Elfort Instructions for use. Medicinal reference Gootar

ELF - apparatus for galvanizing and electrophoresis. Therapeutic effect is achieved due to the exposure to electroplating and administered with its help drugs.
Phloria physiotherapy device It has a soft and gentle stimulation of local blood circulation, neuromuscular fabrics, nerve receptors different species Sensitivity and other elements of the peripheral nervous system, contributes to the improvement of the functional state of cells and connective tissue.
Galvanic current is the main healing factor of exposure elforma apparatus.

Medicinal electrophoresis - Method combining action on the body direct current and medicines introduced with it. The drug substance comes directly into the painful region, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, without disrupting the skin. Introduction of medicinal substances in the body by electrophoresis - This is the safest method of medicinal therapy.

Galvanization - The method of exposure to the galvanic current into the area of \u200b\u200bpathological foci or on biologically active zones. The constant galvanic current has a soft and gentle stimulation of local blood circulation, nervous tissues, nerve receptors of various types of sensitivity and other elements of the peripheral nervous system, contributes to the improvement of the functional state of cells and connective tissue.
The galvanic current has vasodilatory and wound-healing effect. In addition, it has an painful and sedative effect, inhibits inflammation, eliminates swelling, improves tissue trophics and enhances their regeneration.
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The procedure on the ELFOR device is well tolerated by people of any age, including children and elderly. Fast and efficient assistance, the possibility of carrying out the procedure anywhere, compactness and ease of the device make it indispensable for athletes, coaches, sports doctors, people engaged in sports leading an active lifestyle. With the procedure, any person will easily cope with the procedure. The procedure procedure is described in detail in the instructions for the device.
The duration of the procedure on average is 15-20 minutes.

Indications for use

  • Osteochondrosis
  • Vegeto-vascular dystonia
  • Hypertension I and II stage
  • Bronchitis and bronchial asthma
  • Consequences of injuries (fractures, bruises, stretching)
  • Arthritis, polyarthritis
  • Arthrosis
  • Spondylose
  • Bekhtereva's disease


Elffort is a portable device for ionophoresis, electric furnaces, galvanization and electrophoresis. The device is intended for use in medical institutions and at home.

ELFOR - portable apparatus for home use

Ellefort is a portable version of professional equipment for electrophoresis and galvanotherapy and is recommended by the Ministry of Health of Russia to use in the field of medicine. The device affects specific points with a continuous current.

This helps to significantly reduce the spread of inflammation, pain and contributes to the fastest restoration of the affected tissues. The device can be used in the house, on the road and hospital conditions.

Equipment of the device

The configuration of the device "EFFOR" includes:

  • one machine;
  • two reusable electrodes;
  • battery 6F22;
  • elastic bandage;
  • guarantee obligation;
  • instructions for use.

The device and components are packed in the box.

Advantages of "Elffort"

The device "Elffort" has many advantages:

The procedure during the use of the device is painless. A person can only feel a slight burning and tingling.

Appointment and functions of "Elfore"

The device "ELF" is used for electrophoresis and galvanization. Used in pathologies:

  • teeth and oral cavity;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory organs;
  • central nervous system;
  • vision;
  • vascular;
  • heart.

Also, the device is intended to restore metabolic processes in the body, for the treatment of diseases of the joints, including pathologies of an infectious nature.

Description and characteristics

The device "Elfor Prof" can be used in the stores of medical equipment. The device is small, weighs a little, it is easy to transport it. The impact of Elfore does not represent danger to the body. The device has a rectangular shape, plastic case. During procedure, the data is displayed on a digital indicator.

"Elfort" is a portable small apparatus. Its dimensions - 8.7 * 11.8 * 3.0 cm. Weigh the device is only 160 grams. The rated voltage is 9 V, on the electrodes - up to 55 V. current, which passes with a load of 2 l no more than 10 mA. The "Elfor" is attached a warranty for a year.

Operating principle

The galvanic current improves blood microcirculation, changes the excitability of nerve tissues or muscles in the desired side. At the same time, the condition of mucous and skin is improved. Significance is significantly reduced, swelling and the tissue regeneration at the cellular level is accelerated.

The device has a microcontroller. Buttons are located on the film keyboard, a spherical dome is located at the point of clicking. When pressing it there is a feeling of clicking. The device has a multi-turn regulator of current strength. This allows you to automatically set the zero value when the device turns on.

After starting the operation, the current strength takes place exactly, smoothly. The rotation of the regulator is accompanied by a sound brief signal. You can only adjust the adjustment after pressing the "Start" button. Up to this point, the current current does not change even when scrolling the handle.

Its rotation after the "start" leads to an increase in pulses if the movement is carried out clockwise and vice versa. The device has a built-in timer for temporary control of the session (10, 15 minutes, etc.). Installation is carried out using the buttons. After that, the session will be interrupted automatically. If the interval is not set - the device will work without a temporary limitation.

Methods of use

With the help of "Elfort Prof" you can spend several procedures. One of them is galvanizing. During the procedure, the current acting continuously acts on the human body. It can affect directly on the lesion focus, reflexogenic areas. There is a certain technique according to which the electrodes are attached according to a special scheme.

With the help of Elfore, electrophoresis is carried out. This procedure is introduced into the human body medicinal substances. It helps strengthen the effectiveness of therapy, since the therapeutic effects are enhanced. When electrophoresis "Elfor Prof" directs substances in molecular form in tissue, while at the same time the gastrointestinal tract and the liver.

Features of applying the device

When using the device, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules. The device must be located away from heating batteries and grounded items.

Apply or change electrodes can only be interrupted between procedures. It is impossible to use "not native" electrodes (which are not included in this kit). The procedure must be familiar with the instruction. If "Elorfort" is brought with frost, then you can turn it on only after 4 hours.

Indications for use

The drug acts at least in four directions:

Musculina Peripheral and central nervous system The cardiovascular system BCT organs
· Dislocation;

· Intervertebral hernia;

· Deforming arthrosis;

· Bone fractures;

· Stretching and bruises;

· Heel spurs;

· rheumatoid arthritis;

· Protrusia;

· Bursts and periatritis;

· Supports of joints;

· Allergic and infectious polyarthritis and arthritis.

· Lumbago;

· Blood impairment in the brain;

· Neuralgia;

· Radiculites;

· Encephalitis;

· Brain injuries;

· Osteochondrosis.

· Varicose;

· Heart ischemia;

· Supporting pathology of foot and hands vessels;

· 1-2 degree hypertension;

· Breath organs diseases;

· Enterocolitis;

· Dyskinesia of the food tract;

· Ulcene disease of the 12-rosewoman;

· Gastritis.

Also "ELF" is used to treat skin diseases, respiratory system - bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.


The use of the device has a number of contraindications. Elorfort can not be used when the patient is in critical condition. Procedures using the device are not conducted at:

Also using the apparatus is contraindicated to people who do not carry electric current. It is not recommended to use the device during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


For electrophoresis procedure, a water-based drug solutions are taken mainly, weak alcohol are rarely applied. Garl napkins are wetted in the means. They are placed under hydrophilic. Electrophoresis procedure is identical to galvanization. Differs only durability.

Electrophoresis can be held for 15 minutes longer. At the same time, a person feels a small, but pleasant burning and easy tingling. This is the norm, since the effect of electrical current occurs.

Electrophoresis with "Caripain"

When carrying out electrophoresis, a vegetable enzymatic preparation "Caripain" can be used. Its active components contribute to the restoration of articular mobility, tissues, as well as cells. The drug is used at:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • articular contractures;
  • intervertebral hernias;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • keloid scars.

Electrophoresis in this case delivers the medicine deep into the tissue, which helps to quickly stop pain or other symptoms of diseases. As a result, the patient's recovery rate increases significantly.

For electrophoresis takes dry balm. Before performing the procedure, you need a doctor consultation. He will assign the number of sessions, selects the desired technique Performance, depending on the existing disease. Normal procedure:

The procedure lasts 20 minutes. However, dimexide does not apply if a person has an allergic reaction. At the same time, the duration of the procedure decreases to 10 minutes. The usual course of therapy is from 25 to 30 sessions.

Other drugs can be used for electrophoresis. It all depends on the disease. For example, novocaine is used for anesthesia, magnesium (bishophyte) has an anti-inflammatory effect, the mummy improves the trophy. "Caripain" combines all three listed effects.

Caring for the device

The device "Elfort" is not subject to check during the acquisition of the device. When care is made, the plug must be pre-disconnected from the outlet. The inspection of the components must be carried out every 6 months. It helps determine the presence or absence of external deformations.

All external parts of the device must be treated with a special solution. It includes 0.5% detergent and 3-hpillage hydrogen peroxide. Disinfection must be carried out only with a soft cloth, which is pre-wetted in alcohol. Rubber electrodes should be climbing after each procedure.

Where the cost of the apparatus is sold

"Elfort" prof buy in Moscow can be in any stores of medical equipment. Acquisition can be done directly or place an online order. The price of the device varies from 2800 to 8,000 rubles. This is determined mainly by the manufacturer. The cost of the device also depends on the supply of suppliers. In any case, the device pays off very quickly, almost for the first course of use.

Reviews doctors and patients

Doctors advise "Elfort" to buy people who have problems with joints, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, neuralgia and under a number of other diseases. According to doctors, the daily use of the device and the passage of the full course of therapy without skipping significantly helps in treatment, speeds up this process. The device is absolutely harmless and can be applied even with respect to children.

According to the reviews of people who have already bought "Elfort", the device very saves money, pays off for the first course of use. In medical institutions, each session can cost at least 300 rubles. On average, 3000 rubles is spent for the full course of therapy. People celebrate convenience when carrying the device, the ability to take it on trips, do not waste time visiting a clinic or hospitals. Also welcome high efficiency and speed of recovery.

"ELF" allows you to fulfill physiotics at home. In this case, the efficiency of the device is even the effect of some candles, tablets or injections. The device allows you to get rid of many diseases in the shortest possible time.

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Pricks diprospan for joints

Diprospan is a glucocorticoid drug for parenteral administration, which is a unique preparation that combines the form of a prolonged action and a high-speed substance. Thus, injections, the diprosun not only contribute to the rapid elimination of pathological symptoms, but also provide a long-term therapeutic effect.

What is a diprospan

The drug is included in the glucocorticosteroid group. The acting substance of Ukolov Diprospan is a breastage of dynatory phosphate, which ensures the efficiency of therapeutic effect, and betamethazone dipropionate, which contributes to the extension of the drug over several weeks.

To date, the Diprosun is one of the most efficient and popular glucocorticoid drugs, which is used to treat the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. It is used everywhere for the blockade in the pathology of the spine and various joints.

The drug is produced in transparent glass ampoules in the form of a suspension for an injection of 1 ml. There are 2 packaging options: 1 and 5 ampoules. The kit includes disposable syringes with 2 needles for a dialing of an ampoule and for administration.

Diprosun as a glucocorticoid preparation has a powerful anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, antiallergic effect. Therefore, the spectrum of its application is quite wide, but in most cases the diprospan is used for joints and spine.

Indications for application

According to the instructions for use, injections of the Diprosport can be applied in the following cases:

  • inflammatory diseases of the structures of the musculoskeletal system (myosite, thaosinitis, synotic, bursitis);
  • pain syndrome in the arthrosis of the knee joint and other articulations of the body (blockade of the knee joint);
  • Diprosport with rheumatoid arthritis makes it possible to effectively eliminate pain;
  • injections help to eliminate pain in the joints during gout and psoriasis;
  • with osteochondrosis of the spine with resistant pain syndrome;
  • conservative treatment of hygromes of any localization;
  • plecelopaper periatritis (blockade of shoulder joint);
  • pains in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt, the chest vertebral pillar and neck;
  • pain syndrome after transferred traumatic damage;
  • with osteochondrosis of any segment of the spinal column and its consequences (spinal hernia);
  • allergic reactions (insect bites, hay fever, pollinosis, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, swelling of quinque);
  • shock states of different genes;
  • attack of bronchial asthma;
  • various skin diseases;
  • systemic diseases of the connective tissue;
  • treatment of leukemia;
  • adrenal failure;
  • liver diseases and liver failure.

Method of application and dose

Diprosport can be used for:

  • intramuscular administration;
  • injection into the joint;
  • introduction into soft tissues near the joint (blockada);
  • introducing inside of synovial burs;
  • intradermal application.

The medicine is not intended for intravenous and subcutaneous administration. The dosing mode and the duration of therapy is determined in each case individually, depending on the disease and its severity.

For systemic therapy (intramuscular administration), the diprosun is used in the initial dose of 1-2 ml. Further treatment is carried out as needed, depending on the patient's condition.

But most often the drug is introduced locally. In such cases, it is used often along with local anesthetics (lidocaine, plox). Diprospan into the joint is injected at a dose of 0.5-2 ml. Approximate dose calculation, depending on the sized joint:

  • large - 1-2 ml;
  • average - 0.5-1 ml;
  • small - 0.25-0.5 ml.

As a rule, the treatment rate is 1-5 injections with an interval of 1 week. After achieving the desired result, the dose of the drug gradually needs to be reduced to the minimum effective. And only after that you can try to cancel it completely. If pathological symptoms are returned again, the dose of diprospan is raised.

Side effects and contraindications

Diprospan, like any other glucocorticoid, has a lot side Effects and contraindications to use.

Main side phenomena:

  • violation of metabolic processes in the body (increasing sodium concentration, reduction of potassium amount, obesity, development of alkalosis and lipomatosis);
  • provoking the development of heart failure and increase blood pressure;
  • the weakness of the muscles and the loss of their masses, the development of osteoporosis, the provocation of bone fractures and tendons breaks;
  • development of gastritis and ulcerative disease of the gastrointestinal gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • activation of latent infection, the development of candidiasis, depression of immunity;
  • the development of steroid acne, stretch marks on the skin;
  • increased pressure inside the skull, convulsions, headache, dizziness, insomnia;
  • violation menstrual cycle in women, secondary insufficiency of adrenal glands, steroid diabetes, Izsenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • cataract provocation, glaucoma, Exophthalma;
  • allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock.

Frequency of development side phenomenaAlso, the degree of their severity depends on the method of administration of the drug and durability. As a rule, all side effects are well eliminated by reducing the dose of medication.

To date, there is no data on possible risks for the fetus when applying the mother of the drug Diprospan, since there were no studies. Taking this into account, such treatment is contraindicated and can be applied in exceptional cases when the benefit for the mother exceeds the risk for its future child.

If there is a need to use Diprospan injections in nursing mothers, then the issue of transition to artificial feeding, as the penetration of the drug in breast milk and its negative influence It was not studied for the kid.


As a rule, the dose of the drug does not lead to states that threaten their lives. In the case of the use of very high doses during diabetes, glaucoma, the acute period of peptic ulcer, states that require emergency care can develop.

Terms of sale

Diprospan refers to a group of prescription drugs and is released from a pharmacy strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

The price and analogues

The average price of injections of Diprospan per ampule ranges within 325-400 rubles, for packaging of 5 ampoules - 1000-1200 rubles.

Diprospan analogues:

  • Betaspan Depot,
  • Depos
  • Flosterone,
  • Betamethasone Norton,
  • Betaspan,
  • Contains
  • Coleleton.

Reviews about injections diprospan

Lyudmila, 25 years old: "My dad has been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis for 25 years. Despite the basic therapy, it is very tormented from constant pain in the ankle and elbow joints. The attending physician discharged him to make dams Diprospan in the joints. Did 1 injections in each painful joint once every 3 weeks. The well-being improved significantly, the pain has practically passed. "

Nina Ivanovna, 62 years old: "I suffer from the Arrometer of the knee joints for 10 years. Problems began with the onset of Klimaks. I tried various painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, but the pain still did not leave. I had to start walking with a cane. The girlfriend advised to try diprospan intra-articular injections. The relief noted after 1 injection, after 3 pain and disappeared. On this I stopped treatment, but unfortunately, the pain returned again after 2 months. Conclusion: the medicine is excellent, but only the effect is short-term. "

Oleg, 40 years old: "In view of the professional activity, with young years I am tormented by osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. The pain constant, analgesics and NSAIDs eliminate painful syndrome for only a few hours. The doctor advised to make the blockade of the spine with anesthetics and diprospan. Immediately after the first injection, the pain significantly decreased, began to move more freely. A full course of treatment was 4 injections. It has been 2 months already, and the pain is not returned. True, he began to do therapeutic physical education, as injections are too expensive. "

By making a conclusion, it is worth noting that the diprosponan is an excellent assistant in the fight against acute pain syndrome and inflammation, especially in the case of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. But do not forget that it is only a symptomatic agent. It is even eliminating sharp signs, but often it is not able to eliminate the true cause of pain. Therefore, such therapy should be appointed only in emergency cases and never replace medical physical education and other major medical events.


Tamara. Omsk. - 04.01.2016 - 15:22

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Galina, Minsk - 08/22/2016 - 18:04

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Love, 53 years old - 11/13/2016 - 18:52

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Vladimir - 08/01/2017 - 03:32

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Vladimir - 01.08.2017 - 03:40

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Tanya - 08/01/2017 - 21:22

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Natalia (48 years old) Orenburg - 08/28/2017 - 20:52

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Violetta - 08/30/2017 - 18:41

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Larisa 50 years - 09/12/2017 - 00:31

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Lyudmila - 04.10.2017 - 09:19

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Olga - 03.03.2018 - 13:02

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  • My spin.ru © 2012-2018. Copying materials is possible only with an indication of the link to this site.
    ATTENTION! All information on this site is only a reference or popular. Diagnosis and prescription of drugs require knowledge of the history of the disease and examination by the doctor. Therefore, we strongly recommend on treatment and diagnostics to see the doctor, and not engage in self-medication. User agreements

    There is a group of pathological states of the musculoskeletal system, which cannot be eliminated by improving their structure. The only solution in this case may become blocking the functioning of a certain segment. Arthrodez of the ankle Sustav is one of these operations. Its essence consists in the removal of non-viable parts of the articulation, fixing the axis of the limb, and their fixation in the correct position.

    The indication to the operation serves deforming osteoarthritis of an ankle joint, not sold by conservative treatment, and in case of impossibility of endoprosthetics. Also fractures of the pellery bone, with the ineffectiveness of treatment for a long time, can be an indication for arthrodesz - closure of ankle articulation.

    Starting 29 years old. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Treatment technique

    For access to the ankle, an incision is used to 10-15 cm in this area. The articular surfaces are displayed in the wound. Then remove the cartilage fabric, deforming bone expansions, and non-visual fabrics. Formed corresponding to each other, the surfaces of the tibial and tranny bones. At the same time, set the correct axis of the limbs. At the last stage of the technique of arthrodesis of the ankle joint, fix the articulation with special metal plates and other devices.

    Over time, the bones are growing in the form of one. The articulation is absent, but at the same time, its function is partially performing other articulations of the limb. After the operation impose a locking gypsum Longetu. The main goal is to save walking and the complete absence of pain, the operation of arthrodez an anger of ankle holester is achieved.


    As with all orthopedic diseases, recovery period significantly reduced when using the following methods:

    1. Physiotherapy - the use of electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UHF, paraffin-ozkerite applications, laser impact, massage, water procedures after removal of seams;
    2. LFK - use this method Start from the first day of the postoperative period. Early intensification of the patient serves as a prevention of the development of contractures. At the first stage, the movements of the foot and knee articulation are shown. A fixed joint should remain fixed.

    The axial load on the foot is contraindicated for a month. Start it with light movements imitating walking. Gradually loads increase, bringing to natural. The deadlines for the rehabilitation of arthrodesis of the ankle joint depends on many factors, and are determined in each case individually.

    What diet must adhere to?

    As practice is shown, diseases associated with ankle articulation are largely related to overweight. Consequently, you need to strive to get rid of it. In particular, to include in the diet as many vegetables and fruits as possible, drink kefir. In addition, consume as much protein as possible, as it positively affects the cartilage cloth. Exclude all fried. If the desire to eat meat appeared, then just prepare it for a couple. For breakfast prepare buckwheat or oatmeal.

    Basic contraindications

    Let's figure out, in what cases surgical intervention is not prescribed:

    • It matters age. In the risk area there are children under 12 years old and who are more than 60.
    • Cannot be prescribed during bone tuberculosis.
    • "Hanging" bones.
    • Refuse to people with signs of children's paralysis.
    • The general condition of the patient, in particular, the pressure is measured, other tests are carried out. Nevertheless, this is a serious burden on the body as a whole.


    1 capsule contains active substance: Nifuroxazid - 200.0 mg.

    Pharmacotherapeutic group

    Antimicrobial means - nitrofuran

    ATX code

    pharmachologic effect

    Nifuroxazide - is a derivative of nitrofuran, has an antimicrobial effect. It is highly active in relation to Campylobacter Jejuni, Escherichia Coli, Salmonella SPP., Shigella SPP; Clostridium Perfringens, Vibrio Cholerae, Pathogenic Viblions and Vibrio Parahamolytique, Staphylococcus SPP. Weakly sensitive to Nifuroksazid: Citrobacter SPP, Enterobacter Cloacae, Proteus IndoCegenes. Resistant to Nifuroksazidu: Klebsiella SPP, Proteus Mirabilis, Providencia SPP., Pseudomonas SPP. Presumably blocks the activity of dehydrogenases and inhibits respiratory chains, cycle of tricarboxylic acids and a number of other biochemical processes in the microbial cell. Does not violate the equilibrium of intestinal microflora. With acute bacterial diarrhea, the intestine eubiosis is restored. When infected with enterotropic viruses prevents the development of bacterial superinfection.

    Indications for use

    Acute bacterial diarrhea, flowing without deterioration of the general condition, increasing body temperature, intoxication.


    Increased sensitivity to nifuroxazisazide, nitrofuran derivative or any auxiliary substances of the drug; Children's age up to 3 years (for this dosage form); pregnancy; Sakaraz / isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.

    Method of application and dose

    Inside. The capsule should swallow the whole, drinking with a small amount of water. Adults: 1 capsule of 200 mg 4 times a day (interval between receptions 6 h). Children from 6 to 18 years old: 1 capsule of 200 mg 3-4 times a day (interval between receptions 6-8 h). Children from 3 to 6 years old: 1 capsule of 200 mg 3 times a day (interval between receptions 8 h). The duration of the course of treatment is 5-7 days, but not more than 7 days. If during the first 3 days of admission to improve the improvement, then you should consult a doctor. Apply the drug only according to the method of application and in those doses that are specified in the instructions. If necessary, please consult your doctor before applying the drug.

    ELFOR ®.

    for use in clinics and houses

    greatly facilitates the work of medical personnel and
    makes the procedure as comfortable as possible
    for a patient.


    Attention! The position is temporarily absent in the warehouse.

    You can send an application for a position of interest by filling out a form with contact details. For the receipt of the goods to the warehouse, we will definitely contact you


    It is used to quickly and efficiently relieve pain and the treatment of such common diseases such as osteochondrosis, radiculitis, vegetative dystonia, hypertension, bronchitis. Therapeutic effect is achieved due to the exposure to electroplating and administered with its help drugs.

    Price: 3500 rub.


    Indications for use:

    Vegeth vascular dystonia.
    Hypertension I and II stage.
    Bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
    Consequences of injuries (fractures, bruises, stretching).
    Arthritis, polyarthritis.
    Bekhterev's disease.

    Features of therapeutic effects of the device ELORF Galvanotherapeutic:

    The galvanic current has a therapeutic effect on the problem zone.
    It has vasodilators, healing and painful effect, inhibits inflammation and eliminates swelling.
    Electrophoresis is a method that combines the effect on the DC organism and administered with its help.
    The drug substance comes directly into the painful region, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, without disrupting the skin.
    The introduction of medicinal substances in the body by electrophoresis is the safest method of drug therapy.
    The procedure is well tolerated by people of any age, including children and older people.
    Fast and efficient assistance, the possibility of carrying out the procedure anywhere, compactness and ease of the device make it indispensable for athletes, coaches, sports doctors, people engaged in sports leading an active lifestyle.
    With the procedure, any person will easily cope with the procedure.
    The procedure procedure is described in detail in the instructions for the device.
    The duration of the procedure on average is 20 minutes.
    In addition to the device, you can purchase a network power supply unit of the firm of the firm.

    * Do not use the power supplies from other manufacturers.
    We guarantee your security only subject to the use of the corporate power supply.
    Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation № 29/23010199 / 1801-01.


    The supply voltage of the device, not more than 9V,
    Voltage on electrodes, not more than 55 V,
    Maximum current through electrodes, not more than 10 mA,
    Overall dimensions - 87 * 118 * 30 mm.
    Mass of the apparatus - 160 gr.
    Warranty service is carried out by the firm of Neston for 2 years.

    Additional Information:

    Drug electrophoresis. Issue 1.

    Therapeutic factor of the effect of ELF device is a galvanic current.
    The galvanic current has a therapeutic effect on the problem zone. It has vasodilators, healing and painful effect, inhibits inflammation and eliminates swelling.
    Drug electrophoresis is a method that combines the effect on the DC organism and administered with its help. The drug substance comes directly into the painful region, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, without disrupting the skin. The introduction of medicinal substances in the body by electrophoresis is the safest method of drug therapy.
    The procedure is well tolerated by people of any age, including children and older people. Fast and efficient assistance, the possibility of carrying out the procedure anywhere, compactness and ease of the device make it indispensable for athletes, coaches, sports doctors, people engaged in sports leading an active lifestyle. With the procedure, any person will easily cope with the procedure. The procedure procedure is described in detail in the instructions for the device.
    The duration of the procedure on average is 15-20 minutes.
    Treatment of diseases and damage to the musculoskeletal system by galvanizing and drug electrophoresis by ELF device.
    One of the most effective and common methods of physiotherapy is galvanization and drug electrophoresis, under which the exposure to a constant electrical voltage is carried out, which is created on therapeutic electrodes installed on the patient's body. This leads to the emergence of a constant continuous (galvanic) current in the tissues of the body located between the electrodes (galvanization procedure). A constant electrical voltage allows you to administer medicinal substances applied to therapeutic electrodes into the skin and mucous membranes of the patient (the procedure of drug electrophoresis).

    It is known that the galvanic current has an active biological and therapeutic effect on the body. It is due to the emerging directional movement of inorganic ions (K +, Na +, Ca2 +, Cl-, HCO3-) and charged molecules in electric field . In tissues under a positive electrode (anode), the content of negative ions and molecules increases and the concentration of light of potassium and sodium ions is significantly reduced, and the content of positive ions and molecules is increased, in particular sodium and potassium and potassium. As a result of the impact of the positive electrode (anode), there is a removal or weakening of pain, spasms of vessels and internal organs, skeletal muscles. Under the negative electrode (cathode), local blood circulation is sharply enhanced, hyperemia (red) is developing, a scar connecting tissue is dissolved, a decrease in inflammation. Therefore, galvanization procedures (GW) are prescribed to provide an anesthetic, vasodilating anti-inflammatory and absorbing effect. In therapeutic practice, the procedures of drug electrophoresis (LE) are more often used, which is a combined effect of electroplating and medicinal substances administered to the body. First of all, the galvanic current with LE has an independent therapeutic effect described above. In addition, it becomes a "carrier" of medicines moving in an electric field. In contrast to other ways to introduce drugs (tablets, medicines, injections, enema) with LE, they enter the patient's body in the "purified" form - in the form of ions and molecules, without ballast. In addition, the galvanic current activates the drug molecules, increases their specific efficiency. As a result of the procedures in the skin of the patient in the field of impact, a "medicinal depot" occurs, which is preserved for many days and is gradually resolved due to the receipt of the drug in blood. The drug from the "depot" provides local and common effects. Local impact on the skin, nerves, muscles, vessels, joints, bones, mucous membranes, internal organs are most pronounced. The overall impact is ensured by the lengthy preservation of the "supporting" concentration of medication in the blood of patients. Thus, LE can be viewed as a method of impulse injection of drugs suitable for the treatment of local lesions and common diseases of the body. It is used as for direct impact on pathological foci (wounds, ulcers, frostbite, straggle, aligned bones and joints, painful muscles, ligaments, spine), and for the introduction of a patient of therapeutic means of general impact. Despite the fact that the medicine at LE enters the body in a small amount, it causes expected positive reactions and effects. Side toxic and allergic effects of medicines are practically excluded.

    When carrying out LE, only drugs are used, particles of which (ions and molecules) have mobility in the electric field and move under the action of the applied electrical voltage to positive or negative electroplating electrodes, and also penetrate the skin through the mouth of the sweat glands. The list of medicinal substances and preparations for LE is below (Table 1). When using other medicines and substances, the effectiveness of treatment is not guaranteed.
    For carrying out procedures, GW and LE uses physiotherapy appliances in the Neston. The ELFOR device is a universal apparatus of a pocket format with autonomous electric power supply (9 V) from the "Corundum" type or battery (3rd class of electrical safety), which is used in medical institutions of any type and profile, cosmetic salons, as well as patients at home Conditions. The device can be used to independently treat diseases of various organs and organism systems, and, first of all, sized diseases, consequences of injuries and damage. This allows you to significantly reduce the drug therapy, thereby reducing the risk of its side effects and possible damage to health, as well as reduce pharmacy costs. LE is one of the preferred treatment methods for patients who have drug allergies.

    The supply voltage of the ELF device is no more than 9 B, the maximum current passing through the electrodes of the device is no more than 20 mA, the overall dimensions of the housing - 60x120x34 mm, and the mass is not more than 200 g.
    Private electroplating techniques and medicinal electrophoresis.
    Specific recommendations at the place of installation of electrodes and the use of medicinal preparations for electrophoresis of the patient should receive from his attending physiotherapist or physiotherapist.

    1. Deforming osteoarthritis and post-traumatic arthrosis. The most common disease of the ODA is deforming osteoarthritis and chronic spondillosis, as well as post-traumatic arthrosis and arthritis arthritis, which most often suffer major joints. lower extremities (knee, ankle, hip). With spondilosis, the joints of the transverse processes of the vertebrae are affected. Deforming osteoarthritis and chronic spondilosis occurs after 45-50 years and the greatest severity they reach people of elderly and senile age. The frequency of this disease is 35-40% among people over the age of 45. Post-traumatic arthrosis are a consequence of mechanical damage. The main cause of the development of deforming osteoarthrosis and chronic spondyllazes is the degeneration of articular cartilage and their gradual substitution with bone tissue. This occurs as a result of the impact on the initial healthy cartilage of the joints of the excess mass of the body of the patient (obesity) or as a result of previously transferred injuries, diseases or hereditable "insolvency" of cartilage tissue. Damage to the cartilage leads to a periodic occurrence of an inflammatory reaction in the joints, which manifests itself as an aggravation of deforming osteoarthrosis. During the period of exacerbation, pain is sharply enhanced, local edema arises, the perimeter of the joints increases. With many years of steady development of the disease, the joints are deformed, disfigured, in their edges there are multiple bone growing - osteophytes. The uncrolized pieces of the articular cartilage broken off ("articular mice") cause jams. The finite result of the disease becomes complete disability of patients. Joint injuries lead to the development of post-traumatic arthrosis, which differ similar in nature, but a softer flow than deforming osteoarthritis. With deforming osteoarthritis, chronic sponillosis and post-traumatic arthrosis of the knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder, lescape joints, small joints of the brushes and stops in the aggravation phase, LE is used by LE topianessee, analgesics and anti-inflammatory funds (Novocaine, Analgin, Baralgin, Salicylate Sodium). Outside the exacerbation period, the patients with arthrosis is shown to the means that improve the condition and nutrition of the articular cartilage and otolosuxtaulic tissues, local blood circulation (sulfur, zinc, lithium, iodine, nicotinic acid, aloe extract, healing dirt or mud omissions).

    1.1. Galvanization. Indications: arthrosis and spondylizes with moderately pronounced pains and inflammatory manifestations. Two long rectangular electrodes with an area of \u200b\u200b20-100 cm2 (depending on the cooling caliber) are placed transversely in the projections of the articular slit of the affected joint. The electrodes are pre-wetted with warm running water and pressed, so that during their subsequent dense fixation, the atmospheres of the sub-electrode fluid did not occur. A positive electrode (anode) is installed in the field of maximum pain. The electrodes are fixed by achieving their tight contact with the skin with a comfortable sensation of the patient. Includes the device, the potentiometer is regulated by the current strength until the patient appears in the patient the sensations of pleasant tingling (burning). The strength of the current is adjusted during the procedure on the subjective sensations of the patient. When discomfort, pain, strong burning in the field of electrodes, it is necessary to immediately reduce the current strength. The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes. Procedures are carried out daily, with stubborn pain 2 times a day. The course is 10-20 procedures, depending on the dynamics of pain syndrome.

    1.2. Novocaine electrophoresis. Indications: arthrosis and spondilosis with pain in the phase of moderate exacerbation, that is, without bright local signs of inflammation. Novocaine is a topistantic substance, gives an anesthetic effect. The procedure methodology is the same as when electroplating (see paragraph 1.1.). A positive electrode (anode) is installed in the field of maximum pain. A medicinal gasket of 3-4 layers of gauze or filter paper, moistened with 0.5% by a 2-10 ml in an amount of 2-10 ml, are placed between it and the body. The amount of medicinal substance, as well as the area of \u200b\u200bthe electrodes, depends on the valve of the affected joint (2-4 ml per ankle joint, 8-10 ml - to the hip). The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Procedures are carried out daily, with stubborn pain 2 times a day. The course is 10-20 procedures, depending on the dynamics of pain syndrome.

    1.3. Electrophoresis Analgin, Baralgin or Salicylate sodium. Indications: Arthrosis and Spondillas in the exacerbation phase with the picture of acute inflammation and with pronounced pains. Analgin, barallgan and sodium salicylate provide not only anti-inflammatory, but also a noticeable pain relief effect. The procedure is carried out according to the procedure described in clause 1.1. However, an electrode cathode (-) with a medicinal gasket moistened with a dissimilar measuring 10 times with an ampumen solution of analgin, a 5% solution of sodium salicylate or 2% of Baralgin is placed on the region of maximum pain. 2-15 ml (depending on the granulated joint caliber). The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

    1.4. Bibolar electrophoresis of Novocaine and Analgin. Indications: Arthrosis and spondilles in the exacerbation phase flowing with persistent and pronounced pain syndrome and local inflammatory manifestations. The technique is carried out according to claim 1.1. It is placed between the electrode cathode (-) and the body, the drug laying moistened with divorced 10 times with a 50% ampumen solution of the analgin in the amount of 2-15 ml (depending on the caliber of the affected joint), and under the electrode -Anod (+) is a medicinal gasket, moistened with a 0.5% solution of novocaine hydrochloride in an amount of 2-10 ml. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

    1.5. Sulfur electrophoresis. Indications: The progressive course of arthrosis and spondyllaze outside the exacerbation period. The sulfur is part of complex organic substances that make up the basis of cartilage tissue. The purpose of the use of LE sulfur is to preserve the integrity and structure of the articular cartilage. The technique is carried out according to claim 1.1., However, a medicinal gasket moistened with 10-30% aqueous cancelotes in an amount of 2-8 ml is placed between the cathode electrode (-) and the body, depending on the valiber of the affected joint. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

    1.6. Zinc or lithium electrophoresis. Indications: The progressive course of arthrosis and spondyllaze outside the exacerbation period. Microelements of zinc and lithium are necessary for the normal life and functioning of connective tissue, ligaments, tendons, articular capsules and articular bags. The technique is performed according to claim 1.1. However, a medicinal gasket moistened with 2% sulfate zinc solution or a 3-5% chloride lithium solution in an amount of 2-5 ml is placed between the electrode-anode (+) and the body, depending on the damage to the affected joint. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

    1.7. Iodine electrophoresis. Indications: The progressive course of arthrosis and spondyllaze outside the exacerbation period, pronounced fibrous and bone changes, the growth of connective tissue in the joint area. Iodine has a good absorption effect. The technique is carried out according to claim 1.1., However, a medicinal gasket moistened with 2% aqueous potassium iodide in an amount of 2-8 ml is placed under the cathode electrode (-), depending on the granulated joint caliber. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

    1.8. Electrophoresis nicotinic acid. Indications: The progressive course of arthrosis and spondyllaze outside the exacerbation period, pronounced fibrous and bone changes, the growth of the connective tissue in the joint area, combined with the violations of local blood circulation in the limbs that are manifested by chilling, numbness and cooling stop, ICR. Nicotinic acid has a pronounced vasoid exposure. The technique is performed according to claim 1.1., However, a medicinal gasket moistened with a 0.5% aqueous solution of nicotinic acid in an amount of 2-8 ml is placed under an electrode-cathode (-), depending on the valiber of the affected joint. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

    1.9. Aloe electrophoresis or mud spins. Indications: The progressive course of arthrosis and spondyllaze outside the exacerbation period, pain syndrome, pronounced fibrous and bone changes, the growth of connective tissue in the joint area, local circulatory disruptions, dystrophic changes. Aloe, therapeutic dirt and its components have a trophic and absorbing effect, improve the nutrition and blood circulation of tissues, take pain. The technique is performed according to claim 1.1. However, both electrodes are an anode and cathode (between the electrode and the body) are placed by drug pads, moistened with aloe extract, divorced 4 times with water or native spin of therapeutic dirt obtained using a marlevary napkin in quantity of 5 -15 ml, depending on the challenge of the affected joint. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

    1.10. Electrophoresis of therapeutic dirt (electricity). Indications: The progressive course of arthrosis and spondyllaze outside the exacerbation period, pain syndrome, pronounced fibrous and bone changes, the growth of connective tissue in the joint area, disruption of local blood circulation, dystrophic changes. Therapeutic dirt have a trophic and absorbing effect, improve the nutrition and the rooting of tissues, relieve pain. Apply a packaged guitium dirt of the Sestroretsky Resort field. Various therapeutic components of dirt have bipolar mobility in the electric field, so the electrophoresis of the dirt is carried out with both electrodes - cathode (-) and anode (+). The technique is performed according to claim 1.1., However, both electrodes - the anode and cathode are placed mud cakes wrapped in 3-4 layers of gauze. The thickness of the mud pellet is 1.5-2 cm, the temperature of the mud 40-42 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

    1.11. Bishophyte electrophoresis. Indications: see clause 1.10. Bischofit - Natural mineral, product bottom sedimentsextracted in the Volgograd region. It contains a complex of mineral salts with a high content of Ca 2+, Mg 2+, K +, CL-, HCO 3-, HSO 4-. It is mined in the Volgograd region. It is used to treat applications (compresses), has electrophoreticity, is introduced by electroplating with both poles (from the cathode and from the anode). Bischofit has a trophic and absorbing effect, improves nutrition and blood circulation of tissues, reduces the severity of pain. The technique is carried out according to claim 1.1., However, both electrodes - anode and cathode are placed with medicinal gaskets moistened with 10% aqueous bioshofite solution. After the procedure of electrophoresis, the skin in the zone of exposure is not purified and is not washed from the salt "mantle", and on the contrary - covered with clean gauze napkins and wrapped up for 2-8 hours. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. Course - 10-20 daily procedures.

    Elformait is a small-sized autonomous device for exposure to electroplating to biologically active points (BAT) and zones (bases), as well as the area of \u200b\u200blocalization of pathological foci. The Appair is designed to conduct galvanization and electrophoprase procedures for medicinal substances in medical institutions of various profiles and at home as a doctor's appointment. Galvanization and drug electrophoresis are used to provide an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, vasodilator and absorption action. The device is designed to operate in normal climatic conditions: air temperature from + 10 ° C to + 35 ° C, atmosphere pressure 86.6-106.7 kPa (650-800 mm Hg. Art.).

    The principle of therapeutic effects

    Galvanization is the method of exposure to electroplating to the area of \u200b\u200bpathological foci or on biologically active zones. The galvanic current has a soft and gentle stimulation of local blood circulation, neuromuscular tissues, nerve receptors of various types of sensitivity and other elements of the peripheral nervous system, contributing to the improvement of the functional state of cells and connective tissue. The galvanic current has vasodilatory and wound-healing effect. In addition, it has an painful and sedative effect, inhibits inflammation, eliminates edema, improves tissue trophics and enhances their regeneration, drug electrophoresis - a complex treatment method, combining the effects of electroplane and drugs, which are administered to the current on Area of \u200b\u200bpathological foci or biologically active zones. Such a non-invasive method of administering medicinal preparations allows them to deliver them directly to the problem area, the mining gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the injected substances are entered in an activated ion form, without ballast substances. Depending on the properties of the medicinal substance, the total healing effect changes