How to organize 2 wedding day. Wedding table menu

For all the newlyweds, who decided to spend their celebration in tents in Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk or on a recreation center on Lake Kalda, there is a menu on the second day of the wedding.

Selecting the menu from the "Residence", you:

Get a real pleasure from author's cuisine - Delicious food prepared from the most recent products according to our branded recipes.

Delight your guests Skels, hot sausages, steaks and other dishes "with heat from the heat" - cooked immediately, with you, on the mangale.

Comfort to rest from urban fuss in nature, enjoying a communion with friends for generously with a covering table.

And all this with significant savings - without payment for rent and cork collecting!

You bring your alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, cakes, fruits, vegetables in any quantity without additional payments.

The cost of renting ready for the holiday of the Shatra - 0 rubles!

What is included in the menu of the second day of the wedding


Summer: Fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, Bulgarian pepper, Beijing cabbage, fetax cheese, olive sauce.

The bride's bouquet: Cabbage, carrots, apple, sauce.

Best man: salami, cucumber, salad mix, olive sauce.

Redemption of the bride: Salami, Ham, Fresh Cucumbers and Tomatoes, Potatoes, Sauce.

Present for the wedding: crab sticks, Beijing cabbage, cucumber, croutons, sauce.

Morning: chicken fillet, mix of salads, tomato, croutons, sauce.

: Pork, beef, tomatoes, champignons fried, cucumber, chicken egg, sauce.

Cold snacks: assorted, cutting and portion


Temptation of the groom: Servelat, ham, ham, greens.

Whim of the bride: Two types of cheese with grapes.

Wedding at sea: Gorbow, mackerel and herring (served with lemon)

Bitterly: Salted tomatoes and cucumber, pickled onions, greens.

Summer Wedding: Tomato, Cucumber, Pepper Bulgarian, Greens.

Orchard: Seasonal fruits.

Portion snacks

Friends of the groom, Brucketta with tomatoes: croutons from baguette, tomatoes, garlic, spices.

Joy testing: Zucchini with garlic, tomato, cheese.

Best toast at the wedding: On toast pieces of weakly salted herring on rye toasts and pickled cucumbers.

Joke of both mother-in-law: Delicate roll from C / C salmon, pita with cheese mousse and greens.

Generosity of the mother-in-law: Cheese Roll Delicate Roll with Lavash, Cheese and Garlic.

Techin Language : Tai-drink eggplants: eggplant rolls with cheese and tomatoes.

Soups on the second day of the wedding.

Salonka, Okroshka, ear with salmon, mushroom, homemade noodles.

Hot snacks for the second day of the wedding.

Chicken leg in tomato sauce.

Delmeni with mushrooms and sour cream.

Bavarian sausage: pork, beef, spices.

Meat pancakes.

Chicken wings marinated in BBQ sauce

Hot: MANGALE dishes

Hot meat dishes cooked on the grill and included in the menu on the second day of the wedding are served on a pawwash with pickled onions and vegetables.

Assorted sausage on the grill.

Assorted meat poultry: chicken fillet, thigh, shin, wings.

Resort Roman: Pork on the bone.

Pork kebab: pork neck.

Lulle-Kebab: Pork, beef.

Chicken kebab.

Salmon steak: Served on pita with fresh vegetables.

Assorted "Residence": Korean pork, neck pork, chicken fillet, wings, shin garnished boiled potatoes, grilled vegetables.

Assorted "Fifth Ocean": salmon fillet, shrimp, trout rainbow, mussels in the shelter, trunk beans with carrots, broccoli, cauliflower.

Vegetable barbecue: zucchini, eggplant, pepper Bulgarian, cheese of cheese.

Garnish for a banquet on the second day of the wedding.

Mini kebab vegetable.

Grilled vegetables.

Potatoes with bacon.

Boiled potatoes with greens.

Eggplant baked under cheese.

Baked pepper in Bulgarian.

"Residence" guarantees - everything will be very tasty!

You and your guests enjoy the holiday - All dishes from the menu on the second day of the wedding are prepared by highly qualified chefs.

And only one but ...

Choosing a menu on the second day of the wedding, try to make your choice so that the festive table on this day does not eclipse your wedding banquet.

It will truly hurt ...

After all, the most important day of your wedding is the first!

Council for choosing dishes from experienced banquet managers.

Before you choose the menu for the second day of the wedding, on the main one day.

Wedding preparation, these are pleasant, but still troubles. In the series of these troubles and preparations there are no less important, or more important. Selection and invitation guests, bride wedding dress, groom costume, wedding scenario, music, decoration hall - not to count, and do it all needs well and on time. And drawing up a wedding menu, also one of the important and necessary preparations for this celebration.

From the fact that, and in what quantity will be on the wedding table, not only the mood of guests depends largely, but the very beginning of this holiday. Imagine that behind the wedding table of hot drinks is enough, and different dishes and snacks, for example, for the second half of the wedding evening almost no left.

As they say "danced, having fun, sowing at the table, we were slandered." And what will happen then? And there will be a very unpleasant picture - guests slowly (some quickly) and systematically get drunk. It will be especially nothing to eat. There is one general rule Almost for all festive fences, guests eat only the first 15 - 20 minutes, the rest of the time they eat.

So the lack of dishes in the wedding menu can turn into the lack of fun and the presence of despondency or even scandals and the fight on this holiday. After all, too, drunk people are divided into two categories: dull and aggressive.

But overloaded wedding menu, too, has anything worthwhile. And where to give the rest on the table? It seems sorry to leave. To fold in the saucepans and then eat it for a whole week all the family?

Therefore, the proposed and balanced wedding menu is very important when carrying out this holiday.

Regarding what volume there should be every dish on the table, you should not worry. Employees of a cafe or restaurant, where you are going to hold a wedding, professionals and all correctly calculate how the volume should be each dish and the number of products for the wedding menu, according to the number of holidays present at the holiday. But the number and composition of dishes for the wedding menu choose those who ordered - parents or other relatives of the bride and groom.

What you need to consider when choosing a wedding menu

  • Looking selection of dishes that can offer you a restaurant, decide which they will order them, do not order the ones you did not try
  • If your financial capabilities are limited, do not order the most expensive dishes, you can order this, but more economical
  • For a more diverse wedding menu, order more than a variety of snacks, you can have different tastes: someone does not like fish, someone prefers fish to meat, someone can be, in general, vegetarian. A large assortment of snacks will satisfy all your guests
  • Two hot dishes must be present in the wedding menu: hot snack and most hot
  • Spread in advance with the head of the restaurant how many alcoholic beverages you can bring with you. Alcohol in the restaurant is more expensive than in the store, and the restaurant's management usually allows you to bring some kind of alcoholic beverages, provided that they will order them in the restaurant
  • Order organization of a small buffet table, when compiling the wedding menu, it is necessary. Usually some guests after registering in the registry office, when young riding in front of the wedding feast, appear in the restaurant before young. Such a bundle table where you can put champagne, wine, fruits and several lung snacks that can be taken by hand without using cutlery, allow guests to feel more relaxed. They do not have to stand along the walls, waiting for newlyweds

What includes the wedding menu

  • Various cold snacks: vegetable, meat, fish assorted, cheese or snack from cheese, from seafood, portion salads and they are in common vases, stuffed vegetables and eggs
  • Two hot dishes, basic and hot snack
  • Juices, compotes, mineral water
  • Fruits
  • Alcohol: champagne, wine, vodka or cognac, calculation of alcoholic beverages, approximately 1.0 - 1.5 liters per person
  • The wedding cake

Procedure for feeding dishes

By the beginning of the wedding feast on the table must be located all snacks, including portion, various assorted, juices, mineral water, fruits, alcoholic beverages
. After a short period of time (20-30 minutes), salads are applied to the table, there must be several types of them.
. Hot snack served to the wedding table approximately after the first third of the wedding evening, when the guests have already tried all cold snacks
. The main hot dish is the end of the filing of everything that was ordered in the wedding menu (except for the cake and dessert). Whatever the hot dish, a vegetable side dish is facilitated for it. Before the advent of the main hot waiters, the tables must be driven, carry dirty dishes, put clean plates and cutlery. At this time, Tamada can entertain guests with contests
. The crown and peak of the celebration is the appearance of a wedding cake. By this time, the buffet table should be converted to a tea table where you can arrange samovar, tea, coffee, candy, plates for a cake. Time for tea and coffee occurs after cutting the wedding cake. Guests themselves decide to drink tea to them, and when to drink him, fit to the tea table and serve themselves
. Sometimes in the wedding menu, in dessert, except fruits can include ice cream and some cooked desserts. They are usually served after cutting the wedding cake.

Two options for the wedding menu

Wedding menu-Ring No. 1

. Salads and cold snacks:

Salad "Sea Breeze" - Seafood, Validaya Smellin, Pineapples
Salad "Eastern fairy tale - roasted chicken fillet, red and yellow bell pepper, pomegranate, canned pineapple
Salad "Royal Pudda" - Royal Shrimps, Cherry Tomatoes, green salad, RuColl, lemon juice
Salad "Tropical Knowing" - Fresh Cucumbers, Latuke Salad, Orange, Squid Meat, Bulgarian Pepper
Refueling and sauces to them in the competence of the cook
Assorted meat (ingredients to taste and your choice)
Assorted fresh vegetables (tomatoes, Bulgarian red and yellow pepper, cucumbers)
Assorted salted and pickled vegetables (sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, salted tomatoes, pickled garlic or onions)
Assorted Fish with lemon and olives (fish, taste and your choice)
Eggplants stuffed with ham and rice
Tomatoes stuffed with grated solid varieties with garlic and sour cream

. Hot snack:
Pieces of chicken fillet, in orange sauce
Eggplants, baked with tomatoes, cheese and garlic

. Main hot, side dish:
Pork rolls stuffed with fried mushrooms and onions
Fresh or frozen vegetables stew (zucchini, bell pepper, young bean pods)

. Dessert:
Fresh fruits (on your choice)
Ice cream

Wedding menu - Option number 2

. Salads and cold snacks:
Salad "Revival" - pieces of fried pork, anchovies, cranberries, parmesan cheese, parsley leaves
Salad "Fantasy" - bacon, boiled egg, fresh cucumber, pickled cucumber, small dried croutons from white baton, Blue CHiz sauce
Salad "Russian Summer" - Apples, Fresh Cabbage, Bulgarian Pepper, Fresh Carrot, Greens
Salad "Starry Sky" - ham, pickled artichokes, boiled tongue, Bulgarian pepper, apples, canned corn, rice
Refueling, sauces, spices to them in the competence of the cook
Olives and olives in the frame of greenery
Assorted meat (composition at your discretion)
Assorted with smoked, pickled and salty fish (composition at your discretion)
Assorted fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, green onion stalks)
Cheese assorted (composition and number of cheeses in the assorted at your discretion)
Marinated mushrooms, with onions (Honey, Maswalls, White)

. Hot appetizers:
Japanese chicken in Sauce "Tonaltsa"
Pancakes with mushrooms and cheese sauce

. The main hot:
Fish pepper - fillet of sturgeon, pike perch and halibut, painted in white wine with champagne sauce
Eggplants baked with fresh tomatoes and onions in garlic sauce

. Desserts:
Fruits (fruit composition at your discretion)
Fresh raspberry (strawberry) with whipped cream, served portion

Wedding menu on the second day of the wedding

Typically, the restaurant is ordered for one evening. On the second day, guests are already less - only close relatives remain. Nevertheless, it is worth considering the wedding menu and on the second day. If the wedding takes place in the warm season (late spring, summer, early autumn) is not bad for the second day in nature, where, in addition to two-three lung snacks, you can cook ear and kebabs.

If the wedding in winter, and a small feast in the apartment, you can put two or three salad, home pastries and necessarily some light soup (chicken, mushroom, just a broth with greens).

Let your fantasy, the art of the cook and your financial capabilities will help to make an excellent wedding menu, so that all guests have not only unforgettable impressions of the fun, and an interesting wedding spent, but also a pleasant memories of a beautiful wedding table and unusually delicious dishes.

One of wedding traditions It is the celebration of the second day of the wedding. But most often the first day costs newlyweds not at all cheaply, so the desire to save at least the second is quite natural.

We offer you several ways how can you make the second day of the wedding at least cheerful and interesting, but less costly than the first.

If you do not stumbled and ordered a gorgeous menu on a banquet in a restaurant, you are sure there will be many snacks, cuts, fruits on the tables. Agree in advance with the restaurant administrator about that at the end of the banquet, containers were provided to you, where you can add all that guests did not arrive. In this way, no need to worry about snacks in the second day.

Besides food, alcohol usually remains on the banquet. Do not buy anything, warn guests that alcohol will be the same as on a banquet, and if they want something else, they can bring a drink with them.

The wedding in the summer gives newlyweds a big advantage: they do not necessarily remove the room for the celebration of the second day. Can be organized picnic outdoors In some picturesque place near the city or arrange a beach party, if there is a reservoir with a free public beach nearby.

Invite not all guests on the second day - Another way to save. Someone collects only relatives at home (especially if there were many non-resident guests at the wedding), and someone prefers to arrange a cheerful and informal second day exclusively for young people.

The best way to save on the second day - do not arrange it. The best excuse for you in this case will be a trip to the wedding trip. Choose the date of departure following after the wedding day and with a clean conscience, report it to all guests so that there is no offense.

And yet we really advise you not to miss the opportunity to extend the wedding fun. On the second day, do everything that failed to implement in the first due to lack of time or desire to follow tradition. For example, the bride can wear a veil, a short white dress and sneakers, the groom (or rather, already a husband) let it be in a butterfly and shorts, you can make wreaths for newlyweds, as in the Hawaiian wedding.

Bathing B. wedding dress And take pictures in the style of "Trash The Dress", take a motorcycle or horse for rent, arrange insane dancing until the morning, throw a wedding cake, make yourself an incredible bright makeup and a stunning hairstyle, from which your older relatives would come to horror ...

The second day was created in order to smooth all the awkwardness and remove the stress of the first day. Therefore, how Ivan Dorn bequeathed, "no need to be shy!"

The final part of any wedding is a feast. If the menu of the wedding banquet is made correctly, the dishes were tasty, and everything on the table was in sufficiency - it means that the event was successful. From whether the wedding feast will appeal to newlyweds and guests depends on the success of the whole celebration. Some of the first questions that should be solved when organizing a wedding - drawing up the correct menu, Selection of delicious dishes, calculation of servings depending on the number of guests, so that everything is enough and there is no much more extra food.

How to make a menu for 20 people

Before drawing up the menu, the organizers of the wedding feast should know exactly the number of guests. It is necessary to calculate how many men, women will be whether children will be attended. By drawing up a wedding menu, it should be remembered that for the convenience of guests, snacks and other dishes should be laid on plates and salad bowls so that every 6-7 persons have their own separate plate with a certain dish. So, a dish cooked for 20 guests, you need to decompose in three different plates.

Consider the number of female and male guests

When drawing up a wedding menu, you need to take into account gender. It is known that men eat a little more women. So, the salad on the wedding banquet is preparing at the rate of 50 grams per guest. If there are more men among guests, cold snacks should be prepared at the rate of not 50, and 70 grams per guest. Special attention in the preparation of a wedding party must be given to the purchase of alcoholic beverages. The ladies predominantly consume wine, liqueurs, and representatives of the strong half of humanity are strong drinks.

Presence of children at the wedding

Usually a wedding feast lasts from 6 to 8 hours and longer, children will be hard to sit down all this time behind the wedding table together with adults. Therefore, for children you need to cover a separate table, so that after the snack have the opportunity to stand at any time due to the wedding table and have fun. You should take care of the preparation of a special children's menu. Children can not serve sharp dishes, heavy food - fatty meat, salads with mayonnaise sauce. Light salads, low-fat varieties of meat, boiled fish, fruit, desserts - here is the basis of the children's wedding menu.

Calculate the number of dishes for 20 people

The menu on the wedding feast consists of cold snacks, hot and dessert dishes, drinks. Cold snacks are 1-2 fish, 2-3 meat snacks, 1-2 types of cheese, 2-3 lettuce, vegetable cutting. The main dishes should be at least 2 - one of them is fish, the other is meat, which is served with a side dish. Desserts for a wedding feast - this is a baking, cakes, fruits, ice cream. You should take care of the wedding cake separately. The weight of the wedding cake for a feast of 20 guests is usually about 3-4 kg.

It is necessary to prepare a sufficient amount of drinks - both alcohol and not containing alcohol. For guests of a wedding feast, you buy champagne, vodka, brandy, whiskey, wine, vermouth. Separately, 2 bottles of champagne are installed in front of the newlyweds: one bottle by tradition is drinking with spouses at the celebration of the 1st anniversary of the wedding, and the other - after the birth of the first child. If in the wedding menu there will be a large number of meat snacks and dishes with sauce, the emphasis should be made on a red wine that is taken to serve meat.

By purchasing alcohol for a wedding feast, you need to make sure that there is no difference: guests will drink a lot, and the alcohol is undesirable. There must be a certain stock of alcohol, so that the guests do not have to mix drinks. In addition to alcohol, non-alcoholic beverages are purchased: juices (2 types), carbonated and non-carbonated water. According to etiquette, small bottles with water with a capacity of 0.25-0.5 liters are supplied to the wedding table. Juice for guests are spilled by jugs. Sample list Drinks and products for the wedding menu for 20 guests:

  • champagne - 5 bottles (2 more separately for newlyweds);
  • wine red - 10 bottles of 0.75 l;
  • vodka / Cognac / Whiskey - 10-12 bottles of 0.5 l;
  • juice - 5 liters;
  • gained water - 40 bottles of 0.5 liters;
  • water without gas - 10 bottles of 0.5 liters;
  • cutting meat (buoyhenine, ham, roll) - at 0.8-1 kg of each type of meat product;
  • sausage smoked - 0.7-0.8 kg;
  • cheese (2 types) - 1-1.2 kg of each type;
  • marinated mushrooms - 0.8 kg;
  • olives, olives - 0.7 kg;
  • fish - 0.8 kg;
  • krahnaya caviar - 5 cans of 120 grams;
  • chang black - 1-2 cans of 120 grams;
  • fruits - 4-5 kg;
  • chocolate candies - 1 kg.

Features of the preparation of the menu depending on the time of year

Many couples seek to spend the wedding in the fall. IN autumn day big choice Fresh and natural meat, dairy products, and especially vegetables and fruits. In the fall, the wedding menu includes a poultry, vegetables grown in an open way. In winter, the choice of vegetables and fruits is not so big, you have to be content with what is on sale. In the cold, the body requires more calories, so the wedding menu includes calorie meat dishes. Under such an abundant snack, strong alcoholic beverages are good.

In the spring, the body experiences a lack of vitamins, so it is necessary to serve fresh greens and vegetables on the wedding table. In the summer can consume fatty meat, heavy salads with the calorie sauce do not really want. Therefore, the main emphasis should be made on light salads, low-calorie fish, dietary meat, seafood dishes. So, good option The main dish of the wedding summer menu will be a sea cocktail with scallops and shrimps, as well as salmon with asparagus.

Exemplary menu for celebrating in winter

IN last years Winter weddings are popular: rental wedding cars, celebration rooms are significantly cheaper. The winter wedding feast menu consists of calorie and nutritious dishes. At wedding photos and the video, it is clearly seen that in winter, guests are put on any food: it's cold on the street, for normal livelihoods requires an increased amount of calories. Therefore, guests of a wedding celebration offer meat and fish dishes, snacks, salads with mayonnaise sauce. Approximate wedding menu:

  • Canape with smoked salmon.
  • Sandwiches with caviar.
  • Hepatic mousse in tartlets.
  • Cheese cut from Cheddar's cheeses, "Maazdam".
  • Salad with arugula, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella.
  • Salad from chicory with marble cheese.
  • Salad "Greek" with olives.
  • Roasted sebas with cauliflower mashed potatoes.
  • Fascinated chicken breast with asparagus beans.
  • Coffee Tea.

Menu Summer Wedding Table

Holding a wedding celebration in summer period It has its own benefits - the wedding season is just beginning, the premises for the feast find easy. By the middle of summer, vegetables grown outdoors begin to ripen. They differ pronounced taste, so the dishes on the summer wedding feast will be not only nutritional, but also delicious. In summer, it does not want to calorie dishes, mayonnaise salads and other heavy meals. Sample menu Summer wedding feast:

  • Salt salmon roll with olives.
  • Sea cocktail with scallops and shrimps.
  • Chicken roll with prunes.
  • Duck liver fua-gras.
  • Cheese slicing from Parmesan and Cordon Blue grade.
  • Asian salad with tangerines.
  • Salad Radikkio with almonds and Rokfort cheese.
  • Rabbit with prune and parsley.
  • Braised lamb with eggplants and sour cream.
  • Cod with rosemary and capers, vegetable puree.

Recipes cooking dishes at home

Wedding feast is held at the restaurant or at home. If there is no possibility to spend extra money for rent, why not hold the celebration of the house. Conducting a wedding feast of the house has the following drawback: on the preparation of food - snacks, desserts, main dishes with meat and fish will have to spend a lot of time. But there are also their advantages: the wedding feast will cost much cheaper, and will be held in a more comfortable home environment. We offer such recipes of cold snacks, main dishes and desserts on the wedding table:

  • Pork Korean with soy sauce - snack for the wedding menu.

We need:

  • pork Korean - 2 kg;
  • maple syrup - half of the teaspoon;
  • soy sauce - 0.1 l;
  • set of spices "Summer" (pepper, salt, onions, paprika, dried carrot, seed mustard, cumin, greens) - 100 g.


  1. Cut meat in half.
  2. Mix syrup and soy sauce.
  3. Marinator or a syringe with a thick needle to whine both pieces of meat marinade.
  4. Take meat to absorb marinade.
  5. Squeeze the Korean in a mixture of spices.
  6. Wrap meat into thick polyethylene.
  7. Put meat into the stove, stick the thermometer into it, turn on the convection mode.
  8. Bake at a temperature of from 20 to 80 ° for 2 hours, gradually aroused temperatures up to 70 degrees.
  9. Cool, add a dish into the refrigerator for 9-10 hours.

  • Chicken roll - snack for the wedding menu.

We need:

  • chicken - 1 piece;
  • mushrooms - 200 g;
  • pistachios - 30 g;
  • garlic - 5 teeth;
  • salt, pepper, other seasonings.


  1. Gently remove the skin from the bird, separate the meat from the bones.
  2. Cut mushrooms on cubes, fry them.
  3. Cut the poultry meat on cubes.
  4. Cut garlic, pistachios in half.
  5. To lay all the ingredients on chicken skin, roll in the shape of a roll.
  6. Wrap the roll in foil, put in the oven.
  7. Bake for an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  8. Cool, fold the dish in the refrigerator.

  • Hot salmon fillet is the main dish of the wedding menu.

We need:

  • salmon - 1 kg;
  • olive oil - 0.25 l;
  • orego - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 150 ml;
  • lemon juice - 0.1 l;
  • salt pepper.

For sauce:

  • dry white wine - 150 ml;
  • cream - 22%;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • mustard (grain) - 10 tbsp. l;
  • leek-shallot - 2 pieces;
  • olive oil - 0.1 l;
  • pepper, salt.
  1. Check the lack of bones in the fish, if necessary, remove them.
  2. Mix lemon, soy sauce, olive oil, oregano.
  3. Marine salmon - 1-2 hours.
  4. Preparing sauce. Squeeze onions on the oil, add wine, fry until the fluid evaporates.
  5. Add water, cream, mustard, spices to frying pan. When the contents of the frying pan boils, turn off the fire.
  6. Preheat oven to two hundred degrees.
  7. Pickled salmon to lay on a baking sheet.
  8. Bake a quarter of an hour.
  9. Pour salmon with cold sauce. Dish feed hot.

  • Duck breast under the sea buckthorn sauce is the main dish of the wedding menu.

We need:

  • duck breast - 1 piece;
  • frozen sea buckthorn - 0.25 kg;
  • honey - 5 g;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • lemon juice - 10 g;
  • mustard - 10 g;
  • pepper - 5 g;
  • oil for frying, salt, pink pepper;

Preparation of the main dish:

  1. Clear meat from the rest of the feathers, rinse, dry.
  2. Grind spices.
  3. Make cuts on meat, grasp the ascent spices with salt.
  4. Dispose in the microwave berry.
  5. To gripe sea buckthorn through colander, mix with lemon juice and sugar, bring up to boil, boil 2 minutes.
  6. After cooling, dissolve in the mixture honey and mustard.
  7. Purge meat on a preheated pan, until a crispy crust is formed.
  8. Wanted meat in foil, keep it a quarter of an hour.
  9. Before serving the meat dish, pour out the sauce.

  • Fruit tartlets - dessert for the wedding menu.

We will need for the test:

1. Safety dough

  • creamy oil - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • powder sugar - 100 g;
  • ground almonds - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • flour - 0.8 kg.
  • jelly, fruit.

2. Almond cream

  • creamy oil - 150 g;
  • ground almonds - 130 g;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • egg - 4 pieces and one protein.

3. Custard

  • milk - 0.3 l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • yolk - 2 pieces;
  • corn starch - 2 tbsp;
  • vanilla.


The wedding table is the second, after the bride dresses, the element that attracts the greatest attention to others. He testifies to the quality of the wedding, because the guests fell behind him until the morning. Select the menu to your wedding is not so easy.

Sometimes, sitting in a restaurant, people cannot decide that they themselves would like to eat, but here you need to make a decision for many people. Of course, you can count on tips from the restaurant or chef, which prepares dishes.

However, it is important that there are already certain ideas before such a conversation so that it is the opinion that cook on the wedding table. Wedding table, ready for the celebration, must be memorized.

What should be on the wedding table: species, number of dishes and feed features

Wedding menu, along with the bride dress, music and a common atmosphere, is one of the most commented elements of any wedding. This is a big challenge, especially when a celebration is planned for several dozen people. Than more guestsMoreover, everyone can please. With all the desire, there is no possibility to cope with the culinary expectations of each of them separately.

But there are several ways to leave a very good overall impression. The times left when the menu was evaluated from the point of view of how many dishes were on the table. Now the success of the banquet determines the quality of the dishes. Of course, the amount did not fully lose its relevance.

After all, it is impossible to allow guests to leave the hungry, but there is no need for the tables breeching under the heaps of food, which no one will be able to eat, and most simply spoil. On the standard wedding extending approximately 12 hours served as a rule, from 4 to 5 of hot meals, snacks, cakes, desserts and fruits.

A significant role in the wedding menu plays its diversity. Let there be several types of meat on the tables of the guests. Do not forget about vegetarians. They will surely be among the invitees to the wedding, so care should be taken to and for them enough dishes on the menu, such as soy or tofu.

The classic sequence of serving the dishes is as follows:, salad, hot snack, fish dish, meat dish main, dessert.

First, snacks are served on the table. As a rule, it includes cutting meat cooked different ways, Salt and smoked fish, seafood. There should be enough sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables on the table.

Small, brightly decorated with canapes, for example, with red caviar, add paints table. Snacks - the beginning of the banquet. Served immediately after snacks or at one time with them. It is desirable that they are presented in various versions: vegetable, meat, fish and seafood.

After about an hour, hot snacks are served. It can be meat or chicken julienne, small unsweetened pies, pancakes. It may seem that hot snacks to some extent repeat the main dish, but it is not. Lights and small portions represent hot snacks in the role of a sort of "snack" in front of the main dish.

Between meals, guests should be able to get a snack. This is very important, in particular, for people who consume alcohol.

In this case, it is advisable to serve them, in the form of Swedish or. In order to enrich the menu for vegetarians and those who cares about the figure, you can install a separate table with salads.

After hot snacks, it comes to feed the main dishes. At the same time, the next order is traditionally observed: first fish, then meat. In addition to taste, great attention should be paid to the design of the main dishes. Of course, the wedding dish can be served portion, but the owl will become a real decoration of the wedding table.

So, for example, it can be stuffed with an urgent, baked piglets, goose with apples. Baked vegetables or potatoes can be applied as a side dish. The supply of the main dish cooked entirely, it is advisable to instruct a professional.

On the table must have a dish with fruit, juices, preferably in transparent jars, mineral water, still and sparkling (there may be a bottle, so guests are not mistaken).

In this video you will tell you how to choose the right wedding menu:

After the guests can cope with the main dish, the cores of the sweet.

Wedding Cakes - a vast field for the imagination, they come in different shapes and different decor, from minimalist to luxurious castles cakes with cream.

It all depends on the wishes of customers and the skill of the pastry. Prepare a cake from the calculation of 1.5-2 kg per ten people. You should also worry about feeding coffee or tea. Wedding cake can be a real decoration at the wedding.

The easiest way will be in statistical tastes, choosing wine semi-dry. Many do not taste the tartness of dry wine, and sweet alcoholic beverages, as a rule, are served to desserts. The color of wine is today the case of an individual taste, but traditionally alcohol from the banquet menu must correspond to the suburbant dishes:

  • white wine is usually associated with poultry meat and fish;
  • red wine with heart and meat;
  • liqueurs are served for dessert;
  • a glass of champagne raise, proclaimed toast.

The number is different, as a rule, for five people suggest 3-4 bottles of strong alcohol, 2-3 bottles of wine and a bottle of champagne.

In order for a timely removed dirty dishes and the banquet passed without a fuss, the dishes were served on time, must be at least one waiter for every ten people.

What is cooking on the wedding table in the summer: approximate menu

The time of year to which the wedding is planning, also plays a significant role. Summer is the most preferred time for the wedding, but not deprived of some minuses.

Not all dishes are well tolerated by heat: salads are quickly losing freshness, and calorie dishes with various sauces with all their appetiteness are not very inspired.

In summer, it is necessary to limit the amount of salads in combination with mayonnaise or snacks in jelly. Seasonal and vegetables deserve special attention, however, as their exotic relatives. Bright fruits will decorate any table.

There must be a lot and in a wide range; Sweet carbonated water is badly quenching thirst. Good in the heat of various lemonades, ice tea, crash (berries mixed in a blender with ice), frozen juices.

For drinks to be cold, you can stock up a significant amount of ice - it is appropriate both in spirits and non-alcoholic. Lemonade perfectly quenches thirst in the heat.

At wedding techniques, organized from spring to autumn, you can surprise guests with culinary delights cooked in the garden or by the patio. It may be meat or fish fried on the grill or baked on a spit.

Such an option is quite expensive and time-consuming, but the impressions of the impressions are worth. Wedding, spent in the fresh air, has an atmosphere of magic.

For newlyweds, the wedding is connected with joyful excitation and with a large emotional load. They take congratulations, nervous from abundance of attention and almost do not look at the table, followed by. The menu for the newlyweds is a little different from the general, their wedding table is set separately, the selection of dishes for young engaged parents or friends.

The bride and groom need to keep a cheerful mood throughout the evening, so the food on their table should be light. Combly, vegetables and fruits must be present, sufficient seafood and fish, white poultry meat.

It will be appropriate to add in the Aphrodisiac menu (various nuts, avocado, caviar). The use of alcohol is an individual case, but the young on this day is better to refrain from strong drinks.

Wiser to confine champagne, then it will be easy enough to sustain the pace of celebration and keep the memories of the wedding night.

Happy newlyweds are not easy in their momentous day. As an example, you can take a couple of simple dishes:

  1. Salad of red fish. Fish fillet spice spices, fry on the grill, cool, cut into pieces, mix with sweet corn. Add cherry tomatoes, cut sweet peppers, pour olive oil, salt, slide lime juice.
  2. Shrimp salad fried with garlic and chili pepper. Frozen shrimps defrost (at room temperature or under running flow, cold water). Rinse and clean, dry. One clove of garlic rubbed or crush in garlic, the second cut into thin slices. Chile pepper cut diagonally on thin slices. On the plates, lay out large lettuce leaves, add arugula, on top to lay cherry tomatoes sliced \u200b\u200bor quarters. In the pan heat olive oil, pour chopped garlic, shrimp and chili pepper, salt. Fry on medium heat about a minute on each side. Then add grated garlic, mix and fry half a minute, stirring. Pour white wine, lemon juice, mix and retain from fire. Share on lettuce. Square with olive oil.

Salad with shrimps - light and nutritious dish.

In this video you will learn the most popular recipes for wedding tables:

The wedding without good food will not be very successful, so when preparing the wedding menu it is necessary to focus and carefully pick up dishes. If someone recommends unfamiliar disk, they can be enabled in the menu, but it is advised to preferably prepare a small portion on the sample. This will avoid annoying misunderstandings. In the end, such a holiday occurs once in life.