Terrorist attack in america October. Terrorist attack in new york will lead to tougher immigration laws in the usa

The New York Times reports that the perpetrator was a taxi driver. Also, according to media reports, the attacker - a native of Uzbekistan - got into the country by winning a green card in the lottery. However, there is no official confirmation of these messages yet. The US embassy declined to comment.

The authorities immediately announced that this was a terrorist attack. Everything developed according to the already familiar pattern: the car crashed into a crowd of people, and then into a school bus. A note about involvement in ISIS was found in the offender's car.

New York was preparing for the carnival. Halloween, a funny "horror", every year attracts tens of thousands of people for a colorful parade, ready to scare each other as a joke. But everything turned into real horror.

In the midst of a working day, just a few blocks from where the parade was supposed to start, a small truck unexpectedly turned off the main road onto the bike path. He drove, crushing people, 10 blocks (this is a kilometer and a half), until at the intersection he crashed into a school bus. There were children in it. A man jumped out of the car - a scarecrow in one hand, a paintball pistol in the other - and began to rush chaotically down the street.

“It looks like he was injured because he was limping. Then someone shouted that he had a weapon and people began to scatter, ”recalls an eyewitness.

The police neutralized the attacker by wounding him in the stomach. The identity of the terrorist has been established: Saidullo Saipov, 29 years old. The hospital to which he was taken is now under heavy guard. He refused to answer questions from the FBI. It is reported that Saipov emigrated from Uzbekistan in 2010, lived in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and Missouri, then moved to New Jersey, worked as a driver. Two transport companies are registered in his name. His immigration papers are reported to be out of date. In the car (and Saipov rented this pickup an hour before the tragedy) they found a bag containing a hunting knife and a note in Arabic, in which he mentioned the terrorist group ISIS, banned in many countries.

“This is a very difficult day for our city, a terrible tragedy in Manhattan. Based on the available data, what happened was a terrorist attack, an insidious and brutal attack on innocent people. Be vigilant and know that NYPD officers will be on a heavy duty today and in the coming days, ”New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said.

The investigation believes that Saipov acted alone, but his entourage is now being studied in the most thorough way. So far, there is little information. As it turns out, the terrorist was not present on social media, and his neighbors describe him as a friendly and calm person.

US President Donald Trump responded to the tragic events in New York with a series of tweets: “I just ordered the Department of Homeland Security to tighten our border control program. It's good to be politically correct, but not in such a situation! "

It all happened a stone's throw from the memorial to the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, which killed nearly three thousand people. Then the planes crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center.

Experts now say that a car has become a new weapon in the hands of terrorists: Nice, London, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bStockholm and now New York, for which the current terrorist attack was the first since the tragedy of 9/11.

The truck pulled into a bike lane in the southwest part of Manhattan. The driver drove through several streets, knocking over cyclists on his way, after which he crashed into a school bus. A motorist armed with a paintball pistol went out into the street. The police who arrived at the scene wounded the attacker, he was hospitalized. As a result of the collision of a truck, eight people were killed and more than 10 injured. New York Mayor Bill De Blasio called the incident a terrorist attack.

In Las Vegas, a man opened fire at one of the city's largest casinos, Mandalay Bay. From the balcony of the Mandalay Bay Hotel, he fired at visitors to a nearby country music festival. As a result of the shooting, 58 people, more than 500 were injured. The suspect committed suicide.

The shooting took place at the baggage claim counter at Fort Lauderdale Airport. A Latin American named Esteban Santiago opened fire. He was detained. As a result of the incident, five people were killed and eight were injured. Later it became known about 37 more victims.

There was an explosion in New York. For the incident, the performers chose the Chelsea area, where there are many restaurants, bars, gay clubs and shops, and where it is always crowded at such times. The explosion occurred in the western part of the city - on 23rd Street between 6th and 7th Avenues. The number of victims was 29, of which one person was seriously injured. The New York City Fire Department reported that an explosive device went off in Manhattan. The police discovered near the scene - on 27th Street between 6th and 7th avenues - the second possible explosive device, which was removed by sappers. A few hours before the explosion in New York, an explosion occurred on the track of a mass race in New Jersey. There are no casualties.

At night in a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, an unknown person opened fire on the visitors of the establishment, after which he took hostages. According to eyewitnesses, at the time there were about 100 visitors to the club. In the course, 49 people were killed and 53 were injured. The attacker, US citizen Omar Mateen, was killed by police in the assault after a three-hour standoff. During the course, he called the emergency number 911 and said that he was acting on behalf of the Islamic State terrorist group, which is banned in the United States, as well as in Russia.

In the California city of San Bernardino in the United States at the Inland Regional Center, serving people with mental disorders, the intruders started shooting. They were Syed Rizwan Farouk and his wife Tashfin Malik, who killed 14 people and wounded 21 with two machine guns and two pistols. Both were police a few hours after they fled the scene.

In the US city of Charleston, South Carolina, a 21-year-old white gunman shot and killed nine African Americans who attended a Bible study at a church. The police believe the crime was motivated by racial hatred.

A series of explosions took place in the northern part of Boston, near the finish line of the famous Boston Marathon, just as the main group of athletes was finishing the race. As a result of the tragedy, three people died. amounted to 176 people. The brothers were found guilty of organizing the attack. Dzhokhar was detained on April 20. Tamerlane died on April 19 from his wounds in a shootout with the police. On March 10, 2015, a hearing in the Tsarnaev case began in a Boston court. More than 90 witnesses from the prosecution spoke, the defense invited four people. The debate of the parties ended on April 6.

A jury convicted Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on all 30 counts of organizing a terrorist attack at a marathon in Boston.

Three of Tsarnaev's student friends - citizens of Kazakhstan Azamat Tazhayakov and Diaz Kadyrbaev, as well as American Robel Phillipos - were also involved in the case of the Boston terrorist attack. In early June 2015, students from Kazakhstan, Diaz Kadyrbaev and Azamat Tazhayakov, were sentenced to six and 3.5 years, respectively. The court also guilty of Robert Phillipos that he lied to the investigation after he found out his friend in the suspected terrorist attack. He was sentenced to three years in prison. Another friend of Tsarnaev, Khairullozhon Matanov, 2.5 years in prison for hiding information from the investigation.

Massacre in Las Vegas: A psychopath or terrorist shot 58 people at the Route 91 Harvest music festival. More than two hundred people were injured. This is already the largest mass execution in the United States in their entire history.

Strana has collected everything that is known about the horrific terrorist attack at the moment.

Who shot

According to law enforcement agencies, the people were shot by a 64-year-old local named Stephen Paddock, who was located on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel and casino. At first it was believed that he was killed by return fire from the police. Then it became known that Paddock had shot himself.

Stephen Paddock

There is no information about the shooter's connections with any terrorist group, and the police also do not call the incident a terrorist attack. Although ISIS has already rushed to take responsibility for the attack on itself.

Eight weapons - rifles and pistols - were found in the killer's room at the hotel, CNN reports.

Now the police are looking for Paddock's cohabitant Marylou Denley. Her whereabouts have already been established, but whether the police contacted her remains to be seen.

Paddock's roommate Marila Denley

How was the execution

The killer shot from afar - across the street, from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel. A 64-year-old man opened fire from a machine gun. There were thousands of country music listeners downstairs.

The victims were about 400 meters from the shooter - this distance allows the owner of even an average machine gun to fire aimingly, and not absentmindedly.

The map shows where Paddock fired at the concert audience.

Here's another diagram from Bloomberg:

US government reaction

President Donald Trump expressed his condolences to the families of the victims just hours after the attack.

"Deepest condolences and sympathy to the victims and their families in connection with the terrible massacre in Las Vegas. God bless you!" -0 posted by Trump.

Murderous anti-record

In US history, only one mass shooting has been comparable to what happened today: the 2016 Orlando Puice Club massacre. Then 50 people also died, but including the shooter himself. In Las Vegas, along with the killer - 59 victims. Which makes the current terrorist attack the bloodiest execution in America.

New York on Tuesday was the scene of the largest terrorist attack on a metropolis in a decade and a half. According to law enforcement officers, 8 people died under the wheels of a lone performer's pickup truck, and another 13 received injuries of varying severity.

Strike Manhattan

This is on Tuesday at about 15.05 local time. The intruder-driven pickup drove at high speed onto a two-lane pedestrian and cyclist track that runs parallel to the car track along the peninsula's west coast. This area of \u200b\u200bManhattan is adjacent to a small park on the Hudson River embankment. Around there are many cafes and restaurants, many passers-by walk along the path at any time of the day, runners and cyclists actively use it. It is a convenient way to cycle around the metropolis, bypassing the congested city streets. Tourist attractions are nearby, including the 9/11 Memorial and the pier for ships sailing to the Statue of Liberty. There are also several schools here.

As the spokesman for the New York police, James O Neill, said, the pickup, moving south, turned sharply into the track. The first under his wheels were two cyclists, who, according to eyewitnesses, were thrown several meters away from a strong blow. Crashing everything in its path and leaving a terrible trail of wounded and dead, the pickup flew several hundred meters, and then crashed into a school bus at an intersection. Six victims died on the spot, two more died from their injuries in the hospital. On the bus, two adults and two children were injured.

Later, the law enforcement agencies of the metropolis established that a native of Central Asia was driving the pickup.

Terrorist attack in New York was the largest in terms of number of victims since the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001

Jumping out of the car with weapons in both hands, he shouted "Allahu Akbar". Police later found an air gun and a paintball gun at the scene of the incident. Saipov ran in the direction of a group of children from a nearby school and, according to ABC News, citing eyewitnesses, pointed his weapon at them. Several photos of the attacker have been published in the American media, in which he runs along the sidewalk and walks between cars on the roadway with weapons in his hands. Police officers who arrived at the scene opened fire and neutralized the attacker with a wound in the stomach. Witnesses report about 9-10 shots, but there is no exact information about whether the driver shot at law enforcement officers or passers-by. Saipov was hospitalized and operated on, investigators are working with him.

Link to terror

The attacker used a rented pickup truck to attack. A note in English was found in the car stating that the attack was carried out on behalf of the terrorist group Daesh (banned in the Russian Federation - "RG"), although the militants themselves have not yet claimed responsibility for the attack. Investigators also point out that the attack scenario - using the car as a battering ram against pedestrians - is similar to handwriting recent terrorist attackscommitted by the followers of ISIS in Europe. Based on these data, the US Department of Homeland Security qualifies the incident as terrorism. According to the main version, Saipov acted alone.

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo said there were "no signs of a broader threat." Nevertheless, in the evening the streets of the city, along which the traditional annual parade, timed to coincide with Halloween, took place, were patrolled by reinforced police squads.

How did the US authorities react?

Became the largest casualty since the September 11, 2001 attack on the Twin Towers. In addition, this is the largest attack of its kind in the United States on behalf of ISIS under President Donald Trump, who proclaimed the fight against the group as his No. 1 priority and promised to protect American territory from such attacks.

Trump responded to the attack on his Twitter, calling the performer "a sick and crazy person," and then expressed condolences to the victims and their loved ones. The President used the situation to support his initiatives to tighten migration controls. Recall that during the election campaign, in order to fight terrorism, he voiced the idea of \u200b\u200bbanning entry to the United States for all Muslims and compiling a database on the followers of Islam already living in the country. After his inauguration, he twice signed decrees to toughen the entry into the United States for citizens of a number of states with a predominantly Muslim population, insisting that terrorists could enter the border under the guise of refugees. But, to Trump's outrage, both documents were partially blocked by the judiciary.

His critics believe that these measures will be ineffective, since the perpetrators of attacks on behalf of ISIS are often those who have lived in the United States for a long time and have been radicalized via the Internet already in the country. In addition, the president was accused of discrimination on a religious basis.

But the head of state stands his ground. He said that he had given a decree to tighten the rules for considering applications for entering the United States, adding: "Being politically correct is good, but not in this case." "We must not allow ISIS to return or enter our country after their defeat in the Middle East and anywhere else. Enough!" he wrote in another tweet, probably implying further restrictions on entry to the United States for refugees from the conflict-ridden Middle East region.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio called it "an insidious act of terrorism."

Dossier "rg"

What is known about the perpetrator of the terrorist attack?

According to ABC News, citing law enforcement agencies, Saipov moved to the United States in 2010, having received a visa under a special diversification program (Diversity Visa Lottery), which has been in effect since 1995. Within its framework, about 55 thousand visas are issued per year, primarily for citizens of those countries from which the flow of emigration to the United States is small. He resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, Tampa, Florida, and recent times together with his wife and three children - in Paterson (New Jersey) near New York. During this time, he received the so-called green card - the right to permanent residence and work in the United States.

He worked mostly as a driver, had a license to drive trucks, and also worked part-time for the online taxi service Uber. Business Insider, referring to a comment by Uber, reports that Saipov was 6 months old, after which the company stopped working with him for unknown reasons. Upon registration, he passed a standard check, according to the results of which he did not have a conviction for serious crimes.

According to the New York Times, Saipov had previously come to the attention of the US federal authorities, but as an acquaintance or relative of one of the defendants in the case, not related to the terrorist attack in New York. The police searched his home. Neighbors described him positively, but complained that the incident harmed the reputation of the local Muslim diaspora.

High-profile case

Terrorists aim at Europe

In France, since November 1, the state of emergency has been lifted. This was stated in Strasbourg by the President of the Fifth Republic Emmanuel Macron. This regime was activated in November 2015 after a series of terrorist attacks in Paris, in which 130 people were killed and 350 were injured at the hands of Islamist militants. Since then, it has been renewed six times. Over the past two years, according to French Interior Minister Gerard Colon, law enforcement agencies have managed to prevent 32 terrorist attacks, of which 13 - this year. About a thousand arrests of persons suspected of terrorist activities were made, 625 weapons were seized, including military-style weapons, including grenade launchers.

Nevertheless, the French authorities failed to completely eliminate the terrorist threat, as evidenced by the tragedy in Nice, where 86 people were killed under the wheels of a multi-ton truck driven by a terrorist on July 14 last year.

Simultaneously with the end of the state of emergency in France, a new law on internal security and the fight against terrorism came into force, into which a number of provisions of the state of emergency migrated with some adjustments. In particular, we are talking about restricting the place of residence and movement of radicals who have come to the attention of the special services, the use of electronic bracelets, and the enhanced capabilities of electronic surveillance. In addition, the prefects received the right, at their discretion, to close places of religious worship, where, as stated in the law, "propaganda of hatred and violence" is conducted.

In Britain, police have detained two 14-year-olds who are suspected of preparing a terrorist attack. The detention took place in Northallerton, the administrative center of North Yorkshire. The teenagers are currently in custody at the police station. Police have already conducted several searches in Northallerton. Law enforcement officials believe that this is an isolated case and that residents of other areas of the county are not in danger. Details of the investigation have not yet been disclosed. In total, five terrorist attacks have been committed in Britain since March 2017. Of these - four in London and one in Manchester. Dozens of people fell victim to terrorist attacks. In mid-September, after the terrorist attack in the London Underground, Prime Minister Theresa May raised the level of the terrorist threat in the country from "serious" to "critical".

In Germany, the Prosecutor General's Office told about the averted terrorist attack, which was prepared by 19-year-old Syrian Yamen A. He was arrested during a large-scale police special operation in the city of Schwerin: the searches took place in an inconspicuous appearance panel house, which, according to Spiegel Online, is inhabited by refugees. Yamen A. himself arrived in the country in the fall of 2015 - precisely as an asylum seeker and soon received a temporary residence permit from the German authorities. At first, he did not arouse suspicion. German law enforcement agencies became interested in a foreigner after he began to search and order explosives and parts for collection on the Internet homemade bomb... "The available data allow us to seriously suspect Yamen A. that he was planning to commit a terrorist attack, guided by Islamist motives, and has already begun preparations for it," reads the materials of the General Prosecutor's Office. It is assumed that the Syrian was going to "kill and injure as much as possible more people"At the same time, it is not yet clear whether he has already chosen a specific target. In addition, there is no evidence that he was a member of a specific terrorist organization.

Yamen A. has been under direct supervision for the entire last week. German media reported that the raids were also carried out in neighboring Hamburg. In total, 150 special forces and employees of the federal criminal police department were involved in the operation.

Prepared Vyacheslav Prokofiev (Paris), Stanislav Khamdokhov, Ekaterina Zabrodina

On August 17, a terrorist attack took place in Barcelona. The van drove into a crowd of tourists in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pedestrian Rambla, after which the terrorists staged a shootout in the market. According to official figures, 14 people were killed and 130 were injured.

Immediately after the attack, two suspects were arrested. The driver of the car who ran into people on the Ramblas fled.

The second attack took place on 18 August in the port of Cambrils, near Barcelona. The intruders knocked down pedestrians and then started shooting with the police.

As a result, seven people were injured, including one policeman. Four of the attackers were killed on the spot. One was injured and detained, but died of his injuries.

As it turned out, the attackers involved in the two attacks in Catalonia were planning another attack. The police uncovered a group of eight people. Members of the group planned to blow up gas cylinders.

The terrorist group ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

On August 18, a massacre took place in the Finnish city of Turku, during which two people died and eight were injured of varying degrees of severity.

At about 16:00 local time, an 18-year-old Moroccan citizen staged a massacre in the central Market Square, during which about ten people were injured.

During a police arrest operation, the attacker was shot in the leg and taken to the Turku University Hospital. On 23 August, the suspect was transferred to the Hämeenlinna prison hospital. After undergoing medical treatment, he was transferred to Turku Prison, where he will be detained pending charge (approximately 28 February 2018).

A wanted Fiat Ducato car was found on the same day in the evening, after which the police searched the owner's house, and also searched the refugee reception center in Pansio. One of the suspects is on the international wanted list.

The media notes that this attack is Finland's first clash with an attack by Islamic extremists.

On October 14, 2017, two car bombs exploded in the Somali capital Mogadishu. The explosion killed 358 people, and several hundred more were seriously injured.

First, a truck with explosives flew into the air. It exploded in front of the capital's hotel "Safari", which is located in the Khodan region. The building collapsed completely.

The second attack took place on the same day: another bomb detonated in the government district of Madina. Two people were killed. The Somali authorities have accused the Al-Qaeda-affiliated radical group Al-Shabab, which is conducting an armed struggle against the central government and responsible for dozens of terrorist attacks on the country's territory, of organizing the bombings. But no group takes responsibility for the attacks.

The terrorist attack became the largest in the last ten years in Africa.

On October 31, 2017, at about 15:05 local time, a terrorist attack took place in New York. Saifullo Saipov, a 29-year-old native of Uzbekistan, drove a pickup truck at high speed onto a bike lane in Lower Manhattan and started crushing people.

The tape with reference to MSNBC reports that as a result of the terrorist attack, eight people died, another 15 were injured. The car driver aimed the vehicle at people on the bike path, crashed into a school bus, and then opened fire on the people.

The collision was made near the One World Trade Center skyscraper. It was built near the site where the twin towers were destroyed in the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Eyewitnesses of the incident claim that during the shooting, the man shouted "Allahu Akbar!" The suspect was wounded by the police, detained and is in the hospital.

Sayfulla Khabibullaevich Saipov immigrated to the United States in 2010 from Tashkent. According to social networks, before coming to the United States, he lived in Osh, Kyrgyzstan and Vologda. He got to America by winning the green card lottery.

Saipov had lived in Paterson, New Jersey for the past few months before the attack and worked as a driver for Uber. The company said that they never received any complaints.

In the United States, Saipov was never brought to criminal responsibility and he had only four fines for violating traffic rules.

In 2015, Saipov was interrogated by agents of the Ministry of Homeland Security, as he was seen having connections with two people under the supervision of counter-terrorism units.

In southeast Texas in the United States, there was a mass shooting in a Baptist church, ABC News reports, citing law enforcement sources. At least 26 people were killed. The same number were injured.

In Sutherland Springs, at First Baptist Church, during a Sunday service, an armed man entered the church and began shooting at the parishioners. He tried to escape by car and was shot by the police. According to Reuters, there are children among those killed.

According to an eyewitness - a woman who works at a gas station - the shots were heard for at least 15 seconds.