Nod for speech development 2 junior group. GCD for the development of speech in the second junior group outline of the lesson on the development of speech (junior group) on the topic

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 35" of the Asbestovsky urban district

"The Magic Train"

Compiled by: T.S. Rubleva

Asbestos 2018

Abstract of the GCD for the development of speech in the second younger group:

"The Magic Train"

purpose : Formation of oral speech and communication skills.


To develop the perception of children, to teach the use of words - names for the perception of various qualities of objects;

Support the child's desire to actively engage in communication, speak out;

Develop an emotional response to loved ones literary works, stimulate the desire to repeat familiar lines for your favorite works after the teacher;

Participants : children, educator

Equipment and materials : wooden construction set, multimedia projector, laptop, paper, colored pencils.

Stroke directly educational activities:

Educator: Hello guys! Today I invite you to travel on a magic train. Do you love to travel?

Children: Yes

Educator: Then you and I need to build a magic locomotive for the journey. Stand behind each other, take the one in front of the one standing by the belt. Our locomotive can only move with the help of magic words: "Our magic locomotive, takes all the guys forward ..."

(At this time, the song "Blue carriage ..." is played).

I propose to take on the role of the driver. So, let's take the train.


The locomotive hummed

And I drove the trailers

Chah, chah,


I will rock you far!

Children sing:

Here is our train,

Wheels are knocking

And on this train

The guys are sitting ...

The locomotive slows down. Stops.

Slide1 appears on the screen

The picture on the board with its head lowered is a bull, it is not cheerful.

Educator: Children, look at the bull, why is he so sad?

Children: He is afraid to go.

Educator: Why?

Children: He is afraid to fall.

Educator: And you, remember, a poem about a bull?

Children: Yes

All together repeat the lines of the poem:

There is a goby swaying, sighing on the go

Oh the board is over, now I'm going to fall!

Educator: How can you help the bull?

Children: Build a bridge.

Educator: Look, kids, can we help the bull?

Children from the constructor are building a bridge.

Educator: Let's continue our journey. The train is picking up speed. Slide 2:

Picture to the poem "Our Tanya is crying loudly"

Educator: Maybe you guessed why Tanya is crying?

Children: A ball fell into the river.

Educator: Let's calm Tanya down together.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,

The ball will not sink in the river.

Educator: Why didn't the ball sink?

Children: It's rubber.

Educator: How can we help Tanya?

Children: Get the ball out with a twig.

Educator: Tanya's good friends, they did not leave them in trouble, they are resourceful. And I wish Tanya to play with the ball away from the shore.

Now guys, let's continue our journey.

The train is picking up speed.

Slide 3: Picture to the poem "The hostess threw the bunny"

Educator: Children, look how heavy it is raining, but we are not afraid to get wet, we are sitting in trailers. Look, there is a bunny sitting on the bench, completely wet. How can we help him?

Slide 4: Images of objects (ball, umbrella, sun)

Children: He needs an umbrella.

Educator: Well done boys!!! How else can you help the bunny so that he does not catch a cold and get sick?

Children: Wipe off with a towel, build a house, dry with a hairdryer.

Educator: Who left the bunny?

Children: The hostess.

Educator: Was she good or bad?

Children: Poorly.

Educator: Let's cheer up the bunny and play with him.

An outdoor game "The gray hare sits."

Educator: We continue our journey !!!

Slide 5: Bear with a severed paw

Educator: Did the guys do a good job with the bear?

Children: not

Educator: Do you think you can treat toys this way?

Children: explain why

Educator: How will we help Misha?

Children: We'll take you to Doctor Aibolit, tell your mother to sew a paw, give him raspberries.

Educator: Do you guys all have any favorite toys in the group?

Children take their favorite toys.

Educator: Come on, we'll cheer them up, dance with them

Children hug toys and dance with them to music.

Educator: And now I propose to draw a gift for your toys!

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 11" city of Birobidzhan

Abstract of the OO node "Speech development" (second junior group)

Topic: "Someone came to visit us"

Purpose: To form in children an interest in oral folk art, to teach them how to write a story-description.


Educational: To acquaint children with small folklore forms: riddles, nursery rhymes, fairy tales; develop an interest in outplaying them; formation of correct speech exhalation. Help children compose a short story about a toy together with a teacher, enrich speech with adjectives (fluffy, multi-colored).

Developing: Develop the speech of children through small folklore forms. Enrich vocabulary, develop auditory perception.

Educational: To form the moral qualities of kids, to foster compassion, responsiveness, the desire to take care and come to the aid of those who need it.

Material, equipment:

1. Demonstration material: soft toy cockerel, audio recording "voice of a cockerel", song "True friend".

2. Handouts: beans, peas, plates.

Vocabulary work: activation of words: cockerel, scallop, fluffy, multi-colored.

Methodical techniques: use of TCO, practical task with grains, physical education, conversation.

GCD structure:

1. Introductory part (duration 3 min)

Creation of interest, emotional mood for the lesson, surprise moment.

2. Main part (10 min.)

Methodical techniques

Reading poetry.

Exercises for the development of speech exhalation and articulation apparatus.

3. Examining the toy

4. Drawing up a story-description

5. Practical exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

6. The final part. Summing up the lesson (lasts 2 min)

1 introduction

Q. Guys, today is such a wonderful day.

Let's say hello to everyone!

a). An outdoor game "Say hello to everyone"

Hello, the sun is golden! (children raise their hands up)

Hello, the sky is blue! (raise their hands up again)

Hello, light breeze! (wiggle from side to side)

Hello little flower! (squat and begin to rise slowly)

Hello morning! (right hand to the side)

Hello day! (left hand to the side)

We are not too lazy to say hello!

Good morning everybody!

Children sit on high chairs

b). Surprise moment. A knock on the window (An audio recording of the cock's voice sounds)

c) riddle

Ku-ka-re-ku he shouts loudly,

Flaps its wings loudly and loudly

Little chickens are a faithful shepherd,

What's his name?

Children. Cock

(the cock is brought in)

2.Main part:

Cockerel. Hello guys. Do you recognize me? I wanted to learn to fly, but it never worked out for me, even though I am a bird. So I accidentally landed on your window. I’m so cold because on the street you know what time of year? (Children. Spring!)

What signs of spring do you know?

And such a wind. Do you know how the wind howls?

a). Articulatory gymnastics "Wind" D. U-u-u ... (strong and weak wind)

b). Respiratory gymnastics "Cockerel" Cockerel. Won't you warm me my wings are so cold?

The cock flapped its wings,

He suddenly woke us all up.

I. p. - o.s.

1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale);

2 - clap your hands on your thighs "ku-ka-re-ku" (exhale).

Cockerel. Thanks guys, I got warm.

Educator. -We also know Petya's poem about you. Let's tell guys?

With a little help from a teacher, children recite familiar poems and nursery rhymes about the cockerel.

Finger gymnastics "Petya-cockerel".

Petya, Petya-cockerel (we connect the thumb and forefinger in a "beak")

Golden comb (we cross the fingers of two hands)

Silk head (stroking the head)

Oily beard (stroking the chin)

That you get up early (stretch out on toes, hands up)

Cockerel. It's about me!

c). Writing a story description

Q. What a beautiful Cockerel we have. What are the body parts of the cock and what color are they?

D. Head. scallop, tail, legs

Q. What color is the scallop?

D. red

Q. And what is the tail?

D. Beautiful, big

B. The tail of the cockerel is multicolored

Q. Listen to my story about the cockerel.

Q. It's a cockerel. He's big, handsome. He has a multi-colored tail. Red scallop. Small eyes and a beak. He screams ku-ka-re-ku.

Q. Who wants to tell you about the cockerel?

Child: this is a cockerel, he is beautiful, he has a beautiful tail. Cockerel screams cuckoo

(ask 2-3 children)

V. (I ask questions individually with an inactive child)

Child: Cockerel

That he has?

Child: tail, beak.

Is it big or small?

Child: large

d). Physical education "Cock"

The cock is standing on a leg

And he pecks peas in the garden (they stand on one leg, with their hands they depict how a cockerel pecks).

Oh, the leg is tired,

I look a little bit (walking in place; the same with the other leg).

Cockerel. Guys, I'm so hungry, I see grains on your table. I'm going to peck them all up now.

Educator. Wait, wait Petya, the guys and I recently read the fairy tale "Cockerel and a Bean Seed", so there the cockerel choked and almost died, guys, and what kind of grain did he choke on?

Children. Bobov

Educator. Why did he choke on a bean grain?

Children. It is very large.

e). Practical work

(children around the table sort out the food on each jar the image of beans and peas)

Individual responses of children

Q. What are we going to put in this jar?

What peas?

D. small, round

Q. What do we put in this jar?

D. beans

Q. What beans?

D. large

(ask 2-3 children)

Q. Guys, tell me what grains to peck for Petya? Why?

P. Thank you guys, I will peck the peas.

3. The final part.

Educator. Did you guys like the cockerel? What did we do with the cock today? Cockerel, stay with us, and the guys will tell you later the fairy tale "Cockerel and a bean seed"

Cockerel. Guys, I want to be friends with you, you helped me out today, only true friends do this.

The song "True friend" is played.

GCD for the development of speech in the second junior group

and Metalnikova Natalya Vasilievna

Integration educational areas: "Physical Culture"," artistic creation "," socialization "," health "," cognition "

Psychological and pedagogical tasks:

1. Cognitive speech direction:

Learn to describe fruit using adjectives

Exercise in the coordination of nouns, adjectives, pronouns in gender, number

To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds (in), (in,), to learn to pronounce them for a long time, on one exhalation

2. Social and personal direction:

Cultivate interest in visual arts

To bring up accuracy, respect for your work

3. Artistic and aesthetic direction:

Development of creative abilities of preschoolers in the process of artistic productive independent activity.

4. Physical direction:

Develop fine motor skills of the hands,

Stimulate the physical activity of children.

Methods and techniques: artistic word, conversation, clarity, reliance on the personal experience of children.

Forms of organization: subgroup.

Equipment: kitten toy, dummies of fruits, magic bag, gouache, blanks of paper circles for plates for each child

Preliminary work: learning the game "Cat and Mouse", poems "Cat"

1. Organizational moment

Guys, today on the way to kindergarten, I met a little ... kitten (showing the toy)

How can you affectionately call a little kitten?

What is it with him? (pointing to ears).

What ears? Children's answer: small

And what's that? (pointing to the tail)

What ponytail? Children's answer: long

And who remembers the rhyme about the kitten? Let's remember it all together.

3. Telling a poem with a show

Like our cat

The coat is very good. (depict a fur coat with their hands, stroking)

Like a cat's whiskers (showing whiskers)

Amazing beauty.

Bold eyes (blinking eyes)

The teeth are white. (smile)

In my opinion, the kitten liked the poem and he really wants to play with you.

4. An outdoor game "Cat and Mouse".

Children-mice lead a round dance, one child-cat sits on a highchair

The mice are dancing

The cat is dozing on the couch.

Hush, mice, do not make noise,

Don't wake up Vaska the cat!

Vaska-cat will wake up,

Will break your round dance.

Children scatter, and the cat catches them.

5. Articulation gymnastics.

Children sit on high chairs.

The kitten offers his rhyme.

Va-va-va grass has grown in the forest

Ve-ve-ve the cat is sitting on the grass

Let's all repeat it together. at first in a whisper. Now it's loud.

6. The main part of enriching the vocabulary of children.

Guys, Kitten came with a bag. I wonder what's in the bag

I call one child, and they take an apple, lemon, banana, orange from the bag.

And what can you say in one word what the kitten brought? Children's answer: fruit.

And let's tell the kitten about them, he has never tried them and wants to know what they are.

What kind of apple? Children's answer: round, red, large

What lemon? Children's answer: round, small, yellow

What banana? Children's answer: long, big, yellow

What orange? Children's answer: round, big, orange

7. Individual work by speech development

One child goes out and tells the cat about the fruit that the child has chosen.

8. The game "Learn by description"

And now I will tell you about the fruit, and you guess what kind of fruit it is.

9. Artistic creativity. Drawing.

Where should we put the fruit? Children's answer: on the table, on a plate

Then let's draw a plate in which we will put the fruit.

10. Finger gymnastics.

The finger is thick and large

I went to the garden for plums (the tip of the thumb hits the middle of the palm)

The index showed him the way from the doorway (fold your fingers into a fist, extend your index and show him on different sides)

the middle finger is the most he knocks down the plums from the branch

(fold your thumb and middle fingers to make a click)

The unnamed picks up (fold the large and unnamed so that it clicks)

And the little finger is the gentleman, throws bones into the ground (move the little finger)

11. Decoration of plates with gouache paints.

Finger drawing. Children draw on their own, the teacher helps the pupils.

12. Exhibition of plates.

Placing prepared fruits on plates.

What benefits do fruits give us?

Vera Anashkina
Abstract of GCD for speech development in the second junior group "Family"

Anashkina Vera Viktorovna.

Abstract of GCD for speech development in the second junior group« A family»

purpose: creating conditions for speech activity of children, the formation of an idea of family, all its members living together in one house.


Introduce children junior preschool age with such a social phenomenon as a family.

Consolidate knowledge about family, its members and those social roles that perform in family: father, mother, grandmother, grandfather and child.

Expand and replenish the vocabulary of children with new adjectives and verbs, consolidate their use in speech.

To consolidate the ability to form adjectives with diminutive suffixes in your speech.

Develop the ability to reason and prove, thinking;

Organization of children's views activities:

1. communication between a child and an adult;

2. communication of the child with peers

3. research practice.

Methods and techniques:

Game: a surprise moment, didactic games, finger games.

Verbal: conversation, questions, instructions, encouragements, artistic word

Visual: Display illustrations.

GCD move.

The teacher invites the children to join hands, stand in a circle, smile at each other.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's take a tight hand

And we will smile at each other.

Educator: How warm and light it became in our group from your smiles.

Children, see what unusual and new you have noticed in our group?

What is the turret worth?

And the light is on in the window!

Let's go to this tower.

And the tower is called ...

Children: House

Educator: Guys, look how big it is, how many windows it has. I wonder who lives in it?

The teacher makes a riddle.

Fragrant jam,

Treat pies

Delicious pancakes

At the beloved ...

Children: grandmothers.

The teacher inserts a picture of the grandmother into the window-pocket.

I know that each of you loves your grandmothers very much. If you have joy, they rejoice with you; if you are sad, they will soothe, comfort. What kind of hands do your grandmothers have?

Children: warm, gentle.

Educator: Well done, guess the next riddle.

He did not work out of boredom,

He has calluses in his hands

And now he is old and gray

My dear, beloved ...

Children: Grandfather.

The teacher inserts a picture of the grandfather into the window-pocket.

Educator: Which one of you has a grandfather? What are the names of your grandfathers? (The teacher asks the children to answer what is the name of each of them's grandfather.)

Educator riddle:

Guess who it is?

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail

Will give the car to steer

And he will tell you how to be brave

Strong, agile and skillful?

You guys all know -

This is our favorite.

Children: Dad.

The teacher inserts a picture with a picture of dad into the window-pocket.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

Seryozha, what is your dad's name?

Who are you for dad?

What is he doing at home?

How does it help mom?

Nastya, tell us about your dad.

Educator: Great! Now listen to the next one riddle:

The cradle who rocks you,

Who sings songs to you,

Who tells you fairy tales

And give you some toys?

Children: Mother.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

The teacher inserts a picture with a picture of mom into the window-pocket.

Educator: Mom is the closest relative, the most dear person. Guys, what's your mom's name? (Answers of the children.) What beautiful names your moms have. Guys, do you love your mothers? Let's choose the most gentle, most affectionate words for our mother.

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done! That's how much wonderful words we said about mom. Guys, look, there is one window left not open.

Fidgets are small

They jump like bunnies

They eat sweet sweets,

Laughing loudly and shouting!

Children's answers.

The teacher inserts a picture of the child into the window-pocket.

Educator: Look at our house. Who lives in it? And how can they be called in one word?

Children: A family.

Physiotherapy "Family exercises".

In the autumn, in the spring

Summer and winter

We go out into the yard

Amicably family.

Let's stand in a circle and in order

Everyone is doing exercises.

Mom raises her hands

Dad cheerfully squats

Turns right - left

My brother Seva is doing it.

I jog myself

And I shake my head.

The teacher invites children to draw their own family... Invites them to the tables. Children draw.

Then they look at the drawings all together.

Related publications:

Direct educational activity on speech development "Teremok" in the second junior group Age group: 2 junior group.

Purpose: To continue to form children's ideas about the family and its members. Tasks: Educational: To teach the correct name of family members.

Abstract of the GCD for cognitive and speech development in the second junior group "Save the kids from the evil wolf" Directly educational activities in the second junior group Educational areas: cognitive, speech development. Tasks:.

Abstract of the GCD for cognitive and speech development in the second junior group "Visiting the sun" Educational area: Cognitive development Integration of educational areas: Speech development. Objectives: Educational area.

Summary of GCD for speech development with elements of theatrical activity in the second junior group "Turnip" Abstract of direct organized educational activities for speech development with elements of theatrical activity in.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten number 3 Synopsis of directly educational activities.

Open GCD for speech development in the first junior group of preschool educational institutions "Let's help the kitty"

Software content:
1. Teach children to recognize and name a pet.
2. To form the ability to highlight the characteristic features of a fluffy tail, soft coat, keen eyes, etc.
3. Develop the ability to emulate the actions of animals and the sound to imitate them.
4. Develop attention, memory.
5. To foster goodwill and responsiveness, interest in Russian folklore.
Promote the development of the ability to speak about appearance cats. Stimulate initiative appeals in joint actions and games. Activate children to act according to the words of the text.
Form in children elementary representations about the cat, its appearance, its behavior and habits.
Material: toy
3.Pictures with kittens (A4 format)
Methodical techniques:
1.surprising moment,
2.artistic word,
3.examination of a cat toy,
4. questions to children,
5. physical education,
6. viewing pictures.
Prior work:
1. reading the nursery rhyme "Like our cat"
2.d / and "Pets"
3. Observing the cat for a walk.
Vocabulary work:
3.Sightful eyes
The teacher puts a basket with a cat in the locker room before class.
Educator: Guys, guests came to us today to see how you can play. Let's say hello to them.
Children: Hello!
Educator: Now let's say hello to each other.

Let's stand side by side in a circle
Let's say hello to each other.
We are not too lazy to say hello:
Hello everyone!" and "Good afternoon!"
If everyone smiles -
Good morning will begin!

An audio recording of the kitten's meow sounds.
Educator: Can't you hear anything? What is this strange sound? Where is he from? Maybe under the table? Or in a toy box? It seems to me that this strange sound outside the door.
Who meowed at the door
Open up soon
It's very cold at times
Kitty asks to go home

The teacher brings the basket and begins to examine the contents of the basket with the children.
Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us? Let's say hello to kitty.
Children greet
Educator: Guys, our guest is very cold, because it's cold outside. Let's help the cat warm up.

Finger gymnastics
Let's play a little bit
Yes, let's clap our hands.
We warm our fingers
We squeeze them, uncompress them.

What are you guys, good fellows. Come on to the rug, we will get acquainted with the cat. The kitty told me in my ear that her name was Murka. Sofia, what is the name of the cat (individual answers of children).
Educator: Guys, look how beautiful Murka is. She has a soft coat, fluffy tail. Pet her. And where are the cat's ears, and yours? And where Murki's eyes are, the cat has sharp eyes, she sees them even at night. See what small paws the cat has, which have claws. With its claws, the cat scratches and catches mice.
Like our cat
The coat is very good!
Like a cat's mustache
Amazing beauty
The eyes are bold, the teeth are white!

(nursery rhyme from the book)

Educator: Guys, let's play with Murka!

Physical education
The cat has eyes (kids blink their eyes)
The cat has ears, (Children show ears)
The cat has paws - (Children show their hands)
Soft pillows.
Cat, cat, don't be angry (Grandfathers shake their finger)
Don't scratch kids - scatter! (Stomp their feet).

Educator:Oh, guys, Murka is sad for something. I think she's hungry. What do you think the cat loves to eat?
Educator: Make a saucer out of your palms.
Pussy came up to the kids
Milk asked.
Milk asked
"Meow" - said
Meow meow meow.

Educator:Guys, tell me, how did Murka ask for milk (Meow-meow) Arseny, how did Murka ask for milk?
The little kitty ate
The little kitty ate
She sang a song:
"Moore - moor - moor"

Educator: Varya, tell me what song the little kitty sang (the teacher interviews several children). Guys, let's sing a song together.
Educator: Guys, you warmed Murka, fed her and played with her. Murka is very tired and wants to sleep. Let's put it in the basket and pet it.
Moore - moore - moore, -
The cat purrs, -
Pat her a little!
From warmth and affection
She will close her eyes!

Educator: Well done, Murka fell asleep.
Educator:While our kitty is sleeping, let's see what kittens like to do. Kittens lap milk, wash, play, sleep.
Educator: You are such great fellows, I think Murka liked you very much. Did you like her? Do you want to leave her in our group? Let Murka stay with us. And for the fact that you are so kind, affectionate, I will treat you to cookies.