Abstract to the senior group on wild animals. Synopsis of the lesson for older preschool children "Wild animals of our forests

Synopsis of the frontal lesson on the topic"Wild animals of our forests" for older children speech therapy group with OHR.

purpose : formation of lexical and grammatical categoriesin children of the senior speech therapy group on the topic "Wild animals".

Tasks :

Educational :

Clarify and expand ideas aboutwild animals(bear, wolf, fox, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, their families, habitat, nutrition;

Expand and activate the dictionary for thissubject;

Exercise in the formation of possessive adjectives from nouns;

Learn to reconcile nouns with adjectives;

Exercise in case management of nouns.

Correctional and developmental :

- develop logical thinking, attention, perception;

- developgeneral and fine motor skills;

- developarbitrariness of behavior;

Develop graphic skills;

Learn to coordinate speech with movement.

Correctional and educational :

Arouse positive emotions in children in the process of activity;

- to cultivate a respect for nature.

Equipment : Wildlife pictures, audio recordings, Wildlife pictures for each child (underpainting). Presentation.

Node move:

1. Organizational moment.

Audio recording sounds. To the music (the sound of a woodpecker in the forest, the voices of birds, animals ) children entergroup .

Speech therapist : - Guys, did you know whose voices they are?

Children : -These are the voices of animals and birds.

Speech therapist : -Where can we hear these birds and animals?

Children : - In the woods.

Speech therapist : - Do you want to get to know animals better and learn more about them?

Children : -Yes.

Speech therapist: - I suggest you take a trip to the winter forest. Let's dress warmly.

Imitation of dressing in combination with massage movements along the text:

We put on sweaters, warm pants,

We put on hats, fur coats, and shirt front.

Mittens for handles, put on boots.

Well, are you ready, kids? The sleigh is already waiting for us. Slide

Here we are in the forest!

Hello forest, wonderful forest
Full of fairy tales and wonders.

Who lurks in your wilderness

What kind of animal, what kind of bird?

Open everything, do not hide,

You see, we have come.

How beautiful it is here! Slide

Work on the development of breathing.

Let's breathe in the clean forest air.

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Coordination of speech with movement
We will enter the forest quietly. (Walking in place)
What will we see in it? (Turns the head left and right)

There are trees up to heaven, (Smoothly through the sides they raise

The wind is strong

And he rocks the trees. (Shaking hands raised up)

Hush, don't make noise,

We want to find the forest animals.

Quiet now in the forest, but

If you listen closely, you can hear many different sounds in the forest.

A wolf in the forest - ... howls Depict a wolf's grin, howling like wolves (Ooh-ooh)

Bear - ... roars (S-S-S)

Boar - ... grunts ... ... (grunt)

Fox - ... yapping ... ..

In the forest, besides birds and animals, you can also hear an echo.

Now I will speak now softly, now loudly, and you will be my echo.

Pure phrases

Doo-doo-doo - along the path I walk Slide

Dy-dy-dy - I see footprints in the snow

De de de - and where are the forest animals?

Di - di - di - who's behind the tree, look.

We will pass quietly, we will not frighten anyone away.

The animals are hiding from us, but we have a keen eye.

Game "Recognize by silhouette" (“Noisy” pictures) ... Slide

Formation of nouns in V. n without a preposition

Whom did you see? Nastya, who do you see? And you, Kolya? ...

(I see a fox. I see a bear. Etc.)

Speech therapist : How do we call animals living in the forest in one word? (Wild)

Why are they called that? .... (Answers of children) .....

Let's play the game "Guess". I will name the distinctive features of an animal, and you have to guess who I am talking about.

Angry, hungry, gray. Slide

Cowardly, long-eared.

Sly, redhead, predatory.

Redhead, small, fast.

Big, brown, awkward.

Horned, powerful, unhurried.

Spiky, small, dexterous.

Exercises for the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

Who is there in the forest? A game "One - many"

The wolf is the wolves.

Protein is protein.

Elk - elk.

Hare - hares.

Mole - moles, etc.

Guess guys

What kind of animals they wanted

Play hide and seek with us?

We need little animals with you

Find out by their tails. Slide

D /Game “Whose Tail? ”(Formation of possessive adjectives)

Whose tail do you see?(I see a fox tail ... etc.

(Formation of nouns in the R. case with the preposition U)

Speech therapist : Who has the shortest tail?

The fluffiest?

Looks like a fox, but smaller?

The ugliest?

Here the animals have grown bolder

looked out from behind the spruce.

Whose ears have we seen?

Name-all medals of expertsi'll hand it over immediately.

Whose ears? (bearish ……. Slide

It's so quiet in the woods, beautiful.

We only seek in vain

Hedgehog and badger, bear and chipmunk.

And we won't find the raccoon. They sleep in the fierce winter.

And everyone has their own home.

So warm, cozy in it Slide

Finger gymnastics.

The fox in the deaf forest
There is a hole - a safe house.
Blizzards are not scary in winter
A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce.
Under the bushes prickly hedgehog
Rakes leaves into a heap.
From branches, roots of bark
The hut is made by beavers.
A clubfoot sleeps in a den
Until spring he sucks his paw.

Well, where is the hare's home?
A hare lives under a bush.

House - palms, children

bend fingers on both hands for each


make bunny ears

spread their arms to the sides

Game "Name a family".

Speech therapist : - Guys, everyoneanimals have a family .

Name the family of animals: dad, mom, cub. (This is a hare family. Dad is a hare, mom is a hare, a cub is a hare. Etc.) Slide

Speech therapist : - Now namewild animals with gentle words.

A game "Name it affectionately"

A bear is a bear.

The hare is a bunny.

A fox is a chanterelle.

Squirrel is a squirrel.

Wolf - top, etc.

Remember the fairy tales in which the characters are wild animals. (Children call)

How are animals called in fairy tales?

Mikhailo Potapych,

Chanterelle-sister, Lisa Patrikeevna

Top-gray barrel, zainka.

Speech therapist: -You are probably tired? Well, then, everyone got up together and have a little rest.

Physical education "At a watering place".

Once on a forest path(children go in circles)

The animals went to drink.

A moose calf stomped behind mom - a moose calf,(walk, stomping loudly)

A fox was sneaking behind mom - a fox,(sneaking on tiptoes)

A hedgehog rolled after mom, a hedgehog,(squatting)

A bear cub followed the mother-bear,(waddle)

Little squirrels galloped after mom - squirrel,(jumping)

Behind mom - a hare slanting hares,(show ears)

The she-wolf led the cubs(sneaking)

All mothers and children want to get drunk.(face in a circle, tongue licking movements)

It's good to drink some water, but it's time to refresh yourself.

Game "Who eats what?" Slide

Pictures are displayed on the board:

On the first line - meat in a plate;

On the second - grass, mushroom, berry.

Guys, all wild animals are divided into two large groups: predators that eat meat, that is, they eat smaller animals; andherbivores that eat grass, mushrooms, grains. Think about which group the animal in the picture can be assigned to and put it on the appropriate line (children go one by one to the board and complete the task).

Tricky questions.

Who has more paws - a hare or a squirrel?

How many ears, tails, paws do two proteins have?

Who (which) is more - hares or hare ears?

Speech therapist : - Guys, look closely atwild animals, on their external signs. Let's say about them in one word.

Exercise for the development of word formation. Slide

Speech therapist : - What kind of nose does the fox have?(acute) So what is she?(pointed-nosed) ;

What kind of ears does a hare have?(long) ... So what is he?(long-eared) ;

Squirrels likeITS TEETH?) So she is what( SHARP TOOTH ).

What kind of horns does a moose have?(long) So what is he?(long-horned).

How do the legs of a wolf run?(fast) So what is he?(swift) etc.

What kind of paws does the bear have? (thick) -…. fat-footed.

Exercise to develop graphic skills

Speech therapist : Today I have prepared pictures for youwild animals ... But they are not complete. You must complete the missing body parts.

Leave them to yourself, paint at home.

So our journey is over. It's time for us to go home.

Bells are ringing loudly, the sleigh rushes us into kindergarten.

The bottom line. Did you enjoy our trip? Where we were? Who did we meet there? What new have you learned about wild animals?

Name: Abstract of the GCD for the development of speech "Wild animals"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, speech development, Senior group

Position: educator of the first qualification category
Place of work: MDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 51"
Location: Elektrostal, Moscow region

GCD abstract
on the development of speech on the topic "Wild animals"
for children of the senior group with ONR 1st year of study

Purpose:Clarify and systematize children's knowledge about wild animals.


Consolidation of children's knowledge about wild animals, body parts, cubs, about the place of residence. Activation of the dictionary on this topic. Practical use of singular and plural nouns in the genitive case without prepositions and singular nouns in the instrumental case without a preposition and with the preposition "s". Exercise children in the selection of words-signs for words-objects, in the preparation of sentences.

Develop speech breathing, memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills. To foster a sensitive attitude towards animals, a desire to help.

Equipment:easel, "noisy drawing", disk " Magic voices»(Sounds of nature for children), a teddy bear toy, a set of graphic diagrams and object pictures depicting wild animals, a ball, sponges, toothpicks, leaflets with contour images of food.

GCD move:

Educator: - Guys, what time of year is it? (Winter).

- It is very cold in winter, hands are chilly, but we will warm them now. (Children inhale through their nose and exhale through their mouths, warming their hands to their lips). Do you want to find yourself in a summer forest? .. Close your eyes.

The cilia go down

The eyes are closing

We fall asleep magically

We fly into the summer forest.

One, two, three, four, five -

We look with our eyes again.

Educator: - So we ended up in a summer forest ... (there is a "noisy drawing" on the easel, birdsong is heard).

All around different plants. Let's smell the flowers (children inhale exaggeratedly through their noses and then exhale with the sound "ah").

Guys, take a look and remember:

- What is there in the summer forest? (many berries, many trees, many bushes, many nests, many cones)

- Who is there in the summer forest? (many birds, many animals)

Didactic game "Whom do I see."

Educator: - There are many animals in the forest, but it is not easy to see them, because they have learned very well to hide from people. Guys, make binoculars out of your fingers and try to find the lurking wild animals.

- Whom did you see?

Children: - I saw a fox, ... a hare, a bear, an elk, a squirrel, a hedgehog ...

Educator: - Well done, guys! How attentive and alert you are.

Name these animals in one or two words. (Beasts, wild animals) - Why are these animals called wild? (They live in the forest, they are afraid of man. They are untamed animals.)

Now let's go back to the group and continue talking about wild animals.

The cilia go down

The eyes are closing

We fall asleep magically

We quietly fly away to the group.

One, two, three, four, five -

We look with our eyes again.

Children open their eyes and see a bear cub. There is a dialogue between the bear and the children with the help of a teacher.

- Oh, I'm tired of sleeping, all my hands are numb.

- What are you, bear cub! What kind of hands do you have?

- And my stomach hurts, I want to eat.

- Not the belly, but the abdomen.

- Guys, what are my nails called?

- And the face?

Educator: - The bear cub says that he woke up to celebrate his birthday, but he cannot find all his friends and came to the children for help.

- Who are your friends?

Teddy bear invites children to look at the portraits of friends. (A set of graphic schemes depicting wild animals is exhibited).

- We know your friends, now the children will tell about them, and you will say whether we are right or not.

Didactic game "Pick a word"

Fox (what?) - fluffy, red, dexterous ...

Hare (what?) - cowardly, fast, long-eared, gray or white ... etc.

(after the description of the animal, the diagram is replaced by a picture)

Finger gymnastics

Hedgehog, bear, badger, raccoon (alternately all fingers greet the thumb, starting with the index, left hand)

They sleep in winter every year (also from the little finger)

Wolf, hare, lynx, fox (right hand)

And in the winter you will find it in the forest. /ABOUT. I. Krupenchuk /

Educator: - That's why, bear cub, you can't find all your friends.

- Guys, how can we help the bear? (Children suggest options and decide to celebrate their birthday in the summer, and now send out an invitation to all the animals).

Ball game "Who will mom come with" (in whose name to write invitations).

- squirrel mom will come with a squirrel

- mother bear - with a bear

- mother a wolf - with a wolf cub

- mother hare - with a hare

- mother of a hedgehog - with a hedgehog

- fox mother - with a fox

Ball game "Finish the sentence" (where to send invitations)

I dived into the hollow (squirrel).

Climbed into a den (bear).

She hid in a hole (fox).

He darted into the den (wolf).

He took refuge under a bush (hare).

Climbed under the leaves (hedgehog).

Fizminutka (How to carry the invitation)

We went along the path

Found a lump

Walked, walked, found a squirrel mushroom,

The squirrel was thrown into a hollow,

Let's go again.

Found the rabbit tracks

Walked, walked found a hedgehog

The hedgehog curled up into a ball

Because he's chilled.

A ray of a hedgehog touched

The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills "Who eats what"

(So \u200b\u200bthat the bear does not forget to prepare a treat for everyone to taste)

Protein - nuts, mushrooms, cones

Bear - honey, berries, fish

Wolf - meat, fish

Hare - carrot, cabbage (it is specified that in the forest it eats tree bark, grass, leaf twigs, young shoots).

Hedgehog - insects, worms, larvae, mice

Fox - meat, fish, poultry

Children are given sponges, toothpicks and leaflets with contour images of products. You need to pierce the holes along the contour.

After completing the task, children bring their work to the board and "feed" the animals.

I want to treat the bear with honey.

I want to treat a hare with a carrot, etc.

The children say goodbye to the teddy bear, promise not to forget to hand over the invitations and come to visit for their birthday, but now in summer.

Lesson summary for senior group

Wild animals in winter.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognition, communication, socialization

Software content:

Strengthen children's knowledge of the animal world, develop spoken language... To cultivate a respect for nature.

Equipment: pictures with wild animals, chips of different colors.

Course of the lesson

I. Didactic game: "Guess who lives in the house"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the life of wild animals.

II. Guys, today we will talk about the lives of animals that live in our forest. What animals live in the forest? Correctly wild. Wild animals get their own food, take care of their own food.

What wild animals do you know? (Fox, bear, wolf, squirrel, hare, elk, wild boar)

Well done! Hear the riddle

He looks like a shepherd dog,

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his jaws bared,

The sheep is ready to attack.

Wolves live in the forest - they are predators, they feed on small rodents. What about the wolf? (Large, gray, with large teeth)

Red cheat

Sly yes dexterous,

I got into the barn,

I counted the chickens.

Look at this picture, who is it depicted? (Fox). Tell me about the fox (Red cheat, with a fluffy long tail). The fox has a very beautiful fur coat. In winter, she is not cold in such a fur coat. The fox feeds on small animals.

So listen to the riddle:

White in winter,

And gray in summer.

Doesn't hurt anyone

And he is afraid of everyone.

Hares live in the forest (looking at the picture). Describe a hare for me.

A gray hare, with long ears, runs fast.

And at what time of the year is the hare's fur coat white? (In winter)

And the gray one? (In summer)

Sir, but not a wolf,

Long-eared, but not a hare,

With hooves, but not a horse.

And who is depicted in this picture? (this is an elk, he lives in the forest).

It has large horns and feeds on foliage and tree twigs.

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And flies up the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dries mushrooms for the winter?

Look at this picture, what do you see? (Squirrel)

If you look closely at the trees in the forest, you can see a squirrel among the foliage. Who knows what a squirrel eats? (Nuts, mushrooms, cones).

The squirrel is a small animal, it runs and jumps very quickly. She prepares her own food for the winter and hides it in the hollows of trees. She has a very beautiful tail, and tassels on her ears.

Guys, here are how many wild animals live in the forest, let's call them (Hare, wild boar, squirrel, fox, wolf, elk)

But we have only talked about some of them, in fact there are many more.

Physical education: Exercise with children.

Starting position - feet shoulder width apart.

Recite a poem by performing movements.

Animal charging. (A. Barto)

One is a squat

Two is a jump.

This is a bunny exercise.

How to wake up foxes (rub your eyes with your fists)

They like to stretch for a long time (to stretch)

Be sure to yawn (yawn to bend in the back forward),)

And bend the cubs back

And lightly jump (light jump up)

Well, the bear is clubfoot (arms are bent at the elbows, palms are connected below the waist)

Paws spread wide (feet shoulder width apart)

Now one, then both together, (stepping, from foot to foot)

Treading water for a long time (swinging the body to the sides)

And for whom charging is not enough -

He starts all over again! (spread your arms to the sides at waist level, palms up)

III. Game: "Be attentive".

Purpose: To teach children to guess wild animals by separate signs.

And now I will tell you the signs of this or that animal, and you will have to guess it. Whoever is most attentive will receive a chip. So.

This animal is small in size. Does he have a long, bushy tail, runs through trees, gnaws at nuts? (Squirrel)

This animal has a very beautiful red coat. This animal is cunning, who is it? (Fox)

IV. Quiz on the topic:

"Name fairy tales with wild animals"

(Hare hut, Cat rooster and fox, Mitten, Geese-swans, Little Red Riding Hood, Winter animals, Teremok)

Summary of GCD in the senior group.

Theme: "Wild Animals"

Purpose: To consolidate, summarize the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren about wild animals, their appearance, habits, lifestyle in the winter.

Integration of educational areas: « Speech development», « Cognitive development"," Artistic - aesthetic development "," Physical development ".

Educational: teach children to compose descriptive stories according to the graphic scheme. Expand and activate the children's dictionary on the topic "Wild animals" (animal, beast, fur, skin, paw, den, burrow, hollow, predatory, change, sleep).

Continue to form the grammatical structure of speech (the use of nouns with the suffixes -onok-, -enok-, -at-, -at-).

Developing: develop coherent speech of children, speech hearing, visual perception and attention; fine and general motor skills.

Educational: foster love and respect for nature, the desire to be kind, caring, friendly.


Doll the Old Man - Lesovichok, the scheme for describing the animal; schematic model of animal dwellings; animal cards; gouache, foam rubber, a basket with hay, nuts and a jar of honey; Christmas trees.

Preliminary work: Viewing slides depicting wild animals of our forests and their babies; conversation about the life of wild animals in winter. Reading of the fairy tale by L. Tolstoy "The Squirrel and the Wolf", the story of E. Charushin "Foxes". Learning riddles about wild animals. Acquaintance with the scheme for describing the animal.

The course of the lesson.

A knock is heard outside the door.

Educator: Guys, let's see who came to us.

(the teacher puts an old man's doll on his hand - a lesovichka)

Lesovichok: Hello guys! Today I came to visit you, and I want to invite you on a journey into the fabulous winter forest, but before leaving I suggest you solve my riddles. Do you agree?


1.Long ears, fast legs.
Gray, but not a mouse.
Who is it?
2. Red-fiery lump,
With a ponytail like a parachute
Rides fast through the trees
He was there ...
Now here.
He's fast like an arrow.
So this is ...
3 redhead cheat
She hid under the tree.
The hare is waiting for the cunning one.
What is her name?..

4.Bigfoot and big
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves cones, loves honey,
Well, who will name?

Pictures with animals are displayed on the board.

Lesovichok: Well done boys! Guess all the riddles! All these animals are my friends. And I would like to know what you know about my friends, so I have prepared tasks and games for you in the forest. Good luck guys!

(Lesovichka doll disappears)

Educator: Well guys, are we going on a trip to the forest?

How can you go to the forest?

Children's answers

Educator: Let's go skiing

(Simulates putting on skis)

We are skiing into the forest

We're climbing the hill

Sticks will help us go

The road will be easy for us.

Educator: Here we are with you and found ourselves in the forest. See how beautiful it is here, how it snows.

What time of year is it now?

How did you know? What signs of winter do you know?

That's right, winter-winter came to cities and villages, wrapped fields and forests with a white blanket.

Winter dressmaker.

It's quiet in the thicket
The winter dressmaker came in.
Birches are very happy:
- Thanks for the outfits!

Fluffy and white
Winter made outfits.

Both for forests and fields -
Let them be warmer!

All trees in the forest
Winter gave handkerchiefs
And she dressed them in fur coats -
Itself cheered up!

Do you know who lives in the forest? (Children list the names of animals wolf, fox, bear, hare, squirrel, elk, wild boar).

How, in one word, can you call them? (Wild animals).

Why are they called that? (Because they take care of themselves, get food, build a dwelling)

Guys, but we didn't just come here, Lesovichok left us games and tasks to find out what we know about his friends - wild animals. Let's take off the skis to make it easier for us to complete the tasks.

And here is the first task.

Lesovichok asks to tell:

How do animals prepare for winter? (The squirrel dried the mushrooms, stocked up on nuts. The bear made himself a den, accumulated fat over the summer, the wolf, hare and fox changed their summer coats to winter ones, to warmer, fluffy ones).

Well done! You have correctly told about wild animals and how they prepare for winter.

And here is the second task:

Please listen to the poem, and then tell us about whom it said (I suggest you sit on chairs)

Somehow wintertime

The animals walked along the forest path

A fox was sneaking behind mom a fox,

A hedgehog was rolling after mom,

A bear cub followed the mother bear,

Little squirrels galloped after mom,

Behind the hare mother - oblique hares,

The she-wolf was leading the wolf cubs ...

Who is this poem about? (Children's answers)

(if children find it difficult, then ask leading questions

For example: Who sneaked after the fox - fox cub)

And how can we call them in one word (fox cub, bear cub, wolf cub)


Well done did the job!

And here is the next task:

Lesovichok offers to play the game "Who lives where?"

Go to the easel, sit down.

Do people have their own homes?

Where do you live? (children's answers)

Do animals have their own homes?

I have pictures for you, look at them, and determine which animal belongs to which dwelling? (the teacher seeks complete answers from the children)

This is a burrow. Who lives in it? Lives in a hole (fox)

This is a den. A bear lives in it.

This is a hollow. A squirrel lives in it.

This is a bush. A hare is hiding under it.

Well done! You are very attentive and observant.

And now we will play the swami game "Guess whose footprints"

(There are animal tracks on the carpet, children guess whose tracks?)

I suggest taking a break and playing the game "Teremok"

There is a teremok in the field.

He is not low, not high.

There is a lock on the door.

Who would help us open the castle?

On the left is a bunny, on the right is a bear.

Move aside - ka latch!

On the left is a hedgehog, on the right is a wolf.

Click on the lock!

Bunny, bear, hedgehog, wolf

Open the teremok.

Guys, Lesovichok has prepared the next task for us at the table, let's go through and see what's there.

(we go to the tables, the teacher explains the technique of doing the work)

Now write down the descriptions of those animals that you get. The scheme-picture-hint will help you with this. First, you will tell what your animal is called, whether it is wild or domestic, where it lives: in the forest or with a person. Then describe what size it is, what the body is covered with, what it eats.

The outline of the story about the animal is hung out.

Children compose descriptive stories about their animals according to the scheme.

Well done boys

But still, children, in our winter forest, wild animals are sad: they also want people to take care of them sometimes. I have prepared a basket of gifts, who do you think it will be for?

Honey is for the bear.

Nuts are for protein.

Hay is for the hare.

Let's leave the basket in the woods, and quietly hide ourselves. After all, wild animals are very shy and careful. Say goodbye to our winter forest and wild animals. We begin to leave and see a bag under the tree.

Oh guys, what is that bag under the tree and who left it?

We unfold the bag. And there are mushrooms - treats. I treat the children.

Program tasks:
1. Continue to introduce children to the wild animals of our country
2. Clarify body parts of animals
3. Develop the ability to form complex adjectives
4. Develop the ability to name the same root words
5. Exercise in naming an animal in combination with the word "many"
6. To cultivate respect for animals

Course of the lesson:

Org. moment.
On the easel there are pictures of wild animals of Russia.

Educator: Guys, look at the pictures, who do you see?
Children: Fox, wolf, bear, hare, elk, hedgehog, squirrel, wild boar, badger.
Educator: Right guys, who is this? How can they all be called in one word?
Children: Animals
Educator: You are right, these are animals. Where do these animals live?
Children: In the woods
Educator: So what are they?
Children: Wild
Educator: Yes, these are wild animals. They live on the territory of our country. These are wild animals of Russia. Let's imitate them a little, do articulatory gymnastics.

Articulation gymnastics
1. "Squirrel" (the mouth is closed, the thin tongue is pushed first in one, then in the other direction, resting on the cheeks)
2. "Bunny" (the upper lip is pulled up to show the upper teeth. The lower lip is pressed against the lower teeth. Hold for 10 seconds)

Educator: Guys, you and I have different moods: both good and bad. Do you think it can change in animals?
Children offer options for answers
Educator: Let's do the exercise

Exercise "Animals"
Mimicry depicts how the wolf is angry, the hare is shaking with fear, the squirrel is worried, the fox is happy.

Educator: Do you like animals?
Children: Yes
Educator: Name them affectionately

Game "Name it affectionately"
(hedgehog - hedgehog, squirrel - squirrel, hare - bunny, etc.)

Educator:Well done! I want to tell you a little about the hedgehog. The hedgehog is a wild animal that lives in the forest. It has spiky needles on its back. When he is afraid, he curls up into a ball. He is a predator, eats mice. It happens that people take a hedgehog home and give him milk to drink. Although the hedgehog is small, it walks noisily. Let's drown with the hedgehog.

Finger gymnastics "Hedgehog"
On a dry forest path -
alternately hitting fist on fist and palm on palm
Top - top - top - feet stomp.
banging their fists on the table alternately
Walks, wanders along the paths
All in needles a gray hedgehog.
hitting fist on fist and palm on palm
Looking for berries, mushrooms
For my son and daughter.
alternately connect the tips of the fingers of both hands with the thumb

Educator:Now, stand on your feet, pretend that we are wild animals

Physics "Wild Animals"
On a hot day on a forest path
The animals went to drink. (Children go in circles one after another)
A moose calf stomped behind the moose mother, (They walk, stomping loudly)
A fox was creeping behind a fox mom, (Go sneakily)
A hedgehog followed the hedgehog mom,
A bear cub followed the mother bear, (Move in a deep squat)
Little squirrels galloped after the squirrel mom, (Riding on tiptoes, bending their arms in front of their chest)
Behind the hare mom - oblique hares, (They jump, making "ears" from the palms)
The she-wolf led the wolf cubs. (Go on all fours)
All mothers and children want to get drunk. (Go on all fours)

Educator: Fine. Did you know that you can make one out of two words? Let's try?
Children: Yes

Game "Say a new word"
(a bear has thick paws - a fat-footed bear, a hare has long ears - a long-eared hare, a wolf has sharp teeth - a sharp-toothed wolf, etc.)

Educator:Look at the pictures, what body parts do animals have?
1 child: a wolf has a head, muzzle, fangs, teeth, nose, eyes, ears, paws, tail, mouth, claws, torso, neck
2 child: the bear has a head, muzzle, teeth, nose, eyes, ears, paws, tail, mouth, claws, torso, neck
Educator: We have wild animals on our easel. A lot of them.

Game "One - many"
(one fox - many foxes, one hare - many hares, one hedgehog - many hedgehogs.)

Educator: Well done boys. Someone is knocking to us.
The postman enters
Hello guys, I was ordered to give you a package from a squirrel.
Transfer the parcel.
Educator:Guys, what is there?
They open the parcel, there are nuts and a note “Bon appetit! Best regards, squirrel "