Test Testosterone Bunders Rating. Testosterone boosters: benefit and harm, best additive rating

Many bodybuilders use sports nutrition to grow muscle tissue - testosterone boosters. These are such drugs that stimulate the production of a natural hormone in the human body. Thus, it is possible to achieve large results without using synthetic steroids.

Testosterone boosters are dietary supplements and vitamin complexes that have a stimulating effect on the production of hormone. The preparations of vegetable extracts, vitamins, minerals are all components of natural origin. Only a minor piece of boosters contain synthetic components. This is exactly what the manufacturers attract attention to their product.

In addition to raising testosterone levels, boosters well affect the body as a whole:

  • there is a tide of energy;
  • a good mood;
  • improved digestion;
  • the lack of vitamins and minerals is replenished;
  • the metabolism is normalized.

With an increase in testosterone level, the following positive changes are observed:

  • an increase in muscle volume;
  • increasing endurance;
  • significant strength reduction;
  • the potency improves;
  • stimulated sperm production;
  • sexual attraction increases;
  • the level of fat is reduced.

It is important to know that the natural development of a male hormone can dramatically decline when drinking alcohol and smoking. In some cases, there is a reduction in production by 50%. Excess weight also adversely affects androgens, reducing their synthesis by 10-15%. Therefore, if an athlete leads a wrong lifestyle, smokes and drinks, consumes a lot of fast carbohydrates, then the reception of testosterone boosters will be meaningless.

Popular Anabolic Bundlers for Testosterone and their composition

Market sports nutrition For bodybuilders and athletes full of various drugs whose manufacturers claim that hormone production will be stimulated when they are taken. However, today the results of extensive studies are published, which are questioned by the effect of some drugs, for example, ZMA. But this does not affect the sale of such drugs - they are still in demand and even marked positive shifts after their use.

The best boosters that really activate Testosterone synthesis in the body - Tribulus Terrestris. Preparations containing such a component today drugsAnd you can only buy them in a pharmacy.

  • Letrozol - in its aromatase inhibitors. As a result of the drug intake, the hormone level increases by 50%;
  • Nolvadex - its main component of tamoxifen is able to stimulate testosterone synthesis, at the end of the course of reception, the level of hormone in the blood plasma reaches 140% of the initial;

  • 6 OXO - a new generation booster, its action is aimed at preventing testosterone conversion in estrogens, therefore it increases its level in the blood;
  • Agmatin is a substance that is part of many drugs used in bodybuilding. Its action is aimed at secretion of own testosterone and gonadoliberine;

  • WEIDER TESTO X-PLODE - one of the most popular booster among athletes, in its composition a lot of vitamins and, in particular, zinc, which contributes to hormonal activity;
  • Inter-with Tribulistan is also one of the sought-after drugs, differs in high content of vitamins, antibacterial herbs, plant components. Thanks to a balanced composition, blood circulation in muscle tissues is improved, the level and dopamine increases, which affect the synthesis of testosterone;
  • Brutal Anadrol Biotech is a booster, having a substance in its composition preventing testosterone transform into estrogens. Its composition has the components that increase the male libido increase the endurance and give rise to force.

Sports dosage at different ages

Take preparations that stimulate the synthesis of men's gomons should begin after the performance of 23 years, because in more early age The guys have not yet a stable hormonal background, and the level of androgens can fluctuate towards the increase or decrease. Additional stimulation can change the function of the semennikov, which is responsible for the production of hormones.

From the point of view of medical prescriptions, testosterone boosters are necessary for men older than 40 years. During this period, the natural function of the prostate gland is observed, and the generation of gomon is sharply reduced, this leads to:

  • reduce sexual activity;
  • cut spermatogenesis;
  • loss of force;
  • reduce endurance;
  • considerable fat deposits;
  • frequent depression.

The dosage of reception of boosters in sports nutrition is determined by the manufacturer and is indicated directly on the preparation. The duration of the reception rate should not exceed 6 weeks. The longer reception of stimulating boosters can lead to the oppression of the own production of hormones.

For the most common booster of Tribulstan, the following dosage is offered:

  • reception duration - 3-5 weeks;
  • the first week - 4 tablets per day;
  • second week - 10 tablets per day;
  • third and fourth - 20 tablets per day;
  • take tablets need together with food, dividing the total number on equal portions.

The product of the American company Biotech Testandrol should be taken by the following course:

  • 2 days - 2 tablets;
  • the following 4 days - 3 pcs;
  • the next 30 days - 5 pcs;
  • then 4 days - 3 pcs;
  • the last 2 days - 2 pcs;
  • take the drug in the morning before eating and before training.

Combination with steroid drugs

Often bodybuilders for the rapid growth of muscle mass use steroid preparations, such as:

  • winstrol;
  • methandienone;
  • bullenone.

During the reception of these steroids, especially androgens, it is categorically recommended that the use of stimulating drugs is not recommended. It is also not allowed to receive two boosters at once.

To achieve the best effect from receiving stimulating additives, you should follow proper dietwhich will exclude fried and oily foods, fast carbohydrates. Food must be rich in protein, you can drink protein cocktails. Protein should flow into the body at least 2-3 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Creatine - will be an excellent addition to the boosters, it must be taken once a day for 3-5 g. If the testosterone booster does not contain vitamin complex, it can be taken separately. Amino acids can also be combined with stimulating drugs.

Side Effects from Testosterone Bunders

If you do not know what testosterone is, and blindly follow fashionable sports tendencies, then you can get completely unwanted consequences of uncontrolled drug intake. In case of non-compliance with the dosage and duration of the reception course, the following side effects may occur:

  • increased aggressiveness;
  • baldness;
  • depression;
  • the appearance of acne.

After a long intake of stimulating drugs, the body reduces its own functions on the secretion of hormones, so further developing them is significantly reduced. As a result, the following side effects may occur:

  • impotence;
  • the emergence of fatty sediments on the female type;
  • atrophy of the testicles;
  • drops of blood pressure.

You can not take boosters if there are following diseases:

If you use drugs strictly according to the instructions, then the side effects do not expect, they can only be observed:

  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased pressure.

If the side effects bring strong discomfort, then you should refuse the use of boosters.

There are additives that are able to increase the libido while at the same time increasing the level of testosterone. These products are called testosterone boosters, as well as advertised as aphrodisiacs. Also as advertising and attracting athletes to their products, manufacturers enter another advantage of boosters -. Is it really?

Testosterone boosters are natural acceleration stimulants and increase production of their own male testosterone hormone in the body, natural substances - plants, minerals or vitamins that are able to improve the attraction, as well as physical strength.

How test bushs work

Basically, these additives act as Libido amplifiers, and most of them do not affect the level of testosterone. In rare cases, the additive leads to an increase in testosterone by 20%. This result may seem impressive, but for practical purposes, for example, muscle growth, does not matter.
Testosterone working accelerators really exist, but they are able to increase the level of testosterone by 20-50%. For comparison, doses steroid courses, with additional reception of synthetic testosterone, increase the hormone level at least 300%. Such, excess superdays, provide an increase in force and mass in those who deal with this professionally.

Testosterone boosters really work for those whose level of hormone is below the norm, on people with a high level or norm - testosterone stimulants do not have any action relative to the increase in mass.

Natural Bunders Testosterone

  1. Tribulus Terrestris - plant East Asia, enhancing sexual attraction and accelerating the production of own testosterone. The most popular testosterone booster is the most popular and selling product, which is made from the same plant, is widely known in bodybuilding circles, but it does not have a significant effect on the increase in testosterone and the mass of athletes.
  2. D-asparaginic acid - can increase testosterone to 42% in 12 days. During the week, libido is significantly increased. But studies show that about a month after the admission D-AA., Testosterone level returns to normal.
  3. ZMA. - The complex is used in a deficiency of zinc or magnesium, may result in its own testosterone normal. The supplement is made specifically for athletes as the promised muscle growth accelerator, but in fact, does not increase the hormone above the norm.
  4. Fenugreek - It is a Testosterone booster, prevents its transformation into dihydrotestosterone. This leads to a relative increase in his own male hormone. But again, this is not the level that leads to muscle hypertrophy. This Testosterone booster can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  5. Tongkat Ali. - Malaysian grass, which is traditionally used as aphrodisiac, provides a very soft increase in testosterone when infertility, but it does not affect healthy men. Tongkat Ali is effective with an increase in libido.
  6. L-Dopa. - Suppresses prolactin (by increasing dopamine activity), adding L-DOPA increases testosterone if prolactin was abnormally high. A healthy man does not have increased prolactin (unless it is on steroids), so adding L-DOPA will not increase the testosterone level.
  7. Vitamin D. Often added to various nutritional supplements to increase the level of testosterone. Vitamin D additive can potentially increase testosterone levels, but research on the effects on athletes is not enough. Just like zinc and magnesium, if the body has a deficit of substances, and the testosterone level drops below the base level, then these additives simply return to the normal level of hormone (but not higher). Vitamin can be freely purchased at the pharmacy.

How to take boosters from sports nutrition producers

Take additives according to instructions for use, different manufacturers have a daily dose varies from 1 to 3 tablets during the day. They are accepted immediately after eating, a course of 4-8 weeks, after which a break is made 2-4 weeks.

Possible side effects:

  • irritability;
  • acne;
  • enhance arterial pressure.


Receiving testosterone boosters is shown to persons (so men and women), with a reduced hormone level, reduced libido and infertility. In these cases, natural test bouses can carry a positive effect. People with normal testosterone level the drug will not bring any benefitSince the desired effect is the growth of muscle tissue, requires an increase in testosterone at times above the norm, but it is proved that no boosters are capable of exceeding the upper limit of the norm. Consequently, for athletes, these products are simply useless, and in professional sports, they will not replace the effect of taking synthetic steroid drugs.

Test bouchers are far from a new kind of sports nutrition, as the products that increase the level of testosterone are used since the most ancient times. And if earlier they were mildly weak or not working at all, now science went far ahead and presented us with a huge variety of decent products in which you will not disappoint. But, as always and everywhere, there is a lot of garbage, which may complicate the choice of high-quality product, in general ... We will make a rating of Testosterone boosters or test bushs for you and facilitate the task!

What should Testosterone booster look like?

It is very difficult to distinguish a meaningless product from high-quality packaging, so let's take the habit to always look at the label, and, in particular:

  1. On the manufacturer;
  2. For the composition.

If the manufacturer is unknown to you, it is not a reason to abandon the product (Believe the most likely you are in principle you know little about the real American sport). In the end, if you buy testosterone boosters in the online store, then, accordingly, you can open a search engine in a couple of seconds and google info about the brand (most likely in US forums). Most often, it is foreign, little-known brands produce the coolest products! Such famous brands like on, Weider, Maxler, etc. Test bouchers do not work because of a very scarce on the composition. If you want something more, spectacular, then welcome to the World of Ander Grand!

Now in composition. The best test bouses are almost always a lot of components, but this is not a panacea. I think most Apex Male sign from Blackstone Labs, which last year Furnished super popularity! The same components are almost always the same components: Tribulus, Poppy, Daa, NMDA, Mukuna, etc., just a layout, dosage and raw materials, and it plays an important role!

Especially for you, we decided to make a rating of the best products, but it is not simple, and will not make up the Nama from what will come under hand. This rating will be making you shopping on our website from the already selected and most working drugs. The more popular the product, the higher it will be in the list.

Rating of the best testosterone boosters

So now it's just you will decide on the choice! Do not forget to watch and reviews on our website, make the right choice!

Testosterone boosters are a biologically active additive of plant origin, containing vitamins, minerals, microelements and other components. The goal pursuing athletes by using boosters - to increase the level of testosterone, increase endurance, increase muscular weight.

Initially, scientists have developed additives for the treatment of sexual dysfunction. Thanks to the studies, it was possible to prove that testosterone drugs increase the duration of training, due to which the positive effect of pumping is achieved.

The boosters under consideration contribute to the active developing testosterone. They are used during sexual dysfunction. Preparations help restore hormonal background. When normalizing the hormone level, the use of additives leads to an increase in the amount of testosterone, an increase in sexual activity, endurance. With the right physical stress, the muscles grow intensively.

One of the types of testosterone burstov - aromatase inhibitors - affects otherwise. These funds block hormones that produce adrenal glands. It overlaps the ability to convert testosterone into estrogen, female sex hormone. Reception of the drug is required to be adjusted, since with a violation of a hormonal background, it can cause harm. Estrogen is important for a male organism as well as testosterone.

Specialist in the sport and trainer of the simulator room | More \u003e\u003e

He graduated from: Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank. Specialty: Social Work, Pedagogy. Courses in health fitness and bodybuilding in Belarusian State University Physical culture, at the Department of Health physical culture. CCM Arm wrestling, 1st adult digit on hand-to-hand combat. The winner of the Cup of the Republic of Belarus in hand-to-hand combat. The winner of the republican dynamide in hand-to-hand combat.

Place in : 3 ()
Date: 2015-05-05 Views: 27 736 From what depends a set of muscular mass, good relief and high power indicators? The answer will contain a lot of components, such as: diet, training character, day mode. But the basis of all these conditions is the high level of testosterone in the blood. In this article, I will pay attention to drugs that are able to raise your own (endogenous testosterone) and make them a brief overview so that you can choose an affordable and efficient product for yourself. Testosterone boosters - This is a type of sports nutrition or biologically active additives used to increase the amount of their own testosterone. The booster, as a rule, includes vegetable components, vitamins and occasionally synthetic substances.

Attention! Testosterone boosters are not pharmacological preparations or anabolic steroids, and they can be purchased without a recipe in sports nutrition stores.

However, these products are not recommended to take up to 18 years. Since in young age people and so have a high level of testosterone. Therefore, the reception of additional additives that increase the secretion of male sex hormone will be superfluous. In women, the use of testosterone burstov can lead to the manifestation of "musculinization". It was and remains the most popular and one of the most effective drugs In the sports nutrition market in the CIS countries. This supplement has absolute vegetable origins and the most extensive evidence base. Give your preference to products in which the content of active saponins exceeds 70%. This product is Tribulus from Dynamic Development (Spain). All other products are those that have from 40% -60% active saponins, namely:

Evaluation of efficiency: 5 (excellent)


A fairly widespread additive to raise the testosterone level, at least its action is questioned by many studies. Feelings Increasing the power indicators have a fairly subjective nature among users who are fond of bodybuilding, fitness and power trio. The composition of this additive is pretty simple: zinc, magnesium, copper, vitamin B6. The product has no contraindications. BEST TIME For reception is 30-60 minutes before sleep. There is another reception option when the daily dose is divided by twice and take immediately after workout and before bedtime. I recommend when choosing this additive to look at the composition and acquire that product where the ratio is maximal as possible active substances According to the following standard: 30mg zinc, 450mg magnesium and 10.5 mg vitamin B6. Of course, the content of substances can deviate and vary. For example: This additive has vegetable origin and has nothing to do with steroids, even though manufacturers love to embellish their product. As soon as the user sees in the text of the description of the phrase "steroid compound", it immediately begins to think that the drug is better than predecessors. But not everything so reading further on the text, we see that the effect of the drug is anabolic, but it does not have hormonal activity. Of course, the reception of the ecdister will give an effect. His reception will not be superfluous after the course anabolic steroids, during heavy physical exertion and on the background of a low-carbon diet. It takes not only the athletes of power sports, but also athletes of cyclic sports, such as: running, football, swimming, hockey, biathlon, etc. The drug has the following:
  • Raises the level of testosterone.
  • Improves the restoration of the nervous system.
  • Leads to an increase in glycogen in muscles.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • Shows an antioxidant effect.
  • Reduces the level of cortisol.
  • Reduces fatigue, increases speed and strength.


The drug does not have any contraindications, moreover it does not have such side Effects, as:

  • Musculinization in women
  • Enhance arterial pressure
  • Impact on the hormonal system
The recommended dose is 400-600mg per day. Reception of the drug should be carried out before meals. The most effective ecdisterone will be on a diet with rich proteins. Preparations containing an ecdisterone:
If we look at the composition of this additive, I will not see anything new, with the exception of a special mixture of Anatropin, which is 625mg on the portion and the manufacturer promises toasting testosterone at the expense of a new innovative composition of the mixture. Personally, I will not say that the effect of this product is much better than the old and simple ZMA. But it emphasizes that it is subjective.

Total Efficiency Assessment: 3 (so-so)

A good preparation, decent attention from the verified manufacturer of sports nutrition. It highlights a fairly rich composition, in which, in addition to zinc, chromium and niacin, there is an arginine alpha discount (AKG), which increases muscle mass and power. As a result of the application, I felt an increase in appetite, an increase in the power parameters in the basic exercises and improving well-being after training.

Total Evaluation of Efficiency: 4 (Good)

I was always attracted by the Animal lineup, and I was not disappointed with the use of drugs of this manufacturer. What confirmed this product. As part of Yohimbe Bark Extrakt () appeared, which only enhances the libido. Personally, I used this additive after the course of anabolic steroids. Naturally, I took anti-estrogenic drugs, however, I believe, Animal Test copes with its tasks with a bang. Let even the manufacturers are intercepted, but it does not prevent him from being in the top of sales.

Overall Evaluation of Efficiency: 5 (Excellent)


Of course, the receiving testosterone boosters will be desirable and integral when conducting an active lifestyle, on the background of stress, exercise. Testosterone - all the head, as the athletes say with experience. Therefore, approach competently to the reception of this type of drugs, follow the instructions for use and then you can and raise your strength indicators and. Personal fitness training from the author of this article:
  • drawing up training programs and power online,
  • reduction and adjustment of weight,
  • muscular Massset
  • LFC for various diseases (including backs),
  • rehabilitation after injury,