Literary places of our city Research work. Literary places Krasnoyarsk

Frenkel Karina, Orekhov Egor, Frolkin Roman

Literary places in two parts



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Study on the topic "Literary Places of Odintsovo District". Performed: Students 4 "B" Class School No. 17 Woop Frenkel Karina Orekhov Egor Frolkin Roman Scientific Director: Shuvayeva Olga Semenovna Primary Class teacher. Kodintsovo 2013 year

"I see my selection, my Zakharovo; It with fences in the river wavy, with a bridge and a grove shady with a shady gloomy water reflected. " A.S. Pushkin

The purpose of our work is to cause interest in native places and resume the love of the cultural heritage of the region; promote the upbringing of moral qualities in humans; Develop the ability to analyze, compare, compare, summarize, draw conclusions. We believe the hypothesis that every generation is obliged to know and keep your cultural heritage. It is impossible for the full development of the person without the ability to perceive the beauty of cultural creations. The object of study is the literary places of the Odintsovo district.

The objectives of the study are to analyze the influence of the Odintsovsky Earth and its nature on the work of great writers; - Learn to see the individuality of the talent of each of the writers, with the work of which we met; - understand interconnection cultural heritage With the current generation. Research Methods 1. Heating Internet sources. 2. Study of literature. 3. A visit to historical places, museums related to writers. 4. Holding a questionnaire. Analysis. 5. Development of the route of the excursion. 6. Easy guidebooks and creating a literary map of the Odintsovo district. 7. Holding a tours of literary places.

Entry is amazing and beautiful is the fate of some parts of our country! They keep the memory of significant events of history and culture and, of course, about people who lived and worked out there. Similar places rich in the suburbs. Next Slide

The protected places of the Odintsovo district, but we, as residents of the city of Odintsovo, it became interesting to know what our Odintsovo land is famous. After visiting the class of such protected areas as large Vyazemes, Golitsyno and Zakharovo (places that kept the memory of A.S. Pushkin) and the House-Museum of Svavina in the village of Dunino, we wondered, and some of the famous writers and poets fate tied With the ground on which we live? And we decided to engage in the study of this topic.

Acquaintance with the literary places of the Odintsovo district. It became interesting for us how many people of our Area are familiar with the cultural history of native places, and whether they know who lived literature figures? To understand this, we decided to conduct a survey. We made a map of the Odintsovo region with marked names of places related to those or other writers. And they offered adults and children to answer the question: what are these places known? To his surprise, we found that 90% do not know the literary places of our area.

Map of Odintsovo district

The results of the study gave us the basis and conviction that our work is not useless and interesting. She will help to enlighten people in this matter or remind them of the wonderful corners of our region, which in turn can cause their interest and even pride in our history, culture and land. After all, it turns out that it is the local seats of the Odintsovo district that keeps the memory and atmosphere of the most remarkable well-known and talented people.

For a long time, he lived in the country in Barvikha Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy. In 1942 he wrote his military stories here: "Mother and daughter", "Katya", "Stories of Ivan Sudard". Here he began the third book of the novel "Walking in torment", and at the end of 1943 he worked on the third part of the novel "Peter I". Samuel Marshak after staying in the sanatorium "Barvikha" left us such comic poems: "In the silence of the Barvikhin forest, they walk along the trails and there, Afghanistan Princess, Paul Robson and the horned elk."

Golitsyno, many famous writers in the 30s elected Golitsy, the place of creativity. Here in different years rested and created their works, Maria Aliger, Konstan-Tin Powesta, Marietta Chaginian, Alexander Malysh Kin, Arkady Gaidar, Musa Jalil, Mate Zavalka, Konstantin Trenev, Alec Sandr Fadeev, Alexander Tvardovsky, Valentin Kataev. In the summer of 1937, returning from the emigration, the famous Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin lived here. In the fall of 1939 and in the winter of 1940, after seventeen years of separation from his homeland, Marina Tsvetaeva lived in Golitsyn with his son George.

In 1934, on the advice of Maxim Gorky, the government allocated the land of the estate under the construction of the town of writers in the rights of gratuitous and indefinite use. Everything that is connected with the writing town was instructed to oversee the Litfund of the USSR. For several years in German projects built 50 two-storey wooden cottages. Alexander Serafimovich, Leonid Leonov, Lev Kamenev, Isaac Babel, Ilya Erenburg, Boris Pill, Vsevolod Ivanov, Lion Cassil, Boris Pasternak, Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov.

In order for our research to really contribute to the cultural development of the current generation, we decided to develop a cycle of excursions in the literary places of the Odintsovo district. These excursions, in our opinion, will be able to take advantage of students from both our school and children from other schools and even districts. We want to establish the beginning of the joint exchange of results or products of research and creative cooperation. The first sightseeing tour went on the route Large Lyazezya-Zacharovo-Dinino-Peredelkino. Excursion to literary places.

We started our excursion from one of the youngest on today Pushkin Museums in two Moscow planners: in the village of Zakharovo and in large viscos. And it is located near the Golitsyno station on the old Smolensk road. Pushkinskoe Zakharovo is the cradle of his childhood, it was it that was for the great poet by the early rapprochement with folk customs and receptions. Zakharovo was for Pushkin - a child of the first long meeting with the forever beautiful nature, imbued with the Russian spirit. It was a place where he first heard folk Russian songs, saw festive dance, played with the hobby with the peasant children. The owner of the property is grandmother, Maria Alekseevna Hannibal, the first true teacher of the boy. She has A.S. Pushkin studied Russian diploma and a living, figurative Russian language. Large Vyazemes - Zakharovo-Kolyels A.S. Pushkin.


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"I love the Moscow grandmother I am akin to listen about your relatives ...". If the grandmother told the grandchildren about the past, then the beloved Nanny Arina Rodionovna, who kept "a lot of old old days, nobyzzy," entertained the boy with wonderful fairy tales, and I met a boy in Zakharovo.

The huge role played in the children's impressions of the poet Zakharovo and Viscos, convincingly showed Pushkin himself, including in his literary works Realities of these places. Dubrovsky, "History of the village of Guliukhina", "Baryshnya-peasant woman", "Peak Lady" (the prototype of which Knyagin N.P.Golitsyn's prototype), "Boris Godunov". All this is told by the expositions and exhibitions of the Museum-Reserve, who has become a notable scientific and cultural center of Western Moscow region.

Next, we went to the village of Dunino, where Svaren M.M. spent the last eight years of his life. According to his own recognition, these were the happiest years. If Nature could feel gratitude to the person for penetrating her life and felt it, then, first of all, this gratitude would fall out to Mikhail Svavina. It was in the Dunino that he lived in unity with nature, which she felt and understood next to his beloved man - his wife Valery Dmitrievna. Svtainskie Dunino

In the Duninsk estate, everything is as early as it, half a century ago. Everything is not so in a museum, there is warm and cozy to the soul, as if he took the same good owner to visit, who wore his granddaughter from the forest "Lisukhan" bread. Creativity he perceived always as a way to joy. I got up to light up, most of all loved the predestal watch, considering them the most important in the life of a person. Wherever he was - in the forest, on the river, on the road, - in his pocket, there was always a notebook and a pencil scraper. And the favorite workplace - Perek.

The last stopping of our excursion was the house-museum of the corney Ivanovich Chukovsky. There are writers who have had a huge influence where they lived. But with Chukovsky, on the contrary. The sufficiency of this person himself made a unique variece in these places. The feeling that everything and everything spells around K.I. Chukovsky. He was always surrounded by children: played with them in different games Near his cottage, built various fortresses with them, and the bonfire was laid in the forest, which became the traditional holiday of the defers so far. The entrance fee was10 cones.

House Museum Chukovsky K.I. In re-delkin, so life is that the feeling is created that the owner itself will come to meet. The first thing that the waves - the Miracle de Revo ", on which the real shoes grow. Also Chukovsky K. was built and open the children's library, which still enjoyed.

Conclusion In conclusion, we want to say that the excursion we developed and was a product of our research work. But we would not want to stop on this and plan to continue the study of this topic. We are also ready to offer the next tour of the museum homes of such literature figures as Pasternak, Evtushenko and B.Okuzhava. After all, when there is a desire to give out to something new, you always open for myself another page of something delightful, instructive and still unexplored. It happened to us. We could not even think that on the Odintsovo land and within its district, so many historical and literary places associated with the most famous and unforgettable names.

Eduard Asadov "My friend! And near, and in any reason, I remember good, ringing word: there is a city under the sky of the Moscow Earth with a lyrical name-Odintsovo. To compose poems about the city of Odintsovo can only man, sincerely tied to his small Motherlandwho knows this terrain along and across.

Odintsovo, Odintsovo, Moscow Region, Exemplary - Our Krasov's city is famous! Odintsovo, Odintsovo, this is a gentle word in the heart of the bell rings !!! Since then, the birds are flying, as if, birds, over Russia, the glorious years. At the foot of the mother's capital, the new cities were born. As a flower, falling from the insight, on the oaks, groves and fields. Odintsovo grew up our wonderful, ancient Moscow earth!

We were born in Odintsovo, grew up. And we are interested in everything related to the native edge. We believe that people should know as much as possible about their small homeland, think about her future. So far, do not know how our further life will work, whether it will be connected with the city. But we are proud and love our very much motherland, Feel communication with your native land! But ......... This is another page of our future research, another excursion that we will definitely create. See you soon!

In this presentation, I will talk about the literary places of Russia, that is, the places associated with childhood or the life of great poets, creators, etc. ...



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Presentation: Russian literary places performed: student 6 "in" class Agadjanyan Arina

A. S. Pushkin Tsarskoye Village (now the city of Pushkin near St. Petersburg) Wherever I quit the fate and happiness where it would be nag, all the same we: we are a whole world of Alien; Fatherland us Tsarist village ... - wrote A. S. Pushkin, giving a tribute to grateful memory to the place where he became a poet.

Tsarist village. Lyceum in 1811 in the tsarist village, the summer residence of Russian emperors, a lyceum was opened, a privileged closed institution for children from the highest class children. The purpose of the lyceum is "the formation of young men, especially those intended for important parts of the state". Training was calculated for six years. The lyceum program included Russian literature, history, foreign languages, geography, political and moral and physical and mathematics, drawing, music, physical exercises (Fencing, swimming, riding). Pupils read a lot, the Lyceum library received all magazines and newspapers in Russia. Licecilists were aware of the last literary innovations. Vivid and emotionally discussed read. The lyceumists of the first issue united the high feeling of disinterested, loyal friendship, which the poet called the "lyceum fraternity." Pushkin's most friendly was with Ivan Pushchina, Anton Delvig, Wilhelm Kühehelbecker. The Lyceum received a beneficial development of the talent of a young poet. How he recalled himself: near the waters, which were in silence, to be Muse became me. Pushkin on a lyceum act. Artist I. Rupin. 1911 Here Pushkin wrote more than 120 poems, began work on the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

F. I. Tyutchev Osttig (Zhukovsky District of the Bryansk Region) Austign - Manor of Parents F. I. Tyutchev, Ivan Nikolayevich and Catherine Lvovna.

N. A. Nekrasov Selo Karabiha (Yaroslavl Region) Childhood and Youth Nicholas Alekseevich Nekrasov passed on the banks of the Volga, in the parental estate of Greshnevo, in the Yaroslavl province. For many years later, becoming a famous poet, Nekrasov repeatedly visits their native places for him, they are forever captured in his poems.

N. S. Leskov The city of Eagle with the Orlovshchina and himself of the provincial city of Eagle is connected childhood and youth N. S. Leskova.

N. S. Leskova Museum Visitors to the N. S. Leskov Museum in Orel have the opportunity to get acquainted with the creative biography of the writer, the world of works and heroes of the writer who created the beautiful gallery of the positive types of Russian man. In the exhibition of the museum, a manuscript of a writer, a lifetime publication of his works, numerous photos, captured various stages of the writer's life, his environment, books from the personal library N. S. Leskova with his litters and comments on the fields. In 2017, promise to restore the Museum of Nicholas Leskov

A.S. Pushkin Mikhailovskoye (Pskov Region) With the estate of his mother, the villagers Mikhailovsky in the Pskov province Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was connected throughout his mature life - from 1817 to 1836. ... in different years to your village, Mikhailovsky groves, I was; When you saw me for the first time, then I was a cheerful young man, carelessly, Eagerly I started only for life; Years were rushed, and you were getting in me

Literary places associated with the name of the poet A. S. Pushkin - the grave of the poet, which is located in the Svyatogorsk Monastery; - Pushkin Lyceum in the royal village, located in the Flygel of the Ekaterininsky Palace. On the fourth floor, a young Alexander Sergeevich lived in the 14th issue; - Monument to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in St. Petersburg in the art square.

Moscow. V. V. Mayakovsky State Museum This museum is located in the very center of the capital. He was opened on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Mayakovsky and represents a kind of projection of the vital and creative path of the poet and writer. This is a house in four floors (Vladimir Vladimirovich himself lived on the last floor).

Budget educational institution of the city of Omsk
"Secondary school №104"
"Literary Places of Commus"
Work completed:
Denisova Adelaide
Studying 7 "A" class
Bow G. Omsk "School No. 104"
Scientific adviser:
Russian teacher and
Nigul Violetta Yuryevna

Object of research - literary
Places of Gomsk.
Research Subject - Definition
and the study of literary places of Gomsk.

The purpose of the study is to identify and
explore the literary places of Omsk,
find out if it is possible to call the city Omsk
literary city.
Research tasks:
1. Invoice scientific and reference
sources formulate definition
The concepts of "literary place";

2. Determine which types of literary
There are places in Omsk;
3. Collect material about some
literary places of Omsk and tell about
4.Instate survey among students
and teachers of our school, as well as among
Employees of the Military Commissariat on Cao
and SAO of the city of Omsk for knowledge
local attractions;

5. Make a travel route by
a number of literary sites of the city;
6. Make a sightseeing tour of
scheduled route;
7. Create a photo report on the tours.

Practical significance:
Sightseeing tours
Virtual excursions

Workshop work on the specified
Events: expand the horizons
students; Call informative
Interest in the study of the history of the native
edges, art art; form
Respectful attitude to history
and culture of their country, city.

A) photographing;
B) mapping route by some
literary places for their study;
C) observation (visiting literary
places along the drawn route);
D) generalization;
E) analysis;
E) survey;
G) Poll.

The relevance of the chosen theme:
For evidence
relevance taken by me theme i
conducted a survey in 7 and 5 classes,
and among my mom's colleagues and among
Teachers School No. 104.

As a result of surveys and
I am the following questionnaires
Presented on several slides
survey, which
knew one
survey, which
did not know any

7th grade
Participants of the survey that learned one
Participants of the survey that did not know any

Adults (mother's colleagues)
Mamina participants
survey, which
answered one
Mamina participants
survey, ne.
responding to neither
one question

Adults (mother's colleagues)
Mamina survey participants who answered one question
Family survey participants who answered all questions

Students 5 grade (ratio in the count)
Scientists who knew only
Some locations shown
Literary seats
Pupils who do not know any
from the literary presented
Pupils who saw
represented literary places
But do not remember who they are
Pupils who confused names
literary places can be said
Do not know

Pupils of 5 cash registers (percent ratio)
Pupils who knew only
Pupils who did not know
One of the presented
Literary seats
Pupils who saw
literature places but not
remembering in whose honor they
Pupils who confused
names of literary places
You can say, did not know

Teachers (ratio in count)
Teachers School No. 104,
Learning all literary

Class: ________
Answer: Yes / No


Class: ________
Answer: Yes / No
Class: ________
Answer: Yes / No
Title: ___________________
Class: ________
Answer: Yes / No
Title: ___________________

Name _______________________
Class ______________________
1. Yes / No (emphasize)
Name __________________
2. Yes / No (emphasize)
Name __________________
3. Yes / No (emphasize)
Name __________________
4. Yes / No (emphasize)
Name __________________

After analyzing the results of surveys and
questionnaire, we came to the conclusion that many (and
children, and adults) well know
City (his memorabilia,
Attractions) in which you live
and some do not have any
ideas that where and why
Located and with whose names is connected.

Part of the respondents learned
pictured in photos
recalled where it is, but not
could answer who a monument or
with the name of which famous
A person is connected
From this it follows that my theme
Educational research is very

"Literary place of the city of Omsk" Place that is related to history
literary cultural life cities
Omsk or named literary
leader leaving a trace in history
Omsk city.

1. The applications on which are installed
Memorial boards;
2. Amers in which, at least some
time, well-known writers,
Poets and others. Literary figures (for example,
treated, lived, studied);
3. Jammers;
5.Ulitsa called literary names
6.Clots with memorial signs,
Monuments, busts.

OUR WITH MAMA Route studying literary sites of the city:

First stop:
Alley of writers. (At the moment
17 Memorial Stones) Located
on Martynov Boulevard (from Ul. Zhukov
to the CCM named after

"Captain of air frigates
Leonid Martynov from Omsk "
(August 2001):

Anton Sorokin (August 2004):

Timothy Belozerov (August 2005):

Robert Christmas (August 2007):

Poets front-line who died on
Fronts of the Great Patriotic War:
Georgia Suvorov, Boris Togtkov,
Joseph Levertovsky, Nikolai
Kopyl, Sergey and Vladimir
Dobronravov (May 2010):

Feaactist Berezovsky (August 2012):

Second stop:
Ul. Red dawn, 30, where born and lived
Martynov L. (1905-1980)

Third stop:
Ul. Gusarova, 4. Military hospital, where
In the Arrest Chambers in 1850-1854
years treated F.M.Dostoevsky then
The convict Omsk Oskogo.

And this is a stele on the territory of the hospital

Fourth stop:
Ul. Red Way, 11. State
Scientific library. Pushkin A.S.

And so the library looked like. Pushkin
A.S. In 1983. And it was on the contrary
Music Theater:

Fifth stop:
Ul.Partakovskaya. Tar Gate - Gate,
Through which F.M.Dostoevsky, being
Arrest, drove on the road leading
to Omsk Ostroga.

Square near the dramatic tetra.
Monument to Dostoevsky F.M. Omskaya
Sculptor Alexander Capralova
- "Cross carrying".

Eighth Stop:
Strivernaya St., 2 / Ul. Lenin, 4. Former
Men's Gymnasium № 19. Where
At one time studied R.Rabremensky
and L. Martynov.

Ninth stop:, 2, house where Timofey lived
Maksimovich Belozerov, and on which
Subsequently was established
Memorial Table with Store
writer (sculptor Fedor Bugaenko).
Now around the house
Fence, and from the ends
Memorial buildings
Tables are not visible.

End of my travel
According to some literary

Conclusions: goals and objectives set
me before work, within the framework of the study
Studies achieved. Although, of course
same, learn all the literary places of our
Cities have not yet succeeded.

And literary treasure
Omsk will live in our hearts!
And what more people Find out about it
Beautiful cultural and literary
wealth, the greater the hope that
Literary places will restore their
The magnificence will continue to "live". (project on literature; additional materials)

Which of us did not have in places where it breathes with full breasts, retreats urban vanity and noise where you want to sing and create after urban imprisonment. Many of famous poets At one time, they sought such places, leaving the capital and secular life. And did not regret, it is in such places where untouched nature, harmony and peace of mind reigns and the real masterpieces of the feather were born.

I was born to life peaceful
For rustic silence;
In the wilderness, the voice is lying,
Lively creative dreams.

This is A. S. Pushkin, and he ends N. A. Nekrasov:

Again she, native side,
With her green fellow summer,
And again the soul of poetry full ...
Yes, only here I can be a poet ...

Turgenev will express it in the beautiful formula: "Writing well, just living in a Russian village. There and the air something as if full of thoughts ... "However, each means a special village, a special corner of the Earth, where it is easier for him, it is easier to create, it is easier to embody my creative dreams in words. And he will no longer confuse this corner with any other - A. N. Ostrovsky visited. Karabikhe, AI I. S. Turgenev in a clear Polyana, but Turgenev Air "Polon Thoughts" in the Ollovskaya Village, in his Spassky, and at Ostrovsky - in Schelike.

The literary places of Russia and not only ... they are different in many respects, including the meaning that each given place occupied in the life of the writer. Sometimes the poet there spends childhood in an octuary, sometimes simply visits; Sometimes these are very short, fleeting meetings: Gurzuf for A. S. Pushkin, Taman- for M. Yu. Lermontov, and often this is deep, passing through the whole life of love (Red Rog, Clear Polyana, Spassky-Lutovinovo). But there is something that relates them to and unites. This is the exceptional beauty of nature. A man, gifted by the Standale analytical ability, allocate here the steps and turns of the feeling, would have found everything here than rich in real love. For example, the ability to enjoy the look external and see after him, see further and deeper, as S. D. Sheremethev said perfectly: "Who is looking for riches and diversity of nature, who has a thought of wandering and worn in someone else's distance, the modest nature of Ostafyev will not satisfy But who did not have a native feeling, he would understand that he was here at home, because this nature is Rus. "

This love develops in different ways: remember how many times MM Svavin was tested to the Dunino, which is always connected for us with his name, but it is often love at first glance. So it was at S. T. Aksakov, who immediately realized that Abramtsev was so native, consonant with His soul, Aksakovskoe, that it would find the power and coupling and, forgetting to dismiss and semi-blind, says the word descendant. There is in this love and initial delight. Then the creation will go, creative workBut first - the admiration in which the world's heard of the whole word is heard, the harmony, about which S. T. Aksakov said: "... Which world shed into my soul!" The same world, this harmony is forced Turgenev to wonder about creating something big, calm, look for simple and clear lines. Works can be different, but the defill of this harmony, they carry undoubtedly. It is not by chance that when reading Aksakov, there is such a "pleasant, clear and complete feeling that the nature is excited."


"When you will be in Spassky, bow my house, the garden, my young oak - the Motherland will bow," wrote a deadly sick Turgenev from France, sending a farewell bow.

For Turgenev, the concepts of the Motherland and Spassky - Lutovinova were in fact unborn. Spassky meant too much in his fate: His childhood was held here, here he first felt and loved the Russian nature, the singer was destined to become him, and his people, his great masterpieces were created here - the novels "noble nest", "On the eve", " Fathers and Sons".

When in 1850 the question arose about the section of the inheritance, Ivan Sergeevich, the best part of the estates gave way to Brother Nicholas to leave the Spasskoe. In a two-way forced link that followed the publication of an article to death Gogol, Turgenev is more accurate and closer learned modern life People, felt ready for creating significant works: "Do I have anything big, calm? Are you simple, clear lines?" Russian Nature, Spassky made classic clarity, chastity and harmony in the creation of a writer, who are equally captured by both the Russian and Western European reader.

In 1879, Turgenev, as if confirming that this is his last visit to Spasskoy, all slowed down with departure: he wanted to breathe in all the chest to the air of the Spassky, his forests and fields. His letters from a foreigner are full of undisguised and tight sadness, His Duma is dedicated to the Motherland and beloved Orlovgcin: "Just think about returning in the spring in the beloved Mtsensky County ... Egoriev Day, Nightingale, the smell of straw and birch kidney, sun and puddles on the roads - What my soul thirsty! "


"We are looking for a village near Moscow ... I just want a pleasant location and arranged house," Sergey Timofeevich Aksakov in early 1843 shared his concerns with N. V. Gogol.

Soon such a village was found. Abramtsevo with his ponds, a quiet river thieves and the forests surrounding from all sides causes the delight of the whole family. The choice Abramseva was suggested and the location of the village. Radonezhye - the so-called this corner of the Moscow Earth, and the Aksakov, the admirers of all Starussky, attracted that the Radonezh was near, where the prince of Dmitry Donskoy, Dmitry Donskoy, was coming to the Kulikovsky battle, in fifteen versts, was the Trinity-Sergiyev Lava. Extensive wooden house The construction of the XVIII century was updated, and since 1844 the numerous Aksakov family settled there.

With sincere Radussia, guests were celebrated here - N. V. Gogol, M. S. Shchepkin, I. S. Turgeneva, A. S. Khomyakova, Yu. F. Samarina, M. N. Zagoskin and many others. But the most noteworthy is that Abramtsevo presented us with an outstanding writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov. "The village hugged me with his smell of young leaves and flourishing bushes, his space, his silence and tranquility. I do not know how to explain ... Which world shed into my soul!" And half-band old man dictates daughter all his works of artThe best of which is the "Family Chronicle" and "Children's Years of Bagrova-grandson" - immediately put it in a row with the classics of Russian literature.

Calling the writings of Aksakov among the few books, the most beneficial ones who entered him in his youth, A. M. Gorky wrote: "... these books were rejected to me the soul ... confidence in these books calmly developed: I'm not alone on earth and - Not a disappearance. "


An extensive and rich estate "Carabijah" was built by the Yaroslavsky governor of Prince M. N. Golitsin in taste of the venel of the Catherine century. In 1861, N. A. Nekrasov bought it.

The poet has long thought over to have a refuge, where it would be possible to work in the summer months, from where it was possible to make long hunting journeys. The locality nearby Nekrasov was a familiar - Yaroslavrian, "His Party". Guest in Greynev, in the estate of the Father, who was only thirty versets from here - the poet almost every village had familiar men, with some of whom a big friendship tied him. Most often it was hunters. Nekrasov especially distinguished them, saying that "the most talented percentage of the Russian people is separated into the hunters." Yes, and he himself bloomed on the hunt. The famous narrator I. F. Gorbunov recalled that the hunt of Nekrasov was unrecognizable - "alive, cheerful, talkative, gently tender and good-natured." "The men loved him," Gorbunov added. It is from these incessant walks in the Yaroslavl, Vladimir and Kostroma provinces and made a poet that the true knowledge of Russian life, the Russian man, the living speech of the people, which is so expensive to us.

The routine of the summer life in Karabikhe shared her hunt and literary work. The poet himself jokingly said: "To write the charter, I go to the hunt. To the charter to wander, again I will sit for work."

Almost immediately after the purchase, Nikolai Alekseevich gave the Brazda of the Board by the estate by an enterprising brother Fyodor, leaving only the Flegene (Flegel Poet). Here, in your favorite office, many well-known poems, the poems "Grandfather", "Russian women" and other works were created. In the days of work, the poet demanded that his privacy was complete. He locked up in the office, and no one bold him to disturb him. Even the food was left in the next room.


Anglas. The Motherland of the Great Poet. Here, the earliest childhood Fedenka Tyutchev was held here, here he lived in the "magic children's world" created by him, so worried about the imagination of the child.

In this old house on the edge of Taman, over the cliff. Lermontov spent two days in September 1837. Waiting for a postage on Gelendzhik, the poet experienced a risky adventure here, almost worth his life. "Honest smugglers" who occupied the house took him for a secret beastned, who wanted to expose them.

Returning here after a 27-year-old lack of an adult man, Tyutchev was looked around with surprise around: "Before me is an old house-relic, in which we once lived ... Pretty liquid lime alley a few hundred footpaths, which seemed immeasurable, "All the magnificent world of my childhood, so diverse, so inhabited, and all this is concluded in several square feet." This is inevitable in the life of every person a meeting-disappointment, meeting-loss, when "dear world of childhood" retreats, displaces "real" to stay only inside a person in his soul. It is here, on the Bryansk Earth, the origins of the grandee and mysterious poetic world of Fedor Tyutchev, it is here that the origins of his lyrical masterpieces:

In the sky melting clouds,
And, radiant for knowing,
River rolls in sparks,
Like a steel mirror ...
Wonderful day! Century will be held -
There will be in the eternal strict
Flow and sparkle river
And breathing the field to knowing.

In August 1871, the poet last visited his homeland for the last time, and his arrival was coincided with his daughter's troubles, Maria Fedorovna Birileva, on the opening of schools in an octuary. The peasants of the districts have long expressed a desire to have a school, but the collected two hundred and small rubles were clearly lacked, and then Maria Fedorovna took the case. Fyodor Ivanovich drankly treated her persistent and energetic hassle. Opened in September 1871, it was the largest rural school in the Bryansk district, the peasants and their descendants carefully keep the memory of a great poet and his daughter.


Pskov land ...Mikhailovskoye - One of the most beautiful corners in Russia.

Here lived and buried the greatest poet of Russia. "Native country "I called Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin ancient Pskovshchina: because it is not only the land of his ancestors, he felt spiritual relationship with her, understood her importance for his work. Simple peopleHer inhabitants, her songs and legends, her complete modest pretty of the forests and fields personified for him the most expensive - Russia, his homeland ...

It is here in the work of Pushkin there was a turn, who made him a great national poet. This was already celebrated contemporaries and friends of Pushkin, saying that his stay in the Pskov village helped his poetry "to become quite Russian, original."

In 1824-1826, the Mikhailovsky exile Corded his days together with Nsenia, Arina Rodionovna. Their relationship is striking by their amazing heartiness. "He's all with her, if at home. Slightly stand in the morning, and it runs her to look:" Is mom's healthy? "- He called her all mom ..." - told Kucher Pushkin Peter Parfenov. Often the poet visited the Svyatogorsk Monastery - here were the graves of his grandfather and grandmothers. He rummaged the library of the monastery, finding the most valuable evidence of the past epochs in ancient scrolls. And in fair days near the walls of the monastery, dressed almost in the peasant shirt, he listened to the songs of the beggar of the blinders, looked at the oborudy. The poet at that time completed "Boris Godunova "- the first truly popular Russian drama.

When in April 1836, the walls of the Svyatogorsk Monastery Pushkin buried his mother, he ordered himself to bury himself nearby, near the mother. All our life with us Pushkin. On his perfect creations, we learn to comprehend beauty, learning wisdom and humanity. Arriving here, we seem to meet with him.

Yasnaya Polyana

It is now difficult to imagine that once it was a simple village with the title like which in Russia thousands,Yasnaya Polyana It was noted a sign of fate and doring from the cycle of times and titles.

Over fifty years lived hereLion Nikolaevich Tolstoy : Here he was born, conceived and wrote the majority of his works, raised children. Here, in the forest, on the edge of the ravine, is his grave.Yasnaya Polyana - This is the estate of the writer's grandfather on the maternal line - Prince N. S. Volkonsky, which has reached large ranks in Catherine II, but due to the refusal to follow the whims of her favorite suddenly lost its high position. Its proud and independent temper is described by Tolstoy in the old prince of Bologkoe (war and peace).

It was at Prince that the construction of a modern Yasnoyolyansky manor began. The center of the ensemble was located a large two-storey mansion (Volkonsky House), but the writer did not live in it. He occupied the Northeast Flegene. Extensions different years changed the appearance of the flaghel and turned it into a big house.

In another Flegele, the estate was the Yasnocation School, which Lev Nikolayevich was discovered for peasant children to save the most sophisticated "Pushkin, Ostrograd, Phylaretov, Lomonosov". In the Yasnocation House everything is carefully preserved as it was in last year Life of the Great Writer. The surrounding nature, the favorite places of Tolstoy walks, which considered the joy of communicating with nature "is maintained.pure joy ".

Another corner of a clear clearing is a birch bridge thick. Lev Nikolayevich repeatedly reproduced the picture of the Yasnodolar Nature in his works, which he was hot and trembled - secluded corners of the park helped the writer to penetrate the feeling of involvement in the life of his native land, to feel her beauty and greatness.

Ivanov Zhar Sergeevich

Project Manager:

Panova Lyudmila Vladimirovna



This research work on the history of "Literary Places of Krasnoyarsk"which conducted a grade 6 student, was created to study the classification and functions of monuments in the city of Krasnoyarsk.

The research project On history on the topic "Literary Places of Krasnoyarsk" will deepen your knowledge of the literary attractions of this beautiful city.

Zakhar believes that we are rarely thinking about the history of the emergence and significance of monuments for the culture of the Russian people. The guy claims that monuments - These are witnesses of the historical identity of the people, his respect for their past.

1. Monuments and their role in modern society
1.1 Classification of monuments. Functions of monuments
1.2 Sources on Krasnoyarsk culture monuments
1.3 Literary Places (Monuments) Krasnoyarsk
Sociological survey
Map of literary seats

This year I accidentally got on a tour of S. Osseanka. In this village, there was his childhood and adolescence of the famous writer V.P.Astafyev. The excursion was so entertaining that I wondered, and what other literary monuments are in my city?

Prior to that, in the literature lessons, we acquainted with the work of V.P.Astafieva, and I knew that he was born near Krasnoyarsk, the writer loved this city and died in it. This place for the writer served as a cradle of the formation of talent, worldview and worldview, which was reflected in the subsequent work.


Every day we walk through the streets of Krasnoyarsk, but we never think that on these streets once went famous peopleAnd perhaps a favorite literary hero wandered here on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author. Many monuments we learn. And whether the townspeople are thinking about why this monument was delivered in our city when he was put and who was the author?

Purpose: Attract the attention of students to the literary monuments of Krasnoyarsk

  • Find and explore literary monuments in Krasnoyarsk
  • Identify knowledge of students on these monuments
  • Collect biographical material on selected monuments
  • Learns to work with different sources of information
  • Write a job, pick up illustration
  • Make a map of literary places
  • Create a bibliography of used literature.
  • Modern schoolchildren practically do not read books and therefore many do not know that there are monuments of literary heroes.
  • Few people decide to know the story of the emergence of the monument of their city and Mena authors
  • A little studied topic in the framework of the school program.
  • It is useful to teachers and students: will help in the lesson, will expand the horizons.

Materials and methods of research: The study of various sources of literature, sites, in which there are information about the monuments of the architecture of Krasnoyarsk, the collection and processing of the material, work with the library funds (in electronic version) The use of the following methods: independent study, work with text, mini-survey, description of photographic materials, generalization.