The game for preschoolers at the tables is verbal. Word games for older preschool children

In our modern, high-speed world, less and less space is left for live communication. Everyone is constantly in a hurry somewhere, including the parents of toddlers, girls and boys, who so need simple communication with their busy parents. But sometimes, in order to play with him, with the benefit of his upbringing and development, not so much time is needed.

For example, on the way to kindergarten or home, you can not only ask the child about the past day, the activities that he liked, his successes and failures, discuss what the child is interested in, but also play with him.

A very big plus of such word games is that they do not require any game attributes, and the developmental effect of them is great. And what a lively, emotional, interesting and useful communication can be!

Our youngest daughter (her name is Margarita) plays with pleasure such word games when we go to kindergarten, home or anywhere. She gladly proposes a game, makes her own creative adjustments. And we are happy to see how each time the set of favorite games expands, and the rules become more complicated.

What kind of word games can you play on the road?

In my opinion, the list of such games is huge, if not endless. For example, we constantly come up with new ones, and change the old ones and complicate them.

Here are some examples of word games. Perhaps, dear readers, they will be useful. Or maybe you will share your versions of word games, tell about your favorite similar games in your comments.

Word games

Game "Come up with a rhyme"

The players take turns asking each other one word to which they need to come up with a rhyme. You can invent several such words at once and then combine them into simple ones. It turns out to be a lot of fun.

For example, the given word "flower". Coming up with: a leaf, a scarf, a wreath.


I will pick a fragrant flower.

I'll add a piece of paper to it.

I will weave a beautiful wreath.

And I'll put it on a scarf. 🙂

Or more options: I will hang it on a hook. I'll put it on a tree stump. I'll put it in a bag.

You yourself, dear readers, can see that the possibilities for complication and family creativity are endless.

Word game "Guess the number"

One player thinks about a number from 1 to 10 (20, 100), which depends on the level of the child's training, and the second guesses it. When the wrong version of the number is called, you need to say "no - more" or "no - less". The faster the planned number is guessed, the “cooler” the result. The numbers are guessed by the players one by one.

Count the machines game

If your way home or anywhere is along or close to the road, you can count the cars that you see. If there are not very many cars, you can count them by naming their brands and colors. If there are a lot of cars, you can count according to the specified parameters. For example, “today we will count how many black cars we will see” or “how many trucks will pass towards them”.

Next word logic game "Find out what (whom) I have in mind"

One player conceives a word (noun): an object, a living creature, a phenomenon, etc. Another or other players must guess the conceived word. You can ask any questions to which you will receive monosyllabic answers: "yes", "no" or "yes and no." The fewer questions you need to guess the right word, the more "advanced" the player is. If several players are guessing at once, the one who asks the final question wins. Then the winner and the host change places.

This game promotes the development of the ability to classify, navigate in various concepts, objects and their features, develops.

Let me give you example 1.

The word "water" is conceived.

Questions: Is this an item? (Not)

Is it alive? (Yes and no)

Is it at home? (Yes)

Is it in the kitchen? (Yes)

Is it necessary for cooking? (Yes)

Is it liquid? (Yes)

This is water? (Yes! I guessed it!)

The word "doll" is conceived.

Questions: Is it alive? (Not)

Is it an item? (Yes)

Do I have this at home? (Yes)

Is this furniture? (Not)

It is a toy? (Yes)

Is this a toy for a girl? (Yes)

Is it a doll? (Yes! I guessed it!)

These question-and-answer chains can be very different in size and content.

This game is suitable for people of almost any age, starting from the middle preschool (although, there are advanced kids ...).

Game "Name 3 (5) objects"

This game also helps to develop. It expands vocabulary and the outlook of the child.

The players take turns asking each other tasks: "Name 3 (5) types of fruits, names of fairy tales, types of air transport, hats, pieces of furniture, etc." The list of tasks has practically no end, and their number and complexity depends on the age and outlook of the players.

Word game "Will you go to the ball?"

This game from childhood (or its variations) will be remembered by many adults. The basic rule of the game is “yes” and “no”, don't say, don't wear black and white. The presenter begins with the question: "Will you go to the ball?" And then you can ask various questions: By car? On a carriage? On what? What color is the dress? Are the shoes black? And so on. The player who broke the rule is eliminated from the game or changes place with the leader.

"Tell me which one"

A word (noun) is proposed, for which you need to come up with as many signs as possible. Whoever names more adjectives wins. You can do this in turn. Then the winner will be the one who comes up with and calls the feature last.

For example, "flower" (garden, field, fragrant, early, spring, beloved, yellow, variegated, large, double, long-awaited, capricious, indoor, etc. Some color shades can be called countless).

The proposed word games will be useful for both ordinary preschoolers and schoolchildren primary school with speech and other problems. And just to reduce travel time.

Word games for preschoolers and schoolchildren

  1. help to replenish the vocabulary of children with new concepts,
  2. activate the skills of word formation and inflection,
  3. activate the process of retrieving from memory,
  4. will contribute to the development of attention, associations, as well as logical thinking,
  5. help you prepare for school.

There are a lot of word games for preschoolers. With their help, from childhood, you can teach your kid the same mastery of a word that adults in business learn for a lot of money. Read about similar exercises and play with pleasure.

Word game rules

Word games have a wide range of uses.

They can be used both as developmental (for ordinary children) and as corrective (if your child has problems).

Use 1-2 exercises each time. If you change the instructions, it will be a different game based on the same material (example: "Get to know pets").

At the end of the word game, it will be helpful to select an object and draw it. Drawing will help correlate the word and the image, which is important for the development of interaction between the cerebral hemispheres.

And some more good advice. Educators have a good rule of thumb: make up filing cabinets. It just doesn't hurt the parents.

Collect word games. Stick each exercise onto cardboard and place in a box. You will have an easy-to-use filing cabinet (no need to search the Internet every time). We have tried to arrange the material in a form convenient for a filing cabinet.

Teach your toddler to play outdoor and word games. He will be able to become a ringleader and a leader among peers. Children will reach out to him and respect your child.

Word games to develop thinking

Get to know the pets

Assignment: listen carefully to the words and name only pets. For children 3-4 years old and children with developmental delay, repeat several times (if necessary). Pronounce words slowly and clearly. If the baby does not know any of the pets, show the picture on the Internet.

Instruction. I will name different animals. When you hear the name of a pet (wild animal, bird, adult animal, cub, etc.), you need to clap your hands (jump, sit down, raise your hands, whistle, shout, croak, etc.). For older preschoolers, you can name all the words in a row.

  1. fox, dog, monkey, hare;
  2. horse, tiger, raccoon, bear;
  3. rooster, turkey, partridge;
  4. ram, elk, calf, squirrel;
  5. giraffe, chicken, goat;
  6. duck, drake, crane;
  7. tit, goose, rabbit;
  8. elephant, cow, lynx;
  9. foal, cat, mouse;
  10. pig, wild boar, shrew;
  11. mole, lamb, already;
  12. chicken, wolf, kid;
  13. bison, barn, sheep.

What are the words for transport?

Instruction. Same as the instructions for the previous exercise.

  1. truck, bike, benches;
  2. pole, subway, boat, helicopter;
  3. bus, road, sea, car;
  4. train, house, scooter, shop;
  5. tram, trolleybus, space, moon;
  6. steamer, driver, rocket, comet;
  7. tree, plane, balcony, cart.

Semantic series

Instruction. I'll tell you three words, and guess what the fourth will be.

  1. bird-nest, dog -...;
  2. jacket-fabric, boots- ...;
  3. horse-foal, cow- ...;
  4. cover book, home -…;
  5. a dog is a puppy, a person is ...;
  6. porridge-spoon, meat- ...;
  7. boat-water, train- ...;
  8. squirrel-hollow, man - ...;
  9. flower-stem, tree- ...;
  10. window-sill, wardrobe -…;
  11. birch leaves, pine -…;
  12. the sun is light, the night is ...;
  13. button fur coat, boot -….

The correct words are: kennel, leather, roof, baby, trunk, fork, rails, house, shelf, needles, lace.

Guess the subject

Instruction. I will name the parts, and you guess which thing they belong to.

  1. body, cabin, wheels, steering wheel, headlights, doors (truck);
  2. cover, sheets, pictures, letters (book);
  3. trunk, branches, twigs, leaves, bark, fruits, roots (tree);
  4. handles, teeth, (saw);
  5. bottom, lid, walls, handles (pan);
  6. plants, gardener, fence, land (garden);
  7. entrance, floor, railings, stairs, apartments, elevator, attic (house);
  8. backs, mattress, legs (bed);
  9. wings, cockpit, salon, tail, engine (aircraft);
  10. sole, heel, bootleg, toe (boot, boot)
  11. eyes, forehead, eyelashes, nose, mouth, chin, eyebrows, cheeks (face);
  12. petals, stem, leaves, stamens (flower);
  13. floor, walls, wallpaper, ceiling (room);
  14. boiling water, tea leaves, a cup, sugar, candy (tea);
  15. window sill, frame, window leaf, glass (window).

What do objects have in common?

Instruction. I will name the objects, and you guess what they have in common and explain to me.

Two subjects:

  1. peach, plum (fruit);
  2. cucumber, carrots (vegetables);
  3. table, chair (furniture);
  4. cow, goat (pets);
  5. hat, cap (headwear);
  6. tulip, rose (flowers);
  7. saucepan, frying pan (dishes);
  8. wardrobe, bed (furniture);
  9. dress, skirt (clothing);
  10. rain, snow (precipitation);
  11. boots, boots (shoes);
  12. goat, pig (domestic animals);
  13. plate, spoon (dishes);
  14. magpie, sparrow (birds);
  15. Moscow, ... (name of hometown) (city);
  16. Volga, Don (rivers);
  17. kvass, fanta (drinks);
  18. aircraft, helicopter (air transport);
  19. bus, trolleybus (ground transport);
  20. cat, goat (pets).
  21. boat, ship (water transport);

Three subjects:

  1. plate, frying pan, cup (dishes);
  2. ball, sun, ball (round);
  3. boots, boots, shoes (shoes);
  4. pyramid, pear, tree (similar to a triangle);
  5. sun, dandelion, circle (round);
  6. briefcase, pen, notebook (school supplies);
  7. leaf, grass, tree, crocodile (green).

Guess which group of objects we are talking about

(develops the ability to define concepts).

  1. They grow in a garden bed, are used in food (vegetables).
  2. They grow on a tree in the garden, very tasty and sweet (fruit).
  3. Moves along roads, water, air; carries people, cargo (transport).
  4. They are put on the head at any time of the year, especially in winter (hats).
  5. These things are worn in cold weather. There are long and short ones. Front closure (outerwear).
  6. Wear on feet (shoes).
  7. Useful for humans. He looks after them. Live in a barn (pets).
  8. These things are sewn from fur or knitted from woolen threads. Put on the head in winter (hats, or more specifically, hats).

Guess the name of the item from the description

For example: "What is this?"

Vegetable, round, red, delicious.


  1. It is a sweet orange fruit; it has a thick but soft skin that can be easily removed.
  2. It is a yellow fruit; very sour.
  3. It is a tree with short green needles. Seen from a distance, it looks like a triangle.
  4. A tree with long green needles. Put in New Year instead of a tree.
  5. It is a shrub with small berries that are black, white and red.
  6. It is a tree with dense, sturdy leaves; its fruits are called.
  7. It is a yellow flower. It blooms in early spring. When it fades, the seeds fly away on white parachutes.
  8. This is also a flower, it has a yellow core and white petals.
  9. It's a vegetable. Round shape. Cabbage soup is made from it.

Match animals to the following words

Instruction. I will say the words, and you guess who it is about. Draw an animal.

  1. shaggy, clubfoot ...;
  2. small, ringing, long-nosed ...;
  3. hungry, gray, toothy, angry ...;
  4. big, horned ...;
  5. angry, toothy, green ...;
  6. small, dexterous, agile ...;
  7. green, goggle-eyed ...;
  8. predatory, strong, striped ...;
  9. dexterous, noisy, tailed ...;
  10. bright, warm ...;
  11. big, gray, big-eared, thick-legged ...;
  12. small, black, hardworking ...;
  13. long-tailed, chirping ...;
  14. gray, prickly ...

Play word games and have fun and use. Website Non-standard children wishes you success!

Natalia Filippova
A selection of word games for older children preschool age

A selection of word games for older preschool children.

"Call it soon"

Purpose. Teach children on signal(passing the ball) (decrease).

Rules of the game. At the beginning of the game, agree on condition: name numbers one more. The teacher throws the ball to someone from children and names the number... The child catches the ball and, throwing it back, says a number one more. The game is played at a fast pace.

The players follow the answers and help the presenter.

Complication. Name numbers out of order. Children who count within large limits can be called numbers greater than 5.

"What is where?"

Purpose. Teach children navigate in space (Push).

Rules of the game. Children form a circle. The leader is selected with the help of the reader.

One, two, three, four, five,

We start to play.

One, two, three, four, five.

The presenter stands in the center of the circle and, throwing the ball to someone from children, asks: "What's on your right" if the child gave the correct answer, he becomes the leader. The game continues.

Questions can be like this:

Who is on your left?

Who is in front of you?

What's over your head? Etc.

"Show the same amount"

Purpose. Strengthen the skill children correlate the quantity with the figure.

Rules of the game. The teacher invites the children to arrange the numbers in order, and put a card with circles under them. While the children are doing the task, the teacher puts out a certain number of toys. Children, having counted them, show the corresponding figure and explain why they showed this figure.

The game is repeated with a change of toys.

Game options:

The child displays the toys;

Instead of numbers, children show a card with circles;

The teacher offers to show the number one more or less.

"Make no mistake"

purpose: to consolidate the skill children on signal(passing the ball) call subsequent number to increase (decrease.)

Rules of the game. Children form a circle. In the center of the circle is the educator. He throws the ball to the child and says the number. The child who caught the ball calls the next number and tosses the ball to the caregiver.

Complication. Children form a circle, the teacher is with them. Tossing the ball to each other, they call the numbers in order. For example, a child says "one" - and throws the ball to someone from children... The other who caught the ball says "two" - and throws the ball to whoever he wants.

"Who will name more?"

Purpose. Consolidate knowledge children about geometric shapes. Find them in the immediate environment.

Rules of the game. Children are divided into two teams. The presenter asks them to name objects that have the shape of a quadrangle (square shape)... For each correct answer, the team receives a token. You cannot name the same item twice.

The game is played at a fast pace.

Purpose. Teach children on signal(passing the ball) call subsequent number to increase (decrease).

Complication. Those children who count within large numbers are called any of them.

"Who will remember more?"

Purpose. Develop attention children memorizing geometric shapes.

Rules of the game. Different geometric shapes are placed in random order on the flannelgraph (6 pcs.)... Children look at them and remember them. The teacher counts to 3 and closes the pieces. Suggests to name as many figures as possible that were on the flannelegraph.

Complication. Name not only the shapes, but also their colors.

"Help the bunny"

Purpose. To consolidate the ability to correlate an object with a number.

Game material. Groups of vegetables, cards with numbers.

Rules of the game. There are groups of vegetables on the flannelgraph. Educator. A hare has come running to us, he wants to play. Close your eyes, and at this time he will put numbers near the vegetables. Opening your eyes, look and tell me if he put the numbers next to the vegetables correctly.

Children close their eyes, the teacher puts numbers next to the groups of vegetables, corresponding to the number of vegetables.

Opening their eyes, children, counting groups, not only pick numbersbut also explain why they did just that.

Complication line. There are numbers on the flannelgraph. Children pick up groups of vegetables for them, and the bunny checks.

"Count and answer"

Purpose. To consolidate the ability to find homogeneous objects in the surrounding space, to correlate their number with a figure.

Rules of the game. The game is played while standing in a circle. Have children with seven chips... The players take turns asking each other about how many different items are in the room. If the child is mistaken, he gives the chip. At the end of the game, how many chips each each has left is counted to determine the winner.


Purpose. To consolidate the ability to identify a number by sound signal, to find its image on a card with an object.

Game material. Pictures depicting animals and numbers.

Rules of the game. On the table are pictures of upside-down animals. The teacher offers to arrange the numbers in order. Claps his hands a certain number of times. Children find the corresponding number and show it. Then one child comes to the table, takes a card with the image of an animal from the deck and, eg: Meows three times, croaks five times.

Complication line. The child conceives an animal, and after striking the tambourine, he finds the corresponding number and, in the voice of the animal he conceived, calls it.

"Is winter good or bad?"

Didactic task: consolidate knowledge children about the seasons... Exercise in determining the main signs of winter. Activate speech preschoolers

Game progress. The teacher puts up cards on a magnetic board depicting various signs and situations. Children consider it and discuss, if there are difficulties in answering, the teacher helps them:

When winter is good. You can play snowballs, make a snow woman.

When winter is bad. It's very cold, you can't always go for a walk.

When winter is good. The bunny will change the gray fur coat to a white one, the wolf will not notice him.

When winter is bad. The bunny has nothing to eat, it is very cold and he shivers under the bush.

When winter is good. The forest rests and sleeps under a white blanket.

When winter is bad. The forest stands gloomy, without leaves, bird songs are not heard.

"Water is good or bad"

Didactic task: consolidate knowledge children about phenomena not alive nature to water and its properties. Exercise in determining the positive and negative properties of water. Activate speech preschoolers... Develop observation and auditory attention.

Game progress. The teacher puts up plot pictures on a magnetic board, and the children give their explanations.

The rain waters the ground. It all starts fast grow: grass, flowers, trees. The rain is good.

It's raining, so you can't walk. You can get your feet wet and get sick. The rain is bad.

If it rains for a very long time, there will be a lot of water outside, and plants may die. A lot of rain is bad.

If it does not rain for a long time or the rain drips and ends quickly, the plants may die. No rain or little rain is bad.

The presenter explains to the children the rules of the game: - I will list the objects with which they decorate christmas tree... If they are hung on it, you say yes, "and if they are not hung, you say no." And so, listen carefully and think where to say "yes" and where "no":

a bright toy ... a ringing firecracker ... Petenka-Parsley ... an old pillow ... white snowflakes ... black boots ... bunnies made of cotton wool ... winter shovels ... red lanterns ... bread croutons. .. apples and cones ... torn pants ...

Many friends

Children, holding hands, form a circle. Slowly moving in a circle to the right or to the left, all the players sing a song, in which the name of the driver walking in the middle of the circle is mentioned. If, for example, the driver's name is Sasha, then everyone sings:

Our Sasha has many friends, They all follow him like shadows. Whatever Sasha does, they do ... (or: "Everything that Sasha does, they do.")

Children sing a song, and at this time the driver, like everyone else, moves inside the circle in a general direction. When the song comes to the words: "Whatever Sasha does ...", the driver makes various movements, takes different poses, but such that they do not interfere with the movement of the round dance, and all the children in the round dance must repeat them exactly. To the last words of the song:

Who are you, Sasha, the most best friend?

Who is your best friend, Sasha? -

the driver chooses who, in his opinion, followed his movements better than others. The one on whom the choice falls, goes to the middle of the circle and replaces the driver, and the driver leaves in his place, and the game continues. Children sing a song first, calling the name of the new driver.

This game has several flavors. Sometimes it is carried out like this: the driver stands in the middle of the circle, and everyone else, holding hands, lead a round dance around him and also sing a song, but another one, although the name of the driver is also mentioned in the text.

For instance:

Katya is standing in a circle, the Circle is looking at Katya. Come on, Katya, show us what to do. One two Three!

On the count of "three" the driver makes some movement, and all the others repeat it exactly.

After several chants, the driver chooses in his place the one who, in his opinion, coped with the task better than others, after which the game continues with a new driver.

Swan geese

They choose the wolf and the owner, all other players are swan-geese. The owner stands on one side of the playground, geese-swans on the other, in the middle - a wolf. And then conversations begin in the game.

Master (calling the geese). Geese, geese?

Geese (answer). Ha-ha-ha.

Master. Do you want to eat?

Geese. Yes Yes Yes.

Master. Well, fly!

Geese. We fear.

Master. Why?

Geese. Gray wolf under the mountain

does not let us go home!

Master. What is he doing?

Geese. The geese are nibbling.

Master. Which ones?

Geese. Gray and white.

Master. You fly however you want

Only take care of your wings!

Geese-swans, go home!

Geese fly home from the pasture, and the wolf catches them to the place where the owner is. After 2-3 flights of geese, a new wolf and owner are selected. Each time the geese caught by the wolf are counted and released.

The one of the wolves who will be able to catch more than others wins.


Children are divided into 2 teams. The presenter puts an object in the box so that none of the guys can see, and then asks the players what it is. It can be a toy, candy, apple, ball, book - in short, everything that is familiar to children. They have to guess what is in the box by asking questions that can only be answered "yes" or "no."

For example: Is it round? Edible? Red? Can I throw it? Is it heavy? Iron? etc.

The winner is the team that guesses correctly and names the item in the box faster than the opponents.

Pinch! (puzzle game)

The facilitator explains the game to 1 or 2 children, who, having understood its meaning, are playing their comrades.

Taryn, master, pinch, We went by boat. Taryn, master drowned - Who stayed in the boat?


The one who starts the game begins to pinch his partner.

Finish the word

Children are arranged in a circle. The presenter throws a ball to someone and says the first syllable of some word, for example: "Sa ...". The child, to whom the ball is thrown, catches it and adds an ending to the syllable, which together would make up a whole word. For example: the leader says: "Sa ...", the one who caught him answers: "... sha" (Sasha) - and throws the ball to the leader. Words should be chosen short and familiar to children; at the beginning of the game, the presenter can say that these will be the names of those who are in the circle. Ka-cha, Mi-sha, Irina, Sve-ta, Ko-la, O-la, etc. Gradually, over and over again, the game can be complicated by introducing words of three syllables. For example: the presenter says: "Sa ..." - and throws the ball to the child, the catcher answers: "mo" - and throws the ball to another player. He ends the word: "years" (Samo-years) - and throws the ball to the presenter, etc.

What words are there

The presenter invites children to play a game, who knows more different words. The winner is the one who calls more words than the others.


The teaser is a genre of children's creativity. It arises as an addition to the child's name of a rhymed nickname or a consonant word ("Andrey-sparrow", "Antoshka-potato", "Liza-suck", "Leshka-flat cake"). The presenter invites children to come up with words that sound like the names of girls and boys, and so that they are teasers. For instance:


Sasha-porridge-curdled milk.

Andrew the sparrow-rotozy.




Light candy.

Teddy bear.

Anna bath.

The winner is the one of the guys who can come up with more teasing words than others, and the one who comes up with the most unusual teaser.

Sweet words

One child sits facing the other children. At the command of the leader, the players should take turns saying only affectionate words to him - the sun, bunny, birch, cat, cute, dear, gentle, good, grass, flower, etc.

It is impossible to repeat the previously pronounced words; in case of difficulty, the presenter gives the player 15-20 seconds to come up with it. Those who failed to cope with the task during this time or who called them “not an affectionate word” are eliminated from the game.

The winner is the participant who successfully completed the task and reached the final in the singular.


The driver is selected, he stretches his hand forward with his palm down. All children put their index finger under their palm. The driver says:

Under my roof

Gathered mice

Hare, squirrel, toad,

There were hares on the mountain

and shouted: "Hide your fingers!"

At the word "DAC!" the driver clenches his palm into a fist, and everyone must quickly remove their fingers. Whose finger is grabbed, he becomes leading.


Children break up in pairs, hit each other's hands with 2 hands and say:

Mom beat, beat, beat And reported everything to dad. Dad beat, beat, beat And reported everything to the woman. Baba beat, beat, beat And reported everything to my grandfather. Grandfather beat, beat, beat And reported everything to the sisters. The sisters beat, beat, beat And all the brothers reported. The brothers beat, beat, beat, And rolled them into the tub, And in the tub there are two frogs - Close your ears soon!

At the last words, the guys should quickly cover their ears with their palms. The winner is the one who does it faster.

Broken phone

Children sit in one line. The presenter quietly, quickly, but distinctly whispers in the ear of the first one from the edge of a word or a short sentence, for example: "greedy beef" or "a fly sat down on jam." He conveys what he heard to the second, he to the third, and so on. The last in the chain gets up and loudly says what he heard. And after that, the presenter calls the original word. If a word is distorted along the way, you need to go "back along the line" to find who was the first to distort it. The culprit becomes the leader and the game continues. If the word reached the last participant without distortion, then the presenter starts the game again, coming up with a new message.


The game is conducted in the same way as with children 3-4 years old "Riddles-folds" in the section "Word games". The change is that the leader offers the children new, more difficult riddles.

For a long time unknown to many, He became every friend, Everyone is familiar with an interesting fairy tale. Very simple, albeit long, He is called ... (Cipollino)

I did not tremble in front of the wolf,

I ran away from the bear

But the fox's teeth

I got caught ... (Kolobok)

Mixed with sour cream, Chilled on the window, Round side, ruddy side Rolled ... (Kolobok)

With a primer, a wooden boy walks to school, Falls instead of school In a linen booth. What is the name of this book? What is the name of the boy himself? Here's a hint to you, friends, His girl Malvina Called ... (Pinocchio, "The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio")

Heals small children, Heals birds and animals, The Good Doctor looks through his glasses ... (Aibolit)

Together with Karlsson, our Shalunishka jumped from the rooftops ... (Kid)

The horse is not easy to ride -

Wonderful golden mane

The boy carries the boy over the mountains

Yes, it will not drop it.

The horse has a son -

Amazing skate,

Amazing skate,

Nicknamed ... (Humpbacked)

He is a friend of animals and children, He is a living creature, But there is not a single one like that in this world. Because he is not a bird

Not a tiger cub, not a fox, Not a kitten, not a puppy, Not a wolf cub, not a marmot But filmed for a movie And everyone has known for a long time This cute little face And called ... (Cheburashka)

Who in the world walks in a stone shirt? They walk in a stone shirt ... (Turtles)

This beast has a huge stature, Behind the beast - a small tail, In front of the beast - a large tail, Well, of course, this is it Well, of course, it is ... (Elephant)

And in the forest we, and in the swamp, We will always be found everywhere -In the meadow, at the edge We are green ... (Frogs)

On the branch is not a bird - Small animal, Fur is warm, like a hot water bottle ... Who is this? ... (Squirrel)

In any bad weather I respect very much the water And shore from the mud -Clean, gray ... (Goose)

I catch bugs all day, I eat worms, I don't fly to a warm land, I live here under a roof. Chick-chirp! Don't be shy!

I am seasoned ... (Sparrow)

Stands on one leg, Stares into the water, Pokes his beak at random, Looks for frogs in the river. A drop hung on my nose. Do you recognize? This is ... (Heron)

Across the river they grew, They brought them to the holiday, On the branches - needles What is it? ... (Christmas trees)

Forests conceal many troubles, Wolf, bear and fox there! Our animal is taking its feet. Come on, quickly guess, What is the name of the animal? ... (Bunny)

Very gentle and clean

Washes with a fluffy paw,

If he uses his nails -

Terrible animal - domestic ... (cat)

He is with a bell in his hand, In a blue-red cap. He is a funny toy, And his name is ... (Petrushka)

Slender, fast, Branchy horns, Grazes all day. Who is this? ... (Deer)

Time notes ringingly, In the morning meets the sun. Here is the last ray extinguished - Sleeps on a perch ... (Rooster)

He is not a deer and not a bull,

I'm used to living in hot countries,

It has a horn on its nose.

Who is this? ... (Rhino)

Someone grabbed hold of someone:

Oh, you can't pull it out!

Oh, she sat down tight! But the helpers will come running Soon ... The stubborn will win. Friendly common work! Who sat down so tight? Maybe it's ... (Turnip)

Riddles and answers

The presenter distributes cards with pictures to the children. He himself takes a card with the text of the riddle and reads it. Children examine their pictures and, if among them there is an object that is a solution, then the child raises the card and says: "This is about ..." The one who guessed the riddle receives an empty card, which covers his picture. The game continues until the guys cover all the pictures on their cards.

It is too small,

And the tail is rich.

From branch to branch skok-skok,

Nut after nut click-click. (Squirrel)

In summer he walks through the forest, in winter he rests in a den.


Like a tree, covered in needles. (Hedgehog)

Jump-jump coward: Tail-short,

Ears along the back, Eyes with a curl. Clothes in two colors: For winter and summer. (Hare)

He looks like a shepherd

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his jaws bared,

The sheep is ready to attack. (Wolf)

He is friends with the owner, barks at strangers, does not let him into the house. (Dog)

Mustache muzzle,

Striped fur coat,

Washes often

But he doesn't know water. (Cat)

Small stature, Long tail, Gray fur coat, Sharp teeth. (Mouse)

Red-haired dairy Chews day and night: After all, it is not so easy to convert grass into milk! (Cow)

The tail is crocheted, and the stigma is a snout. (Pig)

I'm floating under the bridge

And wag my tail.

I don't walk on the ground

There is a mouth, but I do not speak.

I have eyes - I don't blink

There are wings - I don't fly. (Fish)

He writes when he dictates, He draws and draws.

And tonight

He will color the album for me. (Pencil)

I will puff, puff, puff

I don't want to get warm anymore.

The lid rang loudly:

"Drink tea, the water is boiling!" (Kettle)

She lets me into the house And lets me out, Under lock and key at night She keeps my sleep. (Door)

You throw it into the river - it doesn't sink, You hit it against the wall - it doesn't moan, You will throw it on the ground - It will fly upward. (Ball)

I have guys

Two silver horses.

I drive both at once.

What kind of horses do I have? (Skates)

For a rope-bridle Through the courtyard I lead a horse, From a hill down on it I fly, And I drag it back. (Sledge)

Two snub-nosed girlfriends Do not lag behind each other: Both are running in the snow, Both are singing songs, Both ribbons in the snow Leave on the run! (Skiing)

Phrases and tongue twisters

In children of the 5th year of life, the pronunciation of individual sounds may not yet be formed: hissing

the sounds are not pronounced clearly enough, not all children can pronounce the sounds of lyres. The presenter conducts the game in the same way as with children of the 4th year of life. The change consists in the fact that new, more complex ones are added to the old ones.

It must be remembered that a tongue twister is always fun, and it must be fun to work on. There is always material for a joke in a tongue twister: the inability to pronounce a sentence quickly and the child's ridiculous mistake cause the laughter of his comrades, which in itself has a beneficial effect on the baby, forcing him to strive for a cleaner and clearer speech.

S, 3, W, W, H, Sch, Ts

Elephants are smart,. Elephants are meek, Elephants are calm And strong.

It's dark in the forest, Everyone has been sleeping for a long time. One owl does not sleep, Sits on a bitch.

Birch sap stack, birch sap stack. Forty-forty ate some cheese with a beautiful red crust. Not slippery at all, not slippery at all. The wasp does not have a mustache, do not whisker, but antennae. Osip is hoarse, Arkhip Osip. The net caught on a twig. We sat down in the sleigh by seven ourselves. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying.

Senya, Sanya and Sonia are riding On a sled: sled skok, Senya off his feet, Sanya in the side, Sonia boom in a snowdrift.

We sit on the ladder, And we sing songs.

Doesn't want to mow with a scythe.

There was a scythe goat with a scythe. A scythe goat came with a scythe.

Cheer up, Savely, stir the hay!

Wasp on bare feet and without a belt.

Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep in the hay.

Forty forty shirts for their own Forty shirts, scribbling without quarreling.

I washed the floor of Sveta, swept the dirty linen out of the house.

Sanya, look out the window, How much snow it has brought! And in the forest and in the garden, Pines, ate - all in the snow.

There is a goat, goat-dereza, For-for-for, for-for-for. Evil eyes of the goat-dereza, Zy-zy-zy, zy-zy-zy. The kids go along with the goat, Zoey-zo-zoey, zo-zo-zoey.

Zoya leads the kids and the goat, Zu-zugzu, zu-zu-zu.

Overloading of watermelons was going from body to body. In a thunderstorm, in the mud from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed.

The owner has a goat, the hostess has a goat.

There were two Zinks walking, carrying baskets, each Zinka had two baskets, each basket had two rubber bands. How many rubber bands did Zinok have?

Marina called Galina for raspberries, Marina Galina called for raspberries.

The thunderstorm is formidable, the thunderstorm is formidable.

Zakhar launches a snake, Zoya plays with a bunny *, Zina went to the forest, found Strawberries.

Forty mice walked, they found forty pennies, two plain mice found two pennies.

Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the flatter mice playfully rummage around for pennies.

Scales at the pike, bristles at the pig. In the hut, six kids are playing pranks.

In the hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks and, juggling with knives, eats a piece of figs.

A cuckoo bought a cuckoo hood, put on a hood for a cuckoo - how funny it is in the hood.

Timoshkina's mongrel barked at Pashka. Pashka beats Timoshkin's hat with his hat.

Masha has a midge in porridge. What should our Masha do? I put the porridge in a bowl and fed the cat.

Terrible beetle to live on a bitch.

The red-haired cat was lying down on his stomach.

The beetle fell and cannot get up, He is waiting for someone to help him.

The beetle buzzes, buzzes, but does not spin. Crawled under the oak, already crawled under the oak.

The poor hedgehog is shivering, He can’t do anything, His skin turned blue, And his face was twisted His mother worries: "That worries will multiply - Poor hedgehog is shivering."

Chiki-chiki-chikalochki I'm eating on a stick.

Blueberries are sitting in a dark dungeon.

Testicles in the nest - birds will hatch.

The train rushes with a grinding noise: w, h, w, sch, w, h, w, sch.

Chock, chock, heel Jumped on a bitch, Broke off, broke, Chock, chock, heel. An old man at the fence:

I gave him a shoe, "Old man, old man, fix me a heel."

Two puppies nibble cheek to cheek on a brush in the corner.

I brush the puppy with a brush, Tickle his sides.

The pike lived in the river, Brushed the water of chalk, cooked cabbage soup for guests, treated the minnows.

Avdey dragged a sack of nails, Gordey dragged a sack of mushrooms, Avdey gave Gordey nails, Gordey gave Avdey a bag of mushrooms.

Roofer Kirill Crooked roof of the wings. Close the roof I invited Grisha.

Even your neck, even your ears You have stained in black ink. Get in the shower soon. Shower mascara off your ears.

The chicken is worried, Don't scare the chicken.

The good fellow against the sheep, and the sheep himself against the good fellow. A hen brought a brood of chickens from the street.

Chickens admired chicken Every chicken is clever! Well done, daring,

A very valuable chick!

In the flower garden, two sheep graze all day. At the porch endlessly, Pussy eats from a saucer. From the flowers, at last, Drive the sheep away!

Counting room

How to play counting rhymes and what types of counting rhymes exist has already been described (children 3-4 years old). The presenter introduces children of the 5th year of life to counting rhymes of more complex content.

Our Tom wanted to eat, He climbed into the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, sour cream, Meat, fish, eggplant, Cucumbers and grapes, Zucchini and lemonade

If you want to eat, too, so quickly come out!

Jerry is a mouse

And Tomik is a cat. They dance together. Then Taffy runs to them, He wants to eat the cheese. I rummaged through the refrigerator, took away the Cheese - That was what it was!

Jerry lives happily, Jerry sings songs! One, two, three, four, five, Come on Jerry, sing it again!

The chicken cooked the soup, The ducks helped. The cats came running. They brought the bowls. Steel the cats to wash the bowls. Come out - you drive.

A pig walks through the swamp, Calling hares to work. Hares will say: "I don't want to!" The pig will say: "I'll pay!"

Mashenka came out for a walk To pick flowers for herself. Silence is all around. Only the cuckoo screams.

You, cuckoo, do not shout, And tell the whole truth: How many years is still in the spring We will see you? She began to cuckle, Mashenka began to count:

One, two, three, four, five. Come out - you play!

The toad jumped, galloped, Almost fell into the swamp. Grandfather came out of the swamp - Two hundred and eighty years old. One, two, three, It will surely be you!

One two three four! The mice lived in the apartment: they drank tea, beat cups, paid three money each! Who does not want to pay - Tom and drive!

Dora, dora, tomato, We caught a thief in the garden. They began to think and wonder, How to punish the thief. We tied our hands and feet And let us along the road. The thief walked, walked, walked And found the basket. In this little basket there are drawings and pictures. One two Three! Whoever you want - give!

Behind glass doors

There is a Bear with pies.

Hello, Misha friend,

How much does a pie cost?

The pie is worth three,

And you will drive.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, eccentric, Sewed a prickly jacket. Got up in a circle and well count - We choose a walker!

One, two, three, four, five,

six seven eight nine ten,

Comes out all month round

And after the month the moon

Boy to girl servant.

You, servant, give me a carriage,

And I'll sit down and go.

You, servant, give me a broom,

I'll sweep in the carriage.

And I will go to Petrograd

Buy yourself an outfit:

Red, blue, blue -

Choose anyone for yourself.

One, two, three, four, five, We will play hide and seek. Sky, stars, meadow, flowers. You go and lead!

Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si, The cat is riding a taxi! And the kittens clung and rode for free!

Tili-tili, tili-bom. A hare knocked down a pine tree with his forehead. I feel sorry for the bunny: The bunny is wearing a bump. Hurry to escape to the forest. Make a compress to the bunny!

One, two, oops! America, Europe, India, China, Fly out of the circle!

Tomorrow will fly from the sky Blue-blue-blue whale... If you believe - wait and wait, But if you don't believe - come out!


The players start counting out loud from one to one hundred, taking turns calling the numbers. The task of the players is to say the word “tru-la-la” instead of numbers that are divisible by 7 or include the word “seven” in their name (you can think of any other funny phrase; instead of 7, choose another number, for example, 4). The one who is wrong is out of the game. The remaining participants start counting from the beginning. You need to keep score quickly, then mistakes happen often, and the game turns out to be very fun. The winner is the one who has never made a mistake.

Earth, air, water, fire

An interesting word game for children for quick thinking. The participants of the game form a circle, in the middle of which the driver stands. He throws a ball or a balloon to the players in turn, naming one of the elements: earth, air, water or fire. If the driver said the word "Earth!", Then the one who caught the ball must quickly (while the driver is counting to five) name some domestic or wild animal; to the word "Water!" the player responds with the name of a fish or aquatic animal; to the word "Air!" - the name of the bird (flying insect). At the word "Fire!" everyone should wave their hands. Anyone who is mistaken or cannot name an animal is eliminated. You cannot repeat the names of animals, fish and birds.

Verbal volleyball

In this game, the participants, standing in a circle, throw a ball or a balloon to each other. In this case, the player who throws calls any noun, and the one who catches the ball needs to name a verb that is suitable in meaning, for example: the sun is shining, the dog is barking, etc. If the player names an inappropriate verb, he is eliminated from the game.

All questions - one answer

In advance, you need to prepare cards with the names of various household items. This can be kitchen utensils, household appliances, household and other items, for example: a frying pan, saucepan, vacuum cleaner, iron, broom, mop, etc.

Players sit in a circle. The presenter approaches each participant and offers to draw out a piece of paper with the name of the item from the hat (box). When all the cards are taken apart, the leader stands in the center of the circle, and the game begins. The presenter asks the players in turn a variety of questions, and the players must answer these questions only with the names of the items they got in the cards (in addition, it is allowed to use only prepositions). Rules: you need to answer questions very quickly, while the one who is talking with the presenter is prohibited from laughing, while the other participants can deliberately make him laugh.

Options for questions and answers:

  • What's your name? - Mop.
  • And what do you brush your teeth with in the morning - with a vacuum cleaner.
  • What's your hairstyle called? - Washcloth.
  • Who are your friends? - Frying pans.
  • What do you have instead of eyes? - Spoons.

The main task of the presenter is to come up with such questions, the answers to which involuntarily cause laughter from both specific players and all other participants. The player who laughs is eliminated from the game. The most imperturbable participant who knows how to restrain his emotions wins.

Answers out of place

The essence of the game: any questions from the presenter need to be answered very quickly, without hesitation, with any proposal that is not related to the question asked... For example, the presenter asks: "Isn't it wonderful weather today?" The player needs to answer something like this: "I think today is Saturday." If he makes a mistake or answers in monosyllables (for example, says "yes", "no", "true" or "not true"), then he is out of the game. One participant in the game cannot be asked more than three questions in a row. The host's task is to try to confuse the player. For example, he asks: "Isn't it wonderful weather today?" The player replies: "I think today is Saturday." Host: "Is today Saturday?" Player: "I love going to the movies." Host (quickly): “Do you like going to the movies? One, two ... ". Playing by inertia: "Yes" - that's it, he lost in the dialogue and is eliminated!


Into this simple fun gamethat does not require any additional props, you can play while sitting at the table. The driver is chosen, who asks everyone in turn a variety of questions. The players' task is to give the same answer: "sausage" or related words: "sausage", "sausage", etc. The main thing is to answer with the most serious face. The one who laughs first is out of the game. The winner is the player who cope with his emotions to the end and will not succumb to the provocations of the host. Laughter during the game is guaranteed!


A fun outdoor game for children. The presenter calls the participants the words denoting the names of the objects, and the players need to find this object as quickly as possible and give it to the presenter. The difficulty lies in the fact that the leader calls all objects "backwards", for example: chyam, akzhol, agink, alkuk (ball, spoon, book, doll). Fun for the kids guaranteed!

Will you go to the ball?

A fun word reaction game for a small group. The essence of the game: the participants must not laugh (and even smile!), And also pronounce the words: "yes", "no", "black" and "white". Anyone who violates these conditions gives the game leader a phantom - any item he has, and then leaves the game. When there is not a single player left in the game, everyone who has given the forfeits redeems them by completing funny tasks invented by the host.

The game begins with the presenter approaching each player in turn with the words: “The lady sent you a golik and a broom, and a hundred rubles of money, ordered not to laugh, not to smile,“ yes ”and“ no ”not to say, black, white not wear. Will you go to the ball? "

Examples of possible dialogues with player errors:

  • - Will you go to the ball?
  • - I'll go.
  • - Maybe you will stay at home?
  • Not, I'll go. Oh…
  • - What color will your dress be? White?
  • - Yellow.
  • - Then the hat, of course, will be white?
  • - Not whiteand pink. Oh…
  • - Will you go in a carriage?
  • - Most likely in the carriage
  • - What will you wear for the ball?
  • - Nice dress.
  • - Black?
  • - Blue.
  • - Will they sew it especially for this ball?
  • - Of course.
  • - And you will be the most irresistible lady at the ball?
  • - Definitely.
  • - And you will kiss everyone?
  • Not! Oh…

During the game, the presenter tries to make the responder laugh; in addition, he asks questions so that the forbidden words are pronounced as soon as possible, and the players pay off for this with phantoms.