Labor education child preschooler in the family. Labor education in the family

The upbringing of Soviet guys is impossible to imagine how to upbringing is easy, upbringing lazy people and Belarus. Therefore, work should be a necessary element of family pedagogy. This is understandable and no one causes objections. If parents ask how "they imagine" homemade "labor education, nine out of ten will confidently answer:

To accustom to a child to assist in the farm, look after the kids; so that he had its own duties; In order not to be a squirrel, I knew how to do everything and remove.

And they will be right. Therefore, without delaying the attention of the reader on well-known things, we will give only a few clarifying councils.

At an early age, children are usually loved to help adults by farm. A three-year-old karapuzu to death I want to wash the dishes with my mom, cut or sweep the floor. Try to never reject the help of children, even if you know that it will be wrapped only to hindrance. Replying to children: "Go away, do not lie under your feet, I will rather do without you," you beat off the hunt for every work.

Every new skill is given to the baby is not easy and fixed only by constant repetition. So he learns to dress himself. At first it is for him an interesting and difficult task. Let him get used to cope with her without parental care as early as possible. Often the mother lacks patience to wait. "Again, you run a whole hour, well, let's come here a leg," she does not stand. But this happens several times, and the skill is destroyed.

The child must have simple duties for the house. But where, under the slogan of labor education, the child is just a whole day on blissing, it does not teach truly to work. The kid must have a deal that he would consider his own, for which he would have been responsible and which would be a little interesting to him.

In the instructed business, some independence should be provided. At first, it is necessary, of course, explain to him what what, and trace the execution. But it is impossible to constantly stand on his soul and command: do so, and now. "The more complicated and the most independent will be the labor task, the better it will be in pedagogical terms," \u200b\u200bsaid A. S. Makarenko.

Especially thoroughly need to follow, so that the started always has come to the end. If there is something unfinished from yesterday, today there should be no new order until the previous one will be completed. EVERYTHING PERSONALBERNOSTI, INTRODUCTION WILL WILL ACTIVITIES, to organize their time should be expelled with the most merciless way.

But there is another side in the family labor education, which is often forgotten. I would like to warn from a limited understanding of his tasks.

It is indisputable that the participation in the household gives a famous habit of work and useful skills needed in life. But the washing of dishes and sweeping of the floor in their own apartment do not necessarily instill a communist attitude towards work, which is built on the conscious need and the need to work with the full return forces for the sake of common good.

In an effort to develop a diligence in the child "on the needs" family, do we sometimes miss sight of the main goal of labor education? Let us explain on more "adults" examples.

Another teenager at home - on all hands, and on the Sunday you are not going to do it. "The mother does not let, says his deeds ..." - "But all the guys go!" - "So I say? Uncomfortable, moms, everyone goes. " And she: "The stadium and without you will be built, and I'm swaying with my feet, who is more expensive - mother or stadium?"

One girl joyfully boasted in the family: she was appointed responsible for the fee of the waller, and the class took first place. "You're you!" The mother said with the eagerness of the urbar. "And at home, I suppose, garbage to take out, and they will not interrogate!"

The son brought his friend, decomposed on the floor, mashed some allowances for a mug. "There is no mother to help, so much dirt breeds!"

There is no dispute, adult assistance in the family is a fair requirement. Fair and mandatory! And very insulting and bitter when the son or daughter "will not survey."

But isn't it terrible that you are in the eyes of a child with such remarks in the eyes of a child and encourage him to prefer the first second? Not from such a look at "his" and "someone else's", sometimes the first root of a vile idea that work on society is the work of "on Uncle" and therefore there is nothing to diverge here?

All of the above suggests: Labor education in the family is inevitably limited, if it is poured only into labor education - domestic labor. It acquires a complete ideological depth when it is organically combined with the upbringing of a communist attitude towards work.

He will be able to convey to the children's breath of those ideas for which you live and fight in your big adult world, you will die to impregnate the moral atmosphere of the family. This will not replace any distribution of domestic duties, no matter how reasonably it is organized. Be sure to tell (and if possible and show) to children, where you work, what your duties are that your job is interesting. Do not protrude your merit, but do not diminish them carelessly. Good Soviet pride of mother and father's labor success is very beneficial for the education of the guys.

It is necessary that sons, recognizing, for example, that the Father was chosen in the trade university or gave him a premium, they rejoiced not only to the honor and money, but also his labor success, because they understood - all this is not a good job, and for the dedicated work, for Restricted innovation "fags", for honest sweat and honest fatigue.

Our society still lives in the principle of "from everyone to the ability - to everyone by labor", and material interest remains a very important motive that encourages people to honest, conscientious work. But increasing weight, the first part of this principle is becoming increasingly in our eyes: "From each by the ability." More and more develop new, moral incentives to work: for many it becomes - and has already become! - Life needs.

We work not only for the sake of money and not only because we are aware of this debt, but also because we find high human satisfaction in work. At the same time, only she delivers the Soviet family to livelihood, ensures its well-being. To convey to the child a correct understanding of how moral and material "engines" are combined in our work activity, is not so easy.

Especially hard to endure here the faithful tone of the family, which - as an economic cell - has its own budget, constantly conducts accounting of income and expenses, saves something to something, hears something, plans, prevents, calculates ... but however It is difficult, but necessary. More than anywhere, you need to carefully, even cheetically treat the analysis) "Money issues in the family. Otherwise, material consequences can challenge his social meaning from the child.

"The child does not see how work goes," but he sees that coming from work, the elders bring money that they celebrate the production of "hotels", shopping, drinking (alas!). He sees that the pretty share of family joys and expectations is related to the acquisition of new things, clothes, furniture. And it is natural. From year to year, the material level of Soviet people increases. They move to individual apartments, furnish, catching out, you look - look for the place for the garage ... Refrigerator. Television. Garbage chute. Washer. As they say, there were no words that were not before the war! Very joyful and for the nose, and for all who renews their life on the old place, getting rid of heated chest of drawers and beds "with balls". Who, if not Soviet people, have deserved the right to weaken, on comfort, beautiful clothes, comfort!

But ... The child looks, listening and, sorry for the loud words, thinks about the meaning of life ... What a role will play in his minds, if no one will reveal to him, what kind of gigantic, almost half a century all the people are worth For a pleasant opportunity to get in this very apartment?!

We, adults, are happy that our children do not know the deprivation and misfortunes that have fallen out in their years to many of us. We rejoice, it seems that no less guys themselves, buying them unprecedented toys or bright, funny clothes, or books with tempting pictures. We are happy if we can pamper them a little ... And after all these, we forget to often hold one simple child, but the immutable truth: the thing that a person must have the right to good, but the right is given in the Soviet society only its own, honest, in the Soviet society Power work for all.

Labor education of the child in the family, except for the moral load, decides another, practical task: to prepare him for school, to successful studies. Parents do not always clearly imagine how this stage will be important in the life of their son or daughter.

School studies are primarily difficult. It requires a child habit of systematic, regular classes, requires patience and perseverance, and considerable effort.

To the one who did not receive the home of minimal skills, sometimes wonderfully overcome even school self-service. It is lost from his inefficiency and involuntary disregard for comrades. Behind the poorly performed work is shamed, ridiculed in the wall newspaper. The fact that for others is natural and simply, it turns around for him by the thickest flour. But in addition to general labor preparation, the issue of admission to school deserves special parents.

First of all, the child must realize the significance of the upcoming change in his life and wait for it with joy. By acquiring school uniform, textbooks, preparing a special place to practice the future of the first grader, parents must emphasize their respectful, serious attitude towards a ready-made event.

To school, the child usually did not have so much time in a row focused on one lesson. One of the main difficulties for the baby in his first school year is, according to the testimony of teachers, the misunderstanding of the fact that study is not a type of game, but a serious, real case. The child is disciplined, perfected, accustomed to fulfill the labor orders of adults, the transition to the quality of the schoolchildren is lighter; The same, whose attention is not accustomed to linger on something long, move this line much more difficult.

There is another serious moment when entering school: the child should be ready to plunge into a large children's team. For children coming from kindergarten, there are no problems here. For the guys "home", which do not have often experience with such a number of peers, may arise their difficulties. Some guys, for example, are difficult to master even with discipline, with the need to obey the elder, and even more so the links are their own friends who "no better than him." It happens that a normal connection with the team disrupts the nervousness and closure of the child, whose nonlands in the family, the lag associated with the weakness of health. And every time the child is sharply experiencing his inferiority, trying to hide it or compensate for something else, not always worthy.

To prevent the possibility of cracking between your child and his comrades in the class, try to develop sociability in them, stagnation, the ability to get along with partners in games. Encourage the first children's mutual assistance, friendship arising in the yard. Walking the guys to each other often annoying adults, but the experience of such communication is useful. In a word, strive to make a child with a degenerate, "comfortable" member of the future school team. (Below we still focus on this, speaking about the readiness of the child to school).

Those who believe that, growing, the child needs less concerns, and that as it is developed as a conscious creature, it will be easier to influence him. With each week, each month the relationship of the child with the outside world is complicated, it begins to develop logical thinking, memory, initiative, and to lead its development, more and more knowledge is required.

Recall that one of the main pedagogical requirements is an individual approach to each child. It is of great importance to your ability to select available exercise and games, taking into account the health and development of the child. It is necessary to take into account the level of engine apparatus and such qualities as agility and speed of movements. Lovely, sluggish children who have a timidity, uncertainty, stiffness and tensions in movements, you need more interest, stimulate their mobility, increase activity, educate a sense of confidence in their forces. It should be borne in mind that passivity and lethargy can be a consequence of physical attenuation, and this requires great caution in regulating their load in classes and games.

In classes with active, but unbalanced children, which are characterized by light excitability, often excessive mobility, fast distractions, also requires the ability to interest them. Then they become more attentive, restrained. It is advisable to give them tasks that require organized, excerpts. An individual approach makes it possible to develop many positive qualities and character traits, eliminate or smooth negative.

Of great importance in the classes with children has visibility when learning. It is necessary to strive to live and interesting to show them movement, widely use a variety of toys and benefits in the process of games and gymnastics. And, of course, the positive emotional color of these classes is very important. But one show is not enough for the right assimilation. The child's attention is also largely unstable. Therefore, he does not always well perceive what adult shows. The word should come to the rescue, with their explanations it is necessary to send it attention to the right side. The development of movements can help such a way: as if directly participating in the movement of the child himself, for example, assure his hand in the right direction; Holding him by arms, along with him throw the ball. Thanks to such techniques, the child better feels his movements, and when they repetition, it is fixed with the correct execution skill.

The guys need close attention. However, it does not follow from this that adults should do all the time with them. This is not only no need, but even harmful. We repeat that the adults require mostly reasonable guide. Be sure to attract preschoolers to practical activities in the form of landing in labor. It is an important task to be an important task - to acquire children to the expense of work for them, produce a positive emotional attitude to it.

Children systematically engaged in a variety of physical exercises make it easier for labor skills, they produce right posture, coordination of movements. In turn, labor raises and physically develops guys. Therefore, it is so important to teach them with early age Make uncomplicated self-service responsibilities, help elders in the family.

All these factors determine the relevance of the chosen topic.

The object of research are children preschool age.

The subject of research is the work of preschoolers in the family and kindergarten.

The purpose of writing a course work is to show the importance and necessity of labor of preschoolers both in the family and in children's garden.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of labor education of preschoolers.

2. Consider the content of educational labor of preschool children.

3. Analyze the procedure for organizing the work of preschoolers in family conditions.

4. To show the role of adults in the organization of the labor of preschoolers.

5. Analyze the organization of collective labor in a kindergarten.

Structurally, the term paper consists of administration, two parts, conclusion and literature of the used literature.

1 Methodological Basics of Labor Education

1.1 Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of labor education of preschoolers

Consciousness as the highest form of psyche is characterized by a number of signs. They include the active nature of reflection, which includes not only the simulation of the properties of external influences, which are the source of the image or thought, but also a change in these properties under the influence of human activity, that is, labor. The inner dialectic of consciousness is the transition from the sensation to thought through the language - is regulated by the practice. As mental consciousness is a dynamic correlation of sensual and logical knowledge, their system, working as a whole and defining each individual knowledge. This operating system is a state of wakefulness of a person, or, in other words, specifically human wakefulness characteristic is consciousness.

In this, of course, there is nothing new, but such a convergence of consciousness and wakefulness, produced with the greatest thoroughness of P.P. Blonsky, allows you to know the most consciousness as one of the manifestations of human work, as the inner plan of human activity, affecting the external living conditions of a person. It is known that human consciousness is a product of development.

A child from a certain age is aware of the effect, the result of the action produced by him, and it is precisely because this result is visible, zirim. You can even say that the initial facts of consciousness are perception and experience of the child's results, subject in the form of self-service (dressing or feeding) or games, graphic action (building an image on the sheet plane). Consequently, consciousness acts as an integral part of the effect effect and therefore inevitably instantly. However, in the process of education and accumulation of life experience, such configuration is gradually replaced by the internal linations of states of consciousness, as not only the effects of actions are realized, but also the processes of child's activities. Mainly influenced by speech and assimilation with its help of social experience, historically established ways of activity, consciousness applies to the entire process of activity, and the sequence of this spread is reverse, that is, it comes from the end (effect effect). The time comes, usually relating to the five and six years, when the child's consciousness covers the entire process of activity, starting with preparations for the action in the form of a folding plan and intention, a well-known indoor plan, scheduled for a particular action, originally brief and then More expanding in its timing bands.

As such an expansion, there is an opportunity for longer retention in the consciousness of the goals of activity. From the awareness of certain points of action, the child passes completely to targeted systematic activities - this is the path of individual development of consciousness, thanks to which all the state, wakefulness becomes a solid "stream of consciousness", switched from one type of activity to another.
The peculiarity of such a development makes it possible to understand one of the most remarkable features of consciousness - the relative continuity of its states forming the community of various mental processes and their classrooms to "I", that is, to the identity of the subject. The mechanism of this continuity of consciousness states is the development of associations, the formation of associative series of them, and from them associative, complex branched systems and intersystems, information flows. However, in the process of each formation new system Of certain associative masses, dissociation occurs, disagreement of elements of previously educated associations. With these moments of dissociation, the interruption of the continuity of associative flows is connected, when, in some time interval, the overall state of conscious regulation of the activity is replaced by the unconscious course of the process. The nature of such a flow differs from states resulting from long-term automation of certain acts, when an initial conscious action becomes unconscious.

Anyway, the functioning and the very formation of consciousness is understandable only as a characteristic of the regulation of activities, the practical interaction of a person with the outside world. Consciousness as an active reflection of objective reality is the regulation of human practical activity in the world around him.

Due to the accumulation of life experience, that is, the experience of the reflection and the most practical activity, assimilation through the language of the historically established knowledge of consciousness becomes a combination of the subjective relations of a person to nature, society, people and themselves. But there is a more general subjective attitude, in a certain sense, generating consciousness itself: the relationship to work, practical activity, through which a person does not adapt to the environment, and subordinates its own needs, forces the needs of society. This transformative power of the labor impact of people in nature is realized, in various forms of human creative activity, but a subjective attitude towards the work for these forms is the main value for the inner world of man.

In preschool pedagogy and children's psychology, until recently, the idea was distributed that all the actions of the child are the essence of the phenomena of game activity, which is historically generated by difficulty, ontogenetically there is a preparation for teaching and work, but herself is strongly incompatible with difficulty.

In early childhood and preschool age, the movements are determined, become human actions of this speech (interimalized) regulation and orientation on historically, established social standards, but only allegedly inspired as they are included in gaming activities. Does not require the evidence of a provision on the special forming role of the game in the mental development of the child. However, this role cannot and should not mask the process of real life of the child, which is carried out not through the game, but labor actions, although very elementary. Without these actions, the child practically cannot satisfy any of his needs, of course, from the moment the adults stop feeding it from the spoon. All the actions of the so-called self-service (feeding, dressing and arms, care, their room, etc.), participation in home work constitute an important side of the child's daily life in the family.

The dismissive attitude of pedagogy and psychology to this side of the child's life is based on the premises of the "technical" meaning of such actions that do not affect the mental development of children.

As the Ananyev B.G. noted, only in the most lately The theory of pre-school education began to develop a methodology for the labor education of young children, but mainly in the conditions of a nursery and kindergarten, that is, public education. Labor education of children both in conditions of public and family education begins with the organization of the regime and lifestyle with the active participation of the child itself through the so-called self-service. Then, in special conditions of public education (kindergarten, especially schools), this elementary form of work is combined with various actions of socially useful work, which is an extremely important means of education of the younger generations.

The manufacture of toys, different crafts from natural material - the work is painstaking, interesting, unusual and very pleasant. In order for children to be willing to do it, it is necessary to develop fantasy, good feelings, and with mastering the skill will come and agility in work. The importance of using the natural material in the activities of the child was the attention of A. S. Makarenko. He pointed out that materials (clay, wood, paper, etc.) "Closer to normal human activity: from materials a person creates values \u200b\u200band culture ... There are many good realism in the toy material, but at the same time there are Spaciousness for fantasy, not just imagination, but a big creative fantasy. "

The life of a good friendly family, regardless of whether it is large or small, should be based on the principle of the life of the team, all members of which have certain responsibilities, the implementation of which involves children responsibly relate to each entrusted business. A. S. Makarenko wrote: "The child who received the right labor education in the family, he will continue to be held with great success and its special training. And those children who have not passed in the family of any employment experience, those and qualifications can not get good, they are comprehended by various failures, they come out with bad workers, despite all efforts public institutions" Therefore, it is a pre-school institution that should help the family purposefully continue working on labor education, the development of independence and initiative, careful attitudes towards tools and materials.

With walks, children often bring acorns, cones, branches; With a tour of the reservoir - beautiful pebbles, shells. Children view the collected material for a long time, they move, feel, examine it. This contributes to memorizing the shape, paints, properties of each type of material.

Meetings with nature expand the ideas of children, improving their skills carefully peer into various phenomena, maintain the integrity of perception when creating crafts from natural material.

The manufacture of crafts requires a child of deft actions, and if at the inaccurate movement of the hand he could damage the toy, then later, in the process of systematic labor, the children's hand acquires confidence, accuracy, and fingers become flexible. All this is important for the preparation of the hand to the letter, to school at school. Manual labor contributes to the development of Sensotorika - consistency in the work of the eye and hand, improve the coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in action. In the process of making sinks, the system of special skills and skills is gradually formed. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "The origins of the abilities and custody of children are on the tips of their fingers. From fingers, figuratively speaking, the finest streams that feed the source of creative thoughts. "

1.2 Content of educational labor of children of preschool labor

Hope "kind" and "smart" work, work, often related to the game, is the necessary activity of a child preschooler (besides actually the game), which answers him age features. The systematic inclusion of the labor activity of the child in the process of its education in the family and kindergarten is immeasurably increases the intrinsicity of the period of preschool childhood, as well as the level of training for school and, in the end, to adulthood.

At the same time, it is impossible to forget that the success of labor education is impossible without much attention to the individuality of the child. After all, every person, including a small, unique, peculiar personality with his interests, attachments, opportunities, features of nature.

Direct communication with wildlife gives a child brighter ideas than books and pictures. Therefore, in early age groups, conditions are created for everyday communication of children with nature, corners of nature are organized, where children have the opportunity to observe fish, birds, plants, see the care of the teacher about them, get the first elementary labor skills.

The labor activity of the preschooler must be organized so that labor has echoed with the game, it was an integral part. This is how the child learns, gets used to work without noticing the fact that this is no longer a game.

It must be remembered that for a two-three-year-old child to fasten the button - this is already work, and quite complicated and painstaking.

At home playing, the child helps his mother to restore order, removes her toys, clothes, helps when cooking, helps to care for pets.

In a kindergarten, much more opportunities to organize the work of the preschooler. It should be noted that in kindergarten preschoolers work collectively, which increases their interest in labor and at the same time teaches cooperation, help each other.

In kindergartens, there are corners of nature in which the guys watching birds, fish, plants, help them to care for them, feed animals, watering plants, perform other instructions of the educator.

Also, during walks, the guys under the guidance of the teacher collect natural material from which after, in the lessons of labor education, masters toys and crafts, which teaches the guys of perpetuity, hardworking, develops fine motility of hands.

The work of making toys from natural material can be individual and collective. As with adults, collective labor brings children a greater joy of its coherence, a clear organized. It is especially important that children understand the effectiveness of collective labor, aware of its advantages.

In kindergarten in the senior groups, guys are organized in the senior groups, which help caregivers maintain order in the group, bring food from the kitchen, collect used dishes after lunch, etc.

It is also possible to use educators of other forms and types of work in kindergarten.

Parents of preschoolers need to be interested, what work their children are performing in a preschool institution, continuing labor education and at home. The older children become, the more responsibilities for them should be naked, the more difficult tasks they must fulfill and the less labor should communicate with the game.

1.3 Organization of Labor Activities in Family

Children, Solmen are not accustomed to work, often do not know what to do in leisure. They all do not glue. Imperceptibly appears bad habit Aimlessly spending time, they like to look at the games and on how others work than to do any case. Hence the tendency to idleness and tape. This cannot be allowed in no case. Otherwise, the child will grow unavoidable to work independent life.

It is necessary to be closer to the guys. Do not constrain their independence, lead them. Good advice and practical example can encourage them to more advanced actions, help mastering the fundamentals of various labor movements. Little children, playing, imperceptibly transfers to self-service matters and fulfill adult instructions, to exercise for general benefit. Becoming older, they are all more starting to distinguish the game from labor.

In preschool age, labor is closely connected with the game, with household activities. It is mainly expressed in elementary self-service (independent dressing, wash, cleaning toys, etc.), in the performance of individual instructions, hygienic requirements. Little children are not so much interested in the result as the labor process itself, they still poorly distinguish the game and work. With proper education, their work will be allocated as independent activities, gradually they will begin to understand its meaning. Such work contributes to the development of focus, responsibility, desire to achieve results.

The first skills of labor, children get, for example, helping the house to cover on the table. It is useful to attract them to care houseplants, small animals, in the summer to work in a garden, etc. The guys willingly work also on the manufacture of the simplest toys from paper, cardboard, plasticine. This work is creative, helps to master the skills of working with such tools like scissors, hammer. It is necessary that work is close to child interests and opportunities. However, it is impossible to forget that all difficulties require some effort from a child, overcoming difficulties. Of course, these efforts must be accurate, not to cause overwork, but to initiate a desire to return to a certain case and fulfill it better and faster. Labor education plays an important role in the preparation of children to the terms of the upcoming school.

With age, it is necessary to gradually complicate the instructions to the child. It is necessary to give him more independence in the fulfillment of various tasks, to bring up his love for mental and physical work.

In the family there will always be the most a variety of worksrequiring physical labor, sinking children. Labor duties for self-service, home care, flowers, behind the garden and others should be included in the day's mode, occupying from about 30 to 45 minutes per day. A well-completed fishing work brings great satisfaction to them, it raises the desire to help more. It is useful to attract them to the manufacture of sports equipment for general use, as well as to the staff for them, work on the equipment in the yard of the sports field. This will teach them to appreciate the work of others. Watch that labor conducive to strengthen the health and physical forces of children. By chaptering to him, bring up their love for creative actions.

It is necessary that the child understands what value for the family has the case entrusted to him. In addition, it is important that it be able to perform the required instructions on the side of the home in a timely manner. This is especially true of the work related to significant efforts or techniques, where they need a special hand skill. It is necessary to teach the guys not to produce extra, unnecessary movements, economically spend the forces, observe the famous rhythm in work, check how they perform it.

2.1 The role of adults in the organization of the labor of preschoolers

Acquisition of a child to an independent mortgage work, his acquaintance with the work of adults is the most important means of forming the moral basis of the personality of the child, its humanistic orientation, volitional qualities.

Square "kind" and "smart" work, work, often related to the game - it is the necessary activity of a preschooler (in addition to the actual game), which meets its age characteristics. The systematic inclusion of the labor activity of the child in the process of its education in the family and kindergarten is immeasurably increases the intrinsicity of the period of preschool childhood, as well as the level of training for school and, in the end, to adulthood.

At the same time, it is impossible to forget that the success of labor education is impossible without much attention to the individuality of the child. After all, every person, including a small, unique, peculiar personality with his interests, attachments, opportunities, features of nature.

Consider the role of adults in the organization of the labor of preschoolers on the example of the organization of labor on the creation of toys from natural material.

It is desirable to use a variety of forms of collective work of children to form their skills to plan their activities with regard to the common goal, skills to distribute operations. The collective work has a great influence on the formation of collectivism, friendly, friendly relations, mutual assistance, partnerships in children. The results of collective labor, especially approved by adults, are painted guys, encourage them to perform new crafts. For each work, they are taken with a large emotional lift. So, with the right organization of the educational and educational process, work with natural material becomes effective tool Harmonic development of children.

The method of organizing the work of children of preschool age with natural material is based on the principles of didactics: from simple to complex. At the same time, the principle of repetition of actions acquires important (for example, when performing new crafts, the teacher relies on the skills that were required and formed in children earlier).

To properly generate work skills, the simplest instruments and with the materials are needed to show and explain the educator, certain practical actions of children (exercises) under the control of an adult, observing the correct operation of operations and the formation of skills.

The educator knows how children in his group are working to work, whether they want and can they work. He judges this on how they take the task of an adult, how much they own the goal of work, as they motivate it ("Why do we do it").

The incentive for the manifestation of creativity in the manufacture of toys from natural material is promotion, approval of the success of the child.

A great impact on the guys ready to children's work. They contribute to the formation of the interest of children to this work, stimulate them to manifest the initiative in improving the skills of working with natural material. For this purpose, an exhibition of children's work is organized in the group.

For the full development of the child's labor orientation of the child, it is necessary to familiar with the difficulty of parents close to him adults, to educate respect from him, interest in the work of adults, the desire to do something useful for others, deliver other joy to their work (for example, make a gift to mom, grandmother to March 8, toys for kids, garlands to decorate a group room, etc.), that is, to educate the public motivation of work.

The child in the process of labor (manual, in particular) feels adults, and this consciousness that he works, works as an adult, brings him joy, supports his interest and love for work.

The educator organizes the work on the toy, taking into account the specified principles, while ensuring that all children are provided required tools and materials to ensure the safety rules.

Work on the manufacture of toys from natural material will be performed by children more successful if they will be able to do it in other activities. For example, natural material can be used in modeling classes: various seeds, shells of nuts, moss, acorns, their cups, etc. They love children to make appliques from pumpkin seeds, dried leaves. In these occupations, children get acquainted with the new application for them to adopt appliqués: do not apply glue to the item, but to the place where it will overlap. With pleasure, the mosaic patterns are laying out on plasticine-covered planks from seeds painted in a variety of colors. Such classes contribute to the development of small muscles of the hands of hands, the development of creative smelling.

The manufacture of a conceived toy is preceded by a large preparatory work. Before proceeding to create crafts, excursions in nature are held with children (in the forest, park, botanical garden, to the river, forest belt and other places). At the beginning, the excursion is carried out often (if it is in kindergarten, then you can use targets for this purpose). On such excursions it is important to learn children closely look into the unique beauty of nature, see the charm in slender birch trees, greatest dumbers, soft rustling of herbs.

During an excursion, the teacher resembles children that for the manufacture of toys from natural material, the bark of dried or conceded trees is used (pines, birch); Favoring branches and seeds of trees and shrubs. In front of children, teacher can make 1-2 simple toys (for example, dragonfly, fish, etc.). This will contribute to the formation of interest in making crafts from natural material. On an excursion you can take boxes for collecting various leaves, winters, seeds, during it to organize the collection of branches, bits that will be necessary for the manufacture of various toys. The educator tells children how to collect natural material, emphasizing that jerseys, cones, berries must be integer, unwarked. It offers to sort the material by sight, size, color, placing it in the basket or large boxes.

In the preparatory group, children can already have a lot. During the excursion, they mashed toys, collecting material, see images of future crafts. The educator resembles children demands for the material collected. To this end, organizes the game "Collection of Material". Along with children, the place of the receiving sorting point determines, selects the duty officer in the forest (in the park), which will monitor the protection of nature, the quality controller of the assembled material, etc.

Work on the toy develops in children an approximate study. Therefore, it is important that the tutor does not explain everything in the process of making toys. Good results can be achieved when children will be needed to think about themselves, finish, analyze actions.

Thus, the work of children in making crafts from natural material begins with the assimilation of the method of performing a toy on the pattern made by the educator in advance. Seeing the subject, the children are easily analyzing the structure of the crafts, determine the method of connecting parts, thought over and plan the course of the upcoming case. To master this ability, the educator invites children to create several toys with a sample support created by him during the assay job. At the same time, the teacher must take care that all his actions are accurate and that all children can see them. If after that the guys find it difficult to start work, the educator again explains the sequence of making toys.

After successful assimilation of the method of making toys in the sample, you can go to the manufacture of toys in the drawing (photos). And here you can have great help to use the use of a schematic sketch of toys, which will facilitate the transition from visual-effective thinking to the specifically-shaped. The efficiency of using this reception was indicated by A. R. Luria. He noted that in the model sample nothing can be seen except contour. This puts the child into unusual conditions of independent creative activity and contributes to the manifestation and development of his creative thinking.

Work using drawing models can be built as follows. Composite parts of almost all toys are somewhat modified geometric shapes that children are easily drawn. At the first such lesson, after analyzing the sample, the educator invites children to see how it will draw the model of the toy performed, after which they repeat the drawing, given by the tutor. In the future, at the initial stage of using the drawing of the model of the toy, the educator should help children to do it correctly, after which children will be able to. Alone to make such a drawing.

The use of this reception will enable children to present the overall progress of the task, constantly seeing the goal, the draft result of the work and at the same time will contribute to the development of ideas, creative thinking.

The use of the proposed sequence for the manufacture of drawings of toys, of course, does not exclude any changes that the tutor can do. The teacher himself can find successful work techniques when analyzing the sample, to interest the children (to make a riddle about the subject, etc.).

Summarizing the analysis of work on making crafts from natural material according to the sample, one can outline a common characteristic sequence scheme:

1. Viewing and analyzing a toy sample.

2. Establishing a phased sequence of its manufacture with preliminary planning of the course of work.

3. Selecting the method of connecting parts toys.

4. Selection of material and tools (using an educator or independently).

5. Making toys.

6. Analysis and evaluation of children's toys.

A large educational value in the manufacture of crafts from natural material has the work of children by plan. Such classes contribute to the formation of the kids of the ability to independently plan activities. The child before proceeding to work must pre-outline actions, determine their sequence (what to do first, how to connect the body and head in the toy, etc.). And often children succeed already in senior group, and by the end of stay in kindergarten, they successfully fulfill the task of the plan, by condition.

Many crafts are performed by children from one type of material and the same ways. The educator helps children to allocate these techniques, ways to work, teaches them to generalize and transfer to the manufacture of new crafts. It is especially important to comply with continuity in the work, rely on previously acquired knowledge. The purpose of the formation of such generalized ways to work is to develop interest in manual work, the ability to make, creativity.

When creating toys, the teacher teaches children to combine natural material. For example, to make a funny bird, you can take a bump for the body, make your head out of a small yellow-shaped, neck - from the branch, the paws are from small twigs, and a bright fluffy feather can serve as a tail. As an eye for birds, animals, men are used by seeds of various plants (rowan, sunflower, watermelon seeds, etc.). For legs, the legs are suitable curved tree twigs, bits with an interesting break. A deer horns are fancy curved branches. Cups (plins) of the acorns well replaced hats or pants to men. The tree bark serves as a good stand for homemade toys, when the production of souvenir toys is conceived. From the Klen's wings, the ash perfectly turns out the ears of the hare, the beard of Karabas-Barabas, tail and mane horses.

Training in such skills is better to conduct when children make toys by plan. So, in the manufacture of a "traveler" use a rosehip, but it did not turn out in this lesson. The educator asks the guys what material can be replaced with a robe and what can be done from it.

In kindergarten, work with natural material can be organized in the afternoon in the group room or in a labor corner (well-lit) with a subgroup of children (6-7 people) or with all children (depending on the type and stage of the work) once a week . The first toys are simple in their design and ways of compound, therefore all children can take part in their manufacture. When acquaintance with a new technique of work in the process of making toys (use of sewn, stacks), children must be divided into subgroups. At the same time, it is better not to conduct classes on the plan, especially at first, when the children have not yet learned to relate the ideas with their capabilities when they are still imperfect practical skills, the ability to analyze the upcoming work is not developed. By organizing the work of children in subgroups, the educator will see every child and it will be easier for it to carry out individual assistance, control over the actions of the guys.

Over the toys from Berrés and Rhoze, you can work simultaneously with the whole group of children, since the preparation of the material (barking, rubbish) is mainly done by the educator, especially when using sewn and stacks.

The manufacture of toys from straw, shells must be organized according to subgroups, as these are more complex toys and the educator will be difficult to monitor the actions of all children.

The final estimates are carried out with all children and in subgroups, depending on the formation of their friendship skills, the ability to negotiate with its distribution. The educator is planning the subgroups of children, taking into account their desires and skills. The composition of subgroups may vary. The educator keeps accounting for success and failures in a separate notebook and is guided by these records in its work.

As we can see, the educator sends the activities of children, stimulates them, supports. Where necessary, he suggests, helps the child to detect his mistake herself, feel more confident, "adults".

2.2 Organization of collective labor in kindergarten

Kindergarten, being the initial step of the general education system, makes education of preschool children. The most important task of forming a harmoniously developed, spiritually rich personality is the education of work in every person, the need for a clear awareness of the need for conscientious work for the common benefit.

The formation of interest and love for work is one of the main tasks of raising children. IN different types The labor of children of preschool age (household, manual, labor in nature) contains the origins of the early detection of abilities, identity taking, right choice In the future profession.

One of the main forms of collective labor in the conditions of kindergarten are duty.

Managing on duty, the individual features of children should be taken into account: one must be able to assist in a timely manner so that the child does not feel his powerlessness, otherwise the interest in labor will disappear; another praise in front of comrades and parents for conscientious attitudes towards their work; on the third, on the contrary, may have an impact of a remark made with all children, with parents; On the fourth strongly there are positive examples of comrades. Sometimes, perhaps, you should remove the child from duty for unfair attitude to the duties.

As the children's skills are mastered, the role of the caregiver should be changed: it may not be able to directly participate in the work of children, but carries out everyday control, which guys feel all the time (it is worth a two or three days to weaken it, as some lose interest in fulfilling duties) .

It is necessary that the children will be reported to the educator about the end of the work, asked to check the made. If you find any omission or it turns out that it is done wrong, the child corrects or commends. Well at the end of the day give an assessment of the work of duty.

You can periodically hold reports on duty before the team when transferring duty. Children tell the whole group as they cared for plants and animals, which is new, interesting noticed. The educator attracts the guys themselves to the assessment of the duty officer. Such reports before the team increase the responsibility of the duty officers for fulfilling their duties.

An important condition for the upheaval of hard work is a sense of satisfaction and joy from the results of work. Therefore, when assessing duty, it is necessary to emphasize that the good condition of plants and animals is associated with the conscientious fulfillment of duties.

To cleaning the corner of nature should systematically attract all children. Collective cleaning requires a clear organization of labor and prepare the necessary conditions.

It is necessary to distribute the load so that children can end the work at the same time. It is important to ensure that everyone, being a member of a common cause, has taken place to fulfill the instructions to him, bring the work started to the end.

During the work, the educator should have in the field of view of all children, to provide in need of timely assistance, maintain in children a cheerful mood and the desire to fulfill work well.

Upon completion of cleaning, it is necessary to clean up the group: put everything in place, to inspect everything, cause children a sense of satisfaction from collectively done work. "In the corner it became pure, beautiful, and that you did everything together," says the teacher. It is especially necessary to emphasize the importance of collective labor: that it is difficult and for a long time to do one, easily and quickly make everyone together.

Thanks to the participation in collective labor, children are formed such valuable qualities as friendship, the ability to distribute work among themselves, to assist a friend in difficulty, rejoice in the success of others, to obey the requirements of comrades.

In the process of education of labor skills and skills, consistency in the work of two educators is of great importance, as well as an agreement with a nanny-cleaner of the group. The educator explains the Nyan the meaning of the duty and collective labor of children, reveals their content. It is very important to teach the nanny-cleaner with the right receptions of plants and animals. It is also desirable that she participates in collective cleaning.


Diverse work gives children a lot of joy and promotes their comprehensive development. In the process of labor, love for nature, careful and caring attitude towards it are brought up. Children develop interest in labor activity, conscious, responsible attitude towards it. In the team, children teach to work together, help each other.

Work in nature has a great educational significance. It expands the horizons of children, creates favorable conditions for solving sensory education problems. Working in nature, children get acquainted with the properties and qualities, states of nature objects, assimilate ways to establish these properties. The educator teaches children to focus on the properties of nature objects to perform employment. So, to determine whether the plant needs in watering, it is necessary to take into account its condition (elasticity, density of leaves and stem). As a result, children make up a reference idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties, qualities, states of nature objects.

In the process of labor in nature in children, knowledge of plants (properties and quality of plants, their structure, needs, main stages of development, methods of cultivation, seasonal changes), about animals (appearance, need, movement methods, habits, lifestyle, seasonal Changes). Children learn to establish the connection between the conditions, the lifestyle of the animal in nature and the ways to care for it in the corner of nature.

In the process of labor, practical skills are formed, intelligent skills are developing: planning work, select materials and tools, schedule a sequence of operations, distribute them in time and between work participants, evaluate results, etc.

Labor creates favorable conditions for the physical development of children, since in most cases it passes in air is diverse in nature, and this contributes to the development of movements, strengthening the child's nervous system.

The aesthetic needs of children are satisfied in the work. Square and interesting work gives them joy, and this is the basis for education in the future desire to work, sustainable interest in labor.

Labor only in the case has an educational importance if its organization and content meet certain pedagogical and hygienic requirements.

The most important pedagogical requirement is the organization of a variety of labor content. Only a diverse work causes interest in children, the desire to participate in it.

In the process of labor, it is necessary to form practical skills and skills in unity with knowledge. With such an organization of labor, the child acquires not only skills, but also the knowledge necessary for him in further work.

An important pedagogical requirement is the awareness of labor, which implies disclosure to the child of its goals, results and methods of their achievement.

Labor activity of children should be systematically more complicated. The skills are complicated, the knowledge circle is enriched, observation develops, planning children's skills.

Labor activity must be regular. The educator is important to bring each child to her.

Children's work should be satisfied. The physical efforts spent by the child should not cause overwork. Otherwise, he has a negative attitude towards labor tasks. The duration of labor depends on its nature and age of children: in the younger group - within 5-7 minutes, in the middle - from 10 to 15 min with a small rest depending on the nature of labor, in the senior preschool age - 15-25 minutes with a break on Rest or changing the nature of labor.

It is necessary to ensure the right pose of children in labor. It is important that children are not for a long time in the same pose. For this purpose, one type of work with the other should be alternate. The tools of labor should be absolutely safe and correspond to the growth and forces of the child, but at the same time it is necessary that the inventory is not toy, but a real.

Children's work is organized in the form of individual orders, collective labor and duty.

Individual orders are applied in all age groups of kindergarten, but they have particular importance to junior groupswhere labor activity is only mastered. With individual form, the whole process of labor is performed by the child itself. This allows the educator to teach the baby with labor actions, to assist him, control the execution of employment, to evaluate the activities, take into account individual features. All this helps to form labor skills and skills, contributes to raising responsibility for the entrusted business, perseverance, accuracy, habits for labor effort.

Collective work makes it possible to form labor skills and skills in all children of the group. Collective work unites the guys, forms the ability to take a common goal of labor, to negotiate, to plan actions, coordinate them, help each other, evaluate the work.

By its structure, collective labor can be organized as a common work (several children or the whole group participate in the work, each child receives a separate task; the results of the labor of all children are combined into one total result, for example: Each child in the corner of nature wipes the leaves from plants, as a result, all together made plants with clean) and work together (several children participate in labor; the labor process is divided into several operations, each of which is carried out by one of the participants or a group of children; each The labor participant makes his surgery and transmits the object further, for example: Some children are leaving the land, others roll it up, the third makes the beds).

On duty are one of the most common forms of organizing children in kindergarten. The duty involves the alternate fulfillment by children of a permanent and certain circle of responsibilities. In the corner of nature, children begin to dudge in the senior group. During the duty, they are improved by labor skills in nature, public motifs of labor are formed, etc.

List of used literature

1. / Statutionality of the development of individual consciousness and labor. / Ananyev B.G. M.: 2004.

2. / Teach children to work. / Bure R.S., Godina G.N. - M., 1983

3. / Education of the preschooler in Labor / Ed. V.G. Nechaeva. - M., 1983

4. / What can be made of natural material: a guide for the tutor's children. Garden. / Gulianz E. K., Bazik I. Ya.- M.: Enlightenment, 1984

5. / How to acquaint preschoolers with nature / ed. P.G. Samorova. - M., 1983

6. Makarenko A. S. Ot., Vol. 4, p. 398

7. / Corner of nature in kindergarten. / Markovskaya M.M. - M., 1989

8. / Observation and labor of children in nature. / Handbook for educators children. Garden. Ed. 3rd, recreation. and rear. M., "Enlightenment", 1976

9. / Heart I give to children. / Sukhomlinsky V. A. Kiev, 1973, p. 258.

10. / Educator and children / Bure R.S., Ostrovskaya L.F. M. Education 1985.

11. / Education of culture of behavior in children of preschool age / Peterin S.V. M. Education 1986

12. / Rail a tactful interlocutor / d / in №8-85

13. / Child and peers / d / in №9-88

14. / On the upbringing of cultural and hygienic skills / Yakovenko T., Khodonetskikh Z. d / in №8-79

15. / On tidy and accuracy / Teplyuk S. D / in No. 9-88.

16. / Preschool pedagogy // Tutorial for students of the Middle Pedagogical Educational Institution / Kozlova S.A., Kulikova TA -M., Ed. "Academy", 1998

17. / Electricly labor education of children in D / s. // Under Ed.R.S. Bura-m., 1987.

18. / Education of diligence in preschoolers // Markova TA. -M., 1991

19. / Education of preschool children in the process of employment // Sergeeva D.V. - M., 1987

20. / Labor education of children D / V // under the editor. Vasilyeva-m., 1984

21. / Formation of the experience of collective activities / Bure R.S. M., 1991.

22. / Rastings of hardworking // Bure R.S., Ostrovskaya L.F. Educator and children-m., 1985


In the conditions of scientific and technological progress and the transition of the economy of our state for market relations, the choice of workshop becomes especially problematic. With the emergence of market relations, the labor market arises. Hosierate state-owned enterprises, collective farms and state farms, co-operators and tenants will be at the work of the most qualified and capable of performing labor functions. In this situation, the task is very important today is labor education in the family. That is, education in children is hardworking, desire to work, especially in urban families, where, due to the circumstances, children, without being conceived to work from the very early age, do not possess hard work.

The formation of readiness studies to work is an integral part of a holistic pedagogical process.

The purpose of the labor education carried out within the framework of the family and school of the Russian Federation is the armament of students with a combination of certain general education, polytechnic and general knowledge, skills, the skills necessary to participate in productive labor, as well as the upbringing of hard work as a moral feature.

In the past, famous teachers, such as Jan Amos Komensesky, I.G. Pestalotzi, KD, were engaged in the problem of labor education. Ushinsky.

So Yang Amos Komensky considered school as a source of joy, light and knowledge, considered interest, including the work to work one of the main ways to create this bright and joyful learning environment.

IG Pestalotski saw labor education in combining the learning process with productive labor. In his opinion, children at school spend a whole day for spinning and weaving machines; At school there is a plot of land, and each child processes its beds, cares for animals. Children study flax and wool processing. During work, as well as in her watches, the teacher leads classes with children, teaches their diploma, account, other vital knowledge.

Pestalotski emphasized the importance of labor education for the formation of a person. He gave labor to children high educational significance.

K.D. Ushinsky in his article "Labor in his mental and educational meaning" indicates a greater role of labor in the formation of the person. He will be bile a fever and highly appreciates work, says that it is working that it creates values. Personal qualities of a person are brought up in work. He noted that labor is the main factor for the physical, mental and moral perfection of a person. It is necessary for human dignity, for human freedom and his happiness. Work man is obliged to minutes of high pleasure. Labor strengthens family life.

In 1918, documents on public education were adopted in which the concepts of the Labor School were formed. It was most fully implemented by A.S. Makarenko.

He believed that labor education is one of the main ways to form a person. This thought, A.S. Makarenko, expressed in a clear and clear form:

"Proper upbringing is impossible to imagine how the education is not easy. In educational work The work should be one of the most basic elements. "Makarenko considered the participation of children in families of families - the need that the child should realize himself. He said that it was necessary to make training work as possible, and not to turn this work into fun. Makarenko argued that a person who does not know how to work and conscientiously treat labor, causes pity and condemnation, since he always needs other services, without the help of others lives slightly, negligently. In the "lectures on the education of children" and in the "Book for Parents" gave the main Recommendations for labor education in the family.

Interesting is the experience of labor education in the family of nikitin. Where the upbringing in their large family occurred almost: the elders were responsible for the younger and showed an example of how the adopted experience of parents should work. Parents were an example for their children, they gave freedom in the choice of labor to children: by interests.

Object of study: The process of labor education.

Thing: Labor education in the family.

Purpose: Examine the pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of labor education in a modern family.


1. Determine the goals and objectives of the family education in the family.

2. Determine the forms and methods for carrying out labor education in a modern family.

3. Describe the content of interest in the child in the child in the process of labor education in the family.

4. Identify interest in work that is formed by the child in a modern family.

Main part

§ 1. Task and maintenance of work in the family

The permanent employment of the child, the passion of his work - a reliable guarantee that it will not be empty, worthless person.

A large educational role is played by collective labor days of the family. Labor together with adults allows children to learn the skills of the right organization of their workplace, rational techniques of work, a rule of safety. You can attract children to the improvement of apartments, creating conditions for the most complete rest. Finally, there is always a need for the improvement of its street, its quarter, where you can organize collective cases together with neighbors.

The words of the Great Russian Teacher K.D. Ushinsky: "The most upbringing, if it wishes happiness to a person, should raise him not for happiness, but to sentence him to labor of life."

Labor education in the family lays out the basis of their future righteous life in children. A person who is not accustomed to work, one way - the search for "easy" life. It ends, as a rule, bad. If parents want to see their child on this path, they can afford the luxury to eliminate labor education.

What parents do not polish the words: "Your children are very neat", "your children are so brought up", "your children are surprisingly combining loyalty and self-esteem." Which of them would not want his children to give preference to sports, and not cigarette, work, not alcohol, intense self-education, and not dissolving time.

But for this you need a long time and stubbornly worries on the Nive of Education. The most important place in family education It takes - labor education.

The task of the child's labor activity in the family is the development of moral, physical and mental qualities in it, the development of his personality, acquisition for work.

Exceptionally great, the meaning of labor in the moral education of the personality. Many teachers associated work with the development of civil consciousness, patriotic feelings, and understanding their public debt.

One of the important qualities that must be developed and formed in the child is hardworking.

Goodworking - Moral quality, expressing a positive attitude towards work, manifested in labor activity, efforts and diligence of the employee. One of the means of self-affirmation of the personality.

Labor, practical production activities have a beneficial effect on physical development man. Physiological studies show that physical labor associated with movements and muscular exercises, with a fresh air stay, strengthens human strength and his health, increases its vital energy.

Labor develops human mental abilities, his intelligence, creative smelling. Work on modern production requires a wide educational and technical training, the ability to quickly master new technology, the abilities in the field of rationalization and improvement of labor techniques.

When we talk about the system of labor education in the experience and view of A.S. Makarenko, we mean not some isolated system of ideas, but an extension from the direct practice of the teacher - innovator. It is also impossible to submit this system as more than once and for those who have established and unchanged throughout the sixteen years of work of Makarenko in the colony named after M. Gorky and the Commune named F.E. Dzerzhinsky.

On the experience of working in the colony, he deeply realized the detriment of individual attempts that had a place in educational institutions of those years, to replace all the diverse content of the pedagogical process. A.S. Makarenko steadily sought to the scientific organization of labor.

Working in the colony, he came to a firm conviction that "the economy should be considered by us primarily as a pedagogical factor. Its success is, of course, is necessary, but no more than any other phenomenon useful in educational terms. Simply put, in the farm must prevail pedagogical tasks, and not narrowly ".

A.S. Makarenko relatively quickly found that the participation of colonists in productive work, even on a primitive handicraft basis, gives in an educational point of an immeasurably greater effect than self-service. "The insignificant motivational importance of self-service work, significant fatigue, weak intellectual content of work has already destroyed our faith in self-service."

A.S. Makarenko in his experience came to the organic inclusion of self-service in the system of labor education. In the experience of the M. Gorky colony, such important components of the labor education system, as the participation of pupils in productive work, the organization of collective self-service, aimed at satisfying the diverse needs of the whole team.

"... the statement that no upbringing is needed, that it brings up only work in production is one of the curl ideas that are so full of pedagogical kustachnia" - wrote Makarenko. "... The work without a number of education, the upbringing does not bring educational benefits, turns out to be a neutral process.

Makarenko about the labor education of children in the family believed that it should be given even young children to children, and permanent tasks designed for months and even years so that the children for a long time were responsible for the work entrusted to them for a long time. Children can water flowers in the room or in the entire apartment, tow the table before dinner, follow the father's desk, clean the room in the room, process a certain section of the family garden or flower garden and care for it, etc.

The moral value of the future citizen depends largely on the skill and desire to work. Properly delivered labor education in the family - the basis of prosperous life in the future.

Positive motifs that promote a person to work:

  1. Awareness of its social significance, pride for itself and the result of work.
  2. The presence of material interest.
  3. Physical need for work and creative creation.

Falling the prestige of labor

Attracting the pedagogical heritage of the past in the raising of children is not always appropriate, the current moral values \u200b\u200bare somewhat different ,. Honest labor unfortunately is no longer honorable.

For this several reasons:

  1. Compared to the living conditions of numerous officials, the work of ordinary citizens does not allow to adequate to support the family, to provide their children. Their work is not paid to dignity.
  2. Given the size of the Nishchensky pensions, we can talk about the neglect of officials, politicians of a labor man.
  3. Unemployment flourishes in the country, work has no adequate payment, people work almost for nothing, but by calling.

Despite all the circumstances labor education is important for the life of the family And it is necessary to each child as invaluable experience for self-realization in the future.

Labor importance for personal development

Modern parents are very often underestimated by raising labor. Sorry for your kids, they justify their actions by the fact that their children will still work out in adulthood. But Such a position is erroneousSince it is in childhood that a person's attitude towards labor, main labor skills is laid.

Such qualities as endurance, patience, striving for overcoming difficulties, bringing to the end to be implemented in early years. The child learns to understand that the work can be not only a pleasant, but also tedious, dirty. The discipline and the power of the will are born at such moments.

Returning around the house or helping the mother to wash the dishes, the baby is in charge of responsibility, it realizes that if you fulfill the order carelessly, it will not please anyone. Whatever he is doing, his help demonstrates love, attention, respect for his relatives.

A simple instruction on the repair of a broken typewriter or doll is not a mechanical reproduction of certain actions. Conscious work gives rise to initiative, ingenuity, the child is in an active search, seeking to find ways to solve the problem. At this time, its memory develops, attention, awakens imagination. When the baby is engaged in small parts and objects, its small motility is formed, which is directly affects the improvement of speech centers, intelligence.

The correct education of young children does not only bring joy themselves, but makes happy all close.

Labor education boy

The heir will grow hardworking, unless the father himself sits without a business before the TV, shifting all the care of the house on his wife's shoulders. The work of a senior man is a visual example for the baby.

Corresponding to the Sibling age, the smart dad will attract it to the Help: The boy can serve tools, help in the garden or garage. Communication in the process of work very brings it closer, and clog nails or repair the iron is not a breaking duty, but a fascinating lesson.

Labor education girl

A wise mother is unobtrusively attracting a daughter to helping home: teach to clean, wash, cooking elementary dishes, to serve the table. Over time, its duties will expand, it will learn to needle how to take care of the younger.

Performing work together, mom and daughter will be able to better understand each other. Patience and praise senior will turn into further care for her. The habit of take care of the surrounding is generated since childhood.

Memo about what is impossible

  1. Home duties can not be divided into women's and men's. Wash the floor or cook food can not be an unworthy occupation for a man. Respect any work.
  2. Do not load children over measures. The work should be able to, the child is still necessary for the main children's lesson - games.
  3. "Zhiva" and "you can not" in the family you need to determine clearly And consolidate from early childhood. From what position the adults occupy on this issue will depend on what the situation will reign in the families of their children: complete racking or order.
  4. It is impossible to liberate your child from employment duties.Otherwise, the consumer will get at the exit. If the child is not accustomed to do something together with everyone, it will never awaken the need to do something for others.
  5. It is impossible to punish labor For offense. Such common parental practice is erroneous. On any work will lie "black label" of punishment. Educational effect reverse - sharply negative attitude towards work. They are punished with deprivation of pleasure: a ban on communication with a computer, a trip for the city, deprivation of pocket money.
  6. It is impossible to appreciate only your own efforts.. In children, you need to maintain a respectful attitude towards any work, more often to talk about your profession, about what friends are engaged in, relatives, neighbors.

Labor education in the family will help the child to find itself, to correctly realize in adulthood. Grandfather Lenin was right, arguing that the person would be happy when the work would bring him joy to him would be his need.