Mental map in dhow examples. Mind Maps

Project activities in a preschool educational institution through mental maps

The project method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the knowledge gained, develop creativity and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changing learning situation.

Advantages project activities:

    The pupils of the preschool educational institution see the end result in front of them - a thing that they can use in everyday life, which they have made with their own hands, put their soul into it, and for this it is worth working hard. Creating beauty with your own hands exalts a person in your own eyes, educates morally.

    It allows you to identify and develop the creative possibilities and abilities of preschoolers, to teach how to solve new atypical problems, to reveal the qualities and abilities of children.

    It helps the pupil to self-determine - it is during the implementation of a creative project that children think about the questions: what I am capable of, where to apply my knowledge, what still needs to be done and what to learn.

    The individual abilities of the pupils are taken into account.

    Projects unite children, develop communication skills, responsibility for joint work, a desire to help others, the ability to work in a team and bring the work started to the end.

I offer you a variant of the form of organization and design of project activities through mental maps.

Mind-maps (the term can be translated as "intelligence maps", "mind maps", "mind maps", "mind maps", "mental maps", "memory map" or "mind maps") - information displayed in a graphical form on a large piece of paper. It reflects connections (semantic, causal, associative, etc.) between concepts, parts and components of the area under consideration. The mind map is a graphical expression of the radiant thinking process and is therefore a natural product of the human brain.Tony Buzan (Developer and Author) is a renowned writer, lecturer and consultant on intelligence, learning psychology, and thinking problems.

Studying the project on the topic "Transport", you can schematically arrange it as follows:

In this case, it is necessary to set the goal of the project activity, the tasks that you want to solve, indicate age features groups of preschoolers. The stages of implementation and themes of the project are reflected in the form of colored lines - forks. This form of registration allows you to make changes or, on the contrary, additions to the project activity. The product of the project can also be designed in the form of mental maps, while using pictures - applications or drawings for the creative and independent development of preschoolers.

As an example of a product - a mental map of the project, I would like to propose a variant on the topic "Winter sports".

The shape of the mind maps will depend on the age of the preschoolers, their abilities and interests. I wish you good luck in implementing yourto her project activities.

Literature source

Elena Kuderova

The introduction of FGOS DO demanded a search for new forms and methods of organizing educational activities.

While studying literature and Internet resources in search of new forms and methods of interactive learning, I drew attention to the method of drawing up mental maps.

What are mind maps?

Term "Mental map" was introduced by the English psychologist Tony Buzan and with in English literally translated as

"Mind map, thought", and means the visualization technique of thinking, thanks to which it is possible to memorize large amounts of information. In order to turn the stream of thoughts into something more meaningful and effective, the creation of mental maps takes place through an ordered plan in the form of diagrams and drawings.

The uniqueness of this method is that it simultaneously activates the left and right hemispheres of the brain, thereby allowing us to use our full potential.

Here is an example of a mind map.

Tony Busen says that this is how our brain thinks. Such beams (he calls it a radial scheme) and associations. This means that this is the most understandable format for presenting information for our brain.

The essence of a mental map is that the main topic is located in the center of the sheet, becoming the focus of attention. Not phrases are written, but association words, keywords that convey the meaning of the entire phrase.

These words are placed on branches diverging from the central theme. Pictures can be used for better memorization.

How can the mind mapping method be used in working with preschool children?A preschooler does not need to know the whole essence and philosophy of creating mental maps. Children love to participate in the process, and they want the process to be dynamic and fun. Therefore, a child's acquaintance with mental maps should begin by choosing the simplest concepts familiar to the child to begin with, and organize the elements into main categories.

For example, let's choose the concept of forest. The child needs to think about what is in the forest: coniferous trees (pine, spruce) and deciduous (birch, poplar, oak, etc., animals - predatory (wolf, fox, etc.); herbivores (hare, squirrel, elk, etc.) .); omnivores (bear, birds - migratory (crane, swallow, rook, etc.); wintering (bullfinch, tit, woodpecker, etc., insects (butterfly, ant, grasshopper, etc., edible mushrooms (butterdish. milk mushroom, boletus, inedible (muhamor, toadstool). A mental map is made from concepts - a diagram. Since children cannot write and read, instead of names and concepts, we use images (pictures).

The compiled mental map will help the child begin to see the connections between objects and phenomena, and also turn all this into a logical intellectual system.

Education targets at the preschool completion stage

based on the results of mastering the program, education implies the formation in children of the ability to plan their actions, adjust their implementation, and correlate the result with the goal.

The results of the study of preschool maturity in our pupils at the beginning school year showed a low level of development of these abilities.

The use of the method of mental maps in my work allowed me to increase the level of development of the ability to plan my actions by 6%.

Consider an example of using the method of drawing up mental maps t.

Suppose the children are tasked with cutting a snowflake.

Before starting work, the child is invited to draw up a map - a scheme (plan) according to which he will perform the task. To do this, he needs to choose a material from which a snowflake can be cut, tools and a cutting method.

At the beginning of acquaintance with the mental map, the child can make a map - a diagram from pictures prepared in advance by the teacher, arrows can be drawn with a pencil (felt-tip pen).

In the future, to draw up maps, he will need only pencils (markers, pens) and a blank sheet of paper.

Please note that when drawing up a map - a diagram, the child is offered options for the materials and tools used and he needs to make a choice.

It is possible that the choice of material will be wrong. Having started to act according to the drawn up map, the child will understand this, then he will have to correct his actions.

We will reason like this:

You need to cut out a snowflake. I will put a picture of a snowflake in the middle of the sheet.

To cut a snowflake from materials, white paper will suit me (white - because the snowflake is white); from the tools scissors (scissors - because it is more convenient to cut paper with scissors) and a pencil to draw a pattern. I will choose a way to cut the snowflake. Perhaps someone will object: "Schemes have always been used." Yes! But in traditional education, we gave the children ready-made schemes and consistently went to the final result. When using the method of drawing up mental maps, we build a chain of actions from the desired result that will lead to the goal. This is the essence of developing learning - active - activity approach.

Simulation game.

IN kindergarten holiday. There will be many guests. It is customary to treat guests, but the cook got sick. I suggest you become cooks.

Task: Choose which dish you want to cook (compote, salad, cake). Make a cooking plan using the mental map method.


At the end of the master - class, I propose to answer the question: In the formation of what knowledge, abilities, skills can the method of mental maps be used?

The bottom line.

Mental maps can become a tool for forming the prerequisites for educational activity: the ability to set goals and plan your time, your actions

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Turmasova Irina Vladimirovna

senior educator

Using mental maps in the educational process of kindergarten

The high rates of development of modern society necessitate a constant search for pedagogical innovations that intensify the process of quality teaching. In this regard, the objective reality of modern society does not allow us to work in the old way, we have to master new concepts, new terminological apparatus, new possibilities of the information environment, modernize the time-tested didactic principles, implementing them at a qualitatively new level.

While studying the method of project activity, I came across the method of planning "mind map". I found this method interesting, easy enough to use and ideal for kindergarten work. IN preschool education making mind maps will easily become part of the planning system for work with teachers, children and parents.

To begin with, what are mind maps.

Mind map is a technique of presenting any process or event, thought or idea in a complex, systematized, visual (graphic) form.

Mind-maps (the term can be translated as "intelligence maps", "mind maps", "mind maps", "mind maps", "mental maps", "memory maps" or "mind maps") - information displayed in graphical form on a large piece of paper. It reflects the connections (semantic, cause-and-effect, associative, etc.) between concepts, parts and components of the considered area. This is clearer than the usual expression of thoughts in words in writing. After all, a verbal description generates a lot of unnecessary information, makes our brain work in an unusual manner. As a result, this leads to a loss of time, to a decrease in concentration and to rapid fatigue.

Mental maps (mind mapping, mind map) - it is comfortable and efficient technique thinking and alternative notation. It can be used to create new ideas, capture ideas, analyze and organize information, make decisions, and much more.

The first examples of creating mind maps can be found in scientific works created centuries ago, their widespread use began in the second half of the twentieth century thanks to the English psychologist Tony Buzan. He systematized the use of mind maps, developed rules and principles for their construction, and made a lot of efforts to popularize and disseminate this technology.

Mind maps (intelligence maps) or Mind Maps refers to a method of graphical presentation of thoughts, events, ideas, etc. It is believed that a verbal written description contributes only to the clogging of the brain with unnecessary information and that it is the visual embodiment of cause-and-effect, associative and other connections that is more familiar to it. To better understand this idea, just imagine an object (for example, a notebook, an apple, a clock, etc.) and the associations that it evokes in you. Most likely, if you were given such a task, followed by a survey after some time, then you would write a list of words-associations. However, the actions of the brain do not in any way resemble such a list - after all, in the naked it is not! And if you try to sketch your brain activity schematically, then, instead of any list, you will get exactly a map consisting of points (circles or squares, for someone like), interconnected by lines-connections.

Where are mind maps used?
Mind Maps can be used in almost any area of \u200b\u200blife:
1. In training - for taking notes, creating presentations, preparing speeches, writing term papers and diplomas, etc.
2. In professional activities - attestation, drawing up plans, negotiating, meetings, etc.
3. In any personal activity related to planning - for self-organization, making lists, projects, decision-making, etc.

This game features 4 mind cards: on social and communicative, cognitive, artistic development. In the middle is the main picture from which the arrows go: red - what does not fit in it, green - what is suitable, blue - what belongs to it or is part of it.

MENTAL CARDS FOR CHILDREN 5 Use Cases Do you remember how we were asked to study information at school? Books with sheets of solid text, logical lists and step-by-step algorithms of actions were supposed to help us acquire new knowledge, but they did not cause much enthusiasm. Complex subjects had to be memorized. Long sheets of text did not want to fit in my head. All letters, words and paragraphs merged together, and there was nothing to catch the eye. Although linear writing of information in the form of solid text with logical markup is great for writing literature and compiling all kinds of lists, it is not the best tool for visually structuring information and developing creative thinking. And this is where mental maps will help us and our children. Mind maps are a wonderful tool for visualizing almost any information. The principle of building a map is similar to the form of our thinking and is based on associative connections between objects and the principle of natural hierarchy. Here are 5 interesting uses for mind maps that are good for kids: 1. Make learning easier Show your child how mind maps can turn a chapter from a textbook into an interesting and, most importantly, clear and logical drawing or diagram. Together with your child, highlight the main thing from the section of the textbook and transfer the information to a logically connected mental map. Thus, all information will become not only visual and understandable, but it will also be easy to remember. 2. Set goals and plan for the week Mind maps can be a powerful tool for teaching your child the habit of setting goals and planning their time. Instead of a to-do list and a list of chores, a child can shape their plans into a fun mind map. As a rule, children learn to work with mind maps very easily, and the very creation of mind maps becomes an exciting game for them. 3. Planning and Managing Projects The ability to break down a complex project into simple and understandable components is a very valuable skill for every person. Invite your child to plan an event in his life, such as a walk or a birthday, using a mental map. Let him, with your help, write down the event into its component parts - who will participate, what games will be, what will be included in the menu, and so on. Over time, he will learn to independently plan more complex and responsible projects. 4. Working with memories After a trip to the sea, a happy holiday, a birthday or a visit to your beloved grandmother, sit down with your child and record your memories on paper using a mental map. This can be a collage of photographs, drawings, newspaper clippings, travel tickets, and natural materials. It might just be a map of associations and memories. Creatively capturing memories helps children deal with their emotions and values. This activity is perfect for children as a simple introduction to mind maps. 5. For the smallest, Preschooler does not need to know the whole essence and philosophy of creating mental maps. Introducing mind mapping to your four-year-old, starting with complex phenomena, is not a good idea. Toddlers love to participate in the process, and they want the process to be dynamic and fun. Michael Tipper recommends that you start your child's introduction to mind maps by choosing the simplest concepts that the child will be familiar with and organizing the elements into main categories. For example, choose a farm and help your child figure out what is on the farm - barns, animals, people, cars. This is a good way to study the seasons, describe the different characteristics of objects, and so on. This will help the child begin to see the connections between objects and phenomena, as well as turn all this into a logical intellectual system. Olga Kosheleva