Show the world's largest nose. Biggest nose

What amazing physiological features cannot interest the inhabitants of our planet of past times and today. IN this material we will present a rating of people with large noses, and also talk about the largest organs of smell, which made them attract the attention of others. To date, the rating of the most nosed people is officially headed by Mehmet Ozurek, although there are facts of the existence of larger organs of smell on the face of a person. All about long and huge noses - in this article with a selection amazing facts.

For the majority of domestic readers of this material, it may seem strange that the caricatured inhabitants of the Caucasian countries with huge caps-"airfields" and no less majestic noses are far from leaders in the special section of the Guinness Book of Records. It is worth noting that scientists have put forward scientific explanation why the Armenians, Georgians, Azerbaijanis and other inhabitants of the Caucasian area are still convinced that the largest "snobels" in the world belong to people of their nationality.

The fact is that in the Middle Ages, when humanity was limited in scientific knowledge about human anatomy, which it currently possesses, the scientific representatives of many European and Asian peoples compared the length of the nose with the size of the penis. Thus, according to the hypothesis from the Middle Ages, the longer the nose of a male representative, the longer male dignity was considered. Modern scientists have long refuted this hypothesis, but numerous studies of sex therapists claim the opposite. Therefore, hot-blooded horsemen for a long time were proud and continue to be proud of their own large organs of smell.

In the international ranking with the largest noses in the world, representatives of the Caucasian peoples occupy only the third line. The ranking is headed by Iranian-speaking Kurds, who have an average nose length of 58 millimeters. The Armenians lag behind the Kurds in this indicator by several millimeters. Interestingly, the average length of the nose of Georgians is close to European standards.

Who has the biggest nose in the world?

It is noteworthy that the longest-nosed people live at the junction of European and Asian countries, and the world championship in the largest organ of smell has been held in the Swiss town of Lagenbruck for half a century. Unusual competitions are organized every five years, where people with the largest noses from all over the world come in large numbers. Those participants who try to enlarge their nose surgically or make faces are disqualified forever without additional meetings.

During the last competition, the winner was an elderly man who participated in this competition for the first time. The length of his nose was about 13 centimeters. To the great regret of the organizers of the competition, the results of the last championship were not included in the Guinness Book of Records due to the absence of an official representative of the organization for fixing records at the event. It is likely that in five years this may happen, but at the moment the world ranking of the most nosed men is headed by a resident of Turkey named Mehmet Ozyurek.

Mehmet Ozurek is the owner of the longest nose among men

According to the terms of the international association of record holders, only those whose record was recorded in the presence of a representative from the national committee can get into the Guinness Book. The owner of the longest nose among men had to achieve worldwide recognition more than once: the first time his record was registered in 2007, and 4 years later he surpassed himself. In 2011, the length of his nose was fixed at 88 millimeters.

If we take into account that his nose continues to grow by about 1 mm per year, then today the length of the organ is approximately 93 mm. As the doctors managed to establish, Mehmet's nose grows far from good health, but from the side effects of a rare disease of rhinophyma. In each of the periods of the disease, a constant growth of the skin on the nose is noticeable, which progressively increases over the entire surface of the external respiratory organ, acquires a bumpy, red tint.

At the initial stage of development of a rare disease, which is very difficult to determine, outwardly the nose does not change, but after a while it acquires a disproportionate amount of skin growths and outwardly becomes unpleasant. Simultaneously with the growing skin, there is a multiplication and expansion of blood vessels (which often even bulge out from under the skin), a network of sebaceous glands.

Overhanging skin formations are increasingly covering airways and interfere with comfortable breathing. The only way to get rid of all of the above troubles is surgical intervention with the aim of plastic correction of the shape of the disfigured nose. As a rule, rhinophyma affects mainly elderly men.

The longest nose of a woman

The Russian book of records does not contain records of women with large noses, because the above disease is not typical for women. So it makes no sense to stand on a par with the stronger sex in this matter.

The nose is the most prominent part of a person's face. Straight, with a hump, eagle, snub-nosed, "potato" - all these are familiar to us nose shapes that give a person individuality. But for some people, it simply amazes with its length and volume. Many are ashamed of such an outstanding size of their nose and even resort to the services of plastic surgeons to make it more modest. However, there are people who do not consider their large nose to be something strange or ugly. They are even ready to compete for the title of the person who has a nose in the world.

Biggest Noses Championship

It may seem strange, but there is a real championship among those people who claim to be the most nosed person. It takes place in the small Swiss town of Langenbruck (population - only about 1,000 people). It is not customary to have complexes about the outstanding size of your nose. On the contrary, some are upset that it was not as long as the opponent's. The championship in Langenbruck already has its own long history - it has been held since 1961 with a frequency of once every five years.

This competition is attended by men and women from all over the world. The conditions for participation are the same for everyone - a person must be born by nature. Those who changed the shape of the nose with the help of plastic surgery are not allowed to participate in the competition (although it is hard to believe that there are people who would like to undergo surgery to win such an extraordinary championship). It is also forbidden to grimace while measuring parameters to artificially add length to the nose. Any participant caught cheating will be immediately disqualified. In addition, in order to be admitted to the main stage of the competition, all participants are pre-selected. Only the owners of noses, whose length is 6 cm and the width is 4 cm or more, are allowed to participate in the championship. For women, these parameters are somewhat reduced - the length of the nose of the beautiful half of humanity can be from 5 cm. But they compete separately from men. According to the results of the competition, the winner is the person with the most impressive sum of the length and width of the nose. The three leaders are awarded with cups.

The results of the above-described championship in Langenbruck are not recorded in the famous Guinness Book of Records. Therefore, even if the last winner of this competition, Hans Roist, has the largest nose in the world (unfortunately, it is not known with what parameters he won the championship), Mehmet Ozureka will still be considered the leader of this rating. This man, who lives in Turkey, has one of the most prominent noses, which are 8 cm and 8 mm long. This result was officially recorded in 2011. It is noteworthy that in 2007 he already became the most "nosed" person on Earth, but with more modest results (84 mm), since in 4 years Mehmet Ozurek's nose grew a little more. With such an impressive size of the respiratory organ, Mehmet does not look ugly at all - he has an interesting shape of the nose with a hump, which does not spoil the appearance of this Turk at all.

In the distant past, there were also people who had noses of impressive size. Such was Gustav von Albach, a man of noble origin who lived in Germany in the 18-19th centuries. Albach was not too worried about his large (about 17 cm) nose. On the contrary, he gladly participated in various balls, entertaining his guests with his appearance. There is an opinion that the famous German writer Wilhelm Hauf was inspired by the image of this particular person to write the fairy tale "Dwarf Nose". The wax figure of Gustav is on display in Madame Tussauds.

Another nosed man from the past is Thomas Wedders from Great Britain, who lived in the 18th century. According to some reports, his nose was 19.05 cm long! Unfortunately, no details have come down to us from the life of this outstanding-looking man. It is only known that he performed in the circus, amusing the audience with his appearance.

Reasons for outstanding nose

More often than not, the main cause of an extremely large nose is a specific condition known as rhinophyma. It affects the skin of the nose, increasing it in size so that it begins to grow and may even block the airways, causing significant inconvenience to the patient. Scientists have not yet established the causes of such an unusual disease. It is only known that it affects mainly the male part of the population over the age of 40. Rhinophyma usually develops slowly, although it can progress rather quickly afterwards. To cope with this disease is possible only by surgery. During the operation, all excess skin is cut off and the nose is given the correct shape. If everything was done efficiently, then this ailment will no longer bother the patient. Relapses are possible if during the operation the affected tissues were not completely removed. In this case, the patient's nose is left with skin containing glands, which are also responsible for the spontaneous growth of the epithelium.

Most likely, it was rhinophyma that all the nosed people mentioned by us suffered. And if you take ordinary people who do not have similar chronic diseases? Then, representatives of the Kurdish ethnic group can claim the title of "the biggest nose" (they live mainly in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria). The average nose length for these people is 5.8 cm.

IN recent times The Guinness Book of Records 2011 was replenished with new and very interesting records, among which appeared the Turk Mehmet Ozyurek, the owner of the largest and longest nose in the world.

After the official measurement, it turned out that the length of the nose of the 61-year-old citizen of Turkey is 8.8 centimeters, since Mehmet Ozyurek is a man and can be proud of his unusual physiological achievement.

In addition to the owner of the longest and largest nose in the world in 2011, which is already on sale for $ 40, you can find a lot of no less amazing records related to people and animals, there are also deadly ones, there are also funny, even crazy records.

Since the first publication of the most famous book of records in the world in 1955, it has included a lot of records about incredible and even stupid records (how could you think of placing snails on your face or specially setting yourself on fire to become the person who managed the longest be on fire and not burn).

Here are a couple more interesting records from the new edition of the Guinness Book of World Records, which has now sold over 115 million copies.

Oldest female bodybuilder

The oldest female bodybuilder is 74-year-old American Ernestine Shepherd, which is especially striking - she only began to train at the age of 56. Every day she gets up at 3 a.m. to maintain a grueling regimen.

The widest language in the world

The widest language in the world

The widest tongue is found in 25-year-old water ski instructor Jay Sloot from Perth, Australia, and his record tongue is 7.9 centimeters wide. The Australian is very pleased with his advantage, which in his word makes his kisses more pleasant and passionate.

The nose is a very important organ of the human body. It is thanks to him that we are able to breathe, catch and distinguish all kinds of smells. In addition, it is one of the most important components of the appearance - the nose is capable of radically changing the overall impression of a person's appearance.

That is why almost all young people are extremely concerned about its size and shape, and many are very unhappy with these parameters. Someone's own nose seems too small, while others - just huge; to some he will seem too snub-nosed, and someone will complain that his nose is crooked ... But what is especially noteworthy is that a person who actually has the most in the world does not experience any complexes about this. The same can be said about his “colleagues in misfortune” from the distant past: no one was ashamed of their physiology, on the contrary, they made it a virtue and the subject of benevolent jokes and funny stories.

The most in the world: photos will not leave you indifferent

When mentioned, most people, of course, remember Buratino (or Pinocchio). According to many, this person possessed the most remarkable olfactory organ of all possible (for that, and therefore, no one is destined to surpass him in this field. A great mistake! In the eighteenth century, far enough for a modern man, there was one German gentleman - a nobleman by blood - and his name was Gustav von Albach. His fiefdom was the city of Bremen. He had a really very big nose, a photo of which to this day amazes people all over the world.

By the way, Gustav was never ashamed of this peculiarity. On the contrary, he was proud of her. Due to the fact that he had the largest nose in the world, he did not need masks for masquerades, and the children truly loved him for his gentle humor and many funny jokes and invented stories. And the grown-up comrades admired Gustav for his gentleness and ability to laugh at himself.

And today a Turkish citizen named Mehmed Ozyurek has the largest nose in the world. True, he is far from the legendary von Albach - his nose reaches only 88 millimeters in length. Another thing is that it is constantly growing and can increase by several centimeters over time. Now Mehmed is a little over sixty years old, and therefore he has a chance to break his own record!

The reason for getting Mr. Ozyurek into the Guinness Book of Records is also very interesting. It turns out that he owes the size of his nose to one extremely rare disease - rhinophyma. With it, the skin part of the olfactory organ is constantly increasing.

By the way, according to some (though still unverified) data, Mehmed may soon say goodbye to his title: the largest nose in the world, it turns out, does not belong to him, but to a Pakistani named Faizan Agha. He overtakes Ozyurek by almost four centimeters!

For more than a decade, Germany has dreamed of getting into the Book of Records and every five years organizes a special competition in which all owners of overly large noses can take part. Not so long ago, a man and a woman won it, the length of the olfactory organs, respectively, equal to 127 and 102 millimeters.

As I promised yesterday, I will continue to talk about the records that were set this 2011 by people from all over the world, and today you will see all the remaining records that I did not tell you about yesterday. We stopped at the tenth record and I told there about a woman who collected Mickey Mouse ... So, I will continue ..

In this nomination, John Cassidy won a landslide victory, who designed such an airplane that you see in the photo below!

12. The longest nose in the world.

The longest nose of the planet belongs to a Turk named Mehmet Ozurek, and the length of his nose is 8.8 cm. It is not unimportant that his nose is constantly growing and soon it may happen that he himself will break his own record that he set not so long ago!

13. The smallest person in the world.

The smallest person in the world is officially a resident of Nepal, Kagendra Tapa Magar, and at the age of 18, his height is only 65.53, and his weight is simply amazing, only 5.5 kg. However, not everything is so cloudless, because he may soon lose his title as challengers step on the heels. Filipino Janri Balaving has a height that can be compared with the height of a newborn, only 55.88 cm This figure should not change, since the Filipino does not grow from the very birth, so soon after he will turn 18, he will be the new record holder. Let me remind you that only adults have the right to claim the title of laureate of this book.

14. The longest tongue in the world among dogs.

This record belongs to a nine-year-old male Pekingese named Puggy, who lives in Texas, USA, and was officially recognized as the owner of the longest tongue in the world among dogs with a length of 11.43 cm!

15. Largest number of spoons ever held on face.

Apparently there were already representatives who set such records, but a ten-year-old guy from Canada, Aaron Cassie, surprised the whole world by managing to keep 17 tablespoons on his face! But the most interesting thing is that it took him only 5 seconds to attach all the spoons on his face!

16. The largest number of cocktail tubes in the human mouth!

This record was set by Simon Elmore, who lives in Germany. He managed to stuff 400 straws into his mouth and hold them in his mouth for 10 seconds. In my opinion, this record could be beaten by the owner of the largest mouth in the world, which I talked about yesterday :)

17. The largest collection of Smurfs.

British resident Stephen Parks has been collecting figures of little gnomes of sky-blue color since childhood, and despite his 44 years old he continues to collect them. As of January 2010, there were 1,061 exhibits in his collection, and despite this he is not going to stop there. ...

18. The smallest cow in the world.

The title of the smallest cow in the world belongs to an 11-year-old cow named Swallow, who lives in the North of England on a farm in West Yokshire. From withers to hooves, her height is only 84 cm, that is, it can be compared with the size of an ordinary sheep, here only she does not reach her size. An interesting fact is that over her 11 years, she gave birth to 10 calves, which are many times higher than their mother!

19. The heaviest limousine in the world.

The heaviest limousine in the world is officially considered the "Midnight Rider" limousine? D translated as a night racer. This mobile home, which you see in the photo, weighs 22 933 kg, is 21.3 meters long and 4.1 meters high. It was assembled in California in September 2004 and this limousine has not yet left indifferent any motorist!

20. The most zealous fighter in the world for the environment among animals.

This nomination rightfully goes to a Labrador named Tabby, who lives in the UK. He has long been famous for his desire to protect nature. In the past six years alone, this Labrador brought his owner Sandra Gilmore from the street 26,000 plastic bottles. His favorite pastime is picking up plastic He looks for them, crushes them with his teeth, and then, together with the hostess, they take them for recycling.

21. The most long hair in the world.

This record belongs to a resident of China Xi Quiping. The path to the record began in 1973, it was from this year that she began to grow her hair, then she was 13 years old and today she can boast of the longest hair, which is 5.63 meters long.

22 The world's heaviest boots.

I look at the numbers and wonder. Just think, the heaviest boots in the world weigh 122.8 kg, and their owner Zhang Zhengqi is from China. But the most amazing thing is that he managed to walk in them in March 2010 on the set of a TV show in Rome!

23 the tiniest dog in the world

The smallest dog in the world is the well-known Chihuahua with a rather cute nickname Boo Boo Boo Boo has been the record holder among dogs since 2007. The dog is only 10.16 cm tall and weighs 680 grams. Try to find 10 differences between this dog and guinea pig :))

24. The largest dog in the world.

The largest dog in the world is officially recognized as a blue dog named George, who lives in the United States in the state of Arizona. By the way, I already told about him in my blog. Despite the fact that George is only 4 years old, his weight is already 110 kg, and lengths from nose to tail 221 cm. In a month Georgik eats 50 kg of dog food :)

25. Record for fastest bursting of balloons.

And finally, the funniest and noisiest record for popping balloons belongs to the Terrier Anastasia from Australia. She was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2011 for her ability to burst balloons faster than other dogs! In 44.49 seconds, she managed to burst 100 balls! Not every person will repeat this :)