Anabolic steroids for lean muscle gain. Steroid is a drug for gaining muscle mass

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We offer to purchase not only AAS, but also:

  • growth hormones;
  • fat burners;
  • restorative therapy drugs (PCT);
  • ready-made steroid courses.

We will help you to get rid of yourself from the need to select drugs yourself. By choosing ready-made AAS cycles, you will receive a complete set of all the necessary drugs for an effective course with a detailed description of the regimen for their administration.

If you have made the decision to start using anabolic steroids, we want all of your courses to be as effective as possible. Among the customers of the store, the site includes athletes with long training experience, as well as novice athletes who have recently joined sports. We will do our best to ensure that you are satisfied with your purchase and come back to us again.

Constantly progress, gaining mass and increasing physical performance

Anabolic steroids can help you achieve your goals and objectives.

However, it must be remembered that the drugs you are using must be of high quality, and we recommend that you order steroids from a reputable reputable store. Also, they should be used only under the guidance of experienced specialists in the field of sports pharmacology, for whom there are no secrets in this area. When starting to use AAS, it is important to be aware of all their positive and negative sides.

With the help of anabolic steroids, you will be able to constantly progress, gaining mass, increasing physical performance, and giving your muscles a high-quality relief. At the same time, steroids are not a "magic" tool, and in order to get the maximum possible return from their use, you need to eat right, get enough rest and actively engage in the gym.

Steroid is a term shared by a whole group of chemical compounds that have a similar structure. Each of them can be attributed to one of three types: corticosteroids, the purpose of which is to care for the skin and treat the corresponding diseases; female hormones used in the production of contraceptives; or to androgens - male sex hormones. The latter group includes testosterone. This steroid is a well-known main male sex hormone. Muscle growth directly depends on him.

What is typical for them

In terms of chemical composition, steroids are drugs that are very similar to each other, and in certain circumstances the human body has the ability to synthesize one of the others. Today we will talk about those of them that are designed to grow muscle mass. The main property of these drugs is to enhance and spur metabolism in the body, as well as to promote the assimilation of those elements that are required for building and building tissues.

In addition, anabolic steroids are able to weaken the reactions that occur during the breakdown of complex organic structures. But their primary task is to activate protein metabolism. The same applies to mineral metabolism - steroids are able to retain potassium, phosphorus and sulfur, without which protein synthesis is impossible. Calcium compounds with their help remain in the bones.

The most important anabolic

Testosterone steroid is the basis for the production of the vast majority of all others destined for muscles. That is why they all have a noticeable androgenic effect and provide the formation of a male figure (that is, a muscular type). Recent experiments by scientists have discovered the propensity of steroids to lower blood cholesterol levels, that is, to improve lipid metabolism. Other studies indicate the possibility of the development of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels when taking anabolic steroids.

If an elderly person starts taking anabolic steroids, he may observe some signs of rejuvenation. Young men use them to achieve an increase in mass, but they pay for this by closing the growth zones, that is, there is no increase in height. It is this property of steroids that is used by medicine in the case of solving the problems of pathologically high growth.

The liver begs for mercy

One of the most painful issues in the use of anabolic steroids is the effect of the latter on liver function. According to research, protein synthesis is increased in those who use them. With the help of steroids, it is possible to cure cirrhosis of the liver. The effect is quite strong, but some patients (about 5%) suffer from the consequences in the form of cholestatic hepatitis.

Steroids for a set muscle mass over the past decades, they have gained unprecedented popularity among the male population of the whole world. Relatively recently, they were ranked among the prohibited substances. In our country, steroids were classified as a group of potent substances, in the USA they were equated to drugs.

Deny all

Most of the drugs that are popular among bodybuilders have been banned in Russia. In many publications, both modern and past decades, a sufficient number of evidences of the onset of serious and irreversible health effects after the use of anabolic steroids have been accumulated to date. Under certain circumstances, their effects are deadly.

The effect of steroids on liver health is being actively discussed. Although there is an opinion that strict adherence to the required doses of the drug can negate or at least minimize the toxic effect.

Is it so reasonable?

Of course, the ban on steroid use has caused confusion and protest among bodybuilders around the world. Most athletes believe that they were mixed in a bunch as the strongest anabolic steroids such as testosterone ester, the prohibition of which justifies itself entirely and completely, with means whose safety is beyond doubt. An example is Winstrol, which is considered quite harmless in terms of effects on the liver and health in general. Most of those who are dissatisfied with the introduced measures believe that the whole point is in the incompetence of the prohibitors.

Does their use have any health benefits? Proponents of anabolic steroids will not fail to mention their proven ability to improve immunity, which made steroids an indispensable element in the treatment of such a serious disease as HIV.

You won't scare us

Active fans of these drugs do not deny the presence of many side effects, but nevertheless adhere to the installation - in a global sense, the side effects of most of the anabolic steroids can be neglected. This is true when it comes to a serious illness such as HIV or any other equivalent situation.

For the purposes of this article, we are only considering steroids for mass gain. Bodybuilding fans have used them and will continue to do so, despite any restrictions. They believe that coaches, doctors and journalists, instead of creating unnecessary hype, in this matter should help people by finding out and promulgating the basic principles of safe use of anabolic steroids.

What is important

One of the most common mistakes when using them is neglecting age indications. As you know, human growth lasts up to 25 years. Its mechanism consists in the transformation of cartilaginous areas, the so-called growth zones, into bone tissue.

The use of steroids before the end of the specified period is dangerous because these areas are subject to premature ossification. Thus, a person simply stops growing. That is why the use of anabolic drugs in young and adolescent years is categorically contraindicated. Among other things, their effect on young people leads to the destabilization of the hormonal system.

Essential steroids - use and dosage

Another most famous mistake in the use of anabolic steroids is the lack of knowledge of the correct doses of intake and, as a result, their frequent excess. There are standard schemes for the dosage and use of the most popular steroid-type drugs in Russia, which we will briefly touch on.

The drug "Phenobolin" is sold in ampoules as a solution of 10 to 25 mg. The solution can be one or two percent, while the excipient is peach oil. The permissible dosage of the drug is one ampoule every two weeks as an intramuscular injection.

"Methandrostenolone" - it is sold in tablets that should be placed under the tongue in an amount of 1 to 10 per day.

"Silabolin" - in ampoules based on olive oil. The intake rate for intramuscular administration is a 25-milligram serving every two weeks.

Retabolil is also available in peach oil ampoules. The dose is not more than a milliliter per month.

"Methylandrostenediol" exists in the form of tablets, each weighing from 10 to 15 milligrams. It is taken by placing it under the tongue, and the total amount should not exceed 100 mg per day.

And again about the liver

Is it worth reminding that all of the above steroids are sold in the pharmacy strictly according to a medical prescription and are not subject to independent (that is, uncontrolled) use.

If these doses are exceeded, then, contrary to expectations, the effect of the use of drugs will be much lower, but the sad consequences will not be long in coming.

What happens to the body when the steroid dosage is increased? A natural consequence is the onset of liver problems. They are manifested by unpleasant sensations in the hypochondrium and frequent diseases of jaundice. Weightlifters and bodybuilders are statistically more likely to suffer from hepatitis in its various forms.

Cases of defeat of young athletes with this serious ailment are quite frequent and unambiguously allow us to conclude about abuse medicines... This form of hepatitis easily becomes chronic.

Steroids: implications not only for the liver

Another serious danger associated with overdose is the possibility of transformation in the body of anabolic steroids into estrogens (the name of female sex hormones). An increase in muscle mass is also caused by estrogens, but only in women. For men, such a transformation does not bring anything good. It happens when the liver is already sick and cannot properly cope with the large volume of substances attacking the body.

If the dosage of anabolic steroids is regularly violated, the body's basic metabolism increases unnecessarily. This term denotes the energy spent on normal life. If the limit is exceeded, an energy deficit cannot be avoided, resulting in a natural decrease in both muscle and adipose tissue.

Large doses of them lead to hypertrophy of the adrenal glands, after which muscle tissue begins to disintegrate, and adipose tissue, on the contrary, is synthesized at an accelerated rate.

Do you use steroids? The photo will clearly show what you can expect.

What advice can you give to those bodybuilders who, despite all the prohibitions, continue to take them? How can they avoid major mistakes and stay healthy?

Here are the points that athletes should think about in the first place: strict adherence to age restrictions and prescriptions of doctors, then - the competent use of steroids in the correct dosage and strict adherence to the principle of course admission prescribed by the doctor. This is the only way to avoid drug dependence.

You should take care of the liver and reduce the toxic effects of the drug to a minimum. And, of course, food while taking them should be competent and balanced.

If your goal is to qualitatively build muscle mass in a short time, and a firm decision has been made - you cannot do without steroids, try to approach the issue wisely - then negative manifestations can be minimized. Most often, the decision to "get hooked" on anabolic steroids is made by an athlete when he realizes that the body has exhausted its own reserves and further increase in the load will not give an effect.

Harmless anabolic steroids - myth or reality?

Of course, not everyone agrees to ditch their health for the sake of a luxurious appearance, and many who have embarked on this slippery path are haunted by the same question: "Are there safe steroids in principle? And if so, which ones?"

A huge amount of misinformation and annoying advertisements interfere with the answer. Nevertheless, in recent decades, many objective facts have been accumulated on the use of anabolic steroids. All serious professional athletes are guided by medical research. A competent and reasonable approach allows them to negate the dangerous side effects with good athletic performance.

Those who rely on a quick effect and are unscrupulous in their means are ready to be guided by dubious recommendations and do not bother to check the reliability of the "swallowed" information. As a result, the substances taken are not only repeatedly overdose, but also combined with each other in the most unthinkable, sometimes dangerous combinations.

What is most important

Not everyone is able to grasp a number of basic and fairly simple postulates. Chief among them: a steroid is a double-edged sword. The effectiveness of the drug is directly proportional to its negative impact. Another is that androgenic activity of different levels of intensity is characteristic of absolutely any of the anabolic steroids. Injections are generally less dangerous than pills. A greater effect is easier to achieve by taking relatively weak courses with interruptions in comparison with short-term exposure to potent drugs. Excessive amounts lead to a decrease in the expected exposure with a sharp increase in side effects.

And the most important thing to know is that there are no 100% safe steroids! Don't trust annoying ads that promise absolute protection against anyone negative impact... It doesn't work that way! Moreover, new products are often inferior to the old proven means.


With strict adherence to the rules and the necessary dosages, it is quite possible to acquire 5-7 "extra" kilograms of muscle without much harm to health, without causing serious damage to health.

Today's amateurs and professional athletes find it relatively easier to understand the flow of information on offer compared to their older counterparts. The latter, due to the lack of scientific data, often had to experiment on themselves. IN recent times There have been a lot of studies and courses developed by specialists in sports medicine, thanks to which some of the steroids can be conditionally classified as really safe.

First of all, let's make a reservation right away: the existence of absolutely safe steroids is a myth. At the same time, the most safe steroids, which have already been tested and proven on the market. This is explained quite simply - the development of new steroids is currently funded much less than before, and is directed towards the synthesis of drugs that would not be detected during doping tests, while earlier the main goal was primarily the quality and safety of drugs.

How do steroids work?

Once in the blood, steroid molecules actively interact with the cells of the whole body, even penetrating into fat cells. Signal transmission begins from one cell to another, and the body begins to produce nucleic acids, as a result of which protein molecules are formed. Thus, protein synthesis is accelerated - the main building material for muscles. Steroids also change the metabolic process - excess fat is burned and processed into energy for protein synthesis.

What will happen to the body when taking steroids?

The anabolic effect of taking steroids causes an active increase in muscle mass - up to 10 kilograms per month against the background of a decrease in body fat.

However, deciding to take steroids, it is necessary to clearly understand all the possible side effects that may appear after the cancellation of the course: prostate hypertrophy, testicular atrophy, decreased libido, and even infertility.

During the period of taking drugs, increased irritability, growth blood pressure, acne eruptions.

At the present level of development of science, it was not possible to eliminate the described androgynous effect from taking steroids. Additional information you can read about anabolic steroids.

Please note that taking steroids does not cancel a balanced diet. Perhaps not so quickly, but with much less consequences for the body, you can build muscle mass using a special diet. More details can be found on our website.

How can I reduce the side effects of taking steroids?

Fortunately, almost all of the above effects are reversible. However, if you do decide to take steroids for muscle growth, follow these guidelines to minimize their side effects:

Never combine different kinds steroids with each other on their own, do not take several drugs at the same time - this can cause irreparable harm to the body

Do not under any circumstances exceed the dose indicated in the instructions.

Do not use steroids if you are under 21 years of age.

Use PCT, a cycle of drugs to be taken after steroid therapy.

Taking steroids for women is strongly discouraged.

What are the best steroids?

1. Retabolil / Deca Durabolin

This drug (officially named Nandrolone Decanoate) is the leader among anabolic steroids in many ways. Today it is the best steroid for gaining muscle mass, and the high efficacy of the drug is combined with low androgenic activity, low toxicity, and a slight rollback phenomenon. Deca Durabolin can be used alone or as part of a combination steroid. Erectile dysfunction is a common side effect while taking Retabolil.

2. Dianabol / Methandrostenolone

Dianabol is one of the most popular steroids that has not been losing ground for a long time. This drug is able to quickly and effectively build muscle mass, is characterized by moderate toxicity. However, Dianabol has a very pronounced rollback phenomenon, and there is also a conversion to estrogen. To minimize side effects during admission, you must strictly follow the instructions for admission.

3. Turinabol

In terms of its chemical composition, Turinabol is very similar to the previous drug, but unlike Dianabol it also contains a chlorine atom, which prevents aromatization. This steroid is intended for oral administration and does not have estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia, fluid accumulation, etc. The main disadvantage of Turinabol is its high toxicity to the liver. Therefore, Turinabol is used, as a rule, only as part of combined courses of steroids.

4. Testosterone (Testosterone esters - enanthate, cypionate)

Testosterone is found in almost any steroid complex. It is used to increase muscle mass, and to get rid of excess weight, and to work out muscle relief. For each purpose, the corresponding type of testosterone is usually used. So, Enanthate and cypionate are suitable for muscle growth, while propionate is used for weight loss. When using testosterone, you should be especially careful, since it is converted into estrogens, while deviations from the norm along the axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles are possible.


Anadrol is the strongest of the strongest anabolic steroids, with its help you can maximize strength and muscle mass: in just two weeks, muscle gain reaches 7 kilograms. But the side effects of Anadrol are also most pronounced - taking this drug can cause serious hormonal disturbances, hypertrophy of the heart muscle, liver damage. This is the only steroid that can cause liver cancer. The first signs of liver problems are yellowing of nails, whites of the eyes, yellowing of the skin. Be extremely careful, in no case exceed the doses indicated in the instructions. It is also not recommended to extend the intake cycle.

6. Sustanon 250

Sustanol 250 is a combination of different testosterone esters with different absorption rates. This makes Sustanon a unique product. Moreover, this feature allows you to make injections less often. The downside of Sustanol is that fakes are very common. Please note - the original drug is always provided with a paper label, the manufacturer is the "Organon" company. Sustanon increases muscle mass by approximately 6 kg per month. The most serious side effect, testicular atrophy, is especially evident when the drug is taken for longer than 8 weeks. To prevent it, you should take antiestrogens and be sure to consult a specialist before taking it.

7. Trenbolone

Trenbolone is a testosterone-derived drug that has three additional bonds that block the conversion to estrogen and dihydrotestosterone. In its chemical structure, Trenbolone is very similar to Retabolil, however, it has a greater androgenic activity. Trenbolone is approximately four times more potent than Deca Durabolin, but the frequency of side effects is much higher. Trenbolone is able to affect insulin-like growth factor, increasing its level, which, in turn, increases anabolic activity and receptor sensitivity and makes the drug unique in its kind.

8. Equipoise

This anabolic steroid combines sufficient potency with a relatively low level of androgenic activity. Taking the drug causes increased protein synthesis, which leads to rapid and significant muscle growth, stimulation of the formation of erythrocytes. Compared to other steroids, Equipoise increases appetite significantly more. The muscle mass gained by taking this steroid is maintained much better. The drug is especially effective when working on muscle relief. Equipoise works similarly to Dianabol, but without strong water retention in most cases. The aromatization and toxicity of the drug are very small, if the dosage is observed, the side effects are not significantly expressed.

We remind you that in any case, taking anabolic steroids to gain muscle mass also requires regular strength training, high-calorie diet and. Give preference to protein, you can also take vitamin and mineral complexes and creatine.

Having the body of Apollo is the dream of most men. However, intense training and protein diets not everyone is motivated. But even when these natural ways of transforming the body are used to achieve the goal, the results often differ from the expected ones. This is why many men resort to anabolic steroids to gain muscle mass.

What do we know about steroids?

What do we know about most steroids? They allow muscles to grow faster, but at the same time have dangerous side effects for our health, because it is not for nothing that many sports federations have banned their use.

How do they actually work? Is it enough for an athlete to swallow some pills and then just wait for the effect to occur? Let's delve a little deeper into this topic.

How it works?

Androgenic-anabolic drugs are actually steroid hormones derived from the natural androgen, testosterone. Due to their anabolic properties, they allow muscles to grow faster. To understand their role, let's start by describing the function of testosterone itself in the body.

Testosterone is naturally produced in the body of both men and women. It is a hormone responsible for male sex characteristics that appear during puberty. It also promotes muscle hypertrophy, the very anabolic process responsible for muscle growth.

For example, when the body uses muscles to lift weights, muscle fibers in very small quantities receive microtrauma in the form of ruptures. Testosterone is responsible for their recovery. The natural process of repairing these breaks is largely offset by the addition of new fat cells, which form stronger fiber. Over time, this repetitive process of destruction and repair will lead to muscle growth.

Read also:

And if natural testosterone in our body is the main ingredient in this process, then anabolic steroids, which are synthetic derivatives of it, can be used as supplements. Once swallowed, androgenic-anabolic steroids enter the bloodstream and reach the muscle tissue. In muscle cells, the steroid begins to interact with DNA, stimulating the synthesis of proteins that promote their growth.

Take steroids to gain lean muscle mass. They generally stimulate protein synthesis and promote muscle growth, but each formula works differently depending on the composition.

Certified Pure Steroids have many benefits:

  • It's simple but effective method building muscle mass.
  • They maximize the effect of training, thus making it easier to achieve the desired results.
  • Bodybuilding supplements can increase physical endurance. They are ideal for those looking to kill two birds with one stone - build lean mass and increase stamina.

In general, these supplements provide quick results and stimulate exercise. For greater efficiency, it is possible to develop individual program with taking steroid tablets for gaining muscle mass.

Legal anabolic steroids do not cause side effects. Each product is distinguished by a high-quality set of ingredients, formula composition and effectiveness. Allowed Supplements are the safest muscle-building steroids available without a prescription. And there is no need to puzzle over how to sculpt the body of your dreams in just a few weeks!

We bring to your attention the best steroids for gaining muscle mass, which have many positive reviews.

"Dianabol / D-BAL"

It is a powerful formula for improving muscle strength and mass optimization. The drug is valued for its quick effect and impressive results. It stimulates the anabolic process in the optimal utilization of protein synthesis. The tool contributes to the preservation of natural nitrogen in muscle tissue, and it is known to be the main element that forms protein. Muscles rapidly increase in size and strength.

Dianabol / D-BAL is a perfectly legal supplement developed in a laboratory. You can take three 25 mg tablets per day with each meal. On workout days, take one tablet 30-45 minutes before starting. Remember to alternate between two months of supplementation and two weeks without supplements. The drug can be combined with other supplements.

"Anavar / Parvar"

This is what you need not only to gain muscle mass, but also to burn fat. The drug also improves strength and energy. Anavar stimulates the synthesis of creatine phosphate in muscle tissue. And this substance is known as a stimulator of ATP regeneration. The role of ATP is to provide muscle energy. Thanks to large muscle contractions, they develop and increase endurance. It also converts fat into muscle mass.

Take it three tablets a day, preferably before meals. On the day of training, one tablet is enough half an hour before training. The result will be noticeable in three or four weeks. Ideally, Anavar should be taken for at least two years.

Trenbolone / T-Bal

This drug is a versatile formula that goes a long way towards increasing muscle growth and endurance. It differs in the effectiveness of ingredients that have a more powerful effect than testosterone itself.

Trenbolone / T-Bal has incredible anabolic and androgenic effects, increases nitrogen retention and red blood cell production. We already mentioned the role of nitrogen, but white blood cells contribute to the saturation of muscle tissue with oxygen, which gives you more strength and energy, especially during training.

Trenbolone is taken three times a day with meals, the course is at least two months.

The most effective way to gain muscle mass at home is to take synthetic analogs of the male sex hormone testosterone. Against the background of regular strength training, steroids make it possible to gain up to 8-12 kg per month. The safest drugs in this class of drugs: boldenone, testosterone propionate, testosterone enanthate, andriol, retabolil. Subject to dosages, these anabolic steroids exhibit a minimal number of side effects. They can be taken solo (only 1 drug per cycle) or simultaneously with other steroids. In the second case, it is possible to achieve a better result at lower dosages. For people who do not want to risk their health, it is recommended to use harmless, natural drugs for muscle growth: testosterone boosters.

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Injectable steroids

Using anabolic steroids in the form of oil solutions for gaining muscle mass is much safer than taking pills. This is due to the fact that pills of steroids, unlike anabolic injections, during the initial passage through the liver, lead to its damage.

The most effective drugs:

Drug name Description A photo
BoldenoneDespite the fact that the drug was originally created for use in animal husbandry, today it is successfully used in bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting and athletics. Boldenone is one of the purest and most effective testosterone analogues used for muscle growth: it allows beginners to gain up to 6-8 kg of high-quality (dry) muscle mass. This significantly improves appetite and decreases the time it takes to recover from exercise. Side effects on the anabolic cycle are much less common than with other steroids. Most often, athletes taking Boldenone complain of decreased libido and acne on the back and chest. For a quick set of muscle mass, it is recommended to use a dosage of 600-1000 mg in 1-2 weeks. Course duration - 3-4 months
Testosterone propionateFor rapid muscle growth and increased endurance, the drug is used in almost all strength and speed sports where steroids can be used (no-doping federations). The main difference between the propionate form of testosterone and other injectable anabolic steroids is its short duration of action: 2-3 days. A popular dosage regimen is 100 mg (1 ampoule) every other day. The duration of admission, depending on the tasks to be solved, can range from 2-3 weeks to several months. The main side effects that are possible with the testosterone propionate cycle are: enlargement of the prostate, increased blood pressure, gynecomastia, acne. Contraindications are prostate cancer and individual intolerance to the components of the drug
Testosterone EnanthateLong-acting anabolic steroid (3-4 weeks). In practice, for rapid weight gain, injections are made once every 1-2 weeks at 500-1000 mg. Due to the fact that testosterone enanthate has a strong synergistic effect (enhances the action of other anabolic steroids), it is most often used in combination with retabolil, boldenone and methandrostenolone. The medicine is contraindicated in prostate cancer. May harm hypertensive patients and men with severe liver disease. Side effects manifested by gynecomastia, increased sex drive, acne, water retention
RetabolilThe drug has strong anabolic and weak androgenic properties. Thanks to this, with its help, it is possible to gain high-quality, dry muscle mass. Retabolil has one significant side effect that most other steroids lack: erectile dysfunction. It occurs in about 25% of men taking the drug for more than 4 weeks. Also during the use of anabolic steroids are possible: deterioration of appetite, suppression of testicular function, oligospermia, gynecomastia. The medicine is contraindicated in men with prostate and breast carcinoma. Dosages: 200-400 mg once every 1-2 weeks

Although most injectable steroids can be found over the counter, they are purchased primarily from online stores. The reason is more low price and a high concentration of active ingredient. In addition, in order to buy pharmacy anabolics, a strict accountability prescription is required.


It makes sense to use steroids in tablet form in short courses - up to 4-8 weeks. This is due to the fact that the drugs are alkylated on the 17-alpha group, which, with prolonged use, leads to liver damage.

Here are some of the safest weight gain pills:

A drug Description A photo
AndriolThe safest tableted steroid. Does not lead to significant water retention, does not suppress appetite and the production of its own hormone. It is used in dosages of 40-80 mg every other day. However, Andriol will not give a rapid increase in muscle mass - 2-3 kg per month. Long-term use of the medication can provoke an enlarged liver. Therefore, the duration of the course should not exceed 8 weeks. Andriol is contraindicated in prostate cancer
OxandroloneOne of the "purest" steroids. The main benefit is that it does not aromatize, that is, it does not turn into estrogens (female sex hormones). Therefore, taking it does not lead to water retention, increased blood pressure, gynecomastia and most of the other side effects inherent in synthetic testosterone analogues. It will not be possible to achieve serious results in gaining mass with the help of oxandrolone, so the use of a solo tool is advisable only for beginners and those who need to improve muscle hardness and relief. Dosages: 20-60 mg per day. The duration of the course is 6-8 weeks. Caution is required to use the medicine for liver diseases
StrombafortThe drug contains Stanozolol, which is famous for its ability to build high-quality muscle mass. When using it, there is no water retention, the burning of subcutaneous fat is activated, as a result of which the muscles become stiff and relief. Strombafort is taken at 20-50 mg per day. The duration of the course is 7-8 weeks. Side effects can manifest themselves as pain in the joints, enlarged liver, increased levels of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

When choosing steroids for gaining muscle mass, you need to keep in mind that the higher the safety of the drug, the weaker its effect. This rule is equally true for both oil solutions and testosterone tablets.

Combined courses

In order to reduce the number of side effects and increase the effectiveness of steroids, the simultaneous use of 2-3 drugs at once is recommended. This allows you to achieve a synergistic effect between them (increase the therapeutic effect of each other) and reduce the dosage.

Most popular combinations:

  • Testosterone enanthate (500 mg) and retabolil (200 mg). Injections are carried out once a week, intramuscularly with a long needle into the buttock. The duration of the course is 2 months. This combination and dosage are great for beginners.
  • Boldenone (400 mg per week), testosterone propionate (100 mg every other day), and andriol (40 mg per day). The course is made up of the safest steroids. Suitable for beginners and elderly people who are contraindicated in more powerful drugs. The duration of the course is 6-8 weeks.
  • Strombafort (40 mg per day) and testosterone enanthate (500 mg per week). A safe course combining tablets and injectables. Allows you to quickly increase quality mass with minimal health risks. Duration of admission is 8 weeks. At week 9, strombafort can be replaced with oxandrolone and the course can be extended for another 2-4 weeks.

Before choosing a drug (combination) and starting taking, you should undergo liver examinations, of cardio-vascular system, kidneys, get tested to determine chemical composition blood, check the level of sex hormones.

Natural anabolics

You can increase the rate of muscle growth using harmless, natural substances. They are also found in regular food.

Products that activate the production of your own testosterone are:

  • Sea fish, shrimps, mussels. The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in their composition contribute to the normalization of the functions of the testicles and hypothalamus, which leads to an increase in the concentration of the male sex hormone in the blood.
  • Ginger, onion, garlic, parsley, dill, white cabbage.They contain organic acids, vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances that normalize the work of the endocrine system.

Testosterone boosters are successfully used to increase muscle mass today. The most popular ones are:

  • Tribulus. The drug is an extract of the creeping anchor plant, containing steroidal saponins of the furostanol type. Natural remedy increases the level of testosterone production in the human body by increasing the amount of luteinizing hormone. It has also been found that tribulus increases free testosterone in the blood.
  • ZMA.The drug is a combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. Promotes activation of the production of the male sex hormone in the body, increases the energy potential of muscles, accelerates recovery after exercise.
  • D-aspartic acid. The amino acid stimulates some areas of the hypothalamus, resulting in an increase in the production of gonadtropin - a hormone that is directly involved in the production of testosterone. In addition, this amino acid enhances the secretion of prolactin and growth hormone, which also has a beneficial effect on increasing muscle mass.

Natural anabolic steroids do not have even a tenth of the potential that synthetic testosterone preparations have. However, for cautious people who do not set themselves competitive plans, androgen boosters and certain foods will help improve physical fitness, accelerate muscle growth and strengthen the overall body tone.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92kg. How to remove excess weight completely? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger as his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find all this time? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different way for myself ...