When the classic WoW came out. Warcraft game (game series)

Actual for: Burning Crusade, The Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm

After Blizzard launched its most profitable project, many years have passed. Over the years, WoW has changed straight, and those who played him in the first months are hardly recognized by the modern version of the project. Is that part of the character models and the overall style of visual design look still, although now available in the new capacity. Sometimes it is not easy to figure out how the so-called supplements differ from each other World of Warcraft.. After all, to appreciate the game completely, you will have to not just start the account, but also to put it on Aprid to the latest version - cataclysm.

Addition release sequence:

1. Classic World of Warcraft. Basic account, 60 characters levels, continents Kalimdor and Eastern kingdoms. On slang "Vanilla", "Classic". With the arrival of the cataclysm, some of the classical content became unavailable, the gaming worlds are completely modified, and the modern "classic", in fact, a strongly converted version of the game.

2. World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade. The first addition to WOW, 70 characters levels, the new continent of the Welcome. On slang "BC". Two new races were added to the game: bloody elves and drains, you can create characters of these races only if your account includes Burning Crusade. All major actions of this supplement occur on the territory of the priebon, two main continents they practically did not touch.

3. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. The second addition to WOW, 80 characters levels, new continent Nordskol. On slang "Lich", "Vallk". The first heroic class is added to the game: Death Knights. All major actions were transferred from Kalimdore, the Eastern Kingdoms and the Castle to Nordskol.

4. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. The third addition to WOW, 85 characters levels, two new races - goblins and vigorous. All the continents of Azeroth are redesigned, that is, Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and Nordskol. Partially changed the mechanics of classes, added improved models, the special graphics mode is entered, available at the request of the user.

APG Reid Account is carried out on the principle of matryoshki. To start Any player is quite enough classic WoW. But, if you want to create a bloody elf or Drena, you will have to immediately improve the account to the BC. If you want to create a goblin or vorrhen, you will have to improve recording to the cataclysm.

Gradually, with the development of the character, you will have to "buy" add-ons, so it makes sense to buy everything at once. There is no economy in the gradual acquisition of improvements. You can only get the maximum level if you have improved the record to the last addition, that is, in this case, to the cataclysm.

In addition to traditional Blizzard add-ons patches. They do not need to buy separately and they are distributed completely free. The installation of patches occurs, as a rule, on Wednesdays, their weight and significance are determined individually, but serious updates come out often. As part of the patches, the developers make cosmetic changes or reveal a new storyline, which would allow players for the maximum level to have fun. Very rarely patches are seriously tied up newcomers, and the only tangible effect for them is that on the night from Wednesday to Thursday you have to upload another piece of the game. Without a mounted patch, the game will not start, because often BLIZZARD is engaged in replacing models, sound and graphic files, as well as updating the protection system.

Conditionally the whole game in WOW in a particular period of time can be divided into high-level content and everything else. "Everything else" for a significant part of the players is a passing element, this applies to PVP guilds. The most interesting and dynamic occurs at the maximum level. That is why, in spite of everything, people continue to buy updates. In addition to an interesting plot, new quests, new dungeons, every update gives them a reason to get together in the interest groups and move away from the routine of daily tasks. If you want to play "Real" Wow, buy all additions immediately and remember that the most interesting awaits you at the end. This does not mean, however, that you will not have fun during the development of the character. The world of Azeroth is quite friendly, and you will never have to engage in the targeted murder of monsters for a new level. Perform quests, go with friends to low-level instance zones, and very soon you will understand what is more interesting for you. And after this, put the priorities on the last, 85, level.

This material sets out the history of the MMO game World of Warcraft.
The history of the Universe Warcraft, or rather, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd volume "Chronicle Warcraft" you can find.
A completely brief history of the world is described.

A few years ago, Gamasutra game developers made up the top 10 best games of the first decade of the XXI century. The first line in this rating was taken by World of Warcraft.

The justification of the decision was not only the polished design and gameplay, the elements of which were borrowed from almost all game genres. The game became a breakthrough in the MMO genre itself, opening it with a general public. The game set the standards of MMO projects and became a guideline for developers who tried to repeat her success. Yes, and offline games on the PC platform got a push and became more popular. Its influence on the industry, players and even a culture that does not associated with computer games was great, albeit ambiguously. Not only simple gamers, but also politicians, cultural figures, sports stars and pop scenes play it. People are found in Azeroth and marry in the real world. Players draw pictures, mount the machines, write fan fiction and cosplay, behave resources and blogs. For a few million people, this game has become more than a game.

World of Warcraft notes a decade anniversary. For a game project, this is a lot. Some MMO projects considered by the "WoW killers" have already managed to curl. Despite the fact that the last four years the subscribers database slowly, after the release of Warlords of Draenor Blizzard reported on the presence of 10 million subscribers. That is, the population of Azeroth is now comparable to the population of a small European country. And over the World of Warcraft, more than thirty million people have passed.

What were these fourteen years? Below is a brief history of the game, in which the edited postings from the "WOW - History - History" series are reduced, as well as other materials from my blog and texts on the game, which were published on other resources.

On the video below you can find out why Legion has become one of the best additions to the game.

So - went.

Development stage, 1999-2004

When the game was accurately started, we hardly find out. Although this screen indicates that the development was carried out already in 1999.

Let me remind you that in 1999 the release of one of the pillar of the MMO genre, Everquest. Like Ultima Online, Eca was designed for non-hardcore, but, nevertheless, a promising genre is probably interested in BLIZZARD.

Announcement of the game took place on September 2, 2001. Big boss from Blizzard, Bill Ropper flew to London to ECTS exhibition to make an announcement of the company's new project. By that time, Blizzard had already become the players of the Higher League, the company producing hits. RTS Warcraft, Diablo1 / 2, Starcraft - these games have become cornerstone in their genres and looked at the company as the industry leader. In London, many were waiting for the Announcement Starcraft II (naive, right?). When Ropper said that the company is developing MMO, the reaction was not unambiguous. At that time, MMO was a niche genre. Some wondered about whether the developers understand what they are involved? Judging by the first months after the launch of the game, they understood badly. However, they got involved. That Wow appeared before his eyes slightly dumbfounded.

Time was going, the screenshots and rollers were lifted, promised when they were done promised, and quietly did the case. In April 2002, the team replenished their ranks of hardcores from Everquest. Rob Pardo, Alex Afrasiabi, Jeff Kaplan - all of them were experienced MMO players. The move was correct and laid the basics of the success of the game in the initial period. In principle, you can talk about this time and long (and, maybe we will return to this topic), but perhaps it is better to give a quotation from the interview with Rob Pardo, which he gave five years ago.

"... It was the beginning of 2004, February somewhere. The game has already felt the atmosphere, she had his own style and the concept of a gaming process focused on performing tasks, but the character could only reach the 15th level. By the time, most of the game zones already existed, but those that were designed to level above the 15th were empty.

How much we did in 9 months!

During this time, a huge job was done. For example, there were still not all classes in the game: hunters and druids were not, but the robbers were much recycled. Consider three classes had to create from scratch. In addition, not all major gaming systems were prepared: the combat system was attended, although it was completely recycled in the last 9 months. Game mechanics and work characteristics were completely changed. A significant part of what creates the spirit of the game is the work of evasion and parry - was changed.

The system of guilds and chats was present, but all the ways of communication with other players were exhausted. There was no auction home, no mail, no talents, no battlefields, no points of honor. When I came to the department, it was assumed to develop the PVP system, but we quickly understood that it would have to wait. Judging by the reviews of the players who participated in the inner alpha and beta testations, did not have enough characterization opportunities for the character. Some complained, for example, that their warrior is no different from any other. And the point was not so much in external differences, so much in identical for all the gameplay: the experience of the passage turned out to be the same ... "

World of Warcraft.

Release World of Warcraft

Release games took place on November 21, 2004 in the United States. Before European users, the game traveled for several months and only in February 2005 the first European servers opened.

So what was WoW 1.1.x? Two continents, Kalimdor and Eastern kingdoms. The maximum level is 60. Stratholm was designed for 10 people and the main part of the 5PL instances of the old world was ready to take guests. Two raid instances, fiery subsoil and onyxia lair ... Probably, it is still easier to say what was not in the release, what is now perceived as granted. There were no stones of call around instances, before the entrances traveled on their two. Moreover, even the group search channel was absent. Auction houses stood only in Stalgorn and Ogri. Guildbanks were absent. Griffins flew only to the nearest station, there the player hurried and chose the desired point of the route. And so again and again. Only dreamed of personal flying mats. There were no battlefields and arena, PVP was reduced to spontaneous shakes in open locations. There were no such instances like Maraudon (Maraudon) and a forgotten city (Dire Maul). There was no shamans from the Alliance and Paladinov at the Horde. There was no differential.

The list will be long, but I think that an approximate view of Vanilla, in which they started playing almost ten years ago, you got. What happened next?

Patch 1.2.0 "Maradon's Secrets" (Mysterious of Maraudon)

Release (US): December 14, 2004
The first content-patch "Vanila", added to the game 5PL instances Maradon in Petrasons. Here, in massive caves, the princess of the Tercedras and the first son of the price of the price, the Cellor, who retreated from the path of the grove and succumbed to the vicious influence of the Earth's element associated with the ancient gods. They gave rise to the genus of centavirov and the long century were mastered in the caves of Maradona.

Calculated on level 40-49 players, Maradon was typical for those times - massive, with a variety of three and a decent amount of bosses. Even in punching form on its full passage required three hours. True, it is worth paying tribute to developers - instances turned out to be fame.

Patch 1.3.0 "Ruins of the Forgotten City" (Ruins of Dire Maul)

Release (US): March 7, 2005
The second content patch WOW, put into operation another "classic" instance - the Dire Maul (forgotten city) in Farallas. Before he was injured by satirs and fires, the city in the center of Feralas was called Eldre'talas. The night elves lived in it. Built by many centuries ago, the city of Eldre'talas reliably defended the secrets of Queen Azshara. The city was destroyed during a great split, but even his ruins amazing imagination. Its three wings are populated in many different types of creatures, including ghosts of highborne, satiirs and restrictions. The remains of the inhabitants of the Night Elves are preserved - members of Shen'dralar sects. The instance was designed for players of 55-60 levels.

Other large innovations:

  • the first outdoor bosses whose murder required the efforts of the numerous group of players. So Azuregos appeared in Azuregos, and in the scorched lands - Lord Kazzak;
  • Meeting Stone, which should have helped players in finding suitable group members; With their help, it is still impossible to call (Summon to Instance) of other members of the group;
  • for instances introduced the maximum number of players:
  1. Fiery subsoil and the lair oniques - 40 people;
  2. Peak of the Black Mountain - 15 people;
  3. Forgot city - 5 people;
  4. The remaining instances are 10 people;

Patch 1.4.0. "Call for War" (Call to War)

Release (US): April 8, 2005
The main innovation patch is a change in the PVP system in terms of commissioning of ranks. Depending on the player's PVP activity, he could receive various ranks for killing other players.

Patch 1.5.0. "Battlegrounds Fields" (BattleGrounds)

Another excerpt from the interview with Tom Chilton:

"- Last question. You work on this game for 6 years. What moment would you call the most memorable?
- It is difficult to allocate one such moment. What comes to mind first of all, of course, the release of new games. WORLD OF WARCRAFT, BURNING CRUSADE and WRATH OF THE LICH KING. As for the updates, the appearance of battlefields is remembered - I still remember the first day of their existence. Before the battle of PVP were completely unproprome and unsystematic, almost meaningless: no awards for victory and no sense of satisfaction, except for moral: they say, ha, how I am! .. and compare with the first battle in the Alterak Valley or the Gorge of the War Song when you Fight truly, and then see the response of other players ... "

The first fields of battle (the gorge of the war song and the Alterak Valley) appeared in the patch 1.5.

Patch 1.6.0. "Siege of the Logova of the Black Wing" (Assult of Balckwing Lair)

Content patch brought new raids in black grief. Advanced players who have already sophisticated Ragnasaros were offered eight bosses with Nafarian, the son of deathwall, as a final opponent. In the Black Mountain, another boss appeared, equal to the scale of Ragnaros and the permanent war with him.

In addition, the patch 1.6.0 brought the Dark Moon Fair and Battlmaster Fair, which gave the opportunity to keep a queue on the battlefield in any city, and not run to the portal, which leads there.

This was Vanil-WoW in the first months of its existence from the point of view of content. Not bad, let's say. Content was a lot, pumping - slow. Capa is a medium casual player CHLZ a few months. For hardcores, the raid on the forty-bodies were still the test, and two clothes with the boss also did not particularly contribute to rapid dressing, so the screams "give more content !!! 11" was not so often heard.

But from an organizational point of view, the game has been playing in all respects. As already written above, the Near poorly understood what they were involved. The demand for the boxes with the game in the first months was, let's say straight, rigid. Time deliveries of these boxes had to even cut, because the servers also need except the boxes. As the developers not recognized later that they did not expect.

September 2005. Wow approached its first anniversary. The players mastered the content, the developers looked at the players and also studied. Another excerpt from an interview with one of the leading developers, Tom Chilton about those days.

"... - We weakly imagined that it wanted to get the so-called" casual "on the advanced levels.
- Then online games and did not hear about "Casuals".
- That's it.
- And when did this approach formed?
- I think during the time of Zul'guuba. Then we began to understand that it was not for all on the shoulder to organize 40 people, and even more so lead them to success. There was a lot of little guilds, who also wanted to master the final content, so they ended the upper part of the Black Mountain and could not move anywhere else - they were ordered further development. Then we started to share updates to those in which new dungeons will open for small guilds, and those in which the raid zone for hardcores will appear ... ".

Patch 1.7.0 "Climbing Blood Body" (Rise of the Blood God)

The basis of the content patch was Zul'guuba, the first raid instance for 20 people in WoW. The instance was the first step made by nearby "Casuals", and filled the gap between UBRS ( Top part Black Mountain), Non-Commission, Stratholm and Massive Molten Core at 40. Zul'guuba was a relatively small raid - six mandatory and four optional bosses. In it, novice raiders not only dressed, but also acquired raid experience. True, veterans say that the "intermediate link" did not succeed, the instance remained difficult for players without raid training.

In patch 4.1, this raid was creatively reworked, turning into instances by five persons.

Other innovations:

  • another battlefield is added to the Gorge of the War Song and Alteci (Arati Basin). Brackets are introduced for the gorge and Arati to the following levels - 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60;
  • for lovers of relaxing relaxation, a weekly fishing contest in the Tern Valley opens;
  • now before buying things you can see how it will look at the character.

Patch 1.8.0 "Dragons of Nightmare" (Dragons of Nightmare)

Release (US): October 10, 2005
Emerald dream. The first time he was mentioned in Warcraft III. After the war of the ancients, Malfurion retired there along with the druids and Tyranda called him back in order to resist the invasion of the flaming legion.

It is not a lot of this space. Emerald dream is a "reference" version of Azeroth, created by titans. The pristine, not touched by reasonable activities, wars and catastrophes. So the world was at the dawn of centuries. Then the trolls, tauren, elves and other races appeared. Sargeras decided to dive the planet for himself and after the battle with the flaming legion, a single Kalimdor split into several parts. Then other reasonable creatures appeared, including aliens from other planets - Orcs and Drasei. Emerald Sleep remained unchanged throughout the history of Azeroth.

An interesting phrase is in Wikipedia. Malfurion says that the dream is multicone and there are levels in it - unfinished parts of the world. Titans did some sketches that did not go into the case, but it was a pity to throw it into the basket. Is the emerald dream of a kind of digital copy of Azeroth, and "incomplete versions", which have not reached the status of approved project documentation, which was erected by the world - program files written by titans.

When developing the original game, it was planned that the emerald dream would become Edgamem in Vanilla. Back in 2003, Tigol said that this is really a cool place.

In late 2005, developers retained plans for emerald sleep. In any case, the appearance of four dragons from a flock of saints was considered as a prologue to the storyline of emerald sleep. Crazy and aggressive to all live, the dragons appeared near the trees, with the portals in Emerald Sleep. Before the release of the first addition, they thought it would be the main topic. Moreover, particularly curious players found a way to fall into an emerald dream, which was contained in the files of the game. Only to the exit of the cataclysm and novel Richard Knaucan "Malfurion", it became clear that on the emerald dream of Metzengov, the fat cross was put.

However, the Metssen remained another epic topic - the ancient gods and titans, where he unfolded the fantasy in full in patch 1.9.

Patch 1.9.0 "The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj"

After the war of the ancient one of the opponents of Titans, the ancient God of K'tun was abandoned in Silithus, where he was in a coma of thousands of years, gathering with the forces and preparing for return to the surface. As conductors of their will, he chose primitive creatures, silitids, from which he brought Rasa Khardi, having gone their mind and will. Kiraji built a fortress in the south of Silithus and began preparing for the conquest of Kalimdore and the coming of his Lord K'tun. Kiraji made raids on the lands of Kalimdora, delivering a lot of hassle elves, which eventually erected the scarab wall to protect the rest of the world from Kiraj. In the last war, Zybuchi sands elves and dragons were pushed by Kiradi in their city and sealed the gates. With all his wisdom, they did not know that thereby facilitated K'tun the task - now he could quietly prepare for the next war with the peoples of Azeroth.

There were centuries and the heroes of Azeroth decided to print the gates and allow the fight to the invaders ...

The "nail of the program" patch 1.9.0 became a massive raid zone, the entrance to which was in the south of Silithus. Rather, the raid was two. The first, the ruins of An'Kirazh, continued "casualization" of the raid content and accompanied 20 people. The second was developed for those who have already passed fire, water and copper pipes Molten Core and BWL. Uncle Temple, another raid for 40 people. The final boss of the last raid was the ancient God K'tun. Bosses in An'Kija were harder than in previous instances.

But in order to get into the raid zone, it was necessary not only to be equipped in the last fashion. The opening of the Gate of An'Kirazha preceded the large-scale The War Effort - a global event, during which players had to collect and pass resources. A lot of resources. To open the gates, it was necessary to make a complex quest to restore the Spectaci Spectacle Scepter. Quest could only perform top raid guilds. For example, one of the tasks required not only to defeat the nefarian from BWL, but also to do it within 5 hours after the raiders talked with the valeaistrase.

Neither before either in the game did not happen such an event as the opening of the gate of An'Kirazh. Is this good or bad? Such events are not enough for a game. Yes, the battle in the gates of anger was not bad, but much more interesting to take part in a large-scale event himself.

Patch 1.9 made significant changes to the economic system of the game. The auction houses of the fractions were tied to united. A neutral "black" goblin market appeared, where the factions can be traded among themselves. The trading system took the appearance we know now.

For PVP lovers it became possible to queue into all three battlefields immediately.

Carecar recycling was subjected to a calendar of replaces of raid instances. Fiens, the lair of the Black Wing and the Temple of An'Kija were updated once a week. Ruins An'Kij, Zul'guur and the Lair oniques every three days.

Patch 1.10.0 "Storms of Azeroth" (Stroms of Azeroth)

Release (US): March 28, 2006
This patch did not bring the next end-gami content, but nevertheless, I introduced several very notable moments to the game. The first - in the world of Azeroth finally appeared the weather. It would seem trifle, but still important and creating a certain atmosphere in the game.

Another change concerned flights. Before to move from point A to point D you needed to fly from a to b, to carry out, straighten with the griffin and choose a point with, at the point with a drop from the griffin and we finally chose it point D. Now imagine how much it was then Getting from Tanaris to winter keys. In patch 1.10.0, the flight from A to D was shown without transfers.

For 60s, the patch provided a useful thing. Now the experience that they received for the fulfillment of quests did not disappear, but converted into gold.

The raid content has become more, but apparently, I have seen him not so much people. Obviously, in order to facilitate the life of freshly baked 60s, the brims improved in the instances of 5-10 people and introduced a new Dungeon Sets 2. The second set was upgraded with respect to the first and could be obtained by performing quests in instances.

Patch 1.11.0 "Shadow of Necropolis" (Shadow of the Necropolis)

He was one of the members of the Supreme Council of the Mages of Kirin-Torah, a powerful Order of Mages and Wizards. His fond of the sacraments of Nekromantia colleagues did not share, and he wanted to know more. The king-lich, then who still consisted of one Ner'zul, recognized in the mighty Mage a promising frame. In the end, Kel'Tuzad got into Nordskol, where he began to serve as a king. Later, Kel'Tuzad was killed by Arthas when he found out what happened to the residents of the town of Brill. When Artas himself crossed "on the dark side of the strength" Kel'Tuzad, he resurrected him, forever defrosting the water of Lunchoveta. The place of his habitat (as well as subordinate to him undead) became the former non-lead necropolis - Naxramas, removed from under the earth by the magic of King Lich.

Half a year has passed since the introduction of An'Kaja and Blizzard pleased the hardcore gamers by another divanctural raid. A pyramid of Naxramas appeared in the sky over the flaming stratholm. "Original Naxramas" or NACC-40 has become the most hard-to-reach instance of the "Vanila" times. For his passage, players in Tier 2-2.5, raid networks from the Logova of the Black Wing and An'Kaja. It is clear, in order to be so dressed not all.

No wonder that NACC-40 turned out to be a content that could pass to the end of a meager number of guilds. According to some estimates, about one percent of all the players were able to overcome him. Even at the time of The Burning Crusade, the raid demanded 25-30 well-equipped players, and four riders from Naxa-40 were considered the most complex enhunter in the game.

However, then not only Naxramas appeared in Azeroth, but also other necropolis. During this World Event around Azerost, the fortresses flew and spawned the undead with which players fought.

Patch 1.12.0 "Drums of War" (Drums of War)

The main innovation of this patch was the introduction of cross-field combat fields. Players from different servers were collected on the BG and of course, much faster than it was when the formation of groups was saved from the players of one server.

Let's summarize. For two years, the game The developers have added a lot of content, and changed a number of gaming mechanics, improved the interface, introducing convenient innovations. The success of the game for the first two years of existence was phenomenal - in early 2007, the audience exceeded 8 million people before the release of The Burning Crusade. Despite the fact that Edgeim was made for hardcores, and pumping up to the 60th took a long time.

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

Announcement of the first addition to WOW took place on BlizzCon-2005. The fact that the theme of the flaming legion will be central noted by a surprise, although they also put the emerald dream. In the files, players found both the walled and emerald sleep. Stopped on the warranty and burning legion. RTS Wacraft 3, a shock game from the Blizzard series, was devoted to this confrontation of the peoples of Azeroth and Sargeras's army. It was 2007 and many of those who played still in Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, as well as to continue The Frozen Throne, remembered these plots. So from the point of view of marketing, the move was correct.

What did they bring the Burning Crusade to the Game Universe? Casting - wreckage of the world, once called Dratenor and destroyed by Magia Ner'zul, Orcsky Shaman, who became the conductor of the will of Sargeras. The world, the former Narov and Exchange-Draseev, became a patchwork blanket unknown how the territories confused with each other. New zones and instances appeared in the old world. Mediva Tower, one of the most mysterious places of Azeroth, became a raid instance.

The Tanaris has opened mysterious time caves that have given access to a whole group of 5PPL. In one instance, we had to help mediv, and in the other - Tralla. The caves really became an excellent find of designers.

Lor Twees was experimental, and, in something, provocative. Yes, in the old world, the mysterious Tower of Mediva has become available to visit everyone who wants, but still this part of the content remained traditional fantasy. But take Drasev. Humanoids with horns and hooves are associated with devils, creatures, evil and fake cases in the underworld. Here, the race of rhinkopped has become a conditional and positive alliance. True, for this Metzen had to rewrite a fair piece of history of the world. Initially, Drasei was an Eredra, an ominous race, first defeated Sargeras, but then, after his fall, serving him. In a new version of the history of the world, Eredara was at first good guys, and spoiled them just Sargeras. Of the three leaders of Eredarov, Archimond, Kil'jaden and ordinary, two became his main handicap. Velen did not succumb to Sargeras's back and led some of the people literally in open space. They left their native planet and ... became Draen. "Space" Lor Twees did not end with this, and the "technocratic fantasy" WOW deserves a separate conversation.

Content is not limited to the case. Levels grew to the 70th level. In the game there were two new races, besides already mentioned Drasev, the ranks of the horde replenished the blood elves. Made it because a significant part of the players refused to play with Ordi characters due to aesthetic considerations. At that time, the Horde had not so many cute races. Orcs, tauren, renounced, trolls looked militant, yes, but they were clearly more fangs and horns than the Alliance. And the characters-girls did not differ from the characters-boys.

In addition to purely aesthetic purposes, this innovation gave an alliance of shamans, and Horde - Paladinov. Developing Addon, Blizzard made a warrant without seams and glitches, therefore, the flying mats finally appeared. In things now there were sockets for precious stones, which in turn had to do somehow - Jewelers appeared in Azeroth.

The concept of endheyam has radically changed. We went to the past raids for 40 people. Only large guilds could organize them, but to lead to success - hardcore. They introduced the raids of two formats - by 10 and 25 people. True, the system was not yet the one that she became in WOTLK. Raida for ten people were caragan and entered significantly later Zul'aman. Everything else was intended for more severe guys who were accustomed to walk big company. But it was another step to meet Casualam.

The second - the "heroic" versions of instances appeared for five persons. They went to the 70th and, as veterans say, they were more difficult than "heroic" of all other additions. By the way, the 5pls themselves became shorter and many of them were built according to the "wings" scheme - that is, geographically instance was located in one place, but was divided into several separate parts.

In the release of TVS, such raids were opened as a caravan, the log house of the borehole and Magteridon, the serpentine sanctuary, the strength of the storms and the hijan. Moreover, in order to get to the raid, not just an equipment was required, but also the key that was given for the performance of the quest chain. Some quests could only be performed by the group. For example, a dark labyrinth, arcatrans, steam dungeon, and something in the caves of time, was passed to access the Karazhan. Further more fun - in the serpentine, the sanctuary was not allowed without fulfilled quests in the heroic version of the ultrasound, as well as in the den of the grous and Karazhan. And in order to get into the heroic versions of the dungeons, it was necessary to have a certain level of reputation with fractions. In general, from the street just so in instances even in the heroic 5pl, it was difficult to get.

And now a little more partner about what happened in the period from January 2007 to November 2008. The January release was preceded by patches 2.0.1 and 2.0.3, which were not supplemented, but introduced changes to the game mechanics and classes.

Patch 2.0.1 "Before Storm" (BEFORE STROM)

  • new twigs of talents and, accordingly, new talents;
  • the group's search interface has changed;
  • a new PVP parameter appeared in the subjects - "stability" (resilence), which reduced the chance to "get" under the critical strike of the enemy and the amount of damage obtained.; The Honor system for PVP activities has radically changed. Her simply zeroned. In consolation, players gave the opportunity to wear over the Avatar Nab highest titlewhich was obtained during the editation, chonor farm;
  • Arena. A new format of PVP battles was introduced, in which the players became available for choosing commands 2? 2, 3? 3 and 5? 5.

Later, in November 2009, Rob Pardo acknowledged that the introduction of the arena was a mistake.

"You also asked about the most serious mistake ... If we talk about errors in the game-design, it is important to notice that in fact, we never developed WOW as a platform for cybersport, but the desire to improve this part of the game was present, and consumer demand No lag behind. Therefore, we decided to create the arena. Now I am no longer sure that such a move was reasonable and correct.

We have developed the game and classes without taking into account the need to have a serious balance. We just added a new one, so now work on the balance is really difficult. It is impossible to even say for sure, WOW is a cooperative PVE game or it is concentrated on PVP-content. The Balancing team constantly changes something in the gaming system, the game is constantly changing at all, and the crowd of players who prefer the PVE looks at it all and can not understand why the class they preferred from time to time becomes different. We did not foresee how much work will have to be investigated to make the game process at least a little more balanced. If I managed to get at the time when no one had ever heard about Wow, I would change the rules of the game so that it was less dependent on the influence of cybersport, and if he didn't do it, then at least tried to declare that this influence it does not matter. Now WOW is a very confusing game and we always try to figure out what they yourself are reversible. "

Nevertheless, the Arena has become popular and this component WOW has become a separate game with its tournaments, stars and prize funds.

Patch 2.0.3 "Flaming Legion" (The Burning Crusade)

Another pre-fuel response patch, which corrected some bugs and started an event dedicated to the opening of the Dark Portal. Hallets monsters were plilled from the gate, and Lord Kazak, who guessed the fear of Blasted Lands, went on the other side, to Drtenor, leaving his deputy croile.

World of Warcraft Release: The Burning Crusade

Officially, the addition started on January 16, 2007. Dry figures say that in the first day they sold 2.4 million copies of the game. In the first month - 3.5. The excitement that accompanied the start of sales was high. People held a queue in the evening, waiting for the opening of the stores at midnight, to break their head to run home, set the addition and go through a dark portal and turn out to be ... in a crowded and lagging starting zone. However, this fans did not confuse.

Patch 2.1 "Black Temple" (Black Temple)

An animated roller Supplement unequivocally hinted that Illydan will become the main villain. Another good guy who has switched to the "dark side of power". The history of Malfurion's Brother, Malfurion, is well known to those who played in Warcraft III Reign of Chaos and Supplement The Frozen Thorne. Native brother, moreover, the twin brother of Malfurion, who did not endure the test of power and ultimately became a demon.

In the TVS place, he chose a black temple, once former Karabor, Temple of Dreseyev. A massive complex, which was like a fortress and the temple, passed several times from hand to hand. Orcs Gul'dana expelled Dreseyev, settled in the Black Temple, but they were expelled from there the blazing legion. In the end, these expelled Illidan.

The instance was positioned as the TBC terminal in the raid content chain and contained nine bosses, including Illidan. In fact, the patch is 2.4.0, when a sun well appeared, the murder of Illidan was higher point Career raider of those times. True, taking into account the complexity of the Content of TVS, they reached him a few. If you believe the statistics of www.guildprogress.com, Illidan were able to kill ~ 15% of the guilds and this, taking into account the nerve in the patch 3.0.2.

However, this raid is still interesting, because it is there that the legendary Klides of the Asynch are falling. Now the instance is farming solo by any 100th half an hour. So if you have a character capable of wearing this weapon - try, try happiness. The weapon is very beautiful.

In addition, the patch 2.1.0 introduced the following:

  • druids received a budget option for moving through the air - "Flying shape", which could be learned by completing quests in the Sethek halls;
  • for players, the first dragon was available in the game - the dragon of emptiness. Now, having passed a chain of quests, it was possible to start a reputation, in the end, get one of the most beautiful flying mats in the game. And now, despite the fact that the flying dragons has become more, all the same "non-believes" remain popular among collectors;
  • for Pvpesers introduced a new arena - in the ruins of Lordaeron.

It is interesting to compare the structure and order of entering endgam-content in TBC and WOTLK. In WOTLK and subsequent add-ons, the shooters were introduced consistently, one by one. Each new patch is a new Tir raids. TVs started with two tires (T4 and T5), and after six months, T6 was introduced. Six months after the start of Endheim's complement existed in the game in full spectrum.

Was it the right strategy? Perhaps for that time yes, because the raids were more difficult and the speed of development is far from now. Even the "heroic" of the priegnistia were quite complex content, more demanding than "heroes" of other additions. Is that the cataclysm "fives" gave to see in the first month after the release.

In fact, raid bosses then existed only in hardmod format. Statistics GuildProgress.com, said that the content of T4 (the logo of the bore and magician) mastered no more than a third of the players. Someone by the time of the exit of the Black Temple was ready to go there, and someone had not passed the caravan. The previously introduced raids remained relevant to the release of a new addition precisely because they were complex and dress in fact, it was possible only in them. There are no such intermediate options such as "Zandalariki" patch 4.1 or the "champion test", with a body kit, equal to the level of the "dozen" uldular did not exist then. Is that in the most recent patch 2.4.0 on Baji bought things equal in the level of raid body kit.

On the other hand, the change in the system led to the fact that in later add-ons we had a situation where the previous raids were "killed" new. So, the luxurious Uldar ruined the sulfur "test of the Crusader." "The throne of the thunderstorm" was lucky more, but the differences could release the siege in November and October and, I think that by that time the throne would continue to delight.

Perhaps due to the fact that the content was complicated in the fall of 2007, the developers released Zul'aman, Fourth Tire raid. A little illogical, but nevertheless. Obviously, the mass of small guilds stuck in Karazhan and they also needed to give some fun. However, about it a little later, we go in order.

Patch 2.2.0. "Voice Chat" (Voice Chat)

Release Date: September 25, 2007
The patch introduced the possibilities of voice communication, as well as some changes in the classes balance. The advantages of voice communications in real time, especially in the raidding or battles in the arena, do not paint. True, I personally never enjoyed the voice chat feature from nearby. How much I always remember it was either TeamSpeak or more popular in Russian "Ventrillo) or Raidcall in Russian-language latitudes.

Patch 2.3.0 "Gods of Zul'amana" (Gods of Zul'aman)

"Trollea" The topic in World of Warcraft deserves a separate conversation. A very colorful race, "built by" developers "based on" Maja civilizations and vooudist beliefs. Trolli always occupied a special place in the history of Azeroth. Take at least the legend that the night elves originated from trolls that mutated, lived near the well of eternity. The city of trolls, most of which are instant zones, also always obtained picturesque.

Patch 2.3.0 introduced another Troll city to the game, Zul'aman, which, as well as Zul'guub, during Vanila performed the intermediate function between the caravan and raids of higher tires.

The instance contained six bosses and did not require Atyun, which facilitated the life of casual players. True, it is impossible to say that the instance was passing. Even for groups in T5, the last bosses were complexity. The instance is also interesting because he was first tested hardmode, which rewarded players with a special melt. Veterans remember what and for what. The Amania Battle Bear was in the fourth bonus chest. But to get it you needed to be put in the timer. The task was rather complicated and not everyone could do it. Before going out, the Wotlk bear was removed from the LUT-table. So if you see a player on such a mount, then you know - he was an excellent raider already in the time of TVS. Or a very rich player. At one time, the Baersh was an article on Baerche, which posted twenty thousand for Paravozing.

The instance was interesting in terms of Laura. The final boss was the leader of forest trolls, Zul'jin, whose tribe took part in the second war on the side of the horde. At the end of the war, he was captured, he was tortured and eyes eyes. After he managed to escape, and for the sake of this he had to cut off his hand. Removal by the fact that the Horde took his sworn enemies in his ranks, he and his tribe left the Horde. Hoping in Zul'amane, Zul'jin created a new army of trolls to deal with blood elves.

What else is noteworthy patch 2.3.0? First, it was this patch that entered the guild banks to the game. Secondly, dumping pumping. On the one hand, the amount of experience required for pumping between 20 and 60 levels has decreased, on the other, has increased the amount of experience for quests between 30 and 60 levels. Quests in the instances began to give more experience and reputational points. The third interesting point is the complexity of elite mobs reduced, now some of them could be poured alone. It was one of the first global corporal nerves.

Summing - patch 2.3.0 has become a big step towards casual players.

Patch 2.4.0 "Rage of the Solar Well" (Fry of Sunwell)

Spring 2008. Before the next addition, Wrath of the Lich King remained more than six months. The hardcore guilds fartherled the black temple is no longer the first month and no matter how they begin to miss. In response to the expectations of the most advanced part of the gaming community, the blizs are produced by a divanctural instance by 25 people - "Plateau of the Solar Well".

The solar well was founded by the highest elves with the help of water they took from the very first well of eternity. It happened before the world collapsed into pieces for the first time (the Great Rift). Around him built Lunovvet. After the artas used the well for the resurrection of Kel'Tuzad, its water was defiled. At the same time, the well continued to feed his extensive energy, higher elves.

As for the raid itself, he was sharpened under a group of fighters in T6. Interestingly, it was here that the developers for the first time applied the system of "selection" of content. From the moment of release, only three bosses were available, then the gate was opened to the next. The first gates opened the 8th printed, the second 29th, and the third 20th. Such a macar of the Networks artificially reduced the rate of development of the instance. The main villain, Kil'jaddy, the guild of SK-Gaming on May 25 was blocked back into the well. True, it is believed that the most complex boss of the instance was not class, but Mouur, called Guildbreaker. He was killed by the guildly read on his fingers.

Patch 2.4.0 pleased not only hardcore players. Group content and solo too. In the north of the Eastern Kingdoms there was a whole island - Kel'danas on which the fraction of the split sun, the Union of Aldor and Provons, led the siege of the solar well. The players were asked to take part in this event by performing new daily quests, the number of which increased to 25. On Kel'danas, the phasing technology was first tried. As Dealkov fulfills the players, new vendors were opened, which sold all sorts of nishtyaks for Baji, who were farming in heroes.

In addition to the raid instance, it was also opened by the 5th instance - terrace of masters. Noteworthy it was not only a plot and a new mount that fell from the last boss. Notable was the boss itself - Prince Kel'thas, whom the players have already killed in the Storms Fortress.

Patch 2.4.0 was the last content patch before the new addition - Wrath of the Lich King. The last of the patches 2.4.x was 2.4.3, in which another NEF was held - the rolling animals fell and, most interesting, became available from 30, and not from the 40th level. Now I remember this news with a smile. The 40th I received and two weeks before the patch and my first ram bought more in old prices. And here is such a decrease in prices and the required level.

What else is remarkable summer of 2008? Of course, the localization of WORLD OF WARCRAFT in Russian.

A little preside. Russian-speaking players WOW fell in the shower. And so much that the Euro-segment "Russians" occupied three servers - Stonemaul, Warsong and Molten Core. Wall Burg, who created Persian at such Realme, saw Russian speech in the canals and exclaimed "WTF ??? SPEAK English! ", After which I could not be able to send a sexual-pedestrian route. In addition, a large number of "Russians" was acquired on Shadowmoon, not to mention that the mass of people played and on "clean" English-speaking servers. They looked at it through the fingers, but in the end they decided to do localization for "Russian". Mike Morkaim voiced this decision in December 2007, which caused not only the adequacy, but also very rapid discussions about playing the localized version or not. In July 2008, the test of the Russian WoW began, and the release of localization took place on August 6, 2008. Then the "big Russian transfer" began.

Initially, there were three servers - "Pirate Bay", "Azuregos" and "Ashnevy Forest". The transfer was accompanied by queues, glitches and the like trouble. It immediately became clear that there are little three servers. For several weeks, several northeorth have been introduced. Massed massively, whole guilds. Despite all the disputes, even the most overwhelmed became clear that "fresh blood", new recruits can only be obtained on "Russian" servers. As a result, Stonemaul, Warsong, Molten Core and Shadowmoon are completely empty. Those few foreigners who played there, opened a free shuttle service to other Euroserizers. In the end, after the "Russian" servers were closed. Such near the first and last time in the history of the game.

However, this is not over. In September, the Blizzard offered freebies - when converting the Euro-accounting in RU-accounting was given a month of free game. The subscription on the RU servers was lower. People behaved on free. The trick was that after the conversion, the player could no longer create characters on the Euroreser. Thus, the notorious "Russian ghetto" was formed. Our players did not have the opportunity to transfly and create characters in Euroserians.

Finally, it is worth remembering some numbers. The Burning Crusade Supplement without exaggeration continued the success of the game and led to the fact that the population of Azeroth increased to the size of a small real country. Under the autumn 2008, the number of subscribers increased to 11 with Million Calc. Otherwise, it is impossible to be very successful. Maybe it is precisely because this complement many is called the most successful.

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

Before entering the addition of Wrath of the Lich King in one of the English blogs, a curious article was published. It said about different generations of players, depending on when they began to play. At that time it was a generation "Vanilla" and TVS. The author reasoned about the difference between them, and also spoke of "Children of Anger", in the original sounded like "Children of Wrath".

Technically, I started playing for half a year before the release of Wotlk. But in those days, the pumping was heavier and I got to Edgeima in the right two weeks before the release. What endgeym in fuelalo, I never found out. Why there, I did not have passed all all quests in the warranty. So I rank myself to "Children Lich". Why am I writing about this? Then, so that you forgive me some bias, because WOTLK is for me - this is the best complement WoW.

Let us turn to the events of that time.

Summer 2008 Hardcorers are mastering Sanvella, casuals are fighting heads about Zul'aman. And those and others are waiting for the same - the release of the second addition to the game - Wrath of the Lich King. Beta test comes with might and main, the network is filled with Nordskol's screenshots, more and more information about innovations in the game appears from official sources.

Perhaps the very discussed topic of that period was the achievement system that developers were going to enter into the game. Yes, it is now the phrase "Link Achich" is something for granted. And then, six years ago, the concept of "task is to get ten points" caused in most cases the reaction "Lolshto and that's all?". Well, as it were, there would be blimes, we will also give titles and mats. "And epics?" - Wrought a community. Not, for the epics, go to the raids, answered blues. "OK", said the community and stopped waiting.

For raiders, the fate of Naxramas became a sharp topic for the discussion. One of the most severe vanilla raids at a rectial time visited a meager number of players. Even at the time of TVX, instances demanded knowledge tactic. And they continued to go there and not least for the legendary staff Mediva - Athest. Developers made a solution that caused another wave of bewilderment - to remake the NACCs to the formats currently relevant to WOTLK. So NACC-40 became NACS-10/25. Ates and raid set T3 loose from the game forever. Fleasters from plague lands to Nordskol, NAC-40 from the impassable raid turned into a sandbox for beginner casuals.

Patch 3.0.2 Echo Rock (Echoes of Doom)

Release Date: October 14, 2008
Prepartch Wotlk, which came out a month before the release of the addition. To the main buns that kept treated:

  • achievement system;
  • new profession - drawing;
  • magnulina, where it was possible to change hairstyles;
  • told talents with the number of points that increased to the 51st;
  • stove system underwent light upgrades.

Speaking about Content, it is worth mentioning the completion of the construction of the port in Stormvind, from which the route in Nordskol was opened for the Alliance, as well as flew up to the north of Naxramas. Following the Naxes in Nordskol, Dalaran flew away. He was prepared fate with the neutral capital for the next two years.

For hardcore raiders, the patch 3.0.2 remained in memory for another reason. In it, all TBC raid enhenomethers underwent global nerf. They are seriously (by 30%) not only health, but also the amount of damage caused by them. Some lovers of difficulties regarded this as bad news, having considered that the patch killed PVE in TBC. It turned not only to the zalennel bosses. Quest to access in the lair oniques removed. Those who were far from Edgiem and swing their characters, also made a relaxation. The number of experiences needed to achieve new levels decreased by 20%.

The user interface has been changed. First, a guild calendar appeared. Secondly, Maunta and Peta ceased to take places in the bags and cells of the bank. They made a special bookmark in the character menu. Like the keys, also a separate bookmark appeared.

What else I remember 3.0.2? Of course, the invasion of zombies. Braiiiinnnnzzzz !!! This world event was similar to what was already in patch 1.11 when Naxramas came out, and was that a flying necropolis appeared on Azeroth and attacked the hordes of undead. The invasion of zombies 2.0 was very funny. Zombies can and needed to kill, and shards dropped out of them - buy all kinds of useful pieces including low-level epics. But the most interesting thing was that the whip again brought with him an infection that struck the players and nescripts. If you have been infected, then within ten minutes you had to find Lekary (the prison or player who could dissolve infection). If it did not succeed, the player turned into a zombie and acquired interesting ability - the ability to infect other players and nescript, as well as explode. The next couple of weeks of the capital of the cities, from time to time, turned into cemeteries - lovers to popcupy became Kamikadze and exploded themselves in places of mass clusters of the people, not giving trading on Aüca, to take off the vendors and pass-take quests. In general, it was fun.

Yes, and the shadows appeared in Azeroth.

World of Warcraft Release: Wrath Of The Lich King

Release Date: November 13, 2008
Throwing out the lags at the start of the TBC, when both fractions were broken through a narrow neck of the dark portal on the peninsula, there were four entry points to Nordskol, two on the fraction.

Nordskol hit landscapes, grand structures and northern lights. We must pay tribute to the work of designers - they tried to fame. Solokontent in Wotlk made a lot. Much more than it was necessary to pump the character at the interval 68-80. I remember that I got the 80th, and all the quests of Hundrak, the ice crown and the thunderstorm ridges remained not mastered. And it was good, it is obvious that the developers took into account the fact that many gamers have not one, and at least a couple of characters and pumping along the same places will not be too pleased with such players.

Interesting was the introduction of so-called hereditary things that could be sent to their characters. Their characteristics were tied to the level of the character, and some were also given bonuses to the experience. A very good solution for those who loved swing twinks and alto.

The format of instances for five persons continued the tradition of TVS - short, linear with 3-4, Maxmum 5-bosses combined in the hubs. Is that the old kingdom had some nonlinearity and scale. In general, it is normal, on the passage of such instances for the 80-ka in patch 3.0.x it took an average hour. One more step towards casuals. But the most interesting surprise was waiting for players in Edgeym.

After three days after the release of the Twentyfifthofnovember Guild, formed by the SK-Gaming and Nihilum merge, cleaned the entire starting raid content WOTLK. At the time of the start of WOTLK there was one long Naxramas and three short raids - a crypt of Arkavon, an eye of eternity and obsidian sanctuary. Developers and did not hide the fact that the first Tir of Wotlk raids will be simple, but hardly the hardcore raiders expected such a simplification. After all, at one time only four riders in the original Naxramas borrowed several weeks. And then three days, and it was still necessary to pump the characters to the maximum level.

A little personal memories. Naxramas was my first "relevant" raid. I got there pretty late, after the release of 3.1, but then, with the old system, the emblems passing the NACS was a mandatory step in the process of dressing the character for ultuar. The guild was more than casual, and the "dozen" we did without any particular problems. I will not say that it was quite simple, but after 5-6 battles of the mechanic boss became clear, equal to what you need to do. "Twenty" turned out to be more difficult, however, the composition of our raid constantly hesitated and the stripping was not always uniform. Sometimes reached Taddius, sometimes they did not quarrel through the fatigue. It seems to me that for beginner raiders, NAC-10 has become a good training platform for beginners and casual raiders. It was there that it was possible to get the experience of the game in a large group and with more complex than in the 5 heroic bosses. From the point of view of bringing the raidding to the mass of Nearby, in principle came correctly.

But hardcores waited completely different. And this another came in April with patch 3.1.

Patch 3.1 "Secrets of Ulduar" (Mysteries of Ulduar)

This patch was waiting for many raiders, which were sophisticated both versions of Nax. Judging by Ptr Uldar promised to be more complicated and interesting than Naxramas. But first a few words about what brought the patch 3.1 the bulk of the game community.

Double specialization. By paying 1000 golden player, from the 40th level, received the opportunity to switch between two layouts of talents without running every time to the coach.

Especially convenient it was for the hybrid classes, which should be changed quite often. To this innovation, it was very screwed and a built-in equipment that allowed the character to quickly change the chart. Mountains began to swim. And not only horses and rams, but even engineering motorcycles. Previously, if the depth of the water barrier did not allow to run through it, the mounts were in a hurry. After 3.1, this annoying moment was removed.

On the far north, away from the citadel of the Ice Crown, the silver avant-garde opened a silver tournament, on which, as the Fighters of the Horde and the warriors of the Alliance could be measured by the forces without a fatal outcome. Whether the builders pushed out, or the supply, but at the time of opening the tournament, the main construction of the ristal was not ready. Those who then performed Dale-Quests of the tournament, dragged a lot of stones and wood with two goblines-prohibits, so that the construction was still completed. At the tournament, it was possible to fight without peeling from the Mounts (truth, specific, not yours, relatives). Plus a lot of Dalelikov and buns of the epics of the 200th level, again, the Mounts and Pets, which the most enterprising began to trade. Especially profitable was trading in the opposite fraction, by using a neutral auction. However, this place should have become the center of life a little later, in August 2009. The "nail of the program" became, of course, ultraar.

Uldar. Instance, which was waiting for a long time and who justified these expectations. In it, Blizzard for the first time fully implemented the concept of hardmods (complicated modes). Let me remind you that the first hardmode was implemented in the obsidian sanctuary, where three minibuses came to the rescue (if you did not kill them before contracted with BRSS). For those who "simply wanted to see the content" left normal regimes, for lovers of wipes of difficulties and more severe battles were envisaged for victories in which, of course, more serious awards were given. The culmination of hardmods were fighting with Mimiron and Yogg-Saron, the final boss (without the help of the guardians) and the battle with Algalon Observer. The story of Naxes did not repeat. Ensidia (those TWENTYFIFFNOVEMBER) was able to kill Algalon in the "dozen" only in early June 2009.

Hardmode became the culmination of the raid content, in which the players fought with Yogg Saron without the help of the guardians. Experts on the forums were calculated that in the current body kit, this boss does not kill mathematically. Despite this, at the end of June 2009, the gaming community had the news that EXODUS from the Ysondre-US server was mastered by this mode. True, in the victory they helped the bug and "exodus" banned on three days. However, in ten days it was impossible to make it possible the Chinese from Stars.

The design of the instance was performed on a solid five. Everything was here - from the green gardens of Frei and the subway to the workshop of Mirimon to huge open spaces with hundreds of hostile mobs. Lor Uldoir deserves a separate article and, in the opinion of some, much more interesting than the Citadel of the Ice Crown. Enunters also pleased. Even a year after the yield of the instance, the raid dressed in T10 wipe on Yogg-Sarone with one keeper, if not knew tactics. Mergation in Overgir did not pass.

Uldar managed from all points of view. In a good way, it should be the last raid Wotlk. Still, if so sort out, then the ancient God of the death of Yogg-Saron is not some kind of king-lich. Figure is darling. But Wrath of the Lich King is still the history of the King Lich and, no matter how large ancient God, his storyline still turned out to be secondary.

In early June, the developer announced a new raid instance, which was supposed to be the basis of the content patch 3.2. The test of the crusader was destined to play a fateful role in the fate of Ulduar.

The fact that "Wow is not a cake" began to speak after the release of the first addition, The Burning Crusade. This topic is classic cholivar of all thematic forums. Players of different generations to hoarseness argue about when the grass was greener. Some say that WOTLK has become an add-on in which the bribes made a big step towards casuals and thereby began to "kill the game". Despite the relative simplicity of the renewed Nax, the first half of WOTLK was not casual, at least because of the far from ordinary hardmods of ultuara.

Water disposal was patch 3.2.

Before that patch, the concept of Edgeim in WoW mainly retained those features that were in Vanilla. Raid content was mastered progressively. The player who reached the lekkapap must pass all the steps in obligatory. For example, for "vanilla" such a sequence was 55-60 levels - the upper part of the Black Mountain - Zul'guublaz / Fiery Nedra / Onyxia Lair - the Lair of the Black Wing - An'Kirazh 40 - T; Naxramas (original version). The player who today received the 60th, hardly could count on what would fall into the lair of the Black Wing even in a month. The same situation was preserved and the length of almost total TVS.

Up to 3.2, the new 80-K was to first be like a heroic, then in Nax and only then could count on the raid in Uldar. The cardinal change of the emblem system in patch 3.2 led to the fact that any player could dress in the last raid shooter, and for this not necessarily it was not necessary to pass all the raid content steps. On the one hand, it became the right solution suitable for beginners, which only came to the game or for an altode, rocking the third or fourth Persians.

On the other hand, 3.2 became the contents of the content that was released before him. And if Naxramas was no longer sorry, then the ultimate just the opposite. Such instances could remain relevant to nine-ten at least. Fourteen bosses, interesting hardmods, impressive design, powerful plot line. In 3.2, players got ... However, read the details below.

Patch 3.2.0 "Avant-garde Call" (Call of Crusade)

Release Date: 09/04/2009

For PVP lovers, the patch brought a new Battleground - the island of conquests, where the wall on the wall for forty-bodies on each side, players could take part in the transmissions. But nevertheless, the main innovations were in the PVE aspect of the game.

One of the bombs blowing the community in June was the news of the decline in prices and the required level to buy riding skills on the riding animals. Now the first Mount promised to sell for the sulking pennies at the 20th level. Budget epic inlet was given on the 60th and its speed rose to 150%, whereas before it was taken on the 70th and speed was 60%. Players once again facilitated life.

An even stronger impression was made to change the system of emblems. Now, from each boss, starting with 5PPL "Heroiks" and ending with Uldar-25, the conquest emblems fell, for which Venndors in Dalaran sold the level of level 226 (equivalent Tier 8.5). Moreover, for the execution of a daily quest in the "heroic", the player received two triumph emblems for which the entire starting set of Tier 9 was bought. Naturally, all this caused a serious Vine.

Two more points that concern PVE changed dramatically. The first is the ability to extend the time to preserve the instance of the instance for the week. For many guilds, this has become an excellent solution. Especially for casual and semi-chore guilds, who in one or two in the evening managed to walk to the keepers and, maybe kill one of them. Now, instead of the boning stripping that they saw the weeks, CD has extended and one could spend other bosses.

The last fundamental change concerned such a delicate object as Lout. The possibility of transmitting objects for two hours between the raid members to each other became an excellent innovation, especially if errors were allowed with the "elephant distribution". At the same time, this change made the impetus to such a segment in the WOW economy as a GDCP, where enterprising GMA was sold for "very additional" money from bosses.

The construction site in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tournament was finished and now the building of the Colosseum of the avant-garde was prevail in the midst of the ristalism. From the point of view of the interior design, the Colosseum is the most primitive and dull not only Wotlk, but in everything WoW. A large round room with a very modest finish and a pair-triple legendary neparyov in the parter. The Coliseum placed at once two instances - 5pl and a raid for 10 and 25 persons two levels of difficulty for each. However, the action took place in the same round room. Three boss in 5pl and five in the raid. No three, if not counting horseback in the champion test. Lout, who fell in the normal version of ICH, was equivalent to what fell in old "heroes", in the "heroic" - Drop in Ulduar-10. In the raid Instantse, Lut was higher in the level rather than in Hardmods Uldoyar.

The Colosseum became a farm zone for players of all levels. Only the ones of the 80th characters were guaranteed and quickly dressed in a new 5PPL and running through the old "heroic", they gained pojay. It was seen with the naked eye that they would like the maximum number of players for the final raid instance - the Citadel of the Ice Crown.

Patch 3.2.2 "Return of Onyxia" (RETURN OF ONYXIA)

Release Date: October 04, 2009
Onyxia's lair, raid instances on forty people, introduced into the game among the first together. On the disk from the TWS collection edition there is a Tigol lecture on how they developed this boss. At the end of the TVS, the raid began to be held in groups of 5-6 people. After the release of WOTLK, oniquia was killed solo and not even 80-ki.

Obviously, such a mockery of the legendary developers has gotten and they removed the raid under the realities of WOTLK. Two versions for 10 and 25 people, slightly changed the mechanics of the battle, the new Lut, among which only models of helmets remained old. After a couple of weeks after the patch, oniquia began to kill poys. The instances became a good addition to the Pharmaceutical Zone IR - Lut in them was the same. And from Onyxia fell with a meager chance of Mount.

The fact that local content is reanimated by the old content, some perceived as an abuse of classics, others - as a significant fact. Requirements to actualize the raids of the old world were distributed long before the announcement of the cataclysm. Anyway, these places were empty, and were of interest to lovers of antiquity, achive and legendary items. Be that as it may, but the experiment was successful.

Patch 3.3.0 "Drop King Lich" (Fall of the Lich King)

The figure of King Lich, in the past Prince Artas, of course, is one of the central in Laura Warcraft setting. The plot of Warcraft: Reign of Chaos and the continuation of The Frozen Throne. For many players, the second addition has become a logical continuation of the main plot of the RTS Warcraft series. As Some players said after - for them, WoW ended in WOTLK. If the first half of the "cataclysm" was still trying to be slightly continued to continue the old storylines, then after a patch of 4.3 Metzengov, the Councils do not cease to "surprise" with their research. Let's go to the details.

New content is good. Especially with the final raid of the addition. At the same time there are things that have a more serious influence on the game.

Crosserver 5pl and automatic system assembly system has become one of the most significant innovations. Up to 3.3.0 Collect the company of five people to low and mid-level instances was a problem. Especially on servers with medium and low population density. Had and two were going to and then, then they traveled to the instance for another twenty minutes, then someone had fallen out of the group and everyone sat smoked bamboo, trying to find a replacement. In general, the case was a vigorous. After 3.3.0, the situation has changed radically. Now it was not necessary to spam in a trad or hang in LFG to collect a group. It remained just to choose instances and click the button. The system collected the group itself and moreover, landing all there automatically. And threw back after the instance was passed.

Like any serious innovation, players perceived it ambiguously. Of course, many rejoiced that now it is not necessary to spend a bunch of time to search and collect a group. On the other hand, sometimes the system "Pakoval" groups in which were both strong players and frankly weaknesses. All this gave rise to Weine mass on the forums.

As for the new content, then in 3.3 not only long ago expected citadel, but also ice halls, as many as three 5Ppl instances, in each of which were sitting two or three bosses and which were significantly different in difficulty from the "old" 5Ppl, released at 3.0 -3.2. In them, the playing audience again remembered what to wipe on the trace. Fights turned out to be original, especially with the king. It was the first boss, the fight with whom was to run away from him, and not kill. Lut in the halls was equal in the quality of what fell in the "dozen" test of the Crusader.

As the citadel itself, then the instances began, let's say, quite the logical embodiment of the concept of "Rading - Massas". As in IR, there are two levels of complexity - "Normal" and "Heroic", and the second one has opened only after the victory over the king-lich in the normal version. In principle, the normal level of difficulty was able to many casual guilds, players who did not have a large raid experience (especially after the successive introduction of the Buffa). Really serious bosses were considered synodagous and the King Lich himself, especially in the "heroic" version. Wings of the citadel opened consistently. Until January, only the first wing with four bosses was available. Then the pace was accelerated and the hardcores themselves came out at the beginning of February.

With Kille King Lich in the Normal, the scandal is also connected, in which the top guild of Ensidia has seriously suffered. Let me remind you, the first in the top ten Artas killed Blood Legion. They killed purely, for which they received honored. In the "twenty" the first to be Kungen with the company, but after the day of Ensidia was banned. They used cheat with Saronite bombs. Ban on three days, selected lyt and canceled achievement.

In this race of progress, our Guild "Eczesus" was noted. They were the first to kill the Merzocide, Lana'tel and Sadrogoz in the CLK10XM and ended with the "glory of the Ice Crown Raider".

Some time after the opening of the hardmods and the murders of the King Lich in the "heroic" version, Zonal Buff began to introduce damage and the amount of health applied by the players. Every month was understood by five percent and by the summer Buff was 30%. In other words, CLK ponerphyl in the trash. The first Ferstkill Lich in the "heroic" made the Finnish team Paragon. True, they did it after the first 5% of the Buffa. Later, the sfarmiv of Arthas in full, they killed him without Buff.

Patch 3.3.5 "Ruby Sanctuary Sturm" (Defending The Ruby Sanctum)

Release Date: June 22, 2010
You do not tell me what it means to farm one raid for more than six months. For raiders, the times of WOTLK CLK became something similar to the current OO. In order to dispel bored raiders, the developers released the "Raid Filler" - the Ruby Sanctuary. Three Mini Boss and Dragon Khalion were called upon a little raider raid. What to say, one boss is so, on one CD to master, and then to the payout, farm. In fact, the patch 3.3.5 was significant not only by this.

It was in this patch that the blues implemented Real ID - a feature, with the help of which you could communicate through Battle.net with your friends who are playing other Blizzard games. As follows from the name - the "real identifier" - your real name is visible to friends. Anyway, under what alt, you crawled into the game, your friends by Real ID saw that it is you.

Well, okay, it still went wherever. But when the developers announced that it would be possible to write on the forum only by going under Real ID, it was perhaps the biggest Wine in the history of the game. One of the bribles decided to prove that they say, everything is fine, it's not scary, under your name to enter the network. After a couple of hours, he was filled with a pizza, ordered by the good players to his house, after they had calculated his address, as well as all personal details. After that, Blizzard refused to deny the players and closed the question.

So ended with WOTLK. The addition to which World of Warcraft popularity came. December 2010 and the release of the add-on, which was truly a cataclysm in all respects.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

"Cataclysm" was the most anticipated addition to the game. In August 2009, a lot of things told BLizzCon about BlizzCon. And about the fact that the old world will be changed and on it will finally be flying. And about a new character development system on Leatherpape, proudly called the "path of titans". And about archeology, like that, with the help of which you can develop the path of titans. And, of course, about a lot of a lot of raid and other content. About what was obtained as a result, let's talk later. In the meantime, it was preceded by the most destructive catastrophe in Azeroth. Destructive in all senses.

Patch 4.0.1.

Release Date: October 12, 2010
Prepartch, published in mid-October 2010, brought indigenous changes to the mechanics of classes. For example, the hunters selected the brains replaced manu concentration. Rotation had to be reserved again. The rest also got. The evening after the release was remembered by a cheerful chat, in which the grateful residents of Azeroth sent the rays of good to the developers and threatened to cancel the subscription.

Small inconveniences were added to these troubles - plaster began to paint. Underground shocks felt in all cities. In early November, it became clear what. In the azerosis began the invasion of elementals, which was woke up by the death age. It all started quite fun, but somehow quickly blurted out. Everything has been brought to random running through the streets of the capitals and the fulfillment of a simple chain. Those who participated in the Environment before the release of WOTLK noted that then there was "OK", and now "Nariper". The players got used to the new mechanics of classes, the "great feat" received for the closure of the portals. Everyone was waiting for the release.

Patch 4.0.3.

Release Date: November 16, 2010
The patch loaded the entire new content of the "cataclysm", which was supposed to become available after the release in December.

Patch 4.0.3A "Split" (The Shattering)

Release Date: November 23, 2010
It was this patch forever changed the old world of Azeroth. Many locations of the eastern kingdoms and Kalimdora were seriously changed. For example, the steppes used to be one location, the empty fully responded to its name without any oasises in the middle, a thousand needles was not flooded, Azshara was a desert, and the pirated bay is Czech and Unharmed. Many quests were removed and hundreds of new ones appeared. New combinations of races and classes have also become available, for example, paladin tauren.


Thunder ran into the night from the 6th to the 7th of December. Servers turned off at midnight for European time. For inhabitants of tight populated servers, the chances of breaking back to zero. Nevertheless, who succeeded in the morning "pleased" the public by the Ferstam server. The first 85th hatched in less than six hours. By evening, on top servers, a bunch of 85-cages were already running, looking for a group in "Heroics".

And here began "pain and suffering." "Fastbajans", to which fearless heroes are accustomed in the second half of Wotlk, did not ride. In the "heroic" "cataclysm" needed control, neat disassembly of packs, knowledge of tactics and its class. The forums began a serious Vine.

In the raids, too, was awesome. Sigor fighters, with a collection of citadel bosses, collided with problems. And the heat was asked not only flippers. Many to them simply did not reach, stumbling on the blind dragon of the Atramed and the Council of the Rounded. Some managed to wipe on Magmar month. Yes, hardcorers were satisfied, but the rest of the public did not bring these difficulties of pleasure.

The problem was also complicated by the fact that the content for pumping for the 80-85 level did little. Hilaya on semi-bent, any casual could ride to the kap in a couple of weeks. Personally, I left a month, but then I played a lot on Aüca and half the game time was shaking at auction. Further alternatives practically did not remain. Either in heavy raids or pvp.

Content for 1-60 levels on which the rate was made during the marketing company, the developers hopes did not justify. Yes, it was passed, Laura lovers woke up new quests, critics were subject to the fact that the walled now is incomprehensible to some sideways, but did not shoot. Because with the heaters and guild bonuses, pumping turned into a slight walk.

As a result, by March-April, disappointment resulted in the massive outcome of the players. For the first time since the release, there was a negative dynamics regarding the number of subscribers.

Patch 4.1 "Revival of Zandalars" (Rise of Zandalari)

Announcement of this patch caused an ambiguous reaction, which on the background of a mass outcome was mainly negative. Traditionally, the content patches contained full raids. 4.1 was one of the first patches in which there were no raids, but only 5Ppl instances. Moreover, these were "creatively reworked" TWS raids - Zul'guur and Zul'aman. Yes, these raids for twenty people have long been attracted only by old lovers. Mostly it concerned Zul'guruba, where the bosses of the drops of the Mounts - Lizard and the Panther. Therefore, reformatting was perceived in the bayonets.

After the release of the patch to Vaine about Lazz, the cries of the excessive complexity of new instances were gained. Yes, it was and it was. First, even in the trimmed form of bosses was too much for 5Ppl. For the last couple of additions, players are accustomed to compact instances. The complexity of "Zulov" was added to this. In the first CD on the passage of the group with the middle level of the game, there were two hours. Groups collected in LFD sometimes could not go to the end at all, spilling out on intermediate bosses. Jin'do, the last boss Zul'guruba gave on the kits even the guild groups. On the one hand, it liked to lovers of difficulties that saw the correctness of the chosen course in this. With another silent majority continued to leave the game.

Plot patch 4.1 was knocked out of a common track. The return of the budget, the invasion of elementals, the cult of twilight hammer. It all started very epic. The people waited for the continuation of the banquet in the form of continuing history with the abducted Neptylon, the further disgraces of the budget and its minions, and there are some zandalaners. No, no one diminishes the meaning of this tribe in the history of Azeroth, but it all looked like a local conflict that was sewed to the main plot, simply because it was necessary to reanimate old raids.

Patch 4.1 turned out to be ambiguous. "Zuyu" turned out to be too complex for 5PPL format, but did not reach traditional raids.
Summarize. The first months of the "cataclysm" were pleased with the novelty, but in the spring ahead of the problems loomed - people began to leave the game. The revised old world was not appreciated. The starting raids of the "cataclysm" were too complicated for the mass public, accustomed to the punching CLP. Alternative entertainment in Edgeym The developers did not give. The archeology was rightfully received by the title of the tedious profession, which also did not give any tangible profit. The result was a massive outflow of players. It was in the summer of 2011 that the project was told that the project began to lose popularity.

The first months of the addon were interesting, but by the summer it became clear that "Kina would not". And it became clear not only by players, but also nearby. The game in the literal sense of the word had to save. Length to the fire threw the released spring Rift, the first aaa project since Warhammer (autumn 2008), who claimed the WOW audience. It is worth saying that RIFT has a time to deny a decent part of subscribers from the Wow. It was necessary to do something, because in December another one competitor WoW - Star Wars The Old Republic was expected. So the situation was ahow.

Patch 4.2.0 "Rage of Fire Abandos" (Rage of Firelands)

The first "final" boss Wow was in due time was the Lord of Fire, Ragnaros. In the patch 4.2, we were awaited by the second coming of the Fiery Lord, because it turned out, those forty heroes who stormed the Black Mountain, did not win him, but only blocked back in ... these fiery expanses. Now our task was finally committed to Ragnaros, who became an ally of the budget. The raid itself turned out, let's say that contradictory. The huge wasteland of fire-black shades, which was distributed by six bosses and "receiving" Ragnaros, personally visited melancholy. Some generally poorly transferred this bright range of colors. As for the mechanic of the bosses themselves, in my opinion, only Ragnaros himself was interesting in the normal. All the rest were boring and inexpressive.

A separate theme of patch 4.2 was the fiery advanced. Understanding that not all players are fond of raids, the epic quest location was blisted, which was called fiery advanced. The main chip here was that the location was phased and opened consistently after passing the main bodgeeners of the Baggikov, which were only pharmacy through Daeliki. Together with the new phases, the player gained access to new location sites and vendors with all sorts of weapons and recipe buns. The idea, of course, was good, like a content to you, in which everything depends on your actions. But it turned out Ristashal-2 with Daeliki, who was already on the third week. In short, the content turned out to be "second freshness", because such quest hubs were already, and there was even a phasing.

What else is noteworthy patch 4.2? Of course, the legendary staff for the Castera. The chain to receive the province turned out to be long and to get a staff, farm had long. The easiest thing, of course, was those who Farmil OP25HM - the first time of the hardcore collected in early August.

As already written in the past posting about this supplement, "cataclysm" justified its name and not only in terms of Azeroth Laura. The total outcome of the players by the summer amounted to about 900 thousand people (compared with the foresomy state). The situation was necessary to save. And save urgently. Probably the decision on how to do it was taken before the release of fiery expanses, because the raid turned out to be surprisingly small. Seven bosses are little. Yes, in Wotlk was the Colosseum with five, but before it was ultrasound from 14, and after - CLK from 13. That the topic merges became clear after the announcement of the patch 4.3. Even before the release of the additions, the raid was promised to such a topic as "the war of the ancients" and the raid on the marine theme. After all, what did Ozumat with Neptylon, we never learned. So waited and that. But everything came out at all.

From the raid "War of Ancients" made three 5Ppl instances. "Sea" raid was cut out of plans. According to Announcement, the final raid was supposed to contain eight bosses, which was sad in itself and hinted that all the forces were now thrown into the following addition. However, something delicious nearby was still prepared by players.

Patch 4.3.0 "Twilight Hour" (Hour of Twilight)

Patch 4.3 went out three weeks before the release of one of the main ones at that time of competitors WOW - SWTOR. Online universe based Star Wars"It looked threatening. Created by the famous Studio based on the cult franchise - a combination of slaughter. The time has shown that the budget and the popularity of the setting is not yet the term success of the MMO project. However, the blimes prepared one of the largest patches since the late TVS. The endgamy part contained the Dragon Soul Raid from eight bosses, and we had to fight two battles with a homework. First, on his back, forcing it to landing into the whirlpool, and then four times with his claws with them. There were also three instances in the package, in which players who were late for the holiday could quickly dress - things that have fallen there were equal to the ILVL that fell from the bosses in fiery expanses.

In this component, not only the fact that the bosses were only eight. The raid itself was made from the "old scenery". The action took place in the dragon graveyard, the Oka of Eternity, on the ships, which at one time stormed the Citadel King Lich. It was clear that the bliz was going on a minimum program, saving resources. The instances of five persons were made, apparently, on the basis of the fact that the vibrations managed to modify for the raid "the ancient war". The disappointment also complemented the fact that the plot part was sudden from the finger - the search for the Dragon's soul in the distant past looked far-fetched. Personally, I was most overwhelmed by the fact that such an epic topic as "the war of the ancients" was incredibly merged. Azshara - Boss in Instantance for five people? And not final. The battle of dragon flocks with a homework could be an interesting Encounter. Not to mention the fact that the city of Zin-Azshari deserved a larger incarnation. It was possible to make something like Uldouar.

The poverty of the endgame was compensated by the introduction of several game systems. The first is transmogrification, the ability to "impose" on the armor of the "skins" of other items. Such "cosmetics" already existed in other games and proved its popularity. The topic really shot well, becoming serious passion for some collectors. With transmogrification, epheals were headed, which also opened additional storage for items.

The second fundamental innovation was the raid assembly system (LFR). The automatic raid assembly was promised to BLIZZCON'E 2009, when the addition was announced. Many were waiting for him after the release, but introduced it only in the second half of the addon. Now anyone and having the appropriate body kit, by simply pressing the button hit the company of the same "adventurers".

The last innovation was the fact that the New Moon Fair moved to a separate island and rushed. New attractions, quests and baggiks with vendors appeared. However, nothing particularly interesting there appeared. So, another quest zone that appears once a month a week.

The last thing that brought the patch is the legendary chain for robbers. It was for them that only for them, introduced a new quest chain, as a result of which the character received the legendary daggers - "Father's fangs". In the same chain, a new character was actively involved, which began to play a big role in the Pandarian history - Gnevion, the son of the budget.

In general, the patch 4.3 turned out to be quite voluminous and places radically changing the installation of players. For example, transmogrification has become a popular occupation and many sites appeared on the network precisely on this topic. And LFR has opened access to raids mass of players who have no opportunities for a regular game in a permanent group.

Actually everything. In November, when the patch 4.3 came out, it was already known about what the following addition would be. "Pandaria's fogs" caused an ambiguous response in the game community. Who knows him, no matter how much the game has lost subscribers if there were no "annual subscription". Paying WoW for a year ahead, the player has bought a machine gun Diablo III and access to Betu Mists of Pandaria. The move was correct, because in the "cataclyism", in fact it was nothing to do, but to play in Diablo III and Mists of Pandaria is nothing even.

And "Cataclysm" turned out to be an add-on, which showed a simple thing - hardly stands the developer will relax, the player will immediately run away to another project. After a sharp outflow of the players, they strained themselly nearly and issued an addition, which was literally styled by innovations. But I will tell about this next time.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

2011 has become the most difficult for developers. The rapid drop in the number of subscribers made the fireman to revise the plans and accept no popular decisions. The unarmed look was seen that the blisters threw all their strength to a new addition. What?

In August, during the announcement of the next losses, the network passed on the network. The right of the right to the name in the literal sense of the word foggy - "Mists of Pandaria". The people had a dispublished turnip and decided to wait blizzcon. We waited for BlizzCon'a, and with him and confirm the main topic of the addon. Then the playing public was divided into two parts. The first loud was outraged attempted to please the Chinese audience, the second said "wait and see." In order to somehow keep the public and get a penny from her, the bliz decided on a bold step. The action "Annual subscription" gave not only the right to play the year in WoW. For the same money, the player received Diablo III, as well as access to Bethe Mists of Pandaria.

I think that in some sense it saved the game from even more outflow of players in the first half of 2012, which was very rich in new releases. In the first half of the year, SWTOR shining, in the summer, it was ambiguous, but the expected The Secret World, and in August, one of the most promising MMO projects was to get out - Guild Wars 2. Early starts. This game fell on the 24th of August 2012. Blizzard, these old-grated events, who still knew how to kill the game to competitors, launched a pre-patch of Mists of Pandaria.

Patch 5.0.4 "Pandaria Fogs" (Mists of Pandaria)

Release Date: August 28, 2012
Like all previous pre-release patches, this make a number of fundamental changes in the game. The main changes applied the following.

Another fundamental processing of the class system. From the "tree-like" system refused once and for all, replacing it on the opportunity every fifteen levels to choose one talent of three. Announcement of this on Convention caused another drilling in the style of "sho, again? !!!", but in fact the new system was fully justified. Bohr Blonds were going to enter the scalinable content in the form of test modes for 5PPL. The old system for this was little suitable.

Crosserver locations. The first crosserver locations appeared during the original WOW times. They were battlefields. Much later, in the patch 3.3, the crossover were instances for five persons. Patch 4.3 made crosserver raids. The LFR group assembly was carried out automatically from the number of players of single server combat groups, and Battle Tag made it possible to collect groups from friends. And so, the technology reached the open world. Now players from servers could play together in open locations and cities, except for the capitals.

This step suggested a long time ago, since most of the locations of Old Azeroth, Nordskol and the prisoner were deserts from the point of view of population. Swing, the player could not meet a single player for several tens of levels. This was especially relevant for low and medium-seated servers. I remember, then I played the old Maine Deckven on the Nordrassill-EU, the server, which was somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe first hundred on Varkrogres. So, the achiviks on the murder of rarniki in the walled and Nordskol, I did without much difficulty, because the locations were completely empty. Some players said this way - the introduction of crosserver zones near the servers to be merged. However, before this merger was still far away.

Mounts and achievements have become united for the entire account. This innovation was perhaps the most noticeable and delighted many players. Especially those who unsuccessfully walked Mein for the ashes of A'lar for several years in a row, and then by chance with his altitude in Pugofan. Yes, the owners of prestigious titles such as the "victorious death" could now choose them for alto. In short, the innovation was excellent and now Mauntoders could run for the Dragon of Onyxia or Anzu by all the available mines, and Maine Messenger could wear Maine, although the title was earned by a specially created character.

All this was cool and right, but with the predelizable Ivenment, near this time pushed. Instead of action, stretched for a few weeks, as it was before the releases of other additions, we were given a short, minutes for twenty scenario. The sad story that happened to the theramore was replaced by the event. Greg Krabovich Street then said that, they say, it is better to spend the resources to keep some long-playing feature than to make a disposable event. All I knew did not agree with this.

Mists of Pandaria Release

Once upon a time, the release of the supplement assumed the reboot of the servers. That is, after 00-00, the game was broken after 00-00, and then as lucky, because it is almost impossible to break through the authorization server, simultaneously with thousands of other people are practically impossible. This time, the blonds promised a smooth start without overloading servers. So it came out. After 00-00, the players automatically received the quest, sent them to the shores of Pandaria. I played the alliance on the release and on arrival at the aircraft carrier of the faction saw the following picture.

Nothing good, this column of raising up the helicopters did not promise, so I decided not to take the following quest, but immediately sigane from the ship into the water. Before that, I visited Bethe and knew that it was not necessary to fulfill the quest. The decision turned out to be true. The quest with the helicopter turned out to be a trap for many players who, because of the lags in the starting location, could not really perform it and pass it. However, it worried about me little, I quickly fled the lags through the jade forest and only reaching the Valley of the four winds felt relief.

So, what about the new Mists of Pandaria in September 2012? In addition to the above buns, the following was added:

  • new continent - Pandaria. The appearance from where it does not take the island, which wandered almost ten thousand years, it turned out, slightly attracted by the ears, but it should be paid tribute, all the rest of the blimes came up with quite well;
  • new race - Pareteren and, of course, a new starting location in the form of a giant turtle. Pereterenee became the first race in the game, which is available to both factions;
  • new class - monk. Depending on the variety of drilled beer, it could become a tank, atekavrake or damage;
  • levels rose to the 90th level;
  • seven new instances on five players, and three instances that were converted versions of still classic dungeons.
  • for all dungeons, Pandaria introduced a special format - test mode. In this mode, all the characteristics of the kit were brought to the 463rd level, and the monsters became thicker and evil;
  • three raids - dungeons can''shan, the heart of fear and the terrace of eternal spring. Total in these raids was fourteen bosses, which was quite a decent number for starting tire;
  • martial pets. Pets who had previously ran their players, now it was possible to train and squeeze each other. This fun, I liked many, both collectors and lovers of hiking games, as well as Azeroth Bargam, who began to sell animals, quickly turned into a chassis and fairly expensive goods;
  • Black market. Among the pandamers were not only brewers, farmers and monks-Drachuni. Local mafia and one of her leaders, Madame Goya, managed to establish a trade of Azerothsky antiques and a deficit. At the "point" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hidden staircase Madame Goya gentled by rare mounts, petas, slices of T3 and even heroic kit. The first time in some category of players was Lutchy Batthert about this, but then nothing, accustomed to;
  • PVE scenario. Blizzards were always famous for the ability to finally process other people's ideas. Thus, the SWTOR developers created locations in the open world designed to pass on several characters, and the passage was not tied to a rigid classic scheme "Tank-Hil-Several DD". H2-H4 zones were sometimes spent and clean DD-setaps. Blizzards adapted the idea and got a good entertainment for three persons dishone from the classic scheme;
  • "Cheerful Farm". After completing the chain of quests, the local cooperative of farmers "Agriculties" allowed the player to stroke six acres in the district of the village. Now the brave military light or child of the horde could wave not only with a sword or juice, but also a hoe.

Despite the steep Zakos to the Eastern Subject, the Pandaria as a whole was perceived positively. True, some moments, nevertheless caused a denguming.

First, reputation with Pandaria fractions was pulled exclusively through quests, ordinary and daily. No fan t-shirts and racers on the heroic, which was widely practiced in previous add-ons. Secondly, in order to start swing a reputation with Shado-Pan and Corvenities, it was necessary to first pour before exaling the Gold Lotus. Thirdly, for daily quests gave not only Valor, but also small amulets good luck. These amulets changed to large amulets, which gave the possibility of an additional roll in the raids. True, the exchange rate was 3:90, that is, three large amulets were given for ninety small. Therefore, even if you pump out all reputations, then Daeliki was forced to be made exclusively for small amulets. Well, the latter - a restriction of twenty-five Dealikov daily was removed. Therefore, hardcores made them before the formation, "every day all the Pandara".

Patch 5.1 "Landfall" (Landfall)

Patch 5.1 became the first for many years with a patch "with a tunic", in which there was no raid. Instead, nearby have made a "nail of the program" Patch 5.1 quest content, namely, two "campaigns" for the Alliance and Horde. After disembarking the advanced units of mercenaries, that is us, the heads of factions decided to send regular parts to the conquest of new territories, which were to be entrenched on a new bridgehead. The alliance campaign was called "Operation" barrier ", and at the Horde - the" army of conquerors ". Two new factions appeared with which it was possible to pump a reputation. In general, the "disembarking" is considered the most successful implementation of such content, if compared with the ristaling and fiery advanced. But on this innovation patch 5.1 did not end.

In my memory, conversations about the PVE arena were conducted at the time of early Wotlk. Why not? What, and the bosses are able to do the bosses. Yes, and once again practice will not be superfluous. Here in Patch 5.1 and introduced the "Fight Guild", where in front of other players you fight with monsters that are managed by a computer. In order to get on this arena, it was necessary to get a special invitation. He was either knocked out from the rarnikov in the new quest zone or bought for big money in the black market. The first time was rapidly. In general, the people of the new entertainment liked.

Upgrade items. Surplus Bagzhikov sooner or later, even the most casual players are formed. Therefore, the eyes decided to arrange an upgrade with the help of valor and justice points. Prices at first shook - for four additional levels for Epic, it was necessary to post 750 valor points, but nevertheless, the native of the innovation was liked. Moreover, the raid progress was found far from all.

At this, Grindest did not end. The legendary chain at Gnevion is just an apotheosis of Grinda. At the first stage, it was necessary to collect ten seals of power and ten seals. In addition, it was necessary to bring a reputation with a black prince before respect. And yes, all this was just the beginning.

In general, the Pandaria of the sample 5.0.4-5.0.5 succeeded in the players, grabbed with her head. And the brims that promised to issue content patches more often, restrained their word and already at the end of November 2012 left the patch 5.1 on the players.

Patch 5.2 Thunder King ("Lord of Thunder")

At the beginning of the addition, the developers promised to produce patches more and more often. And, oddly enough, the word was kept. Patch 5.2 was issued on-mountain in months after 5.1 and became outstanding in many ways.

The plot in the patch 5.2 smoothly continued the main line. For those who passed the quails of the tops of Kun-Lai completely, one episode probably remembered. We are talking about the resurrection of the abandalan trolls of the legendary king can - Lei Shenya. This king was famous for the fact that once a long time ago, I could write all other leaders and united my people. Moreover, he was able to wrap up over the "curator" of Titans, Ra Den and take possession of cosmic aliens technologies. And now, after thousands of years of staying in another world, Lei-Shen returns to take revenge, defeating his former slaves, Pandaren. True, LETS-Shen and I could not take it into one factor - now in Pandaria, not only well-softened beer from the use of beer. On the island, not only marching the regular parts of the alliance and hordes, but the crowds of mercenaries, which passed fire, water and copper pipes. With them and they will have to deal with both of them, as well as their long-standing, even before the split, allies in the face of Zandalar Trolls.

This plot was spinning both in the new game zone, the island of thunder and in the raid - the throne of the thunderstorm. The island of thunder was a phased location with a bunch of quests. The solution is old as patch 2.4, because it was in it for the first time this concept was tested. In addition to Dealikov, rare mobes demanded on the island that demanded the efforts of several players for victory over them. Another trifle that pleased this arcade zone is the treasury of the Lord of Thunder. Once a week, the key of the island had a key that opened access to the solo-scenario, in which it was necessary to run on the location, in which chests were scattered with all sorts of goodies. Money, valuable items, large amulets for T14 raids. The experiment was successful, but, unfortunately, the developers did not give more such content.

As mentioned above - the content of the island was phased, that is, it opened after the players performed a certain number of tasks. In general, the place turned out to be atmospheric, the truth is rather gloomy. It seems that the island is a giant cemetery, where someone decided to engage in the resurrection of the dead.

Thunder Island was not the only one. Near the northern coast of Pandaria, from where neither take (as usual - from fog), another island appeared - the island of Giakanov. Dinosaurs and large animals lived on it, and completely elite. He headed this Orav Udusta, a giant dinosaur who demanded the efforts of the "Oldskul" raid for the victory in forty-person. Dinosaurs fell dice, and on the bone could be replaced by all types of utility.

Now about the "Nail of the Program" - the "Throne Throne" raid. At the stage of the PTR dough it was clear that the developers are preparing something large-scale. So it as a result and came out. Blizzard managed to create a raid zone in its best traditions. Twelve bosses and one "secret" in the "heroic" mode, many of which were distinguished by original mechanics, impressive interiors and a lot of three, an interesting plot. I do not know how you have, and for me the throne of the thunderstorm is in the same row with uldar and black temple. After quite dull in all respects of the raid content of the late cataclysm, the developers showed that gunpowder still have. True, this barrel honey was still a pair of spoons with tar.

The disadvantages were yes. The first is the linearity of the instance. Why vibries decided to make PG such - God knows him. Many instances with a large number of bosses had a "quarterly" structure, which allowed to choose from the bosses of those needed. Here the order was the same. It was aggravated by the fact that the complexity of the bosses increased unevenly. So, after passing with pretty simple jin, the raiders attacked Herridon. A typical trash fire, the essence of which consisted of mostly in the fight against adda, became a barrier through which some guilds could not pass weeks. Then he followed a relatively simple Council of Zandalov, and then followed the most chaotic fight in Instantance - Tortos. Next, again, relatively simple megars and Ji-kun. And then again the barrier in the form of durum. Having passed through all the peripetics of the first three quarters, the players fell in the fourth. The first two bosses there were a classic "not stand on fire" and the original there was only Lei Shen.

It seems that different quarters of PG made different groups of designers. Although the essence is not in this. The combination of straightness and bosses- "barriers" led to another reduction in the number of raiders in the bracket "Normal / Heroic".

Also that in 5.2, we were asked to continue the "legendary" chain. The black prince suggested that we were afraid of twenty plus twelve "Bagzhikov". The profraight of these next orange pages left much to be desired. The solo-scenario was added to this, in which direct hands were required, especially for those who did not have a self-aided classes.

However, the patch was a success. It went to all - and solo players and hardcore raiders and lovers of achive. The people were delighted and waited for another portion of the content, which did not make himself wait long.

Patch 5.3 "Escalating" (escalation)

Release Date: May 21, 2013
The fact that Garosh is the most important personnel failure of Tralla was clearly at the time of the cataclysm. One murder of Kaern is worth it. The farther, those things went worse. In the end, an uprising was raised against Garrosche, which led the leaders of the horde. Of course, to conduct hostilities, you first need to organize supply. Than the leaders of the horde and took up with the help of their troops and mercenaries (that is, players).

Such is the plot patch patch 5.3. In order to embody this in the game, the developers borrowed from Arenanet The concept of "dynamic events". In the steppes, there were high-level characters who protected the seats of forestry, oil and other utilities. These places needed to rob, and from time to time, Covan appeared in the steppe, which was necessary to protect Harross's troops from the raids. In general, it turned out well, although this undertone did not reach the dynamics of the original.

Another innovation of the patch was the "heroic" scenarios. Since the usual all already imposed in the teeth, and no longer sat down in terms of awards, GSS became the main source of "Valor" and bodybuilding for those who were late for the holiday. From purple chests, which were given by the passage of the script, with a rather high chance fell epic 516 level, which was quite nothing.
And, of course, the Black Prince Gnevion again pleased the players with a new stage of the legendary chain.

Patch 5.4 "Osada Orgrimmar" (Siege of Orgrimmar)

Resources are collected, the attack is prepared. "The moment of truth" came when Garrosh decided to overturn the black heart of the ancient God to the sacred sources of Pandaria. The head of Shado Pan tried to remind Garrosh about the fate of his father, then I tried to give it on it, but nothing helped. The streams of dark energy destroyed the charm of the dollars, forever settled it. It's time to give garrouch on the teeth to all together.

In 2013, the developers did not slow down the tempo and fulfilled their promise - to make updates to the cup and thicker. By saturation patch 5.4, a little inferior patch 5.2, and something even exceeded, because he made serious structural changes to the game. Let's start with the fact that the "experimental" location appeared is a timeless island. Quests there were little, for that there were a lot of rainniki, spawned quite often. In addition, all sorts of chests were scattered along the island. Small amulets of good luck fell out of mobs and chests, as well as the "blanks" under the epics of the 496 level. The in the middle of the island was Arena, on which four celestial tested the strength players.

The developers declared that they wanted to make a location in which players did not feel the limited performance of dozens of Dealikov. Such a "freedom zone". Yes, indeed, for WoW, the timeless island was an experiment, but about the "freedom of action" were glanced. Quests were, the murders of the rarniki was immediately put on the flow, and for small amulets now came here, and did not make the values \u200b\u200bin the teeth. But, in fact, a farm zone was made for the dressing of alto, new players, as well as returned veterans. After dressing the freshly baked 90th in the 496th body kit on the island, it was possible to forget.

The following two innovations concerned changes in the raid system. A new format was introduced - "flexible" raid. If earlier the number of people in the group was either 10 or 25 people, now their number could fluctuate within these limits. Perhaps it was the most useful structural change for the entire Mor. First, it gave the opportunity for small guilds to take in the raid of everyone. Secondly, the complexity of such a raid was higher than the LFR, but at the same time lower than in the normal. It slightly reduced the bar and gave the opportunity to play those who did not reach a little on the class in the normal, but at the same time did not want to play with the LFR-Pouachs.

Connected Realms - "Combined Servers" became the second largest change in the structural change. It was a continuation of the ideology, started in Patch 3.3, when for the first time players from different servers could play together in 5PPL. Then there was a LFR, cross-reality zones in the "Open" world and Battl-Tag. True, the merger of servers the case went tight - they still unite them.

Another interesting innovation was the trial arena. It was a solo-scenario, a kind of "training platform", on which players could test their skills in damage, treatment and tank. Those who had previously performed some other role could be trained in another. The need for such a "simulator" was long ago, since it is better to practice "on cats" than to do it in the instance.

The "legendary" chain of Gnevion received its completion. As a reward, players received the legendary raincoat. The award is not that dubious, but the cloak has become the most massive legendary subject in WoW. To obtain it, it was not even necessary to undergo normal raid modes, it was possible to limit the LFRM.

And finally, the final raid of Addon - Osada Orgrimmar. Raid turned out to be contradictory. On the one hand fourteen bosses the case is not joking. A little raids in WoW boast of such a number of enhineers, many of which have interesting mechanics. On the other hand, it was clear that the vibrations were lepi "from what was." Decorations for the first and second quarters served the Eternal Dol and Orgrimmar. With new modules of bosses, no one was not particularly tormented. The third moment concerned the players of the horde. The patch did not make any changes to the very capital. That is, Garrosh stood on the spot, the auction worked, vendors and coaches sold services. And after you received an invite, then came to the version of the capital, which is in siege. In short, cognitive dissonance.

Why so happened, I think obviously. As in the "cataclysm", the blues went along the path of least resistance, using already existing scenery and models. By the way, according to rumors from insiders, the first quarter is part of a completely different raid, which vibrations decided not to complete, but included in the siege. That is why we are starting an attack on Ogrimmar, making a big hook through the Eternal Dol.

As already mentioned, the patch was saturated and interesting. But ... After him, the developers are not what they drop the pace, but simply stopped doing something new. For they did not release a single major content-patch. OO will be a raid that establish a record for "long-term" - fourteen months. This is two months longer than the ice crown citadel stood.

Let's summarize. In general, the addition of Mists of Pandaria, managed. Compared to the "cataclysm", the developers made a lot of new entertainment for players on Cape - Pets fights, test modes, Fight Guild, Test Arena. Raid content did not give up. It was made not only more than in the "cataclyism", but also it turned out in the best traditions of Blizzard. Despite all skepticism, ENT and the atmosphere of the addon also succeeded. Some say that the Pandaria is too homely, they say "Family, friends, food, and the rest does not matter," but if you look at the quest chains, then they can find a lot of dramatic moments and notorious "epicness".

In this case, the addition turned out uneven in terms of issuing content patches. I would even say, the most uneven. More than a year without updates it is too. Especially, after the developers assured that the content would be supplied more often. Actually, the first year was so. And then, something failed. Yes, Blizzard originally did not plan to expect Warlords of Draenor in November 2014. And the last interviews suggest that they detained the WOD output for half a year. The excuses sound not very convincing, rather some embodiment occurred at the very top of the developers team. Care Greg Street in the fall of 2013 and the recent dismissal of Rob Pado testify, most likely, about it.

World of Wacraft: Warlords of Draenor

Let's start a little afar. November 2013, Blizzcon, Metzen depicts an orc, the hall is roar from delight - a presentation of the supplement. Of course, Warlords of Draenor was a nail of the program of that convention. The plot caused surprise, indignation and disputes that continued not yet one week. Most intrigued garrisons. What was voiced by nearby caused genuine interest and timid hope that they finally succeeded at least a little bit away from the concept of the game laid back in Vanilla. The garrisons appeared another system that would allow to develop a character on a cap. Various combinations of structures with various bonuses - just what is needed. I add to this a bunch of followers, whom you can also download and, voila, almost the path of Titans.

On the other hand, the shown on the Convention left the feeling that the game is damp. And that the promises of the command to produce content more often and more somehow too optimistic. The people hoped that WOD would come out in the spring, well, at the end of the summer. Well, the people cannot torment the people with the final raid for a whole year, can not. How much can you step on these rake? Nevertheless, everything came out that the siege broke all the previous records, becoming an actual raid for more than fourteen months, surrounding the Citadel of the Ice Crown and the Dragon Soul. However, before the release was a pre-patch from which we will begin our story.

Patch 6.0.2 "Iron Tide" (The Iron Tide)

According to the old good tradition, before the release of the supplement, there was a pre-confidence with the entertainment and all means in the mechanics of the game. The event was that from a suddenly blusted dark portal again, the orcs with arms were beginning, they were unprecedented. The iron horde is trying to fix on the frontiers, but then we do not let them out on the scorched lands. All this was more interesting than the Terramor scenario, but did not reach even before the predocalism events, not to mention the fact that the zombie festival before WOTLK could not exceed.

In addition to changes in class mechanics, serious adjustments were made to the raid system. The heroic complexity was the mythical, the size of which was designed for 20 people. Normal became known as the heroic, and the flex is normal. It was the final nerf of the raid of the siege of the Orgrimmar and for the remaining several weeks the people hardly pharmaceous iron scorpion.

Warlords of Draenor Release

The release took place on November 13, exactly six years later from the output of the addition of Wrath of the Lich King. So, what is such an interesting supplement promoted? Let's start with the plot.

... Garrosh Hell Creek makes a bold bias from prison. One of the dragons of the flock of infinity helps him get into an alternative reality, and thirty years ago before the events occurring. Garrosh finds in an alternative drainser of his thunder's father. As a result of the propaganda of work, Thunder and other leaders of the old horde refuse to drink a cocktail mannorot. As a result of the fight between the family of hellish screams and mannorts, the latter dies, and Gul'dan moves to the background. Thunder informs ordinary Sallanians that they will not be slaves, but will be conquerors. With the help of technologies that Garrosh raised from his reality, the leaders of the drainor create an iron horde and build a portal ... in Azeroth, who want to conquer. Our goal is to get into alternative reality and prevent the new invasion of hordes to Azeroth.

So, the place of action of the new addition is alternative drainor. For those who are not aware of the subtleties of the Laura - the warranty is what remained from Draenor after unsuccessful experiments Normuzul with magic of funeral. Therefore, in an alternative dramet, the mass of locations correlates with the locations of the priebon, but in general they are very different. In short, we were waiting for a nine clean, wild and not touched by a bad earth. Traditional new content with locations, quests, 5PPL and so other. The only difference from the continents in previous add-ons was that one of the locations - the Tanan jungle was closed from players. There was only the starting chain of quests, and after that we immediately turned out to be in the garrison, which was located quite far from the jungle.

Levels expected to grow to a round figure in 100. In addition, it was possible to apart one character until the 90th, and for a certain amount and others. This caused a light batthert on the forums, but, in general, it was swallowed by the community as a givenness of which no longer leave.

Another innovation that was positioned as a big step forward is new characters. Models added polygons and made new animation. True, not everyone, for example, Bladelphs did not hit the list. Also left without changes of the goblins, worgen and Panda, since the models were made relatively recently.

The mechanic of the game was greatly simplified - sockets were removed from armor and weapons, the number of cartridge scrolls strongly reduced and eliminated the peroxide. The game "Awesome doll Masha" has become even easier.

The main innovation was the garrison - the personal fortress of the conqueror of Draenor. The concept was in principle not bad. A set of buildings that can be upgraded and which gave bonuses on Kraft and a battle. Thus, the possibility of customization of the character on the cap appeared. Built this building - got this bonus, built another - this bun. The presence of a personal detachment of followers gave us weights and also created a certain field of opportunity for a variety. In addition, the garrison seriously influenced the economy of the game. Take at least the fact that the grass grew in the garrison and there was a mine, and most importantly, for their prey did not need to be a miner or herbalist. And the buildings associated with Kraft, allowed to produce a significant number of spare parts with daily CD.

In general, if you close your eyes to the plot blind on the knee, Warlords of Draenor seemed very vague addition. Perspectives pleased. What were the realities?

It will not be exaggerated to say that the release of WOD was the worst start in WOW history. It is said that except for the first months of Vanillas were similar to what was happening after the release of WOD. Characters stuck in textures, hung in the air. In the pre-tribades, there were crowds before the garrison that could not get into it. The people fell into the garrison itself, because there was a risk of staying in it for a long time. In the chat, the outrageous screams about the rejected quests were slipped. The most enterprising offered paid services to extract characters from textures for inexpensive. In the open world, the crosserver was allocated to the feeder and the questrels turned into ghosts. Terribly Lagalo. When trying to hear and then, again, in the game was the risk of ignite to the message "The character was not found". All this trash lasted for several days. The worst of the blizzards was probably only the start of Diablo III.

Then everyone was repaired and a full-fledged game began.

What to say, Level Blizzard can do to do. Despite the plot tension, the quest chains in locations turned out as always interesting. Brutal orcs, harsh winter landscapes, iron and a flame - all this contrasted with the fact that the players met in Pandaria. Yes, there was also a brutality, but in general the island of fog turned out to be much more peaceful than Drenor. The continent himself went to fame. Snow-covered mountains, scorched valleys, wild jungle. Why did the valley of the ghostly moon cost? Not only are the locations were diverse and interesting, so also the cities turned out, perhaps the biggest from all that is already in the game. Shattrat was just huge. It turned out that one small area remained from him.

However, on this advantages ended. Kraft has greatly simplified. He was strongly tied to the garrison, attaching to buildings than heavily hit those who had shops from crafting low-level alto. They were injured and those who had ones gathering professions were injured. Now everyone could wave a pick in the garrison and ensure itself with the desired amount of materials on its own. Further, for the manufacture of Dtenorm items, it was not necessary to pump skills up to 600. This most was almost killed by the reagent market for pumping. All this led to the simplification of the crafting and the slow dying of the market. It became elementary uninteresting crafts and trade.

But the role of the garrison in the life of the player became prevalent. In fact, these were Daeliki, which deyliki are not called. Run through the mine and garden, collect junk on buildings, give new tasks on Kraft, pushing followers. And so every day, and if you have several characters - several times. Many quest chains and the whole economy were tied to the garrison.

At the same time, it was quite clear that there were not so many effective setups of buildings, and some buildings are not needed at all. Lightly crashed with followers too. Collect, pump and dress it took several weeks. The formation of a group on the mission did not require a special application of the brain, especially with the corresponding addons. So a month after reaching the Capa followers, it was possible to wear a shower and all ended. In other words, the hopes for the fact that the garrison will become an alternative development plane remained hopes. Players received veiled Dale-Quests and binding over all game mechanics with a very limited set of possible options.

Legendary subject. Even before the release, something was said to talking about the fact that MIR errors took into account and that there would be a "budgetary" legendary and something for hardcore comrades. The budget legendary turned out to be rather flexible. First, it was a ring, that is, it did not affect the appearance of the character. Secondly, it was possible to get it by Nafarming a bunch of all in a raid, that is, the process did not differ in originality.

Traditionally, the raid part of the content remained strong. The starting raid is the capital of the orders, the Supreme Hammer turned out to be a pretty and difficult. True, the number of bosses (only seven pieces), as well as the lack of tokens in the Lut-table, as if hinted, that this raid would be relevant. And yes, the Supreme Hammer was passing and pleased the players only two and a half months. Already in early February, the second raid T17 was opened - the casting clan of the Black Mountain. Ten bosses, the last of which was one of the Varlordov Draenor, Chernukh. Everything was already more interesting here. True, some close was embarrassed. Narrow corridors, relatively small rooms, dark corners, equipment, conveyor lines. The supreme hammer was small in general, but there was more free space there.

The release of a new raid, as always, breathed a little about the game life, but, as you know, not only raiders play WoW. Having passed all the plot content by several characters by pumping the army of the followers several times and kissed all the drinor squirrels, the players specifically bored. And already at the end of February, the new patch at the number 6.1 on the server was blisted.

Patch 6.1 "Garrison Changes" (Garrison Update)

It was one of the content patches that did not introduce a new raid. In some way, 6.1 continued the traditions of the patches of the MA, who in one walked without raids, making changes to the game mechanics. Although technically 6.1 is still more associated with the LFKG period, rather than with the start of WOD. So, what's new made this content patch?. First of "small innovations":

The biggest changes related to garrisons:

  • every day, visitors who gave quests began to visit the garrison. Among visitors were such famous personalities, such as Harrison Jones. Quests were associated with both open locations and raid bosses;
  • the level of followers can be raised to 675;
  • there were new missions for followers associated with professions, including archeology, as well as new raid missions for followers associated with the Clan clan of the Black Mountain;
  • the interface of the missions of followers has changed;
  • new Vendor, who sold books to retraining users;
  • another vendor became randomically spawn into the garrison. Speech about a trader associated with a certain type of craft. This comrade not only sold new recipes, but also changed the raw material for the primitive spirit. It's slightly drowned the economy of the game and made the game in the market more interesting;
  • changes touched the garrison buildings;
  • a new level of complexity of invasion of the garrison appeared - platinum;
  • music box - If you wish, you could get a device that would play melodies found in Dtenor.
  • the legendary quest chain was continued and a truly legendary follower was given to us as an intermediate award (a final quest in this chain was remembered to especially players).

Actually, this is all. If you summarize all the innovations, we have two main aspects that the patch was sent. The first is to diversify the garrison. It was clear that this mechanic was evaluated that this mechanic had exhausted himself in a couple of months after the release. It was necessary to give players new opportunities and to smoke what bother to play. Secondly, there was an attempt to correct Kraft, which was without exaggeration, killed, and it was worth tightened under the realities of the LFKH.

In general, in the first six months everything was quite good, especially since it was thought that this addition is not long. In particular, this was indicated that only two raids were promised. There was not yet a single supplement in which there were only two tires. In addition, it still believed that it would take their promise and will give content more often, and global additions are faster.

Patch 6.2 "The Rage of Hellfire" (Fury of Hellfire)

The patch was large and traditionally designed for all categories of players. The center of activity shifted to the Tanan jungle, the location, which was closed since the release, except for a small quest chain at the start. The Tanan jungle was essentially a complete location comparable in size with other Locations of the drainor. In addition to Dalelikov, the mass of rare creatures settled here, all the treasures could be found under the bushes, and in the very center there was a fortress where the forces of evil were hidden.

There are also two support bases of the Horde and the Alliance, of which players made raids on the surroundings in order to undermine the power of the iron horde. True, this power was already undermined - Gul'dan and Killog remained from the leaders alive, and Grommash was overthow and captive. The burning legion now fully controlled the Iron Horde and was preparing for the spent invasion of Azeroth. The main focus of the Legion and Horde forces became the Citadel of the hellish flame. The battles of the players were waiting for battles with thirteen bosses, among whom was Killroog, Teron Bloodda, Mochimond, and, of course, Archimond. What else brought Pachet 6.2?

The garrison received additional buildings - the players became available to the harbor and ships. We are building a ship, equip it and ship it. In contrast to garrison missions, you needed to pay sailors not by the resources of the garrison, but a new currency - oil. In general, the very essence was the same except for the fact that the ships could be surfed by the enemy during the task and then they had to build and pump again. The addition turned out to be pleasant, but cosmetic.

More cardinal changes touched such a format as instances for five people. In patch 6.2, there were already two new types - dungeons of an epochal level of complexity for WOD instances and time travel mode for 5Ppl old content. In the epochal instances, the complexity and the level of the incident falling from the bosses have grown. With ordinary felling 685th, and from the lasts with some chance - 700s items. "Time Travels" was the old instances of previous additions, in which the level and body kit was scalded to the level of instance. "Time Travels" became an entertainment when instances were opened in some weeks, let's say from the addition of Wrath of the Lich King. The very idea of \u200b\u200btravel was announced for a long time and, in principle, it turned out quite successful. The dungeons were also fun, as when they were relevant.

Bonus events. Each week of players was waiting for bonus events that gave a significant increase to the crystals obtained for the completion of the tasks of the appexit and other in-game currency.

Legendary chain. In Patch 6.2, the legendary chain was continued. In a reward for execution, players received a ring of the 735 level that could be upgraded. In order to make this from Archimond in normal or heroic mode, some kind of thing was knocked out, which, when used and increased the level of the item to several points.

Flights over Dratenor. The topic, without exaggeration, was scandalous. First, the developers said that the flights would be. Then they said that there would be no flights. Noise rose. Flights are not announced, but in order to climb into the air, it was necessary to perform a bunch of all kinds of achive. In the list of good deeds to the achievement of the "Draenor's pioneer" was: to open all the locations of the continent, to find 100 treasures, pump a reputation in three fractions before respect, perform all quests on the "Guardian of the Wisdom of Draenor" and a rather long list of Dealkov. In general, it was necessary to sweat.

In general, the patch turned out to be not bad and quite voluminous, with good innovations of the type of new 5PPL formats. Everything would be fine, but again played your role old problem - The tempo of the issue of patches. Why there was such a tradition, it is difficult to say, you can only guess, but now the fourth addition is the last content patch standing on live servers for more than a year. Yes, of course, there were some changes, for example, the murder of Archimond began to give Mount-Elk, and things can be done again for the prowess of upgrading. But the tradition remained unshakable. The first half of the new addition is characterized by a rather cheerful release of patches, then the latter comes and the situation freezes for a year.

Actually, if we talk about patch 6.2, then that's all. Now we like the result.

Warlords of Draenor: Results

Start with dry numbers. In early August 2015, BLIZZARD published a report for the II quarter. It was voiced by a digit of active WOW subscribers at the end of the period - 5.6 million people. Thus, Warlords of Draenor put a record at the rate of reduction of subscribers. None of the addition of such a sharp decline was not. Probably, upset, Blizzard said that they will no longer publish numbers regarding the number of subscribers, since they have other ways to evaluate effectiveness. Motivation is clear - why once again demoralize the audience? In addition, as the experience of other MMO projects shows, even having several hundred thousand subscribers ensure the acceptable level of income.

Why did it happen as happened? I have repeatedly wrote about it, but it will not be unnecessary. The main problem of World of Warcraft is that the conceptually project does not change for many years. This applies to both the character development system and the main content formats. From year to year, players perform quests, pass the dungeons and then before the formation of the raid or Grindat on the title, Mounts and Pets. Whiters-boring whistles do not bring cardinal changes in this scheme, they can divert players for a while, but do not affect the main thing - the character development system and the realization of its potential in the game world.

What else played in minus? In my opinion, the following:

  • the garrison, as an attempt to create a new character development plane on Cape failed. First, the garrison and followers were pumped over a couple of months. Secondly, the variety of garrison layouts was very modest. All this led to the fact that interest in pumping was exhausted pretty quickly.
  • simplification of character characteristics. The solution to remove the perove, sockets from the kit and cut to a minimum of the possibility of Changtinga was in the root of the wrong. Yes, probably, for some players, the approach "knocked the clothes-dressed-ran farthest" is quite acceptable. But the game "Awesome doll Masha" has always been one of the cornerstone wow. Returning with the melt from the raid we played a mini-game, combining various items and changing their characteristics. It was interesting and made a little strain.
  • almost completely killed such aspect of the game as crafts. Partly this happened due to changes in the characteristics of the character, partly due to changes in the craft itself. This aspect of the game was interesting even on the excess of additions, not to mention periods after the release. In WOD, Kraft again simplified to the disgrace, minimizing interest. It is easier to swell a few raids with three khailelasels than to produce something. I generally silent about collective profits - the garrison reduced the need to have them on the character.
  • grind and Farm still remain the basis. We look at the same "travel time." Bagzhiki again, and again things for these badzhiks. Do you want to take a break in the collection to the collection? 5000 Baggikov and Konyaka Your, headmake on health.

Actually, this is quite enough to take a simple fact: Warlords of Draenor turned out to be another failed supplement. The innovations of Mists of Pandaria were able to seriously slow down the drop in the number of subscribers. Warlords of Draenor with his curves concepts, simplifying everything and everything, awkward attempt to play nostalgia led to current state affairs.

Two months later, in the history of the game and the entire franchise, a new chapter opens - the flaming legion again wants to destroy Azeroth, and we again do not want it. Supplement World of Warcraft: Legion is a joker that Blizzard decided to play in the light of a serious drop in popularity. Again a game on nostalgia? On the future fate of the game and the entire franchise - in the next posting.

Contrary to the expectations of many players, official classic servers were announced on BlizzCon 2017. The developers showed a small roller in which the Miloid Dwarf-Draconian Chrome with its chronoperer-controller was emptied all the past years and returned us to classic times. During the exhibition, the developers gave a few interviews in which they shared information about the World of Warcraft: Classic project, and even more precisely, they said that there are no information about this about this occasion. Nevertheless, some interesting moments from all of these conversations can be made, and to bring the final line to this topic for the coming months, we have collected all this information in one topic. That's what we know at the moment:

  • Developers promise to create servers as close as possible to the state in which they were in classic times - that is, we are waiting for a minimum of changes. They will be saved both good aspects and some problem. New-old servers will correspond to the "Blizzard quality", which implies a polished, modified, stable product.
  • The release date is unknown, in the near future it is not worth it for sure. Soon ™.
  • Developers were not decided whether this server would be somehow related to the relevant and whether players will be able to use some interspersonal functions.
: cut:
  • Developers did not decide which version of the game will be available to users. Also, they cannot say whether Classic is limited to Classic servers or other additions will be released later.
  • The developers did not decide whether to play the Classic separate from the current client, and whether it will be available at the relevant subscription.
  • The main problem of creating such servers is now a technical aspect, but developers already have good options solutions of difficulties. However, they also have to make a number of design solutions, for example, to determine how the UBRS dungeon should be: for 5 people or 10; To decide whether to introduce some large or small changes in the balance of classes.
  • The developers promise to carefully listen to the reviews of the players and take into account their wishes.
  • Developers call a community of one of the most important parts of the game.
  • World of Warcraft: Classic team works separately from the developers team of the actual version of the game, both teams will not negative influence to work each other. Now several new vacancies are open to employees to a new team.
  • The developers have a valid old assembly of the classic version of the game, to which they are referred to as a certificate of various issues.
  • On the official forum, a separate section was opened for classical servers.

Representatives of "private" servers have reacted positively to this announcement. For example, the guys with a closed nostalrius, which raised the sunny year ago all the game community of the wave of nostalgia, in its twitter just

Hello, dear readers. Many are interested in how many parts in WoW? Today I will tell a brief history of the game and will answer this question.

So, let's begin.

1. Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. Release date - November 1994.
2. Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness. Release date - December 1995.
3. Warcraft II: BEYOND THE DARK PORTAL. Release date - April 1996.
4. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Release date - July 2002.
5. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Release date - July 2003.
6. Warcraft III: reforged. Release date - 2019 (the game did not come out).

Directly World Of Warcraft:

1. World of Warcraft. Output date - November 2004.
1.1. Attack on the lair wing of darkness (update 1.6). Release date - July 2005.
1.2. Rebirth of blood of blood (update 1.7). Release date - September 2005.
1.3. Gate of the An "Kiuraza (Update 1.9). Release date - January 2006.
1.4. Shadow of Necropolis (update 1.11). Release date - June 2006.
2. The Burning Crusade. Release date - January 2007.
2.1. Black Temple (update 2.1). Release date - May 2007.
2.2. Gods Zul'amana (update 2.3). Release date - November 2007.
2.3. Sunshine rage (update 2.4). Release date - March 2008.
3. Wrath of the Lich King. Release date - November 2008.
3.1. Secrets of Uldouar (Update 3.1). Release date - April 2009.
3.2. Avant-garde call (Update 3.2). Release date - August 2009.
3.3. Drop King Lich (Update 3.3). December 2009.
4. Cataclysm. Release date - December 2010.
4.1. Revival of Zandalov (Update 4.1). Release date - April 2011.
4.2. Fire rage (update 4.2). Release date - June 2011.
4.3. Twilight time (Update 4.3). Release date - November 2011.
5. Mists of Pandaria. Release date - September 2012.
5.1. Landing (update 5.1). Release date - November 2012.
5.2. Lord of Thunder (Update 5.2). Release date - March 2013.
5.3. Rebellion (update 5.3). Release date - May 2013.
5.4. Siege of Orgrimmar (update 5.4). Release date - September 2013.
6. Warlords of Draenor. Release date - November 2014.
6.1 The Rage of Hell Flame (Update 6.2). Release date - June 2015.
7. Legion. Release date - August 30, 2016.
7.1 Return to Karazhan (update 7.1). Release date - October 26, 2016.
7.2 Sargeras Tomb (Update 7.2). Release date - March 29, 2017.
7.3 Shadows of Argus (Update 7.3). Release date - August 30, 2017.
8. Battle for azeroth. Release date - August 14, 2018.
8.1 Retribution waves (Update 8.1). Release date - December 12, 2018.
8.2 Return of Azshara (Update 8.2). Release date - June 26, 2019.

WOW® Classic:

Thus, the entire parts of Warcraft - 37, of which World of Warcraft - 31, of which the main - 8 are (only released).

And in conclusion a brief story.

In 1994 * The warriors of the horde through a dark portal - the interdimensional passage created by the wizard of Mediva and the Warlock of the Gul "is given - penetrate the Azeroth and capture the stormagrad. People are doomed ...

By December 1995 The Knight Anduin Lothar with survivors arrives in Lorderon. Having enlisted with the support of people, elves, dwarves and dwarves, he creates the Alliance. At this time, the orcs of the Horde under the start of the Rock Hammer orgrims continue to capture the lands and attach trolls and odds. Orgrymm kills Lothar, the place of which is occupied by Turalion. Alliance breaks the Horde.

April 1996. The Alliance destroys the Dark Portal, the remains of the Horde on Dtenore heads Shaman Ner "Zul. After the remaining Dark Portal of Draenor, the Horde decides to capture the powerful artifacts of Azeroth, however, the Alliance learns about these plans and begins the invasion of Draenor. To avoid death, Shaman opens many portals in new worlds . The released energy splits the drains into parts, as a result of many heroes of the Alliance turn out to be captured by the remnants of the planet, known as the Wozali.

Up to 2002 The surviving orcs were in captivity, until they were freed by the former slave young shaman Thrall. The Horde runs to the West - in Kalimdor - for the sake of salvation from the burning legion, invading Azeroth. Arthas Menetil, Prince Lorderon, passes towards the King Lich. Orcs of Horde are combined with people and night elves and break the troops of the Demons of the Legion under the command of Archimond on the sacred mountain of Hygal.

By July 2003 Arthas becomes a Death Knight, gaining the troops of the shoulder, cuts the population of the Eastern Kingdoms. A bouquet of Silvana Silvanaya is satisfied against the plenty, headed by a group of undead "secreted". The night elf Illidan is planted on the northern continent of Nordskol to destroy the King Lich. However, Illidan suffered a defeat from Arthas and was expelled to the Whale. Arthas, being with a source of the Power of the Power, merges with the spirit of the King Lich.

2004 - the beginning of World of Warcraft.
Recommended joins the Horde Tralla, in which the orcs, tauren and trolls were already. The dwarves, gnomes and night elves swear to the Alliance under the leadership of people. The king of the Rinn mysteriously disappears, the regent becomes the Supreme Lord Bolvar Foldragon. But not everything is so simple - in fact, the power is in the hands of the Black Dragon of Onyxia. The new conspiracy is ripening, new dangerous ancient forces awaken.
Main events
The Black Dragon is Nafarian, the son of the dreadpiece, creates many experimental dragons and other mandes for the conquest of Azeroth, but hesitates the defeat and goes into nonbiration.
The tribe of standals with the help of an alliance strikes in the heart of Zul "Guruba, where the suggestor of the shower, the god of blood was reborn.
The forces of the united army of Kalimdora under the command of the orc waxer of Saurfang break the gate of the great fortress of the an "Kiurazha to stop his inhabitants - Kiyazhi - a smoking influence of the ancient God to" Tuna.
Kel "Touzad, the faithful minion of the King Lich, with the help of a flying quotes of the screamers - Naxramas - trying to infect the whole of Azeroth, starting with Nordskol, where the defeat suffers. The traitor from the Order of Silver Dawn is hidden in Nordskol with the remains of Lica and tries to resurrect the Kel" Touzada.

The Lord of the Fate Kaszak reopens the Dark Portal in the Welcome. Azerosis sent Demons of the Burning Legion. The forces of the Alliance and the Horde, to which Drasenei and Elves are joined, are sent to the caution to eliminate the threat. Allied troops are increasingly felt in the fight against the legion and an alidian violent storm.
Main events
Illidan traitor focuses its strength inside a black temple. After the defeat of his associates, including the Lord of the Blood Elves Kel "Tasa Sunny Scholler, the power of Illidan shaken. Akama, the Elder of Drasev-Mutants, and Elf Maev Song Shadows help the heroes to end the traitor.
One of the warheads of Horde, Zul "Gin, prevented in Zul" Aman, where he restores his army. The angry zul "Jin declares war and Alyans and Horde after joining without his knowledge to the Horde of blood elves.
After the defeat in the Welder, the Kel "Tas Sunny Skitets returns to Lunovovet and betraying his subjects, it is going to use a solar well to call in the Azerosis Lord of Kil Demons" Jeden. Heroes of the Horde and the Alliance with great difficulty interfere with Kel "Tasu and Kil" Jeden, the Drasey Prophet Velen cleans the sunny well from the bad.

By 2008, calm comes in the world.
Suddenly all over the Azerota is beginning to the offensive of the troops. Thrall sends to Nordskol Garross hellish cry. Meanwhile, Rynn returns and occupies a legitimate place on the throne. On the battle with the king, what he puts the army under the command of Bollar Foldragon.
Main events
The main event is the opening of the branch of the Bronze-Commission in the city of Giants Uldoore. With his help, the heroes give the battle of Yogg Saron, they recognize the secrets of creating a Dragon's soul, the killing of King Llein and the future of King Lich.
The Supreme Lord Thyrion Fordring suits the tournament for Alps and Horde to determine the decent head of the offensive on the forces of the plenty, but the Lord of the Anub cleaard is interrupted in the course of events, "Arak, who decided to destroy Fordring detachment.
With the help of Jaina Praudmur and the Queen of Bishi Silvanany, the heroes take the storm the Citadel of the Ice Corona, spread to the troops of the shoulder. Arthas is defeated, the heroes opens by an ominous truth about the plenty.

Victory, heroes come back from Nordskol by December 2010.
But angry elemental elemental fell on Azeroth. The aspect of dragons was returned by the Dragons of the Destroyer. After leaving the lair in the kingdom of elements, he brought in the azerot to destruction. In the desire to subjugate, the death agent opens the portals in the kingdom of elements, calling for help to resist elementals and their lord. The new forces seek to help the death agent and the cult of twilight hammer bring the time of twilight and destroy all the living.
Main events
Zandalar Trolls again rebuild Zul "Gubub and Zul" Aman, make raids, trying to return "their" lands. Trolls declare war to all Azeroth races. To stop the bloodshed, disroxant with them, "Jin from the Black Spear tribe helps the heroes to get into the ancient cities.
The heroes of Azeroth are driven from the Mountain of the Lord of the Fire Ragnaros and his servants. With the support of Druids and Mulfarion, violent storms, the most powerful defenders take an attack on the burning abode of Renagaros - fiery expanses.
Aspects of dragons, guards of Azeroth, guide the heroes of the time streams on the search for the Dragon's soul - relics capable of stopping the deathshine. Returning heroes are transmitted by the found Relics Tralla, which moves the battle of the whirlpool, the center of the world. The combined forces of aspects and allies stop mad speakers.

year 2012. Forcetral is defeated.
But Garrosh Hell Creek decides to expand the ownership of the horde in Kalimdore. Under his Natius destroys the city of therapist. The opposition flared up with a new force. After a large sea battle, the remains of the fleet of the Horde and the Alliance turn out to be at the mysterious continent not marked on the world map - the foggy banks of the Pandaria, where they meet noble dandarens, who conclude a union with both parties in the hope of defeating the evil shag.
Main events
Not having time to land on Earth, the Horde and the Alliance again begin the battle. Garrosh Hell Creek Calls Mighty Artifact - Divine Bell, but Prince Anduin Rinn and employees of the shrum on the top of the Kun-Lai Mountain destroy the Great Artifact.
Meanwhile, the survivors can try to revive their kingdom. To achieve the goal, they are combined with standal trolls and resurrect the emperor I can Lei Shen - the lord of the thunder. To eliminate the threat of Warriors, Shado Pan create a special detachment - on the Natisk Shado-pan. At the same time, Jaina Praudmur at the head of the Kirin-Torah army is trying to detect the source of power, and Lor "Team Theron, with the help of the tutorials of the sun, is trying to free himself from the blowjob Garross hellish cry.
Garrosh Hell Creek is excavating in an ever-flowing share in search of some artifact, as a result, falling into disfavor to the Order of Shado Pan. The trolls of the black tribe and their leader of the will "Jin are declared trades and become the goal of hunting the guards of the hellish cry. The former leader Through provides them with support, is a contract with the alliance.
Orgrimmar, the capital of the horde, covers the rebellion due to the garrot of hellish cry, who returned the heart of the ancient God and "Sharaja, declining the everotoving dollars to avoid defeat, Garrosh absorbs the energy of the ancient God. However, it does not save him - he appears to the Augusta Court Conscriptors of Pandaria.

Garrosh runs away from justice with the help of a bronze dragon Cairrosorm and in 2014 Returns back in time, falling on the ancient Drenor before the invasion of the Horde in Azeroth.
Garrosh gives his father the technology of creating an ideal conquering army - iron horde. Grommash hellish cry, his father, unites the scattered clans of the orcs of the Draenor, captures a number of key areas of Draenor, builds major military objects like the casting clan of the Black Mountain. Capturing Drenor, the orcs of an iron horde through a dark portal invade Azeroth. In response, the Supreme Mag Cadgar collects the heroes of the Alliance and Horde and leads them through the portal to Dratenor to stop the iron horde. Thrall wins Garrosche, the heroes of Azeroth destroy the majority of military leaders. The iron horde is a crushing blow, in the ranks of the lulgaris followers, the split was called, which allowed the Gul warlock. "Danor to capture power in the Iron Horde and call for Draenor of the Demons of the Burning Legion. Gul" Dan persuades the surviving leaders to join the Legion that they do in the hope of turning battle. However, the Helmach hellish cry is not amenable to persuasion, it falls into imprisonment. The Warlock captures the Citadel of the hellish flame, making it the starting point for the Burning Legion. The next step is the appeal of the Archimond Demon. After the terrifying battle with the creatures in the Citadel, which almost destroyed Draenor, the heroes fight Archimond, which before his death throws the hum. "Dana in the portal.

2016 year. Recent days of summer. And perhaps Azeroth ...
The tomb of Sargeras is reopened again, and the Demons of the Burning Legion poured into the world.
All of their frightening power is aimed at calling the dark titanium in Azeroth, and they have already managed to find the key to his return.
Horde and alliance forces are seriously undermined. But to fall in the spirit early: with the help of legendary artifacts you need to explore the ancient split islands in search of the titans relics and challenge the Legion, while Azeroth has no hope.
Main events
After the battle for Draenor Gul "Dan under the influence of the Demonic Lord of Kil" Jedena Teptist, he opened the Tomb of Sargeras, and, together with her, the gates, through which the burning legion invaded the Azeroth. He conquered the split islands, including the ancient city of Nightborn, Suramar, and subjugated his will of their leader. Alliance and Horde stormed the split bank in the hope of stop the hum. "Dana and prevent the invasion of the Legion, but their efforts were in vain and cost the lives of the King Varian Rynnu and the leader of the will" Gin. Then the Supreme Mag Cadgar undertook a desperate attempt to combine fragmented fractions, which led to the restoration of the pillar of creation - the only tool capable of recently sealing the tomb. The inhabitants of the split islands were freed from the influence of the Legion, and the forces of the Alliance and Horde approached the Gul base "Dana, the nights of the night, hoping and forever put an end to the evil ambitions of the Warlock ...

End of 2016. Burning Legion throws his strength to Karazhan.
In the former monastery of Mediva, they are trying to find what will allow you to preserve the advantage in the war. But several heroes led by Kadgar manages to prevent demons, the Army of Azeroth received a chance to strike. Began uprising against the ruler ancient City Suramar, and after his release, the heroes went to the night's citadel, where they will try to close the tomb of Sargeras with the help of Aman's eyes.

Spring 2017. Gul "Dan tolerates defeat in the Night Citades, and the Alliance and Horde appear new allies.
However, the war is far from completion. The burning legion strengthened his defense on the split islands in the hope of destroying everything alive in Azeroth with the help of power hidden in the tomb of Sargeras. Kil "Jeden's tempter almost reached his goal when heroes broke into the tomb. In the hope of winning, the tempter sent heroes to Argus, but he himself became a victim of Kadgara, ordered and other defenders of Azeroth. With the help of the Sargerian key, Illidan opened the portal for Argus and now heroes Azeroth remains nothing left, except to apply a crushing blow to Argus, or demons will destroy everyone ...

At the end of the summer of 2017, Azeroth's heroes are sent to Argus.
There, they united with an army of light, which, reorganizing their strength, went to the storming of the legion of the Legion - Antorus, a flaming throne. As a result of the most tentary fights, the heroes of Azerost defeated the soul of Argus and liberated titans, which were sharpened by Sargeras in captivity for his atrocities, and Illidan's rage of the storms appointed his jailer. In the last impulse of disobedience, dark titanium pierced Azerosis with his sword and inflicted the world a fatally dangerous wound ...

2018, summer. Azeroth wounds are delayed, but to restore the destroyed trust between the Horde and the Alliance is now hardly possible ...

To be continued...

* The years of the release of additions and updates of the game are indicated, and not the date of real events Warcraft
My informal version of the brief history of the game is given; There is a description of the additions.

Today everything. Leave comments on our forum, share a link with friends.

"I think, therefore, I have existed," said the great mathematician René Descartes. It was unlikely that he meant the Universe Warcraft, but it was precisely the human ability to think obliged to existence this universe. After all, the first game of the Warcraft series - game Warcraft: Ores and Humans ( Russ. Warcraft: Orcs and people) came out in 1994 for DOS! And was one of the first real-time strategies.

"We need a world, preferably all" - this is the modern slogan of the Warcraft Universe and their Blizzard Universe and their developers. Judge himself: more than 12 million people are played in World of Warcraft, Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2 tear the genre of strategies, and Warcraft 1 and Warcraft 2 are generally ancestor of this genre. In my opinion, excellent statistics.

Warcraft 1 or "Dune", farewell

17 years ago there were only two games in the Strategy genre: "Dune" and "Warcraft". The dune came out a little earlier, so when Warcraft came out, the world was eager for bread and spectacles. This is what has given players game Warcraft: Ores and Humans. Gameplay, the need to think and make strategic decisions to have a players for the mind, and a great figure of the schedule and an uncomplicated plot ensured the game success among gamers, but what's the success there, the Warcraft game just blew up the cranial boxes and became the second cornerstone of the strategy genre, the championship The right belongs to the dune (Dune). For those who want to try this game on themselves, can download Warcraft for free with numerous repository sites on the Internet.

Warcraft 2 or I am a monument to myself erectific

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness appeared in 1995 and continued to conquer the world of computer games, becoming an icon of his time. The game was originally designed for DOS, but later was adapted under Windows 95. Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness brought players first of all the continuation of the storyline, as well as significant changes in the gameplay: now the player has become available not only ground, but also air and water units . Traditional resources - gold and wood, developers have added and oil that is needed for ships. Naturally, the developers did not leave without attention and schedule: Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness could boast a resolution of 640 * 480. But the most valuable achievement was the opportunity to play Warcraft on the local network or on the Internet.

Warcraft II game: Tides of Darkness has repeatedly recognized the game of the year of a variety of special magazines and the results of player surveys. The plot of the game continued the plot of the game Warcraft 1, but the gameplay has undergone significant changes. First of all, the developers became few of all the land and they decided to encroach into the air and water, so ships, air units and a new resource appeared in the game. Also, the number of units and structures was also increased, the sections of attacks were separated and many other little things. But the main advantage of this game is the ability to play with friends on the local network and the Internet. Well, of course, the developers could not not improve the graphics of the game, so the player was given a resolution 640 * 480.

In 1996, a supplement called Warcraft II was issued: Beyond The Dark Portal, which gave the player of new heroes and new Warcraft companies - excellent gift For players all over the world. But it is impossible to constantly play the same game, and now the world again froze in anticipation of the next miracle from Blizzrad.

Warcraft 3 or the whole world from our legs

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos appeared on store shelves in 2002, and she did not have to conquer the world - he had already lay her feet: more than 4.5 preliminary orders set a record among the games at that time. And each pre-order owner was pleased, because the game surpassed the most bold expectations. First of all, the game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos surprised players with four races: elves and undead were added to the old people and orcs. All this brotherhood heroes were in battle - unique units available to every race that received experiences, pumped up the ability and could carry up to 8 items - the RPG part of the RPG strategies. And this particle laid the beginning of a new direction, which seemed much more profitable than the strategy - MMORPG or World of Warcraft.

In the meantime, Warcraft 3 demonstrated one of the best plots in the history of computer games and, note, is a strategy, not RPG. But personally, this game hooked me with two things - unique graphics and editor of the cards. Warcraft 3 graphics chip is that it is incredibly colorful and fabulous, the feeling arises that you are not at a computer, but sleep a five-year-old boy, where a terrible evil faced with a wonderful good, and good always wins. Blizzard came very cleverly, making the focus not on realistic, but to create an image in your head. But to fully implement a fairy tale helped the built-in card editor, with which ordinary gamers created amazingly exciting companies and even created computer versions of fairy tales familiar from childhood. Well, and in the incatch I would like to say that Blizzard made a huge jump in the field of computer intelligence and created virtual opponents, to cope with which bye not everyone. Scripts, restraining the computer in a single company fly to all traps, and from the depths of the system unit there is a reasonable, thirsting for your blood, a computer monster, which destroys you with losses in the game one on one.

On May 29, 2003, the world was drawn into a new epopea - the addition of Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne. First of all, players received new Warcraft companies to pass the company and a new plot with steep turns. In addition, the game was replenished by the staff of heroes: one for each race plus neutral, which could now hire! In the appendage, prices were changed for all the "products" of the game world and new types of attacks were added so that the brains of players worked on a complete coil. Also, the map editor was also significantly updated and the editor was added, which made it possible to raise the defense masterpiece even higher. One of them - Dota (Defense of the Ancieents - Defense of the Ancients) won the hearts of millions of players around the world, turning from a custom card to almost their own universe. Warcraft Dota conquered hearts and a place on Winchester players around the world and still remains popular. We need to pay due Blizzard: Warcraft 3 patches are still manufactured and help to maintain the game at the present level, despite the very old age.

At the moment you can download this version of Warcraft Torrent for free, however Blizzrad provides you with the opportunity to buy Warcraft 3 on your official website. You can also download numerous Warcraft cards, some of which are not inferior to Warcraft companies for the quality of the plot. What further? Next was World of Warcraft, which completely departed from the genre of strategies and creates its own fairy tale with the help of more than 12 million players around the world. Palm Championship in the area of \u200b\u200bstrategies was given to the confusion of Starcraft 2 - another legendary brain of Blizzard. Genius Blizzard also manifested itself in the fact that all parts of this game epic are associated with each other scene linewhich is further discussed. Now the Warcraft world split: someone is waiting for another Supplement World of Warcraft, and the true fans of the series are waiting for the appearance of Warcraft 4. I would very much like the release date of Warcraft 4 really in 2013, as informal sources are reported, but knowing the Blizzard This is very unlikely ...

World History Warcraft or Earth by Blizzard

Since the history of the world of Warcraft was written by our brethren - earthlings, then in the world of Warcraft no one knows how the universe originated, but the versions about the Big Explosion and God remain the most popular. But in the world of Warcraft there are titans that found the meaning of the existence in making order on the planets and make life on them better - the humanists are unhappy. The strongest and braveraging of them - Sargeras was engaged in the destruction and enslavement of the dark (evil) creatures and was the most tary in the universe in the universe. But it is impossible to repair violence and remain clean inside! Gradually, step by step, Sargeras took the side of evil and freed all the evil that I caught and sharpened in the dungeons. So the "flaming legion" appeared.

And in the meantime, Titans decided to do Azeroth - an analogue of the Earth, in which the events of the game Warcraft are unfolded. On the way, Titans had ancient gods and their servants - elemental. The Azeroth's world was too small for two such mighty races, and eventually the victory was on the side of Titans: the gods were concluded in the depths of the planet, and elementals were sent to the abyss of the worlds, so that they did not call eyes. And the restructuring began. One continent was created, known as Kalimdor, and in the midst of it created a source of eternity - the lake, full of magical energy. So no one spoiled anything in this paradise, five great dragons were created.

There was time, one day, the shaky of drunk humanoids got to the lake and began to bother firewater from there, which turned out to be absutent tribe of the nomadic-humanoids, who attracted the energy of the lake, settled on his shores and began to change under the influence of the magical strength of the lake, becoming almost immortal. So the dark elves appeared. The chief alconaut of the Queen of the Elves - Azshara and her minions began to study the magical power of the lake and learn to use its energy that could be directed both to the creation and destruction.

Experiments with magic felt Sargeras and decided to destroy this beautiful world, so the "flaming legion" went to Azeroth. At the time of the attack, the ancient elves were in a shutdown after the next boom near the lake of eternity slept peacefully and therefore could not give a decent residue to the Legion. And then It was too late: "Flaming Legion" unfolded the attack in full swing, and the elves could not oppose anything. The fate of the world was decided by three: Malfurion, his brother - a mighty alcoholic magician Illidan and a young priestess - Tyranda, who appealed to the demigod - Kenaria, who called on the aid of those ancient dragons, which were left by Titatans to protect the world. But in the heat of the battle, one of the dragons was mad and betrayed his fellow, from the moment he began to call himself a death age. Unable to fight at the same time with a death agent and demons, the dragons have left the battlefield, leaving the elves to rake this porridge. Malfurion understood that it was through the source of eternity demons penetrate into Azeroth and offered to blow it up to the damn grandmother.

Illidan realized that the path to the absinthe of the magic energy of the source was ordered to him, I decided to warn Azshar that his comrades were going to make an attack. Malfurion, Toranda and their one-edibles rushed into an attack on the palace, but it was too late: Azshara began a ritual. And the battle occurred, during which Tyranda was injured, many elves were killed, and Azshara crossed the blades with Malfurion. For some reason, the battle of Azshara with Malfurion led to the explosion of lake eternity. At this time, Illidan did the stocks of fiery magic water for his own needs. Naturally, the explosion of the lake of eternity led to the fact that the "flaming legion" could not continue the attack and his majority remained on the side of the portal, and Sargeras remained there.

As a result of a terrible explosion, more than 80% of Kalimdora were flooded and only two continents remained on the surface. A huge whirlpool appeared on the site of the lake of eternity, reminding all residents about the Great War. Azhara and its minions were under water and turned into new terrible creatures - Nag, who created their civilization already under the surface of the water - it is they will hardly become the main characters of Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne. Malfurion, Tyrande and Illidian managed to survive. In search of new housing, they went in search of a new housing, while finally did not get to the holy mountain Hydag, where they found a wonderful forest and a small lake. But, unfortunately, before this lake, Illydan managed to get to this, who poured the remnants of water from the source of eternity to the lake, which one hour gained the power of this source. Current Malfurion could no longer do anything but to locate Illidan in the dungeon, appointing Maev's guardian and banning all elves to use the source. And in the meantime, Kennary began to teach the elves to the art of druidism - growing flowers and trees to carry.

By the way, about trees. Having liked after the battle, the dragons returned to the world of elves and were sincerely surprised at how those were able to restore the world. Having learned about the new source of eternity, dragons with the help of the magic acorns raised the tree of eternity, which was absorbed by a new source of eternity and became the embodiment of a new beginning. The world recovered after destruction, and the elves again found immortality.

But the thirst for magic burned the hearts of many elves, and in the end they went to the reckless swimming for the whirlpool, where they found new Eastern lands, later called by Lordarion and founded the city - Kel' Talas. Since then, they began to be called the highest elves. The problem was only that they managed to build Ciel Daylas on the ruins of the ancient and sacred city of trolls. Since then, there have been many skits and battles with angry trolls, but the elves have steadily held the defense. During their wanders on Lorderion in search suitable place To create a new civilization, the elves have repeatedly come across people, which then resembled monkeys, just tearing from the tree.

In the meantime, the remaining elves set their lives. Malfurion and Druids were preparing for a long dream, in order to defend Azeroth, and Tirana - the beloved Malfurion, had to defend the magic forest from any dangers. So, Malfurion fell asleep, and Tirana, Kennarius and their colleagues supported the world ... It was a new hope of a new world, but the hidden threat from Lake Eternity came from the lake.

Years passed, centuries ... In Lorderion, people led the inter-barred wars until the Arati tribe realized all the danger that proceeded from the trolls. They began to conquer and combine the tribes. Soon the human army rose to huge sizes, and the first stone of the main city of the human Ottop - the city of Strom - the capital of the state of Arati, which continued to grow violently. But the threat from the trolls did not disappear anywhere, on the contrary, the defeat of the elves was already close, and after the elf, the trolls would have switched to people without a doubt. At this point, the ambassadors of the elves arrive in Strom. They offer to train people with magic handling in exchange for help with trolls. Thoradin - the king of people, there was no other choice, except to agree. A group of people very quickly mastered the basics of magic and soon there was a battle of people in the union with elves and trolls at the foot of the alterac mountains. The army of trolls was defeated, and people and elves remained in peaceful relationships.

The human kingdom continued to develop, however, how to develop and the use of magic among people continued to develop: martial magicians who defended their people during the trolls war, passed their knowledge to the young generation, which was not designed to be limited to any prohibitions and practiced magic in full force. When a new human city started - Dalaran, young magic Buntari decided to go there, in order to practice magic without any prohibitions. But, practicing magic, they attracted the attention of the Demons - Spyware "Flaming Legion", which made infrequent attacks on people. Among the simple population ripe riot, because Mages in Dalaran thoroughly hidden the fact of the existence of demons. Therefore, in order to prevent the Bunta, the magicians asked for help. Elves. The elves created a special community - "Tiris Fale Guarders", designed to protect people from the Mesales of the Legion. To do this, they chose one worthy keeper of their strength, which was engaged in the destruction of demons.

Dalaran and Strom were far from the only cities constructed by people: humanity has become increasingly developed - new cities were built, new states were created. This strongly contributed to the fact that rich lords from the stroma left the city capital to find new, more fertile lands, and settled there. In the end, most of the Lords left Strom and created the Lauder - the city. The heirs of Toradina - King Storma, went to the northern part of the continent, where the city of Stormgrad was founded, and the land on which he stood began to call Azeroth. But Strom did not empty: some warriors decided to stay in it in order to defend this city to the last sigh, so the new state appeared - Stromgard. Without the presence of a real threat, humanity was again divided. At about these same time, people have established relations with the dwarves.

Dwarids are descendants of titans that slept in the bowels of the Earth. It is not known what caused their awakening, but they lost most of their ancestors, as well as their immortality. Thus, they did not have anything, how to organize their kingdom of Kaz Modan, with the capital in the city of Stalgorn. Over time, the number of dwarves grew up and they simply began to start the place. As long as the mighty king, Modimus, an old anvil, the dwarves lived in a state of fragile equilibrium. But after his death, civil war broke out between the three fractions: a clan of the bronze breeds, a clan of thunder hammer and a clan of black iron. As a result, the bronmasby remained in Stalgorn, the Thunder Hammer clan founded his own kingdom under the Gray of Grac Batol, and the Black Iron clan settled in the south under the Redogor. But the leaders of the Black Iron clan eager to subjugate their fellows and therefore started the war at the same time with two cities, which ended in failure. When the combined army of two states was on the approaches to Krasnogory, the leader of the Black Iron clan called on the fiery elemental elementary - Ragnarosa, defeated even during the appearance of titans in Azeroth. During the appearance of elemental, Krasnogorier was destroyed, and the Black Mountain rose from the ground of the earth, inside which the dwarves from the Black Iron clan remained forever. The Allied Army returned to his kingdoms. But the clan of thunder hammer did not regret stay in his capital and their king Cardros ordered to build a new city - the transcendant peak, where the dwarves were able to tame the powerful griffins.

At this time, the keeper of the Tiris Fale was a certain egoge - a representative of the human race. She deserved the right to be a keeper with his bravery and successfully coped with her duties. But one day she went to search for demons in the mountains in the north of Nordskol, where in the battle won the shell of Titan Sargeras, whose spirit fell inside her own body. When the time came to give strength given to her keepers, Egwin refused, wishing to give all his strength to the Son, who had to continue her case. She could not know that Sargeras would find his physical appearance in the body of her son, who received not only the power of the mother, but also the ability to magic from the Father. So the Mediv - Hero Warcraft: ORCS and Humans appeared.

But in his story we touched on only one side of the world of Warcraft, not told about another, no less powerful side - Orcs. Orcs - the inhabitants of the world Dratenor, who hunted and worshiped the spirits, but were not the bloodthirsty killers. But everything in this world is changing. Kil'Jeden - Yargian Sargeros's Justhius had to help the Flaming Legion return to Azeroth, but for this it was necessary to have an incredibly strong army, in which Kil'Jeden decided to turn warrior orcs.

The main chaman of the orcs was the old man Ner'zul, whom the cunning demon wanted to conquer, but Ner'zul could oppose the temptation of the absolute force, which cannot be said about His student Gul'dan. Gul'dan with the help of a demon became the strongest wizard in the history of the orcs, which was able to combine all the icy tribes. And when the leaders of these tribes were poured by the blood of a demon of mannorota, then the thirst for blood and the destruction squeezed them and they became the toys in the hands of Kil'Jeden. They have worried about aggression, they almost destroyed Dreseyev - another settlers of the world of Dratenor, and now the moment came when it was not already able to fight with anyone, and thirst to fight was above all the borders, so the horde and the birth of the new "flaming legion" occurred ..

On this background, the Warcraft Universe is coming to an end, followed by the events of the game Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft II: Beyond The Dark Portal, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne and World Of Warcraft.

Heritage Series of Games Warcraft

The Warcraft Game Series is a whole epoch in the history of computer games and the life of gamers. Epoch, which includes, first of all, millions of players around the world, for which Warcraft 3 or WoW - best game All times and peoples. It is the watches, days, weeks spent on computer screens and many positive emotions - this is the true heritage of the game. Communication with friends, fights over the network, huge victories and sad lesions - this is what warcraft left. We need to pay tribute to developers - Blizzrad, which have been released and still produce Warcraft files that help support the game at a decent level. For these fans dedicated to this beautiful world of books, comics, many - fan art, and of course, Warcraft cards, which are not inferior to the original games of the game. Warcraft books Help the player to get a more complete picture of the Warcraft world and just have a good time. In them, you can find the full history of the world of Warcraft and learn about new, incredible adventures, which have not yet been an incarnation in the game.

The magnificent quality and popularity of the game Warcraft 3 still help her be the main game discipline of many cyber sports competitions. The developers are constantly updating their Battlenet game service, with which gamers can play Warcraft online and buy Warcraft or other developer games. Despite the fact that this service is paid and significantly limits the possibility of playing the local network (in Starcraft 2 - it is generally impossible), but is promising and possibly the right way to organize the game. Although we will still be able to download free Warcraft and rubbing into it with friends to breathtomasses :). In addition, while there are unofficial Warcraft servers, where you can play with your friends absolutely free.

A separate word deserves in the development of Warcraft film. This filmmaker will be removed based on the game, but to contain a unique plot. The director's chair promises to give Sam Raymi, known on the "Spiderman" trilogy, the release date of the Warcraft film - approximately 2013. Although, given the way Blizzard makes their videos, then the animated Warcraft film filmed by Blizzard could have a stunning success, and Wait would have done not so long. Also, interesting fact It is the appearance of Naruto Warcraft - a series of Warcraft cards, where the main character is an aliens character - Naruto. To support the spirit of Warcraft in his everyday life, numerous Warcraft themes that you can download on our website were created. At the moment, not one Warcraft site on the Internet has been created on the Internet dedicated to various aspects of the game. We use particularly popular sites dedicated to World of Warcraft. At the moment, the official Warcraft site offers players to buy Warcraft in the last two of its views Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne and World of Warcraft. Is it worth saying that now there is a lot of torrent file files, so you can easily download Warcraft for free. Thus, the games of the Warcraft series have become a part of the life of gamers around the world, bringing pleasure, joy and excellent players.