How to strengthen the foundation if there is a crack on the wall, diagnosis and solution of the problem. How to strengthen the foundation of the old house: strengthening methods.

Under the moon, as you know, there is nothing eternal. This also applies to the foundation of houses. The reasons for the appearance of skewers, cracks and even the destruction of the foundation itself can be different: errors in design, violation of technology construction work, external impact, problem soils. But in any case, it must urgently strengthen. It is easier to make the owner of the house, which he himself erected and knows all the features. It will be more difficult for a person who bought the already built house and he will have to deal with the problem "from scratch". Of course, you can refer to specialists who will help the foundation to strengthen, but this can be done if your financial situation allows.

How to estimate the status of the foundation yourself

There is a "Dedovsky" way to assess changes in the state of the foundation. It is that when cracking in the walls (first of all, it relates to brick houses), "beacons" from paper are placed on the cracks. The observation of these "beacons" will show that in reality occurs. Paper broke - the process of destruction continues and urgently need to carry out work on strengthening.

If "beacons" did not break through for a long time, there is no direct threat, the foundation is no longer destroyed and can be restarted by climbing the cracks with cement mortar.

Possible prevention before working on strengthening

Before proceeding directly to work on strengthening the problem foundation, some of the actions of a preventive nature should be taken.

Strengthen the soil under it. The behavior of the soil is usually the main cause of the problems. Soil can be inclined to begged, which was not taken into account during construction. Or was not taken into account his insufficient bearing ability, which led to the sewage of the soil under the weight of the house. Some such problems with the soil can be removed by arranging the draenage of the site and insulated the foundation itself and the soil around it:

Make drainage

  • To do this, dug around the house the annular trench with a depth to the level, where groundwater appears on your site.
  • Trench join a moat with a drainage well. Well built from the rings, it is advisable to arrange outside your site.
  • Fasten the bottom geotextile, leaving a free end. Geotextile must have permeability only in one direction. Squeeze a layer of rubble, put the drainage pipe on this layer.
  • Connect the drainage well trunk tube with a drainage tube laid in the trench. Set the usual "sanitary" bias: 10 mm for 2000 mm pipe.
  • Purplify the pipe by another layer of rubble and close this design with a free end of geotextile. Top pour the trench drainage mixture.

Drainage will assign an excess of moisture from the site, which will reduce the deformation of the radiation. As a result, the soil pressure will decrease and the negative impact of excessive moisture will decrease.

Important ! Be sure to walk to the level of groundwater.

Heat the foundation

  • Easy around the house a trench of a depth of about 200 mm and an 800 mm width.
  • The bottom of the trench is sleeping with sand. On the sand layer, plates of extruded polystyrene foam are laid out.
  • A panel type formwork is mounted in the trench, which should perform above the ground by 100-150 mm.
  • Then the distance between the shield of formwork and the wall is reinforced with a mesh with cells of 10x10 mm. To strengthen the brick foundation in the masonry, pins are clogged and reinforced the reinforcing framework.
  • This space is poured with concrete M300 with a bias of 10-20 mm from the foundation to the formwork shield.

Such protection protects the soil in this area from precipitation and changes the depth of the soil freezing.

How to strengthen the ribbon foundation of the old house

The main thing in working to strengthen the old belt Fundament - achieving the balance of all forces acting on it. This can be achieved by an increase in its area.

Very important ! Such work should be carried out in stages and first only on the one hand. It is impossible to refuse the foundation at once from both sides and throughout the perimeter.

A portion of the house is selected up to 3000 mm long, along which the trench rushes to the depth of the foundation of the house and with a width equal to its width. In the old foundation, holes for fittings are drilled. The tranne is mounted formwork and frame from fittings for a new belt. This frame is tied with reinforcement installed in the prepared holes. Construction is poured concrete. You can freeze this section only after completely drying concrete. The new trench is suitable and the work continues. After completing the work on strengthening the foundation on the one hand (outer), you can proceed, if necessary, to these works from the inside.

How to strengthen the foundation from brick or slag blocks

To solve this problem, it is required to build a solid belt belt made of reinforced concrete. To this end, the trench of the depth of the old foundation pillow is escaping. The pillow should not be damaged. Trench width about 500 mm, the trench should be digged at an angle of 35 °. The old foundation (if necessary, the base) is cleared, damaged fragments are removed, then it is processed with deep penetration. After that, in the old foundation of the house, holes for the reinforcement in three rows in a step of 600 mm are drilled. Armature is welded horizontally welded horizontally, on which the metal grid is attached. Then, 150 mm from the grid, a formwork is installed and the design is filled with concrete. Failure to be ground is made after complete drying of concrete. As a result, a one-piece tape belt is obtained from reinforced concrete.

How to strengthen the foundation of a wooden house

First you need to examine an existing foundation, will determine the nature of damage and set the volume necessary work. It may take full or partial repair.

For work with jacks wooden house raise and repair or reinforce the existing foundation, up to its full replacement. Observe the safety technique and have a subdomaining of the house in such a way that the integrity of its design is not broken.

How to strengthen the foundation of the house pile

This work will require accurate calculations, special equipment and high construction skill. It is strongly recommended not to strengthen the foundation of the house of the pile of themselves.


In most cases, strengthening the foundation of the old house, we are talking about brick house Or a wooden house, do any owner of the house independently. It is required to comply with certain rules and try to fulfill this work comprehensively to eliminate all possible reasons for the emergence of such problems in the future.

Very often, the owners of country houses are interested in strengthening the foundation - no wonder, because everyone wants to be confident in the reliability and durability of their housing. Work on the strengthening of the grounds is a whole story, the outcome of which depends on theoretical knowledge and practical experience. But do not be afraid, strengthening the foundation of a private house can be done with their own hands, of course, if you have not encountered a situation where it is easier to build new housethan repairing old.

Strengthen the base or eliminate the cause

The output, which suggests itself: First, eliminate the reasons that cause changes in the foundation (its destruction) and regular disorders of the integrity of the house built on it. Consider the most common reasons:

  • the basis was originally elevated with violation of technology. In this case, it is definitely necessary to strengthen it;
  • changes at home are associated with high humidity of the soil. In this situation, a lot of attention is paid to the basement of the foundation, if necessary, arrange the drainage of the base. We will talk about the last decision in one of the following articles;
  • the plot selected for construction is distinguished by a heterogeneous soil composition, which leads to local deformations of the base of the house. As an effective solution, a complex of measures is used, including the strengthening and insulation of the foundation, drainage, as well as when it is possible to replace part of the unstable soil with rubble and sand.

Summarizing the above: First, it is necessary to take care of the additional thermal insulation of the soil layers located under the foundation and next to it (such a measure will reduce the bunched phenomena, if those are characteristic of your site), as well as ensure the minimum humidity of the site near the base by developing a drainage system. Only after that you can think about serious work strengthening work.

Ways to strengthen the foundation of the house

Let's start with the fact that the house can be stone (of bricks, blocks, etc.) or wooden. In one of the previous articles, we talked in detail about the repair and strengthening of the old wooden houseFor example, you can familiarize yourself with some useful solutions. If everything is simple with wooden buildings - they can be "raised" if you wish, it is even quite real), then it's somewhat different with stone homes: they are heavy, and in order to change their position, you will have to spend a lot of time and funds. Therefore, the approach here is different.

Most of the stone houses are elevated on a ribbon or plate base. In the latter case, problems with the foundation are extremely rare, so we will only consider the strengthening of the monolithic tape.

Strengthening MZF

Strengthening the ribbon foundation shrouded below the GPG

As a rule, monolithic ribbon base, the sole of which is below the depth of the primer of the soil (GPG), is not subjected to uneven lifting effects on the side of the soil. Otherwise, working on its strengthen is carried out similarly - the method described above.

In some cases, problems with such grounds are caused by the action of groundwater, which literally wash the ground from under the foundation. The same can be said to the monolith itself, which under the action of high humidity loses its strength characteristics. The only appropriate solution in such situations is the arrangement of the drainage system of the base. If the Bulk foundation suffered greatly and the concrete began to crumble, then the upper damaged layers should be removed, to treat the surface with cement milk and after carefully to hydroize it. With significant damage to the ribbon, it is necessary to increase due to the installation of additional reinforcing elements, as described above.


If yours does not show any signs of weakness or you noticed cracks in it, which over time do not increase in size, it is better to avoid strengthening the foundation (just to cement cracks) - an illiterate approach can only aggravate the situation.

Category: Foundation

It often happens that the walls of the old house are still strong enough, and its foundation begins to gradually collapse and cracks are formed on its surface. And in order not to demolish the construction, you can try to strengthen its foundation with piles or any other available way. And although it is quite troublesome and hard work, they can be made with their own hands, which will be much cheaper than the construction of a new foundation with the subsequent construction of the house.

Let's first consider the main reasons because of which cracks appear on the surface of the house and which cause the destruction of the concrete structure:

  1. When designing, errors were originally allowed. As you know, a few more decades ago, private construction was carried out without special calculations, and many works were carried out with their own hands "on the eye". At the same time, the owners of the buildings tried to save construction material And, accordingly, money, which in turn negatively influenced quality and durability. And if the house was built on weak soil, he soon begins to "swim".
  2. Aging materials. Everyone knows that even a very high quality and durable concrete gradually begins to collapse and weaken. Over time, its condition comes to such a level that the foundation is no longer able to perform its functions.
  3. The need for the construction of the second floor. This is one of the reasons for our days, which consists in excessive increase in the burden on the basis and violation of its integrity.

Methods for strengthening the base of the old house there is quite a lot. At the same time, most of them can be called creative, but they all require certain knowledge and applying a large number of building materials. Some of these techniques are considered in the video to this lesson. And now we describe the most common techniques that provide.

Increase the strength of the old foundation by blocks

This method is good if the old foundation still retains sufficient strength, large cracks are not yet visible on it, or there is a need to enhance one or two separate corners of the base. In this case, the volume earthworks It will be minimal, and the price and number of materials will be quite accessible to most owners of private houses.

The process of strengthening the foundation by blocks is to lay concrete blocks under the corners of the building in order to increase the reference area of \u200b\u200bthe structure and its overall strengthening. It is necessary to perform work with your own hands in the sequence that is listed below:

  1. Outside the building under each of its angle it is necessary to dig a trench, the depth of which will be about 50 to 70 cm more than the depth of the existing foundation. Then, at the angle of the foundation, it is necessary to remove the entire soil. The size of the trench is calculated depending on the carrier ability of the soil. However, in any case, the thickness of the concrete pillow under each angle of the old base should be at least 50 cm.
  2. On the bottom of the trench is set.
  3. Inside the formwork is laid out of fittings. At the same time, the reinforcing design should not be connected to the old foundation, since the frozen concrete block in the first months will gradually settle until a stable position becomes.
  4. Formwork is filled concrete solution, And after it sets off the formwork board, it is removed, and the trench back falls asleep soil.

Attention! When using the method described above, the fondament of the work should be carried out quite quickly, since the stability of the substructure base will be significantly reduced. At the same time, cracks may appear on the surface of the old base, and its integrity may be disturbed if the foundation has already been sufficiently dilapidated.

We use a concrete bandage to strengthen the foundation

If the old foundation gave cracks from all sides, it can be strengthened using a reinforcing monolithic frame. This method provides for the strengthening of the foundation concrete not from the bottom, and on the side, which greatly simplifies the performance of work with their own hands. Concrete bandage is most often used in the case when you have to restore the carrying ability of the old dilapidated base of the private house. To do this, you need to do the following procedures:

  1. Along all the walls of the foundation around the house you need to dig up, clearing the surface of the old concrete base. At the same time, it is necessary to deepen a little lower than the depths of the old foundation. How to do this is explained in the video.
  2. The lateral wall of the old concrete is thoroughly cleaned with their own hands from the ground and dust, peeling pieces of concrete are removed, and cracks are expanded with a spatula.
  3. To tie a new flooded concrete to the old foundation in the surface of the latter, dried by a perforator of the holes in which anchor studs are fixed. At the same time, the deeper the hairpins (rods) in the old concrete will be, the stronger the basis.
  4. Then, around the perimeter of the old foundation, it is necessary to make a non-removable formwork, the inner walls of which will be the old concrete.
  5. Inside the formwork is constructed armature carcass, the basis of which should be anchor studs.
  6. The formwork is filled with concrete solution and trambed with a vibrator, which is necessary for a reliable compound of the solution with the surface of the old foundation and penetration into all cracks.
  7. After grapping concrete, the formwork is dismantled and stacked around the vertical waterproofing of the concrete. The trench falls asleep, the soil is tram and around the base of the house is poured with a high-quality gossip, which will protect the concrete from excess moisture. The fact is that in the case of water from entering between old and new concrete in the process of its freezing, there is a bundle of surfaces, which cannot be allowed.

Concrete bandage is fully compatible with the method of strengthening the foundation by concrete blocks. However, in this case, you will have to slow down the corners and pour concrete supports under them, and after their rejection can already be done by reinforced concrete band. Despite the fact that it will be much more expensive to make such a double strengthening, it will ensure a more reliable strengthening of the old base of the house.

Attention! Sometimes construction is used to enhance the foundations of drilling or screw pileHowever, this construction technology is considered more complex and in private construction is practically not applicable.

Arguing over the question, how to strengthen the old foundation of the private house, it is not bad to think about a number of additional work, which are described below:

  1. Reduce the load on the foundation will turn out when the soil bunch is reduced. To do this, you can fall asleep under the foundation and lay the clay belt around it.
  2. The mobility of the soil will significantly decrease, if you build a drainage system around the house. From this soil density will increase, which means that the stability of the foundation will improve.
  3. The insulation of the base and base house will provide a slower destruction of the foundation and will prolong its service life.
  4. Hermetic, with the right slope of the scene, protect the ground around the house from the saturation of the sedimentary moisture.
  5. Reduce the amount of moisture penetrating the ground around the foundation will allow a reliable system of waste grooves located on the roof.

In conclusion, it remains to wish you good luck in choosing a way to strengthen and fulfill all the necessary work. Let the foundation of your home never appear cracks, and inside the house will be warm, dry and cozy. Good luck to you!

  • - The foundation is the basis for the construction of any building. From how qualitatively and competently, it is made depends on the service life of the building. However, the wrong choice of the foundation type, violation ...
  • The content of the article

    If, at the base of the house of your neighbors, cracks appeared or the structure itself, then it's time to decide how to strengthen the foundation of the house belonging to you personally. After all, such symptoms, manifested in the neighborhood or at the place of your residence, signals the possible problems with the soil or with the design of the foundation itself.

    However, fortunately, reasonable owners with similar problems, marked turmoil can still be corrected by making a bet on strengthening the foundation. And in this article we will tell you about technologies that allow you to increase the strength characteristics of the foundation.

    This information will be interesting and to the owners of areas with problem soil, and the owners of old houses wishing to strengthen the foundation of the structure.

    Preventive Foundation Strengthening Methods

    As known: best treatment - This is preventing the disease. Therefore, so that your foundation does not "ill" you have to take care of his "health" back at the construction stage.

    Moreover, such concern will be expressed in strict compliance with the following recommendations:

    In a word, observe construction technologies, do not plan hopeless changes in the design of the house and do not save on quality - and then your foundation will serve to you and your grandchildren!

    Base strengthening technology

    So, all the worst has already happened - your foundation was not as good as you thought. As a result, cracks appeared on his base, the floor in the dwelling deviated from the horizontal, and the finishing of the outdoor overlap and walls was crackled. What to do in this case? Of course - strengthen the foundation!

    Strengthening soil under the foundation

    Most of the foundation issues are a consequence of the insufficient carrier of the soil or soil inclination to begged. Therefore, some of the foundation problems can be eliminated by interference in such characteristics of the soil as the drainage depth and the level of groundwater.

    Simply puts: To strengthen the soil, it is necessary, first of all, to dry the supporting platform, and then insulate the soil around the foundation. Such technology will help strengthen the foundation of the old house, as well as the just built structure.

    Drainage protection

    The procedure of "drying" of the soil is implemented due to the arrangement of the annular drainage with the yield of excess moisture to the drainage well.

    To implement such technology, you will have to do the following:

    Such a system will reduce the humidity of the supporting soil, and this, in turn, will lead to a decrease in the deformation of the radiation. As a result, pressure on the foundation, from the soil, and the intensity of the destructive effects of water on the cement base of the base are reduced. Just before strengthening the old foundation of the house (or new buildings), be sure to consult specialists who will help you determine the depth of groundwater. Otherwise, your efforts will not give the expected result.

    Warming defense

    Soil insulation technology is a bit different.

    To do this, you will have to take the following actions:

    Such a system will not only protect the soil from atmospheric moisture, but also change the depth of the soil freezing, levating the very possibility of the occurrence of the deformation of the radiation.

    In addition, the reinforced belt around the house connected to the pins driven into the wall will increase the support surface of the basement of the foundation, adjusting to the carrying ability of weakened soil.

    Strengthening and strengthening the foundation of the house

    It happens that all measures for the drainage and insulation of the soil under the foundation never give positive results - The basis continues to "play" (shift upwards) for each seasure change. In this case, you will have to apply a more time-consuming and effective technology that enhances the supporting characteristics of the foundation.

    Strengthening the foundation by a monolithic belt

    Aza of this technology was mentioned above in the text - in the description of the insulation protection.

    The monolithic belt associated with the body of the base is really able to reduce the pressure on the ground by changing the area of \u200b\u200bthe soles of the foundation. As a result, the soil under the base is deformed more evenly, after a certain depth.

    This is how the silent, the biases and sending of the foundation are eliminated. From the point of view of the construction technology, it looks in the same way as the procedure for the insulation of the foundation.

    That is, you dig a ring trench, mount the formwork in it and secure the reinforcing frame to the base wall. The fill should be followed, and after its rejection, the foundation acquires other characteristics.

    This technology involves a significantly larger work. Accordingly, there is such a technology much more expensive than ordinary techniques. But the total of effort - justifies all spending.

    Technically, the strengthening of the pile is implemented due to the introduction of the foundation of two inclined piles under the sole of the foundation, which forms a X-shaped fork, the upper triangle of which will hold the wall of the base. Of course, in the process of strengthening the foundation, you will have to mount two or three X-shaped fork in each of the four foundation walls.

    As a result, the foundation will be on peculiar underground "goats", which improve no reference quality of the soil, but the very carrying ability of the foundation.

    From point of view construction technologies This operation looks not very difficult and implemented as follows:

    • Under an acute angle, with the inner and outer side of the base, under the basement of the foundation, two crossbows are dried.
    • Further, reinforcing frames are introduced into the wells, crutching at the point of intersection of wells.
    • After the reinforcement of the well is poured with concrete M300 or M400 brand, with the addition of "liquid" glass (to increase the hydrophobicity of the supports).

    Frozen supports solve almost all the problems of the foundation: from the sewage of the soil, to the cracked base. Therefore, this method of strengthening the foundation is considered the most effective of all possible.

    Nothing in the world is eternally - this saying is suitable for the foundations of old houses. Throughout the time of operation, they are exposed to external influence, gradually physical characteristics Get worse, and they are destroyed. Household owners notice cracks on the walls, windows of window and doorways. All these signs say that the base of the house comes into disrepair, and repair work is required for its recovery.

    How to strengthen the old foundation at home? This question becomes topical for many owners of such buildings.

    If the owner himself built his home, he knows all the nuances of the construction of its foundation. When repairing work, he will be much easier. But if the house was purchased ready, then you will have to understand all the intricacies of the state of the foundation before starting repair work.

    Work to strengthen the base differ from the creation of a new foundation or simple repair. If you do not have confidence that you can cope with it yourself, then hire professional builders. And if you want to save money family budget, after reviewing the recommendations and advice written in this article, do this work.

    Stages of repair work

    First of all, it is necessary to find out the main reason that led to the destruction of the foundation of the house. This will eliminate it and secure the construction basis from further destruction.

    Causes affecting the integrity of the foundation

      Not observed technological process Construction. In this case, repair work will be conducted at random. Their qualitative performance will increase the service life of the structure for another 20-30 years.

      The level of groundwater occurred has changed. Repair work suggests the improvement of the base drainage.

      Soil moved.

    After determining the main reason, it is necessary to outline the stages of repair work and prepare for their implementation.

    Methods for strengthening the old base

    There are several ways to answer the question of how to strengthen the old foundation of the house. Some of them prescribe the use of the latest technologies, but many developers continue to trust the above-mentioned years.

    All methods are not deprived of their drawbacks and have a number of advantages. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements and features of the method, and then proceed to the performance of the repair work.

    Houses are built from different materialsTherefore, and methods for restoring their foundations different. For example, to strengthen the foundation of an old wooden house, it is necessary to raise it above the surface of the Earth and work on the embezzlement of a new base.

    Ribbon base

    Ribbon foundation is one of the most popular in the erection of private buildings. Therefore, many owners face the question of how to strengthen the foundation of the old house. The most common cause of the blockage of the building established on such a base is the soil to go.

    Conducting work

    To strengthen the ribbon base of the house, it is necessary to achieve the equilibrium of all the forces acting on the foundation. To do this, you need to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe base.

    Separate sections of a wall of 2 meters long. Along it rushes on the depth of the base of the basis of the house. Its width is calculated according to the data obtained in the study of the old base. Often it is equal to the size of the old foundation.

    It is prepared an old basis for bonding it with a new one. For this, holes for fittings and shoes are drilled. Further formwork is collected and for a new foundation. It connects with the reinforcement inserted into the prepared holes. This is the main part of the work to strengthen the basis of the old house.

    Upon completion of the work on the joining of the framework to the old ground, the concrete solution is performed.

    After complete drying of the concrete, the updated base is buried, and the new ditch is rotated, and the works are repeated. To save time, they can be made from different sides of the structure at the same time.

    The base is laid below the soil friction point

    The basis of the house, laid in this way, is not affected by the soil, but groundwater can wash off the ground from it. How to strengthen the foundation of the old house in this case will be described below.

    Before starting work on strengthening the reason, it is necessary to produce first, then the entire concrete that came into disrepair is cleaned.

    Upon completion of the repair work, there is deficiencies around the perimeter of the house and the other additional protection against moisture.

    Strengthening the base of pile

    It happens that the worn base can be strengthened only in one way. How to strengthen the foundation of the old house pile?

    Piles can be installed with a screw, pressed or boring way.

    Screw method

    This method is considered the most convenient and easily fulfilled. Piles can install any homemade master who does not have special skills. The pile is a pipe with a screw platform, which is screwed into the ground. On the same platform there is a redistribution of the load of the house. How to strengthen the old foundation at home? Photo This demonstrates (with the help of screw piles).

    Passionable way

    If the structure is very old, all drilling work is prohibited. It is possible to strengthen the base with the help of piles pressed. Such works are manufactured by professionals and require special equipment.

    Buried way

    In order to strengthen the base with such a method, two-meter wells should be prepared. Then the reinforcement frame is mounted and the concrete is poured. The beams are stacked on the made piles; they are repaired an old house. Work on strengthening the foundation in this way is occupied by two months.

    Repair the base of houses of bricks or slag blocks

    How to strengthen the old foundation of the house made from slag blocks and bricks, while not hurting the integrity of the building, written below.

    To strengthen the basis of such buildings, it is necessary to approach very responsible. Typically, the main task is to stop the further sedimentation of the building due to the subcopy under the foundation in this case they will not be unacceptable. It is possible to strengthen the basis using enhancement of whole belts made of reinforced concrete.

    Stages of strengthening the foundation of houses made of brick or slag blocks:

      For a ribbon base, ditching at an angle of 35 ° and 50 cm wide. The base cushion should not be broken.

      Cleaned the surface of the base or foundation from the old finishing materials. If the base is destroyed by places, these pieces are removed.

      The purified base is covered with primer in-depth penetration. Further, all the base or its separate destroyed parts of the anchor with the valves. Holes for it are prepared with a perforator. If the foundation is composed of a boob stone, the anchor is clogged between them. Anchor is located in three rows with a width of a step of 60 cm.

      After installing all the anchors, they need to be armatura, which is horizontal.

      Then the metal mesh is fixed onto the reinforcement.

      A formwork is installed at a distance of 15 cm from the grid and the concrete solution is poured.

      After its drying, the soil is filled.

    After the repair produced, the old base becomes like a one-piece reinforced concrete foundation. Having studied this part of the article, you learned how to strengthen the foundation of the old house with the ground floor.

    Repair of the foundation of a house of wood

    Each owner of a wooden house should know how to repair the base. If there is a need to strengthen the basis, you need to perform certain works.

    The base examination will help determine the labor intensity. upcoming work, identify the defects of the base. On the basis of the inspection, a solution is made to what will be repaired - capital or partial.

    Types of repair of Basisa

    Partial repairs of the base is done if the integrity of the house is not violated.

    If the basis is made using wooden parts, some of which were subjected to rotting, they should be replaced or change the entire foundation. In order to accomplish such work, the entire structure is raised by a certain height, and the basis is exhausted using bricks or wood blocks.

    To determine the exact and appropriate base technology, it is necessary to determine what the basis was originally. If it was a ribbon base, you can partially replace the destroyed areas or strengthen it throughout the perimeter of the old house. With severe destruction, the basis will have to be replaced completely.

    If the initial foundation of the house was completed in a columnar, then you will have to change all the details of the base. The building rises to height, it is done using ordinary jacks. How to strengthen the old foundation of a private house? Photo shows the moment of raising the structure to height.

    The old concrete pillow is replaced with a new one. A new pillar is mounted on it. After replacing all the details of the old base, the construction is descended to a new foundation.

    Replacing the old bases of wooden buildings - cost and ineffective work. When it is fulfilled, the most important thing is to keep the building and all its designs in its original form. Usually installed fasteners in window and doorway. To monitor the integrity of the house, lighthouses are installed, which show its deformation.


    From the article it is clear that there are no impossible works. You can strengthen any foundation of any structure. The question is whether it is necessary to produce such work if their price may be more expensive than the oldest house? If you still decide to strengthen the foundation of the structure, then find out how to do this will help this article. When carrying out repair work, all the rules and recommendations written in this material should be followed. By strengthening the foundation of the old house, follow the safety rules, take care of the health of assistants and your personal.