Educational needs of children and adolescents. Special educational needs - what is it? Watch what is "educational needs" in other dictionaries

Socio-pedagogical studies of educational needs and expectations of parents are a necessary stage of building a system of interaction parents are a school.

The results of the correlation analysis of the educational needs of parents and the degree of effectiveness of solving various vital problems allow us to draw the following conclusions:

The educational needs of parents in the field of communication, interpersonal relations reflect the real problems, in this area, parents may form an educational order themselves;

The educational needs of parents in the field of legislation and rights, art, cultures are not adequately recognized by them adequately, these areas can act as brought to the educational process of the integrative component, and the order of parents can be formed in the process of consulting work.

The study of the educational position of parents and the world of their problems makes it possible to find that having an active educational position, much less frequently fix financial difficulties, poor well-being, the threat of loss of work, fatigue, less often fix conflicts, less often complain about loneliness, misunderstanding, loss of life. It should be emphasized that the material wealth of this group of parents does not differ from the material wealth of people studying as necessary or having a passive educational position. Parents who are constantly working on themselves, expanding their horizons (about 30% of respondents), are significantly more often ready to cooperate with the school, and their educational order is more often associated with the titles in the field of art and science, with the transfer of accumulated experience.

specific educational needs.

The educational needs of male parents are more connected with the professional labor sphere, with socio-political life, science. At the same time, it is Pope more often fix an order for assisting them in crisis situations. Moms are more often interested in the art and culture, moral sphere of life, self-improvement, nature conservation.

Both moms, and the Dad, the problem of assisting children in teaching causes maximum interest. For parents of students, grades 8-11, the sphere of professional orientation of children is highly significant. At the same time, parents are ready to speak in front of children with stories about their profession, about the possibilities and difficulties of professional career.

Educational orientations of parents reflect the problems with which they face in life. So, in men, compared to women, more interest raise the issues of driving a car, organizing their own business, the implementation of their hobbies and hobbies, and in women - issues of effective disposal of money, search Work, obtaining additional education.

In a modern situation, the educational needs of parents, differently evaluating the financial situation of their families, have some differences. For example, there are a need for knowledge of religious and moral life only 3% of parents who rated their family as excellent, 12% - assessed by the position of their family as a secondent, 31% - assessed by the financial situation below average, and 60% of parents rated The financial situation of his family as very heavy. Parents highly estimated their financial situation are more often concerned about the issues of studying a foreign language, problems of their image and external attractiveness. Parents, lowly rated the financial situation of their families, more often, where to find work, how to help your child, how to interact with the school, with teachers.

In a modern social situation, the level of education is less affected by the educational needs of parents than, for example, the financial situation. The specifics of educational orientation of adults with different levels of education are expressed rather in forms and methods of obtaining education. Judgment "I We constantly master the new ones of professional activities "share 33% of parents with secondary education, 35% of parents with secondary special education and 38% of parents with higher education.

Parents, having a higher education, are more focused on books as the main educational source, among them more those who have an active educational position. Parents with a lower educational level are mainly focused on the advice of acquaintances, for mass media.

About half of the parents surveyed emphasize the importance of joint theaters with children, holding sports events and excursions.

In modern social conditions, the unemployment factor radically affects the educational needs of adults, determining the state of the event-biographical crisis. Most unemployed parents experience alienation, loss of life meaning, losing self-control. In the same time often The unemployment situation is reassessing their relationship with children, being an incentive of their development as a parent.

There is a reorientation of a housekeeping look. Most of the women consider this the profession in which they successfully implement themselves. The educational needs of the surveyed housewives are specific. This is an increased interest in the problems of legislation and law, finance and economics, reduced interest in environmental issues. Despite the fact that 86% of housewives think that many of their abilities remained not yet disclosed (42% - the average meaning in groups), 35% of them are quite satisfied with their own life (10% - the average value in groups), and 83% look at The future with hope (47% is the mean in groups).

The profession has a special impact on the nature of the educational needs of adults. As the results of a specific study show, two professional groups of parents who have reliable differences in educational orientations can be distinguished.

The first group is parents with technical education. They are much less frequently interested in self-improvement issues, obtaining communication skills, problems of art and culture, socio-political life and even a professional labor sphere of life. Issues of practical knowledge for them are somewhat more interest. They are more often interested in the problems of mastering computer equipment, a foreign language. Among the methods of interaction with children, they often choose authoritarian. Only 11% of the participated parents of the group under consideration responded that they would like to be useful to their Fatherland. All this certainly reflects some depression of parents with circumstances of life, allows us to consider these parents as a specific group towards society and to children.

The second group is parents who have education in the field of interaction man - man (Teachers, Medical Workers, etc.). The educational needs of this group are more often associated with the problems of communication, conflicts, with a professional labor area, with the issues of transferring accumulated experience and less often with the problems of finance and economics. In the practical plan of the parents of this group, it is more likely to concern questions related to the ability to interact with other people, they are interested in how to protect themselves or how

to look nice. 40% of the parents of this group would like to be useful to their Fatherland, 45% are ready to make contact with the school in which their children learn.

When building a system of interaction parents - school Features and interests of each of these groups will determine educational opportunities and the degree of parental satisfaction.

Programs and methods Working with parents should be aimed at increasing the pedagogical culture of parents, to strengthen the interaction of the school and family, to strengthen its educational potential.

Work methods: observation; conversation; testing; Questioning.

Forms of work with parents

Consulting parents can be two types:

1. Methodical (Everything that concerns the development of the educational program, the individual educational route of the student, methods of additional education, etc.).

2. Psychological(All that is associated with the individual characteristics of the child and its socialization).

However, regardless of the type there are certain consultancy principles:

- creation of trust relationships;

- mutual respect;

- the interest of consultants;

- competence;

- formation of the parents of the installation on an independent solution to the problem;

- Good organization of counseling.

Tatyana Galushchk
Article "Special educational needs of preschoolers"

Special educational needs of preschoolers

Galuschk T. V.

MOU "Primary school p. Oak"

More and more preschool and school institutions we meet children whose educational needs go beyond the boundaries of the conditioned generally accepted norm, the so-called "children with features in development ".

These include two categories children:

Who is "Gifted child"?

A gifted child is a child who is distinguished by bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) In one form of activity.

Giftedness is often manifested in successful activities that have a natural, amateur. For example, a child who is enthusiastic, the child can build its own at home with enthusiasm, but not to show similar activity preschoolnor in specially organized free activities (mug, club of young technicians, etc.). In addition, gifted children are far from always seeking to demonstrate their achievements in front of others. So, the child, at an older age, composing poems or stories, can hide his passion from teachers. Therefore, the system work of the pedagogical team of the kindergarten for development is very important in the identification of gifted children. abilities and cloigned preschool children with parents.

The basis of the pedagogical problem of gifting lies cognitive activity Child. Gifted children are distinguished by the latterness of the perception of the world, a sharp feeling of what is happening around, their brain is in constant work. Training and education of such children using modern methods is one of the main tasks of upgrading the existing system. education in connection withthat they have a greatly developed cognitive needwhich becomes a barrier on the way of becoming their personality and self-improvement.

If the child is ahead of the peers in development, many in his surroundings believe that it will be easier for him to engage in school, and in the future find its purpose in life. In fact, in front of such children almost always there are not small difficulties at home and in educational institutions.

In a family circle, such a child always belongs to special, for him or create special status, admire, often not even knowing measures, or consider it strange, not like everyone else. Because of this, a gifted child begins to communicate difficulties, it becomes closed, because it closes in itself, or because of too overestimated self-esteem. And in this situation, parents are most importantly not to let everything on samonek, but to talk to professionals: psychologists, educators. They will not only help cope with the problem, but also send parent education.

Usually gifted children in educational institutions can be divided into two type: 1 Type - Children are significantly successful in class. They, as a rule, are well developed, they also possess a huge vocabulary, they are happy to deal with complex tasks, do not tolerate interventions and imposing a ready-made response.

2 Type - it includes children who have a gift that are not related to educational activities. It can be a game on musical instruments, drawing, dancing, sports, etc. Here it is possible that the child can even lag behind the program educational institutionHe becomes not interested in classroom, because he does not understand much, does not absorb. On this basis, misunderstandings arise with parents and teachers who expected to see in him excellent. Educational training comes to the aid of educators, which takes into account special needs and the main opportunity of such children. It includes special guidelines and programs aimed at effective interaction with the child, and its main task is to develop creative thinking.

Who is such a child with OVD?

Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On education In the Russian Federation "defines students with limited features health as individuals having disadvantages in physical and(or) psychological development confirmed by the conclusion of the psychological and medical and pedagogical commission and preventing obtaining education Without creating special conditions. Obtaining the conclusion of the PMPC is the most important stage in confirmation status of a child with OVD.

And this category of children is extremely heterogeneous. This is determined primarily by the fact that it includes children with different violations. development: impaired hearing, view, musculoskeletal system, intelligence, children with delay and complex developmental impairment, as well as speech (Stuttering, VD).

Correctioning and developing work with a child with ABS has its own features. Increasing inclusive education of children with deviations in a special correctional group in general education children's garden And among the peers in the usual group. Even children with significant impairments can be integrated for 2-3 people in a regular group, but at the same time they need not only an individual approach, but also special training. Quite often, the PMPC recommends that parents identify a child with disabilities in a compensation group or a group of combination direction where inclusive education. This approach makes it possible to more actively include children with disabilities in the life of society and instill them communication skills.

In accordance with GEF before and taking into account the approximate educational program preschool education speech therapists, the flaws are developing adapted educational program for children with APV - either the main one or individual, depending in which group is a child (compensating or combined orientation).

With the right and ongoing development, many deviations in the further formation can be considerably mitigated. Currently, there is an increase in the number of guys with severe violations, but together with this, thanks to the use of the latest equipment, modern correction programs, many children achieve the desired level Development in its age category.

It is also impossible to not be noted that the child with OVS can be "gifted" in one area or another. One of the methods for identifying gifted and talented children with ABS are various competitions, quizzes, contests, competitions, as well as research activities of children.

Important tasks facing teachers is the identification of children with " special educational needs ", the development of them educational and creative abilities, considering individual features of the child's development. In Covere work, it is necessary to focus on organizing the success of a child in educational and creative activity, by supporting on its positive, strong qualities.


1. Heat B. M. "Problems of individual differences" - M., 1961,

2. "Psychology of the gifting of children and adolescents" Edited by N. S. Leitehes,

M., 1996- 205 C.

3. Savenkov A. I. "Gifted children in kindergarten and school" - M., 2000

4. Bolotov V. A. On integrated education and training of children with deviations in development in preschool educational institutions. Method. Letter of the Ministry formation of the Russian Federation - M.., 2002. - 12 p.

5. Galagowzova M. A. Social pedagogy. Lecture course. Humanite. ed. Center Vlados. M., 2000 - 416 p.

6. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (Ed. from 03.07.2016) "About education in Russian Federation" - article 2 P.. 16.

Internet sources:



Special educational needs of students with races

The development of ties of an autistic child with a close person and society is generally broken and is not so normal, and not as other children with OVD. Mental development during autism is not simply detained or violated, it is distorted, since the mental functions of such a child are not developing in line with social interaction and solving real life problems, but to a large extent as a means of autostimulation, means of restriction, and not the development of interaction with the environment and other people .

Development distortion is characteristic of changing the ratio of a simple and difficult child. It may have fragmented ideas about the environment, not to allocate and not comprehend the simplest connections in what is happening in everyday life, which is not a regular child. It may not accumulate elementary domestic life experience, but to exercise competence in more formal, distracted areas of knowledge - to allocate colors, geometric forms, interested in numbers, letters, grammatical forms, and the like. This child is difficult to actively adapt to changing conditions, new circumstances, so the ability of such children and even already developed skills and accumulated knowledge are poorly implemented in life.

Transfer to such children social experience, the introduction of their culture is of particular difficulty.Establishing an emotional contact and the involvement of a child in developing practical interaction, to joint understanding of what is happening is the basic task of special psychological and pedagogical assistance during autism.

The special educational needs of children with autism during primary school learning include, in addition to general, characteristic of all children with ABS, the following specific needs:

  • in a large part of cases At the beginning of education, there is a need for a gradual and individually dosed introduction of a child into a class training situation. A class visit must be regular, but adjustable in accordance with the cash capabilities of the child to cope with the alarm, fatigue, saturation and excitation. As the child is addicted to the situation in the classroom, it should approach its full inclusion in the process of initial school learning;
  • the choice of lessons who begins to visit the child should begin with those where he feels the most successful and interested and gradually, if possible, includes all the others;
  • most children with races are significantly detained in the development of self-service and life support skills: it is necessary to be ready for possible household helplessness and the slowness of the child, problems with the visit to the toilet, the dining room, with selectiveness in food, disguishable difficulties, with the fact that he does not know how to ask a question, Compare, seek help. Admission to school usually motivates the child to overcome these difficulties and its attempts must be supported by special correctional work on the development of social skills;
  • special support for children (individual and when working in the classroom) in the development of verbal and non-verbal communication capabilities are necessary: \u200b\u200bto seek information and help, express your attitude, assessment, consent or refusal, share your impressions;
  • there may be a need for temporary and individually dosed support both the tutor and the assistant (assistant) of the organization of the entire child's stay at the school and his academic behavior in the lesson; Support must gradually be reduced and removed as the child is addicted, the development of the order of school life, the rules of behavior in school and at the lesson, social and consumer adaptation skills and communication skills;
  • at the beginning of training, when identified need , along with a class visiting, the child must be provided with additional individual classes with a teacher to work out forms of adequate training behavior, the ability to communicate and interact with the teacher, adequately perceive praise and comments;
  • periodic individual pedagogical classes (cycles of classes) are needed to a child with races even with an adequate adequate behavior to control the development of the new educational material in the classroom (which may be difficult for him in the period of addictive to school) and, if necessary, to provide individual correctional assistance in the development of the program;
  • it is necessary to create a particularly clear and ordered temporal-spatial structure of lessons and the whole child's stay at school, giving him a support for understanding what is happening and self-organization;
  • special work is needed to summarize the child to the possibility of participating in the frontal organization at the lesson: planning a mandatory period of transition from individual verbal and non-verbal instructions for frontal; In the use of forms of praise, taking into account the peculiarities of children with races and developing opportunities to adequately perceive the comments in their address and to the address of the coarticles;
  • in the organization of training such a child and the assessment of its achievements, the specifics of the development of skills and assimilation of information during the autism of the peculiarities of the development of "simple" and "complex" are necessary;
  • It is necessary to introduce special sections of corrective training that contribute to overcoming the fragmentation of ideas about the environment, the development of communications, socio-household skills;
  • a special correctional work is needed to comprehend, ordering and differentiating the individual life experience of the child, extremely incomplete and fragmented; providing him to help experience impressions, memories, ideas about the future, the development of the ability to plan, choose, compare;
  • a child with races needs special assistance in ordering and understanding the digestible knowledge and skills that does not allow their mechanical formal accumulation and use for autostimulation;
  • a child with races needs at least at first, in a special organization on change , in engaging it in habitual lessons, allowing him to relax and, if possible, to interact with other children;
  • a child with races for primary education needs to create training conditions that ensure the situation of sensory and emotional comfort (the absence of sharp mood drops, an even and warm tone of the teacher's voice for any student of the class), orderliness and predictability of what is happening;
  • a special installation of a teacher for the development of emotional contact with the child is needed, maintaining confidence in it is that it is accepted, he is sympathized, that he is successful in classes;
  • the teacher must try to broadcast this setting of the child's fees with races, without emphasizing his peculiarity, and, showing his strengths and causing sympathy to him with his attitude, involve children in accessible interaction;
  • it is necessary to develop the attention of children to manifestations of close adults and coarticles and special assistance in understanding situations taking place with other people, their relationship;
  • for social Development the child needs to use its emotional abilities;
  • the process of his learning in primary school Must be supported by psychological support that optimizes the interaction of the child with teachers and coarticles, families and schools;
  • a child with races already during primary education needs an individually dosed and gradual expansion of educational space outside the educational institution.

Sections: School administration

Currently, the process of becoming new system Education focused on the country's entry into the global educational space. It is accompanied by substantial changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process.

There is a change in the educational paradigm: other content, other approaches, rights, relationships, behavior, other pedagogical mentality are offered.

In the modern socio-economic and socio-cultural situation, a special role among pedagogical systems of general education belongs to an educational school that ensures the process of learning, education and development of children and adolescents aged from 6.5 to 17 years.

Changes in russian society Changed changes in the social order of society to educational institutions. In the conditions of cardinal reforms occurring in society, education solves the task of the formation and development of the personality, the formation of value orientations, civilian-patriotic education, the preservation and strengthening of physical and moral health of the individual. Thus, education thereby turns into an effective factor in the development of society.

The activities of the school, its nature and general directions of development are determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulations on an educational institution, other regulatory acts. These documents include the basic principles of building a system of education, determined the strategic goals of its development, determined state policy to update the content of education.

Published for discussion The project "Concept of federal state educational standards of general education". It describes the educational standards of the second generation, reflecting changes in society and the modern requirements of society to education.

In the concept of terror-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, special attention is paid to the development of the education system in the coming period.

The basis of the development of the education system is invited to put openness to external requests, the application of project methods, the competitive identification and support of leaders, successfully implementing new approaches in practice, the targeting of resource support tools and the integrated nature of the decisions made.

Strategic goal public Policy The field of education is to increase the availability of high-quality education that meets the requirements of the innovative development of the economy, the modern needs of society and every citizen.

To implement this purpose, the following tasks are required: to ensure the innovative nature of basic education, competence-based approach in training, develop variability educational programs, form the mechanisms for assessing the quality and demand of educational services involving consumers.

One of the criteria of high quality russian education It should be an increase in its competitiveness.

The state determines as the highest goal of education - the formation of self-developing and self-determined personality capable of open, creative interaction with itself similar, by the state based on generally accepted humanistic value orientations.

The school covers the greatest number of children and adolescents, is the only system where children and adolescents are over a long period of time. The time of training and staying in an educational institution coincides with the period of growth and development of the child, when the most intensive is the formation of the value orientations of the child's personality, when the establishment of a civil position occurs.

An important goal of Russian education at the present stage of its development is to ensure the quality of education, as the quality of education is the quality of the results of the educational process, the quality of the educational process, the quality of the conditions for its flow, which is reflected in the concept of federal state educational standards of general education.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" notes that the development of such a document, as the educational program of the school, is obligatory. However, the definition of this concept in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" is absent. Consider the concept of "educational program".

Translated from the Greek word "program" means " summary What should be completed. In modern scientific and pedagogical literature, various options for interpretation of the specified concept are presented. If you appeal to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", then in the preamble it is given to the definition of education as a targeted process of education and training in the interests of man, society and the state.

Integrating the concept of "education" and "educational program", M. N. Artsev presents the following definition of the educational program: "The educational program in the general form can be defined as a statement of the objectives and principles of education and training in the interests of man, society and the state." A more specific definition of the educational program gives O.E. Lebedev, who claims that the school educational program is a program of joint activity of the school administration, teachers, students, their parents to achieve common goals. O.E. Lebedev stresses that the "school educational program is a program to achieve the objectives of education in the context of this school."

V.V. Egorova, considering the concept of an educational program, draws attention to its regulatory aspect: "The educational program is a document that defines only the content of education in a particular institution and technology for the implementation of this content. I.S. The Yakiman educational program treats variatives: the educational program is a description of the system of activities carried out by the school to achieve their goals, the educational program is the basic curriculum that determines the content, orientation (profile) of the educational institution, as well as the educational program - this is the basis of learning individualization (Parenting) students. "

Obviously, the interpretation of this concept is very wide. In this regard, the development of the content, a description of the principles of construction, technology implementationthe educational program is theoretically important and practically significant. The concept of the educational program, the following meaningful blocks are allocated. First, the educational program is viewed as a program (system of measures) of targeted joint activities of the teacher and a child to achieve the planned learning goals. Secondly, the educational program is understood as a document that determines the content of this activity. Thirdly, the educational program is a peculiar curriculum of a certain orientation (individualized, for example).

The team of our school considers the educational program as a tool for managing the quality of education, and the purpose of the educational program in this case become a guarantee of obtaining high-quality education.

One of the features of educational programs is their classification. First, the classification of educational programs can be carried out in terms of execution. There are short-term educational programs designed for one academic year, medium-term educational programs with a period of sale from three to five years are also developed for long-term educational programs with a period of action from five to ten years.

Secondly, the basis of the classification of educational programs is information about what type of educational institution is being developed educational program. In accordance with this principle, it is possible to divide educational programs for educational programs of pre-school education institutions, educational programs of general education schools, educational programs of gymnasiums, educational programs of lyceums and educational programs of other educational institutions.

Third, the way to classify educational programs is the separation of educational programs into groups in accordance with the larsence of task display. In this case, the educational program can be a regulatory document reflecting the content of the current activities of the pedagogical team, also the educational program can be positioned as a document reflecting the need to update an educational institution. There is a group of educational programs that are a document in which both approaches are combined. The educational program in this case is a regulatory document, which reflects the content of the current activities of the pedagogical team and outlines the directions on which the educational institution will be updated.

If we consider the educational program as a document determining the content educational activities Institutions, it is impossible to do without considering the structure of the educational program. The following information blocks should be present in the educational program: the characteristic of the social order of the participants of the educational process, a description of the characteristics of the organization of the educational process of this school, a description of forms, methods, pedagogical technologies used by the pedagogical team to achieve educational purposes, a description of the forms of current control applied in the study Process, action plan for the implementation of the tasks.

The meaning and value of the educational institution's educational program is to express the focus of the educational process in the institution, to determine itself as a holistic pedagogical system.

In this regard, in the process of developing an educational institution program, there are certain difficulties. In order to develop an effective educational program, the implementation of the following seven stages is necessary. The first stage is a deep analysis of the school's educational activities at the current time. At the second stage, based on the analysis data, a diagnostic goal is made to be achievable. The third stage is to properly choose the methods of identifying educational needs in order to obtain true source data for work. All this gives grounds at the fourth stage to identify the problems of the school in the educational area and offer ways to solve them. To solve identified problems at the fifth stage, all participants in the educational process should be attracted to the development of an educational program. For efficient work Educational program The sixth stage involves the development of methods for tracking intermediate stages, the ability to correct the educational program. The seventh stage is to consider how to manage the implementation of the educational program.

Thus, the main complexity in the process of developing an educational program is that it is necessary to perform a comprehensive analytic and generalizing and prognostic work.

The team of our school offers the following approach to the formation and structure of the educational program. The educational program is divided into several large blocks that relate to the structure of the program proposed by us. Consequently, the following sections can be distinguished in the educational program.

First section - general about the establishment. This section provides an information certificate of school, analyzing school activities over the past three years, the problems of the functioning of an educational institution are identified. Data analysis will allow you to create a real educational program. Second section - goals, tasks, priority areas. In this section, based on the analysis of the data of the first section, the objectives of the educational program are formulated. It is especially important, from our point of view, strive to maximize clarity and concreteness of objectives, since the objectives of the following are determined by the tasks that this educational program solves and the directions on which it is implemented. Third section - the content and organization of the educational process . The content and organization of the educational process differ in the training steps. If the educational program of the school is written, then this section shows the content and organization of the educational process of each stage. This article discusses the educational program of the senior school.

In addition, the organization of the educational process, the form of training and pedagogical technologies is described, the list of materials of the educational and methodological base, namely, is: Software - training courses programs, in which the content of education and methods of organizing his assimilation are determined; didactic support - control and diagnostic materials for the purpose of assessing the quality of the learning of the material by students (tests, test papers etc), the availability of alternative textbooks; Methodical support.

As an integral part of the educational program acts as a curriculum. He is preceded by an explanatory note, in which the principles and approaches to the formation of the curriculum are revealed. The school curriculum and his school component should work on achieving the objectives formulated in the previous section.

Such a structure of the educational program convincingly proves that the second and third sections are linked by direct logical connections: the objectives of the School correlate with the main means of their achievement (curriculum) and with the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process. Moreover, the second act as the conditions for achieving the goals marked by the school.

The fourth section is to manage the implementation of the program, which is carried out through the system of intra-school inspection and includes measures to obtain real data on the state of the educational process in the school as a whole.

The implementation of the implementation of the educational program is carried out through control over the achievement of student level of training in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards, control over ensuring the content of education in accordance with the requirements of educational standards, control over the implementation of programs of the federal, regional and school component of the curriculum, control over the quality of teaching, Control over the implementation of the relationship of basic and additional education.

Intra-school inspection includes verification, evaluation and comparison of quantitative and qualitative results of training, while taken into account both intermediate and end results. This approach allows you to promptly adjust the pace of programs, the content of education. The result of the analysis of the results of intra-school inspection will be adjusting the educational program, curriculum.

Intra-school inspection for the educational process is carried out in traditional areas. One of the directions is to onrop the quality of teaching, in particular,curricula. An important part of the management of the educational program is to onropol for learning quality. It includesthe level of knowledge, skills and skills of students, the achievement of state educational standards, the skills of independent knowledge of students.

Analysis of these diagnostic sections of knowledge, students' satisfaction and parents by the educational process at school, monitoring the educational activities of the school - all this allows you to promptly adjust the training programs, upbringing and development, carry out the methodical support of the educational process.

Thus, it can be argued that:

  1. The educational program is a document that determines the content of the educational activities of the institution.
  2. The use of the educational program as a regulatory document allows the educational process to identify the educational process, to identify and strengthen the components that are maximally meet the needs of students and parents.
  3. The presence of an educational program allows you to effectively check the effectiveness of the educational process for its compliance with the declared goals and values.

The school must meet the requests of all social groups of families, take into account the real health status of students, individualize the learning process, taking into account the educational needs of different groups of students.

The educational program of our school is formed in several directions of activity. The priority of them are to ensure the continuity of the initial general, the main general, secondary (complete) general and, in the future, secondary special or higher education, the creation of conditions for the conscious choice of the profession through the organization of prefest and specialized learning, the development of an additional education system, creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the physical and moral health of students.

The purpose of the educational program determines its tasks. In developing the educational program, we implement the following tasks: ensuring basic education that meets the requirements of state educational standards, updating the content of education, taking into account the needs of students, parents and society, creating conditions for the introduction into the educational process of health-saving technologies.

In order for solving the tasks to be effective, it is necessary to correctly determine the educational needs of students.

We used for this technique included in the technology " Ambulance In the choice of profession "G.V. Recussion. It includes the Methodology "Value Orientations" M. Rokich ( Attachment 1), Test of the intellectual potential of P. Rzhichana ( Appendix 2.), Map of interest A. E. Golomstock ( Appendix 3.), "Questionnaire of professional preferences" by J. Holland ( Appendix 4.) .. In addition, the surcharge of life and professional self-determination of students of 9th grades of secondary schools is held ( Appendix 5.).

It is very important to determine the degree of satisfaction with the educational process of its participants. For this purpose, AA techniques are used. Andreeva "Studying Satisfaction with Pupils School Life", Questionnaire for Parents E.N. Stepanova "Satisfaction with the educational process in school" and "Methods of studying the satisfaction of parents by the work of the teacher."

The educational program of school, which takes into account the educational needs of students, makes it possible to achieve high results in schoolchildren's training. The result is the high quality of graduates' knowledge, numerous victories at the Olympics, various contests, sports competitions, participation in conferences of different levels, the receipt of graduates in universities and souzes on the selected profile. Our graduates are successful in the future, this is the result of the educational program in the school.

List of used literature.

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Social and cultural and educational formation of a person

O. N. Krylova

(St. Petersburg)

Research of educational needs

Pupils of various heterogeneous groups

The article substantiates the problem of studying the educational needs of special groups of children and students, identifying to what extent entities of the educational process are focused on inclusive education.

Currently, the Russian Pedagogue is approved in the Russian Federation, which will come into force on January 1, 2015. One of the necessary skills defined in it for the teacher and the educator: "Use and test special approaches to inclusion in the educational process of all students, including special needs for education: students showing outstanding abilities; students for which Russian is not native; students with disabilities. " The formation of these skills determines the need for appropriate training and retraining of teachers.

Within the framework of the joint European project "Tempus-4" St. Petersburg APPO is the head of the research program, the subject of which has become the educational and social needs of special groups of children and students and the submission of special groups of children about the possibilities to meet their educational needs.

As special groups of children and students in this study, children and young people-inofons are chosen (migrants]; gifted children and young people (3 subgroups: intellectually gifted, artistically gifted and gifted in sports]; socially disadvantaged children and young people; Children and young people with ABS (disabled].

This study was carried out in order to obtain analytical information on

libilities and special needs of heterogeneous groups of students and students. Including identified: attitude to joint training, influsive education awareness, educational needs of students, social needs, types of possible pedagogical support, organizational and pedagogical, educational and methodological and material needs, expectations related to future education, etc. .

Creative team of scientists SPB AppPa (N. B. Rytenkova, N. B. Zakharevich,

O. N. Krylova, etc.] was developed a diagnostic toolkit for the research program for the heterogeneous group of foreign student.

The Inotophone is a carrier of a foreign (non-state] language and the corresponding painting of the world in accordance with its social and lingual culture. This concept for pedagogical and sociological studies In St. Petersburg, characterizes the category of students, for which Russian language is not native, according to the following parameters: The main language of communication in the family is not Russian; In the speech of students there is a strongly pronounced accent or a special language.

The basis of this study was the following methodological principles:

Compliance with the logic of building scientific conclusions;

Determinism (lat. DETEGMINAGE -

Table 1

Compliance of groups of needs, criterion indicators and indicators

Need Criterial Indicator, Indicator

The needs of the need for self-realization needs (self-actualization) - in obtaining quality education

In creative implementation

In support of ties with national culture

Respect for yourself

Life values

The needs of the relationship of social status needs (respect) - in accounting of religious views

In the social status of parents

In approval, recognition

Social relations need (involvement in the group) - in social communication

In overcoming the linguistic barrier

The needs of the need for security (physical and psychological) - in psychological safety

In conservation of health

Needs of physiological (food, rest, movement, basic skills of training activities) - in recreation organization

In household conditions at school (nutrition, medical care, ...]

In the pedagogical support of the student

In material and technical. Providing studies. Process

In special learning conditions

to divide], involving the establishment of objectively existing forms of the relationship of phenomena, many of which are expressed in the form of ratios that do not have a direct causal nature;

Generalization (generalizations], assuming the separation of individual and private and thereby a description of the sustainable properties of phenomena and subjects.

4 questionnaires were developed - for parents, students, teachers and students.

All questions of the questionnaire were closed and assumed the choice of the preferred version of several proposed. In some questions, it was possible to select several options for answers. Each of the questions revealed one of the groups of educational needs (existence, communication, growth] and corresponded to a specific criterion indicator and indicator (Table 1].

Parents have become a survey object, as they act as the main customers of educational services for their children as representatives of their interests. Teachers have become a survey object due to the fact that they are

the subjects of the educational process, directly interacting with students and students, and are directly interested in taking into account the educational needs of students. The main sample of students and students was formed from the combined (inclusive] groups of general educational organizations and higher educational institutions, as well as their teachers and parents.

The sample also consisted of students and students developing under the age norm, as well as parents and teachers who have children developing according to the age norm and gained training with various groups of children, and therefore they are full participants in the inclusive process.

The result of this study is an analytical description of quantitative data for each of the criterion indicators and indicators, an analysis of the correlation bonds of data on all methods.

The basis of this study is an understanding of the need (socio-pedagogical category] as "formed

table 2

Communication of groups of educational needs, their manifestations and means of satisfaction

Educational needs groups form manifestation of needs

The needs of the existence of a desire to acquire the basic teaching skills (read, write, read, reproduce information] without difficulty. Available technical means for children with ABS: Computer keyboard "On Brail", Words for info children, creating the necessary UMMK for gifted children, etc. P.

Desire to prevent dangerous changes, comfort, helping in decision (psychological, health] Compliance with SanPiN ( hygienic requirements], Ergonomic environment, creating conditions for assistance in solving personal problems, etc.

Communication needs The desire to occupy a certain place in the team, the desire to establish friendly relations to promote the creation of informal groups, assigning certain roles, assigning titles, etc.

The need for growth is the desire for creativity, self-expression, achievement of the results of creative work

the readiness of individuals to the expansion of their capabilities, relationships with society in biological, social and spiritual aspects. "

Under the educational need is understood as "the type of social need, which has a system-forming importance in modern society and expressed in human production as a social entity of vital activity, accumulation through the inclusion in the system of education of human vitality and their implementation. The need for general education is understood as social relationship between those or other subjects of the educational process. "

In fact, it is not important what the need means, and why requires the concept of need.

A. N. Leontyev tried to allocate the criterion of mental, as part of our study, it is necessary to highlight the criteria for educational.

The formation of an approach to the need for need causes a contradiction in relation to aesthetic, cognitive and spiritual needs.

The first methodological basis of this study was the theory of ERG Al-

derfer. He allocated three groups of needs - the needs of the existence, the needs of communication, the needs of growth, which reflect the educational needs of students.

"The needs of the existence seems to include two groups of needs of A. Mas-Low - security needs, with the exception of group security, and physiological needs."

Communication needs are conjugate with social manifestations of a person: respect, assigning social status, its involvement in various groups (family, diaspora, class].

The needs of growth reflect the needs of self-actualization and development, according to A. Oil. They reflect the need of a person in the development of self-esteem, self-affirmation. In detail, the relationship of groups of educational needs, their manifestations and means of satisfaction is presented in Table 2.

These needs groups, as well as at A. Oil, are lined up in a kind of hierarchy, but here the movement from the need for need goes in both directions, and not just from the lowest to the highest. When some needs are satisfied, others become motivators. If there is no opportunity to satisfy

the need of higher order needs, then the needs of the lower, and the person's attention is switched.

"Each living creature can only live with a number of certain conditions necessary for this creature, that is, any living being should have these necessary conditions, and if there is no, then the task of their search arises." However, no conditions themselves, or their absence, characterize the concept of need, and the emergence of life tasks, to ensure itself with these conditions. You can not know what you lack. Thus, the need is not connected with the living beplace itself, but to connecting it with the environment.

"And in order to understand the considerable person of a person, you need to analyze the human connection to the world, for the need for life tasks arise in those actual relations in which a person is included."

Considering educational needs, we can talk about those changes that occur in the relationship of the student with educational space. If earlier the educational process was built strictly from the teacher through educational material To the student, today these relationships have changed. The teacher stopped being the only carrier of educational information, the educational space has become more open. The student himself goes into it, and together with the teacher and other students form this educational space. Therefore, educational needs are also formed differently.

The second methodological foundation of the study is to understand the essence of educational needs through the change in the vital tasks that the student solves through the educational relations in which it is included.

The third methodological basis is that the educational need characterizes the change in the attitude of a subject with educational space, thereby expanding it.

The phenomenon of educational needs is associated with a modern understanding of the quality of education. According to Janett Colby and the Whitt Misk, the following components affect quality education:

Students are healthy and ready to learn;

There is a healthy, safe,

the educational environment for the necessary resources;

IN educational process In the first place the interests of the child;

The results include knowledge, skills and personal position and are associated with national tasks in the field of education and positive participation in public life.

What also confirms this approach to understanding the hierarchy of educational needs.

The fourth methodological basis - educational needs are based on the current requirements for the quality of education and should be aimed at improving its characteristics:

Students (their health, motivation for learning and, of course, learning outcomes that students demonstrate);

Processes (in which the competent teachers use active learning technologies);

Systems (good management and adequate distribution and use of resources).

The concept of educational needs of heterogeneous groups of students is also associated with key competencies. In the report "Education: Hidden Treasure (Learning: The Treasure Within)" The International Commission for Education for the XXI century it was argued that continuing education was based on four bases:

Learn to learn what it means that students construct their own knowledge of external (information) and internal (experience, motives, values) of elements every day;

Learn to do what it means the practical application of the studied;

Learn to live together, which characterizes the desire for life free from any discrimination, when each has equal to other possibility of its own development, the development of their family and the local community;

Learning to be that allocates the skills necessary for each person to fully develop their own capabilities.

The fifth methodological basis of this study lies in the fact that the special educational needs of heterogeneous groups of students are associated with key competencies of students, namely, to record the special educational needs of students of various heterogeneous groups, and are aimed at the competences to "learn to be". Only in heterogeneous groups, the competence of "learn to live together" and "learn to be" can be formed.

Understanding the essence of the special educational needs of students of various heterogeneous groups and the creation of conditions for their accounting may allow to solve important tasks modern educationSince "the need encourages activity, and the motive to aimed at work. The motive is the urge to activities related to the satisfaction of the subject's needs. " Accounting for needs can motivate students to educational activities, which will eventually improve the quality of education.


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