Qualification requirements - otolaryngologist. Characteristics of an otorhinolaryngologist doctor sample Characteristics for an otorhinolaryngologist for awarding

EKSD 2018. Edition dated April 9, 2018
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Job responsibilities. Receives information about the disease, performs a list of works and services for diagnosing the disease, assessing the patient's condition and the clinical situation in accordance with the standard of medical care. Performs a list of works and services for the treatment of a disease, condition, clinical situation in accordance with the standard of medical care. Conducts an examination of temporary disability, sends patients with signs of permanent disability for examination for medical and social examination. Develops a scheme of postoperative management of the patient and prevention of postoperative complications. Carries out medical examination of the population and evaluates its effectiveness. Carries out sanitary-educational work. Prepares necessary medical documentation. Prepares a report on his work, analyzes it.

Must know: constitution Russian Federation, the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare, general issues of organizing otolaryngological care in the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of an otorhinolaryngologist, organization of emergency and emergency care in ENT pathology, topographic and clinical anatomy of the upper respiratory tract and ear tailored age features, physiology of ENT organs, the relationship of the functional systems of the body and the levels of their regulation, clinical and functional research methods in otolaryngology, the causes of pathological processes in ENT organs, the mechanisms of their development and clinical manifestations in the age aspect, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of major diseases of the ENT -organs, their prevention, taking into account age-related characteristics, clinical symptoms of borderline conditions in otolaryngology, principles of preparing patients for surgery and managing them in the postoperative period, issues of asepsis and antisepsis, techniques and methods of anesthesia during otolaryngological operations, the basics of pharmacotherapy in otolaryngology, the use of physiotherapy in otolaryngology, indications and contraindications for spa treatment, basics diet food and diet therapy, operating room equipment, surgical instruments used in various operations of ENT organs, issues of organizing, conducting and analyzing the effectiveness of medical examinations of the population, the basics of audiology, audiology, phoniatry and otoneurology, the basics of examination of temporary and permanent disability, issues of organization and activities of the civil medical service defense, on the territorial program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens, questions of the connection of diseases of the hearing organs with the profession, questions of the organization of medical and social expertise, the basics of labor legislation, rules for labor protection and fire safety, sanitary rules and norms for the functioning of a healthcare institution.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in one of the specialties "General Medicine", "Pediatrics" and postgraduate professional education (internship and (or) residency) in the specialty "Otorhinolaryngology", a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Otorhinolaryngology", without presenting requirements for work experience.

Jobs for the position Otorhinolaryngologist according to the all-Russian database of vacancies

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Instructions for the position " Otolaryngologist", presented on the site, complies with the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY qualification characteristics occupations of workers. Issue 78. Healthcare. (As amended in accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Health N 131-O dated June 18, 2003 N 277 dated May 25, 2007 N 153 dated March 21, 2011 N 121 dated February 14, 2012)", which is approved Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated March 29, 2002 N 117. Approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine.
The status of the document is "valid".

Complete higher education(specialist, master) in the direction of preparation "Medicine", specialty "General Medicine". Specialization in the specialty "Otolaryngology" (internship, specialization courses). Possession of a medical specialist certificate. No work experience requirements.

Knows and applies: current legislation on health protection and regulations regulating the activities of government bodies and health care institutions; organization of otorhinolaryngological care, including emergency and emergency; fundamentals of law in medicine; rights, duties and responsibilities of an otolaryngologist; topographic and clinical anatomy of the upper respiratory tract and ear in the age aspect; general and special research methods in otolaryngology; clinic, modern methods prevention, diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases; modern classification of diseases; clinical symptoms of concomitant diseases, in otolaryngology; clinic and course infectious diseases who have ENT symptoms; pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy, diet therapy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract; the work of medical advisory and medical and social expert commissions; rules for issuing medical documentation; contemporary literature by specialty and methods of its generalization.

Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities
It is guided by the current legislation of Ukraine on health protection and regulatory legal acts that determine the activities of government bodies and healthcare institutions, the organization of otolaryngological care. Provides specialized treatment, diagnostic and advisory otolaryngological care to the population, including emergency and urgent care. Applies modern methods of research, diagnosis and treatment. Supervises adverse reactions/actions medicines. Plans work and analyzes its results. Adheres to the principles of medical deontology. Supervises the work of paramedical staff. Maintains medical records. Takes an active part in the popularization of medical knowledge among the population. Constantly improves his professional level.

Job responsibilities. Receives information about the disease, performs a list of works and services for diagnosing the disease, assessing the patient's condition and the clinical situation in accordance with the standard of medical care. Performs a list of works and services for the treatment of a disease, condition, clinical situation in accordance with the standard of medical care. Conducts an examination of temporary disability, sends patients with signs of permanent disability for examination for medical and social examination. Develops a scheme of postoperative management of the patient and prevention of postoperative complications. Carries out medical examination of the population and evaluates its effectiveness. Carries out sanitary-educational work. Prepares necessary medical documentation. Prepares a report on his work, analyzes it.

Must know: The Constitution of the Russian Federation; fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare; general issues of organizing otolaryngological care in the Russian Federation; regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of an otorhinolaryngologist; organization of the work of ambulance and emergency care in ENT pathology; topographic and clinical anatomy of the upper respiratory tract and ear, taking into account age-related features; physiology of ENT organs, the relationship of the functional systems of the body and the levels of their regulation; clinical and functional research methods in otolaryngology; the causes of pathological processes in the ENT organs, the mechanisms of their development and clinical manifestations in the age aspect; clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of major diseases of the upper respiratory tract, their prevention, taking into account age-related characteristics; clinical symptoms of borderline conditions in otolaryngology; principles of preparing patients for surgery and their management in the postoperative period; issues of asepsis and antisepsis; techniques and methods of anesthesia during otolaryngological operations; fundamentals of pharmacotherapy in otolaryngology; the use of physiotherapy in otolaryngology, indications and contraindications for spa treatment; basics of dietary nutrition and diet therapy; operating room equipment, surgical instruments used in various operations of ENT organs; issues of organizing, conducting and analyzing the effectiveness of medical examinations of the population; fundamentals of audiology, surdology, phoniatry and otoneurology; bases of examination of temporary and permanent disability; issues of organization and activities of the civil defense medical service; on the territorial program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens; questions of the connection of the disease of the hearing organs with the profession; issues of organizing medical and social expertise; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules on labor protection and fire safety; sanitary rules and norms for the functioning of a healthcare institution.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in one of the specialties "Medicine", "Pediatrics" and postgraduate professional education (internship and (or) residency) in the specialty "Otorhinolaryngology"; certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Otorhinolaryngology", without presenting requirements for work experience.

Characteristics of a doctor from the place of work

In any organization, the selection of suitable employees is one of the highlights determining the efficiency and quality of the enterprise. But for some organizations, such as hospitals, this is especially important. Not only the reputation of the institution, but also the health of its patients will depend on how good a specialist a hired doctor is. Finding a good doctor is important for both public and commercial hospitals.

In addition to other documents that determine and confirm the professional qualities of a future employee, the characteristics of a doctor from the place of work are of particular importance.

Such a document can be useful in different situations, but is mainly required when applying for a new place.

The characteristic of a doctor from the place of work contains information that helps to determine what qualities this or that employee possesses.

The characteristic is compiled by the immediate supervisor and contains the following information:

  • Professional skills of a doctor, his qualifications, professional level.
  • Special achievements in medical activities, the presence of awards.
  • Personal qualities of the employee, positive and negative traits character that affects labor activity and team work.

Thus, the document helps to obtain extensive and varied information about the doctor. About professional skills that directly affect the quality of a doctor's work, his direct supervisor has the most complete information. He can also provide reliable information about the personal qualities of an employee that have a significant impact on working in a team, with patients and new colleagues.

Help recruitment agency

A recruitment agency will help you conduct the most effective check and find the best employee among all applicants. Agency staff will select the best applicant, conduct research and analysis of the submitted documents, including job descriptions.

With the help of recruitment agents, you can easily and quickly determine whether the professional and personal qualities of a potential employee meet the requirements of the employing organization.

A job description, carefully checked and analyzed by professional agents, can become one of better ways ascertain the competence of the doctor.

Ivanov Sergey Nikolaevich, graduated from the Gorky State Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine, in 1976. From 1976 to 1977 passed clinical residency in the specialty "ophthalmology" on the basis of the profile department of the Regional Hospital. From 1977 to 1982 worked in the Sechenovskaya Central District Hospital, Gorky Region, as a district ophthalmologist. Here, since 1978, he was the deputy chief physician for medical care of the population of the district. From 1982 to 1991 he worked as a doctor in the ophthalmology department of the Gorky Regional Children's Hospital. 1991-2001 - Head of the ophthalmological department of this medical facility, chief freelance specialist in ophthalmology of the Gorky Regional Department of Health. 2001-2003 - Deputy Chief Physician for Pediatric Ophthalmology at the Vision Ophthalmological Center. 2003-2011 – work as an ophthalmologist at the International Ophthalmological Clinic. Since 2011, she has been working as an ophthalmologist at the Visus Plus ophthalmological clinic.

During the work, it was repeatedly improved:

  • 1981 VNIIGB of the Ministry of Health of the USSR - passed improvement at the workplace;
  • 1988 - Krasnoyarsk Medical Institute, subject - "Myopia,".
  • 1990 - advanced training in pediatric ophthalmic surgery at the Leningrad GIUV.
  • 1993 - advanced training at the MNTK "Eye Microsurgery".
  • 1994 - Helmholtz Research Institute of Hospitality, "Diagnostics and treatment of ophthalmopathology in children."
  • 1997 - courses in All-Russian Center eye and plastic surgery, "Plastic and vasolymphoreconstructive operations".
  • 2001 - "New in children's healthcare", Research Institute. Helmholtz.
  • 2010 - Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation, Ophthalmology.

Since 1996, he has the highest qualification category, which was confirmed in 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2014. Certification Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Specialist certificate from 06/08/2000, confirmed. November 9, 2014 Nizhny State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

37 years of experience as an ophthalmologist.


Ivanov Sergey Nikolaevich is a highly qualified doctor, having the highest qualification category since 1996, a specialist certificate since 2000. He has repeatedly taken advanced training courses, thematic courses in various sections of ophthalmology. Constantly improves the level of knowledge, introduces advanced achievements of medicine into practice. Actively participates in scientific and practical conferences, ophthalmological societies of Nizhny Novgorod. Conducts classes in theory and practice at advanced training courses for doctors of the Nizhny Novgorod medical academy. He took part in the work of the VII Congress of Ophthalmologists of the Russian Federation in 2005, where he made a presentation "Dysbinocular amblyopia: methods of training by a direct and friendly method." He is the author of 11 articles and 2 inventions.

In March 2008 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Accommodation in dysbinocular amblyopia in childhood and the impact of pleoptic treatment on it."

During his work, Ivanov S.N. proved to be a highly qualified leader, organizer of the children's ophthalmological service. A good ophthalmic surgeon with excellent professional knowledge, oriented in all areas of the specialty.

He loves work, treats patients attentively, builds good business relationship with colleagues. Possesses professional competence, the skill of a doctor, good personal qualities, which ensures the respect of colleagues and patients.