Kefir with berries in a blender for weight loss. Cocktail recipes from kefir for comfortable weight loss

Kefir - product will help to improve the metabolism, which is compulsory present in the daily diet of people who care about their health and a slim figure. It is possible to strengthen the efficiency of the sour-colored drink with other products and spices, prepare a simple and tasty cocktail.

Simple recipe

An alternative to breakfast or dinner can be a mixture of ferocular product and apples.

Clear apples and grate. Connect in a bowl bowl with kefir, beat, slight cinnamon and mix again.

Fat burning kefir cocktail with cinnamon and red pepper

The invigorating taste of this cocktail will not leave any real gourmet indifferent. The combination of fragrant cinnamon and burning peppers enriches kefir with new tastes and strengthen its beneficial effects on the body. To prepare a beverage in a blender, such components should be prepared:

  • 200 ml kefir;
  • on the pinch of ginger, cinnamon and ground red pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. Water (mineral).

Beverage cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calorie: 50 kcal / 100

Spices stir in water and pour kefir. The sharpness can be varied on the basis of its own preferences. Such a cocktail is not only struggling with fatty sediments, but also fills the energy no worse cup of coffee.

Kefiro-ginger cocktail

The combination of kefir with fresh ginger not only improves the main metabolic processes in the body, but also dulls the feeling of hunger. Prepare a cocktail with ginger and kefir for weight loss, which can be used as a replacement for dinner or arrange on it unloading Days, simply. You will need only two components:

  • 1 tbsp. kefir.
  • ginger root (about 2 cm);

Cooking time: 10-12 minutes.

Calorie drink: 50 kcal / 100

Ginger clean and grate. Mix in a bowl of the blender kefir room temperature and ginger, beat well. Drink every day for a month. During this time, you can easily get rid of 3-4 extra kilograms. After a week break, repeat the course.

Cocktail of beet and kefir for weight loss

The fat burning cocktail from beets and a popular fermented milk product is the basis of an effective 3-day diet, during which you can spread with 3-5 extra kilograms and clean the intestine. For the preparation of the beverage, the following available products will be needed:

  • 1 kg beet;
  • 1.5 l kefir.

Cooking time: 1-1.5 hours (depends on the time of cooking beets).

Calorie cocktail: 37 kcal / 100

Boil the beet to readiness (you can also bake in the oven, cook in a slow cooker), cool and clean from the skin. Cut the vegetable with small cubes and beat with kefir in a blender. This portion is designed for 1 day diet. It is necessary to divide the cocktail on 5-6 equal parts and drink during the day.

Be sure to keep the drinking mode recommended by nutitologists, drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of purified or mineral water. The diet is transferred quite easily, but has some contraindications. It: diabetes, problems in the work gastrointestinal tract, allergic to one of the components of the cocktail.

Original kefir cocktail with celery

A bright green cocktail charges energy for the whole day and fill the body with valuable vitamins and microelements. Prepare it extremely simple. You must prepare only two ingredients:

  • 400 g stem celery;
  • 1 l kefir (2.5% fat).

Calorie: 30 kcal / 100

Celery cut into small pieces and beat in a blender with kefir to a homogeneous consistency. Such a drink has a pronounced diuretic effect, which is relevant for people suffering from edema and cellulite. Stem celery can be replaced by leaf, which is also crushed in a blender and mixed with kefir.

Fresh Malina Drink

Slimming can be delicious. It is easy to make sure to make a unloading day on a cocktail from kefir and raspberries. For the preparation of an original low-calorie drink, the following ingredients should be prepared:

  • 200 ml of kefir (1%);
  • 100 g of fresh raspberries;
  • 2 tsp sugar powder;

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calorie: 60 kcal / 100 g

Malina is crushed in a blender and, if desired, grind through the sieve. Connect in the bowl of the blender kefir, berries, sugar powder and ice, beat and serve, decorating sugar powder and several whole rapids.

In winter, such a cocktail can be prepared from frozen berries, including strawberries or blackberries, which are also perfectly combined with a dairy products.

Summer green cocktail with cucumber

On a hot summer day, there is nothing better than a refreshing cocktail with kefir in a blender capable of replacing lunch and fill with energy. To create it, simple and affordable products should be prepared:

  • 300 ml of kefir (2.5% fat);
  • 1 Cucumber;
  • half of the bunch of dill;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • salt to taste.

Refreshing drink time: 15 minutes.

Calorie: 45 kcal / 100 g.

Cucumber, garlic and greens cut into a knife and put in the bowl, add the main milk ingredient and beat the blender to homogeneity. The mixture is salted to taste and turn on the blender again for a few seconds. Serve chilled, decides with crushed dill.

Sea buckthorn cocktail

The unusual taste of a vitamin cocktail will not leave any gourmet indifferent. And its effective appearance It will become a real decoration of the table. The ingredients are as follows:

  • 50 g of sea buckthorn berries;
  • 1 carrot (small);
  • 1 tbsp. kefir (2.5%);
  • 20 g sugar.

Beverage cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie: 70 kcal / 100

Berries puree with a blender, carrot clean and squeeze juice (about 50 ml). Connect sour milk product With juice and crushed berries, add sugar and mix thoroughly. The drink is cooled.

Cocktail recipe with kefir and apricots

Summer is an excellent opportunity to pamper yourself not only useful, but also delicious drinks. For example, a kefir-apricot cocktail, for the preparation of which the following components are needed:

  • 5 ripe large apricots;
  • 500 ml of low-fat kefir;
  • several twigs of fresh mint;
  • 1 tbsp. Honey (liquid).

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie: 75 kcal / 100 g

Apricots free from the bones, cut into small pieces. Cut the mint leaf, leaving several pieces to decorate a cocktail, and together with fruits to put in the shredder bowl. Pour kefir, add honey and thoroughly beat.

Strawberry energy

Strawberries are perfectly combined with fermented dairy products. Make a cocktail even more useful to help additional ingredients, saturated drinks with a bright taste and solid portion of nutrients. For cooking, you will need:

  • 150 g of strawberries;
  • 1 tbsp. leaf tea (green);
  • 250 g kefir (1-2.5%);
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 1 tsp. Natural honey.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie cocktail: 55 kcal / 100 g.

Green leaf tea must be carefully chopped in a blender, add water, strawberry, kefir to it, and honey.

The mixture must be thoroughly whipped and served to the table, cooling well.

  1. Choosing a recipe for a kefir cocktail, it is necessary to take into account the features of the gastrointestinal tract - people with increased acidity or gastritis it is better to abandon the drink, which includes ginger and hot pepperswhich can irritate the gastric mucosa;
  2. The dairy product has a laxative and diuretic effect, so it is better to start a kefir diet on cocktails on a weekend to evaluate exactly how the drink affects the body;
  3. Kefir, used for the preparation of beverages should be the most fresh, which will allow preserving beneficial bacteria in optimal quantity;
  4. No cocktail will have a positive effect on the body in case it is combined with oily, calorie and sweet food;
  5. For weight loss and purification of the body, it is worth reconsider the entire diet, increasing the amount useful products and minimizing the share of harmful dishes;
  6. The advantage of these cocktails can be called the universality of this acidic product. Lovers of sweet drinks can combine it with bananas, chocolate, sweet berries, and fans of spicy blends will appreciate the harmonious neighborhood of kefir with spices, greens and vegetables;
  7. Cocktail can be easily turned from the beverage in the dessert, adding several spoons of cottage cheese into the portion.

Love with taste, not the injignment!

Fat burning cocktails for weight loss, like nutritious, as well as cleansing - perfectly complement any diet. They accelerate metabolism than contribute to rapid weight drop. Usually, they replace one or more food meals than further reduce the total amount of calorie consumed. The reduced recipes for slimming cocktails will be useful and during a drinking and kefir diet.

Influence on the body

Many drinks, as in general, products can have a different effect on the body as a whole and the process of weight loss in particular. All you need to do right choice Components. So, water is one of important elementsnecessary for the normal functioning of organs, tissues and stable fast metabolism. Its disadvantage will lead to edema and reduce the rate of metabolism.

Fruits and vegetables in the composition of slimming cocktails fill the stock of vitamin and minerals. And the smoothie with their content will perfectly come down as a dessert. The addition of milk, cottage cheese and especially kefir will make fat burning cocktails for slimming saturating, low-calorie and cleansing.

Cooking rules

Slimming cocktails are prepared at home very simple, you just need to follow the following rules:

  1. Take only fresh foods.
  2. Vegetables and fruits pre-grind. Fruits with a rough texture, for example, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, beets, first boiled a little, and then crush and put in a blender.
  3. In a blender, fruits, vegetables, berries and greens are crushed, and only then liquid is added.
  4. You can dilute cocktails with milk products (milk, kefir, ryazhenka and spring), natural juices (carrot, tomato, beet, etc.), mineral water or green tea.

Grinding to homogeneous mass of fruits and root roots is difficult, so almost all cocktails are prepared in the blender. For weight loss, the homogeneity of the consistency is important, since in this form products and their useful substances are absorbed better.


Options for cleaning cocktails for weight loss are prepared from herbs, lettuce leaves and some berries and citrus. Some of them are made on the basis of kefir. Their goal is not to lower the calorie content of the diet, but to clean the body from harmful substances.

Such beverages may contain a large amount of acid, so they are better to drink them in 20-30 minutes after eating. They are not suitable for replacing one of the meals. It is desirable to limit their period of use from 1 to 7 days, one or twice a day.

An excellent example of a cleansing drink will be a smoothie from greenery and citrus. You need - half or one third of the greenery beam, you can take a little different. In general, the more variety, the better. Grind it and put it in a blender, where grind it to a homogeneous mass.

To the resulting mixture, add 150-200 ml of grapefruit juice and mix again. Drink ready. It can be drunk immediately or put on a refrigerator and drinking cooled.

You can make different cleansing mixes with beets, carrots, garlic and / or greens. Use kefir or citrus juices for dilution.


Slimming kefir is important with the ability to purify the body, favorably influence digestion and accelerate metabolism. All this increases and burning fats.

The beverage is the kefir, but different products can complement it. It can be both cereals, vegetables and fruits and various spices.

There are many variations of cocktails from kefir for weight loss. Below are the most effective of them.

With ginger

The ginger cocktail for weight loss is pretty simple, but the effect of it is amazing. In 200-250 ml, you need to lose several grams of fresh root and mix the mixture. Ginger is rich in microelements, accelerates metabolism and activates fat burning.

Kefir with cinnamon

The effect of this drink is the same as from the previous version. But cinnamon does not have such an annoying action on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, this option of a cocktail will suit people with the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during remission. To prepare in 200-250 ml kefir, add ¼ or ½ teaspoon cinnamon. Stir and drink.


Cocktail with kefir and bran for weight loss is a great option for replacing dinner. Bran good source fiber and many trace elements. In addition, when entering the stomach, they will scatter, and you will not feel a feeling of hunger. For cooking enough into a glass of kefir, pour 2-3 teaspoons of bran. Before use, give seven breeding for 5-10 minutes.


For this drink you need to first grind 1 tablespoon of flax seeds in a blender. In the bowl, place 200-250 ml kefir, 1-2 teaspoons of sugar and the resulting flour. Stir all to a homogeneous mass. Leave a drink for 10-15 minutes so that it is fill. After that, run over the glasses and your linen cocktail is ready.

Fat burning

Cocktail for weight loss with kefir, ginger, cinnamon and red pepper. Such a mixture activates the burning process of fats and strongly accelerates weight loss. But besides the cocktail you need to observe balanced nutrition and play sports.

To cook take a glass of kefir, pour a cinnamon tea spoon there. In the resulting mixture, spend several grams of fresh ginger root and pour a small pinch of acute red pepper. Mix well everything and slowly drink.

This option is not suitable for breakfast or as a replacement for meals. It is best to drink it in minutes 30 after meals and no more than once a day. Cocktail is contraindicated in diseases of the digestive system.

With oatmeal

Recipes for cooking drinks with oatmeal Many, 2 options of which are presented below. One milk, and the second on the basis of kefir.

With milk and banana

For this cocktail you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of oat flakes;
  • 250-300 ml of milk;
  • one banana;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of honey.

First, clean the banana and cut. Place it in the bowl of the blender and add honey with oatmeal. Everything needs to be thoroughly crushed to homogeneous consistency. Add milk and mix. After that, you can drink immediately or let's last 5 minutes.

Based on kefir

To prepare this option of drink with oatmeal you need:

  • 250 ml kefir;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • half of the apple;
  • several any berries.

Apple fine cut or spend on the grater and pour out into the bowl. Add to them berries with oatmeal and pour kefir. All thoroughly mix or beat the blender. You can decorate everything you can sprinkled with cinnamon.


Prepare a cocktail from cottage cheese is no more difficult than anything else. For him will be needed:

  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 200 g kefir or 150 g of milk (at your discretion and taste);
  • several cherries (without bone), Malin or Strawberry.

Place your cottage cheese in the bowl, and then add kefir or milk there. All this whip the blender to a homogeneous mass. Pour half into a glass.

In the second part, add berries / fruits and take them. In addition to the already mentioned cherries, strawberries or raspberries, you can use everything you want: bananas, peaches, kiwi and or citrus. Mix with berries / fruit pour into a glass from the first a half cocktail. Sprinkle with cinnamon or grated black chocolate on top. Your curd drink is ready.

Fruits or berries can be grinding immediately with cottage cheese and kefir / milk. In this case, the resulting mass simply translate into a glass (without division and long manipulations) and sprinkle or chocolate.


Drinks from berries and fruits for weight loss are useful to the rich content of trace elements. During weight loss, you can face their disadvantage and consequences due to hypovitaminosis.

To avoid health problems you can drink vitamin complexes. But more pleasant treatment will be fruit cocktails. They are suitable for weight loss and the fact that they contain a small amount of calories and they can replace one or more snacks. They also refresh and act as desserts that they really want in the context of restrictions.

Any berries and fruits are suitable for cooking. Ready smoothies can not dilute with another liquid or add a glass of mineral water.

As an example, a recipe for a kiwi cocktail for weight loss:

  1. Take 1-2 Kiwi, 1-2 lemon slices (if you want a drink with mustard, you can leave the skin). Place all this in a blender and beat.
  2. Add 6-8 mint leaves and 5-6 parsley twigs. Wake up everything again.
  3. To the resulting mixture, pour 100-250 ml of mineral water and mix everything to a homogeneous consistency.
  4. If you want a sweet drink, then add 1-2 teaspoons of honey along with water. In this case, in the first stage, clean the lemon from the skins.

In addition to lemon, you can add other citrus satellites to drink from Kiwi. If desired, add a cocktail with berries: raspberry, strawberry, cranberries, currant.


The inclusion in the diet of vegetables will help to fill the stock of vitamins and improve metabolism. They are also rich in fiber, which is useful for the intestines and all digestion. In addition to standard and banal salads, we can prepare vegetable cocktails for weight loss. They serve an excellent toning and refreshing agent.

The recipes of drinks are many, and you can independently combine different fruits. But among great diversity there are most effective:

  1. Cocktail from Celeryfor weight loss. For cooking, take one apple (better green sour, for example, Simirenko varieties), 2-3 celery stems and half a beam of parsley. All this is immersed in the bowl and take a blender. Add 200 ml of non-carbonated mineral water and mix again.
  2. Drink with cucumber For weight loss. Take 2-3 large vegetables and grind in a blender to a homogeneous mass. Add 200 ml of mineral or purified water and several twigs of mint. In a cocktail for weight loss and cucumbers, you can add several small cherry tomatoes with greens.
  3. Bell Refreshing cocktail for weight loss. Take the middle cucumber, a small Bulgarian pepper and mix them in a blender with a small beet. Dilute the glass of water.
  4. Green Cocktail for weight loss. Preparing as simple as others. This is one of the variations of a cocktail for weight loss from parsley and another greenery. Just take several bundles of different herbs and grind them in a blender. Add 200-250 ml of mineral water and can drink.

All shown cocktails can be used to reduce the daily calorie consumed. Drinks simply replace one or more food meals. It is best to drink them instead of breakfast, snacks or a second dinner (2-3 hours before sleep). These cocktails are also suitable for the menu during drinking or kefir diets.

Kefir and cinnamon are powerful tool For weight loss, it does not need to starve and strongly limit yourself in nutrition. In a kefir-cinnamon drink, you can add other components in accordance with your taste.


Kefir with cinnamon Effect for weight loss

Cinnamon and kefir separately from each other are widely used to reduce weight. Kefir, thanks to lactic acid in the composition, improves digestion, enhancing intestinal peristalsis, and also stimulates the elimination of accumulated toxins and waste products from the body. Cinnamon dulls the feeling of hunger and improves metabolism, stimulating the splitting of fats. In order to weight loss, it became applied in our country relatively recently, but in the East for this purpose it is used for a long time. In combination, these two products have a beneficial effect on the body, contributing to an effective reduction in weight. More effects of weight loss and maintaining yourself in a form can be achieved in a complex with other measures: sports (running, swimming, exercises, etc.), massage, wraps, lymphatic and the like, but even just replacing one meal at a cocktail From kefir and cinnamon in the near future will give a visible result.

The fat burning kefir-cinnamon drink may consist not only from the products of the same name, ginger and red burning pepper can be included to enhance the effect. When drinking drinks, the appetite decreases, there is an intensive purification of the body, which affects the weight reduction process.

Select components for cocktail

When preparing a slimming cocktail, you should not move away from the formulation and replace kefir yogurt, ipaine or other dairy products. Yes, they are useful for our body, but they are not suitable for weight loss. Kefir should be definitely fresh, ideally degreased, as a last resort, with a minimum percentage of fat.

Video: Kefir diet, tasty and useful weight loss.

When choosing cinnamon to give preference to Ceylon cinnamon in chopsticks, it has high quality and persistent fragrance compared to Vietnamese and Chinese views. Before preparing a cocktail, cinnamon sticks should be turned into a powder with a coffee grinder or mortar. Cinnamon in the powder is also suitable, but its action will be somewhat weaker.

Video: Cinnamon properties and its effectiveness to reduce weight.

How and when drinking fat kilk cocktail

There is no specified system for receiving a drink, it can be used as a replacement of dinner, in the form of an "aperitif" (in 20 minutes) to a light breakfast, dinner or dinner (in this case, the portions of the food will be reduced), as well as as a unloading day not more than One cup for reception. "Sitting" exclusively on the drink is not recommended for more than one day, it is fraught with violations in the work of the body.

An approximate menu for one day with a replacement of one meal with a fat burning drink.

Breakfast: Portion of any porridge on milk or on water with the addition of berries or fruits (fresh or frozen).
Lunch: 100 g of low-fat curd.
Dinner: a portion vegetable soup, a piece of boiled meat or low-fat fish (80 g), a portion of vegetable salad, a garnish of baked vegetables.
Afternoon person: 100 g of fruit and vegetable salad.
Dinner: Kefiro cinnamon drink (1 cup).

Dinner should be no later than seven o'clock in the evening, after him you can drink water or green tea Without sugar, but without fanaticism, otherwise the edema is guaranteed.

According to nutritionists, drinking the beverage instead of dinner or 40-60 minutes after it gives the greatest slimming effect. The effect of weight loss for each individual, someone will have a noticeable effect at once, someone after some time. On average, when the beverage is turned on in its diet, with a slight decrease in its caloric content, up to 4 kg per month is lost. Having achieved the desired result, do not stop drinking this useful drink, use it in the morning, this will allow you to maintain a shape slim.

Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss, recipes for effective fat burning cocktails

Recipes of core-kefir drinks are diverse, it all depends on your taste preferences. It is important to use the drink immediately after cooking in order to avoid the loss of useful properties, especially if fruits were included in the mixture.

Simple drink recipe.

Degreased or unfavorable kefir - 1 cup.
Cinnamon (pre-crushed in powder) - 1 tsp.

In glassware to connect the ingredients, pour into a glass and drink.

Classic drink with the addition of ginger and pepper.

A low-fat kefir - 1 cup.
Ginger ground - ½ tsp.
Crushed cinnamon stick - ½ tsp.
Red burning pepper - on the tip of the knife.

Cinnamon, ginger and pepper to connect in a separate dish to a homogeneous state. Then at the same time, whipping kefir gradually introduce a gram of a mixture of spices. Such a drink should not be consumed more than two glasses per day. Such a recipe is not suitable for those who suffer from gastritis, ulcer of the stomach and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Drink with banana.

Ripe banana flesh - 1 pc.
A low-fat kefir - 1 cup.
Crumming stick chopped in a blender - 1 tsp.

Banana Grind with a blender to a homogeneous cracker, then add kefir, beat, enter cinnamon and beat again. Instead of a banana, you can use any fruit or berries.

Drink with honey.

Degreased kefir - 1 cup.
Rustic honey in liquid form - 1 tsp.
Cinnamon (pre-crushed in the mill) - 1 tsp.

All components are thoroughly mixed in a blender, you can use a mixer.

Cocktail with ginger, honey and lemon.

Baby kefir - 1 cup.
Ginger ground - 1 tsp.
Liquid honey - 1 tsp.
Warm boiled water - 2 h.
Cinnamon - 1 pinch.
Lemon - 1 slice.

Separately in a small cup to combine ginger, honey and water. The mixture is added to kefir, beat, after which you enter the pinch of cinnamon and beat again. Mix in a glass and add lemon.

Kefir with cinnamon and bran instead of breakfast.

Bran (or oat flakes, or muesli) - 1 tbsp. l.
Kefir - 200 ml.
Cinnamon - 1 tsp.
Kuraga (can be replaced by prunes) - 3 pcs. (or 1 tsp. honey, or a hood of berries).
Red burning pepper - 1 pinch.

Mix kefir and dried fruits, add bran, pepper and cinnamon. Everyone thoroughly beat.

The composition of the drink can be varied, taking into account their addictions. One prerequisite is no more than one glass for one meal. In the case of allergies or the presence of individual intolerance to any ingredient of the cocktail, it should be refused. Before taking drinks with kefir and cinnamon, consult your doctor, as there are contraindications.

Contraindications to eat a beverage from kefir with cinnamon for weight loss

  1. Hypotension (low pressure).
  2. Ulcerative lesions of digestive organs.
  3. Allergy or individual intolerance.
  4. Increased body temperature, bleeding.

There is a rather long list of weight loss methods. They have both organic (using food) and chemicals (using drugs). However, not each of them has a pronounced effect and is able to cope with overweight. One of the popular ways to loss appetite and, therefore, weight is the use of kefir with cinnamon for weight loss.

To start getting rid of overweight, you need to make this drink. The natural properties of cinnamon and fermented dairy products will help not only get the desired result, but also enrich the body with useful substances and minerals. Read more. Explore the effect of kefir with cinnamon for weight loss on the body and fat burning processes.

The smell of cinnamon is familiar with everyone from the earliest years. Rooters or pancakes with cinnamon, spicy casserole - than just did not feed moms and grandmothers!

Cornica benefit

Eastern healers know about the useful properties of spices all. They study and transmit to each other knowledge for a long time. Cinnamon powder was part of many medicinal potions.

So, cinnamon properties having a therapeutic effect:

Adding cinnamon in food and its aroma positively affect the human brain. Essential oils Stimulate active brain activity and improve cognitive functions.

for weight loss?

In order for cinoon to be running active metabolic processes in the body, it should be added to drinks - tea, coffee or juice. In a glass of beverage add a small spoon of ground cinnamon. By purchasing a ground spice in the store, read the inscription on the label. If it is written that the composition has a cinnamon powder with sugar, this product is not suitable for weight loss.

Benefits Beverage for Slim Figure

Based on kefir developed several useful recipes cocktails, normalizing the activity of the stomach, gastrointestinal tract and exciting metabolic processes.

Kefir has long been popular in the field of dietology, so the preparation and use on the basis of various cocktails is not new. He included the best qualities of fermented dairy products. This drink is rich in calcium, potassium, vitamins B, A, and also has amino acids, useful for the body. In addition, kefir is also able to restore the normal work of the intestine and the inner microflora. With regular use, immunity increases and the total body tone. It is rich in probiotics and other nutrients.

Cup of kefir provides colossal 11 grams of protein, group vitamins B and tryptophan, helps to fight stress. Studies have shown that kefir also contains kefime, polysaccharide associated with a decrease arterial pressure and cholesterol. It is good and that if a person has lactose intolerance, he will still be able to eat and digest kefir, since the fermentation process removes most of the milk lactose.

According to the 2013 study, published in the magazine "Nutrients", an increase in the consumption of dairy products, such as kefir, is associated with a lower body mass index, a decrease in fatty deposits and a waist circle. One of the reasons for this is the high protein content in kefir.

While most people think that the reduction in dairy products in the diet can reduce the weight, a study conducted by the University of Tennessee, argues that consumption of 3-4 portions of dairy products every day can actually help lose a few kilograms.

Kefir is an fermented dairy product with dietary calcium. According to the study, the greater the dietary calcium is present in the cells of the body, the more fats are burned. An increase in dietary calcium increases the breakdown of fat and thermogenesis, which facilitates weight loss. This speaks about the potential role of calcium in slimming strategies.

An experiment conducted on patients with obesity revealed that in addition to the low-calorie diet, an increase in calcium consumption in food increases weight loss and fat.

Obesity is often associated with some violations, such as type 2 diabetes. The study conducted to determine the effect of calcium on patients with a type 2 diabetes showed that higher consumption of milk calcium leads to a decrease in weight, especially among patients who experienced difficulties in compliance with diet diet.

But it was in the case of patients with a 2-type diabetes. In healthy people with overweight, it was found that an increase in the amount of milk calcium led to a reduction in the subsequent meal.

Cinnamon helps to get rid of harmful bacteria that not only violate, but also slow down the intestinal and stomach work. This oriental spice is used to treat and prevent many diseases. In combination with kefir, it is capable of cleaning the body, to adjust and speed it up, as well as stimulate the removal of toxins and digesting products.


Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss is the base of one of the most popular and effective diets. It is based on the use of a special beverage based on the specified products.

Important! Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss is not a magical means for burning fat. In order for the effect to be noticeable, you need to combine a cocktail with dietary, sports and cosmetic procedures.

Rules and principles

According to and the reviews of many nutritionists and doctors, this drink can have a positive effect not only on the physical form, but also the total tone, the condition of the body and the nervous system. Regardless of whether a kefir was chosen with cinnamon and a root of ginger or with dried fruits, it is important to comply with the basic principles of a similar diet, since it consists half of success:

  • cocktail must be prepared only from fresh products;
  • according to reviews, kefir with cinnamon for weight loss should be used immediately after preparation;
  • cinnamon with a fermented dairy product can be used to carry out unloading days;
  • if you want to "bite" something during a diet, you can use kefir with cinnamon and ginger to thicken hunger.

The daily plan for weight loss is characterized by moderate, restraint and, of course, includes several techniques of a wonderful drink with the addition of cinnamon powder, ginger root, pepper and other additional products.


Today you can collect many kefir recipes with cinnamon for weight loss. To improve efficiency, add ginger, red pepper extract, bran and other drinking ingredients.

The most popular, reviews, kefir recipes with cinnamon for weight loss require two main products to cinnamon and kefir. To prepare this cocktail you need:

  • Mix a cup of kefir with a half of a little cinnamon powder spoon.
  • Leave the mixture is pamped for an hour.
  • To drink twenty minutes before meals.

Next recipe: kefir with cinnamon and pepper for weight loss. For preparation you need to a glass of kefir with low fat (1%) add a 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon and as much dry hammer ginger. A small amount of ground red pepper is sued here.

For another recipe you will need kefir and ginger. For his cooking you need a blender. Mix 0.5 liters of fresh kefir and add a teaspoon cinnamon, ginger and honey. Give fifteen minutes and stir in the blender.

Diet: Approximate Menu

According to reviews, kefir with cinnamon and ginger for weight loss (with the addition of pepper), when regular use allows you to get rid of 3-5 kg.

Day Food

Morning: kefir with cinnamon on an empty stomach.

Day: A pair of eggs, vegetable salad and chicken meat.

Sferdnik: Apple, banana.

Evening: chicken broth, rye crisp bread.


Morning: fruits with yogurt.

Day: chicken fillet with vegetables.

Snack: kefir with cinnamon and pepper.

Evening: Fish with rice, tea.


Morning: water with lemon / tea.

Day: Apples, dried fruits with yogurt.

Snack: Sandwich with cheese and vegetables (with wholegrain bread).

Evening: Cinnamon with kefir and burning pepper.


Morning: kefir with ginger and cinnamon.

Day: Fish fillet baked with vegetables.

Snack: Apple and Yogurt.

Evening: Vegetable rice soup.


Morning: Flakes with milk, tea.

Day: kefir with cinnamon and red pepper.

Snack: vegetable salad, beef.

Evening: boiled eggs, chicken with salad.

Almost every fashionista, strictly following his figure, necessarily conducts unloading days at kefir. I personally, if I'm not lying, I spend 2-3 kefir days per month. Now summer and sit on diet is absolutely no desire, but drink a cold kefirchik - it's happy!

But drinking kefir in its pure form is boring, and he comes over the whole day. Therefore, I recommend indulging myself with delicious and useful kefir-based cocktails with adding different yummy.

Why not? Someone is given to clean kefir, and the other, experimenting with different components, leads its formula of a delicious cocktail.

Tasty, effectively and useful - the key to successful weight loss! So, a couple of words about kefirchik and proceed to recipes.

Kefir is a dairy product obtained by fermentation of milk. It gives all the useful substances of this product: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, phosphorus, calcium, microelements, minerals, vitamins of group (B and A). In addition, he is rich in probiotics that protect the intestines from the harmful effects of free radicals and are able to really affect weight loss.

Another plus - kefir digested better than milk. Thanks to this, people suffering from lactose intolerance can mainly drink kefir and have the opportunity to replenish the calcium organism. And since you have overweight problems, then kefir can be connected as a weight assistant.

It contains a lot of useful bacteria for the stomach. And if adding fruit or berries in kefir, you can get excellent fat-burning cocktails that are nutritious and may well become a full-fledged diet.

For cocktails, it is best to use biocter of one-percent fat content and fresh or frozen fruits, fresh juices, which will provide the body with all the necessary useful substances and vitamins, and at the same time do not contain fats.

Fruits and berries are also significantly helping when weight loss. For example, lemon - recommended as an assistant for burning fat due to the flavonoids contained. The diet will be ideal if you connect cinnamon and honey to lemon.

Citrus with kefir have cleansing properties and contribute to the detoxification of the body, and the existing vitamin (C) helps to synthesize collagen.

Other fruits and berries, which, in combination with kefir, will help to lose weight, pineapple, apples, kiwi, raspberries. And if you combine them with kefir, ginger and cinnamon, the results of weight loss will be magnificent. Especially pineapple to help improve the state of the gastric mucosa. It is also an excellent diuretic and recommended for many fat burning cocktails.

Cocktails for slimming based on a kefir with fruits or berries are a good addition to your diet, which should be balanced and promote physical activity, as well as supply your body with vitamins and useful substances.

So, if you want a complete change in your figure, you must include kefirno-fruit cocktails in the diet. Next, consider the recipes of cocktails that are very easy to cook. You just need fruits and berries to kill in a blender and mix with kefir. Thanks to the recipes below, you can enjoy not only the taste qualities of cocktails, but also to lose weight after their use.

Recipes fat burning cocktails from kefir

Recipe number 1.

Apples - 250 g
Celery - 50 g
Pineapple - 100 g
Kefir - 250 g

Grind in blender celery and fruits, add kefir and stir.

Recipe number 2.

Malina - 250 g
Watermelon - 250 g
Cucumbers - 250 g
Kefir - 150 g

Purified pulsed cucumber cucumber and watermelon berries with berries, after mixed with kefir.

Recipe number 3.

Kefir - 250 g
Melon (flesh) - 200 g
Cinnamon - 1 tea. lies.

Grind to the status of a melon, add cinnamon and kefir. Good all stir.

Recipe number 4.

Kefir - 250 g
Apple - 1 pc.
Cinnamon - ¼ tea. lies.
Muscate Walnut - 1 Shone
Honey - 1 tea. lies.
Milk - 100 g

Recipe number 5.

Kefir - 1 cup
Juice orange - ¼ cup
Pineapple - 250 g

Grind pineapple and mix with juice and kefir.

Recipe number 6.

Kefir - 250 g
Kiwi - 4 pcs.
Green apples - 2 pcs.
Honey - 1 tea. lies.

Clear apples, kiwi, kill in a blender with honey, add kefir and stir well.

Recipe number 7.

Kefir - 300 g
Kiwi - 2 pcs.
Peach - 2 pcs.
Honey - 1 tea. lies.

Recipe number 8.

Kefir - 150 g
Fresh carrot juice - 180 g
Apple juice freshly squeezed - 60 g
Ginger tea. lies.

Mix all ingredients and cocktail ready.

Recipe number 9.

Kefir - 1 cup
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. lies.
Milk - ¼ cup
Nutmeg - chinful
Fructose - 0.5 st.
Vanilla - ½ tea. lies.

Recipe number 10.

Kefir - 150 g
Strawberry - 300 g
Milk - 300 g
Honey - 1 st.

Honey, strawberries and milk beat two minutes, then add kefir and beat another minute, add crushed ice.

Recipe number 11.

Kefir - 250 g
Banana - ½ PC.
Strawberry large - 6 pcs.

Grind a banana and strawberries, add kefir and shrink cinnamon, everything is well stirred.

Recipe number 12.

Kefir - 300 g
Strawberry - 200 g
Banana - 1 pc.
Juice 1/2 Orange

Recipe number 13.

Kefir - 300 g
Banana - 1 pc.
Pineapple - 250 g
Strawberry - ½ cup
Honey - 1 st.

Mix fruits with honey and kill in a blender, pour kefir and mix.

Option kefir diet

The first day


Kefir - 1 cup
Cinnamon - ¼ tea. lies.
Honey - 1 tea. lies.
Lemon - 1 tea. lies.

All mix and drink.


Kefir - 200 g
Orehs chopped - 1 tbsp. lies.
Raisin - 1 tbsp. lies.
Cinnamon - ¼ tea. lies.

Mix all.

Afternoon person:

Orange or grapefruit


Kefir - 200 g
Honey - 1 tea. lies.

Before bedtime:

Cocktail for breakfast.

Second day


Kefir - 250 g
Cinnamon - ¼ tea.
Honey -1 tea. lies.
Lemon juice - 1 table.


Kefir - 1 cup
Walnuts (chopped) - 1 table.
Cinnamon - ¼ tea. lies.

Afternoon person:

Kefir - 200 g
Honey - 1 tea. lies.


Kefir - 1 cup

Before bedtime (cocktail)

Kefir - 250 g
Cinnamon - ¼ tea. lies.
Honey - 1 tea. lies.
Juice lemon -1 st lies.

Third day


Like the previous day.


Kefir - 200 g
Chopped nuts or raisins - 1 table. lies.
Cinnamon - 1/4 tea. lies.

Afternoon person:

Kefir - 250 g
Honey - 1 table. lies.
Lemon juice - 1 table. lies.


Kefir - 250 g

Before bedtime: (cocktail)

Kefir - 250 g
Ginger - ¼ tea. lies.
Honey - 1 tea. lies.
Lemon juice - 1 table. lies.

Advantage of cocktails in kefir

  • Contain minimum fat and calories.
  • Provide a calcium organism that helps destroy fats.
  • Rich in protein and very well absorbed.
  • Lower cholesterol levels.
  • Milk-acid bacteria and vitamins strengthen the immune system in cocktails.

The main principle of slimming on cocktails from kefir is the rapid taming of the feeling of hunger, small calorie and improvement of digestion. So, using these drinks for weight loss, you can easily throw off a couple of extra kilograms.