-vasy British Flo Tom.

In re-Zul-Ta-Those of the State Per-Ro-Ro-Ta 9.11.1799 (see the Seven-on-Dza-Tety Bruz-Ra) on-le-he bo The parties became the first Kon-Su-Scrap of the 1st French Rass-Pub-Li and the fact-Thi-Ski all the half-tu-ta-chill in his their ru-kah. In the strife, the weight of the Tu-Pi-ka on-le-he has a re-seam-to-strain Her main co-yu-ni-ni-ka-ni-ka in Ev-Po-Noya Rome (from 1804 Austrian) impedi. For this, it is hidden, but the Sugh-RO-Vav AR-Miu in the Southeast Gra-Niet, on-le-he-on-party in May 1800 Mov-Zul-Xia in Ita- Lyia and 14 J-Nya in the Sagra and the Ma-Ren-Go-on-Part of Once-Grow-Mil Arm's History, which is pre-d-de-de-li - The way of all Kam-Para. In December 1800, the French AR-Mija Na-La Na-Way, in the Ra-Maternal Affairs of Her Ma-Ma Nii under the city of Gen-Lin de Nome, in re -Sul-ta-th-ro-go was the key-chenui Lu-non-Wil-Sky World of 1801. In October 1801, on-le-he, B-on-party, a-key-chill world-in-law with Os-Man-Man-Skoy and Russian impeding. Ve-Li-Co-Bri-Ta-Tasy, in those of their own SO-YUZ-NI-Cove, would be-Li-Li-Dena in-Ko-read with Franki AME -En-sky peaceful up to-th thief of 1802, which is a question of the 2nd An-Ti-Fran-Tsuz-Skoy. FRAPTY AND HER SO-YUZ-NI-KI VER-NI-LI-CHAIR-CEN-LI-CO-BRI-NE-NIHE KO-LO-NII (CRO-ME Both three-ni-DDA), in both plants, in their eyes, the OS-BO-Diet Rome, is not-apol and an island of El Ba. On-stu-pi-la is not-pro-doubling peace-naa ne-dysh. OD-A-Ko-Ko-thief in the AM-E is not dead-ray-nyl pro-ty-re-china mea-dar-su-dar-st-va-mi and 22.5 .1803 of the ve-Li-Co-Bri-Tasch is the Vi-Vi-Li-well.

On-in-le, Ba-on-party 18.5.1804, there was a pro-WHO G-Schuhen-Schend-Tsu-Rom-Rom Fran-Tsu-Zov on-in-les-O-Nom I. He CO-SRE-DO-TO-SHI-PIM FRAPTION (B-LON-SKOM LA-RE) for OR-Ga-Ni-Ni-Si -On-via of the strait of la-mans and you are a garden-ki of ex-pe-Discilation ARI in ve-ly-co-brothers. By this, Ang-Li-Cha - not once-ver, whether an Ak-Nyuy Di-Po-Maja Act and Tel Howl Coa-Li-Li-O. I. Russian IM-PE--K-Chi-La with Ve-Ko-Brother -Bor-Schu-Yuz-th-th thief of 1805, in Lo-lived on-Cha-Lo 3rd An-Ti-Fran-Tsuz-Skoy Coa Litz (ve-Li -ko-brother, Ros-Siy-Skye, Svyan-Naya Rome-Skye and Os-Man-Skye Im-Per-Rii; Ho-style seam, co-ro-levst-in both -Yi Si-Qi-Lii and Da-Mal-Mal - but not to accommodate in co-lyrics, but in Si-Lu-Ku-Chiang, in 1804, before Ditch with the Russian impeding fact that the fact-Ti-Che-Ski is a hundred students). In the TR-Far-Gar Sch-Eagle of 1805, the E-Di-Nynya Frank-Spanish Fleet of Ter-sang C-Cro-Sulfur In Ra and the British ES -Kad-ry under co-mandovania Admiral Nel-So-on. This is a Ras-building-Lo French Platters on the second time in Ve-Li-Co-Bri-Ta-Nia. France of the Li-Shih-his-his-it is a nasty flora and pre-edge of the struggle for the state-under-state at Mo-re.

Coolant Si-lies-Chi-Tel-Best-Wu-Di-Li-Lians on-le-o-Nov-Nov-Nov-Nov-Mii. In May, this, on-in-les, I re-sewed in the on-Chav-Shey, Rus-Ski-Av-St-RO-Fran-Tsuz-Skoy, not 1805 com CI-RO-PRED-BREAS-ST-COP-STE-VIA-LIA-MIR-MEY DREA-ST-VIA-MI of the French troops with a tse-lue once-griming -the. In Ok-Tyab-re on-line I, ok-ru-lived and once-rumin Austrian AR-MIU in Ulm-Skom-Same-Reii of 1805. In addition to the first-seater, the Russian war-ska-ska was one on one with the Pre-Breed-Ho-Franc Army. Co-Manduing Russian Army General from Infanteria M.I. Ku-Tu-Zo-Wu Utylos, from-to-to-press OK-RU-EAS, in Krems Skom-Ski-Nii once-to beat the French Cor-Poux Mar-Sha-La E. Mor-Fthia and Co-unit-thread with Os-Tat-ka-Austrian AR-Mii. But in AU-era-kom Sagra and 1805, the Russian-Austrian War Die-SKA in terms of ray.

Military Action: Napoleon Spring Hike

Even before the death of cautious cutuzov, Russian and Prussian troops were nevertheless nominated for the Elbe (about 100 thousand people) and focused in the area of \u200b\u200bLeipzig, Dresden and Altenburg. In the meantime, all winter and spring of 1813, Napoleon, to compensate for huge losses, hastily and vigorously collected a new army to combat the coalition. It was a priority task for him, and he showed confidence that it would not only stop the victorious Russian invasion, but will reaches a decisive victory that can not only preserve his German possessions, but also to discard Russians from Europe. The French Empire still remained the richest power in the world, having 42 million people and an excellent financial condition, despite the holding of the continental blockade. Being an effective state manager, Napoleon was able in a short time without increasing taxes (the lowest in Europe) to provide cash His future troops and make the industrial potential of the country actively work on the army. The most difficult and difficult thing for this period was to form new buildings in a short time. Part of the troops were deployed from Spain and Italy, unreliable conscars and deconsties were mobilized, a set of 1813 was carried out and even partially 1814, the cohorts of the national and municipal guard were included, the part of the Fleet was called into land forces. Additional military contingents were also demanded from German states. The organizational core of the new army was the Unter-Officer and Officer's Families derived from Russia, as well as war veterans in Spain, graduates of military schools, retirements. To preserve your claims to already existing power in Europe, Napoleon mobilized everyone who could. In a short time in Germany, the army was collected about 200 thousand soldiers, most of whom were recruits. But with all its efforts, even the administrative genius of Napoleon could not restore for such short term The composition of the French cavalry due to lack of horses and time for training personnel. There was no rear supply, primarily due to the lack of horses as a major force.

While Napoleon was energetically formed new parts, the remnants of the Great Army under the team of E. Bogarne tried to restrain the onslaught of the Allies and win precious time. But because of its smallness and weakness, the French could not have consistently held in early 1813. Hold major water bodies on the rivers, Oder and Elbe, they had to retreat, leaving garrisons in the fortresses (Danzig, Thorn, Modlin, Zamost, Czestten, Spandau, Glogau, Custrine and others). It also significantly reduced the forces that can resist Russian offensive - instead of the concentration of forces, they were sprayed. The Russians for the blockade of garrisons of fortresses tried to leave backup and militia parts, and regular troops keep in a concentrated state.

Nevertheless, in April 1813, with the approach of the so-called Mainic Army of Napoleon (there was still an elbian army under the command of E. Bogarne), the ratio of forces on the theater of hostilities has changed in favor of the French: Napoleon has become about 200 thousand, and the allies have a little more 100 thousand fighters. The main forces of opponents focused in Saxony, where the main events were supposed to happen. The Allies decided to focus their troops in the Leipzig area and give the battle there, and if successful, they sought to influence Austria to accelerate its accession to the coalition, and then from this area to develop an offensive in Germany. Napoleon also, as you can understand, was a more complex plan. On the one hand, one of the main aspirations was to take Berlin, punish the unsuitable Vassal Prussia, and then come to the aid to the garrisons of Danzig and other precipitated fortresses (there were about 50 thousand old soldiers there). On the other hand, he perfectly understood that it was necessary to apply a major defeat to the allies in order to pacify the already worried Germany, to restore the former influence and discard Russians from Prussia and Poland. His and ambiguous Austria policy worried, her flirting with the allies, and only a major victory could force the Viennese courtyard to adhere to the Union with France. Therefore, Napoleon first postponed the future, and initially decided, focusing his army for p. Saale, make a maneuver to capture Leipzig and then on Dresden to capture crossops on the r. Elbe, cut off the allies in the south from Prussia and even Silesia, and then clamp them at the Bohemian Mountains (just on the border with Austria). He was even interested in in the south the left flank allies as far as possible advanced forward. There were other variations of the Napoleonic Plan, but the whole settlement was built on a quick victory.

The Main Army in April Napoleon managed to focus in the Erfurt area. His mainforces moved from Erfurt through Naumburg and Lutzen to Leipzig, and the Elbian Army E. Bogarne was supposed to come across Galle and Merzeburg. Crossing French troops through r. The Saale and the first scholars with the Russians at the rippum stream, near Weissentfels, April 19 (May 1), 1813 brought Napoleon and the first unpleasant news. He received a fatal wound in this battle the oldest and loan to the French emperor, starting with Italian campaign 1796, Marshal Zh. B. Beszer. True, the French occupied Lutzen, and Napoleon, leaving there for covering the body of her, the main forces threw on Leipzig, believing that this city is the main army of the Allies. But the new Commander-in-Chief of the Allies P. H. Wittgenstein focused his troops south of Leipzig (40 versts from Lyutzen, Glavenkau and Peg) and at the suggestion of the apartment general, I. I. Dibica decided to attack the right flank of the opponent. Later in the journal of military operations will be recorded that Wittgenstein decided to warn Napoleon and "a bold attack to upset his plan. Our main intention was leaving to ensure that at the time how a strong corps of the enemy will go to Leipzig, attack the impaired army and, to apply the strike to her, give to the easiest troops of our, against whom he is short enough to effect much, again . Much depended on the speed and determination at the very beginning of the battle, but according to the observation of S. I. Maevsky "there was no soul, controlling movement." Moments originally favored allies. In the French, due to the weakness of the cavalry, the army exploration service was poorly set, and in addition, Napoleon stretched his corps on the way of movement towards Leipzig and did not know where Wittgenstein was located. Due to lack of cavalry, the French did not find Russian-Prussian troops who were in dangerous intimacy. The body was stood without any watchman, and he himself was absent (departed to Napoleon under Leipzig).

But even Prussians, which at about 12 am on April 20 (May 2), were fully attacked by the Division of General J. Suam, Kaya, Rana, Klein-Gershend and Gross-Gerson, were first to use the surprise. The French were caught by surprise, came for a while in disorder, but then quickly recovered and accepted the fight. Too few allies took part in the first attacks and they were poorly used by the cavalry, which was almost not in the Napoleonic troops. Soon she rushed to his troops, and Napoleon, surprised by such a development of events and correctly assessing the situation, hastily deployed the movement of the guard and corps in the southern direction to Lutzen, with the exception of one division, which was supposed to take Leipzig. Both sides are consistently as the arrival of the troops, they put them in business. The main events of the battle occurred in the center of the position, where the fierce fights unfolded for the possession of the villages of Kaya, Rana, Klein Hercho and Gross Herch. We repeatedly crossed out of hand to hand to return lost positions, one counterattack of opponents replaced the other.

Almost from the very beginning of the battle at the Allies, the Russian emperor and the Prussian king were held on the battlefield and personally watched the progress of the battle. This is a considerable degree shy and complicated the position of the new commander-in-chief Wittgenstein. It is at the direction of Alexander I, without a board with commander-in-chief, the commissioning of the Grenadier Corps was detained after the first attack of Bluchber, that is, a favorable moment was not used for a breakthrough of the enemy line at the very beginning of the battle. True, for example, a member of the Lutzen battle of S. G. Volkonsky believed that the emperor that day "left full freedom to act the commander-in-chief without any own, personal on his part, intervention, but that the sovereign everywhere shared the danger of battle. Extremely coolly drove under the shooting of the enemy. "

After 14 hours, Napoleon arrived at his troops and this, as usual, inspired the French, and their attacks were even more fierce. By 17 o'clock, nasty parties have already concentrated their main forces on Lutzen plain. Numerical advantage by this time was already on the side of the French: Napoleon is about 100 thousand, Wittgenstein is less than 75 thousand fighters. Allies managed to press on the left flank (south of the village of Starzidel), where there was only one connion of General F. F. Vinzingerode, and on the right flank (from the d. Aisdorf and Kitzen). According to the evidence of General A. P. Yermolov M. M. Muromtsev, "We had a huge cavalry, which Graph Wittgenstein did not know how to use, and she stood without a case." For chopping the villages in the center of the position after 18 o'clock Napoleon was thrown into battle Guards infantry, built in four columns. This attack, supported by other parts, has led to success, the allies were forced to move away, they remained only by the village of Gross-Herch. With the onset of darkness, at 19 o'clock, the battle ended.

Allies lost on that day 11 - 12 thousand people, the French - from 15 to 20 thousand out of order. The winners for the victory paid more than the defeated. In the evening, Wittgenstein, who did not appreciate the courage of decision-making, gathered a military council, where the majority spoke for the retreat, although there were opinions to continue the battle the next day. The allies did not assume that Napoleon would be such an impressive numerical advantage, moreover, it became known about the delivery of Leipzig. The enemy could cut the path of allies to the river. Elster. Wittgenstein reported the opinion of the generals Alexander I and, having converted, at night, he began the removal of troops for Elster by two columns moving on Dresden and Maissen under the cover of the Ariergard under the command of General M. A. Miloradovich. Napoleon did not have cavalry to organize the effective persecution of the allies. He could not even learn how to learn in which direction they depart, because the retreat was carried out under a dense curtain of the Cossack regiments.

As usual, both sides announced their victory. Based on the winning relationlation, Wittgenstein was awarded the Order of St. Andrei First Called, and Blucher received the Order of St. George 2nd class. Awards, what to say, considerable. If it is objective to consider all the circumstances and the effects of battle, then, of course, the winner's laurels belonged to Napoleon, but this victory was very vague and indecisive. Yes, and many dividends to get as a result of such a victory failed. It became clear that the allies can almost be fighting with their Terrible opponent, and they have already learned a lot. Russian troops once again showed durability, and Prussians proved that their army can no longer be compared with the times of Yen and Aürshtedta. Yes, the French supported their fallen military prestige after 1812. But the French emperor could not achieve a complete victory and solve the basic tasks that standing in front of him. Undoubtedly, for allies, the results were not favorable, since in Germany, the deployment of the antifranzuz movement was slow. Temporarily, Napoleon managed to end the oscillations of small German states and restore the previous impact on the states of the Rhine Confederation, in particular, Saxony again joined the military alliance with the French.

But at the same time, Austria actively continued negotiations with the allies and gave them a promise to join the war, if Napoleon does not go to the conclusion of the world. The Austrians offered 3 (15) May to convene a common Congress in Prague, but the French emperor himself preferred to negotiate with Alexander I, for which A. Klenkura sent to him. But the French messenger was not even missed through the cashposses, and the Russian emperor did not accept him and announced it through K. V. Nesselrode, which I agree to join the negotiations only through the mediation of Austria. But attempts of peace negotiations did not stop hostilities.

Six days, Avangard Miloradovich successfully covered the retreat of allies (for his actions was erected into the county dignity of the Russian Empire), and Napoleon could not learn great benefits from the persecution of Wittgenstein's troops. He hoped that Prussians were separated from Russian to protect their capital, therefore, on the basis of this assumption, initially sent three corps under the start of Belief (about 40-50 thousand people) to the Torgau area, and then to Lucau, at the same time with the creation of a threat to Prussian The capital (this direction was defended by the weak Prussian corps of General F. V. Bulov, retreating to Berlin) they made a workshop against the right flank of the allied army. Napoleon himself, with the remaining corps, went after Wittgenstein and April 26 (May 8) took Dresden. Here he conducted the reorganization of the two armies in one under his own command (over 200 thousand people), and the Vice-king E. Bogarna sent in advance to Italy to create an army, ready to resist unreliable Austria.

Allies, crouching through Elbe, stopped on a pre-elected and fortified position behind the city of Bautzen. The Allied Command preferred to remain near the Austrian border (the left flank of their position was actually adjacent to it), maneuvering and thereby put pressure on Austria in order to join the coalition. In addition, this location gave the opportunity to cover them the road to Breslau, important communication connected with the Duchy of Warsaw, where Russian rear and reserves were located. In the case of the movement of the main forces of Napoleon to Berlin, the allied troops could strike against his right flank, only in the case of the direct occurrence of the enemy from Dresden, it was decided to join the battle. After all, Bautzen turned out to be collected and troops who did not participate in the Lutzo battle, - Generals F. G. F. Kleista, M. A. Miloradovich, M. B. Barclay de Tolly. The latter brought here the 3rd Western Army after the end of a successful siege and passing the Fortresses of Thorn 6 (18) of April. In general, the allies needed to win time for the continued formation of Prussian parts, as well as to show Europe that their army did not lose their ability to actively fight.

Union command decided to give a defensive battle. But the light detachments reported on the movement of large enemy columns on the right flank. 7 (19) May Troops Barclay de Tolly (reinforced by the Grenadier Corps of General N. N. Raevsky), who made the night march from the camp under Bauzen, attacked under Königsvatoy the proceedless Italian division of General L. Peyri (8500 people), expelled to ensure the maneuver of the buildings Not me. The result of this unexpected attack was the full defeat of the Italians: they lost only more than 2 thousand people killed and injured, and 750 soldiers and 4 generals were captured, including the division commander. For this, a successful thing Barclay was awarded the Higher Order of the Empire - the Order of St. Andrei First Called, and the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III complained to him the Order of the Black Eagle. The Prussian Corps of General G. York, directed to a similar expedition, was less successful, he met Veissing J. A. Loriston and endured stubborn battle and with damage (about 2 thousand people) was forced to retreat.

Battle under Leipzig. Figure 1813

The result of these two fights was the solution of the Union Command to extend the location of its troops on the right flange, which was commanded by Barclay de Tolly. The center of the position - the Crequest heights - occupied the Troops of Blucher and York, the left flank under the beginning of Miloradovich was held by General Prince A. I. Gorchakov's corps. The reserve contains the Russian and Prussian Guard, the Grenadier Corps, two Kirassir and Light Guards Division. Ahead of the main fortifications there was still an advanced position on the swampy bank r. Sprey to open the strengths and directions of enemy buildings in advance when crossing this river.

In addition to the pros, there was one important lack of fortified, but the stretched position of the Allies - the retreat from it was possible only on two roads to Rechenbach, and then the Gerlitz only one. In this case, the Allied Command went on a big risk. In addition, the nature of the area did not allow defendant buildings to interact with each other. The total number of Wittgenstein's troops before the battle was determined in 93 - 96 thousand people. At the disposal of Napoleon was 140 - 150 thousand people, however, the allies still had a significant advantage in cavalry - almost twice.

After the preliminary reconnaissance of the area, Napoleon decided to sow an opponent with frontal blows and imitate the head against the center and the left flank, but the main blow to the power against the right flank allies to discard them from the path of the possible retreat and stop them to the Austrian border. Since the troops did not have time to reach the original positions and could only be prepared for action only for the next morning, the French emperor is already 8 (20) May I ordered an attack against the center and the left flank allies to facilitate the task of the next day. At noon, the French attacked and took the forefront of the allies (crossed through the surgeon), and then the hull of Freedos and McDonald led a strong offensive on the left flank allies. The goal was to force allies to move the main reserves there. Even the French commanders did not know about the false nature of this attack, and their columns persistently moved forward. Already in the evening, part of the reserves were transferred to this site (Grenaderian brigade and l. - GW. Pavlovsky and Life-Grenadier regiments) and Russian parts were able to significantly press and knock off the French from the heights occupied by the night. As the participant of the battle officer l. - GW. Jersey regiment V. S. Norov, "The French strongly forced our left flank in the mountains in the forest, but were driven by Cossack artillery."

Some Russian generals (for example, Barclay) were offered after the end of the day in the established circumstances to start a departure to Gerlitz, but against such a decision, Prussians were actively advocated (especially inquest), since further leaving the territories and retreat could weaken the morale spirit of the Prussian army. Prussians supported Alexander I, which belonged to the last word when making decisions.

9 (21) May early in the morning, Napoleon decided to resume the attacks of Udinos and McDonald on the left wing of the Allied, and the troops did not have to overturn the right flank and take their possible ways to retreat, and then attack a weakened center. When at 6 o'clock. The French led the attacks on both flank, Wittgenstein, suggesting the demonstration and distracting nature of actions against the left flank, said Alexander I: "I handle the head that this attack is false, Napoleon wants to get around us from the right flank and push to Bohemia." But the Russian emperor, Wittgenstein did not listen to the actual commander-in-chief or the main auditor of decisions, and the reserves (the main forces of the Grenadier Corps) were allocated to the left flank, which allowed Miloradovich to significantly drench the opponent there. On the right flank, Barclay's few troops, which was simply ordered to hold on, began to retreat in the morning, having a numerically superior opponent against themselves. Eight battalions of the Grenadier Corps, defeated to the aid of Barclaw from the left to the right flank, only allowed to maintain the control of the road at which the departure could be made.

Another thing was that she was forced to stop in motion, and in general, not understood the idea of \u200b\u200bNapoleon, instead of an energetic pressure on Barclay, tried to strike the center of his position on bare off the flank and even tried to attack the correet heights, but never went into the rear to Allies. They continued to control both roads on Reichenbach. After noon, the French led an offensive on the center, which was resistant to defend the Prussians of Blucher and York, but they were forced to start a waste. Making advantage of the superiority of the enemy's forces and no longer having reserves in order to reverse the course of battle in the center and on the right flank, the allies after 15 hours at the proposal of the reference "interrupted the battle" and began a phased organized retreat on two roads on Reichenbach, without leaving the French no trophies which could be evidence of victory. At 22 o'clock, a strong storm with a torrential rain was played, which allowed retreating to tear away from the enemy.

And again the winners suffered the biggest losses than the defeated: the deaths of the allies amounted to 10 - 12 thousand people, the French were missing 12-18 thousand fighters. And again the winners could not capture any trophies, nor prisoners, no guns or banners. Maneuvers carried out by Napoleon under Lutzen and Bauzen, many domestic and foreign authors call "masterpieces of strategy" or assessed as "beautiful." But clearly lacked performers in the assistants of the French emperor, in particular, Marshal M. Shee, who first commanded such a large compound from several buildings. And most historians perhaps rightly criticize him for mistakes allowed by him. True, it is necessary to recognize in the end that it was the choice of Napoleon himself and his own miscalculation or inability to correctly formulate the task of subordinates. But during the confrontation of opponents in the war, the misses, as a rule, admit both sides. War is a solid chain of errors and the rapid response to them opponents. From this point of view, we can say that the allies allowed a large number of squashs and unlawful solutions, but the character of two battles (Lutzen and Bautzen) clearly makes it clear that Napoleon's opponents or adapted to the manner of fighting the Great Command, or approached A predetermined level of military mastery, in any case, learned a lot and did not allow themselves to be perfectly replayed on the battlefield. Here we can note the sharp loss of the quality of the French troops, in many respects who consisted of untrained recruits, which Russian veterans were already skillfully opposed, and the rigin of Prussian. Although the new parts of Napoleon continued to demonstrate the ability to make quick transitions that the French army was famous for, but it was achieved by large losses in the retired, and there was no longer an element of surprise, since with the full domination of the experienced cavalry of allies on the theater of hostilities was extremely difficult to hide large Movement of army buildings.

Napoleon was clearly annoyed by a new indecisive victory that did not have positive results And almost did not give him dividends. He took an active persecution of allies retreating to the Silesia, but did not have the opportunity to conduct it effectively with the obvious advantage of Russian cavalry and if Vittgenstein had light Cossack regiments. The personal leadership of the emperor in advanced parties did not help. The Ariecrags of the Allies skillfully held back the pressure of the French infantry, and nothing could compensate for nothing. Commodity losses were very sensitive. 10 (22) May Under Reachenbach, General F. K. Kirizher was killed, a fatal injury was received by one of the best French cavaliers, General P. J. Bryer and next to Napoleon, the kernel in the stomach struck his personal friend and Ober-Goof Marshal J. K. M . Dunday, who deceased the next day. 14 (26) May Blucher, setting an ambush by Gainau, inflicted a sudden strike with Connection (Russian cavalry participated) in the division of General N. J. Meson (he had only 50 cavalrymen), took a lot of prisoners and beat 11 guns. After that, the French began to move slowly and with caution.

In the ranks of the Allies, the criticism in the staff and general ranks of Wittgenstein was everywhere. For example, A. A. Zvarevsky, pouring the soul in a private letter to M. S. Vorontsov, allowed himself very impartial words about the new commander in chief: "We have time to do nonsense with the collapse of Wittgenstein, who takes a lot on behalf of himself and meaningless" . He responded quite sharply about the Lutzo battle: "The case was a disturbing, about which there will be no description of any description, but only I will tell you that there was 7 commander-in-chiefs in it, everyone ordered ...", and immediately, presumably, called A new candidacy for the post of commander-in-chief, M. B. Barclay de Tollya - "This is extremely not wishing to people living in the main apartment, and servants in the line of mentally wish, and the benefit of service requires. But Count Wittgenstein can not be the commander-in-chief and is not able to: this justice is given to him. " Not only Russian generals, but also the Prussians, whom they accused of failures were unhappy with Wittgenstein. May 17 (29) Barclay de Tollya was appointed commander-in-chief of Russian-Prussian troops. In general, there were disagreements between Russian and Prussian generals on the issue where and how far to retreat. Prussians, based on the general political situation, naturally, did not want to leave their own territory. The Allies accepted a compromise solution, they did not go to Oder, but stopped in a fortified camp near the replacement, to be able to connect with the Austrian army, which the Vienna Cabinet promised positively to exhibit already in June. The Allied Command went on a big risk again, since the French have already taken Breslau by this time, hanging over the camp under the reservoir.

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