The girl died from hitting the pole. Last frame

Badly injured in an accident on the Coral motorway in the Dominican Republic. This is perhaps the main victory of local doctors. More than two dozen Russians are in the capital's hospital in Santo Domingo, some of whom remain in grave condition. All tourists were insured for 40 thousand euros, including transportation within the Dominican Republic and medical evacuation to Russia. The Federal Tourism Agency confirmed that tourists from the Dominican Republic will be returned to their homeland on an individual basis and depending on the recommendations of doctors. Those who were discharged first flew to Moscow.

The flight from the Dominican Republic to Moscow is 12 hours of summer, and people still have a hard time restraining their emotions.

"The bus is on its side," - this is how one of the victims described the situation.

“People were shocked. They couldn't even scream,” the woman says about what happened to the people immediately after the accident.

16 hours local time. It's light outside, no rain, no wind. The bus with 70 passengers, 39 of them Russians, who had finished their vacation, went to the airport. Suddenly - a powerful blow. The bus turned over on its side, the seat cushions were scattered along the highway. The truck driving in front of the bus was thrown far over the side of the road.

“I was driving from the airport. I looked: people from all sides were getting out of the bus through the roof,” says an eyewitness to the accident.

We managed to contact one of the victims: Anastasia Popova and her husband are now in a hospital in the Dominican Republic.

“They say I have a fractured spine. I can't walk, but my legs, arms, I feel everything,” she explained.

It all happened in seconds.

“I saw how we overtook the car. The bus was traveling at a decent speed, not less than 100 kilometers. We overtook the car. And then the truck in front of us changed abruptly. And the bus, of course, began to brake sharply. And we were carried away. It all happened in a few seconds. What, in general, how? We got out of the bus. Rescuers arrived in 15-20 minutes. A helicopter, an ambulance, "- those who rode in a tourist bus share their impressions.

But tourists who traveled in nearby buses and cars say that the crashed bus had technical problems.

"Some of the eyewitnesses say that at first there was a sound of a bursting wheel, and then a bus flew, - this is another statement about what happened. - All the buses, by the way, went fine, only this one ... We thought why Is he driving that fast? It's unclear. He was driving fast, the others were all going fine. "

"I was driving behind the bus. And I just saw that he got up from behind, as if something had happened to the cardan. The bus began to collapse. The driver tried to drive until the bus turned over on the road," adds the driver of the car following the bus ...

Despite the fact that this route is one of the central tourist routes connecting international airports,. November 11 - cars in a ditch, November 7 - a truck turned around. September 10 - the car flew off the road, which had to be taken out by a tractor.

“We have two buses in 10 days,” says a Russian tourist returning from the Dominican Republic to Vnukovo. “The rest is wonderful, but the transport is dangerous. Therefore, guys, I would not recommend taking excursions."

"The service is excellent," assures a tourist from Russia in khaki. "Buses run badly. In short, it's better not to take a car and don't need to drive, because the rules are conditional."

“Locals say the traffic situation is dangerous. This can happen at any moment,” states a tourist from the Dominican Republic who has returned to Moscow.

2016 year. The same track. The video shows the tourist bus in almost the same position as the current one. Then 18 people were injured.

All the injured in today's accident were transported from the highway straight to three hospitals. First, a stretcher on wheels appeared on the road, and soon a helicopter landed right on the road.

According to Anastasia, who is now in the hospital, she is being provided with all the necessary assistance. But there are food problems.

“There is no canteen in the hospital,” Anastasia Popova explains. “My husband has been with me for 24 hours. He’s hungry. If you want to eat, go to a cafe, they say. We already have very little money - 5 dollars left.”

The information that the 12-year-old girl had both arms amputated was denied several hours ago by Mikhail Evdokimov, a representative of the Russian diplomatic mission at the Punta Cana resort. According to him, doctors managed to save one hand. They sewed it on. And 80% that it will recover. The second hand is intact. Volunteers who speak both Russian and Spanish helped the victims communicate with doctors.

“The Russian diaspora was very supportive. People came to hospitals, donated blood,” Alexander Karpetsky thanks compatriots from the Dominican Republic.

All injured tourists are insured in case of emergencies.

"Each victim has an insurance contract with a limit of 40 thousand dollars in his hands. Of course, the treatment that they are prescribed, including transportation, will be paid for," Yulia Alcheeva assured the insurance company.

The first seven people from the overturned buses are already at home. Doctors are closely monitoring the condition of the rest.

A tourist from Russia absurdly died in the Dominican Republic. Leaning out of the car window, she hit her head on a sign that was too close to the road. The moment of the woman's death was captured on video - the recording was made by a friend who was driving. The deceased has a small child.

Fatal accident in which a 35-year-old native died Chelyabinsk region, happened on October 10th. Natalya Borodina, being in the car, unsuccessfully stuck her head out of the car, and she was hit by road signs. After receiving severe head injuries, the woman died.

The accident occurred in the afternoon when Borodina, along with her friend, who was driving a small car Kia Picanto, was driving towards Punta Cana airport. The girlfriend of the deceased was driving and at the same time filming Borodina, who was sitting in the front seat, with a mobile phone. In turn, she leaned out topless from the open window. Suddenly Borodin was touched by a sign on the side of the road. After a short cry, most likely from a friend, the recording ends

At the same time, it is not known for certain whether Borodina fell on the road after the collision or remained in the cabin. It was possible to find out some of the details only thanks to the local police and the media, who told about the incident.

The local newspaper published a photograph of a large road sign that touched Borodin, as well as blood in the cabin. Also, a hospital image of the tourist's head was published, which clearly indicates that she received a severe open craniocerebral injury. As a result, from the injuries she received, she died in the hospital.

According to local media reports, the girlfriend of the deceased who filmed her death was a Ukrainian citizen Ivanna Boyrachuk. There is no other data about her. It is possible that charges may be brought against her in the course of the accident investigation.

The deceased has an account on the VKontakte social network where she calls herself Natalia Borisova and, apparently, underestimates her age by three years. The woman posted more than half a thousand photos. The deceased traveled a lot, was fond of alpine skiing, loved social events. She also wrote poetry, which she attached to her photographs.

Judging by the early photographs, Borodina has a son, who may now be about 11 years old.

There is not much reliable information about the deceased. According to preliminary data, Borodina was born in Zlatoust, after which she lived in Chelyabinsk and Moscow, and recent times lived on the French Riviera.

An acquaintance of the deceased told REN-TV that recently Borodina lived in Cannes, where she worked in real estate and sold housing to Russian citizens.

So far, there is no official information about the tragedy from Russian diplomats. Despite the large tourist flow, there is no Russian embassy in the Dominican Republic. Its functions are performed by a relatively nearby diplomatic mission in Venezuela.

Live traffic accidents happen quite often. This summer, a sensational story took place in Ukraine, where two girls were killed in an accident while broadcasting live on Instagram.

Anzhelika, a friend of the deceased girl's sister, told reporters about this. "Natalya has a sister, Yulia and a mother, who is 80 years old, in the Chelyabinsk region. Her sister is raising her son, as well as her son Natalya. They do not have the necessary funds to transport the body of the deceased," RIA Novosti quotes Angelica.


The cost of transporting the body of the deceased is approximately one million two hundred thousand rubles, according to travel insurance experts. Experts noted that this is the lower price threshold: the Dominican Republic is a very popular destination, so the amount required for the repatriation of the remains can grow dramatically, Moskovsky Komsomolets reports.

Angelica stressed that Natalya constantly lived in Cannes - this is the only thing that her relatives know. They cannot say where she worked - the girl did not tell the details of her life.

According to the friend of the deceased's sister, she told her relatives that she was flying to the Dominican Republic. At the same time, she stated that Natalya flew to rest on her own, without purchasing any tours. The girl bought tickets, booked a hotel and rented a car, in which her life ended.

Natalia was driving with her Ukrainian friend along the roads of a tropical country. The girl stripped down to her panties and climbed out of the car window to the waist. At this moment, her companion, who was driving the vehicle, slightly turned the steering wheel to the right, and Natalya hit her head on road sign... She died in the hospital a few hours later.

The Dominican police detained the driver of the fatal car. She turned out to be a citizen of Ukraine Ivanna Boraichuk. According to the results of the examination, she was drunk. She was driving the car with one hand, and with the other she filmed how her almost naked friend was having fun in the car.

The Internet was literally shocked by a video of a Russian party girl who died in an unprecedented accident. The video hit the Internet and quickly became a hit with views on all sources.

It happened in the following way. A party girl in only white panties decided to show off her impressive breasts, leaning out of the window of a car that was racing at full speed along the road. The girl was so carried away that her swimsuit began to untie. However, the tragedy happened quite suddenly - there was a road sign on the way. The girl crashed her head to death on him, and the doctors could not help. The most surprising fact was that she was filmed on camera by a friend who was driving.

The incident occurred on October 11 on the highway towards Punta Cana airport. The broken girl turned out to be a native Russian Federation Natalia Borodina, she was born in the Chelyabinsk region. A citizen of Ukraine Ivanna Boycharuk was driving the car. According to a friend of both girls, the deceased party girl could be engaged in escort services in the Dominican Republic.

Earlier, the site reported about two party girls who threw a party right in the car, broadcasting everything on the Internet. However, at some point, the girls lost control and crashed into a post, both died.

Social networks exploded by the news of the tragic death of a native of Zlatoust Natalia Borodina. A 35-year-old woman, while in the Dominican Republic, received a head injury in an absurdly impossible situation. Details in the material "AiF-Chelyabinsk".


A half-naked girl climbed out of the side window of a car moving at speed and flew out onto the road, hitting a road sign with her head. The victim was taken to the Santa Domingo hospital, where she died. The moment of the death of a resident of the Chelyabinsk region was recorded on video showing how the tourist laughs and poses for the operator who is driving the car at that time.

According to local media, a 32-year-old Ukrainian citizen was driving the Kia Picanto Ivanna Boyrachuk.The incident was qualified as an accident. However, many social media users think differently.

“What kind of accident? This is quite tempting to inflict death by negligence, the driver is to blame for everything, ”Sergey expresses his assumption in one of the groups.

The traffic police in Chelyabinsk commented on this emergency.

“The driver has at least violated the rules road traffic... Firstly, he was filming a video, which means he was distracted from driving, and secondly, his passenger was not wearing a seatbelt, ”says an inspector of the traffic safety propaganda department. Alena Bezmenova.

Without insurance

The deceased in Zlatoust has a 75-year-old mother, an older sister and an 11-year-old son, who do not have the money to transport Natalia's body home.

As the press service of the Ministry of Health of the Chelyabinsk Region explained, either relatives or a tour operator can transport the body.

"The Ministry of Health deals with living patients, in this case we cannot provide assistance," says a press officer. Natalia Kazantseva.

Natalia arrived in the Dominican Republic on her own, therefore, she did not have any insurance.

Tour operators advise: even if you go on an individual tour, you need to do medical insurance, which spells out the costs of repatriating the body in case of death.

The Zlatoust administration is ready to help the family of the deceased.

“We will examine the family, and if we need help, we will provide it,” says the spokesman for the mayor. Julia Prokopyeva.

Meanwhile, Internet users were ambivalent about the news.

"In this case, we are talking about an accident provoked by the deceased herself or her companions, this will be established by the investigation," she wrote Elena Baryshnikova.

“The girl decided to fool around, to lean out of the car with her bare chest in a foreign country, no one knows anyway. This is a personal matter, who both wants and has fun. The tragedy happened by stupidity, accident. And this was put on public display. Now almost everyone pours out a ton of negativity towards this girl, as if the saints themselves, "said Zhenya Vaskovskaya.

"AiF-Chelyabinsk" is following the development of events.