What is a split system in sports. The meaning of the word "split

Today, almost every day you can hear about the appearance of any wonders of science and technology. Progress does not stand still. It covers all the spheres of human vital activity.

Great and mighty Russian is not an exception. Vocabulary The nation is growing directly proportional to the emergence of new terms and concepts. And he enriched in part thanks to the borrowing of the most widely used words or phrases from other languages.

The word "split" just came to us from of English languageIn which many words have several values \u200b\u200bat once. Therefore, it is almost impossible to answer the question about what Split is is almost impossible.

The meaning of the word "split"

Split in translation means "separation, split". In the cafe, you can order a banana split (ice cream supplied in the cut in half a banana). Split language (language is cut along into two parts) you can make a beautician. You can record the musical split (album with two performers), etc.

But most often the word split is used as a technical term (split system) or as financial (split shares, reverse split shares).

What is split - system

Split - the system is air conditioning, but it consists of two blocks. The internal block of split - the system is indoors. Depending on the location of the location, the internal blocks are divided into

  • wall;
  • subtense;
  • channel;
  • cassette;
  • column.

The outer block of Split - systems hang on the outer wall of the room in which the air conditioner is installed. Between itself, the inner and outer blocks are connected by copper pipes (according to which the freon circulates) and the electrical cable.

IN lately Among the domestic consumer, the so-called inverter split systems became very popular.

What is inverter split - systems

The design of the inverter split system includes a device that extends the service life of the air conditioner by 30-50%. This is a miracle device inverter. By modulating the power of the compressor, the inverter allows it to work continuously and smoothly, which, in turn, also leads to a significant economy of electricity (35%).

Due to the fact that the inverter conditioner is not disconnected periodically as the usual, and by reaching the preceding temperature, the room smoothly reduces the power and works on low revs, it is almost silent. Therefore, despite the higher cost, inverter split systems today are in great demand than ordinary.

What is split shares

Very often, the word "split" can also be heard from businessmen. Split shares or crushing company shares is used to attract additional investors. The company's shares are produced more, but at a lower cost. As a result, the company's market capitalization (the total value of all shares) when split shares does not change. But thanks to the cheaper stock, they become available to buy private investors.

With each day of words, which, like the word "split", moved to Russian from other languages, is becoming more and more. And this is a completely normal process, taking into account close cooperation and partnership different countries In certain areas of the national economy. We also need to keep up with the times and maintain your education at the right level.

Disputes regarding what is better - training in the style of Full Body (full body) or split (in parts), do not subscribe until now. It is believed that the split training is suitable only to advanced athletes, and only Fulbodi should be engaged in beginners. In the article about we touched this question a little and painted the approximate program of Fulbody. In the same article, we will tell about what benefits have a split training, and who is suitable?

P OK Most experts in this matter are one - the first acquaintance with strength training must occur on the Fulbodi system, i.e. 3 times a week on all muscle groups. This allows you to adapt the body to loads, coordinate movements, set neuromuscular communication and, which is important, to teach a person to the right technique, as it is often the wrong exercise that is a stumbling block of all newcomers, especially those who are trying to engage independently in the hall or Organizes.

Research on this score was carried out different, but rather superficial, which does not allow to put the point in this matter. However, in any case, the following principles work:

  • If a person does not do the exercises, it does not matter - Fulbodi is or split;
  • A good Fulbody training plan can be better than a bad split plan, and, on the contrary;
  • Genetically gifted person can achieve wonderful growth muscular mass And the relief on the usual Fulbodi training session, and the other, not gifted, can carefully train the split program and get the minimum effect.

Hence the reasonable conclusion - everything should be individually in each separate case. It is for this that the beginners are drawn up individual programbased on their physical data and capabilities. Therefore, it does not matter Split or Fulbody - the main thing, do not try to take some programs of experienced bodybuilders, thinking that it will work on you as well as them. You must train only by your personal program.

Ideally, the training program, including for a set of muscle mass, should always include foolbody, and split.

Benefits Split training

3 Variants Split Training

Split training can be the most varied. This is a type of program that allows the athlet to always bring something new, changing the load in the most different way, achieving good progress, holding muscles in constant stress (approx. Since the body sooner or later always adapts to the load and ceases to react hypertrophy and ceases to react hypertrophy and development of force). We offer you three options for split training, which will allow you to diversify your training plan.

In parts of the body

This, in fact, the classic version of the split workout. The principle is simple - every day you train a specific muscle group. Thus, the athlete is usually 5-6 times a week. This allows the muscles to have time to restore, minimized the risk of overtraining. In addition, since the muscle is rarely loaded, it is experiencing constant stress from workout, the result is hypertrophy, a set of muscle mass. But! With such a program, it is necessary to completely eliminate Fulbodi - multi-suraling exercises, which deprives functional development, it is also necessary to carefully monitor the diet and observe sleep and recreation. Those. This is essentially a program for professionals for whom sports mode - lifestyle and work.


  • Monday - chest;
  • Tuesday - back;
  • Wednesday - shoulders;
  • Thursday - legs;
  • Friday - hands press;
  • Saturday and Sunday rest.

On agonists and antagonists

For those who are not familiar with these concepts, briefly explain.

The agonist is a cutting muscle, leading part of the body in motion (when flexing the elbow agonist - the biceps of the shoulder).

The antagonist is a stretching (relaxing) muscle opposite to the agonist (when flexing the elbow antagonist - triceps).

This program, as follows from the name, implies that agonists and antagonists train on different days. This is a big plus - uniform development of muscles, i.e. No muscles will dominate the strength and hypertrophy. In addition, such training takes a lot of time, and you can do 5-6 times a week without overwork.

However, this species is not suitable for newcomers, as well as athletes who need the development of strength and endurance.


  • Monday - Breasts / Back
  • Tuesday - Shoulders / Feet
  • Wednesday - rest;
  • Thursday - biceps / triceps;
  • Friday - breasts / spin;

Split with high and low intensity

This program allows not only to carry out a set of muscle mass, but also develop endurance, high-speed-force qualities. Its meaning is that in one day there is a highly intensive training, in another unanswed. But in this embodiment, it is possible to conduct classes only 3-4 times a week, as a longer vacation is needed after an intense day.

But this program is also suitable for experienced athletes who have exhausted standard programs, and their body needs a new shake. Another minus program is that the duration of the workout itself is much longer.

But the main thing - in this versions of the training is very well stimulated by hypertrophy!

Sample program:

  • Monday - Sevetic exercises;
  • Tuesday - general physical training;
  • Wednesday - rest;
  • Thursday - weightlifting training;
  • Friday - general physical training;
  • Saturday and Sunday - rest.

As you can see, this type of program can not be the main and permanent, since here does not occur here to exercise every muscle group.


Options Split complexes can be a lot, so much - as much as your imagination is enough. However, it is always necessary to remember your first acepan -, a set of muscular mass, weight loss training, general physical development etc. Always push out your goal, and never ignore the level of your preparation and do not attempt to do what you have not yet forces.

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In the widest assortment of the modern household climate equipment market, even specialists are experiencing difficulties. Therefore, even they carefully study the features of technical innovations before applying in practice. In this article, we will study the split system in detail. What it is, will become understandable using the information presented below. They will use you when buying, in the installation process and in the course of future operation.

To create a house of comfortable temperature conditions with minimal cost, carefully read the recommendations in this article.

The classic air conditioner is a technical device that is used to cool the air indoor. Frequently often all the main components are connected in a single block.

Split system is divided into two functional parts. The compressor is installed on the street. Inside the room mounted a block with a heat exchanger and a fan. Many modern models are equipped with heaters, filters. Such equipment significantly expands basic functionality.

Benefits and Disadvantages of Split Air Conditioning Systems for Apartments

Deposancy of the working unit outward allows you to solve successfully the following problems:

  • Do not need large channels for the withdrawal of warm air.
  • Outside there are noisy aggregates (compressor and large fan).
  • It is easier to provide comfortable conditions and attractive appearance. Here you can apply compact heat exchangers, quiet fans.
  • The use of several internal blocks (as in Figure) provides the creation of independent temperature modes in individual rooms. Indirectly it improves the overall reliability of the system.

A significant disadvantage is complex installation. Special difficulties arise when working at high altitude. Some situations have to use the services of specialized brigades of industrial mountaineering. This greatly increases the cost of the project, but it is necessary to comply with safety standards.

To create holes and channels, use a special tool, perforators with powerful electrical drives. Acquire special technological equipment only for this case is not profitable. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the help of experienced professionals.

Important! You should not forget about the current prohibitions to change the appearance of buildings. In addition to paying a fine, you will have to dismantle the external block. To eliminate extra costs, it is necessary to check the presence of such restrictions in the local architectural bureau.

Principle of operation of the split system

With this picture, we'll figure it out exactly how the typical split system is functioning. The compressor creates the pressure in the system necessary to move the coolant. In the heated state, the refrigerant comes from the room. It is cooled on the street, transformed into a liquid. In such a state, it enters the heat exchanger of the inner block where the air cools. There is also a transition to the gas that enters the compressor in the tubes. The adjusting valve marked in the figure is controlled, taking into account the temperature control in the room.

The main elements and installation of the split system

To estimate the technique objectively, it is necessary to clarify the parameters of its components. The split system transport system create copper tubes from corrosion-resistant processes. The same products can be used to remove condensate from the indoor unit. But polymer tubes are used to save money. The liquid is sent to the drainage system, or directly to the street.

For your information! To provide high-quality drain, the angle of inclination of the drainage track is maintained at all horizontal sections of 2-4 degrees. Turns do not make too sharp. On such trails optimal corner - 45 °.

External block

The following items are noted in the figure:

  • Complex forms of the blades of modern fans (1) form a strong air flow without excess noise. This reduces the likelihood of complaints from neighbors.
  • The powerful compressor (3) ensures the compression of the refrigerant and move it through the highway at the desired speed.
  • In the condenser (2) cooling the gas mixture. Numerous radiator plates increase the efficiency of the node, accelerate the transmission of excess heat into the environment.
  • The built-in filter (4) is installed in front of the compressor. It delays mechanical pollution that can damage the piston system.
  • Equipment connectors (5) are needed to connect copper tubes. The protective cover (8) prevents precipitation to this area, prevents the formation of corrosion processes.
  • The four-way valve (7) is used in multifunctional split systems that are capable of working in heating mode.
  • Electronic control board (6) are installed in inverter models.

For the installation of split systems, standard fasteners are used, which are included with the manufacturer in the kit. Be sure to follow official instructionsTo ensure reliable fixing technology on the vertical wall. Admissible installation on the balcony (without glazing), roof. Accommodation on the removal from the windows will prevent the penetration of noise and vibrations into residential premises.

Internal block

Below are information about the design of this part of the split system:

  • To reliably fix the device, a special metal plate is fixed on the wall (1).
  • This element attach the back cover (2) with cuttings for tubes and other parts.
  • The drum fan is driven by an electric motor (3), which ensures an uniform blowing of the working area of \u200b\u200bthe evaporator (4). This heat exchanger is made of tubes with transverse plates.
  • Vertical (5) and horizontal (8) blinds guide air flow. They are moved by built-in electric drives.
  • This detail (7) is set to a mesh filter (9), which is closed decorative lattice (10).
  • To operate modes, the remote control (11), the electronics fee (6) is used.

How to organize storage heating with split systems

The attentive reader noticed a four-way valve in the description of the external block. With its help, the refrigerant can circulate in the opposite direction. The functionality of the split system changes. It turns into a heater from the cooler. Efficiency is determined by the difference in indoor air temperature and on the street.

Since the cold in this case is derived outward, difficulty in winter. In order to prevent the freezing of individual nodes, they are insulated, equipped with built-in heating elements. Some specialized models maintain up to -10 ° C and even more severe frosts.

Important! Be sure to learn the manufacturer's instructions and limitations at a permissible minimum temperature outside. If not fulfilling the official recommendations will decrease the service life of the equipment, the conditions for the implementation of warranty obligations will be violated.

Since in this case the principles of the technology of the "heat pump" are used, it is possible to obtain quite good indicators of economy. However, the maximum efficiency is limited to the -5 ° C threshold. It is for this reason that the heating mode is used as auxiliary means. They do not replace traditional, but are used as needed with the deterioration of weather conditions in the spring, autumn and summer.

With the help of such a kit, it is possible to maintain the performance of equipment during frosts up to -20 ° C. To obtain the desired result, the speed of rotation of the fan blades is reduced. It is automatically adjusted using topical temperature readings. A special element is heated by oil and simplify the launch of the compressor. Similarly prevent drainage tube freezing.

What is inverter split systems

The specific name of this group of equipment is due to a special transformation (inverting) of the current standard 220 V. From the variable it is transformed into a constant one. Next form the signals of the desired frequency, which are used to power the compressor. The result appears the possibility of smooth adjustment of the performance of this unit. Benefits Consider in detail using the picture.

The operation of the usual split system is displayed in a gray line. Here the compressor is able to perform its functions only at a constant speed, which demonstrates the segment (1). The temperature change occurs more slowly compared to the inverter model (green curve). By changing the frequency, you can increase productivity, quickly get the desired result.

In operating mode (2), the maintenance of temperature is not effective in standard technique. In the room is too high, then excessively low temperature. Inverter split system performs its functions smoothly (3), without extra cost Electricity. An additional advantage is the lack of voltage shots that are able to damage the electronics connected to the network. Neat change in the frequency of rotation reduces wear, increases the service life of the compressor.

Pay attention to the following "pluses" if you are going to buy an inverter split system:

  • reducing noise levels;
  • more accurately maintaining a user-defined temperature;
  • eliminating jet loads, reduce the heating of power cables.

On the inverter split-systems Price above. But such investments pay off over time. According to experts, the service life of such equipment is more than 20-25%, and electricity costs are less than 30% compared with standard analogues of the same power.

For your information! Inverter models are sensitive to voltage throws in the network, which are able to damage electronic control. Certain current conversion losses reduce efficiency in continuous operation.

What is refrigerated split systems

Such techniques are used on closed rims, in flower stores, where only cooling is necessary. In the range of manufacturers there is a "shock" technique, which is able to reduce the air temperature to -35 ° C. These techniques can be used in everyday life for organizing long-term food storage.

How to choose the right split system

Many manufacturers indicate the approximate for which certain techniques are intended. But for more accurate calculations, specialized calculators can be used. Below is an example of such calculations:

ParameterUnits. Measurements / OptionsValue
Type of premisesOffice / residential / manufacturingResidential
Room Squaresq.32
Ceiling heightcm280
Outcomes windowsSouth North West East
Technique (computer, TV, refrigerator)pC1
Number of people 2
Split system powerkw3,88-4,49

When studying this segment of the market, you can meet the designations of the BTU per hour (BTU / H; BTU). These are units of measurement based on British standards. Indicate rounded values \u200b\u200b(7000; 9000; 12000; 18000; 24000 BTU), which professionals call "seven", "nine", etc. To transfer to metric values, the ratio is used: 1000 BTU / H \u003d 293 W.

For your information! It is better to make a small supply of 10-15%, so as not to test the power deficit in the most adverse weather conditions.

Calculator calculating the required air conditioning power

0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5

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Other important characteristics

The following important parameter is the noise level of the indoor unit. To obtain minimum values, you must pay attention to the inverter split-systems. The best samples provide a level in the quiet modes of less than 18 dB, which does not completely worry even in the absence of music, other masking sounds.

In a variety of assortment it is not difficult to find the desired appearance. As a rule, manufacturers create neutral aesthetic characteristics. Such products look naturally in conjunction with modern and classic furnishings.

With appropriate equipment, the owner of this equipment will receive operational information on the air temperature on the street and indoors. The color display displays the time and date, humidity, atmosphere pressure, Weather forecast, menu, operation mode. The user can control the direction and speed of air flow, include additional filters. Using the timer, set the / disconnection on a specific temporary schedule. Special How to choose air conditioning for an apartment with the necessary parameters, without overpaying, how to make the installation independently without errors, common problems of devices? Read more in this material.

Main types of household split systems

Wall mounted

In this performance, the inner block takes a little space. As a rule, it is set closer to the ceiling. The photo shows not the perfect option, since the cold air jet will fall on users. It provokes colds and other diseases. In order not to make it difficult to use with complex settings, set these elements above the headboard, behind the back of the sofa.


But instead of the remote control with the infrared emitter, such stationary devices for mounting in the wall are used. Internal blocks are installed in the tracks of the ventilation air ducts. If necessary, complement them with filters, heating elements. Explicit advantage - securing installation. Disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • mounting complexity;
  • difficulties in the repair and maintenance of split systems.

Such split systems are installed at the construction stage. Internal blocks, pipes and power cables are hidden behind decorative panels.

Ceiling and cassette

Air flow This technique sends into different directions, which provides a quick and uniform change in temperature without drafts. Such placement reduces noise levels. It is suitable only with a sufficient height of the ceilings.

Multi Split Systems

They are installed in different rooms, equipped with separate remote controls. In each room, the user sets independent mode of operation, taking into account individual needs.

Outdoor and columns

They are designed for complex operating conditions, provide high performance. Powerful fan electric motors and other components have a significant weight, so the floor installation is offered. Such technique can be used in everyday life to create comfortable conditions in large rooms.


Greetings to all lovers healthy image Life and sport!

Many people think familiar with the concepts in bodybuilding, if you are still new to the first steps to the world of body building advise. Today I will tell you what is split as a system of workouts.

Split training program for today the most sought-after training program in bodybuilding, fitness for men, girls. Two muscle groups are pumping in one exercise of the simulator room.

Of course, the recruits arises the question, and what muscle groups of the body are allowed to pump together along the split system? The main thing is how purpose is the set of muscle mass, burning hated fat, maintaining high-quality relief.

Split Program Principles Training

Classic option training process According to the scheme, a large muscle and small. For professional athletes, triple split is allowed. Couple to settle at work large muscles - Breast, back muscles, legs, small muscles - triceps, biceps, calf, forearm. In practice, it looks like this.

Chest, triceps - the main load to fall on breast muscles. What exercises are suitable for this familiarize yourself. Most of the time spent in the simulator you devote your chest. Then you smoothly move on a small muscular group - triceps. Efforts will be spent less. You can perform split into two muscles acting simultaneously in the opposite direction. Breasts combined with back training, biceps with pumping triceps, front delta with medium.

To increase the shocking effect, the opposite split program is allowed. Perform advanced bodybuilders. At the very beginning of the training, we work for a small muscle of triceps, then connect the chest muscles of the case. Plus, when there is no longer possible to increase weight weights in order to exclude injury. Triceps are clogged, the chest compensates for powerful endurance.

Split training system in bodybuilding, fitness

As the practice of a power sport shows, where the main goal is to build a beautiful figure of the method of approach to performing exercises of more efficiently. Atlas from the program training in the program is viewed increasing the level of testosterone, insulin. When working with medium weights - 3 approaches, 12 repetitions and a minute vacation as much as possible, the testosterone level is raised. Outputs and repetitions can be read.

Variants Split Programs for a week

I will offer you several options for pumping your muscle groups according to the described technique. This will give an excellent result. After working into large groups, the level of anabolic hormones will increase in the blood, hence the growth of muscle mass is provided to you, and the muscles of assistants (small) will have a positively spend the rest of the time in the gym.

  • program option for beginners

Experienced athletes to lovers for four days in a sevenneve offer the next way of split system training program.

  • program option for experienced
chesttrapezetricepspress (up)
backbicepsforearmpress (oblique)
hipsbuttocksikrapress (bottom)

Now I think you are familiar with the concept that such a split system of workouts and how to use it. No need to train for 3-4 hours, enough 3 - 4 lessons per week with competent workload planning corresponding to

From this day, the soda enhances the direction of power training with regular translations from the cult American site T-Nation, where the word "Testosterone" is hidden behind the letter "T". Today is the translation of the text "8 MOST Effective Training Splits".

Split options (distribution of exercises by day of the training week) is designed so much that you can break your head. But the program must be chosen with a certain goal - and considering your level of training and individual features. Consider 8 different schemes, effectively decisive specific tasks; Choose what is suitable for you.

1. Split in parts of the body

This is the most common option in bodybuilding - frequent workouts (up to 5-6 times a week), each of which certain muscles are being worked out.

Pros: You load the muscular group rarely, but it is concentrated and intensively, performing more different exercises. Such a "shock" makes the muscles grow, especially if earlier you trained under the program to the whole body. it the best way Pick up the mass, but due to increased volume and metabolic stress, it is already suitable for experienced bodybuilders prepared for large loads.

Minuses: From multi-sowing exercises, it is necessary to refuse, as some muscles work in different movements and do not have time to relax between training.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the power and mode of the day (sleep) to completely restore and transfer the training loads.

Split in parts of the body takes a lot of time and does not suit people with floating work schedule - each training ships its muscles, you can not pass. The purpose of such a program is hypertrophy, it does not increase the results of athletes and is not suitable for beginners.

Example split

Monday: chest
Tuesday: Spin
Wednesday: shoulders
Thursday: legs
Friday: Hands and Press
Saturday and Sunday: rest

2. Split "Top-bottom"

This scheme is a step from the workouts of the entire body to Split in parts. You increase the exercise for the upper and lower half, but at the same time it is better to restore. For one week you can spend 4 training with alternation.

Pros: Split "top-bottom" helps to progress when workouts on the whole body have already exhausted themselves. You continue and develop strength and gain a mass. You can train more often, but at the same time use decent weights.

Minuses: Many people are too interested in top training and relax in Niza training. Since the study of the same groups occurs more often, the restoration of the muscles is worse than in Split in parts of the body. Heavy feet workouts twice a week can overload the body and are not suitable for everyone.

Example split

Monday: Top (Human Exercises)
Tuesday: bottom (squats and variations)
Wednesday: Full holiday or active recovery
Thursday: Top (traction exercises)
Friday: bottom (turn and variations)
Saturday and Sunday: rest

3. Full body training

Justice for the sake of "Training of the whole body" - not quite "split", but for harsh and brutal authors T-Nation, it seems, training Full Body is just one of the varieties of split - approx. Clamp.

To work out the whole body on each workout more efficiently, if you have little time, and also useful, because our body is still one, and not a set of parts.

Pros: The high frequency of the entire body helps to lose weight and develop strength, increasing the muscles growing from frequent stimulation.

Such a program is better for athletes who have and other training in addition to iron. She teaches the body to optimally perform a small set of movements, and not spend their efforts on a dozen wiring variations.

It is from these training that beginners should begin, they spend a lot of calories, laid a power foundation, improve health.

Some muscles can fall behind in the development, which is not suitable for bodybuilders.

it a good option For rare training - up to 3 times a week. To go to the hall for more than three or four times a week, you need to know your body well and control the intensity.

Example split

A. Climb on a rack 5 × 3
B. Lying 3 × 6
C. Drops 3 × 8-12
D1. Farmer walk 3 × 30 seconds
D2. Pressing on the bars 3x 30 seconds

Tuesday: Rest

A. Stolling bench 5 × 3
B. Stannaya 4 × 6
C. Tightening 3 × 8-12
D1. Plank 3 × 30 seconds
D2. Rises on biceps with dumbbells 3x 30 seconds

Thursday: rest

A. Sound with a bar on the back of 5 × 3
B. Tilt in the slope 4 × 6
C. Handicate of dumbbells lying 3 × 8-12
D1. Farmer walk with one gay overhead (other - in the lowered hand, as usual) 3 × 30 seconds
D2. Bench bridge on a bench 3 × 12

Saturday and Sunday: Rest or OFP.

4. Split "Ries / Traction"

Here you share the exercises by the type of movement: the bench and traction. Most of the muscles of the back surface of the body work in the traction, and the front is in the cave.

Pros: Split press / thrust is good for those who want to train hard, but limited in time. You can work out the move more often than in Split in parts of the body when muscle groups are loaded only once a week.

Minuses: Due to the distribution of the load on muscle groups, working together, not suitable athletes and beginners who are still more efficient to work out the whole body immediately. To benefit from this split, you need to have a certain training experience.

Example split

Day 1: Traction (muscles of the top of the back, spine extensors, biceps hips, biceps hands)
Day 2: Lives (chest, shoulders, triceps, quadriceps, press)

5. Intense / extensive split

This scheme varies the load on the nervous system, i.e. High intensity and volume. After a day of heavy / speeding workout there is a long time, but less intense. You can do 3 or 4 times a week.

Pros: Advanced option for athletes who have already exhausted ordinary training on the whole body. In addition to the OFP and power supported by the traditional load, you are more working on speed and power, improving the results in your sport.

Minuses: This split is only for experienced, it requires strict dosage of loads. Training in an intense day last longer, because you need to rest much between the approaches of the power exercises. Such a scheme is less stimulated by hypertrophy.

Example split

Monday: Exercises for the development of acceleration, weightlifting and other jolts (bench) exercises
Tuesday: Training of metabolic systems (OFP), traction exercises
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: exercises for the development of acceleration, weightlifting and other jolts (bench) exercises
Friday: Training of metabolic systems (OFP), traction exercises
Saturday and Sunday: Active Restoration

6. Split "Agonists / Antagonists"

In one training session, you work out muscle groups that perform oppositely directed movements, for example, the dumbbells of the dumbbells lying and the thrust of dumbbells with a flexing.

Pros: Such supersets lead to a balanced development of force in the gim and traction. The alternation of approaches for agonists and antagonists helps to increase weight weights, the increased blood flow of the working parts of the body causes additional hypertrophy. Training are shorter and can be carried out more often - up to 6 times a week.

Minuses: Not suitable athletes who need to concentrately work out certain movements. For beginners and people aged such loads are too large, it takes more time to restore.

Example split

Monday: Chest / Back
Tuesday: Feet / shoulders
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: breasts / spin
Pottcia: biceps / triceps
Saturday and Sunday: Active recovery or full holiday

7. Split "Basic / Additional Movement"

Exercises for large muscle groups are combined into training and for small synergists who help mainly movement. For example, spin and biceps or breasts and triceps.

Pros: You can train often (3-6 times a week) and briefly using supersets. The same muscular groups work longer, which leads to hypertrophy.

Minuses: It is too heavy for beginners and are not suitable for the elderly, as they need more rest. This split is better to use experienced athletes who understand what they work on.

Example split for 5 workouts per week

Monday: Back / Biceps
Tuesday: breasts / triceps
Wednesday: Feet / shoulders
Thursday: back / biceps
Friday: breasts / triceps
Saturday and Sunday: rest

8. Specialization to pull up muscle lagging

For a short period, you leave only one day to maintain the muscles of the whole body and invest maximum efforts to develop a weak group (3 times a week or more).

Pros: Increased volume and intensity lead to hypertrophy of the desired parts of the body. Good reception for experienced who need to dramatically pull out something.

Minuses: All other muscle groups receive only a supporting load and can lose force / mass. This is not the program on which it will be possible to save all your results, something will have to donate.

Example of specialization for muscles back

Monday: Low Horizontal Traction
Tuesday: multiple vertical thrust
Wednesday: multiple horizontal thrust
Thursday: low-calorie vertical thrust
Friday: Supporting workout on the whole body

How to choose split?

Determine the main goal of your training

Decide what you need to improve. Splits with insulation will not suit athletes who need to raise the result in movements for the whole body.

If you need muscles, do not waste time on jumps and sprints, developing speed, select one main goal, and it will be clear to you what split take.

Everyone has 7 days and 24 hours in days, so decide how much you can spend on training. I had a client with three children and four 12-hour work shifts - and he could train 3-4 times a week.

Arrange priorities. If you do not have time for 5 training for 2 hours, then engage in the program for the whole body. Any program will give the result if you can follow it.

Training experience

This is a very important factor to select the correct scheme. Beginners sometimes begin immediately from split in parts of the body, but they have too little strength and experience to get beneficial from the isolated muscle erash. People aged detect that they cannot carry out a lot of heavy workouts: tires nervous system, joints are overloaded, etc.

3 inefficient and harmful exercises for the press