How to paint the door. How to paint the doors from the pine massif: the peculiarities of the process. How to paint old doors.

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How to paint wooden doors

If your door has lost the original aesthetic look, it is far from changing it. Everything will cost much more economical from the point of view of financial investments and spent time when painting such products on their own. To do this, you need to gain special knowledge and skills to work with required tools. Wooden doors coloring technology can be easily recognized and seized it just a couple of days. But in this at first glance, there is a few important rules, following which you will come to the correct result.

Than you can paint wood

On the modern market building materials exists big choice painting compositions. The choice in favor of a substance is due to your desire to keep the natural beauty of the tree or make it appearance More original and unusual. Several types of dyes can be distinguished:

  • emale opaque type;
  • acrylic, polyurethane, perchlorvinyl and oil paints;
  • varnishes tinted or transparent;
  • morlogs and oil impregnations.

The latter are perfect for creating the original interior. They are able to refresh the color of the wood surface or give him a number of new shades. Specialists in the field of construction and cladding recommend novice masters to give preference to acrylic dyes on a water basis. Such substances are very convenient to work with a brush, they possess excellent consistency, excellent spreadability. The ability to evenly cover the treated surface is somewhat worse than in oil paints.

Also, alkyd paints and varnishes are suitable for staining of wooden doors. These substances have water-pumping properties, they exhibit resistance to frequent temperature changes and dry pretty quickly. Alkyd paints can be painted both inkomnate and exterior doors. They still paint bath doors, thanks to the above qualities.

If you chose these substances, you should take into account that they are painted with them only completely dried surfaces. Otherwise, the layers of paint will very quickly cover cracks and many bubbles are formed under them. Aesthetic doors in this case will deteriorate significantly.

Painting preparation process

Painting occurs in several important stages. Two different compositions of coloring substances are very often used. At the first stage, impregnation is used. She will be toned or not solves the individual tastes of the owner. Next occurs a quality decorative coating. It is very important that these substances can work together, creating a kind of tandem.

Note that if you handle the wooden surface with varnish, then the use of olifa is prohibited. Use only the veil. If you decide to make the color of the canvas and jambs of fresh, the simulator is suitable or oil impregnation. In this case, it is necessary to apply several layers of substances. The process of applying, depending on the surface, passes in 2 or 3 stages.

Before painting, you need to prepare the wooden door itself. If you need to be colored not only the canvas, but also shoals with other door structures, you need to go through several stages.

  • Removing the entire door design with loops. It must be put on 2 smooth supports (stools are suitable). When using an alkid composition, characterized by cavity, painting work is better to do on the street away from people.
  • Do not remove the cloth, but carefully block it with special mechanisms. You should provide brush access to all door items. The door lock is necessary in order to in the process of painting the door does not close. In this case, the entire layer of paint will deteriorate.

Recommended to remove the door of the door, but if the features of its design and the rules of the environment do not allow this, you can use the second option. Furnitura is also subject to me. If this is impossible, the handles and non-removable loops wrapping with paper or tape for fixing. However, the foil is best suited. It will firmly facilitate important details.

Preparation of the surface of the door

Such a process has several stages.

In the first stage, the removal of old cladding material occurs. This includes layers of paint, primer material and putty. All this should be completely removed to a wooden surface. It is ideally used to apply a high-quality construction hairdryer, and then remove the material with a spatula. Alternative such equipment is sandpaper or grinding machine. In addition, you can use special washes for wood.

Next, the surface of the wooden door must be carefully polished and eliminate all sorts of defects on it. This includes cracks, scratches, dents, and the like. At this stage, the wizard often use sandpaper or grinding machine attached to the vacuum cleaner. This process must be performed with special care. Before you begin to the following works, the door surface is carefully examined for quality certificate.

Large disadvantages are easier to sharpen. If you plan to cover the door with varnish, butter or versa, the putty must be specialized under the wood. In the case when opaque enamel is used, the color of the putty does not play the role.

On packaging with a putty, its drying is specified. It must be withstanding, and then the grinding process is secondally start. For this, the usual sandpaper is quite suitable. Deep dents are easily closed with putty, which contains no fiberglass.

Direct painting

If you need to paint one or two doors, then there is no need to acquire an expensive sprayer. Very often in these cases it is not needed at all. Tools that are ideal for such a front of work can be considered a roller and a conventional sealer brushing, specialized for wood. Before starting painting, it must be fluffy. The hairs that are poorly fixed on the ground will get out and later removing you.

From the design of the door design depends on its painting. For example, a panel-type door is painted in 3 stages. In this case, it is better to use the usual roller. It will break the paint evenly through the door surface and will not leave the hairs. The paint coating begins with the end. Movements are sent to the right side. In this way, everything can be painted with a web, which is then dried in accordance with the rules written on the package. At the second stage, painting should be carried out in the longitudinal direction, and on the third paint in the opposite direction from the first stage.

The panel door is painted with an ordinary brush. It is necessary to carefully walk through all deepening in the doorway. It is important to evenly distribute the paint and preventing it up. The painting process is completed using a roller who needs to work according to the rules described above. At the last stage, painting doors materials need to give time for complete drying. The color of the dried door is usually lighter. To make it more juicy and color use multiple opening.

Interesting information:

Your door faithfully served you for many years, but her appearance has lost its appeal.

The decision to completely change it is not always true.

If, besides the appearance, it has not lost any other functions, you can simply put it in order.

Let's figure it out how to paint wooden doors That's right, to be and beautiful and efficiently.

"Dedovsky" way of training

It does not matter interroom or entrance your wooden door, it is impossible to immediately and without preparatory work.

It is from this process that the quality of your work and a pleasant aesthetic view of the door canvase depends. You need to carefully remove everything that was previously applied to it.

It is usually paint and / or varnish, and putty. Where these layers have crackled or moved away, you can walk the scraper and consider them.

But the similar procedure in not extended places will require considerable effort.

After everything is removed, go through the surface with a grinding machine or a special emery nozzle on a drill. Sleep the cloth.

Important! First handle sandpaper with large grain, then with small.


This is already a more modern and not such a labor-intensive process. For its implementation, you will need a construction hairdryer, a thermal controller or a soldering lamp.

Impacting on the door canvas high temperature you soften even the most solar paint layer or even several layers.

After that, it is easy and without much effort is removed by an ordinary scraper or spatula.

Important! You can not use this method if your door has not removed accessories or or glass.

It is very important before the start of the process to remove all the elements from the door that are removed - lock, handles or scenery.

Also a pretty new way to remove paint from the door. It is more expensive than previous options, but also very comfortable and simple.

It is usually practiced when the first two ways are not suitable for one or another reasons. For its implementation, it is necessary to apply a special solvent or a seam mixture.

It can be applied to the door with a brush, roller, cloth or sprayer. The last option is the most convenient, but more expensive than the previous ones.

We leave it on the required amount of time (written in the instructions) and after such a paint will swell, remove it with a scraper.

Please look, video on the topic of the article:

Important! The door painted in several layers should be subjected to the applying of the solvent also several times.

Important moments

This stage is the most time-consuming and complicated, but it is from it that depends on how you paint your wooden doors. Therefore:

  • Remove all paint or other decoration Materials to pure wood;
  • Do not forget about security measures if the thermal or chemical methods of cleaning the door leaf are chosen;
  • If wood is handedly handled from time to time, treat it with chlorine-based bleach;
  • Carefully inspect it for defects;
  • The gaps or cracks need to be embedded with a putty for wooden surfaces and give it to dry completely;
  • Align the canvas sandpaper with small grain.

Choose paint

Paints for wood on the modern market of paints and varnishes more than enough. But there are 2 main categories on which they are divided:

Transparent base is varnishes, impregnating solutions, protective glaze. Thanks to them, the structure of the wood is visible, but it is completely protected.

Favorite chip of designer decisions in the decor plan. It looks harmonious both on interroom and entrance doors.

The opaque base is a mixture of organic solvents, pigments. This is oil, alkyd, acrylic enamel and nitrocracy.

Oil colors are not suitable for our purposes. Alkid enamel is available at a price, has a wide color range and very resistant, but its sharp smell limits its use.

Best paint her entrance doors And this is not indoors.

Acrylic enamel and does not smell anything, quickly dries, also has a variety of colors and a matte tint, but its price is very high.

And also, it must be coated with a layer of acrylic varnish, and this is again expenses. Nitrocraska is the most resistant and durable, but it gives toxic couples in painting.

Therefore, for interior doors, the best solution will be varnish, because its environmental friendliness is in priority.


The leaf is removed from the loops, prepared and cleaned.

Now you can apply paint. The stained surface should be placed horizontally, so the paint will fall uniformly.

If it is impossible to remove it, put wedges that lock the door.

Glass elements thoroughly close the paper or film using the scotch. It is necessary to do with accessories that is not removed.

It is necessary to paint in several layers, the first will be primitive, and the second main one. All layers must undergo high-quality drying.

You can paint with a brush, roller, but the factory painting is obtained only with the use of collapse.

With it, the paint falls smoothly, its consumption is also significantly lower than when manual method.

Important! Before applying paint in this way, cover the floor and other nearby surfaces of the film so as not to blur them.

For painting, manual way you need to adhere to one basic rule - the first primer layer is applied in width, but the second main one is in length.

Thus, the paint fall smoothly and you can be calm for the scoke of the entire surface.

After all, it is novice that, sometimes there are such propellants that need to be squeezed and then it is clearly visible.

Thoroughly analyze everything and calculate. And if you doubt that you are so hard forces, call specialists who will fulfill these works with high quality and quickly.

Photos from the site

Is it possible to update the interior without the cost of buying a new interior door? Design specialists meet the unanimous "yes"! It is enough to refresh the old door canvas. This is one of the most accessible and easy-to-executive ways to update the input design. It is only necessary to get used to the peculiarities of the material from which your door is made, pick up high-quality paint and lead work in accordance with certain technologies.

In this article we will analyze in detail how to paint the interroom door with your own hands.

Prayer Interior Doors: Material Features

Doors that served many years can remain strong enough, have a reliable canvas and a perfectly made box. The form, as a rule, spoils only the dilapidated paint (sometimes already made in several layers). How to paint old interior doors ideally?

Before proceeding with the reconstruction, it is worth considering that each type of door design has its own distinctive features.

The designs of the wood array are usually smooth and heavy, as a rule, it is they transmit a natural structure of wood with a maximum fullness. How to paint the interroom wooden door? An ideal means for updating such a structure will serve a lesing glaze or varnish. In the case of excessive obsolescence of the canvas, you can use the glaze under the tree.

  • MDF doors are usually created from chipboard sheets with insulation. How to paint intercompact mDF doors? Acrylic paints and alkyd enamels are suitable. Coloring such a design will be simple, but do not forget about the preliminary preparation of the surface.

What paint paint the interroom door

Today, a lot of paints are presented on sale, designed specifically for staining doors (wooden surfaces). Which one is suitable in more thandepends on the material underlying the door design.

Do not chase as cheap, if you want to repaint the interroom door qualitatively. True high-quality paints are relatively expensive. It will be possible to save a little if you manage to find paint materials at discounted prices shortly before the expiration of their expiration date. This option allows you to restrict not too high budget without losing quality.

At the same time, in what color to paint interior doors, it is better to decide right away. Usually choose some neutral colors or those that are successfully combined with some elements of the apartment's interior.

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In the Internet space, including on our website, you can find a lot of options, how beautiful to paint interior doors, photos demonstrate the most fashionable shades:

  • Sleeper blue, greenish, pink and lavender.
  • Saturated dark.
  • Bright red, orange or yellow.

Paint can be applied both dense and quite thin, almost transparent layer. In the latter case, focus on the structure of wood is more.

How can you paint the interroom door? The answer to this question depends in many respects of what result you plan to achieve.

If an opaque coating is needed, thick paints and enamels are suitable, having the basis of liquid acrylic, perchlorvinyl, polyurethane. Mostly, such an effect makes it possible to achieve quite rare, and sometimes outdated oil paints.

Tinting compositions are called upon to give a tree a certain shade, without protecting it from external influence. Most often it is all sorts of impregnations that can penetrate into the depths of the wooden structure.

Transparent coatings are designed to provide wood protection against moisture. These include varnishes with glossy or matte structure.

Interior doors: how to paint at home

The masters with experience advise to use lungs for home dyeing and convenient in applying:

  • Lucky and dyes on an alkyd basis. Their advantage in fairly fast drying, the ability to repel fluid. In addition, temperature fluctuations affect them slightly. If you think how to paint the interroom in the kitchen or bathroom, this option will be the most successful. Wood, covered with such paint, is able to serve significantly longer.

Painting Interior Doors: Preparation

Before staining door structures in most cases, their careful preparation is required, consisting of several stages.

First you need to completely remove the old paint. To make it easier to work, often use a special composition that reduces the adhesion between the dye and the surface of the door canvase. The remaining items may be removed with a spatula or sandpaper. Sometimes to remove paint contacts the use of a grinding machine or a construction dryer.

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Grinding the surface after removing the dye allows you to get rid of all kinds of small defects (scratches, for example) and the remaining paint. After this work, the painting of the interior door will be difficult to distinguish with their own hands from professional.

The putty requires the selection of a specialized composition suitable for wood processing with a fine-grained structure. With the subsequent covering of the canvas with a transparent composition, the putty should be made in the tone of the door, otherwise it will have to paint it additionally.

Next, the finish grinding is necessary for the ideal level alignment. It is worth it to be maximally delicately with the use of shallow sandwich. At the end of this stage, the door is thoroughly wiping from dust and construction trash.

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How to repaint interior doors more convenient? If possible, they are removed from the loops, leave in a vertical position and paint in this way. If you cannot remove the doors, staining must be started on top. The canvas is painted with roller, smaller parts - brush. Many worries how beautifully paint the interior doors, if the design is not removed. You can simply take advantage of the paper scotch, so as not to dye the adjacent details.

In some cases, it is carried out in several layers. It is important to ensure that they are not too thick. Indeed, in this case, not to avoid ugly inclination. Each layer applied must dry the amount of time required by the instructions.

Following the instructions given, paint the interroom door will not be difficult even without vocational training. Such an update will bring a new breathing into the interior, will allow you to diversify it by investing minimum funds.

Play not last role In the interior of the room. They are concluding part of the design. Therefore, to their appearance it is necessary to come seriously. The new door is not cheap and not to my pocket. Do not despair, old doors can be updated with painting, and it is even a newcomer.

Painted doors

Preparatory work

The appearance of the door and its durability depends on the proper preparation of the surface to paint. First of all, the door design must be removed from the loops and remove the old layer of paint than it will be done with a thoroughly - the better. But before removing the old coating, the lock slots must be closed with foam rubber or cotton.

In any construction store you can find special preparations that perfectly remove the old paint and varnish. This type of work must be performed in gloves, as the liquid when the skin can burn hands. The procedure for removing the old paint should be carried out on the street or in well ventilated the room.

Removing old paint

If there are cracks on the door surface, they must be selected by a special putty and leave for some time to dry. If there are no defects, then after removing the old layer of staining substance, the surface is washed ordinary water And dried for five hours.

Wood putty

After this time, the wooden door is treated with medium grain sandpaper. In conclusion, it remains only to apply a thin layer of olifa, and the door is ready for painting.

Processing emery paper

What paint is suitable for interior doors

For painting interior doors, you can use not every kind of paint. First of all, after drying, the paint should not be allocated harmful substances to the air. It is necessary that the coloring substance perfectly rests on the surface and retained his primary look. Suitable paints are not so much, but it will be possible to choose where.

Painted door

Acrylic enamel

Such paint is distinguished by a wide selection of shades and colors. It looks very attractive and does not have an unpleasant smell. Another enamel advantage is low cost. So that the paint retains its primary state longer, it must be covered with a layer of varnish. The protective layer will retain the paint on the surface for a long time, will prevent negative influence moisture and other external factors on the interroom door.

Acrylic enamel

Alkyd enamel

The price of this kind of paint is average. A large range of coloring substances will allow you to choose your favorite color. The coating is very resistant and serves many years. When staining, the substance does not smell very pleasant, but after drying the smell disappears. For complete drying, you will need three days.

Alkyd enamel


Nitrocraska is expensive, but the quality is excellent. In addition, the coloring substance ideally looks on the surface, does not crack and does not smell.


Painting of wooden interior doors varnish

Before starting the painting of the interior door, it is necessary to choose a suitable varnish and prepare the surface to staining.

Lacked door

Types of varnishes


This type of varnish has high water resistance, when applied, stains the surface into a yellow tint. The base of the coloring substance is a solvent. Curler can be used for accelerated drying. In the usual condition, no more than a day will dry.

Coloring alkyd varnish


Varnish has good strength. Before staining, a layer of primer is applied to the surface, as the vacuming substance darkes the tree.

Effect of polyurethane varnish


This type of coloring agent is the optimal choice for interior doors. It will dry quickly, it is inexpensive and does not distinguish toxic substances.

Coloring nitrolac


The varnish is made on the basis of water, does not have an unpleasant smell. The coloring substance is an environmentally friendly product, but it does not last very long on the surface.

Lacquer Application Technology

To work, you will need: a narrow brush and roller; Sudine for varnish; Emery paper medium grain.

Sequence of work:

How to paint a wooden interroom door - paint or varnish?

When the door is wearing, it is necessary to make the restoration of the old design or buy a new one. Purchase new door It is not suiced, so you can just paint it. The service life and the quality of operation of the wooden structure depends on the selection of the coloring substance. The door can be updated with paint or varnish.


The modern market offers a huge range of colors. different species, shades and colors. They can be matte or glossy, have a bright and attractive look. But it is worth paying attention to the composition of the substance. For interior doors, paint based on oil or alcohol is suitable. Sometimes use nitrocracy.

Painted door


The coloring substance can be both glossy and matte. Under the layer of varnish, you can view the structures of the tree, its defects and the smallest stripes. If the door was globally restored, it is better to refuse from varnish, since sometimes it looks not very aesthetic.

Lacked door

The most popular varnishes are based on alcohol and oil. Also used polyurethane varnish. It has a high resistance to external negative factors and is very firmly held on the surface. This type of coating is simply perfect for a wooden door.

The door lacquered by polyurethane coating

How to give old doors a new life. Video instruction

You can not only update the old door with paint, but also using other no less interesting ideas.

Punning wallpaper or paper on the old door

In any construction store or on the Internet you can find special wallpapers for the door. They are sold already cut into certain sizes. Such an update will be very unusual, to the same, even a child can take a stick.

Fucking doors wallpaper

If the room has a certain interior, you can use a variety of clippings from logs. Interesting cognitive stories or fairy tales are used for children, and for the office - cutting with news.

Before sticking, the paper from paper is kept in water for a minute. Then glue is applied to all sheets and apply to the door. It is necessary to glue the paper from paper so as not to damage it. To lean to the surface is necessary so that there are no bubbles. When the cake paper dries, the entire surface is painted with varnish. If there are old wallpapers in the house, to restore the old door, you can use them.

Updating Door Vinyl Stickers

The easiest way to change the old door is to use vinyl stickers.

Vinyl sticker on doors

Such material can be purchased on the Internet or in a construction store. To use the self-adhesive film, you do not need to specifically prepare the door, it is enough to simply wash the surface with water and dry. With the help of vinyl stickers, any cracks and wooden door defects can be hidden. On the Internet you can find a variety of video instructions for updating the old interior door.

Vinyl sticker door trim

Painting interior door with your own hands: what to process and paint the doors in white or under a tree, how much lacquer is better to cover old doors, how to repaint wooden doors correctly, video


Installation of sliding and folding interroom doors. Step-by-step instruction and installation schemes

Interior doors are designed to zoning space, protect the room from external noise. In addition, the premises with closed doors will allow the owner to retire and work out with their affairs, without the interference of other family members.

Door design consists of:

  • box - stationary part of the door;
  • canvas - moving part;
  • accessories.

In the houses, sliding, swing, folding structures are most often installed.

Depending on the number of sash or the canvas distinguish between and bivalves. Sometimes there are two-time designs. In them one canvas twice as fewer in width. A smaller sash is closed, and with the help of more - the passage opens or closes.

As a material for the manufacture of the box and the canvas, a tree or its substitutes are used: plastic, glass and other materials.

If glass I. plastic design It does not need additional processing, the wooden door, as well as products from MDF require additional painting or varnishing. This will improve the appearance and increase the service life.

Attention! Only dry surface can be stained. Otherwise, the paint will be brought and peeling.

What paint paint interior doors?

What is better to paint the design? Painting of interroom doors do it yourself, whether it is a whole tree, MDF or a fibustr layer is performed using:

  • nitroemali;
  • alkyd enamel;
  • acrylic enamel;
  • colored varnish.


Advantages. This type of paint allows for a durable, resistant to external mechanical effects coating. High-quality coating is obtained by using a mixture of nitroemali and nitrol.

Disadvantages. When staining is performed, it highlights a sharp and toxic smell. Therefore, painting works are carried out only in well-ventilated premises.

Alkyd enamel.

It is made from a mixture of alkyd varnish, solvents, fillers and coloring pigments. Also possible adding various antiseptics and other special components. White spirit is often used as a solvent. The main component is a pentafal or glyphthalaic varnish. Enamel marking in the enamel of PF or GP depends on the type of varnish. Sand, as well as marble or granite crumbs play the role of fillers.


  • Refers to universal paints, as suitable for processing both internal and external works.
  • The coating that is formed after application is obtained by durable, resistant to abrasion, last time saves the original color.
  • Produced matte or glossy type;
  • Large color palette.

Disadvantages: sharp, toxic smell during the application of the protective layer and drying the surface.

Attention! Alkyd enamel can be covered from above only paint coating from alkyd enamel.

Acrylic enamel.

It consists of acrylic resin, pigments, organic solvents. It is also possible to introduce various additives into their composition, which improve paint quality. This species is made on a water basis, so the desired density of paint can be obtained by adding water to the thickened composition.


  • practically does not distinguish the smell, so you can paint the interroom door, even if people live in the room;
  • dries quickly;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • long life of the protective layer.

Colored varnishes.

Used in the event that you want to leave the visible tree structure and give a certain color.


  • wide color gamut;
  • the original type of construction.


  • isolation of a sharp, toxic smell when performing work and during drying.

How to paint the doors?

Painting interroom doors is performed by specialists, but you can do this work independently.

The door of the doors is performed both new and those who have already been painted.

How to repaint interroom doors?

For repainting the doors in another color, remove the old paint. If it holds weakly, it is removed from the surface of the structure. The canvas can be pre-removed from the loops, or do painting on the spot. Accessories are removed or stuck with painting scotch.

To remove paint, you can use a spatula, grinding, sandpaper or soldering lamp.

Also on the construction market there are liquids for washing the paint.

Attention! After the tree is freed from the paint layer, the pits formed need to sharpen with a spheolder. Its color should not contrast with a touch of paint so as not to shine through it.

After grinding the surface of the canvas and the box are ground.

How to paint interior doors?

To perform painting, you will need a wide brush or roller. If the door is made of a combination of glass and wood, then a narrow brush will need for a high-quality stripping of the hard-to-reach parts of the canvas.

If you leave the cloth in door box, In the area of \u200b\u200bwork, close with newspapers or paper floor so that it remains clean. Painting in this case should be started on top.

A good effect will turn out if you cover the painted layer of varnish. In this case, the layer will turn out to be durable, and the surface will acquire a beautiful shine.

What is better to paint interior doors?

If the doors are old, past covered, then it is better to paint their enamel that will hide defects and they will not be visually visible.

In a poorly ventilated room or where the owners live, it is better to use water-based paints. When working with them, there is no sharp and poisonous smell. Therefore, to the question: "What paint is better to paint in a residential room?" The answer is one: it is better to use acrylic enamel.

If the paint highlights a sharp smell, then it is better to perform this work on the street.

Good enamel stands notice. Therefore, if you want the coating for a long time and pleased the eye, you will have to choose the enamel of proven firms, although they cost more.

How to paint interior doors made from MDF?

The MDF is a fiberboard, which is made of wood chips in shallow fraction. The density of the plate has average. The material is environmentally friendly, sufficiently dense, smooth and smooth.

Painting is better to perform acrylic colored varnish or enamel. To calculate the desired amount of enamel, measure the stained door kit, calculate the surface area, taking into account that the canvas must be painted, and the box. Painting consumption is indicated on a jar with enamel. Divide the area of \u200b\u200bthe painted surface to flow per 1kv.m. And get the desired enamel volume. It is desirable to add 10% to the settlement value.

Paint is better to buy immediately to the entire volume of work.

If you have not yet chosen, how color and how to paint the design, it is better to use a colorful fan. But before purchasing it is better to cry out a small plot of this paint and make the choice after it is drying, since the cooler layer may have a worker.

Before choosing which paint paint wooden design, Please note that light tones seem darker on large planes. In addition, the color perception affects what lighting in the room. If you need to decide on the choice of accurate tone and shade, then better choice Perform with natural light, for example, on the street.

In addition, an exclusive pattern can be applied to the surface of the canvas and platbands, which will emphasize the individuality of the decor of your room.

Interior doors from chipboard. How to paint?

Painting and preparation of the surface of the DSP under it is practically the same as for the design of wood or MDF.

Chipboard - chipboard. It is made of wood chips and sawdust. As a binder is a formaldehyde resin. The surface from this material is covered with veneer, laminate, or stained in the desired color.