Wind strap flexible tile at the skate. How to mount a windbreaker for a soft roof: Description, Dimensions

When the laying of the roof comes to completion, the final stage will be the installation of volunteers, among which the main plank is the main. It is not only suitable for the design of the house and increases its aesthetic appeal, but also protects the facade of the building from snow and atmospheric precipitation. The wind strap can be called a frontal and final.

The device perfectly copes with strong drafts and prevents the penetration of birds and insects under the roof. For solid fixation, the area of \u200b\u200bthe compound of the rafter and the roof of the building are applied. This option of installation allows you to control the indicators of humidity under the roof, which is very important, because depending on the indoor microclimate, the condition of the air changes.

How much is the wind strap

Experts recommend buying windbar together with roofing material, the firm must be the same, it allows you to achieve a single texture and color execution. If the bar is installed for soft roof, It is necessary to provide waterproofing material and finishing the finish coating.

As for the cost, the wind strap varies within 230-520 rubles per 1 square meter. m, much depends on the size and material.

Economical models are made of galvanized steel, but today they enjoy less popular than 10 years ago. All because the metal tile pleases the variety of color shades, but to choose a good pigment for dyeing galvanizing is quite difficult. The store may seem that the color is similar, but the problem is that, in the ideal, the roof and additional elements are ideally identical to each other.

You can not choose too soft elements, do not forget that they are on the street, and therefore are not protected from mechanical impacts, and the functional orientation is to attach the stability of the building by the wind, hail and snowstorms.

Most often, for a soft roof, a combined wind bar is purchased from galvanizing and a high-quality polymer that performs the role of an external coating. The polymer for a long time will provide intensity and preservation of color, even if direct sunlight and sharp drops of temperature regime are hit, such a wind strap will not fade and all the more crackdown. Visually element looks continuing the roof.

Installation of wind strip on a soft roof

Windscrew completes the laying of the roof, so before fixing it, you need to mount the cornice bar. This process looks like this:

  1. Install the purchased hooks on the rafters, which will be securely withhold the components of the entire drainage.
  2. From above to the cornice and frontal milking self-drawing, bring the carnome element.
  3. Only now you can start laying the soft roof, and after and to the mounting of the wind part.

The wind strap is installed to the roof in such a sequence:

  1. Take nails or self-tapping screws and, focusing on the end rail of the crates, secure the bar of 40 × 40 mm. This section of the specialists are called the most effective when fixing the soft roof. The bar is soaked with antiseptic composition, as well as fire solve, respectively, the latter should not be combustible.
  2. Next, make fittings: The wind strap is connected in such a way that the jamble overlap of the angle, if you look from the roof end from the additionally fixed bar before the surface of the soft roof. This value is reflected in the coverage panel, here and will be placed on which should be cut and flex a sheet.
  3. So that the wind strap lay better on the frontal tile, you need to cut the edges of the material with your own hands.
  4. Experts recommend paying attention to the placement of a soft roof - ideally it should be tightly connected to the sides of the bar.
  5. Installation of a soft roof should be carried out, starting from above and gradually turning down.
  6. At the stage of working with the plank, it is important to correctly nourish it - place the screws in the sidewalls and from above. In addition, learn another self-tapping screw for fastening the wind strip to the front roof tiles. The magnitude of the mustache is approximately 5 cm. It is desirable at the top to drive the self-sample screws, and the sides process the end. So that atmospheric precipitates do not fall into the seams and did not blow the wind, it is necessary to go through the seal, one side of which is a self-adhesive tape.
  7. The slope is drawn up the bottom strip, it is suitable for the bar, thereby forming a closed angular space.
  8. All that remains is to paint the hats sticking out of the self-tapping screws using the remkomplekt.

Below for clarity is given video instructions for laying a wind strip:\u003dp3fmdn_p1yw

Decoration of the wind strap for the soft roof

If in soviet time With the design of interiors, few people were familiar, today almost every owner of the cottage or country house Wishes to create an exclusive, unusual interior. With the aesthetic attractiveness of the roof, you can also experiment. For example, perform one of the lateral areas of the roof in the form of a lace or use the textured outer plane under high-quality tree.

The roof of the modest home is perfectly able to beat in the folk style, it will give the building of a special coziness and warmth. Of course, such a wind plank is more expensive and make it on their own, only masters, construction professionals, having art talent.

If the owner of the house is not required of the delights, the front ends can be chosen by conventional rectangular strips, on top of which the decorative framing is fixed. It is convenient and the fact that the decoration is easy to remove and replace the other if the first sample is already tired.

Neat and strong roofing from metal tile will not be able to perform function inherent in it if it does not make it registered rules Installation. Such a roof will not be without installation of slats of car niza and end, drainage, substrate. Despite the fact that the occupied area of \u200b\u200bthese parts is not particularly significant, they perform an important role in obtaining the disadvantage of the roof and prevent it from violations.

Why is it so important a cornice bar for metal tile

Function farmery plank - This isolating the penetration of precipitation under and on the frontal board. This plank is a longitudinal part of the roof, which is close to the edge of the mattallocurture. However, it is only spectacular perception Because in reality, the presented part of the roof is collected before fully cover the roof of the metal tile.

Typically, a carnice bar for a metal tile is filled in the same coloring as everyone roofing, among other things, individual components. However, it is possible to meet differences in the color palette of the end and cornice planks, and more drippers and drain pipes.

On time, the installed planks are protected from atmospheric precipitation under the roof, and also give the completed view of the whole roof.

Installing actually all components are necessary only after the final installation of metal tiles, except for the end plank.

Structure and dimensions of the cornice bar for metal tile

Planks for secondary protection of the roof manufacturers are made from sheet steel as the metal tits itself.

Sheet surface for slats should be from 0.4 to 0.5 centimeters.

Polyester or plastisol are used to cover the parts of the roof. There are covers that are littered with basalt crumbs. They are operated when the composite tile is used.

Planck is owned to "sit down" to the roof base. Its ordinary sizes from 0.5 meters to 60 centimeters. A suitable metra is taken and is fixed in the same way as other planks.

Device and installation of a metal tire cartoon plank

Joining cornisic, end planks And adjoining, is carried out after assembling the frontal board, which is held on the end of the end rafter system galvanized nails.

The culture plank assembly is easier if the front boards surface is smooth.

How to fix these elements

A firmware with a veneer of the front of the surface of the surface is performed. Can be used in these works professional flooring. After that, a support timber must be fixed to the wall of the building. It is needed for a secondary support with a bunch of cornice hanging. A bracket must be installed on the drainage system. They can be fixed as on the legs of the rafted or on the eaves of the cornice. Following comes to collect the most cornisa plank. It must be put on the fastening of the drain to the cornice or frontal board. The gap between the screws is at least 30-35 cm.

When these works are completed, the roof cladding should be launched. After that, it is necessary to assemble the straps of the end, drains, skates and adjoining strips.

Any roofing is designed to protect the structure from the effects of atmospheric precipitation and moisture. But just to mount the roof is far from enough, since oblique rain and snow will still penetrate the roof.

What do the challenges need:

It is in order to protect the ends of the roof from the penetration of precipitation inside the construction of the roof and invented wind strips. The integrity of the roof and its safety, as well as the protection of the roofing carpet from mechanical damage depends on the cornese and end opera.

The cornice bar is used as a longitudinal element of the roof and protects the windshield of the eaves from the precipitation flush, prevents wetting and penetration of moisture.

Facial (wind) plank looks like a cornice bar. It is attached at every end of the roof and protects the crates from moisture and wind.

It is impossible to neglect required materials. Roofing pie - A complex, thoughtful system necessary to preserve the comfortable climate indoors. In the roof design there are a number of parts that complicate it, but nevertheless need all the details. Failure, from allegedly unnecessary parts, may later bring cracks and as a result, moisture getting into the formation. And moisture ingredients in turn will lead to the destruction of the system.


Finnish fronton for fold. It is used on folding roofs to protect the frontal oint of the roof. Convenient because top rolled into the folded lock of the last roofing pattern and immediately goes to the wind board, thus minimizing the number of holes in the roof when mounting the side shaped elements. Metal thickness - 0.5-0.7mm. Big choice Standard shades on the RAL catalog - 20 colors. tiking Planck,

  • f.rontone plank.
  • Wind, end, the cornese rails of our production are distinguished by the variety of forms, we produce them for any type of roofs: folded, soft, metal tiles, natural tiles, corrugated sheets and corrugated sheets. Moreover, we will gladly produce wind strap on your own sketches, and we can also suggest the solution of a non-standard knot of the roof of the roof, where wind strips are used.

    Additional services of our company: the provision of standard nodes and consultations to solve non-standard tasks for installing elements. Equipment of challenges with fasteners (self-drawing, rivets), sealing ribbons, sealants, sterling cartridges. Contact us, we are always happy to help!