Planning for a week 1 youngest group September. Perspective planning in the first youngest group of kindergarten according to GEF for a year by months

Calendar-thematic planning of the educational and educational process is the advance definition of order, the sequence of education of educational and educational work indicating required conditionsused tools, forms and methods. A single calendar-thematic planning structure is established in the Dow.

The calendar and thematic plan is drawn up for every day in accordance with the group's day regime, the grid directly educational activitieswhich takes into account the requirements for the maximum load on children in educational activities, cyclogram, comprehensive-thematic planning, promising planning, software content for age groups.

This plan is drawn up for two weeks and provides for the planning of all types of activities of children and the corresponding forms of their organization for every day.

When planning each form of work with children, the educator indicates the type of game, the name, tasks, reference to educational and methodical support. If you have a card file, only its appearance and the game number in the card file are indicated.

The calendar-thematic plan includes:

Morning time planning;
Node planning;
Planning Morning and Evening Walks;
Planning the second half of the day,
Planning work with family
Creating a developing subject-spatial environment.

This type of educational work plan should include a reasonable alternation of organized and independent activities of children based on children's initiative and activity and to ensure the organization of children's life in three forms:

Directly educational activities;
- non-inflammed activities;
- free timeprovided for the child in the Dow during the day for free spontaneous gaming activities and communicate with peers.

It is very important to take into account the comprehensive-thematic principle when planning - a single topic combines all types of activity.

When planning is planned, the use of cards of walks, morning gymnastics, observations, finger gymnastics, articulating, invigorating gymnastics, etc., compiled by teachers of groups, Dow specialists.

The plans must necessarily be issued a title page with an indication of the group, F. I. O. both educators of the group, qualifying category, start and end date. Control over the calendar-thematic planning is carried out by the method of dough monthly with the corresponding mark: the date of verification. Inscription: "Plan is checked, recommended: 1 ...., 2 ... .., 3 ... .., etc.", as well as in accordance with the control measures planned on the annual plan. The shelf life of the calendar-thematic and promising plan is 5 years.

You can download the site of the calendar and thematic planning of educational activities on this page. junior group and, changing the dates, adjust it under the current academic year.

Download calendar and thematic planning

Development of the teacher Kalinkichikova Natalia Alexandrovna. Download \u003e\u003e


Daily work schedule for summer

Includes the mode, joint activities of adult and children, taking into account integration educational regions, independent activity of the child, interaction with parents.


first younger group

for September 2015

  • Educational work
  • Music executive
  • Physical Instructor

Grid classes

1 younger group

for 2015-2016 academic year

Day of the week

junior group


  1. Cognitive development:
  • speech development, reading fiction
  • painting


  1. Cognitive development:
  • FAMP, the formation of a holistic picture of the world
  1. Physical development:
  • physical education


  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • lepak
  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • musical


  1. Socio-communicative development:
  • familiarization with the outside world, socialization, work, safety
  1. Physical development:
  • physical education


  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • musical
  1. Physical development:
  • physical education

1 Week

Complex of the morning gymnastics №1 (for a week)

"Friendly family"

1. I. P.: Legs slightly arrange, hands behind the back; Frame in face 3 times under the word teacher:

Dad, mom, brother and I am together - a friendly family!

Take your hands behind your back. Repeat 3 times.

2. We go all together, we are engaged in physical education!

I. P.: Feet apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward, palm knees, look forward. Return to and. p. Repeat 3 times.

3. Dad is big, and I am small. Let I be small, but - delete.

I. P: The legs slightly arrange, hands on the belt. Sit down, hands down. Return to and. p. Repeat 3 - 4 times.

4. We jump together, it is very necessary! Who jumps above - Mom or Misha?

I. P.: Legs slightly arrange, hands behind the back. Perform 2-5 bouncing; Dear walking (5-6 seconds). Repeat 2 times.

5. We breathe with nose to the air, we breathe the mouth. Not a terrible cold for us, we do not need to doctors!

I. P.: Feet apart, hands down. Hands to the sides, breathing nose. Return to and. p., exhale mouth, lips tube. Repeat 3-4 times.

Gymnastics wake up after day sleep (for a week)

"We woke up"

1. "Merry handles" - and. P: Lying on the back. Raise hands on the side and lower down. (4 times)

2. "The sharp legs" - and. P.: The same. Alternately raise one, then another leg. (4 times)

3. "Bugs" - and. P.: The same. Docks to the right, then on the left side. (2-4 times)

4. "Kitness" - and. P.: Standing on medium fours. Move forward-back, lean down, bending elbows, returning to I.P. (4 times)

5. Walking on site ordinary, overlook the bedroom on socks.

Topic of the week: "Autumn"

Tuesday " 01 "September


Morning joyful meetings. Today holiday "Knowledge Day" Guys meets a toy Cow.

purpose: Call positive emotions in children.

Morning gymnastics.

Individual work with (knowledge of basic colors)

Game "Sun or Rain?"

purpose: Learn children to perform actions according to a different tambourine sound. Education in children skill to switch auditory attention.

Short description:

The educator says to children: "Now we will walk to walk. We go to walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, shines the sun, and you can collect flowers. You walk, and I will ring a bubble, you will be fun to walk under his sounds. If it rains, I will begin to knock on the tambourine, and you, having heard a knock, should run to the house. Listen attentively, but when the tambourine rings, and when I knock on it. "

Methodical instructions . The educator conducts IG-RU, changing the sound of a tambourine 3 - 4 times.

Education area:

Cognitive development

  1. Famp, formation of a holistic picture of the world

Integration of educational areas: Socio-communicative development, speech development

Subject:familiarity with details building material (Cube, Brick, Plate)

Didactic game "Show a brick, a cube. What will you build from? "

Purpose: learning to distinguish the main forms of details, using a teacher to build various buildings.

Working program p. No. 68

Education area:

Physical development:

  1. Physical system number 1

Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development, speech

Software content: Building a pack, exercise walking behind an instructor, imitating the movements of the characters of the fairy tale "Kolobok";

Main movements: rolling on the stomach, walking between objects, jumping throughout the foot, rolling the ball (kolobka) with one hand, exercise "Dirtie to Cube"

Movable game: "Catching"

Working program Page number 8

Walk #1.

Weather monitoring

Purpose: to learn to determine the time of year on characteristic features.

Stroke observation

Suggest the children to see if there is a sun or clouds in the sky. Ask what they did clouds (closed the sun), note what kind of heaven (gloomy), what the weather is (frowning).

Winds are blowing, the winds are buoy, there are clouds, clouds are dark.

To draw the attention of children on the tops of the trees (swing), the wind blows, rocks the trees. In the trees bloomed foliage. If in the trees leaves the wishes, if the edge of a distant bird flew, if the sky is gloomy, if the rain is poured, this time is called in the fall.

Moving game "Sparobushki and car".

Purpose: Learn children to quickly run around the signal, but do not come together on each other, start moving and change it across the tutor signal, find your place.

Individual work S.

Development of movements.

Remote material

Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child for playing with sand, doll, cars.

Walk # 2.

Labor activity

Putting sand for the game.

Objectives: To accustom to abide by the purity and order on the plot, encourage

assist adults; Fasten the knowledge that dry sand is crumbling, and if it is poured, it becomes wet and you can sculpt cakes for dolls.

Movable game. "List Fall"

Purpose: show the variety of paints of autumn

Purpose: Reveal the concept of "leaf fall".

Games with sand.

Purpose: Develop a fine motility of hands, imagination.


Soft toys evening.Games with soft toys. Scene-role game "Tea Party for Toys"

Purpose: Secure the knowledge of children about tea dishes, to activate their speech, to cultivate the culture of behavior during tea drinking, learning carefully to treat toys.

Conversation with parents:"Day in kindergarten."

Wednesday " 02 "September


Conversation with children "The interesting I was engaged in the evening"

Purpose: Involve children in a conversation, continue to teach the ability to dialogue with the teacher: Listen and understand asked question, it is clear to him.

Morning gymnastics.

The game of small mobility "Find a rattle"

Inventory: One rattle (rattle on the handle, height is 10-15 cm).

Rattle in advance before the game is hidden by the teacher in the group. Children form a circle, take hands. The teacher gets into the circle along with children. Holding hands, children and teachers go in a circle. Teacher utters text:

We will walk with you,

We will find a rattle.

One, two, three, four, five -

We will find it all.

We go quietly,

We are looking carefully

We will find a rattle!

Go, children, look for a rattle!

Children diverge in the group, looking for a rattle. When some of the children find a toy, he must bring her teacher. The game is repeated.

Education area: artistic and aesthetic development

  1. Lepak

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development

Subject: Acquaintance with plasticine

Purpose: Show the teacher of techniques of modeling, viewing the finished works of senior dashchliks.

Working program p. №85

  1. Musical

Integration of educational areas: speech, physical development

Purpose: form the skill and skills of the hearing;

Cause interest in musical instruments;

Call a desire to execute melodies on musical instruments.

1. Hearing L. Bethoven "Fun - Sad"

2. Viewing children's musical instruments.

3. Independent games with sounding toys.

Working program p. №85

Walk #1.

Consider clubs

Objectives: continue learning to distinguish and call two blooming plants in color, size, pay attention to their color; Educating love for nature.

Stroke observation

For a walk, we take the children to the flower bed, where the marigolds grow, velvets. To acquaint children with plants, tell about them.

Velhets are low and high, different golden-orange shades. Flowers small and large, leaves dissected, motley, with a sharp smell. Grow fast, bloom to frosts. Nail is a low elegant plant with small yellow flower. It blooms for a very long time, to deep autumn. Good grows in sunny plots.

Labor activity

Digging the velvets and transplanting them into boxes for further observations in the corner of nature.

Purpose: to educate the desire to participate in the care of plants.

Moving game "Bird in a nest».

Objectives: Learning to walk and run a swarming, not pushing at each other; To accustom to act quickly across the tutor signal, help each other.

Remote material

Schedule, small toys, sports hoops, molds, blades, drawers for flowers.

Individual work with learning to jump on two legs, moving towards the goal.

Walk №2.

Observation of the sky.

Purpose: Show features of the autumn sky.

Monitoring: Sky at the beginning of autumn blue. The sun closed the clouds in the sky. The sun looked out due to clouds.

Movable game "Sparobushki and Cat."

Objectives: Learning to gently jump off, bending legs in the knees; run, not touching each other, believed from leading; quickly run away, find your place;

be careful, occupying a place, not to push the comrade.

Games with sand.Objective: Develop a fine motor skill, imagination.


Consider the reproductions on the autumn themes on the results of observation "Sun and Clouds"

Purpose: to raise a desire to see the beauty of nature in the drawings. To form the ability to express your emotions and impressions.

Materials: Reproductions of nature.

Mobile game "Matryoshka and Carousel"

Purpose: I exercise in the ability to play the game performing actions in accordance with text accompaniment.

Inventory: Ribbons of different colors on rings (d \u003d 4-5 cm) - in accordance with the number of children (the length of the ribbon is 20-25 cm, the width is 3-4 cm); Toy matryoshka.

The course of the game. The teacher offers children to be built in a circle, shows them a nesting and says: "Look, children, a matryoshka came to visit us. What is her beautiful and elegant! Matryoshka went to the fair, rode there on the carousels. Fun on the carousels! She brought her to us in the kindergarten, so you could ride on the carousels. Take each ribbon and listen carefully. "

Quietly, barely barely

Completed carousel,

Go in a circle with each other, shaking ribbons, ribbons down.

And then, and then

All run, all running.

Run in a circle after another, waving ribbons, ribbons at the top in an elongated hand.

Quieter, children, quieter, quieter -

Do not hurry for the nesting

Carousel stop.

Go in a circle with each other, ribbons are omitted down. Stop.

Work with parents: individual consultations On the topic "The formation of cultural and hygienic skills of the kid"

Comfortable table placing material allows the teacher to supplement the main part of the program by the variable components and ensure the integrity and system of psychological and pedagogical support, the success of each ...

Read completely

The manual presents the model work program Educator's activities developed in accordance with GEF to program preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva (M.: Mosaic-Synthesis) for the group early age (from 2 to 3 years), covering the entire content of the content and organization of life and education of children in the conditions of the DOW, the planning of cultural and leisure, joint activities of the teacher and preschool, interaction with the families of pupils. Offered map professional competence The educator, including the plan of self-development, self-education, piggy bank of achievements, self-diagnosis, compiled in the framework of the tasks of the GEF of pre-school education and in the context of the professional standard of the teacher.
Convenient table placement of the material allows the teacher to supplement the main part of the program by the variative components and ensure the integrity and systemicity of psychological and pedagogical support, the success of each child during the entire stay in kindergarten.
Designed to managers and teachers of preschool educational organizations; Recommended by specialists of pre-school pedagogy, students of higher and secondary pedagogical educational institutions.
2nd edition corrected.


Alena Pchelova
Planning and holding the first half of the day in the first youngest group

Planning and holding a day of 1 half in the first youngest group


In advance (for 10-15 min.) I come in group, quartz I. carrying the room, put in order toys in group, I am preparing materials for hold directly educational activities with children.

So that parting with the parents did not seem like a child with stress, turn on the disk with children's songs.

First Children with parents meet in the locker room, greet them, I am interested in my parents and well-being child: "How did a child sleep?", "How does a child feel?". Responsibly answer questions about nutrition, sleep, child behavior in kindergarten, discussing upcoming events with parents groups.

I spend a child in the group, continuing to communicate with him, i ask: Varvara: "Where were you on weekends, what did you do with your parents?".

When taking children in group I use surprise moment:

"Varvara, watch, to us in the group came the dog! She wait for you long ago, wants to play with you! "

IN group In the corner of the yoke hangs a large mirror, if there are problems in appearanceI suggest to approach the mirror, look at yourself, correct the problems, I help the child.

"Katya, let's see what is wrong with your blouse? That's right, it needs to be fed to the skirt "

"Alice, take your comb, let's join the hair and braid a braid."

When the appearance problems are eliminated and in group not many childrenI suggest to play a lotto "Wild animals, pets, fruits and vegetables, shop".

"Guys, and now we go to the shop for purchases, searcing at the table, prepared carzills" - game - Lotto "Score".

I meet the newly incoming children, I answer the questions of the parents, I suggest the kids to join the already playing.

With some of the children perform elementary labor orders:

"Sonya, our flowers really want to drink, let's nallem in the Lechka and Poland our flowers." When watering, I tell children, for which the colors need water, I specify the name of the flower parts (stem, leaves, flower. "

I follow the fact that the children remove the toys into place.

It also happens that the child came not in the mood in kindergarten, he is capricious, dissatisfied. Then it helps artistic word:

Oh, Lutushki-Lushichi!

Our Vanyushke

Good morning! Good morning!

Morning with jokes! Supported!

In the morning, the butterfly woke up, something crying «S» Yes «S»

Smiled, reached out. Tears as soon as

Paradise, Rosya she washed, we will play with you

Two - elegantly concerned, sing songs and dance!

Three - bent and sat down,

Four - flew away!

The kids are already accustomed to the rhymes, sayings and songs that hear from me, so we are happy to run to me in groupTo hear a new speech or gentle song.


To form desire to share your impressions with educators and children.

Forming the habit of watching your appearance.

Develop a coherent speech, to form the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher.

Forming the ability to observe elementary rules during the game.

Consolidate the names of vegetables and fruits, wild and pets, learn learning them in pictures

Educating the desire to participate in the care of indoor plants.

Emotional response to the beauty of plants. Educate a desire to help adults


Disk with children's songs

Surprise moment - a dog that meets the guys and invites them to go into group and play with them.

DI "Lotto"

Leggings for watering, loose rippers.


Artistic word, it helps easier to survive parting with parents, captivate the child in group.



Sensual show

preparation for gymnastics, wash, breakfast, breakfast


Charging helps the baby become stronger and plastic. It will benefit if you do it with pleasure and every day. For the baby, a game moment is very important, so in my work I use an artistic word conjugate with a character of one or another perheard.

Charging held in the group, in my group children from 2 to 3 years, some of them are not completed by the adaptation period.

Before charging, we re-pass the sandals on the Czech. Charging children collects the character Peshki - Bunny.

Zainka, like,

Serious, like,

So, here is the Syak,

Zainka, cheer up

Sereny, tailored,

Like this, here is a suspension,

Zainka, Topney with a leg,

Serious, Topney with a leg,

So, here is a Syak Tinnie the leg.

Zainka, turn,

Serious, turn,

That's how the Syak turn.

Zainka, babies,

Serious, babies,

That's it, here is a sharp breath.

Zainka, worship,

Serious, worship,

That's the way, the Syak worship!


At the time when the assistant of the teacher covers the breakfast tables, calling for children subgroupsStarting with slow or not yet mastered the skill of washing hands, and lead them to the washbasin, capturing with him the same bunny that was with us at charging. "Guys, and now our bunny wants to see how you can wash the handles! Let's show, and I will help you. " I say children: "We ride the sleeves to not wet them, open a crane with a water (help who needs it). Driving cold or warm? Do not fear our driver's handles? When washing, I also use an artistic word.

Oh Lada, Lada, Lada,

We are not afraid of water!

Purely wash

Smile to each other!

You are always before meals

Hands purely with my soap.

We substitute the handles under the driver, then we take soap and latch the handles with circular movements. And I will tell you the poem about soap.

Suffals like a living

But I will not let him

White foam foams,

Hands wash not lazy.

Children, and what is your soap? And how tasty it smells, such a fragrant ... Keep it in the handles firmly, and then it is very slippery!

Now we will put the handles under the water and we wonder soap. Standing with the handles the remaining droplets in the sink, try not to splash on the floor and on each other, close the crane (help).

Now come to your towel.. Remember where your towels? What is your picture? (I remind you if someone did not remember). Come up, remove your towel With hook and dryly wipe each finger and handles on both sides. Hide towel backEveryone in his place (help as needed).

Gradually, in subgroupsmy handles with all children in group.


Relieve cultural and hygienic skills.

Secure the ability to correctly use soap, carefully wash your hands, wipe dry after washing, hang towel in place.

Fasten the concepts such as color, form (soap, soaps) and property properties (fragrant soap, solid, slippery; Warm water, cold).

Who washed the handles, go beyond the tables and proceed to reception (not expecting the rest).

"Sit down smoothly, put the legs under the table, eat neatly, no bread crumble. A spoon take the right handle. " I am watching all the children to keep the spoonfully helped, helping those who do not quite work. I follow the fact that the children carefully chewed with food with a closed mouth, did not keep food for the cheek, did not speak with a full mouth.

"What a delicious is a buckwheat porridge for breakfast today! Porridge is very useful! Today, the doll Katya came to us for breakfast, she loves buckwheat And he wants to tell you, guys, how daze helped her grow. To children do not hurt and grew big, you need to eat porridge! My guys with the guys now will eat everything.

Clever Katya,

Eat porridge sweet

Delicious, fluffy.

Soft, fragrant!

On my plate

Redhead squirrel

So that it was visible

I eat everything to the bottom.

And who has a fish on a plate? And who are you? " (I appeal to a child who does not eat very well by calling him to achieve it to the end of the portion and see the drawing at the bottom of the plate).

I remember the children who themselves still do not know how to eat.

Those children who filed i say: "Take a napkin, put it and swallow. Now you can go out of the table, do not forget to speak "Thank you" And stick the chair. "


Form cultural and hygienic behavior skills for table: Proper to use a spoon, a napkin, not to crumble bread, chew food with a closed mouth, not to talk with a full mouth.

Give children knowledge about the benefits of products.


Artistic word

After breakfast children subgroups sit on the pots.

What is it worth? Pot!

One, two, three, four, five -

We will shoot pants!

Tie neatly.

Every kids know:

Very unpleasant

Put into pants!

We will all make it necessary.

Mom will be very glad!

Following the washing after breakfast and planting on the pot, you should independently game activity Children.

I offer children to play in scene-role game "Polyclinic": "Guys, look, our teddy's paw hurts. Let's cure a bear. "

Preparation for classes, feces for a walk, walk, care from walking, washing, lunch, preparation for sleep

I am preparing in advance for the day. Immediately before the occupation, I propose the guys to remove toys into place.

Classes pass by subgroups. I distribute children by subgroups Given the age and the level of preparedness to activities. I share children for two subgroups, first - with low level of preparedness and junior age, The second is older children with the level of preparedness for classes above average.

In the organization of games - classes helps me a surprise moment - a bright toy that "Collects" Children on occupation.

While I do with it from subgroups of children, my assistant teacher occupying another subgroup, examining illustrations, playing in mosaic and others.

Dressing for a walk

After the second breakfast, we begin to prepare for a walk.

"Children, let's remove all toys in place so that we do in group would be order. " "Maxim, help me remove this constructor? Thank you as you are well done! " Now when we have the group is induced by order, we can gather for a walk. "

I am p. group of dolldressed in season (hat, jacket, pants, boots, mittens).

I remind you to children the rules of behavior in the locker room (Sitting near your locker, do not scatter clothes). Specify the sequence of dressing. "Now we go out to the locker room, everyone sits down at their locker and begins to dress on its own. Let's tell and show a doll Kate, how to dress. What do we first get out of the locker? That's right, first we get and dress the pants. Later we will get and dress boots, sweaters, cap, jacket. Do not forget scarves and mittens! Well, now dress!

One, two, three, four, five -

We are going to walk.

Tied Katten

Scarf almighty.

Put on legs

Flare boots

And let's go soon to walk,

Jump run and jumping. "

I follow the execution of rules of behavior in the locker room, for compliance with the children of dressing sequence.

"All things you removed must be accurately folded and removed into the locker. Replaceable shoes we put on the bottom shelf. Who needs my help, you need to me contact: "Help me please!" Alena helped Potap! Well done! Potap, tell me "Thank you"!

We dress and go for a walk we also subgroups. First, we dress up and go with me the children of older and with a strong health status, younger subgroup Displays an assistant to me.

Also from a walk the assistant teacher takes first younger subgroup and those childrenwho froze. I'm with senior subgroup Collecting toys and go later.


Educate politeness ( "thanks for the help", "help me please).

To form a benevolent attitude of children to each other, the desire to help.

Forming the habit of abide by the order and cleanliness of the room groups, the ability to independently perform elementary orders: Clean the toy in place. To form a desire to assist adults.

Develop the ability to dress independently and undress in a certain sequence. Fasten the ability to wear and shoot clothes and shoes.


Doll in clothing suitable season

Picture "Algorithm of dressing and undressing"


Artistic word

When the assistant teacher brought me the rest subgroup of children, we start walking.

"Guys, and together with us, our katya doll".

Educator: - Children see how dressed doll (children's responses).

And why? What time of year is now? (Answers children: Autumn came, it became cold on the street, the sun warms not so warm).

Educator: - Sewing the poem about the autumn.

If on the trees leaves wishes,

If the edge of the distant bird flew away,

If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is poured,

This time of year is called in the fall.

Educator: - Let's look at the trees with you.

What is the tree? (Answers children: barrel, twigs, on branches Leaf).

And let's tell Kate what is happening with the trees in the fall? (Answers children: leaves yellow and fall).

Educator: - How many leaves lies on Earth. They all fell from the tree.

When there is no wind on the street, they smoothly and slowly fall from the trees. When the wind blows on the street, they flush, go around, circling.

Phys. Minute

"The wind blows to us in the face"

The village was hardened.

The breeze is quieter, quieter,

The village is above, above.

Educator: - And let's take leaves with you.

Put His palm and hees on him.

What happened to the leaves? (Answers children: He flew and fell to Earth).

Educator: - And when many leaves fall like

it is called? (Answers children: leaf fall)

Educator: - Listen to the poem about leavefall

"Fall, fall leaves,

In our garden, leaves.

Red, Yellow Leaves

In the wind will go fly. "

Educator: - And when there are many leaves on Earth and we go on them, they are rustling under their feet.

Educator: - And now we will enroll with autumn leaves.

Movable game "We are leaflets"

We are leaflets,

We are leaves (Children stand with a mug, holding leaves in hands).

We are autumn leaves.

We sat on the twigs, revealed the wind - flew (scatter).

We flew, we flew (run, having fluttering leaves).

All leaves are so tired.

Stopped blowing the breeze, we sat down in a circle (sit down, the leaves are kept above the head).

The wind suddenly blew (scatter on the track).

And leaflets from the branches plot. All leaves fleet (throw up the leaves up). And on Earth quietly sat down.


And now I suggest you to collect dry twigs.

Individual work:

Find a big leaf and give a doll Kate.

With Liza and Vika using balls, i spend gaming exercise : What color is this ball? What is the yellow ball? What a ball more: blue or red? Which of the balls is the smallest? "


1. Educating love for nature.

2. Expand and consolidate the knowledge of children about seasonal changes.

3. To summarize and systematize the knowledge of children about trees.

4. Develop a careful attitude towards the surrounding.

5. Develop attention, memory.

6. Activate vocabulary Children.

Return from the walk takes subgroups: per junior subgroup comes the assistant teacher, leads them to group, and we with older children collecting toys and "The train" We go in group.

Upon returning from the walk, I also clarify the order of undressing, I say that things need to be folded neatly, dried mittens on the battery, put the boots under the battery.

We love all the order,

Quickly undress.

We are already very big

Ourselves undress.

Never forget

We dry clothes

And clean and hang

Carefully folded into the closet.

When all hygiene procedures after returning from a walk are over (wash, planting, planting, the assistant teacher is going to receive lunch, and we put chairs on the carpet and perform Finger gymnastics (Solim cabbage, forty-Beloboka, and where guys) conduct a conversation(What is interesting to see for a walk).

Only after the assistant tutor will cover the tables, I offer children to sit down at the tables and start food.

When placing kids, I use different receivers: Use surprise moments; the inclusion of gaming and fabulous characters; Using musical suggestion. Including artistic word.

Luli Lullea, Lie

Fartes flew gules.

Guli sat on the bed,

Began to grow guli,

Steel Guli to promote.

Child sleeping quietly

Sleep the baby so much

Sleep quietly rest

Bedroom premises in advance ventilated.

After lunch, the children gradually go out of the table, take chairs and begin to undress. I am watching the children not distracted by watching the sequence, the independence of the actions of children. I remind you that things need to be carefully folded on the chair. Praise children. Helping as needed. I remind you about the need to go before bedtime to the toilet.

I turn on calm relaxing music, while children wear pajamas and fit into bed.

I try to create a calm atmosphere in the bedroom. I follow the children to forget to wear pajamas. Helping them. I sit next to a upset or excited child. Talked a quiet, calm voice.

"Sleep bears and elephants,

Hare is sleeping and hedgehog.

All around should sleep

Our children too


Relieve tidiness, accuracy.

Create emotionally positive Cockup a child for sleep and rest.

Develop the skill on their own to undress in a specific sequence.

Secure the ability to remove clothes and shoes, fasten and unbutton buttons, zipper, fold and hang clothes


Play moment: Parsley

Tape recorder with a disc of calm music


Artistic word

Musical support