Why are Dexalgin appoint? Effective pain relief drugs: Dexalgin® Decalgin or Ketanov, which is stronger.

Original dexalgin is produced in such dosage forms: tablets (dexalgin 25), injections for intramuscular or intravenous administration, as well as in the form of granules for the preparation of the solution. The main indication for the use of the drug is painful syndrome of various etiology.

As a rule, Dexalgin is recommended to patients with radiculitis, neuralgia, inflammatory pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The average cost of the drug is about 230-700 rubles. for packaging. The price depends on the form of release.

Decalgin analogues

Decalgin's analogues are a lot, they all differ from the manufacturer, form of release, pricing policy. As a rule, in the original analogues there is the same active ingredient (decquereptoprf).

The counterparts of Russian production include:

  • Flamadex.
  • Mataren Plus.
  • Nemlex.
  • Amelotex.

Ukrainian analogues:

  • Dex health.
  • Caver.
  • Fort gel.

Belorussian counterparts:

  • Decquetoprofen LF.
  • Rubwithon.
  • Ibuprofen.

Other foreign counterparts:

  • Maldex.
  • Ketodexal.
  • Decken.
  • Alfort Dex.
  • Voltaren gel.

Analogs of Decalgin 25 in Tablets:

  • Corrugated.
  • Vimovo.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Brush.
  • Eurofast.
  • Kathetonal.
  • Nooofen.

All generic drugs are effective and safe, but you can only use them after consulting with a specialist.


The drug, an analogue of dexagin in injections and tablets, which contains decquetoprofen. Produced in Spain. It is capable of stopping the pain of different etiology. Predestly prescribed in diseases of the back, musculoskeletal system. Deifiene removes the inflammatory process, stops painful sensations. Excellent and cheap substitute for the original drug.

Deiophene is a potent means whose effect is developing immediately after injecting administration. The composition contains a substance from the NSAID group, is able to have an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. The drug is not allowed for long-term use, the therapy means should be limited only to the relief of the symptoms of the disease.

The instructions for use indicate that simultaneous meal reduces the absorption rate of the active component. Therefore, drinking your depophin tablet is needed after half an hour after eating or before. Children drug is prohibited. May occur side effects, the same as when using Decalgin.

The price on average is 100-400 rubles. for packaging. Reviews about the medicine is positive. The main advantage is low cost compared to Dexalgin.


The drug is an equivalent of Ukrainian production, effectively proven itself among the substitutes of Dexalgin. The Cape is a decquetoprofen. The drug is capable of providing an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antheumatic property. The medicine is produced in different dosage forms (tablets, injections). If an urgent need arises, according to medical prescriptions can be appointed during pregnancy in 1 or 2 trimester.

The drug is taken to relieve pain syndromes, but not for long-term treatment. Tablets or injections can be used by observing the interval of 8-12 hours. Children preparation is prohibited. There are a number of side effects, including: drowsiness, apathy, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, allergic rash, disturbing states, blur of vision, tachycardia and others. It is impossible to take the medicine in the bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, allergies on the components of the drug, with bronchial asthma, blood diseases and heart failure.

The average cost of the drug is 120-600 rubles.


Flamadex is the best Russian analogue of the tablet and ampumen form of Decalgin. The composition contains decquetoprofen. The drug is produced in the form of injections and tablets. Indications for the use of flamtext are: rheumatoid pain, arthritis, dysmenorrhea, toothache, frequent headaches, migraines. Taking pregnant and nursing women is prohibited.

With the help of 1 tablets of the drug, it is possible to stop pain in different etiology by 8-12 hours. With vertibral pain quickly relieves the symptoms, eliminates the feeling of stiffness. The process of progression of the underlying disease does not have the effect of influence, as it acts only on the manifestation of symptoms at the moment of receiving the drug.

Receiving tablets is carried out during the meal, the dosage is denoted by the doctor. The course of therapy is 3-5 days. Price of the drug - 200-360 rubles. Essential differences in the price and effectiveness of the means, compared to Dexalgin, no.


Nimlex is a close analogue of Dexalgin 25. The drug is produced in Russia. The composition includes another active ingredient - nimesulide. The release is made in the form of granules for the suspension. Nimlex is capable of providing an antiagregative, analgerizing, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Quickly absorbed and distributed over blood.

The medicine is shown in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, with Malgia, arthralgia, bursts, as well as with head or dental pain. The effect on the course of the disease does not have a drug, since only symptoms takes off.

Nemlex has a number of contraindications and side phenomena. The disadvantage is an uncomfortable form of release, since not all patients are convenient to use powder for making a suspension. Reception medication is carried out after eating. It is prohibited to children under 12 years old. The cost of the drug is 210-600 rubles.


Analogue of dexhalgin with another active ingredient. The main active component of Amelotex is meloxico. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, injections, rectal candles. The medicine can have a pronounced painkillers. In addition, an anti-inflammatory and moderate antipyretic property is noted.

Amelotex is quickly absorbed and distributed in the body. The half-life occurs after 15-19 hours. The main indications of the use of the means are arthritis, osteoarthritis, degenerative and inflammatory pathology of the joints, which are characterized by strong painful sensations. The process of the development of the disease does not affect.

In the instructions for the use of Amelotex, a list of contraindications and side effects is indicated. Tablets take during meals in the dosage, which the doctor is denoted. Children under 15 years old are banned. The cost of medication in Russia is 90-500 rubles.

Dexalgin is a unique drug that has proven itself in the pharmaceutical market. With it, it is possible to easily and quickly eliminate the articular pain and stiffness. But this is not a medicine for treatment. Its use, as well as the reception of any of its analogues, does not affect the course of the disease and can not save a person from symptoms forever.

Dexalgin refers to the preparations of auxiliary therapy in the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, as well as during periods of postoperative manipulations. To achieve the maximum effect with the minimum number of side effects, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Useful video about Dexalgin

pharmachologic effect

Nonteroid anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. The mechanism of action is associated with inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins at the COF-1 level and COF-2.

Analgesic action occurs 30 minutes after parenteral administration. The duration of an analgesic effect after administration at a dose of 50 mg is 4-8 hours.

When combined therapy with opioid analgesics, troometamol decquerefinuten significantly (up to 30-45%) reduces the need for opioids.



After the introduction of decqueurofenten of troomethamole C MAX in serum in serum is achieved on average after 20 minutes (10-45 min). AUC After one-time administration at a dose of 25-50 mg is proportional to the dose, both at a / m and when in / in the introduction. The corresponding pharmacokinetic parameters are similar after one-time and repeated / m or in / in the introduction, which indicates the absence of cumulation of the drug.


For decquerefinuten, the troometamol is characterized by a high level of binding to plasma proteins (99%). The average value of V D is less than 0.25 l / kg, the half-time time is about 0.35 hours.


The mainly by elimination of decquetoprofen is its conjugation with glucuronic acid with subsequent kidney elimination. T 1/2 Decquetoprofen Thromethmol is about 1-2.7 h.

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical cases

In elderly, there is an increase in the duration T 1/2 (both after once and after repeated / m or in / in administration), an average of up to 48% and a decrease in overall clearance of the drug.

Indications for the use of Preparation Decalgin ®

- relief of painful syndrome of various genes (including postoperative pain, pain in metastases in bones, post-traumatic pain, pain with kidney colic, algodismenorye, I., radiculitis, neuralgia, dental pain);

- symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory, inflammatory-degenerative and metabolic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitrite, arthrosis, osteochondrosis).

Dosing mode

Dexalgin ® Designed for in / c and per / m administration.

W. elderly patients and patients with impaired liver and / or kidney function Therapy drug Dexalgin ®

Dexalgin ® Designed for short-term (no more than 2 days) applications during acute pain syndrome. In the future, a patient is translated into analgesics for intake.

Rules of preparation and administration of solutions

The contents of one ampoule (2 ml) are slowly introduced deep v / M..

The contents of one ampoule (2 ml) are injected by slow in / in injection a duration of at least 15 seconds.

The contents of one ampoule (2 ml) are divorced in 30-100 ml of saline solution, glucose solution or ringer solution (lactate). The solution should be prepared in aseptic conditions and always protect against the effects of daylight. Diluted solution (must be transparent) injected by slow in / in infusion Duration 10-30 min.

Side effect

The frequency of the side effects: often (1-10%), rarely (0.1-1%) rarely (0.01-0.1%), very rarely (less than 0.01%, including individual messages).

From the hematopopitation system: rarely anemia; Very rarely - neutropenia, thrombocytopenia.

From the CNS:infrequently - headache, dizziness, insomnia, drowsiness; Rarely - paresthesia.

From the senses: infrequently - blurredness; Rarely - noise in the ears.

From side of cardio-vascular system: infrequently arterial hypotension, heat feeling, skin hyperemia; Rarely - extrasystolia, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, peripheral edema, surface thrombophlebitis.

From side respiratory system: Rarely - Bradypna; Very rarely - bronchospasm, dysnae.

From the digestive system: often - nausea, vomiting; infrequent - abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea, constipation, hemamples, dry mouth; rarely - erosive-ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal organs, including bleeding and perforation, anorexia, increasing the activity of hepatic enzymes, jaundice; Very rarely - damage to the pancreas, liver damage.

From the urinary system: rarely - polyuria, renal colic; Very rarely - jade or nephrotic syndrome.

From the reproductive system: rarely - in women - violation menstrual cycle, men have a violation of the concept of the prostate gland.

On the side of the musculoskeletal system: Rarely muscular spasm, difficulty of movements in the joints.

Dermatological reactions: sometimes - dermatitis, rash, sweating; rarely - angry rash; Very rarely - photosensitization.

Allergic reactions: rarely - urticaria; Very rarely - heavy skin reactions (Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Layella Syndrome), angioedema swelling, allergic dermatitis.

From the metabolism : seldom - hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, hyperitriglyceridemia.

From the laboratory indicators: rarely - Ketonuria, proteinuria.

Local and general reactions: often - pain at the injection site; Infirmly - inflammatory reaction, hematoma, hemorrhage at the injection site, feeling of heat, chills, fatigue; rarely - pain in the back, fainting, fever; Very rarely - anaphylactic shock, swelling of the face.

Others: Aseptic meningitis that occurs predominantly accumulating with a systemic red lupus or mixed diseases of the connective tissue, hematological disorders (purpura, aplastic and hemolytic anemia, rarely agranulocytosis and bone marrow hypoplasia).

Contraindications for the use of drug Decalgin ®

- ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum;

- gastrointestinal bleeding in history, other active bleeding (including suspicion of intracranial bleeding), anticoagulant therapy;

- gastrointestinal diseases (Crohn's disease, nonspecific ulcerative colitis);

heavy violations liver functions (10-15 balls on the Child-Pew scale);

- severe breach of the kidney function (QC< 50 мл/мин);

- bronchial asthma (including a history);

- severe heart failure;

- treatment of pain syndrome with an aorticonial shunting;

- hemorrhagic diathesis or other coagulation disorders;

- childhood;

- increased sensitivity to decquetoprofen or other NSAIDs or to any of the auxiliary substances that are part of the drug.

Contraindicated for epidural, subordinate or intra-column administration due to the composition of ethanol.

FROM cautionthe drug should be used in an allergic states in history; violations from the blood formation system; with SLE or mixed diseases of the connective tissue; simultaneously with other drugs; in case of predisposition to hypovolemia; with IHS; In elderly patients (over 65).

Application of Preparation Decalgin ® during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Application of drug Dexalgin ® during pregnancy and in lactation is contraindicated.

Application with violations of liver function

The drug is contraindicated in severe liver disorders (10-15 points on the Child-Pew scale).

Patients with easier liver disorders therapy Dexalgin It should be started with lower doses; The daily dose is 50 mg.

Application with violations of the kidney function

The drug is contraindicated with severe renal impairment (QC< 50 мл/мин).

Fecians with lighter impairment of kidney function therapy Dexalgin It should be started with lower doses; The daily dose is 50 mg.

special instructions

In patients with impairment from the digestive system or gastrointestinal diseases, constant monitoring is needed. In the event of gastrointestinal bleeding or ulcerative lesion therapy by the drug Dexalgin ® should be canceled.

Because All NSAIDs can inhibit platelet aggregation and increase the bleeding time due to the slowdown in prostaglandin synthesis, in controlled clinical studies, the simultaneous purpose of decquerefinum of thromethmole and low molecular weight heparin preparations in preventive doses in the postoperative period was studied. No effect on the coagulation parameters was observed. However, while simultaneously appointing the drug Dexalgin ® With other blood clotting preparations, careful medical control is needed.

Like other NSAIDs, Dexalgin ® can lead to an increase in the level of creatinine and nitrogen in blood plasma. Like other inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis, Dexalgin ® can assist side effect At the urinary system, which can lead to the development of glomerulonephritis, interstitial jade, papillary necrosis, nephrotic syndrome and acute renal failure.

Against the background of therapy with the drug Dexalgin ®, like other NSAIDs, there may be a small transient increase in some liver indicators, as well as a significant increase in the level of AST and the alt in blood serum. At the same time, the control of liver and kidney functions is necessary in elderly patients. In the event of a significant increase in the respective indicators Dexalgin ® should be canceled.

Like other NSAIDs, troometamol decqueurofen can mask symptoms infectious diseases. In case of symptoms of bacterial infection or deterioration of well-being on the background of therapy with the drug Dexalgin ® Patient must inform the doctor about it.

In each ampoule of the drug Dexalgin ® contains 200 mg of ethanol.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

Due to possible dizziness and drowsiness against the preparation background Dexalgin ® It is possible to reduce the ability to concentrate the attention and velocity of psychomotor reactions.


Symptoms:nausea, anorexia, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, disorientation, insomnia.

Treatment:symptomatic therapy; If necessary, washing the stomach, dialysis.

Medicinal interaction

Limited below medicinal interaction Characteristic for all NSAIDs, including Dexalgin ® .

Unwanted combinations

The simultaneous purpose of several NSAIDs, including salicylates in high doses (more than 3 g /), increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers due to synergies of action.

With simultaneous use with oral anticoagulants, heparin in doses exceeding prophylactic, and ticlicidin increases the risk of bleeding in connection with the inhibition of platelet aggregation and the lesion of the gastroincing mucosa.

NSAIDs increase the concentration of lithium in blood plasma, up to toxic, in connection with which this indicator It is necessary to control when prescribing, change in the dose and after the cancellation of the NSAID.

When applying with methotrexate in high doses (15 mg / week and more), the hematologic toxicity of methotrexate is increased due to a decrease in its renal clearance against the background of NSAID therapy.

With simultaneous use with hydantoins and sulfonamide preparations, there is a risk of increased toxic effects of these drugs.

Combinations requiring caution

If it is necessary to simultaneously use with diuretics, ACE inhibitors should take into account that the treatment of NSAIDs is associated with the risk of acute renal failure in dehydration patients (a decrease in glomerular filtering due to the oppression of prostaglandin synthesis). NSAIDs can reduce the hypotensive effect of some drugs. With simultaneous assignment with diuretics, it is necessary to make sure that the water balance of the patient is adequate, and control the kidney function before appointing the NSAID.

With simultaneous use with methotrexate at low doses (less than 15 mg / week), it is possible to increase the hematologic toxicity of methotrexate in connection with a decrease in its renal clearance against the background of NSAID therapy. It is necessary to control the number of blood cells weekly in the first weeks of simultaneous therapy. If there is a violation of the kidney function, even in an easy degree, as well as the elderly people need careful medical observation.

With simultaneous use with pentoxify, risk of bleeding is increased. Intensive clinical monitoring and frequent control of bleeding time (blood clotting time) are needed.

With simultaneous use with Zidovudine, there is a risk of an increase in toxic effect on red blood cells due to the impact on reticulocytes, with the development of severe anemia a week after the appointment of the NSAID . It is necessary to control all blood cells and reticulocytes after 1-2 weeks. After the start of NSAID therapy.

It is possible to strengthen the hypoglycemic effect of sulfonylurea derivatives due to the displacement of it from the plasma proteins with plasma proteins under the influence of the NSAID.

With simultaneous use with low molecular weight heparin preparations, the risk of bleeding is increased.

Combinations that need to be taken into account

The NSAIDs can reduce the hypotensive effect of beta-adrenoblastors, which is due to inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins.

With simultaneous use with the Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus, the NSAIDs can enhance nephrotoxicity, which is indirectly by the action of renal prostaglandins. During the combination therapy, the kidney function needs to be monitored.

With a simultaneous purpose with thrombolytic, the risk of bleeding is increased.

With simultaneous use with a probe, it is possible to increase the concentrations of the NSAID in plasma, which may be due to inhibiting renal secretion and / or conjugation with glucuronic acid. This requires a dose correction NSAID.

NSAIDs can cause an increase in the concentration of cardiac glycosides in the blood plasma.

Due to theoretical risk of changes in the effectiveness of the mifepristone under the influence of inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis, the NSAID should not be prescribed earlier than after 8-12 days after the abolition of the mifepristone.

The data obtained in experimental studies on animals indicate a high risk of convulsions when appointing NSAIDs against the background of ciprofloxacin therapy in high doses.

Pharmaceutical interaction

Dexalgin ® It is impossible to mix in one syringe with a solution of dopamine, promethazine, pentazocin, pethydine or hydroxisin (a precipitate is formed).

Dexalgin ® You can mix in one syringe with a solution of heparin, lidocaine, morphine and theophylline.

Dexalgin ® Infusions cannot be mixed with a promethaisine or pentazocin.

Delivered solution of preparation Dexalgin ® Infusion is compatible with the following injection solutions: dopamine, heparin, hydroxyzine, lidocaine, morphine, pethydine and theophylline.

When storing dilute drug solutions Dexalgin ® For infusion in plastic containers or when using infusion systems made of ethylvinyl acetate, propionate cellulose, low density polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride, the absorption of the active substance listed materials does not occur.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

The drug is released by the prescription.

Terms and Storage Terms

The drug should be stored in an inaccessible for children protected from light place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life is 5 years. Use only transparent and colorless solutions.

After dilution, the solution is stored for 24 hours at a temperature of from 2 ° to 8 ° C in a place protected from light.

In this article, consider the instructions for Dexalgin and the ancase analogs.

This drug is drug From the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The tool has a pronounced painkiller, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic property. This drug is widely used in various directions of medicine. Decalgin analogues are interested in many.

Composition and form of release of the drug

Preparation "Dexalgin" is produced in the form of a solution for injections. The drug in ampoules from dark glass is supplied. The solution is made as a transparent liquid with a smell of alcohol. In addition to the ampoules there is also a tablet format of this medication.

The main operating component of the drug serves Thrometamol Decquetoprofen. And the auxiliary components are water for injections along with ethanol, hydroxide and sodium chloride.

Also on sale you can find a preparation in the form of tablets covered with a shell, 25 mg. This confirms the instructions for Dexalgin. Analogs of tablets and injections are easy to choose.

Indications for use

The drug "Dexalgin" is prescribed to patients for the treatment of the following diseases and states:

  • The presence of painful syndrome of different origin. Thus, the drug is used to relieve postoperative pain, post-traumatic discomfort, renal or hepatic colic.
  • Conducting complex and symptomatic treatment of diseases: radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Ishiaas, and the like.
  • Treatment of dental and muscular pain.
  • Painful menstruation in women.
  • Conducting the complex treatment of colds, in particular as an antipyretic drug when other means do not help.

Contraindications to use

This medical facility has serious contraindications, so before taking the "Decalgin" patients need to be carefully familiar with the attached instructions. So, the main contraindications include the following agers:

  • The presence of ulcerative lesion of the gastric and intestine mucosa.
  • The appearance of gastric, intestinal or uterine bleeding.
  • Blood collaboration functions. The presence of a patient a tendency to bleeding along with hemophilia.
  • The presence of severe lesions of the liver, heart, kidneys or vessels.
  • Development of hepatic insufficiency.
  • The presence of bronchial asthma.
  • Pregnancy period.
  • Breastfeeding Baby.
  • Development of hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • The age of the child is up to fourteen years.
  • The presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • The presence in the history of heavy allergic reactions to the reception of drugs from the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines.

Presented preparation with special caution is prescribed to patients suffering from ischemic heart disease, as well as those who are older than sixty years.

Decalgin analogues should select a doctor.

The use and dosing method of the drug

The drug "Decalgin" in the solution format is intended for injecting administrations. Dose of medication and the duration of the course of therapy determines exclusively the doctor individually. According to the applied instructions, the "Decalgin" injections are prescribed to three times a day on one ampoule. The treatment diagram depends on the severity of pain syndrome, and, in addition, from the diagnosis and individual characteristics of the body. Between injections should withstand some interval, at least six hours.

For patients who older than sixty years old, the daily dosage of the drug should not exceed 50 milligrams. The injection input of the drug should not exceed three days. Next, patients are translated on oral therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.

As for the tablet form "Decalgin", depending on the intensity of pain, the recommended dose for adults is 12.5 milligram drugs, which is half the chalk. The drug is accepted every four hours. Or it is possible to receive 25 milligrams, that is, one tablet, but every eight hours. The maximum daily dose is 75 milligrams.


Subject to the specified recommendations and the designated dosing side effects in people, when taking this drug, are not developing so often. In the presence of hypersensitivity to the drug components, substances, as well as on the background of long-term use of the drug in patients, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • The appearance of headaches, insomnia and dizziness. It is possible to reduce the sensitivity along with the paresthesia.
  • Changes in the clinical picture of blood in the form of anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, and the like.
  • Reduced arterial pressure Along with Tachycardia, the feeling of heat and tide of blood to face. In some cases, a heart rate violation may also be observed.
  • The appearance of bronchospasms and disruption of breathing.
  • Digestive system It can respond with nausea, vomit, violations of the chair, strong pain in the epigastria area, lack of appetite, dry mouth and the like.
  • The appearance of muscle pain.
  • Menstrual cycle failure.
  • The emergence of violations in the work of the prostate.
  • The occurrence of allergic skin reactions in the form of rash, redness or inflammation of the injection site. Anaphylactic shock is not excluded.
  • The appearance of a fainted state.
  • Problems with blood clotting.
  • The development of thrombophlebitis or pain along the veins on the background of intravenous administration of the drug.
  • The emergence of painful seals in the area of \u200b\u200bintramuscular input of the drug.

The analogues of "Decalgin" 25 mg can be purchased in any pharmacy.

Overdose medication

With long-term use of the drug "Dexalgin" or exceeding its norm in patients, the symptoms of an overdose is rapidly developing in the form of increasing adverse reactions. Thus, the following manifestations are possible:

  • An increase in the liver along with a violation of its functions.
  • The appearance of renal colic.
  • The occurrence of bleeding.
  • The appearance of ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and intestines along with erosive colitis.
  • The presence of severe abdominal pain, the appearance of blood impurities in the cartoons.
  • The emergence of insomnia and severe psycho-emotional ovensography.

In the case of the development of such symptoms, treatment should be immediately discontinued, and the patient is washed with a stomach.

So indicated in the instructions for applying to the Tablets "Decalgin" 25. Analogues Consider below.

special instructions

Patients who suffer from the diseases of the digestion system should constantly monitor the health and functioning of the internal organs. In the event of the development of any violations against the background of the treatment of "Dexalgin", cancel.

Patients who are preparing for surgical intervention must necessarily prevent the attending physician about this, who prescribe Dexalgin. The fact is that all drugs from the category of nesteroid substances can reduce the amount of platelets, which leads to the risk of the appearance of bleeding during the surgical operation and after it.

The current component of this medicinal preparation A kidney function can coal, in connection with these patients who have any deviations in the operation of the urinary system, the presented drug is prescribed with great care. The long-term use of this agent in patients whose kidney functions are broken can lead to the development of glomerulonephritis, and, in addition, to nephrotic syndrome and renal failure. Against the background of treatment with this medicine, an increase in the activity of hepatic transaminases is possible, so it is possible to periodically control the blood indicator along with the condition of the liver as a whole.

During treatment, this medicine is unacceptable to take alcohol, since in this case the risks of toxic liver damage increase dramatically. The oppression of the nervous system was not excluded. At the initial stages of therapy in patients, drowsiness may be observed, so it is advisable to avoid driving a car.

Decalgin analogues

Many wonder what you can replace "Decalgin"? It is more correct to select an analogue of medication in composition, such funds are also called synonyms. The drug in the injections they are not very much, they can include "depiopen" and "Caiver". All three drugs completely coincide with the testimony, contraindications and therapy scheme. There are other analogues of Ukolov "Dexalgin". Almost all of them are anti-inflammatory means of nonsteroidal origin:

  • "Ibunorm".
  • "Dexphen".
  • "Bofen".

Below we give the analogues of "Decalgin" in tablets. They are much more. Fully coincide in the composition of "depiopen" and "plant". At the same time they are quite expensive.

Replays "Decalgin" are very popular, which are based on the synthetic block places of prostaglandins. These are medicines like:

  • "Corrugated";
  • "Zotek";
  • "IBALGIN";
  • "Bruban";
  • "Dexphen";
  • "Eurofast";
  • "Vimovo";
  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Kathetonal".

All this NSAIDs, which are pronounced an anesthetic and antipyretic effect. That is why they are used for therapy of feverish states. This confirms the instructions for applying to the analogues of the Tablets "Dexalgin".

An analgesic effect is only indirectly compared with the effect of "dexhalgin", since this preparations will not be removed. However, they help well when the toothache or menstrual. Yes, and the number of contraindications in the analogues of the Tablets "Decalgin" 25 mg is much smaller, for example, it is pregnancy and individual sensitivity.

Capsules and injection solutionsDexalgin Refines to preparations with the strongest painkillers and are often used to eliminate spasms when the spine. However, the use of medication is shown only in extreme cases when other medicines do not help, since the drug has a significant list of side effects and contraindications.

Produce a solution for injections anddecalgin tablets, also sachet, where there are granules for making a solution.

The injection medication is sold in ampoules with a capacity of 2 milliliters. The composition as an active ingredient includes an atreometamol decquerefin. Auxiliary agents include ethanol alcohol, chloride and sodium hydroxide, water. The liquid is transparent and colorless.

Dushe Decalgin covered with a film type shell. The acting component of the tablets is an atromethamol decquerefin, as in a solution tool. Auxiliary substances B.the composition of Decalgin Consist of cellulose, corn starch, sodium clothmalglygolanted, glycerol dystearate, titanium dioxide., propylene and polyethylene glycol,hymanose.

Properties of drug

Medicine dexalgin Refers to non-steroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory effect (abbreviated NSAIDs). Also, the means is considered inhibitor of cyclooxygenase.

The medication has the following impact:

  • Removes inflammation;
  • Bows pain;
  • Eliminates the heat.

Action Tablets I.ukolov Decalginit is to take off the production of prostaglandins due to the effect on cyclooxygenase. The reaction rate with the conversion of arachnid acid in the cyclic structural endoeroxides is reduced.

The drug is excreted from the body through the work of the kidneys. Does not have the ability to accumulate in tissues.

The effect of the drug is manifested less than half an hour after the reception. There are delays and the emergence of anesthetic effect after 60 minutes. The duration of the effect is from 3 to 6 hours.

Indication for appointment

Instruction Decalgincalls such areas of its application:

  • Eliminating strong spasms during the exacerbation of pathologies musculoskeletal system inflammatory, degenerative and metabolic nature. Effectively medicine in arthritis and arthrosis, osteochondrosis.
  • Elimination of pain arising from various reasons: during the postoperative recovery period, in injuries, colic in the kidneys, neurological deviations, pathologies of teeth, in the first days of menstruation.

Instructions for use

Dosage tablets Decalginappointed individually. On average, it is recommended to take half of the dragee 1-6 times a day with a break from 4 to 6 hours. Other dosage is also possible. The whole tablet is drinking once or three times during the day with a break at 8 o'clock.

It is impossible to take more than 6 tablets of the drug per day. People with kidney pathologies and disorders in the work of the liver, as well as patients aged, it is recommended to reduce the maximum daily dose to 50 milligrams. It is forbidden to drink tablets for a long period. The course of therapy continues at no more than 5 days.

Dexalgin in ampoules is introduced intravenously or in the muscle. Adults showed the use of 50 milligram drug three times or twice a day. With the permission of the doctor, the daily number of injections can be increased to 4.

Patients without liver and kidney pathologies are allowed to introduce 150 milligrams of drugs per day. People at the age of the dose are desirable to reduce three. The course of therapy lasts no more than 2 days. Then the patient is transferred to the tablets.

To guards Decalginaffiliated the most effectively and did not cause side effects, it is important to adhere to the rules for using the drug:

  • Deep and slow introduction of 2 milliliters of medication in the muscle are shown.
  • In Vienna, the solution is not quickly, for a quarter of a minute at least.
  • Dilute the drug can be physiological, glucose or lactate solution.
  • When cooking, it is important to adhere to aseptic conditions. It is impossible to enter the sun rays for the medicine. The finished solution should have a transparent color. Enter it using the method of infusion for 10 minutes-half an hour.

Children appointment of the drug categorically not recommended.

Contraindications and side effects

The instruction of Decalgin lists such contraindications to the drug reception:

  • Individual intolerance to the components;
  • High risk manifestations of allergic response symptoms after use;
  • The presence of ulcers and bleeding in the busty bodies;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Ulcerative colitis;
  • The presence of bronchial asthma;
  • Serious heart failure;
  • Deviations in the work of the kidney of medium and heavy stages;
  • Liver pathology;
  • Development of hemorrhagic type diathesis, blood coagulation problems;
  • Period of tooling the fetus and breastfeeding;
  • Parallel use of anticoagulant drugs;
  • Children's age group.

The side effects of the drug Decalgin, which manifests themselves quite often include:

  • Nausea with bits of vomiting;
  • The formation of subwoofiness, bruises and bruises in the place of injection;

Rarely in patients are observed:

  • Signs of anemia;
  • Problems with sleep;
  • Disorders of orientation in space;
  • Migraine;
  • Loss of sharpness;
  • Hypotension of arterial type, changing the color of the skin of the face on reddish;
  • Pathology and disorders by the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Sweating;
  • Skin rashes and itching;
  • Temperature, strong fatigue.

Extremely rarely dexalgin provokes the following side effects:

  • Humidity of the larynx;
  • Manifestations of anorexia;
  • Fainting;
  • Problems with hearing;
  • Jumps of pressure and pulse;
  • Breathing problems;
  • Ulcers and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The development of jaundice and hepatitis;
  • Rash and acne on the skin;
  • Convulsions and muscle spasms, mobility problems;
  • Disorders in the work of the kidneys and liver;
  • Crashes of critical days.

Practically do not manifest:

  • Dyspnea;
  • Anaphylactic shock;
  • Development of pancreatitis;
  • Female swelling;
  • Nephritis.

Price dexalgin

Price dexalgin depends on the city in which the drug is sold, and the form of release.

Approximate cost of medication:

  • 10 tablets of 25 milligrams - 300-350 rubles;
  • 5 ampoules of two milliliters - 250-300 rubles;
  • 10 tanks with a solution for a solution - 500-550 rubles.

Reviews of Dexalginindicate a fairly high price of funds.

Dexalgin: Analogs

If there is a need to replace the solution andsasha Decalgin , You can choose drug-synonym with similar composition. Instead of injection, Caver or Deiophene use. Their active component is a decquetoprofen or Decquetoprofen thrometamol.

In addition, the injection solution is replaced by NSAIDs as a befrenium or ibunorm.

Medications decalgin analogues The synthetic composition includes:

  • Nooofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Dexphen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Kathetonal.

Deiophen or Dexalgin - What is better?

Deiophene is produced in the form of a solution for injections. The preparation is based on propionic acid salt. The medication knocks down the temperature, relieves inflammation and bows pain.

Like Dexalgin The medicine refers to the NSAID. The main difference is indications for use. If ainstruction Decalgindescribes the means as a drug from strong pain, then depiophene is used to eliminate medium and easy severity spasms. Therefore, with an acute manifestation of the symptom, due to the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, it is better to use the first preparation. In the pains of teeth and sharp spasms, depophingen is used - it has a rapid effect and retains the effect long enough.

Plate or Dexalgin - what to choose when osteochondrosis?

The active ingredient in the composition of the plant is Decquetoprofen Trometamol. Dosage form - Tablets in the film shell.

Contraindications and side effects are similar to the characteristics of Decalgin. The plant is used to relieve the lung pain and spasms of medium severity in the pathologies of the spine, overvoltage of muscles, menstruation, problems with teeth.

If the symptom at osteochondrosis is not strong, it is enough to take the plant. Acute spasms better eliminate dexalgin.

Kathetonal or dexalgin - what is cheaper?

Ointment Decalgin Not issued. A distinctive feature of the ketonale is the variability of its dosage forms. In pharmacies, a means in the form of capsules, tablets, a solution for injections, creams are sold.

The active substance in the composition of the drug is ketoprofen. Capsules additionally contain glucose, means for injection - propylene glycol, ethanol, sodium hydroxide and water.

The price of cotonal depends on the form of release:

  • 20 tablets are sold for 200-250 rubles;
  • The cost of 25 capsules is 100-150 rubles;
  • Purchase 10 ampoules with an injection means can be 250-300 rubles.

Thus, Kathetonal was much cheaper than Decalgin.

Found (55 posts)

April 27, 2019 / SinoTaev Romazan Khamzyaevich.

Long and different. Then. There are many, voltaren .... diclofenak ..... ketanov....dexalgin..... Moviess .... Naz .... TD .... ITP ... Honraprotectors are also a lot ... Alflutop, Arthr, Structum, Teraflex ..... Arthrines ... ...

May 31, 2016 / Doctor Ket ...

vetal, Ketorolak (Ketorol, Ketanov) - This is the strongest of not drugs, just need to write on a piece of paper ... 10 mg 3 r per day, without a recipe: diclofenak, ketonal, Dexalgin (expensive) But these drugs can cause ...

May 8, 2016 / Anonymous

anna, Ketorolak (Ketorol, ketanov) - You can immediately 3 tablets at once - it is a dose of 1 ampoule ketorolaca, - Ketorolac is the strongest and washing of drugs. Codeine Diclofenac Ketoprofen. Dexalgin Nimesulid Imuprofen Analgin

December 22, 2015 / Pharmacy

Hemorrorist ... Dexalgin also recipe. You asked for injecting injecting, they answered as it should be done according to the law, and not as accepted in some phatecs there. Search where you are sold without a recipe, or kaetonal, or KetanovHe is even stronger.

September 26, 2015 / SinoTaev Romazan Khamzyaevich.

Eugene, make an injection ketanov(or dexalgin) intramuscularly (in the buttock), graze the fastum (fast) gel back. Contact your neurologist's doctor, examine

pharmacy April 17, 2015 / Mikhail / Sergiev Posad

Internal arteries). Strong pain. Anesthetic - registered Ketanov (Ketorol) -ECOMDATION. The district therapist was registered as ..., paracetamol, metamizol - all together. After that, registered Dexalgin (dexamine) in / in and in / m. Is it correct?