Development of speech Average group April Abstract. A summary of speech development in the medium group


Expand and clarify the presentations of children about kindergarten, the work of the kindergarten staff.

Educating respect for the work of kindergarten

Develop logical thinking, promote the development of imagination



Abstract Node for Speech Development for Children
middle group

"My favorite kindergarten"

Integration of regions: Cognition, communication, safety, socialization, work, artistic creativity, music, physical culture.


Expand and clarify the presentations of children about kindergarten, the work of the kindergarten staff.

Educating respect for the work of kindergarten

Develop logical thinking, promote the development of imagination

Material: Demonstration - use of multimedia installation: Slides of the kindergarten, employees.


(Children go, sit on the chairs .. Song about kindergarten. The character Masha)

Masha: - Drink, guys! I came to visit you, so that you told me what kind of kindergarten is!

Educator: - Let's tell me together and show Masha, what is it - kindergarten and why is it needed for?

And what is a kindergarten, who is in it?

(the house in which children come every day)

Guys, name the village in which your kindergarten is?

(Andra settlement)

Guys, I have a photo report for you and Masha.

B. - What is this building? Tell us about him? What is it?

(Right, kindergarten wooden.)

V.- guys, and which rooms are in our children's garden?

(Groups, Fooders, Safety, Cabinet Medical Worker. Musical Hall).

And now look at the screen.

What do you think it is?(Our group)

That's right, this is your group.

Who will tell that on this slide?(our site where we play on a walk)

Guys, please tell me, please, who lives in our kindergarten?(Children Adults)

Will the children in our kindergarten of the same age? (No. Large and small).

Masha guys what do you do in kindergarten?(We play, sing, dance)

Masha, guys, are adults working in kindergarten? Yes.

Let us tell you who work in our kindergarten and what is their name? What is her name? Who does she work in kindergarten?

In this is our head. Her name is Olga Nikolaevna. What does she do here? What she does?

(led by educators, watches everywhere the order for children to have many toys)

Masha, children, and who meets you in the morning in kindergarten?(Tutor)

Masha, what is your names of your educators?(children's responses).

Masha - what does the teacher do in kindergarten?(plays, sings, talking to us)

Masha, what are your educators?(affectionate, caring, good).

Masha - What are the rules of behavior to perform not to disappoint educators?

Guys who are depicted in this photo?(ml. recorder.) Come to her Masha, what is her name?(children's responses) . - Tell me, what work does it perform?(removes, washes, feeds us, helps the educator)

WHAT How do you help younger educator?(children's responses)

Masha is so great that such good and caring adults work with you.

Masha, children, educators with you play so much. I also love to play.

B. Well, what guys, let's play a little and invite Masha on our cheerful workout.



Bear got out of the berry,

Look at the threshold. Turns left and right.

He stretched from sleep: sipping, hands up.

Spring came to us again.

So that soon gaining strength

Bear's head twisted. Rotation head.

Leaned back and forth, tilting forward- Back.

Here it goes through the forest.

Looking for a bear root tilt: to touch the right hand

And drunk hemps. Left feet, then on the contrary.

In them edible larvae

For Bear Vitamins.

Finally, Bear Nalesna

And on the log sat down. Children sit down.

Masha, that's how fun, oh something I got the head.

And who in your kindergarten can fly me?(Nurse) What is her name? (children's responses)

Masha - what does she need to assist? (Bint, Green, Wat, Peroxide)

Masha, why does she walk in a white coat? (child response)

(This clothing shows a person's profession, look at what kind of snow-white and there are no microbes on it.)

Masha, children, and I know that you are very good and dancing ...(Yes)

Who teaches this to this? What is her name?(child response)

What is the name of her profession? (music leader).

Why do you learn songs?(To perform on holidays)

Masha guys, and what is the name of the room where you go sing? (Music Hall)

And what events take place in this room?(Holidays, Entertainment)

Guys, look at the screen and tell me what is depicted?(photo of the sports hall)

Guys, what is this room? (gym)

And why is it needed?(we are engaged in physical education)

What is your teacher in physical education, do you know?(children's responses)


Masha guys, and I really like to draw, do you know how?(children's responses).

Masha - and who teaches you this?(children's responses).

Masha, tell me, whose is a photo?(this is our speech therapist)

V.- What is her name? What does she teach you?(teaches to speak correctly)

Masha, tell me guys, do you like in kindergarten? What exactly do you like?(children's responses)

Masha friends, and I really liked it, but I have time. I ran! Until! See you soon!

V. - Goodbye, Masha! Guys, did you like our guest? And what did you tell her about our kindergarten? Invite more to us Masha?(children's responses)

Final speech development medium group "Journey to the Magic Forest"

Software content:
- to identify the level of knowledge of children;
- develop the coherent speech of children;
- To form a grammar system of speech: to teach the understanding of the spatial relations of two items, expressed by the pretexts: Over, under, about, for and adverbs: at the top - below, on the right - on the left;
- form the ability to form "affectionate words" (with a decreasing-laxed suffix);
- to form the ability to select words suitable in meaning;
- form the ability to coordinate the noun with adjective;
- develop the phonmematic hearing of children;
- educate the ability to work in the team.
Equipment: Envelope with letter, tickets, box, cards with an image of an airplane, steam locomotive, steamer, plot pictures on a fairy tale bunker, flower, butterfly, cards with image of items (fish, book, ball, bucket, bow, doll, fox, plate, water, Flower, t-shirt, spoon), ball, cards with written phrases, cards with image of items (cube, ball, ball, dress, flower, bucket, mug), "cheerful ball", phonogram of various sounds (it rains, foliage foliage, splash Water, crunches snow, blowing wind), easel, watman with a picture of a tree, glue, leaves, flowers of red, blue and yellow colors, treat.

Move node
Children along with the educator enter the group and detect an envelope.
Educator: - Guys, see what it is? Are you left, it's not yours? Where did this envelope come from here? And here is also something written! Let me read now.
"Kindergarten" Firefly ", children of middle group №1"
- Guard, it's the letter for us! You need to read what is written in the letter. (The educator opens the envelope and reads)
"Dear Guys! Forest faces write you. In our magic forest there was a trouble. The evil wizard enchanted the Fay tree and now it dried up and there is not a single leaflet on it, and all the fairies remained without magic. To revive the tree, you need to go on a trip to our magic forest, but you will wait for the task at each station. For its proper execution you will get a magic leaflets, with which at the end of the trip you can revive the Fay tree and return to us the magic. Tickets for the train can be found in the envelope.
Forest fairies. "
- Oh and really here tickets! Well, help the Fayam?
Children: - Yes!
Educator: -And what we will go on the journey will help determine the wonderful box. With the help of readings, we will find out who will get such a responsible order.
The child pulls the card out of the box behind the ribbon.
Educator: - Guys, take planting places, go on the road!
Under the melody, the journey begins.
1 Station "Collect a fairy tale"
Educator: - Guys, some pictures, do you remind you?
Children: - Fairy Tale Kolobok.
Educator: - The pictures are all confused by places and you need to place them in the desired sequence. Remember the tale of a bun.
Children put pictures in the desired sequence and tell a fairy tale of a bun.
Educator: - Well done, guys, you correctly made a fairy tale and get leaves for it.

2 Station "Merry Butterfly"
Educator: - Guys, see what beautiful flower! And who flies it there?
Children: - Butterfly!
Educator: - Look where the butterfly sat down? And now where does she flies? And now I flew where? (Children answer: - on the flower, above the flower, in front of the flower, behind the flower and near the flower)
Educator: - But the leaves, it means that the task has coped correctly! We go further.
Plays melody, go further.
3 Station "Nazis Laskovo"
The educator throws the ball to the child and calls the noun, and the child returns the ball to the tutor and reproduces the diminutive form of this noun. For example: table table
Fish, book, ball, bucket, bow, doll, fox, plate, water, flower, t-shirt, spoon.
Educator: - Well done guys coped! Get leaflers. Guys, you probably already tired? Let's spend fizminutka.
Fizminutka "If you like to you, then do it ..."
Educator: - Rested, it's time and go to the way.
Under the melody moving on.
4 Station "Tell the Lream"
On the table is the cards where unfinished phrases are written. The child takes the card, gives the educator, the teacher reads, and the rest of the children finish the phrase.
I'm all the day catching bugs,
Worms flying.
In the warm edge, I do not fly away,
Here under the roof inhabit.
Chigrik! Do not rob!
I am used ... (Sparrow)

Soon evening, look -
Tanned ... (Lanterns)

And near Behemotiki
Grabbed ... (tummy)

Did not listen to the bunny dad -
Distressed a bunny ... (paw)

And near this Christmas tree
Wondered evil ... (wolves)

Long, long crocodile
Sea blue ... (snapped)

The sun shines very bright
Hippo has become ... (hot)

Often get drunk to the lake
There is a redhead ... (Liser)

BBB! Buzzing machine
- I will not go without ... (gasoline)

Not an alarm clock, but calls.
Not a receiver - says.
Guess who is he?
Well, of course, ... (phone)
Educator: - I coped perfectly with the task!

5 Station "Which color?"

The cards with the image of items are laid out. The child chooses a card, and the color chooses with the help of an "funny ball". Thus, he agrees the noun with adjective. For example: - Blue ball, red cube.

Educator: - Well done! We coped with the task, get leaves.

Melody sounds, the journey continues.

6 Station "Find out what sounds"

The phonogram of various sounds sounds (it is raining, the foliage rustles, the water is splashing, the snow crumbs, the wind blows) children listen and guess what the sounds are.

Educator: - Well done! Here are the leaves, we continue our way.

End station "Magic Forest"
Educator: - Here we arrived in the magic forest. See guys, this is a tree! It and the truth is enchanted, there is no leaflet on it. Look, how many leaves did you earn, maybe enough them to revive the tree and return the Fayam magic? Let's glue the leaf to the tree and see.

Children stick leaves. Magic melody sounds.

Educator: - The miracle happened, the magic tree came to life! We managed to return the Fayam magic! Oh, see what fairy sent you as a sign of gratitude (the tutor shows a chest with treat).

Reflection: Guys, what do you remember most in today's journey? What tasks for you seemed difficult? What tasks did you like to perform?

Who was wondering today, take the flower of red and stick it to the magic tree. Who was not very interesting, take the flower of blue and stick it. And to whom it was bored today, glue yellow flower.

In the spring months, with each convenient case, using the Sillar, to offer preschoolers to call the spring ("Go, Spring, Go, Red ..."), ask for a sunshine ("Sun-bucket ...").

Before going to walk just right to remind children the poem of D. Harms "Very Scary Story":

After independent activities of children in the group, it is sometimes useful to read the "defeat" of E. Uspensky, and after collective labor, a negligent child to give the Tatar folk song "Bag" (R. Yagafarov Translation, Resection L. Kuzmina).

Before SHO, you can read the children a fairy tale "Bremen Musicians" (Br. Grimm, Per. With German. V. Vvedensky, ed. S. Marshaka), Stories "Podkin" V. Bianki and N. N. Sladkov, chapters from the book E. Hogarth "Mafin and his fun friends" (per. From English O. Exodinova and N. Shalyko), as well as works from the literary repertoire for children 3-4 years.

In order to create a good mood at the woken children, it is useful to read the fun "a chanterelle on the bridge ..." (from Russian folklore).

It is necessary to continue to periodically consider the illustrated editions of program works with preschoolers. I wonder who liked what figure and why. Talk about the important thing that children did not pay attention to. (For example: "Is the same expression from the hero of a fairy tale on these drawings?")

It is necessary to treat child fantasies very friendly.

It is necessary to allocate time to work with those children who have problems with sound-proof or with a phonematic hearing. (Work acceptance and additional speech material are presented in the abstracts of classes.)

In the spring and summer months, out of occupation should begin to teach children to work with a pattern-matrix. The technique is described in the section "Development of a Svyaznoy Speech".

To work with the pattern-matrix, you can use the manual for children of mid-preschool "I study talking." - M., Enlightenment (any year of publication.)

The eighth of March should congratulate the teachers with whom children communicate constantly, fixing the skills obtained in the classroom. It is desirable to give adults collective children's work - drawing, applique, craft from natural material, etc.

Here is a snowdrop, on the clearing

I found it.

Hold a snowdrop Mom,

Although not flourished.

And me with a flower so gently

Mom hugged

That my snowdrop revealed

From its heat.

Translation from Moldav. Ya. Akim T. Vier

Sokolova Elena Nikolaevna

Educator, MBDOU DS No. 22, Volgograd region Kamyshin

Sokolova E.N. Abstract open class On the development of speech in the middle group "Let's play together"// Sovice. 2016. N4 (6) .. 09.2019).

Purpose: continue to develop dialogical speech, encourage children to answer clearly to questions; Learning to make a descriptive story to use the words in the Parental Padge. and mn. number. Learning clearly pronounce words, combining the movement of the fingers of the hands. Enrich the vocabulary of children. Continue to develop the articulation apparatus.

Travel course:


Guys, sit comfortably and listen to me carefully. Guess what my riddle is about?

If it was not it?

Did not say anything (language)

What are we talking about in the riddle? (about language)

Why do you need a language to man? (to speak)

Where is always located? (in the mouth)

Show your tongues. How do they work? (Move) What does, when are we silent? (sleeping)

Listen to the fairy tale about the cheerful upgrade. "He lived in the light of the tongue, which is what" (children are shown). He lived in a house called his mouth. There were doors in the house - it's lips. Show where these doors (children open lips). The tongue loved to sit on the window and glanced ones to the right, left, up, down (children move their tongues). And most of all, our tongue loved to sit on the windowsill and tell the cheerful poems. Here are one of them:

There was noise.

Ate noise: chrum, chum.

Sleep so: snoring, snoring.

A ate soup: snap, knit.

There was noise: boom, boom.

How to eat noise? How to eat?

How did the noise sleep? How was the noise?

And now, together with our tongue, we will tell this poem, changing the voice of the voice.

Played with the tongue. And now stand up and stretch your hands. Look, what hands do we have? (skillful, strong, deft ...)

What do our hands know how? (draw, sculpt, dig ...)

In this help us our fingers.

How many fingers on the right hand? (five)

How much on the left? (five)

How many fingers on both hands (10).

One, two, three, four, five,

Strong and friendly

All such necessary.

Raise the brushes of both hands up, spreading the fingers wide.

Alternately bend them to the cam, starting with the big one.

Quieter, quieter, do not make sure

Our fingers will not be

Birds will be twitter

There will be fingers to get up.

Guys, sit on the chairs and calculate your fingers differently:

One finger

Two finger etc.

How many fingers? (ten)

Fingers hid, and did not happen? (fingers)

Well, our fingers played. And now we will play with you. My fingers found very interesting pictures of animals for you (on the table, pictures with the image of wild and domestic animals are laid out on the table.

How to name all who are presented here in one word? (animals)

What animals? (Wild and home)

Guys, but the figures of these animals, let them place on their habitat (on the table a house and forest, children call and lay out animals to the house and forest) sounds calm music.

And now I will make you a riddle of one animal:

Redhead, fluffy, tricky. Footprints in the snow notice? (a fox)

And now you choose about whom you want to make a riddle and tell me, (children make up descriptive stories)

Well done guys, and now depicting the facial and movements of your favorite animals.

Theatrical game "Find out who I am?"

Well done, it turned out very well. And now grab your hands, stand up in a circle. Let's remember affectionate words with you and let's call each other affectionate (Sasha, Dimochka). On this, our occupation ends. What are we doing today?

Who flies

Children become one line. The lead explains the rules of the game: "I will call different items or animals. If I call something flying - a plane or sparrow, - you have to raise both hands up, if the blatant is not lifting. Who will be mistaken - coming out of the game.

Sparrow. - Crow.

Bee. - Dragonfly.

Ladybug. - Dog.

Elephant. - Cat.

Rocket. - table.

Snake. - Clouds.

Eagle. Etc.

Give the definition of the words

Purpose: Activation of the dictionary, the development of connected speech, attention, thinking

Stroke Game: I'll start, and you are finished:

Mom (what?) - Good, affectionate, strict

Holiday (what?) - Merry, long-awaited

Give actions

purpose: Activation of the dictionary, the development of connected speech, attention

Stroke Game: I will start talking, and you are finished:

Mom (what does it do?) - erases, prepares, helps ...

Holiday (one hundred does?) - comes, comes, please ...

On the contrary

Purpose: form the ability to select the opposite words

Stroke Game: I'll start, and you will continue:

Merry holiday - sad

Great gift - small

Light sky - ...

Pure dress - ...

Good mood - …

Warm weather - …

Where is parsley?

Visual material: Doll Furniture, Toy Parsley

Game traffic: The tutor moves the parsley in the doll room: puts on the chair, on the diva, at the table, hides behind the closet, for the sofa.

Children explain where Parsley - Parsley sits on a chair.

Fourth Land

Purpose: Develop attention, intelligence, speech evidence

Game traffic: Listen and tell me what word is superfluous and why:

Plate, Glass, Cow, Cup

Cup, Glass, Plate, Mug

With Mishka

Purpose: Learning to use the verb lie in the imperative

Visual material: bear, bed

Game traffic:

Q: This bear willingly falls on a barrel, back, belly. We must ask him about it.

Children ask a bear by using verb Lagge

Complicating task, the educator creates a new gaming situation With any other toy

Talking on the phone

Purpose: Develop spatial views. Improve use in speech words: up, right, left, down, straight.

Game traffic: In one city there were two large houses on the same platform. In the same house there was a cat Leopold, Crocodile, Gena, Kolobok and Wolf. In another house there were fox, hare, Cheburashka and Mouse-Norushka. Once in the evening, the cat Leopold, Crocodile, Gena, Kolobok and Wolf decided to call their neighbors. Guess who called to whom?

Dramatic the fairy tales "Man and Animals"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to use a simple common offer, to use the form of a vinitive case, consolidate the skill of dialogue speech.

Game traffic: Animals and birds came to a person and said:

Let us work

And what do you know how to do?

The horse said: "I will carry the cargo"

The sheep said: "I will give wool"

Dog - guard the house

Chicken - carry eggs

Petushok - early in the morning to wake everyone.

Guess the subject by the names of its parts

Purpose: Activation of the dictionary, fixing the names of familiar subjects.

Game traffic:

Bottom, walls, lid, handles (pan)

Head, Torchish, Paws, Wings (Bird)

Who who has?

purpose: practical assimilation of a complex proposal with a confirction union A

Visual material: Subject pictures with animals and their young

Game traffic: First, children compare simple suggestions like: "At the cow of the calf"

Then, according to the sample of the educator, there are complex proposals on two pairs of pictures: "At the cow calf, and the goat goats"

Name in a word

Purpose: Learning to enrich objects in one word, enrich the vocabulary.

Material: Piano, violins, drums, saws, ax, plans, sewing machines, scissors, needles, etc.

Stroke Game: Grind these items.

Questions: How can these items be called in one word? Why can so be grouped? Invent your conditional designation for any group

Word game

Purpose: Learning to synthesize and group words on the basis. Development of attention

Game traffic:

    Q: Now I will call a few words, and you try to remember them. Elephant, hare, television, chicken, wardrobe, mouse, wolf, sofa, armchair, bear. Repeat! What do you think, is it possible to split these words into groups? Remember at the beginning of animals? List furniture items.

    Q: Calls words: falcon, sieve, pine, sundress, barn, Snow Maiden. Name the words that I remember. Do these words have something in common (starting with the letter C). If you know how the letter C is written, write. Invent the words that begin with this letter.

Find out the description

Purpose: continue to learn to make descriptive stories, find out the subject to description

Material: Images of objects with minor differences in appearance

Game traffic: Each children have 2-3 pictures. The educator describes some item. Children should guess what picture is about and showing it.


    children explain their choice

    the role of the water is fulfilled

Guess the sound

    raise your right hand if you hear the sound in words:

elephant, Zoya, Sanki, Mattress, Gold ...

    slap your hands 1 time, if you hear the sound [h], 2 times - sound [C], get up if you hear the sound.

Chicken, haircut, heron, puppy, chiz, son.

Heron is an important domain,

All day costs how the statue

Dog tsacking on chains

And try the outgrows;

In the sky, Korshun is spinning

Third hour in a row

But he, the robber

Do not steal chickens.



    exercise children in the preparation of descriptive stories

    develop the ability to listen carefully to the comrades

Game traffic: The leading describes any object without calling it. The rest of the players should learn the subject by the description. Calling him correctly becomes leading.

Q: Guys, I will remind you a plan that will help you when describing the subject:

Tell us, what material it is made, from which parts is what kind of form are, if there is, then tell me what patterns it is decorated. At the end, name for what can be used?

Use every instant

Children, probably, were considered more than once in the books of illustration and told that they were depicted. Now the unfamiliar picture is given not more than half a minute, and, during this time, two times for a long time, the light is not long, and so on for a long time. And yet you need to tell in detail what is depicted on it, remembering, even minor details. To do this, you must fully mobilize your attention and really be able to use every moment. The winner is the one who managed to notice more than others.

Taste and smell

    imagine lemon

    what is it tasteful?

    Remember how lemon smells? Tell me

    Imagine that you keep lemon in your hand. What do you feel?

    draw Limon

    imagine orange

    what is the taste?

    How smells?

    What colour?

    What do you feel?

    draw Orange

    tell me what is the difference between orange from lemon. What are they like?

What changed?

Purpose: Development of attention, connected speech, ability to describe objects.

Game traffic: On the table are subject to objects in a specific sequence.

Q: Look carefully on objects, remember how they are located. Then, when you turn away, I change something. When you turn back, you should carefully see how the items lie, and tell me what has changed?


    Describe the subject that did not

    tell about the place where he stood

    what kind of sound began the name of this subject

    in the name of what other items is this sound?

Pick up vegetables and fruits

Purpose: Development of Sensorika

Move: Children are offered a number of pictures with the image of vegetables and fruits. After consideration: decompose them in color

Change sentence

Purpose: learn correctly coordinate nouns, adjectives and verbs

Move: Listen to the first sentence and ended the same second

Lena watering flowers, Lena and Kolya ...

What do you have?

Material: on each table 1 picture

Stroke Game: The educator asks: "What is in your picture?"

Children answer:

We have flag

We have flags

We have home

We have at home

One and a lot


Pictures by the number of children with a picture of 1 or several items

Game traffic: The teacher distributes pictures. Requests items drawn in pictures. Children answer:

I have a window

I have windows

Then make up the pairs of pictures on the principle: one - a lot.

Sweet words

Purpose: Activation of caressing nouns

Game traffic: All the words you hear, let's remake into affection:

Sledge - Sanoka

Mountain - Gorrha

Winter - Zimushka

Shuba - Shub

Cap - Hood

Snow - Snowball

What made of what is done?

Purpose: Intensify pronunciation of adjectives, coordinate the noun and adjective in kind and number

Game traffic:

Glass glass - glass

Iron Knife - Iron

Porcelain Cup - Porcelain

Crystal Vase - Crystal

Wood spoon - ...

Frying pan from cast iron - ...


The practical assimilation of the plural, drawing up proposals with the Union A

Game move: 3-4 dolls, 3-4 bears, etc. are located on the game field. At the tutor on the table the same toys in the singular. Children take toys from the table and sample tutor say:

I have a ball, and in the store balls

I'll start, and you finish

purpose: intensify in the speech of the pretext of

Game traffic:

    Beautiful dress who has?

  • Blue checkbox who?

Who is like screaming

Purpose: The formation of verbs from sound-speaking words.

Visual material: Subject pictures with the image of the cat, piglets, ducklings, frogs, chickens.

Game traffic:

    Hrew - Khry.

You can use the poem Chukovsky "confusion"

Guess the tree on the sheet

Material: Cards with leaves of familiar trees

Game traffic: The tutor shows the cards one after another and asks what tree this sheet belongs. Gives a sample answer:

This leaf of birch

This sheet of Klena

Who with whom?

Visual material: Subject pictures - adult animals and their young

Game traffic: As the pictures, the educator proposes to answer the question: "Who came to the Polyana with whom?" (Fox with fox, bunny with a hare)

Where did the bear looking for his ball?

Purpose: Attract the attention of children to various options for spatial relationships between objects, to activate in their speech prepositions under, for, on, about, S. Learn to change the case endings of nouns with various prepositions.

Game traffic: The educator asks, children answer

    What does a bear doing? (sleeping)

    Where is the bear sleeping? (on the bed)

    What does a bear doing now? (got up)

    He woke up. But did he already get out of bed? (did not get up, still sits)

    Where is he sits? (on the bed)

    Finding the ball for the Bears (for the sofa, at the table ...)

What children ride

purpose intensify in the speech of the pretext on

Visual material: Scene Pictures (Skiing, Sledge, Skates, Scooter, Bike)

Game traffic: Children in the picture make up proposals with a pretext on

The boy rides on the scooter

Faith rides by car. Etc.

Guess who said

Each child receives several pictures with the image of different animals. The master pronounces the phrase by changing the height of the voice, imitating the animal, which has children in pictures. For example: Bear. Fish, where is honey? I go through the woods all day, I am looking for honey. I really want to eat

Or: protein. Jump Yes, from the branch on the branch - and so the whole day. The main thing is to type cones in a basket, nuts, and I also need to press mushrooms for the winter.

Children raise the appropriate pictures. The presenter announces those who guess, and who is not.

Baby Birthday

Game traffic:

Q: Bunny birthday. Different treats prepared a bunny (shows the substal pictures: nuts, fish, honey). Guess to whom the bunny prepared nuts? Fish? Honey?

D: Nuts - protein

Fish - Lisse

Honey - Mishke

Shooting Sloves

The presenter offers children to play riddles where necessary, carefully listening to the text, guess, finish, add the word desired and in meaning.

All he loves invariably, who would come to him. They guessed. This is a gene, this is a gene ... (crocodile)

All in the world he is good, he treats sick animals. And once the hippopotamus pulled out of the swamp. He is known, famous - this is a doctor ... (Aybolit)

Shooting Sloves

The father had a boy strange, unusual - wooden, on earth and underwater looking for a golden key. His girl Malvina called ... (Buratino)

He and cheerful and nezloben

This cute crank.

With him the owner - Boy Robin,

And buddy - Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday, and on honey - special scent. This teddy peasant bear ... (Winnie Pooh)

Shooting Sloves

He himself is round, not the ball, the mouth is not visible, but Kusach, naked handle you will not take, but it is called this ... (hedgehog)

And in the forest we, and in the swamp, we will always find everywhere -In the meadow, on the edge. We are green ... (frogs)

The lush tail sticks out from the top. What a strange little animarian. Clicks the nuts finely well, of course, it ... (protein)

Shooting Sloves

Instead of nose - Piglet, instead of a tail - hook. My vigilance and a call, I am a cheerful ... (piglet)

Bird black spins,

"Car! Car! Car!" - shouts and angry

All well-known person.

And the name is her ... (crow)

He slept all winter in the fur coat, I suck with a paw, and waking up, began to roar, this is the beast of the forest ... (Bear)

What is the subject?

purpose: Learn to call the item and describe it.

A child takes out a wonderful bag subject, a toy calls him (this is the ball). Initially, the toy describes the tutor: "He's round, blue, with a yellow stripe, etc."

Guess the toy

purpose: To form in children the ability to find a subject, focusing on its main signs, description.

3-4 familiar toys are exhibited for review. The educator reports: it will outlines the toy, and the task of playing, listen and call this subject.

Note: First indicate 1-2 signs. If children are hampered 3-4.

Who will see and call

Purpose: Learning to denote the word and action of the part and signs of the appearance of the toy.

Educator: We are visiting Olya's doll. Olya loves when it is praised, pay attention to her clothes. We deliver the doll with pleasure, we describe her dress, shoes, socks.

Name as more objects as possible

Purpose: Exercise children in a clear pronunciation of words.

The educator offers children to watch around him and call as many items as possible that surround them (name only those in the field of their view)

The tutor follows that children correctly and clearly pronounce words, did not repeat. When the kids will not be able to call anything else, the educator can ask them the leading questions: "What is hanging on the wall?" etc.


purpose: Recall the verb with the action that it denotes with the subject that this action produced.

Material: needles, glasses, soap, bell, brush, iron. Brush, broom, toy - Forty bird.

Educator: While you were at home, Forty flew to kindergarten and gathered different things in your bag. Let's see what she took

(The educator declares objects)

Children: Forty, forty, give us soap

Magpie:I will not give, I will not give, I will take your soap

I will give my sorochonka to wash.

Children: Forty, forty, give us a needle!

Magpie: I will not give, I will not give, I will take a needle

Soroch with his backdrop. one

Children: Forty, forty, give us glasses

Magpie: I will not give, I will not give, I myself am without glasses,

I can't read the veship of poems.

Children: Forty, forty, give us a bell.

Magpie: I will not give, I will not give, I will take a call.

I will give the Sorryonka - my son, son.

Educator: You, forty, do not rush

You're asking you and everyone will understand you.

All that must be served.


What do you want to do, forty? (Clean, stroke, paint ...)


Children, what do you need forty?

(Children call and bring all objects)

Forty thanks and flies.

Multicolored chest

Purpose: Teach children when agreed by the nouns of the middle (female) kind with pronoun orient to the end of the word.

Material: Casket, subject pictures in the number of children.


I put pictures

In a multicolored chest.

Well, Ira, Ploy,

Remove the picture, name.

Children take out the picture and call that it is depicted on it.

Oline assistants

purpose: to form the form of the MN. The numbers of verbs.

Material: Olya doll.

Olya's doll came to us with his assistants. I'll show you them, and you guess who these helpers and that they help do Ole.

The doll goes on the table. The teacher indicates her legs.

What is it? (These are legs)

They are Olin assistants. What are they doing? (Go, jump, dancing, etc.)

Tell me what?

purpose: Teach children to allocate signs of the subject.

The educator (either a child) takes out the objects out of the box, calls them, and children point to any sign of this subject.

If children are hampered, the teacher helps: "This is a cube. What is he? "

"Magic Cube"

Game Material : Cubes with pictures on every face.

rules games. Baby girl throws a cube. Then he should depict what is painted on the top face, and say the corresponding sound.

The child, together with the educator, says: "Right, spinning, goes on the bar," and throws a cube. On the upper face - for example, the aircraft. The educator asks: "What is it?" And asks to emit the hum of the aircraft.

Other faces of the cube are similarly played

"Unusual song"

Rules of the game. The child hits the vowel sounds to the motive of any familiar ringtones.

Educator. One day, the beetles, butterflies and grasshoppers argued who would be better than everyone to sing a song. The first made large, thick beetles. They are important sang: oh-oh. (Children sneeze the melody to sound o). Then the butterflies were spinned. They are ringing and fun singing a song. (Children perform the same melody, but on sound a). Musician-grasshoppers came out, they played violine - and-and-and. (Children siss out the same melody on sound and). Then everyone went to the clearing and started the grinding with the words. And immediately all the beetles, butterflies, grasshoppers realized that our girls and boys sing the best thing.


Rules of the game. The teacher loudly utters any vowel sound, and the baby repeats it, but quietly.

The tutor says loudly: ah-aa. The child-echo quietly answers: aa-ah. Etc. You can also use the combination of vowels: AU, UA, EA, etc.

"Gardener and Flowers"

Purpose: Secure children's knowledge about colors (forest berries, fruits, etc.)

5-6 players are sitting on chairs placed in a circle. This is flowers. They all have a name (it is possible that the players choose a picture-flower; it is impossible to show the master). The leading gardener says: "I have not seen a wonderful white flower With a yellow eye, like a small sun, did not see the chamomile. " Chamomile gets up and makes a step forward. Chamomile, bowing to the gardener, says: "Thank you, dear gardener. I am happy that you wanted to look at me. " Chamomile sits on another chair. The game continues until the gardener lists all the colors. one

"Gardener and fruit trees",

"Lesovik and Forest Berries",

"Trainer and his beasts"

"Cats and Wolf"

Purpose. Finish a fairy tale at the beginning.

Material. Flangegraph and attributes to the fairy tale "Goat with kids", bunny

Educator It tells the beginning of the fairy tales, demonstrating the figures of the characters.

Educator: Bunny says ....

Children: Do not be afraid of me, this is me - a small bunny. Educator: Goat treated him ....

Children: carrot, cabbage ...

Educator: Then they became ... etc.

"Wake a cat"

Purpose. Intensify in the speech of children the name of cub animals.

Material. Animal costume elements

Someone from the children receives the role of a cat. He sits down, closing his eyes, (as if he sleeps), on a chair in the center of the circle, and the rest, if desired, choosing the role of any baby animal, form a circle. The one who tells the gesture tutor, gives a voice (makes a sound resolution corresponding to the character).

The task of the cat: to call, who woke it up (rooster, frog, etc.). If the character is named correctly, the performers are changing in places, and the game continues.

"Who more action Write "

Purpose: Actively use in speech verbs, forming various verb shapes.

Material. Pictures: Items Clothing, Plane, Doll, Dog, Sun, Rain, Snow.

Nearem comes and brings pictures. The task of children is to choose words that indicate the actions related to objects or phenomena depicted in the pictures.

For example:

What can be said about the plane? (flies, buzzing, rises)

What can be done with clothes? (Wash, iron, stitch)

What can be said about the rain? (goes, dripping, pouring, drizzles, knocking on the roof)


purpose. Development of phonderatic hearing.

Children get up in a circle. Teacher utters different sounds. If you hear the sound, for example, at, raise your hands and go slowly.

Sounds are pronounced, and, a, o, y, and, u, a. Children, having heard the sound of y, make the corresponding movements


Purpose. Navigate the meaning of verbs.

Material. Doll Pinocchio.

Pinocchio - traveler. He travels in many kindergarten. He will tell about his travels, and you are guessing, in which rooms of the kindergarten or on the street he visited.

He went into the room where the children shove the sleeves, wash their hands, wipe.

Yawn, rest, sleep ...

Dance, sing, circling ...

Was Pyratino in kindergarten when children:

Come, greet ... (when does it happen?)

Dinner, thank ...

Dress up, say goodbye ...

Pose a snowbaby, ride sledding


Purpose. Formation of the morphological side of speech. Test children to understand the prepositions and adverbs having a spatial value (in, on, for, under, about, between, near, on the left, right)

Material. Small toys.

The teacher made in advance toys hides in different places of the group room, and then, collecting children around him. I informs them: "I was notified that in the group was settled in the unlimited guests. The tracker, who led the observation, writes that someone hid in the upper right drawer of the desk. Who will go in search? Okay. Found? Well done! And someone hid in the corner of toys, behind the cabinet

(Search). Someone under a puppet bed; Someone on the table; What is worth right from me "

So Children find all unreasonable guests, hide them into a box and negotiate that they play again with their help in the hide and seek.

"Postman brought a postcard"

Purpose. Teach children to form verb forms in the present time (draws, dancing, runs, jumps, lacques, watering, meowing, barking, strokes, drums I.D.)

Material. Postcards with the image of people and animals performing various actions.

The game is held with a small subgroup.

At the door someone knocks.

Educator: Guys, the postcard brought us postcards. Now we will consider them together. Who is drawn on this postcard? That's right, Teddy bear. What does he do? Yes, drums. This postcard is addressed by Ole. Olya, remember your postcard. This postcard is addressed to Pasha. Who is shown here? What does he do? And you, Petya, remember your postcard.

So Considered 4-5 pieces. And those who are addressed to, should correctly call the actions of the character and remember the image.

Educator: Now I will check if you remember your postcards? Snowmen dance. Whose postcard? Etc.

Letters around me

purpose: consolidate knowledge of letters; teach concentrate attention; expand the vocabulary; Help develop observation.

Ask a child to look in the room and call all items that surround it, but only in alphabetical order.

For example: a - watermelon, b - bank, in - hanger, G - Gardina, etc.


Purpose:fastening knowledge about letters, expansion vocabulary; development of visual memory; Familiarization with artists and pictures

Take the picture of the artist who you like. Read the picture title and the name of the author of the child. Ask found in the picture all items on a certain letter. Let's say this picture I.E.Pepina "did not wait." Let a child find all items on a certain letter P (floor, portrait, coat, apron, etc.)

Ask him to remember all the words on this letter. Close the picture and offer the child to remember all these items.

All from "O"

purpose: consolidation of knowledge of letters; Development of imagination, figurative thinking, shallow motility hands.

According to the signal of the leading children begin to draw beautiful letters about (big and small). After the lead will say "Stop!", Players stop drawing, carefully look at their drawing, try to guess what or to whom it seems to be drawn and give the name to their work.

purpose: Development audio memoryCommunicative qualities

Driving stands in a circle blindfolded. Children move in a circle and sing: "We built a circle, we turn around ahead of suddenly, and how to say:" Skok, Skok, Skok! Guess whose voice? "

Words "Skok, Skok, Skok!" Pronounces one of the players appointed by the lead. The leading should guess who said words. If he guesses, becomes a common circle, and in the center of the circle it becomes one whose voice guess. If not, continues to drive.

What are you doing? ( Folk game)

purpose. Activizir is the use of verbs and verb forms, indicated by prof. actions. Move. The presenter appoints to each playing, sitting in a mug, work: dinner cook, bake bread, repairing a car, sew, etc. Everyone digs himself a hole, sits down around her, takes a wand and turns her in the yam. The host in the middle of the circle also turns a stick in the hole, asks for everyone some overall work, for example, says: "Bake bread" or "Sing the song", - and everyone starts to twist with chopsticks in the hole and loudly repeat the specified work: "Bread and bake, Bread bake ", etc.

At this time, the presenter suddenly refers to the question of someone: "What are you doing?" An asked should immediately call the work appointed to him, for example: "Oats Zhnu." If it is mistaken and calls the overall work (bake of the bake) or reuse, it changes in places with the leading.

King (folk game)

purpose. Relate expressive movement and derivative word denoting profession.

Someone from playing at will becomes king. The rest are considered employees. The king sits down at a certain place, and workers depart aside and agree on what work they will hire him. Considering, fit and say:

Hello, King!

Hello! - he answers.

Do you need workers?

Children begin with expressive movements to portray people of different professions (pins, lumberjack, pahaper, excavator, seamstress, cooks, bars, etc.). The king should call the work of everyone, and if it immediately calls everything true, then workers run away to the appointed place. The king catches them, and whom will catch, he becomes the king, the rest are going to condition about the work again. But if the king calls the depicted work incorrectly, calls it in the second, for the third time, etc., until finally guesses. Catch workers King can only when they have not reached the appointed place, and if it does not catch anyone, then again remains the king on the next game. The great interest of the game is to choose such a job that it would be difficult to guess, and through it to force the king a little more fulfill its role.

What is the dog?

You can ask the child to imagine a dog and tell about it as much as possible: what is her wool, that she loves to eat, what form of her tail and ears, what is her character, etc. Children call suggestions in turn.
Other topics: "What happens spring?", What happens a cow? " etc.

Name the word

You can play both the group and together. For the game it is better to use a small ball.

Pronouns. One throws the ball calls pronoun. The task of the catching ball name the word corresponding to the pronoun named.

Example: She is a picture; He is a champion; It is a sun.

Complete option: to him - Elephant; She is a doll, they - dogs; From us (from them) - from girls.

Nouns suffixes. Task: Give the word with a diminutive value (option: increasing or frightening). Example: House-house (Domyschi).
a) carpet, book, knot, shadow, cat, bag, ball, leg, man, stump, nose, umbrella ...

b) door, butt, power, ant, friend, tree, sparrow ...
c) weather, piano, number, factory ....

Consoles. Task: Find the word suitable "beginning" (console). Example: tear-rip.
a) sit down, creek, shy, move, take, pick up, chant, do, fall,

b) rash, who, pitiful, grandson, given ... 2

Answer quickly!

You can play together and the company. One of the players calls three adjectives denoting various characteristic properties of the property of any object - color, taste, size, etc. The second player must quickly name the subject suitable for these features:
Call, fast, cheerful ... (ball)

high, durable, brick ... (home)

redhead, fluffy, tricky ... (fox)

green, barbed, elegant ... (Christmas tree)

Who is bigger?

Before children, there is some item with as much as possible signs, for example, the ball. (Round, shiny, solid, smooth or vice versa - soft, rough)

Task children

1. But more will call the properties of the subject.
2. But more will call possible actions with the subject.

Tell me differently.

A simple proposal is taken, but with adjective and adverbs, for example: "The car quickly drove along the highway." And now, imagine that these words suddenly disappeared from the language, but the thought still needs to somehow express. It is necessary to come up with an option of the same phrase in other words. At the same time, none of the words of the initial offer should be repeated. (Car rushed on the road)

What is the reason?

Some extraordinary situation is invented. For example: "Come in the morning in the park, you saw that all benches disappeared there." It is necessary to come up with an explanation of this event as soon as possible. Causes can be ordinary, everydays ("taken for repairs"), and unusual, fantastic (benches offended, that they spoil them, and went to another park). The one who will offer more reasons, and what they are more diverse, the better. The game develops the ability to analyze and logically think.

Guess who my friend is.

For this game, you will need cards with animal images, for each game - Separate theme - Pets, wild animals, birds, fish, etc.
Each child must choose a card with animals so as not to see the rest of the children and come up with an animal name. Now you need to give time to draw up a story about his life.
For example, the child chose a picture with an elephant. Called his filial. Then tells about him: My Phil lives in Africa, he is very big and kind, he likes to eat fruits and vegetables. Phil even acts in the circus and so on. The rest of the children are trying to guess what animal are we talking about. You can depict the animal gait.

Find and emphasize

For this game, you will need any text with a large font. Offer the child carefully browsing the text, find and emphasize the specified letter. Do not forget to call or ask what letter the child is looking for. Another time you can cross the letter, to circle in a circle, put the point under it ...

With successful implementation of such tasks, it is possible to propose simultaneously to search for two letters and emphasize them, and the most difficult version of the exercise is to find two letters at the same time, but to celebrate them with different signs (for example, N is to smoke, and - to circle in a circle).

Task is useful at all stages of learning to read (even for reading children), as also trains attentiveness.

From what letter item?

Write on a sheet of paper only elements of letters. Ask a child to guess what letters you wanted to write.

What letters hid?

Offer the child to guess what letters hid in these pictures. If the tasks draw on separate sheets, then the child turns the sheet in different directions, can find more letters. If a child can not learn any letter, circle it with a blunt end of a pencil, it will help him allocate a letter on a general background.

The task is developing spectacular perception.

What letter did it look into the window?

You can use any major letters from the split alphabet. Additionally, prepare the larger sheet with the "window" of any shape (round, square, rectangular). Hide the letter from the alphabet behind this sheet. Ask a child to find out the letter "in the window" (by its fragment).

One and the same letter can be made repeatedly, changing the fragment "in the window".

The game develops spatial thinking and attention.


purpose - Allocation in the words of certain sounds.

Adult - the seller, and the child is a buyer who "comes" to the store to choose something from the goods. For the purchase you need to pay the first sound of the word. For example, if a child wants to buy a spoon, he must say "L-L".

Rearrangement of stress

Purpose: Help the child to learn the principle of sludge.

Experiment with stress in words, when answering the teacher
- What's your name?
- Pasha. Pasha.
- What it is?
- TV, TV, TV, TV.

Forbidden sounds

The goal is to develop the ability to allocate sounds in the word and learn to work according to rule.

An adult and the child agrees that one of the sounds is forbidden, for example, cannot be pronounced "3" or "K". The adult shows the child pictures and asks that they are depicted on them, the child tries to answer, without calling the forbidden sound. Let the forbidden sound at the first stage will be at the beginning of the word, and then at the end.

Who crawls and hits?
-. Money.
- Who purries and wash it all the time?
- Who is falling back?
- Ra.

Tim and Tom

Purpose: learning to distinguish hard and soft sounds.

Draw two little men. Tom "Solid" - it is angular, skinny, and Tim "soft" - it is rounded and fat. Make a child with them:
- You see, this is Tom, his name begins very firmly. Tt-t. He himself is all solid, like this sound, and chooses everything solid. Loves Tomato juice, wears a coat, plays the sea battle and soap bubbles. And this is Tim, his name begins softly. Th-q. He loves everything that sounds just as gently as his name: Eats pull and meatballs, playing the ball, draws and wears a jacket. You will be Tim, and I am. We go hiking. What do you think we'll take Tim: a backpack or a launcher?

Also, Tim and Tom must take a bowler, canned food, sugar, spoons, bowl, rope, binoculars, compass, card, lollipops, sneakers, sneakers, cap, panama, etc. With the help of an adult, you need to choose that it will incur Tim, and that. Then you can change roles, let the child will come Tom who collects mushrooms (chanterelles, butter), berries (strawberries, blueberries), catches fish (bream, sazana), etc.

Borrowed in the forest

Purpose: help the child learn to allocate in the word shock sound.

Toys sneak around the room, they need to call, pulling the shock sound - the most "loud" sound in the word




Sound lotto.

Adult distributes cards cards with a picture of different items, plants or animals. Then it shows a familiar to children the letter and asks:

Who has a word on this letter?

Then the game becomes more complicated: words are written on the cards, children should recognize the suggested letters at the beginning, the middle and end of the word.

"I was in the circus ..."

For the game you need cards with letters and syllables, chips. You can play together, and the company. The participants of the game are distributed cards with letters, or all the cards lie on the table and players take turns take them. The first player takes a card with a letter or syllable and says: "I was in the circus and saw ..." He must call something starting with the letter on his card. You can call not only nouns. For example, a clown, and a tumbleweed gymnast, and a red curtain can be called the letter "K".

If you use cards with syllables, it is not necessary that this syllable stood at the beginning of the word.

Options: "I was at sea ...", "I was in the forest ...", "I was in the theater ...", etc.


Take a disposable cardboard plate, draw it on the sector. In each sector, write prepositions - "on", "in", "under", "over", "C" and others.

You can play like in roulette - throwing a ball on a plate. And you can make an arrow in the center of the plate and rotate it. The point remains the same - on which pretext there will be a ball or an arrow, with the pretext and you need to make a proposal.

Who lives here?

You will need: a flat cardboard house with carved windows, you can make a locomotive with trays, a plane or even a rocket - who is more interesting. In the windows, you can insert cards with letters suitable in size to the windows. And you can attach a house to the board and write letters with chalk in the windows.

Attach the househouse and empty windows on the board in random order sets of letters on the board. The child must guess what words live in this house.

Examples: A; P; L; AND; FROM; E; Oh - fox, forest, donkey.

Throw syllables.

You can play together, and big company, as in the previous game, using the ball. One player calls some syllable, and the other must add its own to this syllable, so that the word happens.

Ko - ... mar; ... sa; ... Dunning; ... Rabel.

Plane; ... died; ... Movar.

Wood; ... borochka; ... ti

Important! Children must follow the rules of spelling: to divide the words to the syllables correctly and pronounce them as they are written. Ko - Lym - ka. But not ka -l-like.

Fly a cow

Players should be at least three. All sit in a circle and, turning his right hand with palm down, and the left - palm up, connect their palms with the palms of neighbors. In turn, they say on the word of verse, in the clock the word flapping on the palm of the right neighbor: I flew a cow, said the word.

What word did the cow say?

Who falls the queue to respond, calls any word, for example, "grass". His neighbor, along with cotton, speaks the first letter of this word - "T", the next - second, and so until the end of the word, to the last "A". The task of the last player is not to be climbed and have time to remove your hand from under the final cotton.

Who letters are friends with.

The game is not only for memorizing letters and the development of speech, but also very informative. For each player there should be a picture of an animal. You can different. For example, mom is an elephant, the dad is a crocodile, a child has a hedgehog. Mom says: "My elephant is friends with the letter" X ", because he has a trunk." Dad says: "And my crocodile is friends with the letter" R ", because he lives in the river." The child says: "My hedgehog is friends with the letter" and "because he has a needle.

Make a word from syllables

purpose : learning meaningful reading

Cut the double word on the syllables, for example: re, ka. Offer the child to assemble the word from the syllables, the sequence it determines itself. The child can work and the river. To select the correct sequence of the syllables, the child comprehends their combination.

The same in the future it is interesting to do with three-sided words, for example: Mo-Co. (a child can get options: Kolomo, Komolo, Lokomo, Loco, Mokolo), or Du-Ro-gi (may turn out "Words": Hodo, Hytoreo, Rogido, Rodogo, Dogiro).

"Who was or what was something"

Purpose: Activation of the dictionary and the expansion of knowledge of the environment

Who or the earlier was:

    chicken (egg),

    horse (foal),

    frog (tadpole),

    butterfly (caterpillar),

    boots (Skin),

    shirt (cloth),

    fish (Ikrinka),

    cabinet (board),

    bread (flour),

    bike (iron),

    sweater (wool), etc.?

"Ryabushchka chicken

Purpose of the game. To teach children to relate the verb with the circumstances of the place, the reasons (where? Why?) And to form a verb of sound resistance (sizing).

Move: Children choose a chicken-robushechka, the rest perform the role of chickens. Kuhchka put on his head on his head. The dialog begins on the signal of the water. - Ryabushchka chicken, where are you going? - To the river.

Chicken-robusthechka, why go? - Water.

Chicken-Ryabushchka, why do you need water?

Chickens poop. They want to drink. For the whole street, please - PI-PI!

For the words "on the whole street, children" Chickens run away from the chicken and pegs: "Pi-Pi-Pi". If the chicken catches someone, then she says: "Go to the well drinking a driver." Caught children overlook the game.

"Where we were, we do not say"

Purpose of the game: Enhance the verb vocabulary. Teach correlate the word with action.

Move: The leading departs aside, playing in the meantime, it agrees, what activity they will portray. To the question of leading: "Where were you? What have you seen?" - Answer: "Where we were, we do not say, and what they did, show," they show various movements (erased underwear, draw a picture, etc.). The task of leading the movements correctly determine the action performed and call it in the form of the verb of the second person of the plural. For example: "You saw firewood." If the answer is correct, the team is running out, and they drive them out. Sing manny becomes leading.

"Name as more objects as possible"

purpose: Activation of dictionary, attention development

Children become in a row, they are invited to call the items that surround them. I called the word - makes a step forward. He wins the one who correctly and clearly pronounced the words and called a larger number of items, without repeating, and thus turned out to be ahead of everyone.

"Pick up rhyme"

purpose: Develop a phonmematic hearing

I explains that all words sound differently, but there are among them and those that sound a little bit like. Offers help pick a word.

On the way there was a bug,

Song sang in the grass ... (cricket).

You can use any poems or individual rhymes.

"Name part of the subject"

purpose: Enrichment of the dictionary, the development of the ability to relate the subject and its part.

The educator shows pictures with the image of the house, truck, wood, birds, etc.

I Option: Children in turn call parts of items.

II Option: Each child gets a drawing and calls all parts.

"Finish Proposal"

purpose: Use complexed proposals

· Mom put bread ... where? (in the bread)

· Brother embanked sugar ... where? (in sugar)

· Grandmother made a delicious salad and put it ... Where? (in Saladitsa)

· Dad brought candy and put them ... Where? (in the candy)

· Marina did not go to school today, because ... (fell ill)

· We included heaters because ... (it became cold)

· I do not want to sleep, because ... (even early)

· We will go tomorrow in the forest, if ... (there will be a good weather)

· Mom went to the market to ... (buy products)

· Cat climbed onto a tree to ... (save the dogs)

"Who is a treat?"

purpose: Eating difficult forms of nouns

The teacher says that in the basket gifts for animals, but it is afraid to confuse someone. Asks to help. Pictures with the image of a bear, birds - geese, chickens, swans, horses, wolves, foxes, lynx, monkeys, kangaroo, giraffe, elephant are offered. Who honey? Who grain? Who meat? Who fruits?

"Name three words"

purpose: Activation of a dictionary

Children become in a rank. Each participant in turn is given a question. You need, making three steps forward, give three words-responses with each step, not slowing the pace of walking.

· What can I buy? (dress, costume, trousers)

"Who wants to become?"

purpose: Eating difficult forms of verb

Children are offered scene pictures with the image of labor actions. What are the busy boys? (Boys want to make a mock of an airplane) who they want to become? (They want to become pilots). Children are invited to come up with an offer with the word we want or want.


purpose: Development of connected speech

Children sit in a circle, getting around the picture without showing them to each other. Everyone must describe his animal, without calling it, by this plan:

1. appearance;

2. What is powered by.

The game uses "Game Watch". First, turn the arrow. To whom she will indicate, he starts the story. Then the rotation of the arrow determine who should guess the described animal.