Earth's magnetic poles

On New Year's Eve 2013 (December 28), Russia launched a satellite into Earth orbit for study magnetic field Earth. Great! For normal vehicle navigation, it is necessary to monitor the Earth's magnetic field, because magnetic poles constantly moving. What makes them change their location - that's what this article is about.

The points on the Earth at which the magnetic field strength is vertical are called magnetic poles.

The South Magnetic Pole (SMP) was first discovered in 1831 in northern Canada by the English polar explorer John Russell. And his nephew James Ross, 10 years later, reached the North Magnetic Pole (NMP) of the Earth, which was at that time in Antarctica.

Observations show that the magnetic poles are constantly in motion, not lingering for a second at a certain point on the Earth's surface. Even within a day, they manage to make a small trip along an elliptical path around the imaginary center of deployment, moreover, they constantly migrate in a certain direction of space, reaching up to ten kilometers in an annual drift.

Why are the magnetic poles of the Earth moving and anomalies in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field occur? For example, over the past 100 years, the north magnetic pole, which is geographically located in the south, has moved almost 900 km and now "floats" far away in Indian Ocean at a distance of 2857 km from the geographic south pole (Fig. 12).

Before answering the question about the drift of the magnetic poles, it is necessary to do some logical construction. In the previous article "" the source of the magnetic field generation was identified. This source is magma flowing in a certain channel, I called it "mantle river" (I will use this term further, but without quotes). The mantle river is the global conductor through which it flows electricity, which naturally induces the global magnetic field of the Earth. If the channel of this river turns, bumping into an obstacle, then the magnetic field is displaced accordingly, and with it the points of entry and exit of this field change their dislocation, otherwise the magnetic poles.

What can move the bed of a mantle river? Obviously, this is due to the fact that the earth's crust, either from above or from below, has the shape of a far from ideal ball. We are convinced of this when we see the mountains and oceans, being on its outer shell. A similar picture is observed at the border with the mantle, on the lower side crust... I can assume that the mountains there are also high and may be much higher than on the surface of the crust, which we observe visually. Moreover, an ocean of fluid, viscous, hot magma flows over the peaks of these mountains, which constantly grinds these peaks, smoothing and rounding in some places, and in others, increasing them. These mountains, with their tops down, constantly shift the channel of the mantle river and its magnetic equator.

Mountain building in the mantle is more intense than on the crustal surface. It's all about the amount of material suitable for construction. The conditions for mountain building are favorable and depend on the viscosity, fluidity of magma and ambient temperature. Hot magma under the influence of convective currents rises up from the central regions. Having reached the bottom of the lithosphere (from Greek means "stone shell"), the magma cools. Part of it cools down and sinks into the lower layers with a higher temperature, and part of it joins the crust, already in the form of solid, cooled lava, and another part tears off and melts some parts of the crust surface. It is clear that these processes are going on continuously under the influence of pressure and temperature differences.

Mountain building, which is below, which is above the earth's crust, is associated with volcanic activity. According to the source, a huge volcano was discovered at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, one of the largest in the solar system. The volcano is part of the Shatsky Upland, located at a distance of about 1.6 thousand km east of Japan, called Tamu Massif. It has a domed form of solidified lava, which was ejected about 144 million years ago to an altitude of 3.5 km ( reports). The volcano covers an area of \u200b\u200b310 thousand square meters. km, which is comparable to the area of \u200b\u200bBritain and Ireland. I have no doubt that such mountains are located under the earth's crust.

In addition to underground mountains, the channel of the mantle river is shifted by the so-called plumes (powerful ascending hot flows of magma). The movement of magma in plumes is faster than the rate of flow of the mantle river, so they add temperature and disturbance to the surrounding magma, which leads to anomalous flows and displacement of the magnetic equator.

By the abnormally drifting magnetic poles of the Earth, one can judge that the flow of the mantle river does not follow exactly the parallels, so the magnetic equator does not coincide with the geographic equator.

Magma flows to the east, which looks like the flow of a huge river, which meanders in its bed, but the general direction does not change. Meeting insurmountable obstacles, the mantle river changes direction, just like on the surface of the Earth. A typical example, the Volga River, having stumbled across the middle course on the Zhigulevskie and then on the Falcon Mountains, makes a bend to the east (Samarskaya Luka), and then returns again to its general southern direction, as a result, the length of its channel increased by 200 km.

This is because the flow of magma is dynamic, and its channel, laid under the crust, is constantly changing, both in width and depth, respectively, the position of the magnetic equator changes. It is for this reason that the earth's magnetic poles are shifting and drifting, and quite rapidly. In 2009, the speed of the UMP in the northern hemisphere was a record 64 kilometers per year! A very productive year. During this period, the pole is shifting northwestward, increasing latitude, at a rate of about 10 km per year, moving away from Canada. This is also a pretty high speed. At the same time, the NSR is moving further and further from Antarctica.

Analyzing the relatively synchronous displacement of the magnetic poles of the south (northwest), and north (north) in one direction, we can say with confidence that the drift of the earth's magnetic poles is rigidly associated with a change in the magma flow channel. And this is another confirmation that the Earth's magnetic field is induced by an electric current flowing in top mantle, along its border with the bark. The perpendicular direction of the magnetic field indicates where the magma bed is directed. Its general direction, if viewed from the prime meridian, is eastward to the northeast, and westward — to the southwest at an angle of 13.4 o to the equator.

Considering the above, it can be argued that there is a constant circulation of matter in the mantle. Due to this, the temperature balance in the bowels of the Earth is maintained.

Convective currents mix magma, but they arise not only due to the temperature gradient, but also due to the pressure difference arising under different hemispheres, as discussed in previous articles.

Magnetic equator

In order to find out the direction of the channel of the mantle river, it is necessary to find the magnetic equator, and at the same time calculate the distance of the deviation of the magnetic axis from the center of the Earth. To do this, you need to know the coordinates of the magnetic poles and make graphical constructions (Fig. 13).

The coordinates of the magnetic poles are available, data from 2012: the south magnetic pole - 85 o 54′00 s. sh., 147 o 00'00 w. etc .; north magnetic pole - 64 o 24'00 S. sh., 137 o 06′00 w. etc.

To begin with, let's combine the axis of rotation of the Earth and the NSR (in the southern hemisphere) with the plane of the drawing. Connect in space the globe straight lines are both magnetic poles and we get the magnetic axis of the planet SN (blue line). After measurement, it turns out that the magnetic axis is deflected from the axis of rotation by an angle of 13.4 degrees.

In this projection, UMP is very close to the North Geographic Pole, therefore, in order not to complicate graphic and mathematical calculations, I will carry out all further constructions in one plane. In this case, the inherent error is quite acceptable since (UMP) continues to approach the geographic north pole.

Let's continue building. Through the center of the Earth, we construct a plane (in the projection line) perpendicular to the magnetic axis LM. The intersection of this line with the magnetic axis will indicate the center of the magnetic equator. Let's draw a circle on this plane. The radius of this circle is the shortest distance from the center to the surface of the ball (crust). This point on the surface of the Earth is located at a distance of 130 km southeast of the island of Guam of the Mariana Islands archipelago, a very remarkable place, known to everyone as the deepest part of the world ocean - the Mariana Trench. Through this point will pass the line magnetic equator inclined to the equator at an angle of 13.4 o. Figure 14 (below) shows the magnetic equator conventionally passing along the surface of the globe.

The construction shows that the magnetic equator is closed in the globe. The opposite point from the island of Guam is located in the depths of the Earth, approximately 2640 km from South America. It can be assumed that in this area the mantle river flows at the indicated depth; therefore, its magnetic field is not so symmetrical. This is where the reduced tension of the Brazilian anomaly comes from, but we will talk about it in the next publication.

The perihelion of the magnetic equator is located at the 135th meridian of east longitude, 1472 km away from the equator (measurements along the surface of the globe) and is located south of the Mariinsky Islands, aphelion (conditionally) at 45 meridian w. etc. in South America, province of Bahia (Brazil).

These coordinates show how the channel of the mantle river is displaced and where the magnetic axis is displaced, and by its position one can judge where its fairway is in the space of the globe.

The distance between the magnetic poles on the Earth's surface is 17,000 km and they, at the present time, continue to converge. The data presented indicate that the magnetic axis does not pass through the center of the core and is displaced relative to it in an eastward direction. Using triangles ONA and OAB, and trigonometric functions, we find the length of the leg OA, corresponding to the distance of the deviation of the magnetic axis from the center of the planet's core. The performed calculations give a figure for the distance of the magnetic axis at a distance of 1545 km!

A huge figure, more than one and a half thousand kilometers of deviation of the magnetic axis from the center of the nucleus, says only one thing - you need to forget about the magnetic "dynamo" of the nucleus, which supposedly generates the Earth's magnetic field.

The magnetic poles are constantly drifting, and although they are not rigidly connected with the geographic poles, and can move away for considerable distances, they will never stand in a plane perpendicular to them. This means only one thing, that they are associated with the rotation of the Earth. (We'll talk about this seriously later in the article on magnetic pole inversion).

I will add one more argument in favor of my hypothesis about the generation of a magnetic field by electric currents flowing under the crust and why the magnetic poles are close to the axis of rotation, and why did not they appear on opposite sides of the equator? This is because the planets have. Due to the powerful solar radiation in the equatorial part and high radial velocity, magma moves. Magmatic currents create an electric current, with the help of which the magnetic fields of the Earth and other planets are induced. Magnetic poles can only arise where magnetic induction dictates them, i.e. in the north and south, close to the geographic poles.

Magnetic castling will never occur naturally, this will be prevented by the stable rotation of the Earth around its axis plus solar radiation, we also read about this in the following articles.

I fundamentally disagree with the famous geophysicist A. Gorodnitsky, who claims that the magnetic poles are in place, and the lithospheric plates revolve around them. If we accept the point of view of a recognized scientist, then the distance between the magnetic poles should not change, and the magnetic axis should pass through the center of the nucleus. In this case, the geographic poles should drift, but they are rather rigidly connected with the crust and with its rotation around its axis. In addition, the axis of rotation does not change its position in space, revolving around the Sun.

In conclusion, the question of the daily elliptical rotation of the magnetic poles remained open.

What is the force causing the magnetic poles to move during such a short time? In my opinion, everything is banal here - these are the tidal forces of the Moon and the Sun. Stretching opposite regions of the globe in a plane that does not coincide with the magnetic equator, there is a slight displacement of the mantle river. Moreover, stretching is not symmetrical due to the asymmetry of the Earth. It is for this reason that the magnetic poles precess along the ellipse during the day.

There is one more component, and perhaps the main one in this process, which makes the magnetic poles perform elliptical and circular rotations - this is different amount current conductors in the day and night hemispheres, which creates a "flicker" (magnetoelectric instability) of the magnetic field. (We will talk about this in more detail in the article: "Change of magnetic poles").

In conclusion, a small forecast. The UMP will not connect with the geographical one and will not reach Russia, most likely the pole will approach Alaska. The NSR will gradually return to Antarctica, making a small loop to the west. An explanation of this forecast will be given in the article "Magnetic Field Anomalies".

Write what they are called (definition words). 1. An imaginary line that is drawn at an equal distance from the poles and divides the Earth in two


2. An imaginary straight line passing through the center of the Earth, around which the Earth's daily rotation passes.

4. The rise of water in the ocean caused by the attraction of the moon or sun.

5. A flaming ball around which Mars, Pluto and others revolve ...

6. Determination of the sides of the horizon and the location of objects on the ground.

7. The angle between the direction to the north geographic pole and the north magnetic pole

8. Device for orientation on the ground, the main part of which is a magnetic needle.

squeeze into 10-15 sentences 1. Forms, sizes, movements of the Earth and their geographic consequences.

Even the ancient Greek scientist Aristotle suggested that the Earth, like all other planets, has the shape of a ball, but more accurately the shape of the Earth can be called a geoid.
Earth is a small planet in the solar system. It is only larger than Mercury, Mars and Pluto in size. The average radius of the Earth is 6371 km, while the equatorial radius of the Earth is greater than the polar one, i.e. The Earth is "flattened" at the poles, which is caused by the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The polar radius of the Earth is 6357 km, and the equatorial radius is 6378 km. The circumference of the Earth is approximately 40 thousand km. And the surface area of \u200b\u200bour planet is approximately 510 million km2.
The Earth revolves around the Sun and makes a complete revolution in 365 days, 6 hours and 9 minutes. "Extra" hours and minutes form an additional day - February 29, so there is a leap year (a year multiple of 4).
The earth also rotates on its axis, which leads to a daily change of day and night. The earth's axis is an imaginary straight line passing through the center of the earth. The axis crosses the Earth's surface at two points: the North and South Poles.
The Earth's axis is tilted 23.5 °, which leads to the change of seasons on our planet. When the area around the North Pole is facing the Sun, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and winter in the South. When the area around the South Pole is facing the Sun, the opposite is true. June 22 The Sun is at its zenith over the Northern Hemisphere - this is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, December 22 - over the Southern Tropic - this is the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere, the longest in the Southern. March 21 and September 23 are the days of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes - the days when day is equal to night, and the Sun is at its zenith above the equator.
The sphericity of the Earth leads to uneven heating of the earth's surface. The equatorial regions of the Earth (hot heat zone), located between the tropics, receive the maximum amount of solar heat, while the polar (cold heat zones) - the minimum, which leads to negative temperatures in polar latitudes.
2. The largest coal basins in the world are located in the Asian part of Russia. But at the same time, many regions of the Far East of our country annually experience a lack of fuel in winter time... What is the reason for this? What are the ways to solve this problem?
In the Asian part of Russia there are gigantic coal basins in terms of reserves: Tunguska, Lensky, Kansko-Achinsky, Kuznetsky, Taimyrsky, Zyryansky, Amursky and others. However, many regions of the Far East (for example, Kamchatka Territory, Chukotka, Primorye and others) almost constantly experience a shortage of fuel in winter. This is due to the fact that most of the named coal basins are located in remote, undeveloped regions. In addition, difficult geological and climatic conditions often make coal mining unprofitable. The cost of coal mining in many regions of the Far East is too high. Therefore, many regions of the Far East, even those provided with coal reserves, are forced to import other types of fuel (primarily fuel oil) from other regions of the country.
To solve the fuel problem of the Far East, it is necessary to start the development of coal basins, where it is possible to extract coal by open-pit (open-pit) method, which will significantly reduce the cost of coal mining. It is also possible to develop the oil and gas industry in the north of Sakhalin and in the shelf zone of the Okhotsk, Bering and Chukchi seas, the use of wind (everywhere), geothermal energy (Kamchatka and Kuriles) and the energy of sea tides (after all, in Shelikhov Bay, tides reach 14 m!).

- - [Ya.N. Luginsky, M.S.Fezi Zhilinskaya, Y.S.Kabirov. The English Russian Dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, Moscow, 1999] Subjects of electrical engineering, basic concepts EN pole separation ...

air gap between poles - Air gap between any conductive parts of adjacent poles. IEC 60050 (441 17 32). [GOST R 50030.1 2000 (IEC 60947-199)] EN clearance between poles the clearance between any conductive parts of adjacent poles FR ... ... Technical translator's guide

between - preposition. see also. between us, by the way, meanwhile, and meanwhile, meanwhile, meanwhile ... Dictionary of many expressions

between - preposition. who what, (colloquial) who what (with two nouns or plurals, connected by a union and, or with one noun. plural, as well as with the word itself). 1. Indicates the spatial position of someone, then l. among other persons, objects, phenomena, etc. or in place ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

width - 3.11 width: The size of the longest edge of the card. Source: GOST R ISO / IEC 15457 1 2006: Identification cards. The cards are thin flexible. Part 1. Physical characteristics ...

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Pole gap width - 1.11 Minimum distance between two poles of ferrohydrostatic separators Distance between the poles in the plane of the lower edges of the poles of SE separators * Source ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

MAGNETS AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF THE SUBSTANCE - The simplest manifestations of magnetism have been known for a very long time and are familiar to most of us. However, to explain these seemingly simple phenomena based on fundamental principles physics succeeded only relatively recently. There are two different magnets ... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

Magnetism - 1) Properties of magnets. The most characteristic magnetic phenomenon is the attraction of iron pieces by a magnet has been known since ancient times. However, in Europe up to the 12th century, this phenomenon was observed only with natural magnets, that is, with pieces ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Bicentric coordinates - Bicentric coordinates a coordinate system on a plane in which the position of a point is specified by distances from two fixed centers (poles). Bicentric coordinates should not be confused with bipolar and biangular coordinates. ... ... Wikipedia

GOST 4.303-85: System of product quality indicators. Separators are magnetic and electromagnetic. Nomenclature of indicators - Terminology GOST 4.303 85: System of product quality indicators. Separators are magnetic and electromagnetic. Nomenclature of indicators original document: Diameter of the working part of the drum 1.3 Outside diameter the cylindrical part of the drum, ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation