Metalo beam designs for the roof. Arrangement of rafters and crates for a metal roof. What kind of metal roof

What roofing material Choose for home if you want to achieve high-quality roof tightness? Of course, the metal roof. This category includes metal tile, professional flooring, rolled and sheet iron. Metal tile and professional flooring is installed using a large number of fasteners, which significantly increases the tightness of the roof. But the rolled and sheet iron is attached by a folding compound that excludes through holes in the roof material. And below you will learn how the roof is made of metal with your own hands.

Immediately it is worth noting that the arrangement metal roof Many benefits are distinguished by: light weight, complete fire safety, durability and aesthetics. And rainwater never accumulates on the smooth surface. The installation of such a coating requires the use of a special tool, and professional roofing brigades will be able to go to the object with their machines, which significantly speeds up performance. However, it is possible to equip the metal roof itself, but for this you need to take some tools to rent and get acquainted with the technology below.

Features of the design of the metal roof

The roof of the metal is stacked on slinge system With a frequent crate (no more than 25 cm between the lamps of the crate). The slope of the roof slopes must be from 16 to 30 °. Top of the crates are stacked by metal sheets, the edges of which are connected by a folded compound.

The word "fold" from the German "FALZ" means "groove" or "chute". The edges of the sheet iron are wrapped in such a way that one of them turns into another, after which the connection is compacted. As a result, one of the reliable connections are obtained, which are only used in our time. If you have not yet understood what kind of mount, imagine a tin cans. It has exactly the same compound as the folding roof - hermetic and durable.

Maps or pictures are iron sheets that are interconnected along. Moreover, the length of the picture corresponds to the length of the skate, ranging from the skate and ending with the sink. For greater reliability and convenience of the card, more than 10 m are not made. Pictures can be made of lumps of sheet iron, and can be solid, cut under the required length from rolled material. The last option will be more preferable. First of all, because one-piece paintings are much more convenient to use and attach. In addition, it increases the tightness of the roof.

Preparation of paintings - cutting under the required size and bending the edges for a fold - it is better to do in advance, downstairs, and up the finished material, which is just enough to fasten. For making cards, special equipment is applied - the machine, bending edges. So up is enough just to put one edge to another and perform their connection.

Kleimers for fastening the roof to the crate create from the same material as the paintings. So, you can make the most durable coating, and the fasteners will not be corroded and will not be out of order. Kleimers are a metal strip, one edge of which is fixed to the crate, and the second is starting between the edges of the metal sheets and bends along with the edges of the paintings in a folding connection.

Fold compounds may be standing and lying, as well as double and single. Lying folders are used to connect metal sheets into the picture parallel to the eternity. Since the folds are sleeping and well pressed to the plane of the roof, water flows on the roof without problems. But no matter how it was, in last years The folding roof is trying to do without horizontal connections so that it is perfectly smooth. This allows you to reach a roll roof when the metal sheet is cut down the required length. Due to the smooth smooth surface, water is not only quickly flows, but the snow is not delayed, and the probability of corrosion is minimized as a result of water stagnation or penetrating it into the folding compound.

As for standing folding compounds, they are used in the seams between the paintings of the metal, parallel to the rafters. The most reliable compound is a standing double foldhold, providing maximum durability, strength and tightness.

Roofing frames - a special tool designed to wrap a folding connection. The kit consisting of two frames allows you to make a double fold for 2 approaches. With the help of a manual framework, you can work with sheet gland (0.5 - 0.8 mm). Frame capture width - 200 - 240 mm.

If the roofing frames are a handmade tool, then electrical folding machines and semi-automatic sealing machines will increase productivity and minimize manual pipes. They are used in large objects.

Crutches are wooden T-shaped components, which initially mounting the roof are nourished to the eternity and are used to hold metal sheets on the roof. In other words, they do not allow cornices to fall down. For the lower, upper and lateral compounds of the metal roof, there are good elements, such as the incense planks, wind strips, snow-saw holders and a horse. They must consist of the same material as the roof.

What kind of metal roof

It is worth noting that the folding roof may consist of different metals that differ in operational characteristics and properties.

Galvanized steel is characterized by high anti-corrosion resistance and can act as a roof at least 30 years. When working with such material, it is necessary to constantly monitor not damaging the zinc coating, otherwise corrosion is formed. To extend the service life of such a material, paint is used, which the roof is covered once every 3-5 years (and the first time after 7-10 years).

Galvanized steel having a polymer coating is characterized by a greater protection against negative atmospheric factors. For example, such a coating as "Poural" has already become a none name. Pural - this coating of polyamide and polyurethane is distinguished by increased strength, as well as high resistance to UV rays. In total, seventeen color solutions are offered from Polarla coatings, among which there are a matte coating that gives the roof soft shade. In addition to the poural, the galvanized is covered with plastisol and polyester. With such a roof, you must be as cautious as possible, trying not to damage the coating during the installation.

Aluminum will cost a little more expensive than galvanized steel, but is used to cover the roof, since it is not corrosion, very plastic and does not change the color. Thanks to the plasticity, it is convenient to cover the rods of any complexity, the material is easily beaten in profile fracture. The service life of the roof is about 100-150 years.

Copper - expensive and durable material, which can be used to cover the roof. Over time, a patina appears on its surface as a result of metal oxidation. It protects the metal from negative impact ambient. Over time, its color changes. Therefore, the roof of copper may first be a fire-red, and after a long time he gets a matte greenish tint (sometimes even dark malachite). For such aesthetic property, copper is often used to cover significant structures and architectural monuments. The average duration of the copper roof operation ranges from 100 to 200 years (700 years - the maximum fixed life).

Titan-zinc - modern development, which is used for the roof relatively recently. Despite the fact that zinc perfectly opposes corrosion, he has one significant disadvantage - fragility. It does not allow the use of galvanized steel in complex nodes and forms where plasticity is required. The material "Titan-zinc" includes zinc (99.95%), copper and aluminum (0.03%), titanium (0.02%), giving metal strength. The average service life of the roof is 50-70 years. However, during the installation with these materials, it is important to work extremely carefully: it is impossible to walk, knock or scratching. At the same time, consider that Titan-zinc does not like the neighborhood of some wood breeds and other metals.

For the coating of the roof, a metal is used in 0.5 - 1.5 mm thick. It is much easier to work with thin materials, because they are easier to wrap and bend, not leaving the gaps. If you are going to make good-quality elements from this metal, then the recommended sheet thickness should be 0.6 - 0.8 mm. You can find out more detailed requirements for different cases by familiarizing yourself with SNIP II-26-76. In this case, construction norms are not forbidden to change the form of a metal, for example, to make curly elements and bend. But the crushed metal forms do not be recommended, as this can lead to a violation of the monolithic zinc coating.

As already mentioned above, the folding roof is mainly stacked on the skates with an angle of inclination from 16 to 30 °, but not excluded and flat roofing Metal. This imposes some limitations and slightly changes the technology of material installation, since it is necessary to equip the drain from the entire roof area. At the same time, during the wrapping of the folding compound, a sealant for a metal roof is used in order to protect the connection from leaks.

Metal roof with your own hands: Mounting features

Folding roof refers to the type of coatings, the arrangement of which should be entrusted with professionals. And not ordinary roofers, and those brigades that can work with a folded metal roof. This is connected with many nuances, as well as the need for special equipment, which will facilitate the installation process.

Today, the market can be found on sale ready-made metal sheets with curved edges for a folding length of 2.5 m and more. After purchase, it remains only to connect them among themselves. However, this method is not the best.

More preferred is the purchase of rolled galvanized steel, for example, copper or poural. On the object you need to chop the sheets of the required length, which would meet the length from the skate to the karnis + 50-100 mm, which will be needed to arrange a fold under the cornese swelling and on the site of the skate. You can quickly wrap the edges of the sheet on a special folding machine, after which it is used for further connection.

Arrangement of crate and rafted for a roof of metal

The arrangement of the rafter design for the metal roof is no different from the traditional technology. To put rafters very often there is no point, because the roofing material is quite light. As for the crate, it needs to be performed in a step of 200-250 mm from a bar 50x100 mm or 50x50 mm. This frequency is required in order to eliminate the deformations of the roof metal during operation, installation and repair. The legs of the roofer must come to the place where the lamp is located, and the metal will not be deformed and fade.

For flat roof The crate needs to be done solid. Horse consists of two boards, which are two edges converge in one point. And the cornice is better to do solid, out of three-four choped boards.

Features of waterproofing of the roof of metal

To minimize the formation and accumulation of condensate on the back of the material, the roof must be hydroizing. If it is insulated, then it is necessary to kill the crate, and the special waterproofing superdiffusion membrane is attached from above, which does not pass the water inside, but at the same time releaseing steam from the inside. It should be fixed from below. The joints are made with the allen at 100-150 mm and go to the help of construction tape. Film must be attached to a slight provisional, so that with severe frosts it does not break through the cause of a strong narrowing and stretching between the attachments. At the same time, it can be fastened with a dowel with a wide hat and self-drawing.

From above the waterproofing membrane is attached a counterclaim with the step indicated above. Thus, two ventilation gaps are formed: one - between waterproofing and insulation, and the other is between roofing material and waterproofing.

Metal roofing

The installation of roofing iron always starts with the installation of crutches. They are attached to the eaves in a step of 70 cm, they are responsible for holding the metal pattern, otherwise they can fall during installation. Wooden crutches can be replaced with a metal corner of 50-60 mm (fastened on the cornese sink). This method is even more convenient because there is no need to recall the crutches, so that they are located exactly on the same line.

The first picture rises upstairs with ready-made bents. It is stacked with the front so that the ot of 40-50 mm formed. It is necessary to perform sheet alignment so that for the transition through the horse there was an edge of 30 mm (the edge on the opposite scap should be 60 mm).

From the other side where the second sheet of metal is applied, kleimers are attached. It is fixed to the crate using a 4x50 mm self-pressing there, where it will turn it with a metal sheet. As a result, it should work like this: the curved edge should be near the vertical edge of the kleimer (they are fixed in increments of 500-600 mm).

The second picture is rising, which is installed next to the first. At the same time, its bent edge should be mounted on a begged edge of the first picture. In the event that the edges of the paintings are smooth, not self-locking, then the edges of the second and the first paintings should be in close proximity (the beamer is clamped between them). Then, with the help of roofing frames and other professional tools, Falk is made. As a rule, it takes two passages hand tool, round trip. Moreover, the scalifer is bent inside the fold, with the result that the connection is obtained as strong as possible.

Attention! If the house is operated near the reservoirs or in a wet climate, then all connections are recommended to sealed by applying a sealant for a metal roof (for example, TYTAN sealant). It is much more convenient if you apply it to a fiberglass strip, which will have a width corresponding to the width of the curved edge, and glue these strips to other metal before implementing the folding connection.

Kleimers are also nailed from the second edge of the second picture, after which the third picture rises, and all products are repeated.

The wind side slap is fastened in places of pricing of paintings to the frontplates, and then the upper side plank is attached. These elements can be attached to both folding compounds (a rather laborious process) and self-drawing.

As soon as you put and secure all the pictures on both skates, a horse is performed (ventilated or non-ventilated). As they are done, you can see in the photo. In addition, pay attention to how ventilation skates can be performed.

At the final stage, cornese swells are performed and the gutter is installed, intended for the drainage water flow. The edge of the picture turns away down, ensuring the ease of water flow.

Installation of snow soverees on the roof of metal

The installation of snowstores and restrictions on metal roofs is mandatory. Snowbornels are required in order for snow to fall from the roof avalanche-like, rching on it. Moreover, there is a high probability that a person at the bottom can be injured. Snowbornel elements are installed on standing folds with screws or screws. Fences are made from profile pipes.

How to ensure the lightning protection of the folding roof?

Due to the fact that the roof of the metal is conductive and attracts the discharge of lightning, it needs to be grounded and take care of the arrangement of lightning protection. In the case of lightning in the roof, not only electrical appliances in the house will suffer, but the roof itself will grow out, which will lead to a fire (if a wooden lamp is overheated under it).

To exclude it, on the most high point Roofs are installed lightning game. It can be:

  • special lightning protection net;

  • metal cable, which is stretched along the rod of the roof;

  • metal pin.

It is recommended to use a metal pin with a cross section of 100 mm 2, a height of 0.2 - 1.5 m and a diameter of 10 mm. He must have vertical location and consist of a resistant metal corrosion - duralumin, aluminum, copper. It can not be covered.

To drive zipper from lightning-reflector to grounding, a current is used. It may be metal wire A diameter of 6 mm, which is welded to lightningness and descend down the walls. It is also worth avoiding places next to the doors and windows and not bend the wire, which can lead to the formation of charge. Special brackets, the current feeder is naked to the walls.

Grounding the roof of metal can be represented by a grounding contour from steel pins driven by 1.5 - 2 m and connected to the contour. Such a grounding should be positioned at a distance of 1 m from the structure and 5 m from the porch, tracks and other places where people can be. The thickness of the pins should be at least 3 mm. They can be made of copper or steel. Steel bars rust, so once every three years need to be checked and, if necessary, replaced. By the way, do not forget that grounding depends on the humidity of the soil (than it is more, the grounding is better). Therefore, in the heat stands from the hose to shed a grounding contour.

The arrangement of the metal roof only seems simple, but if you are not sure about your abilities, entail it professionals who are familiar with all the nuances. In case of an error, if you decide to install on your own, then after a while, the roofing material will fail. Considering what it is expensive, these losses will be much larger than the cost of professionals.

What roofing material to choose if a complete tightness of the roof is set at the head of the corner? Of course, the metal roof. This category includes professional flooring, metal tile and leaf or rolled iron. Professional flooring and metal tile are mounted using a fairly large number of through fasteners, which significantly reduces the tightness of the roof. But the leaf and rolled iron is fastened with a folding compound that fully eliminates through holes in the roofing material. It is about the latest technology that will be discussed in this article. The metal roofing device has a number of indisputable advantages: complete fire safety, light weight, aesthetics and durability. And rainwater does not accumulate on the smooth metal surface. Installation of such a coating requires the use of a special tool, and professional roofing brigades even come to an object with their machines, which significantly speeds up the work. But it is possible to equip metal roof yourself, for this you need to familiarize yourself with the technology below and take some tool for rent.

The metal roof is placed on a truly design with a fairly frequent crate. The distance between the adjacent clamps should not exceed 25 cm. The slope of the roof rods should be from 16 to 30 °. Metal sheets are stacked on top of the crate, the edges of which are connected by the so-called folded compound.

Some terminology that is used when working with folded roofs:

Word " fals."Swimmed to us from german languagewhere "FALZ" means "chute" or "groove". The edges of the sheet iron are wrapped, the edge of one of them seems to turn the edge of the other, then the connection is compacted. As a result, it turns out one of the most reliable connections that exist at the moment. By the way, if you are still not entirely clear what Fals represent, remember the tin cans. The compounds of the folding roof are exactly the same as the edges of the cans, - durable and absolutely hermetic.

Pictures or cards - These are the sheets of iron, interconnected along. The length of the picture is equal to the length of the skate from the skate to the sink. For convenience and greater reliability of the card longer than 10 m are not made. Pictures can be typed from pieces of sheet iron, and can be solid, cut under the desired length of the rolled metal. The last option is more preferable. First, because one-piece paintings are more convenient to use and secure. And secondly, the tightness of the roof increases.

Preparation of paintings - cutting under the desired size and bending the edges to create a fold it is better to do in advance, downstairs, and on the roof to lift the finished material that remains only to consolidate. For the manufacture of cards, special equipment is used - the machine that bends the edges (the machine for the manufacture of self-locking folds). So at the top will only stay one edge to another and connect them together.

Kleimers To fix the metal roofing to the crate makes the same material as the paintings. This allows you to make all the coating as long as possible, the fasteners will not fail to cover the roofing and will not be corroded. Kleimers are a metal strip, one edge of which is fixed with a screw to the crate, and the second starts between the edges of the metal sheets and bends into the folding connection along with the edges of the paintings.

There are lying and standing, as well as single and double. Lying folding Used to connect metal sheets in the picture parallel to the eternity. Due to the fact that the folds are lying and most pressed to the plane of the roof, water easily flows down the roof. However, in lately They try to perform a folding roof at all without horizontal connections to make it perfectly smooth. This allows you to make a roll technology when the metal sheet is cut off immediately. Due to the smooth level surface, the water does not only flow and snow does not delay, but the possibility of corrosion itself is minimized due to water stagnation or inwards to the folding compound.

Standing folding compounds Used in the seams between the paintings of the metal, parallel to the rafters. Standing double fold is considered the most reliable compound providing maximum strength, durability and tightness.

Special tool for wrapping a folding connection. A set of two frames allows you to make a double fold for two passages. With the help of a manual framework, you can work with a sheet with a thickness of 0.5 - 0.8 mm. The width of the capture of each frame is 200 - 240 mm.

If the roofing frames are a tool for handmade, then semi-automatic sealing machines and electric folding machines are called upon to minimize manual labor and increase productivity. They are used in large objects.

Crutches - Wooden T-shaped elements, which at the very beginning of the installation of roofing material are nourished to the eternity and are used to hold metal sheets on the roof. Simply, they do not give pictures to fall down.

For lateral, upper and lower compounds of metal roofs are used doborny elements, such as wind strips, cornflowers, sneakers and luggage. They must necessarily be made of the same material as the roof itself.

Types of metal roofing

Folding roof can be made of various metals, which are distinguished by properties and operational characteristics.

Cink Steelit has relatively high anti-corrosion resistance and is capable of listening as a roof of at least 30 years (30 - 50 years old). When working with this material, it is necessary to tirelessly ensure that in no case damage the zinc coating, otherwise corrosion not avoid. To extend the service life of galvanized steel, paint is used for a metal roof, which covers the roof of 3 to 5 years (for the first time after 7 to 10 years).

Galvanized steel with polymer coating More is protected from the influence of negative atmospheric factors. For example, such a coating as "Pural" has already become a nominal one. Pural is a polyurethane and polyamide coating and has increased strength, as well as resistant to ultraviolet rays. In total, there are about 17 color solutions of Pouralla coatings, among which there are both matte, damping a unique soft shade. In addition to Purala, the galvanized is covered with polyester and plastisol. With such a roof, you need to be as cautious and try not to damage the coating during the installation process.

Aluminum Several more expensive than galvanized steel, but is used to cover the roof due to the fact that it is not amenable to corrosion, does not change the color and very plastic over time. Thanks to the unique plasticity of aluminum, they are easy to cover the slopes of a complex shape, the material is easily beaten in the field of profile fractures. The service life of the aluminum roof is about 100 - 150 years.

Copper It is considered the most durable and expensive material that can be used to cover the roof. Over time, Patina appears on the surface of the copper - the result of metal oxidation that protects the metal itself from the effect of the environment. The color of the patina changes with time. Therefore, the copper roof first happens with fire-red, and over time, it acquires a matte greenish tint and even dark malachite. It is for this aesthetic property of chameleon copper love to use to cover architectural monuments and significant structures. The service life of the copper can be from 100 to 200 years, and the maximum fixed period is 700 years.

Titan-zinc- This is modern development, used for roof relatively recently. Despite the fact that zinc is perfectly opposed corrosion, he has a flaw - fragility. It does not make it possible to use galvanized steel in complex forms or nodes where plasticity is needed. Material called "Titan-Zinc" consists of 99.95% of zinc, 0.03% of copper and aluminum, 0.02% of titanium giving metal strength. The term of the titanium-zinc roof is approximately 70 to 100 years, in more aggressive conditions, for example, near water bodies - 50 to 70 years. But in the process of installation with titanium zinc, you must be extremely careful: it is impossible to walk, scratch or knock. Also note that this material does not like the neighborhood of other metals and some wood breeds.

For coating, the roof is taken by a thickness of 0.5 - 1.5 mm. It is easier to work with more subtle materials, as they are easier to bend and wrap, not leaving the gaps. If it is planned from the same metal to do good items, then the recommended sheet thickness is 0.6 - 0.8 mm. More detailed requirements for various cases can be found from SNIP II-26-76. By the way, building rates are not prohibited to change the shape of a metal for a roof, for example, bending and making curly elements. But the change in the shape of the galvanized sheet is not recommended, as this may disrupt the monolith of the zinc coating.

As already written above, the folding roof is placed mainly on the slopes with an angle of inclination from 16 to 30 °, but a flat metal roof is also possible. It imposes certain limitations and changes the material laying technology slightly, as it is necessary to equip high-quality drain from the entire roof area. Also, in the process of wrapped in a folding compound, a sealant for a metal roof is used to maximize the connection from leaks.

Installation of metal roof

Folding roof is the type of coating, the arrangement of which must be trusted by professionals. And not just to roofers, but only those brigades that have experience in working precisely with a folded metal roof. This is due to the mass of the nuances, as well as the need for professional equipment facilitating installation.

The modern market can offer ready-made metal sheets with curved edges of a standard length of 2.5 m and more. After the acquisition, they will only be connected to each other. But this method is not the best.

Much more preferable will purchase rolled galvanized steel, the same pourala, for example, or copper. Immediately on the object, it will be necessary to chop the sheets of the required length equal to the length of the skate to the cornice plus 50 - 100 mm required to arrange the folds on the site of the skate and under the cornese sve. On a special folding machine, it is possible to wrap the edges of the sheet to further connect them to each other.

Arrangement of rafters and crates for metal roof

The arrangement of the rafter design for a folding roof is no different from the standard technology. It doesn't make sense to put the rafted too often, since the roofing material is very light. But the crate must be performed in increments of 200 - 250 mm from the bar of 50x50 mm or 50x100 mm. This frequency is necessary in order to minimize the deformations of the roof metal during operation, installation and repair. So the legs of the roofer will always come to the place where the metal of the crate is under the metal, and the metal will not be fed and deformed.

If the roof is flat, then the crate must be made solid.

The horse is performed from two boards, which converge into one point with two edges. And the cornice must be made solid, out of 3 - 4 rigid boards.

To minimize the appearance and accumulation of condensate on the back of the roofing material, the roof must be hydroizing. If the roof is insulated, the drying is nailed on the rafter, and the waterproofing superdiffusion membrane is attached on top of the crate, which does not let water inside, but releases steam from the inside. Waterproofing begins to be fixed from the bottom up, the joints are performed with the adhesive 100-10 mm and glued to the construction tape. Film should be attached to a small provision to in case of occurrence strong frostsShe did not break due to the fact that he was strongly narrowed and stretched between fasteners. By the way, it is possible to fix it with self-draws and a dowel-nail with a wide hat.

From above of the waterproofing membrane, a counterclaim with the step indicated above is styled. This will be formed two ventilation gaps: one - between insulation and waterproofing, and the other - between waterproofing and roofing metal.

Metal roofing

Installation of roofing iron begins with the installation of crutches. They are nailed to the eaves with a step of 70 cm, they will hold the metal patterns so that they do not fall during the installation process. Wooden crutches can be replaced with a steel corner of 50 - 60 mm, which is fastened on the cornice sve. This method is even more convenient, since there is no need to recall the crutches so that they are smoothly located on the same line.

Top rises first picture With ready-made curved edges. It is placed next to the fronton so that 40 - 50 mm sinks formed. The sheet is aligned so that the edge of 30 mm remains for the transition through the horse (on the opposite slot edge should be 60 mm).

Kleimers Fasten from the other side where the second sheet of metal will be applied. The kleimer is fixed to the catalyst with a screws of 4x50 mm in the place that turns the metal sheet. As a result, it should be possible so, the curved metal edge should be in close proximity to the vertical edge of the kleimer. All kleimers are attached with increments of 500 - 600 mm.

Rises second picture And it is installed next to the first so that its bent edge is put on a curved edge of the first picture (for self-locking folds). If the edges of the paintings are flat, not self-locking, then the edges of the first and second paintings simply should be located in close proximity, the kleimer should be trampled between them. Next, with the help of roofing frames or other professional tools, Falk is performed. It usually takes two passages with a manual tool, back.

Inside the fold is bend and kleimer, so the connection is very strong.

Important! If the house is operated in a humid climate or near water bodies, then all connections can be additionally sealed using a sealant for a metal roof. This may be, for example, Tytan silicone sealant. It is more convenient to apply it to a strip of fiberglass, width equal to the width of the curved edge, and glue this strip to the metal edge before performing a folding connection.

From the second edge of the second picture, kleimers are also nailed, then the third picture rises and the procedure is repeated.

In places of printing of paintings to the frontplates, a special element is fastened - wind Planck SideAnd then the side plank is top. These elements can be fixed both through screws and with the help of folding compounds (the latter is very difficult).

After all the pictures on both skates are laid and secured, executed konkwhich can be ventilated and non-ventilated. How they are executed can be viewed in the photo. Also pay attention to how the skate ventilation is performed differently.

Lastly execute farmery Sve. and fasten gutters For drainage water. The edge of the folded pattern turns down to easily flow water.

Installing snowstores on a metal roof

The installation of fences and snow-holders on folding roofs is obligatory and regulated by paragraph 8.11. Snip 21-01-9. Snowmooters are needed so that the snow does not go from the roof avalanche-like, rumble on the roof. In addition, the likelihood of injuring a pedestrian being in thenime is great. Snowbornel elements are attached to standing folds using self-tapping screws or screws. Fences are performed from profile pipes.

Due to the fact that the metal roof is conductive and attracts a lightning discharge, it must be grounded and equipped with lightning protection. The fact is that when lightning gets into a metal roof, all electrical appliances will fail, but the roof itself will grow out, and the wooden lamp will overheat under it, which can lead to an inevitable fire.

At the highest place of the roof fix lightning message. It can be:

  • Metal pin;
  • Metal cable, stretched along the rod of the roof;
  • Special lightning protection grid.

It is best to use a metal pin with a height of 0.2 - 1.5 m, with a cross section of 100 mm2, a diameter of 10 mm. The pin is installed vertically and must be made of corrosion-resistant metal - copper, aluminum, duralumin. Metal can not be covered with paint and varnish materials.

Toko separation It is used to drive zipper from lightningness to the ground ground. It can be a steel wire with a diameter of 6 mm, which is welded to the lightning message and descend down the walls. It should be avoided next to the windows and doors and in no case bend the wire, it can lead to charge. To the walls, the tank feed is nailed with special brackets.

Ground The metal roof can be a grounding contour from metal pins, driven into the ground to a depth of 1.5 - 2 m and interconnected in the contour. It is necessary to have such a grounding at a distance of 1 m from the house and 5 m from the tracks, the porch and other places where people go. Pins must have a wall thickness of at least 3 mm and be made of steel or copper. Steel bars quickly rust, so once every 3 years need to be checked and replaced as needed. By the way, do not forget the more wet soil, the better for grounding, so it will not be too hot dry weather that the grounding contour from the hose will water the grounding circuit.

The arrangement of a metal roof only seems very simple, it is better to entrust it to performing professionals who know all the subtleties. After all, in case of an error on your part, if you still decide to perform mounting yourself, after a short time, the roofing material may fail. Given not the lowest cost of roofing metal, these losses will be greater than the cost of the work of specialists. Do not skimp - contact professionals.

- Not a new solution in the arrangement of the roof. Metal farms are much stronger wooden, more durable, more reliable. Such designs are chosen if necessary, to increase the rigidity of the roof and create a rafter with a length of a bar from 10 meters. Wooden bar The design is replaced by a powerful chaserler with the legs fixed in the welded corners.

Perhaps the factory and independent production of farms made of metal. To perform, they use a classic periodic profile, paired corners, etc. The farm consists of forming a triangle of two inclined shoulders.

When using metal rafters from metal, other roof elements are usually made:

  • runs;
  • maurylalat;
  • Supports, etc.

Installation of any metal structures is a whole science, to comprehend which you can take a lifetime. The technology of installation of metal farms involves the installation in the design position of the rafter and influence farm.

The substropyl farm is usually manufactured in production conditions. This is an element based on the columns and being a supporting structure for rafting farms in the case when the step of the rafter farms is less than the step of the support columns. The rafter farms are based on the substropsy and are the basis for overlapping or covering the building.

The subcording farm relies on the crawl column installed on the top. The fastening of the elbower is predominantly bolted using high-quality bolts that can withstand enormous loads.

This installation technology ensures the transfer of the load from the roof to the rafting farms, and then - to the substropyl. Loads from substropyl farms are distributed to the columns and then go to the foundation.

Before the manufacture of metal structures, the sections of individual elements are calculated, the amount of rivets, the height of the welds. Welding is used to connect. Conjugation of nodes is performed using metal slats.

The construction assembly consists of the following steps:

  • The upper belt is usually collected from two non-uniform corners that have a brand section. The docking of the corners is performed on smaller sides.
  • For the manufacture of lower belts use equilibrium corners.
  • With loads that arise within the farm panels, paired sewners are used.
  • Drops and racks are performed using equilibrium corners with a cross-tree or a brazing section.
  • Fully welded structures are performed using brands.

For more more light designthan when using a brand, a corner or a schuleler, often use rafal farms from profile pipes. Installation of such structures is easier and possible by smaller resources.

Disadvantages of metallic rafal

With all the advantages, metal farms have drawbacks:

  • high weight because of which the rise to the height and the installation of the elements is impossible without special equipment;
  • high temperatures resistance very low, leading to a saving roof and its collapse after 20-30 minutes of fire exposure;
  • high price Compared to wooden analogues.

Given the existing disadvantages of metal farms, especially their high cost, the ubiquitous replacement of wooden rafter structures with metallic inexperts.

Usal scope

The designs of this type are used primarily for industrial workshops, hangars and other buildings, where it is necessary to overlap very high and large on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Metal farms were distributed in modular construction when building residential buildings with a metal frame. At the same time, it is necessary to individually order a farm under a specific framework. After making in the factory conditions, rafter farms are delivered to the site, where they are installed along with the base.