How to get a little girl pregnant. How to conceive a girl by ovulation? Is it possible to conceive a girl by ovulation and how accurate will it be: reviews

Studying a lot of literature in search of effective advice. In today's article, we decided to reveal several secrets of how to conceive a girl and recommend several "proven" methods. Coincidence or not - many couples noted that by resorting to these tips, they became the parents of a daughter. It is up to you to listen or not to the recommendations below, but you can and even need to read the article, at least for general development.

So, let's start by sorting out the question of what the sex of the future baby depends on.

It's no secret that sex is determined by special chromosomes - X and Y, and women are endowed with two identical sex chromosomes, XX, and men - two different, XY. Based on this, the child gets the X chromosome from the mother, and either the X or Y from the father. This means that the father's sperm carry different chromosomes, and only one can fertilize the egg. Therefore, in order for a daughter to turn out, it is necessary that the sperm with the paternal X chromosome fertilize the egg.

And to bring your dream closer to reality, you can use the following methods and ways:

Conceiving a girl using a calendar

For those parents who are planning the sex of the unborn child, there is a special table by which you can calculate the sex of the child, depending on the age of the expectant mother and the month of conception. This table is called "Chinese child conception" and is available on many Internet resources.

How to conceive a girl by blood. If a couple dreams of having a daughter, you can try to conceive a girl by blood. The method of planning a child is based on the cyclicity of blood renewal in future parents. Surprisingly, according to some sources, the percentage of coincidences in the case of planning a child using the blood method is quite high. And the fact that it is not difficult to make simple calculations for the implementation of this method in life. Wondering how to conceive a girl by blood? Then just calculate whose blood is "younger": it has been proven that blood is renewed in the human body regularly - in women every 3 years, in men - every four. But: when making calculations, one should also take into account possible large blood loss that took place in life - operations, childbirth, blood transfusions.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation

If you have regular periods, and you can for sure, then you have a chance to give birth to a girl. How to conceive a girl by ovulation? For this, in the planning process, sexual intercourse should be prescribed no later than 2-3 days before the expected ovulation. So, immediately after the end of the cycle - the time of love, but already 2 days before the onset of ovulation, intimacy is better to avoid, because just at this time the percentage of conceiving a boy is high. But in order to maximally "consolidate the effect" of an attempt to conceive a girl by this method, it is recommended after ovulation to refrain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days. To determine ovulation, you can use different methods: by measuring basal temperature, keeping an ovulation calendar, or simply by purchasing a special ovulation test at the pharmacy.

Conceiving a girl using sexual positions. It is known that in order to conceive a girl, it is recommended to refrain from deep penetration positions. Thus, the best position for conceiving a girl is missionary. They also recommend such a pose for conceiving a girl: "on the side from behind." In this case, the woman should lie on her side, and the man should be located behind her. After intercourse, the woman is advised to lie down quietly and relax. It is best to lie on your back and press your knees to your chest.

Conception of a girl with a special diet. There is a theory that if you adhere to a certain menu within a week of the moment of conception, then the probability of having a girl is much higher than without her.

Therefore, if you want to use this method, include the following foods in your diet.

Meat:veal, beef and lamb.

Dairy products: milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream.

Vegetables: beets, carrots, some potatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, legumes, peas.

Fruits and berries: apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, grapefruit, lemons, watermelon, peach, mango, pineapple.

The drinks: tea, chocolate, cocoa.

How to conceive a girl: folk signs

Since ancient times, the people have existed the most different ways, with the help of which the spouses tried to conceive a girl. One of such methods is popular among the people "counting rhymes": for example, if a woman is an even number of years, then she can conceive a girl only in even months of the year. Another "rhyme" is as follows: the age of the mother is added to the ordinal number of the month of conception, if the sum is an even number - to be a daughter.

In addition, according to folk signs for conceiving a girl, you can perform the following actions:

  • before intercourse, you need to place "female" objects in the bed: a mirror, a comb, a spinning wheel;
  • sexual intercourse should take place under a young apple tree;
  • the best days for conceiving a girl are Wednesday, Friday and Sunday;
  • 5 days before intercourse, a woman should drink apple or plum clarified juice every night at night 20 minutes before bedtime;
  • before conception, a woman should tightly tie the little finger of her right hand with a simple thread;
  • wanting to conceive a girl, it is better to perform a sexual act in the winter cold.

Specially for - Ira Romaniy

From a guest

And on the contrary, I have two girls and are waiting for the third. And according to the calendars and according to blood type and ovulation, a boy should, but not. Already 3 different uzists have confirmed 100% girl. It is not destiny to have a son.

From a guest

I will only say this only in prostitutes. Girls are given, and starting with the first and the next. And who the boys are originally from here and come from. Only the third and subsequent girl can be born with a normal man. Girls you are not mistaken. Proud of your men.

From a guest

I have three children ... her daughter is 10 and two sons are 9 and 5 years old .. she is not 37 and I really want my daughter to have a sister .. I'm afraid to miss

From a guest

We also have two boys. Now we are waiting for the third. We still do not know who))) I have a current one counting rhyme that converges ... many have been checked ... everything is right ... now on the third we will check ... there must be a girl ... if a year conception and the month of conception is positive, then a girl ... if negative and positive, then a boy ... strangely nowhere in the internet did I meet her

From a guest

YES, yes, yes, I have two boys now expecting a third child, everyone did and followed a diet and determined by blood type and all sorts of calendars, and conception two days before ovulation, on Saturday was on an ultrasound, they said and showed that the boy, so my husband just shed a tear ...... like this. Come on, chapters, but to be healthy ...

From a guest

We are 13 weeks old, we are looking forward to finding out the sex, my husband is already jumping up - so he wants the daughter to be. Take your bets. I think all the signs are nonsense, as God willing, it will be so. Good luck to all!

From a guest

I counted blood, ovulation, and posture. The result is 2 boys. The husband jokes: "that the third girl will definitely be." But it's not up to us to decide what gender the child will have.

From a guest

If you want a girl, it is necessary for the husband to strain and not the wife, for example, girls are often born to those who regularly go to the bathhouse or sauna, because Y chromosomes are unstable to heat, X are more tenacious. Even girls are more often born to men after 30-35 years. Also among drinkers and smokers, but this is not the best option :) But with the day of ovulation, I think it can also work, because X chromosomes live longer and will live to ovulate

From a guest

I don’t know I have two boys right now I want a girl, but I don’t believe the omens

From a guest

My husband and I, too, have tried everything, and diets and poses, and places. Unless in the cold under a young apple tree we did not try))). This is probably why we have two boys. This year in September I ate a lot of beets, I hope that the girl will be))

Many married couples are trying to predict the gender of their future baby. To do this, they use a huge variety of literature, looking for effective advice. Especially parents think about the gender of the baby if the family already has children. For example, a couple already have two boys, and they dream of a daughter. In this case, several floor planning techniques are worth considering. In fact, it is not a difficult task if approached correctly. So how to get pregnant with a girl?

The scientific way to conceive a girl

First of all, the conception of a child of any gender depends on the sperm, which fertilizes the egg. The conception of a girl is determined by X-spermatozoa. There are fewer of them in the semen, they move at a low speed, but they live longer. Therefore, in order to give birth to a daughter, it is necessary to ensure the meeting of the X-sperm and the egg. For this you need:

  • reduce sperm count;
  • create an acidic environment in the vagina;
  • intercourse should be a couple of days before ovulation, so that the Y-sperm die, and the X-sperm reach the egg on time.

The first step is to determine the date of ovulation. This can be done in several ways (basal temperature, ovulation tests, ultrasound). Two to three days before ovulation - auspicious days for conceiving a girl. It is also believed that in order to get pregnant with a daughter, it is worth minimizing foreplay, a woman should not have an orgasm, and during his orgasm, a man is not recommended to insert the penis deeply.

The conception of a girl can also be calculated by the method of blood renewal. To do this, you need to know that a man's blood is renewed every four years, and that of a future mother - every three. Whose blood was renewed later, the baby will be of that gender. But it is worth remembering that if there was a forced blood loss (surgery, childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, donation of blood, etc.), then it is necessary to count from this date. The calculation is carried out in the following way:

  1. Divide the mother's age by 3, the resulting remainder must be taken into account. For example, she is 25 years old, which means 25: 3 \u003d 8 (remainder 1).
  2. Then do the same with the age of the father, only divide by 4. For example, 30: 4 \u003d 7 (remainder 2).
  3. After that, you can compare the remnants, who has less, the baby of the same sex will be born. Hence, in this case, the birth of a daughter is expected.

The conception of a girl by the blood method can be calculated by the Rh factor and the blood group of the future parents. For example, if mom and dad have the same Rh factor (negative or positive), then a girl is likely to be born. If they are different (for example, negative for the father and positive for the mother), then perhaps the birth of a boy. In addition, the blood type also plays an important role. If both parents have the first or second group, then there are great chances to give birth to a daughter. More details can be seen in the following table:

How to conceive a girl using tables

To help parents conceive a daughter, there are several options for tables. Based on them, you can predict what gender the baby will be born and determine the month when to start planning the baby. So how to conceive a girl according to the table? Let's consider several of their options.

Chinese table

This table was created several centuries ago by the Chinese. In order to determine the conception of a girl according to the Chinese table, it is necessary to use the initial data (the age of the expectant mother and the month of conception). You need to act according to the following scheme:

  1. Find the mother's age in the left column. However, it is worth remembering that in China, at birth, a person is considered nine months old, so one year is added to the age. Therefore, if a woman is 24, then the number 25 is looked for in the column.
  2. Next, in the horizontal line, select the month of the intended conception.
  3. At the intersection of a column and a row, you can see the letter "M" or "D". The latter suggests that a girl is expected.

Japanese table

The conception of a girl according to the Japanese table is determined as follows: first, they find a line that indicates the month of birth of the future father, then select the month of birth of the mother in the vertical column. Draw perpendicular lines from these two numbers. A number will be indicated at the intersection - this is a family number.

For example, if a man was born in February and a woman was born in March, then this figure will be 11. Then you need to go to the second table. Find the family number in it, as well as the estimated month of conception. If this number is 11, then there is a high probability of conceiving a daughter in July.

Special diet for conceiving a girl

About three months before conception, you need to reduce the amount of sugar and salt. The diet should be fortified with magnesium and calcium. How to conceive a baby girl with food? The following products are recommended for the expectant mother:

  • lean boiled meat;
  • shrimp, crabs, boiled fish;
  • eggs;
  • apples, tangerines, pears, oranges, grapes, raspberries, strawberries;
  • vegetables (bell peppers, eggplants, carrots, cucumbers);
  • fermented milk products (fermented baked milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir);
  • pasta, flour products;
  • cereals (millet, rice);
  • nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts, walnut, almonds), dried fruits (raisins).

How to conceive a girl using folk methods

For a long time, there are many different methods to conceive a daughter. Among them are folk signs:

  • Before intercourse, put “female” objects in the bed (comb, mirror, cosmetic bag).
  • Pregnancy with a girl is possible if, five days before sexual intercourse, a woman drinks plum or apple juice every day 20 minutes before bedtime.
  • The most better days for the conception of a daughter, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday are considered.
  • It is desirable to perform sexual intercourse under a young birch.
  • Before conception, the expectant mother should tie the little finger on her right hand with a simple thread.
  • For the birth of a girl, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse in the winter cold.

How to conceive a girl using other methods

In addition, some other ways of conceiving a girl can be distinguished. Let's take a look at some of them:

  1. Douching. This technique is based on the fact that X-spermatozoa die in an alkaline environment, since they need an acidic one. Therefore, before intercourse, it is worth douching with an acidified solution. To prepare it, you need to stir two spoons in a liter of water. lemon juice... In this case, you need to be careful, the concentrated solution can burn the vagina.
  2. The pose is also important for conceiving a girl. It should be such that the path to the egg cell is made longer, thereby increasing the chances of fertilization with the X-sperm. For this, the missionary position is suitable, the man in the back - the woman on the side, the woman on the stomach.
  3. New Age Method. It is based on the psychological visualization method. In order to give birth to a girl, you need to want it very much. Parents-to-be, especially a mother, must represent everything in the smallest detail. For example, what kind of hair, eyes, face she will have. And do it with maximum clarity. Thus, you can order your girl from the Universe.
  4. You can also plan the sex of your baby using the lunar phase technique. Each woman has an individual cycle of propensity to conceive. He is asked from birth and accompanies her throughout her reproductive age. According to this theory, the probability of conception increases in the phase that was during the birth of the expectant mother. You can determine the phase of the moon by knowing the hour of your birth. Every two and a half days the moon passes through female sign... It is during this period that the probability of conceiving a girl increases.

Parents should remember that all these methods cannot give an absolute guarantee of the birth of a girl, since failures can occur in any way. Therefore, for greater efficiency, it is worth considering all of them.

We will answer right away that practically nothing depends on the mother in the process of conception, since the appearance of the girl is due to the fact which chromosome the future dad will share. The only thing a woman can do is try to calculate the cycle of a girl's conception.

What day of the cycle can a girl get pregnant?

To find out on which day of the cycle to conceive a girl, women are advised to keep a special table in which they need to mark the ovulation schedule.

Girl's child conception schedule: basal temperature

This process is quite laborious, since for several months the expectant mother will have to measure her basal temperature, and mark the onset of ovulation in the calendar.

Gynecologists recommend having sex 3 days before ovulation. Male chromosomes are less tenacious, and by the time of ovulation they lose their strength, while female chromosomes are quite ready for fertilization. Using this method when conceiving, you can confidently tell your gynecologist on which day of your cycle you got pregnant with a girl. The conception of a girl with an irregular cycle can be predicted in other ways.

What days can you get pregnant with a girl on the calendar

The pregnancy calendar promises the conception of a girl with a high degree of probability. To increase the parents' chances of conceiving a girl, gynecologists simplified the baseline temperature measurement scheme, taking 14 days in a cycle as the onset of ovulation (a girl's conception cycle has certain days for sexual intercourse).

How to get pregnant with a girl on the calendar

Therefore, future parents should adhere to the following conception scheme:

  • From days 5 to 8, sex should be more frequent, since during this period, most of the sperm will be female.
  • During 9-11 days, having sex should be no more than 1 time per day, while the optimal position of partners is "face to face".
  • Foreplay should be kept to a minimum.
  • It must be remembered that a man, during orgasm, should not enter his partner very deeply.
  • During this period, artificial lubricants are strictly prohibited.
  • On the 12th, 13th and 14th day, it is better to refuse sexual intercourse, and then use a condom.

What days are more likely to get pregnant with a girl

Sperm with a female origin are more hardy, but slow. In the process of waiting for an egg, they do not die, like spermatozoa with a masculine origin, but actively start fertilization. Therefore, the optimal days for conceiving a girl are considered 3 days before ovulation. After that, the fight for the future girl must be stopped, otherwise, the more active male sperm cells may outstrip the female ones. All these tips on which days of the cycle you can conceive a girl will help you get the desired result.

Men and women prefer to plan their future. The gender of a newborn baby is no exception. Married couples are finding new ways to pre-plan the sex of the unborn child. It is about them that will be discussed below. You will learn how a girl is conceived. The article will tell you about popular methods for planning the sex of a future baby. You can also find out what the girl's conception table looks like. The photo will be presented to your attention.

Conception: boy or girl

Currently, couples strive to find out the sex of the unborn child as early as possible. The most accurate method is ultrasound diagnostics. Such a study allows you not only to determine whether a boy or a girl will be born to you, but can also identify possible defects on the very early stage development.

A few decades ago, humanity did not have such an opportunity. Women and men had to wait for the birth of a child to find out its gender. It should be said that this is very inconvenient. After all, expectant mothers and fathers want to prepare everything in advance and purchase the necessary things for the baby.

Conception of a girl or boy can be calculated in several ways. Doctors say that you shouldn't trust them one hundred percent. Most of them are designed for fun, not accurate diagnosis. Newly minted parents note that some calculation methods do turn out to be quite accurate. Consider the most popular methods for conceiving a girl.

Calculating the day of ovulation

the conception of a girl can occur when sexual intercourse took place several days before the expected ovulation. This method has scientific explanation and can become quite effective. However, much in this case depends on the state of fertility of the man and woman. Let's find out how it works.

You can calculate the conception of a girl in the following way. Male sperm cells can live in a woman's body for up to seven days. In this case, the cells carrying the X chromosome (female) can exist for a longer time. However, they move much slower than their cousins. Gametes with the Y chromosome (male cells) are faster and more agile. However, their vital activity lasts less time. From this, it can be concluded that the conception of a girl will occur if sexual contact with ejaculation takes place several days before the expected release of the cell from the ovary.

Using the experience of the Chinese

There is a so-called conception calendar. A boy or girl will be born to you - it depends directly on the age of the mother and the month of fertilization. The ancient Chinese table works in the following way.

Calculate the mother's age at the time of the planned conception. After that, look at the table and find the corresponding column in it. Draw a horizontal line from it to the right and determine the months in which the conception of a female child will occur. It is during these periods that unprotected sexual intercourse should take place. It is worth noting that this method has mostly positive reviews. However, controversial situations arise in those cases when the next birthday of the expectant mother comes.

Applying Japanese knowledge

You can also calculate the conception of a girl using the Japanese table. At first glance, this method may seem very complicated. However, after a detailed study of the calculation technology, you can easily calculate the necessary information.

To determine the sex of the unborn baby, you need to know the months of birth of the future parents. In the first table, find the corresponding columns and draw an intersection between them. After that, remember the number that is in the resulting compartment. Move on to the second part of the table. It consists of a graph. Here you need to find the resulting figure and conduct an analysis. By the number of X signs, you can determine the probability of the birth of a particular sex of the baby in a certain month.

Blood calculation method

The girl's conception calendar can be drawn up by blood renewal. To carry out the calculation, you need to know the age of the mother and father at the time of the planned conception. Remember that if a person has had large blood loss, surgery or childbirth, then it is necessary to count from that day.

Women's blood is renewed once every three years. In men, this process occurs less often - once every 4 years. Divide the woman's age by 3, and the male, respectively, by 4. Determine the resulting residuals. Whose number is greater, that blood is considered strong. Accordingly, a boy or a girl will be born. In order to conceive a female child, the blood of the expectant mother must be newer.


You now know how to use the girl's conception calendar described above. Many couples choose to follow an appropriate diet before intercourse. The use of a large number of certain foods can contribute to the conception of a baby of the right gender.

So, if you want to give birth to a girl, then you need to follow these recommendations. Eat a lot of dairy products: cheese, sour cream, milk, fermented baked milk. Give preference to vegetables such as eggplants, carrots, beets, peas, and peppers. Eat more nuts. Eliminate coffee and cocoa-containing drinks from the diet. Drink plenty of fluids. The water can be plain or sparkling, mineral or sweet. Try to avoid salt, black pepper and spices. Eat a variety of greens. This diet should be followed for about two months. After that, food can be reduced to normal and enjoy your favorite foods.

In Vitro Fertilization

Another way to calculate the sex of a child is artificial insemination. It should be noted that this method is quite expensive. It is rarely performed without evidence. In most cases, this service is provided to those couples with a family history of congenital diseases. So, if the pathology is transmitted through the male line and in most cases turns out to be incompatible with life, then doctors offer just such a method of conception.

During the procedure, female reproductive cells (eggs) are removed and combined with sperm under special conditions. After that, they are grown for several days and undergo diagnostics. Only future female embryos are selected. It is they who sit in the reproductive organ of the expectant mother.

Online tables and programs

Currently, future parents are given the opportunity to calculate favorable days for conceiving a girl using special programs and tables. It should be noted that this method is rather doubtful. In most cases, it just doesn't work. However, some couples do use it.

To obtain more accurate data and more information, it is worth using several calculation methods at once. In this case, it is more likely that you will still be able to give birth to a female baby.

Summing up or conclusion

Now you know what a girl's conception calendar is. All of the above methods will help you calculate the sex of the future baby. Remember not to blindly trust them. Otherwise, you can become very disappointed in the future. Doctors say that it is impossible to accurately plan the birth of a male or female baby. No girl's conception calendar will give you a 100% result. The sex of a child can be calculated only in a single (medical) way. Successful results!

The birth of a long-awaited and desired baby is a great joy for the whole family. And if this is the first child in the family, then what gender it will be, in principle, there is no difference. However, many couples, with one or two children, want the next child of a certain gender. And there is nothing wrong with that. It is better to ask in advance how this can be done, and to conceive a child of the gender that this particular couple would like. Someone really wants a son, and someone is interested in the birth of a daughter. There are many options and systems of counting, techniques, calendars and tables for.This article will talk about how to conceive a girl using a table. There are also several such tables. There are Chinese, Japanese ovulation tables. However, you need to understand that none of these methods gives a 100% guarantee that you will have a girl. But still, the chances of getting the desired result are great.

How to conceive a girl according to the table

There are many methods invented by common peoplehowever, whether they are reliable is unknown. There are three main charts for conception. This is an ovulation table, as well as Chinese and Japanese. To answer the question of how to conceive a girl according to the table, you need to decide what is the difference between them and which one to resort to.

Ovulation table

This method is quite reliable, and will help answer the question of how to conceive a girl. The ovulation table will help you figure out when a woman has this phenomenon. This theory is based on scientific evidence. Everyone knows that a woman must have a period of ovulation. Without this, it will not be possible to conceive anyone. However, for the conception of a girl, it is not enough just to get on this day. On the contrary, you need to have sex a few days before ovulation. This is due to the fact that male spermatozoa are divided into X chromosomes, which are precisely responsible for the birth of a female child, and Y chromosomes, which, respectively, are responsible for the birth of a boy. So, the Y chromosomes move towards their target much faster, and therefore fertilize the egg earlier. However, they live for about a day, and the X chromosomes have a lifespan of about 3 days, but they are heavier and move more slowly. Given all this, we can conclude that if you have sex during ovulation itself, then, most likely, a boy will be born. In order to get a girl, you must definitely know when you ovulate, and try to conceive a child 3 days before her, since by this time all the Y chromosomes will die and only the X chromosomes will remain. In this case, the chance of getting pregnant with a girl is great. In order for everything to go as efficiently as possible, you need to start an ovulation calendar and subsequently draw up a table yourself. Of course, this will take several months, but it is better to wait for the desired result.

How to find out when ovulation?

The surest way to calculate ovulation is to measure your basal temperature. It is necessary to measure it for several cycles in order to then compile a table and see exactly when you have this process. You need to measure the temperature with an ordinary thermometer, in the rectum. This should be done every day, without exception, at the same time, necessarily immediately after waking up (before that, you do not need to get out of bed). It is advisable to start this study from the very beginning of the cycle, which means on the first day of menstruation. The cycle is divided into two phases: before ovulation and after. Temperature readings will help you figure out exactly when ovulation was.

In the first phase, the temperature should be lower than in the second. The closer "day X", the more it will decrease, then there will be a sharp jump upward (this will be ovulation), then the temperature will rise and in case of pregnancy should not fall. In order to find out when you can conceive a girl, the table must be drawn up correctly.

Japanese table

This method was developed by Japanese scientists. In order to find out how to conceive a girl, the 2014 table was also compiled by them. To get an answer to this question, you just need to know the month of birth of the future father and mother.

The table is very simple and straightforward, in the column "mom's date of birth" you need to choose your month, the same applies to the column for dad. At the intersection of a column and a row there will be a number that you need to remember and find it in the second table. There you can see in which month there is a chance of conceiving a child of one sex or another. Therefore, the question of how to conceive a girl according to the table developed in Japan is generally not worth it. Everything is very clear.

Chinese table

Month of conception
Mother's age jan. feb march apr may june july aug sep oct. nov. dec
18 dmdmmmmmmmmm
19 mdmdmmmmmdmd
20 dmdmmmmmmdmm
21 mddddddddddd
22 dmmdmddmdddd
23 mmdmmdmdmmmd
24 mdmmdmmddddd
25 dmmddmdmmmmm
26 mdmddmdmdddd
27 dmddddmmmmmm
28 mdmdddmmmddd
29 dmdmmmdddmdm
30 mddddddddmdd
31 mdmddddddmmm
32 mdmdddddddmm
33 dmdddddmdddm
34 ddmddddddddm
35 mmdmdddmdddm
36 dmmdmdddmdmm
37 mdmmdmdmdmmm
38 dmdmmdmdmmdm
39 mdmmmmdmddmd
40 dmdmdmmdmddd
41 mdmdmdmmdmdm
42 dmdmdmdmmdmd
43 mdmdmdmdmmmm
44 mmdmmmdmdmdd
45 dmmdddmdmdmm

Another answer to the question of how to conceive a girl is the Chinese table, which has been helping people achieve the desired result for thousands of years. This is one of the oldest methods for determining the sex of an unborn child. Creators this method claimed to be 98% accurate. You can find out the sex of the child already during the onset of pregnancy or plan it in advance. The Chinese believe that the sex of the child depends entirely on the mother, and the calculations are carried out taking into account only the age of the girl and the month of conception. However, calculating the age of a girl using this method is different from the usual one. One more year must be added to the actual age, since in China age is considered not from the day of birth, but from the day a person was conceived. And a child who has just been born is already 10 months old. This is very important point, so you need to carefully consider your age, otherwise the results will not be accurate. Another important point is the beginning of the first month of the year. It changes depending on the date of the Chinese New Year. This is a different date every year. In 2013, it was February 10, 2014 - January 31, and in 2015 it will be February 19. The table has 2 columns: horizontal and vertical. In the horizontal there are numbers indicating the months according to the Chinese calendar, and in the vertical - the age of the girl at the time of conception. And at the intersection of these values \u200b\u200bthere are cells with colors indicating the sex of the child. This method is also very simple if you deal with the calendar and age. Thus, you can see when and how to conceive a girl. A table, reviews of which inspire confidence, can really help with this.

Other methods of calculating the floor

In addition to these tables, there are several other methods and opportunities to think in advance when you can get pregnant with a girl.

Blood renewal

It has been proven that the blood of any person must be completely renewed at a certain time. This period is different for men and women. A man's blood is completely renewed every 4 years. The countdown begins from birth, however, if during life there were operations or injuries that were accompanied by large blood loss, then it must be counted from that moment. This also applies to women, in addition to operations and injuries, childbirth and abortions are also accompanied by blood loss, respectively, if they took place, it is necessary to count from that period. It is believed that in females, blood renewal occurs every 3 years. The meaning of this theory is to calculate which of the future parents has younger and stronger blood. There is an opinion that if the mother's blood is younger, then there will be a girl, and if the father's blood is a boy.

Moon calendar

This method also has its supporters. Some people believe that the birth of a child is associated with the lunar phases, and conception is no exception. A girl can be conceived when the moon passes through a female sign. This happens approximately every 2.5 days.

In any case, whichever method you choose, you should not hope for a 100% result, so that if a boy is born you will not be upset. The birth of a child is the greatest and long-awaited happiness in life, therefore, whoever is born to you, a tender daughter or a courageous son, the main thing is that the baby is healthy.