Dzhilian Michaels Power Plan for 30 days. Diet Gilian Michaels and its complex of exercise for weight loss

Sunday, December 15, 2013 17:36 + in quote

Food for the first 7 days on the program Jillian Michaels "Body Revolution" - push for your metabolism

The first week of this nutrition plan will be the only extreme during the entire period of our workout regime.

This is necessary for detoxifying your body after using unhealthy food, as well as to speed up your metabolism. The ultimate goal is to help you go to a more balanced and healthy nutrition, but in the first week mativation - the key to success, and this diet will help you achieve noticeable results and quickly! By the end of this week, you could reset to one size of jeans!
(* I think that this is provided for a large initial weight)

If you are driving a carbonated drink and alcohol, stop. These two things can destroy all your efforts to lose excess weight. If we are talking about gas production, ordinary or dietary, calories and chemical additives are terrible for your metabolism, and alcohol generally the enemy number one! Alcoholic beverages not only contribute to the deposition of fat, but also strongly weakens your willpower. When else can you suddenly detect yourself at 2 o'clock in the diner, eating burgers and frost potatoes ???

In addition, learn yourself from white flour and sugar. These ingredients are used in products that have been recycling, and retain the minimum nutritional value, and both of these products inhibit the ability of your body to burn fat. Not only because of the calorie contained in them, but also because they brake your metabolism at the biochemical level.

Let's start!
The next 7 days you will eat 3 times a day plus one snack every day (the snack should be between lunch and dinner). Distribute these meals with a 4-hour interval. The final amount of calories consumed per day will be limited. My goal in this case help you run your weight loss process. This system is not forever. By the expiration of this week, the number of calories will increase.

Good news! Even on this 7-day speech of the Pt, you will not feel limited. Dishes offered here - very tasty!

This plan was compiled in such a way that you can eat in accordance with your taste preferences, at the same time getting as quick results as possible! Therefore, the power plan does not contain fruits, flour products, grain, sugar and only one portion of a skimmed dairy product per day. Here are 3 breakfast options, 3 lunch, 3 version of the snack and 3 dinner to choose from. If you do not like the blue to or version of the snack, you will replace them with one of the alternatives proposed. But it is impossible to change dishes between meals, that is, do not use the dish from the category "Breakfast" for lunch or dinner, etc., since the number of calories and macronutrients are specifically selected for each category. Choose (in this order) 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 snack and 1 dinner from the proposed options. Note that among them there are 1 breakfast option, which contains a portion of dairy products (Greek or other low-fat natural yogurt) and one version of the snack (also yogurt with pecan nuts) - make sure you choose only one of these alternatives per day.

Important! You can use this power plan only once every 90 days of the program. After completing this 7-day plan, you must go to the fat burning power plan, which allows you to use more diverse food.

List of allowed food

Sources of protein:

  • Canadian bacon (low salt and lack of nitrates) 2 pieces, about 220 grams
  • Chicken breast (without bones and skin) 500 g
  • Eggs 8 pcs.
  • Minced turkey / chicken, low fat, 500 g
  • Smoked salmon, thinly sliced, 150 g
  • Beef fillet, cutting 1 pcs, about 120 g
  • Philea of \u200b\u200bTilapia (or Cod fillets, Cambals) 1 pcs, about 150-200 g
  • Canned B. own juice Tuna 1 package
  • Salmon steaks 180 g

Milk products

  • Natural low fat Greek yogurt, 2 cups (* 1 cup \u003d 220 ml)


  • Arugula and any other leaf salad 4-6 cups or about 50-200 g
  • Avocado 1 ¼ PC.
  • Babe-carrot 2.5 cups (or about 45 g)
  • Babe-spinach leaves 6 cups (or about 180 g)
  • Bulgarian pepper 2 red, 1 yellow
  • Broccoli (chuckled) 1 cup (or about 100 g)
  • Brussels Cabbage (peeled and sinks) 2-3 cups (or about 180 - 280 g)
  • Carrot (chopped) 1 cup (or about 130 g)
  • Celery 3 sticks
  • Green onion (chuck) 1 tbsp.
  • Cucumber 1 medium
  • Garlic 2 teeth
  • Lemons 2-3 pcs.
  • Lima Bean (Fresh or Frozen) 1.5 cups
  • Lime 1 pc. (not necessary)
  • Tomatoes Cherry 2 pcs.
  • Red onion (thin-sliced) ½ pcs.
  • Tomatoes 3 pcs.
  • Onions (chuck) 3 cups (or about 470 g)
  • Zucchini (sliced) 4 cups (or about 500 g)

Refueling and sauces

  • Balsamichksky vinegar about 1-2 tbsp.
  • Olive oil
  • * Two more types of sauces are offered:
  • low-Fat Vinaigrette Dressing (1 Article.) and
  • low-Fat Ranch Dressing (1 Article)

Herbs and seasoning

  • Basil (Dried or Fresh), Leaves
  • Orego, dried
  • Rosemary, dried
  • Ground black pepper, about 2 tbsp.
  • Hammer cinnamon, 1-2 tbsp.
  • Seasonings to choose from steaks to taste
  • Sea salt, to taste
  • Vanilla extract, taste

Nuts and seeds

  • Pekan chopped nuts, 1 tbsp.
  • Fried unsolved chopped almonds, 3 tbsp.


  • Natural almond oil, 1.5 tbsp.
  • Black Bean Salsa and Canned Corn, 1/3 Cups
  • Black Greek Olives, 1/3 Cups
  • Capers, 1 tbsp.
  • Chopped tomatoes, canned, 1 package of about 750 g
  • Hummus, ¼ cups
  • Salt vegetable broth, 900 ml
  • Frying spray (optional)

Some Tips for Success Events

In the process of refusal of sugar, alcohol and high-calorie diet, symptoms of fatigue and headache may appear. Make sure they drink enough water to avoid dehydration. Drink only 3 times a day ... Breakfast, lunch, dinner and only one snack at equal periods of time in order to maintain blood sugar levels without sharp oscillations (the snack should follow after lunch).
. Have a ready plan for incidents when you experience temptations to retreat from the power plan. This can be anything - visiting your favorite site, a friend's call to support, perform a light bonus cardio or studying something new in life - if you have a plan, you are on the way to success.
. Although the control of your progress and is important Do not weigh too often. Your weight can naturally fluctuate from day to day, so daily weighing, especially at the beginning of the program, can demotivate you. Take the habit of weigh once a week, and make sure you do it on the same weights at the same time of the day.

. Plan your menu per day or two. To be organized in terms of purchases of products and cooking dishes will help you make this week easier, more efficiently, and it flies completely unnoticed!
. Create a support group. Ask family member or a close friend to help you stick to the plan. Find a personal support team that will contribute to your achievement. Try to avoid people who do not train or eat food, which you really want, but which does not meet our nutrition principles. This is the last thing you need now!
. Keep the focus on your goals! Always remember why. Why did you start this journey first? Allow these reasons to lead you. Remember that it looks great and feel great - it is much better than any food you ever tried. Know that you are able to lose this overweight and use all your huge potential for this - as for any other business in your life!

Note that the results may vary. But training and proper nutrition are necessary to achieve and retain the desired weight.

"Yes" Products

Natural organic dairy products: It must be low-fat or low fat (no more than 3 g of fat for a portion). For example, organic skimmed milk 1%, low fat or low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese (remember the restriction - only 1 portion per day is allowed during this week).

Organic meat: There must be skimmed pieces of meat, such as, for example, a chicken breast or turkey without skin (avoid red poultry meat), skimmed beef (fillet, clipping), the same for pork (tenderloin, degreased chops).

Seafood: Fat fish, such as salmon and mackerel can be included in the diet regularly. Omega-3 stabilizes the level of leptin and helps your body to process glucose (sugar). Good sources Omega-3 fatty acids include: salmon, halibut, perch and nuts such as walnuts, Brazilian nuts and almonds. Mollusks are also useful in moderate quantities. All kinds of seafood are part of a healthy diet, the main thing is to make sure that the products are organic.

A large number of products containing zinc, selenium and iodine, increase the level of thermal in your body. Zinc also increases leptin levels (regulates metabolism). Zinc-rich foods include degreased beef, lamb and turkey, shrimp, low-fat yogurt, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds.

Vitamin C to reduce cortisol (stress hormone). This vitamin also helps to regulate blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Vitamin C products include: Red Bulgarian pepper, oranges, melon, boiled broccoli, color and Brussels cabbage.

You need a large amount of amino acids. To enhance serotonin (hormone of happiness) and lowering cortisol. Amino acids are "bricks", of which protein consists, therefore foods rich in protein are simply necessary in any power system. This is a skiming bird and meat, fish, seafood and low-fat dairy products.

Get selenium (antioxidant), magnesium (necessary stabilizer and power for muscles and nervous system) and chrome Picolinat (prevents weight set) from the food rich in these substances: fish (especially halibut, perch, cod, salmon), seed nuts (especially Brazilian Nuts and sunflower seeds), mushrooms. Products rich in magnesium: pumpkin seeds, black beans, spinach and salmon. Food rich in chrome: onions, green leaf salad and tomatoes.

Get enough vitamin Ethrough vitamin and mineral complexes or those rich in this vitamin, products like: Sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and mangold (* such a subspecies of beets, meaning the tops)

Vitamin B allows you to resolve testosterone. Products rich in this vitamin: Safety beef, turkey breast, oatmeal, legumes / beans and avocado.

Niacin and Allicin also help raise testosterone. Food containing these substances: chicken chicken, tuna, salmon and mushrooms, as well as garlic (very rich in allicin).

Flanges help to restrain testosterone from converting to estrogen. Flawanol rich foods include apples, black olives and green tea.

No Products:

These products under no circumstances should be part of your weight loss diet:

  • Peanut
  • Raw cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, Brussels Cabbage, etc.)
  • Pine nuts
  • Millet
  • Bamboo stems
  • Plum
  • Strawberry

These products may have a goinogenic effect. Gooitrogen is substances that suppress the function of the thyroid gland, interfering with the absorption of iodine, which in turn may be the cause of increasing the thyroid gland.

  • Alcohol
  • No more than 400 mg of caffeine per day (1 cup of coffee may contain about 100-200 mg of cafein)

The following ingredients should never be included in your diet:

  • Monosodium Glutamat.
  • High fructose syrup
  • Artificial sugar substitutes (aspartame, splend, etc.)
  • Artificial dyes
  • Artificial flavors
  • Nitrates and nitrites (such as recycled sausages, bacon, sausages, etc.)
  • No food that has passed chemical treatment.

7-day power plan to run your weight loss process

Use the menu below as a ready-made menu or as an example of planning your diet:

Day 1
  • Greek yogurt
  • Salad with salmon
  • Hummaus and vegetables
  • Steak
Day 2.
  • Salad from Chef.
  • Yogurt with nuts
  • Tilapia
Day 3.
  • Chicken-vegetable soup
  • Celery
  • Turkgers from turkey
Day 4.
  • Eggs-Pashota / Boiled Egg Sky
  • Salad with salmon
  • Hummaus and vegetables
  • Steak
Day 5.
  • Greek yogurt
  • Chicken-vegetable soup
  • Hummaus and vegetables
  • Tilapia

Day 6.

  • Omelet with spinach, onion and salmon
  • Salad from Chef.
  • Celery
  • Turkgers from turkey

Day 7.

  • Eggs-Pashota / Boiled Egg Sky
  • Salad from Chef.
  • Yogurt with nuts
  • Tilapia

Remember that you can use this 7-day plan only once for these 90 days of the program - in phase 1 ( ). After the completion of these seven days, you must go to a more balanced and diverse diet, which is proposed in my fat-burning power plan.


Greek yogurt with almonds and cinnamon (1 serving)

  • 1 cup (about 220 ml) of Greek yogurt
  • 1-2 tbsp. Ground cinnamon
  • 3 tbsp. Fried salted almond, chopped large

Mix all the ingredients and enjoy.

For the entire portion: 236 calories: 10 g of fats (of which are 1 g of saturated fats); 13 g of carbohydrates; 2 g of fiber; 24 g of protein.

Omelet with spinach, onion and salmon (3 servings)

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 5 large yiits
  • ¼ t.L. black hammer pepper
  • 150 g smoked salmon, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup of fresh spinach
  • 1 tbsp. fine-sliced \u200b\u200bgreen onions

Heat the oil in a frying pan with a non-stick coating on medium heat. Mix eggs and ground peppers, slightly wake up a wedge. Put the mixture in the pan and prepare about 30 seconds or until the mixture starts to thicken. Slowly stir the spatula.
Interfere with salmon and red onions in the egg mixture, prepare for another 1 minute. Then add spinach leaves and continue to prepare for another 2x minutes until the eggs are ready. Serve, sprinkling green onions.

For 1 portion:
224 calories: 13 g fat (of which 3 g saturated fats); 4 g of carbohydrates; 1 g of fiber; 19 g of protein.


Boiled chicken and vegetable soup(4 servings)

Vegetable soup:

  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 cup of sliced on Luka
  • 1 st l. Dry Oregano
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 4 cups of chopped zucchini
  • 1 cup of carrots, sliced
  • 400 g of tomatoes, fresh sliced \u200b\u200bor canned
  • 900 ml of low salt vegetable broth
  • 1.5 cups of Lima beans
  • 4 cups of spinach leaves

Heat the olive oil in the brazier on medium heat. Add the bow and put 3 minutes before soft. Add oregano and garlic, put out, stirring, another 1 minute. Add zucchini and carrots and continue to extinguish before the softness of vegetables.
Add tomatoes, broth and beans to the mixture and bring the mixture to boil. Dog fire and tomit on low heat for 20 minutes. Interfere with spinach leaves and boil until they softened.


  • 450 g chicken breast without skin and bones
  • 2-3 strips lemon peel
  • 1 Fresh or Dried Basil Line

Place the breast into a small dish with a tight adjacent lid. Fill with water so that the chicken is covered by 2-3 cm. Add lemon peel and put a saucepan on the middle fire. Bring water to a condition close to boiling, reduce the fire so that the water is practically not bubble. Till the saucepan with a lid and boil until the meat becomes soft and will not produce transparent juice if you pierce it with a fork.
Remove the chicken from the saucepan and shifting on a plate covered with a paper towel to absorb the excess fluid. Serve warm or completely cooled, to taste. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator up to 4 days.

For 1 portion: 409 calories; 12 g fat, 39 g of carbohydrates, 37 g of protein

Salad from Chef. (1 serving)

  • 1 Welded boiled egg, peeled and chopped by quarter
  • 100 g of tuna canned in his own juice
  • 1 sliced \u200b\u200bred pepper
  • 1 cup of sliced \u200b\u200bdried broccoli
  • ½ cup sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes
  • 2 cups of green salad
  • 1-2 tbsp. Ranch-Dressing gas stations with low fat

Put a sheet salad and vegetables into a large dish for salad, place the quantity of the eggs around the edge. Add the refueling and slightly mix the greens, then add the tuna. Sung and pepper in taste.

1 portion: 378 calories, 13 g fat, 32 g of carbohydrates, 35 g of protein

Salad with grilled salmon and lemon (4 servings):

  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. Lemon juice or lime juice
  • 4 salmon steak for 180 g
  • 8 cups of greenery to taste
  • 2 tomatoes chosen on quarter
  • 1 Yellow or orange Bulgarian pepper, washed and sliced
  • 1 medium cucumber, peeled from the peel and thin sliced

Fight salmon steaks on the grill or ordinary frying pan to the desired degree of readiness. At this time, prepare the greens (a mixture of salad, spinach, arugula or any other greenery to taste), tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper and cucumber, distribute on the 4th plates. Separately mix olive oil, lemon juice (or Lyme juice) and fuel the salad with this mixture. Placing salmon fillet from above.

For 1 portion:
368 calories, 17 g fat, 13 g of carbohydrates, 40 g of protein.


Hummus and vegetables(1 serving)

  • ¼ cups hummus
  • 8 Bayby Morkovok
  • 1 Red Bulgarian Pepper, Sliced

Lay out the vegetables beautifully on a plate, macaite in Hummaus and enjoy.

(1 portion: 164 calories, 6 g of fat, 22 g of carbohydrates, 6 g of protein)

Yogurt with nuts Pecan (1 serving)

  • 1 cup of natural low-fat Greek yogurt
  • A little vanilla extract, to taste
  • 1 tbsp. chopped nuts pecan

Mix all the ingredients in the cup and enjoy.

(For 1 portion: 164 calories, 5 g fat, 10 g of carbohydrates, 21 g of proteins)

Celery with almond stuffing (1 serving)

  • 2 Purified celery sprigs
  • 1.5 tbsp. Natural almond oil

Distribute almond oil on celery twigs.

(For 1 portion: 236 calories, 13 g fat, 10 g of carbohydrates, 6 g of protein)


Spicy steak with spinach and tomato salad (1 serving)

  • 1 Steak 120 g: Mignon fillet, clipping or fillet
  • Fresh ground pepper
  • 1 cup of spinach leaves
  • 1 Tomato chopped on 8 parts
  • 4 black olives, arbitrary chopped
  • ¼ red bulbs, thinly sliced
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1-2 tbsp. Balsamic vinegar

Season the steak with fresh-grinding pepper and any other spices to your taste. Forex steak on the grill or frying pan on each side to the desired degree of readiness. Serve steak, putting it on the spinach leaves. While the steak is still roasting, make a salad from tomatoes, for which you mix the sliced \u200b\u200btomato, onions, olives, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

(1 portion: 399 calories, 23 g fat, 13 g of carbohydrates, 35 g of protein)

Southwest turkey burger with baked Brussels cabbage and carrots (4 servings)

  • 450 g of turkey breasts, grilling into mince
  • 1/3 cup of black beans with salsa (canned)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 Tomato Sliced
  • 1 avocado, sliced
  • 2-3 cups of Brussels cabbage, peeled and chopped on halves
  • 2 cups of babe carrot
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil

In the medium cup, mix mince from turkey, salsa and egg, mix thoroughly and form 4 burgers. Put on the pan with a non-stick coating and fry from each side of 5-6 minutes, or before readiness. Serve with pieces of tomato and avocado. While the burgers are roasted, lay out the Brussels cabbage and carrots on baking paper, cover with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste, slightly mix. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes, or before readiness.

(1 portion: 363 calories, 17 g fat, 23 g of carbohydrates, 35 g of protein)

Tilapia with rosemary and lemon with spinach salad (1 serving)

  • 1 phile of tilapia for 150-200 g or other white fish, such as perch or cod
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1-2 tbsp. Lemon juice
  • 1-2 tbsp. dried rosemary
  • 1 tbsp. Capers.
  • 2 cups of arugula or other lightweight greenery to taste
  • 1 Sliced \u200b\u200bTomato
  • 1 tbsp. Low-chosen refueling Vinaigrette

Put fish fillet into the form for baking, water, lemon juiceSprinkle with rosemary and capers. Sung and pepper in taste. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees 10-15 minutes or until fish ready.
At this time, mix together greens for salad, tomato and refueling. Serve with fish and lemon slices.

(1 portion: 379 calories, 17 g fat, 14 g of carbohydrates, 47 g of protein)

Power Principles upon Completion of the 7-Day Power Plan

You coped! You have passed a 7-day nutrition plan, which is designed in such a way as to run your metabolism from the place! I am sure you have dropped a few kilograms and feel more confident and control everything that gets to your mouth. Now, when you coped with this test, adhere to the new power plan will be much simpler.

* If you do not want to try the 7-day power plan proposed above, you can follow these nutrition guidelines throughout the 90 days of the program.

Spell with overweight
Some workouts are not enough to lose weight. Weight loss is a combination of power and concentration during training with proper nutrition. This power plan step by step will teach you to eat balanced, helps to lose weight without feeling that you tend yourself in something. It was carefully compiled with a specific goal - so that your process of weight loss is crowned with success!

The key to success is the conscious adaptation of your body to the changing power mode. I created this system to help you simultaneously clear from excessively recycled food, unhealthy food and at the same time realize that food is necessary for nutritional nutrition, and not for testing it for strength. No fast food, but no sophisticated rules here. The diet is based on generally accepted ideas about healthy nutrition, which you can follow all my life and that really work! Just follow these rules, training calendar and watch extra kilograms disappear!

Power Plan
Every day you will consume one of

  • breakfast at 250 calories,
  • 400 calories dinners
  • snack containing 150 calories
  • 400 calories dinners

which in the amount will be about 1200 calories per day.

Below you will find a specific plan for the next 90 days. You can follow this plan or combine recipes and create your own power plan. You have 10 breakfast options, 15 lunches, 10 snacks and 15 options for dinners to choose from (remember that the snack must follow after lunch). However, do not tasite dishes between meals, that is, for example, do not use the dish designed for dinner for lunch or breakfast.

All recipes are simple, contain one-piece ingredients and you do not need to be a chef to prepare them. Over time, you will taste, and discover that this nutrition plan is a hint, the basic principles of which are easy and easy to follow, without being worked on with each word. For even greater simplicity, try cooking several dishes directly or double the portion so that you have a stock for the next meal.

Continue to weigh only once a week. Use always the same scales, the same day of the week, as well as the same time of the day. Such a sequence will help you control the situation, and at the same time you will not be upset once again due to possible natural weight fluctuations during the day.
Do not forget to drink plenty of water! If you want, you can revive the taste of water with lemon or lime juice. It is very important because it will help you to avoid dehydration and tighten the feeling of hunger on the slimming process.

If you drink coffee, limit the amount of caffeine to 400 mg per day, which approximately corresponds to 2 cups of strong coffee. Make sure that you take the latest caffery-containing drink until 15 o'clock in the afternoon so that caffeine was completely removed from your body in the evening.


"If you want to find something that has never managed to get, then you need to do something that you have never had to do!"

Being a personal trainer in a reality show on the NBC channel, Gillian Michaels helped the silent number of people to find a great body and harmony with them. And more importantly - he taught them to keep the result achieved even after the end of the TV show. At the same time, the work of Gillian did not stay behind the scenes: the beauty was readily shared by the tips and beyond the shooting sites, writing a DVD with training, releasing books and distributing interviews.

Before you, Top 30 tips from 42-year athletes with an ideal figure, and part-time - moms of two children. It is not necessary to follow everything at once: carefully read them and choose those that best fit your lifestyle and workout style. The main thing is not to retreat from the goal and never stop. Remember, work on yourself is a lifestyle.

1. Do not exercise that do not like

"There is no better workout plan in the world, because universality does not work. I am a professional and I can say how much you need to do, but if you don't like the exercises - you just can not make them with full return, "says Michaels. - Better look for movement and shells that you like, and combine them as you want. Do not stop at some one form of training, constantly try to learn and try new (and put the following goals in the process of achieving already set). Otherwise, it is easy to stop fully focused on the exercises performed, and this can lead to a decrease in efficiency, boredom and even injury. "

2. Forget about new-water diets

"New-fashioned diets do not work, better turn on the brains. In the Internet, full of useless and absurd power plans, often drawn up by people who have no relation to nutrition at all. Blindly following the advice seems to "exclude all carbohydrates and fats", you are not just wasting time, but also wander your digestion- Gillian warns. - The whole secret is to make up good program exercises and a power plan in which useful products You will eat more than harmful, plus you will not feel like a martyr. "

3. Try to enlarge the load

Do you often choose for cardio treadmill? Try to enlarge the slope to speed up the fat burning. "You will not even feel this extra pair of degrees, and you will start to destroy 15% more calories!" - Approves Michaels.

4. Sleep bigger

"Sleep is the basis of work on yourself, because it is great affects the level of hormones responsible for burning fat and extension muscular mass. The better your hormonal balance will be, the easier it will get to lose weight"," Explains Guru. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

5. Excuse Lemonadov

"Sweet carbonated drinks is straightforwards the enemy of the number one figure," says Gillian. - Calories in them are more than in many cakes, and you can drink imperceptibly for yourself in huge quantities. And they are harmful to teeth and do not quench thirst - on the controotor, they cause dehydration and wash their useful salts and minerals from the body. " If simple water is bored, try the carbonated mineral water, add fresh juice or fruits into water, tea without sugar.

6. Unlock Rule "80 to 20"

"Let 80% of the food consumed on the day be useful and" correct ", and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bcan be prevented by any harmful, but tasty. Otherwise, you will constantly feel deprived of all gastronomic joys, and in such thoughts it is very easy to break and move, "Gillian advises. It will be completely great if the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bwill include goodies that are not very harmful. I.e chocolate is better to choose bitter, not milk; If Potato Free is the average portion; And Burger is suitable with one cutlet, and not "triple with bacon."

7. Learn to read the menu

According to the study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition, people on average consume 200 kcal more in those days when the restaurant is visited than when they eat at home. Thus, festive dinners even without a basin Olivier can seriously slow down your progress. Gillian advises to choose a pair of grilled dishes, as well as boiled or baked. That is, it is better to avoid fryer and chocolate fountains.

When there are no hints of healthy food at all in the menu, try to clarify the waiter possible options for cooking. "If you are inconvenient to report that you are on a diet, perfectly triggers" lie to salvation "- say that you are allergic. In such cases, it is better to overcome modesty and defend your interests than then rolling yourself and spoil the mood to the thoughts about the breakdown of the power plan. I need soup without sour cream - explain that you do not bear lactose, "Gillian advises.

8. And better not open the menu at all.

There may be all sorts of appetitive pictures and seductive words in the spirit of Spaghetti Bolognese or Club Sandwich with Bacon. "In each restaurant, there is a certain set of basic dishes - vegetable and cereal side dishes, meat, fish. If you know in advance what you want, - you can do without sacrifices"," Says Gillian.

9. Read the composition

Of course, to know the calorie content in the dish - it is very important, but the quality and composition of food also play a large role in weight loss. If your body will spend more resources for processing chemistry and dyes in food, it will not be able to fully use you eaten as "fuel". "The more natural, the easier the organism and the better the diet results. Buying semi-finished products or dairy products, carefully learned the label, "Michaels insists. "If you have no idea that there for a long incomprehensible word in the composition means, you most likely not need it." Of course, not all semi-finished products are banned. Just choose them carefully.

10. Be sequential

Will get into the gym only a couple of times a month, when there is a mood, is not a very reliable way to find a flat stomach and accurate shoulders. For full work on creating the body of your dream, the body needs regular loads. " Try to go to the fitness club at least four times a week. And exercises are not less than half an hour, "says Gillian. - Regularity is very important. If the half-day training is exhausting you, try to break it on two approaches of 15 minutes and take a break between them. Gradually reduce rest time and increase the load. "

11. Work at the pace

The main mistake of many in the gym - Classes are not fully recycle. "I often see the ladies leafing magazines, doing on an elliptical simulator. Or the guys arrange breaks for 10-15 minutes between approaches, aimlessly wondering around the hall and playing in the racing on the smartphone. It is ineffective and meaningless. If you do in full force, calories are burned not only in the process of workout itself, but also for a long time after it, "explains Gillian in an interview for the USA Today magazine.

Do you miss motivation? Try to upload to the player your favorite vigorous music that you want to dance. She will make you move faster and will help not slow down the pace, which will have a positive effect on the results of work.

12. Avoid overtraining

To do before the last strength is not bad. But not an end in itself. Permanent attempts to deliberately urge themselves - the wrong strategy. The overtraining leads to a decrease in performance and can trigger an injury that will close the door of the gym for a long time. Gillian advises to do exercises until a feeling of pleasant fatigue appears, not longer. In theory, this means that when the workout is completed, you must be able to make another approach, but already through force - and therefore it is not necessary to do it.

13. Listen to your feelings

"If you have difficulty when choosing healthy food, try to bring in memory of the feeling from overeating harmful food," Michaels advises. - If the hand draws to donkeys instead of bunting and pizza, not a boiled chicken breast, remember how it was unpleasant to walk with the bloating of the belly, as a shame to see the figures more familiar on the scales, how do you feel good jeans when you get up. And then try to imagine how the body feels well after the right dinner, how can you wear an outdoor swimsuit on the beach next summer. Isn't the feeling of self-confidence and his health cost more pleasure from eaten eclair? "

14. Do not lower your hands

All from time to time breaks, but this does not mean that you can now with a calm conscience to score on the gym and sit in front of the TV, swaying the mountain bucket of ice cream. Frams are the norm. The main thing is not to throw started due to one episode. "If you have a wheel on your way, you don't throw a car in anger in the middle of the track and do not sit on the sideline to be sad and read the book, waiting for the wheel in a magical way somehow sick itself," says Gillian. - Well, you missed one workout, and what? Watch meals and appoint classes for tomorrow. Everything is very simple".

15. Answer yourself why you want it

"A healthy lifestyle is not just hiking in the hall and proper nutrition, this is a way of thinking," says Gillian. It is very important to allocate for yourself the reason why you want to lose weight or gain weight, and stay healthy. "Explain yourself, why do you do it, it is desirable for more details," she continues. - Do not limit the wording in the spirit "I want to become healthy and beautiful." This is too wide description, which in the end does not include anything that you are close or understandable. Thoughts with specific goals - for example, "I want to keep vigor to be able to play more time with my children." Or "I want to participate in the marathon next year." Write this goal. Feel its emotional load. After all, you should understand a simple thing: chips have always been tastier with water, and this fact will not change. But you can find a goal in life that will mean much more for you than the desire to eat a pack of crispy potato slices. "

16. Weighing regularly, but not often

Do not try to weigh every day, it is meaningless. It is better to appoint a certain day of the week, which you will learn your new weight. This is a great way to track the results without hassle. " Use the same scales at the same time. During the day, the weight can vary up to several kilograms, so sometimes the usual digestive process is able to create an impression of a weight gain. Constancy allows you to get more accurate results, "explains Michaels.

17. Do not overeat!

You can eat with one boiled chicken breast, vegetables and oatmeal, but if there are too many of them, the weight will stand still. "Nutrition is a very important part of working on yourself, and it doesn't matter how much you eat is useful - it is not necessary to overeat anyway," Jillian insists. - Of course, healthy food brings more benefitBut the calories obtained from an apple or from chocolate will ultimately ever have to burn in the gym. "

18. Always have a spare plan

To take a job dinner cooked at home, useful for the wallet and for the waist. If you cook yourself, you will not be able to accidentally order too much portion or squeak what they carefully avoid. But let's be honest with each other: anything can happen. Sometimes you have to buy something in the store or order in a cafe. For this case Gillian advises to compile a list of "Options of a healthy lunch" Depending on which categories of catering and supermarkets are next to your work.

19. Adhere to the schedule

"Studies show that the most effective workout at the same time of the day," says Michaels. This makes sense - the more regularly your schedule will be, the easier it is to turn useful practices in the habit.

20. Make a vacation active

If you notice that in the days of meetings with friends you often have to sacrifice the tax plan, try to propose to replace your familiar friendly dinner on the total yoga, Seminar on healthy nutrition or walk in the park. You can still follow the advice of Gillian and go to Bowling. "This, of course, is not a complete training, but 30 minutes of active game allow you to burn almost 200 kcal, and in general it is much more useful than just sitting in a pub and drink beer. Do not forget, there are many ways to actively and have fun in the company. "

21. Overdree the weight that stands on the spot

Many at the first pores of the kilogram melt literally every day, but then the scales of the weeks persistently show the same digit. "It means that you need a couple of days to relax and add a little calorie into your daily diet. With a quick initial weight loss, the body is reinsured and produces hormones that increase appetite and stock fat. It is just an instinct of survival that works if the body believes that there is a danger of malnutrition. But the body can be reached by arranging a break in classes and adding a plus plus 10% kcal to the diet. It helps to restart the metabolism, "explains Gillian.

22. Do not dwell on the visual image of your body

« Most important - your health and well-being. Concentrating on them, you find harmony with you and stop challenging the unattainable ideal, and then everything starts to get by itself, "says Gillian. Studies on this topic show that people whose goals are fulfilled and positive, can work more efficiently and consistently.

23. Snack before going to a party

If you come to a restaurant hungry, you can forget about your goal to lose weight and start ordering dishes, the use of which will soon regret. In order not to turn off the way with a healthy nutrition, Gillian offers to "eat a useful snack before you leave the house. And if the meeting is not in the restaurant, and at a party, try to bring with you a tasty and healthy treat that can save you if nothing but beer and chips will be at the party.

24. Use more vitamin C!

It seems you have tried everything, but do not want to disappear any extra kilograms? Perhaps the whole thing is high level of stress hormone - cortisol. If you explain on your fingers, he constantly gives the body "stock oil!". " Try to eat for breakfast citrus"Gillian advises.

25. Eat more protein products

It is easy to ensure that the protein is attended in each meal. Constantly ask yourself: "Is there a protein in this dish?" If the answer is "yes", everything is in order. "The protein helps longer to preserve the feeling of satiety, and the amino acids that the body decomposes them, is construction material For muscles, "explains Michaels.

26. Take care of useful snacks

"Healthy and useful products, pre-prepared for use, can help themselves," says Gillian. - Options Weight: Package of carrots or a glass of tomatoes Cherry, a handful of raw almonds or a bottle of yogurt without sugar, - the main thing is to know that you have a "dry lady" with you, which will not rush to trays with hot dogs and ice cream. Bring several such options for the snack to work, put in the car, Check them in the bag before leaving home. Then you will tell you "Thank you"! "

27. Drink more water

The easiest advice for weight loss, which is for some reason no one should, - drink more water. "Water saturation can reduce the feeling of hunger and improve digestion by almost 3%!" - tells Michaels. If simple water is bored, mix it with freshly squeezed juices is a delicious and very useful option.

28. Moved order in the buffet

Attempts to lose weight, if chocolate bars, chipses and baking chocolates are spread across the kitchen, similar to the efforts to shook the car: very hard and almost useless. " Emissions All that contains transductions, artificial sweeteners And the corn syrup with fructose, "teaches Gillian. Harmful products It is better to never buy large packages or several pieces. Let it be one small chips bag or one small chocolate tile, even if you still want to get a new portion and continue to eat. "

29. Calculate yourself with the right food.

This reception is enjoyed by marketers in stores, when they laid out chocolate and kinder-surprises at the knee level: this is done so that goodies come across the eyes to small children. Make a trick to work for you: "Let your useful food come across at home: put into the refrigerator to the view level of the most healthy empties of snacks to see them in the first place."

30. Get up and stand

"If you get up and stand. Standing the body spends one and a half times more calories than sitting- Jillian emphasizes. - Still in line for a doctor, watch the TV standing, even work at the computer standing - I put my laptop on the bar counter in the kitchen. Just stand, it works. "

Among the numerous methods for slimming a mansion is the system ...

Among the numerous methods for slimming, the mansion is worth the system called by her creator, more precisely, the creator who experienced his brainchild, first of all, on himself and therefore may feel free to talk about the one hundred percent warranty of the result.

Gillian Michaels - a slim figure for 30 days

Meet Gillian Michaels

Today, Jillian Michaels is one of the most famous fashion models in the world. Partly, she coach, who works in absentia with the millionth audience of his followers. But once she never could call himself a slim beauty, but even, on the contrary, was considered a fat woman. At the age of 12 years, Gillian Weave almost 80 kg with an increase in one and a half meters. It was the excess weight that caused the 14-year-old girl in the gym.

She immediately fell in love with the sport, began to deal with a special zeal, not characteristic of peers. In addition, she was constantly thinking about improving training, make them more efficient.

These searches gave the result and in 2002 Gillian and several of her close friends opened their own fitness room. This was the beginning of a new milestone in the life of Michaels. Already in 2005, she became one of the most famous and popular coaches in America. She was invited to the talk show, her books were published with huge circulations, video benefits with the exercise complex were bought, barely hitting the counter.

Slimming System - Slim Figure for 30 Days

Slimming Slimming Gillian Michaels is based on a combination of two main components: fitness training and diet. To perform exercises, it does not need some special inventory, a fairly ordinary dumbbell set. The duration of classes does not exceed half an hour, so this system is quite suitable for the most lazy or overly occupied people.

At the same time, the results are truly impressive. Work on himself according to the method of Gillian is divided into two stages, the first of which lasts 3 weeks. During this time, subject to recommendations, it is possible to completely get rid of fat deposits, after which the second stage begins, on which the work is carried out above the problem areas of the figure.

Diet Gillian Michaels - a slim figure for 30 days

As already mentioned exercise stress - Only one of the components of the system. Another important part of it is a diet based on 3 principles.

  • Principle First - In each case, an individual approach. The meaning is that every person's body is a unique very complex mechanism in which many of the most different processes. One of them is the process of metabolism, that is, the processing of eaten food into energy. Every person, he proceeds with his peculiarities, depends on whether the individual is inclined to complete or, on the contrary, it differs in the union of the physique. Metabolism can be fast or slow.In the first case, Gillian Michaels system advises to enter more complex carbohydrates into the diet and at the same time carry out more intensive workouts. People with slow metabolism are recommended to give preference to protein food.
  • Principle of the second - follow the flow and spending of calories. To do this, it is necessary to roughly define the daily amount of energy entering the body along with food. This can be done using special tables that provide data on calorie content of various products. Next is the calculation of the calorie flow per day. For this, there are also special calculators. The essence is that it is necessary to build power in such a way that the amount of calories of the calories is 400-600 units exceeded the volume coming from food.
  • Principle Third- The food must be a four-time, while only natural and useful products are allowed. The basis of the diet is fruits and vegetables. You can also use meat, but it must be not fat, lean. Seafood and fermented seafood is allowed. It is categorically impossible to allow itself campaigns in cafes and points of fast food.
  • A special diary helps to prevent overeating, which should carefully record all the products eaten during the day with their calorie content.

As you can see, the Slimming System Gillian Michaels is simple and accessible to everyone. A combination of properly organized nutrition and regular sports allows you to effectively deal with overweight and constantly maintain perfect shape. Thanks to this technique, you can reset up to 30 kg of excess weight over the months.

Gillian Michaels - a slim figure for 30 days (video)

We start today! Everything needs to start today, because tomorrow never comes.

Slim figure for 30 days - 1 level

Slim figure for 30 days - level 2

Slim figure for 30 days - 3 level

Slim figure for 30 days - all levels in one video

Reading time: 6 minutes

Our readers of Catherine shares his personal experience, how to eat when training Jillian Michaels.

Read our other useful food articles:

Catherine, 28 years old

"I started studying with Gillian Michaels 1 year and 2 months ago. As for many, the first program was "a slim figure for 30 days." For a month I was able to achieve good results and decided to try other Gillian classes: "Flat belly for 6 weeks" and "killer of the bull". Then I performed the "revolution of the body" for 3 months, and then I switched to Body Shred. In the end, I tried all Michaels workouts, some more often, some less often. And for the year of classes I managed to lose weight by 12 kg. Now I weigh 57 kg. The last two months the weight is in place, but the volumes continue to leave.

But I could not achieve such excellent results if it were not for meals. After all, even the most intensive program of Gillian Michaels "Reset overweight, speeding up its metabolism" allows you to burn no more than 500 kcal. And this is essentially 100 g of chocolate. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your nutrition. In addition to complying with the principles of proper nutrition, I tried to consider calories. But it is impossible to say that I restricted myself. And in no case, I'm not starving. Not a single day. And I do not advise you.

In general, in my opinion, even a simple calorie counting is enough to lose weight. But I wanted not just throwing the weight, but also change the food habits. Namely to try drop from the sweet, to accustom yourself to the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, do not forget regularly there are protein products. Now I can confidently say that even from an amateur of fast food, sausages, pizzas and especially sweets (yes, it's all about me) you can make a proper nutrition.

Since I have a replaceable work schedule, I'm doing sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the evening. My daily menu looks like that:

  • Breakfast: porridge (oatmeal or pesh) with raisins / prunes, milk and bran
  • Snack: Coffee with 2-3 slices of chocolates (usually dark chocolate, but sometimes I allow yourself milk)
  • Lunch: rice / pasta / buckwheat / less freight + chicken / beef / turkey / rarely pork + fresh tomatoes / cucumbers / pepper
  • Snack: Fruits (any, try to alternate different) + a little nuts. Sometimes I eat carrots instead of fruit.
  • Dinner: Cottage cheese + milk. If you still allow the corridor of calories, add fruit.

Depending on what time I train with Gillian Michaels, my food schedule is slightly modified:

1) Option 1: If I am doing in the evening after work

  • 7:30 - breakfast
  • 9:00 - Snack
  • 12:30 - Lunch
  • 15:30 - Snack
  • 17:30 - Training: 30-60 minutes
  • 20:00 - dinner

2) Option 2: If I am engaged in the afternoon after breakfast:

  • 9:30 - breakfast
  • 11:00 - Snack
  • 13:00 - Training: 30-60 minutes
  • 15:30 - Lunch
  • 17:00 - Snack
  • 20:00 - dinner

3) Option 3: If I am engaged in the morning before breakfast

  • 9:00 - Training: 30-60 minutes
  • 11:00 - breakfast
  • 12:30 - Snack
  • 15:30 - Lunch
  • 17:00 - Snack
  • 20:00 - dinner

As you can see, I do not mind myself. I go to bed somewhere at 23.00. The total number of calories for the day I have 1700-1800. Sometimes I let yourself violations in food by dessert or the same pizza. But not more than 1 time per month. The menu is not iron, there are some changes (for example, sometimes carcass cappist, work broccoli, I cook soup or buy canned corn). But in general, I learned myself to such a nutrition, I just vary the components so that the power was diverse. "

We hope that Catherine's advice will help you form your own fee during class with Gillian Michaels. If you want to achieve the same amazing results (and Catherine managed to get rid of 12 kg), then adjust your food and start studying regular training. And preferably right now.

Gillian Michaels ─ Fitness coach who does not know the mercy and self-made woman. Training with a restless American pass under the motto "Umci, but do". Daily lessons with Michaels allow for a month to adjust problem areas and improve body quality. But even the best set of exercises loses its meaning without competently built food: sufficient to withstand the load, but with the necessary calorie deficiency. For those who are ready to work hard, in addition to sports, the American fitness guru offers the author's diet Gillian Michaels.

Author's nutrition system Gillian Michaels: basic principles

The purpose of the diet ─ to make the body lose weight at the expense of fat stocks and prevent the loss of muscle mass. For 30 days, the following rules must be followed:

  • Feed 4 times a day with an interval of 4 hours.
  • Drink enough clean water: at least 300 ml per half an hour before each meal.
  • Limit the use of salt, drinks with caffeine, alcohol.
  • Fully eliminate products from the tops of the highest grade, sweets, semi-finished products, gas, fast food, fatty cheeses, delicious meat products, white rice.
  • Reduce the cooking time of protein dishes to the required minimum. Fry on a non-stick frying pan or using a culinary spray or a small amount of olive oil.

Difference Diet Gillian Michaels from the rest of the power supply systems with loud names

New Year's video recipe:

As with their video courses, in the author's diet, Gillian Michaels offers its followers to mobilize domestic resources and balance on the verge of opportunities. But the one who trusts her and go to the end will receive a tightened body and self-confidence. Besides balanced menu, Michaels strongly advises:

  • Key diary: paper or virtual. There should be made in the original parameters (weight, chest volumes, waist and hips). And also write what time you ate. These records will help analyze their actions and, if necessary, make adjustments.
  • Engage in a fitness of at least 5 days a week for 40-60 minutes. It can be any of Gillian's branded training or a special exercise complex.
  • Maintain a high level of motivation. Represent your future beautiful figure, perceive the system not as a punishment, but as a path to perfection.

For the month of stubborn work and compliance with Diet Gillian, Michaels does not promise stunning results. In 30 days, you can lose a maximum of 9 kilograms. But this will happen due to the reduction of the subcutaneous and visceral fat layer, and not due to the muscular mass, as it happens with the followers of extreme diets. You will be stronger than not only physically, but also spiritually and gain a dream body.

Menu 30-day diet

Proper nutrition ─ Fundam, without which it is impossible to build a healthy and beautiful body. Diet Gillian Michaels is designed so that a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, macro and trace elements arrive in the body. Quadrupid food allows not to suffer from hunger attacks and prevents sharp jumps of blood sugar levels. However, the use of healthy food does not guarantee a decrease in body weight. It is necessary to determine the amount of day calorie and not exceed it.

Calculate day caloric content according to the following formula: 447.6 + (9.2 × weight, kg) + (3.1 × growth, cm) - (4.3 × age, years)

For a 28-year-old girl with an increase in 171 cm and weighing 65 kg, day caloric content will be equal to: 447.6 + (9.2 × 65) + (3.1 × 171) - (4.3 × 28) \u003d 1455,3 kilocalories.

Before you sample menu For 2 weeks, dishes can be combined at their request. Basic meals:

Days Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 Cup of whole grain flakes and a half cup of skimmed milk and a handful of blueberries Grilled steak and vegetable salad with refueling from balsamic vinegar Baked chicken breasts with wild rice pilaf
2 Omelet from 5 egg whites, broccoli and cherry tomatoes. Rye bread Greek chicken breast salad Cod with lemon and ginger, steam spinach, baked carrots
3 Rice loaves with namazka from the innocent cottage cheese sweetened by sublose Shrimp cocktail and avocado Salmon grilled and cauliflower puree
4 Omelet with mushrooms and sweet pepper Stroke beans and grilled salmon Whole grain flour pasta with dried tomatoes, shrimps and broccoli
5 Boltuny egg Roulet in a lava with turkey and vegetables Haltus in a balsamic vinegar with a salad of leaf vegetables
6 Oatmeal and boiled egg Salad with chicken and apples Veal medallions with salad mix
7 Breakfast in a bank Pita with chicken Salmon in balsamic vinegar with boiled carrots and cauliflower
8 Burrito Baked chicken mash turkey, grocery salad and dried cranberries Cod fish sticks
9 French ommelet Escalo from chicken
10 Degreased yogurt with dried cherry and cashew Turkish rolls Halibut with baked eggplants
11 Granola with low-fat milk Chicken in almond sauce
12 Two treasures from cutting bread with peanut butter Turkey minced balls Grilled tilapia, steamed spinach
13 Portion of low fat curd and banana Beefstroods from veal, portion of Kuskus Baked sea baking with a warm lentil salad
14 "Eggs in avocado" Chicken Roots with Spinach and Ricotta

Punching options:

  • 10 grapes and 10 halves of walnut.
  • 10 pieces of raw almonds and 1 apple.
  • Half of the banana and 10 pieces of cashew.
  • Apple and 1 tablespoon peanut paste.
  • Cup of fruit salad.
  • Granola bar.
  • Breads with humus.
  • A cup of any berry with low-fat yogurt.
  • Mozzarella Ball.
  • Wholegrain cracker with grain cottage cheese.

Special recipes from Gillian

To prevent breakdowns and violations of the diet, you need to avoid monotony in nutrition and cook in advance so as not to be in a situation where there is nothing to eat, and the hand itself stretches to the high-caloric yummy. To help losing weight Gillian offers several recipes that will enrich the menu and will not add centimeters to the waist.

Breakfast in a bank


  • 110 g of oat flakes;
  • 200 grams of grain cottage cheese with low fat content;
  • 200 g of yogurt without additives;
  • 75 g of crushed almond;
  • vanilla extract to taste.

Fold all the ingredients in the jar, mix, put in the refrigerator for the night.



  • 4 chicken squirrels;
  • 2 tablespoons of 1% milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of chopped greens;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • 2 Tortylians;
  • 2 tablespoons of cheese fatness of 9%;
  • tomatoes.


  • Mix proteins, milk, greens and pepper.
  • Preheat a pan, sprinkle with a culinary spray.
  • Pour the egg-milk mixture.
  • Fry an omelet from two sides.
  • Collect Burrito: Share in the center of Tortilia half the amount of cheese, omelet, crushed tomatoes.
  • Collapse cake with a converter.

French ommelet


  • one piece of red and yellow bell pepper;
  • 4 eggs;
  • clove of garlic;
  • a cup of ripe tomatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes;
  • chopped green parsley;
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • ground red pepper to taste.


  • Cut the bell pepper stripes, garlic finely chopped.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan.
  • Start passing vegetables.
  • After 7 minutes add tomatoes and prepare for another 7 minutes.
  • Beat eggs with pepper, add to a vegetable mixture, fry for another 3 minutes.
  • Before serving, sprinkle with greens.

Grapefruit and Avocado Salad


  • 2 grapefruit;
  • 2 avocado;
  • leaf salad;
  • 1/3 cup of radish, chopped with small pieces;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice;
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped mint;
  • salt and pink pepper.


  • Separate the pulp of grapefruit, cut into pieces of medium size.
  • Avocado clean, remove the bone, cut on slices.
  • To lay out the washed and dry lettuce leaves, prepared grapefruit and avocado on top.
  • Sprinkle with radish.
  • Prepare refueling: mix honey, lemon juice and mint.
  • Half your dish training. Pepper and salt.

Pita with chicken


  • 2 Petes from whole grain flour;
  • 500 g of chicken breasts;
  • 2 sweet bell peppers;
  • a small bulb;
  • 110 g of cheese fatness of 9%;
  • 100 ml of balsamic vinegar;
  • 4 teaspoons of olive oil;
  • black pepper to taste.


  • Breasts cut and repel.
  • Preheat the frying pan, lubricate with 2 teaspoons of olive oil.
  • Share a chicken, cook for 1 minute on each side.
  • Pour half vinegar to meat, cook 2 minutes, the balsamik should thicken.
  • Stay chops on a plate.
  • Cut the sweet pepper stripes, onions ─ cubes.
  • Pour the remaining oil in the pan, fry vegetables.
  • After 7 minutes, pour the residues of vinegar. Prepare 1 minute.
  • Split meat and vegetables into two parts.
  • Starting the pit, top with hot filling, put a grated cheese and season with pepper dish.

Salad with chicken and apples


  • half a boiled chicken breast;
  • 1 Apple grade Grennie Smith;
  • 1/2 Stem celery;
  • 1/4 cup of raisin without seeds;
  • 2 tablespoons of green onions;
  • 100 g of Greek yogurt;
  • cinnamon and fresh black chief pepper.


  • Breast, celery and apple cut into cubes.
  • Green bow ─ chore.
  • Add raisins.
  • Greek yogurt, lemon juice and spices to mix, fill the salad.

Pita tuna and fruit filling


  • 2 whole grain pit;
  • 1 tuna steak;
  • 1 boiled egg protein;
  • 200 g of Canned Pineapple Cubes;
  • leaf salad;
  • a tomato;
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream with low fat content;
  • 1 teaspoon of cerebral cerebral;
  • black pepper;
  • culinary spray.


  • Marine tuna in lemon juice and pepper.
  • Fry grilled for 4 minutes on each side.
  • Cut slices.
  • Cut chicken squirrel with small cubes, mix with pineapple and tuna.
  • In Pete, fold the leaves of lettuce, slices of tomatoes and filling from fruits and tuna.

Turkish rolls


  • 200 g of turkey breast baked in the oven;
  • large leaf of salad;
  • 1/4 teaspoon mustard;
  • 2 Slice of Tomato.


  • Cut into thin slices.
  • Salad lubricate mustard.
  • Dismix tomatoes and turkey meat.
  • Roll a tight roll.

Poll bean salad, wholegrain paste and tuna


  • 2 cups of chopalla of whole grain flour;
  • 2 cups of the pole beans (you can use frozen);
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • clove of garlic;
  • canned tuna jar in its own juice;
  • white pepper and chopped parsley.


  • Preheat the frying pan, pour oil, fry garlic.
  • Add beans and fry until soft.
  • Boil and cool pasta.
  • From the tuna to drain the liquid and disassemble it into pieces.
  • Mix all the ingredients, fill with lemon juice, pepper and olive oil.

Turkey minced balls


  • 350 g of minced turkey;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 1 chopped bulb;
  • 5 tablespoons of chopped greenery;
  • a mixture of 1/4 teaspoon of cumin and the same amount of ground coriander;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.


  • Mix all ingredients other than oil.
  • Preheat oven up to 200 ° C.
  • Lubricate refractory oil.
  • Share small balls from mince, lay out.
  • Bake 25 minutes.

Halibut with baked eggplants


  • 400 g of a halotus;
  • 1 medium eggplant;
  • 10 pieces of cherry;
  • culinary spray;
  • curry to taste.


  • Eggplant and tomatoes cut into slices with a thickness of 0.5 cm.
  • Preheat oven to 180 ° C.
  • To lay out foil on the tray, sprinkle a culinary spray.
  • Dispatch chopped vegetables.
  • Sprinkle curry, bake 10 minutes.
  • Fish fry on a split frying pan, then bake in the oven for 5 minutes.
  • Serve halves on a pillow of baked vegetables.

Cod fish sticks


  • 600 g cod;
  • 1 tablespoon of lime juice;
  • half cup breadcrumbs;
  • 1 tablespoon of low-liquid sour cream;
  • 1/8 teaspoon of black pepper and onion powder;
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped greenery;
  • olive oil.


  • Cut cod with strokes.
  • Mix sour cream and spices, deceive fish.
  • Cut the sticks in breadcrumbs, lay out in a lubricated form.
  • Bake in the oven at a temperature of 210 ° C.
  • When feeding to sprinkle with parsley.

Fearing on the system of Gillian Michaels and training daily, you can significantly lose weight and achieve a relief tightened body in a short time without expensive sports additives and personal coach.