Cla acid what is contained. CLA Sports Nutrition - a universal supplement for mass and drying! 5interactions with neurology

IN recent times You can hear a lot of information about the benefits of dietary supplements, a component of which is conjugated linoleic acid. What is linoleic, and even more so conjugated, few people know. To a layman in the field of chemistry and medicine, only the word "acid" is more or less clear. When buying products and preparations containing this ingredient, most of us are guided by the information in the instructions and hope for magical results. Let's try to figure out what to expect from this product.

Linoleic acid

For a healthy life and normal functioning of all human organs, the presence of essential fatty acids in the body, which includes linoleic acid, is absolutely essential. It is a linear chain of carbon atoms, which are numbered for the convenience of biochemists. Between the 9th and 10th, as well as between the 12th and 13th atoms, there are one bond of substituents in it. The unused carbon atoms separating them prevent these bonds from influencing each other, which determines the properties of the substance. Conjugated linoleic acid can be obtained as an intermediate product in the conversion of simple to stearic acid. All three are important for human metabolism. Without fatty acids, in particular linoleic acid, metabolic processes are disturbed in the body, the cardiovascular system, blood circulation suffer, atherosclerosis develops and the nutrition of all tissues deteriorates. A lot of linoleic acid is used to structure the cell membranes of the human body. Therefore, it is vital to eat foods that contain it.

What is Conjugated Linoleic Acid

In this isomer, the substituent bonds change their place. One of them is located between the 6th and 7th carbons, and the other between the 8th and 9th. This close location allows them to influence each other, as well as the only free bond of carbon atoms between them. The second difference between the two related acids is in the arrangement of substituent bonds relative to the plane of the chain. In simple linoleic, it is the cis-form, that is, on one side, and in the conjugated, it is possible to have a trans-form, that is, on different sides. Thanks to these seemingly insignificant differences, conjugated linoleic acid acquires new properties. In particular, it is able to perform two functions - to suppress the activity of lipoprotein lipase as a transporter of fats from the blood to cells, and at the same time to enhance the breakdown of the existing one, while the usual linoleic acid, on the contrary, promotes the accumulation of fats. Another sensational difference is the fact that linoleic acid definitely contributes to the susceptibility of cholesterol to oxidation reactions, and the conjugated acid stabilizes it.

Discovery of American Scientists

Despite the latest technology, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) was discovered relatively recently. In 1979-1980, a group of scientists from the American University of Texas conducted a number of studies on the effect of various foods on the vital functions of the body. Michael Parise, then an assistant, noticed that fried meat in an extraordinary way prevents mutations in the DNA of muscle cells in animals. It was found that the substance he found in meat possesses this property. Further research revealed other useful properties of the new element, in particular, the ability to suppress the development of cancerous tumors. This served as a powerful impetus for an intensified study of the biochemical processes of the work of conjugated linoleic acid.

Beneficial features

At this stage of research, it was revealed that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is capable of:

CLA preparations inhibit the process of fat accumulation, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe peritoneum (visceral). This type of fatty deposits, which can capture the liver, heart and blood vessels, is very dangerous and often leads to heart attacks, strokes, thrombosis and other troubles. CLA increases the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin, so fat, as well as glucose more actively pass through the membranes, without being stored "in reserve". As a result, the percentage of fat decreases and the muscle mass increases.

Laboratory research and experiments

Despite the fact that conjugated linoleic acid has many amazing properties, the reviews of doctors and researchers about it are ambiguous. This is due to the fact that at this stage of using the drug, most of the experiments were carried out on animals. So, in rats that were fed daily with fried meat, the process of tumor formation is significantly blocked. True, it has not yet been possible to find out at what stage this happens - at the initial, progressive or final stage, when the cancer begins to metastasize. There is speculation that the drug works for all three. In addition, in rats, mice, as well as in chickens, CLA significantly enhances the immune system, and in young animals, in addition, it promotes active growth. In another group of animals - rabbits and hamsters - CLA prevents the narrowing of the arteries caused by atherosclerotic plaques. Such experiments have not been carried out on humans, so it is still premature to draw unambiguous conclusions.

Weight loss experiments

You can find claims that conjugated linoleic acid helps to significantly lose weight. Reviews of people who have tried its effect on themselves are also ambiguous. Some were satisfied, others did not notice the effect. In 2000, Swedish scientists published the results of their experiments with a group of volunteers who lost weight with CLA. All of them consumed 3.4 g of conjugated acid for 64 days. Not a single participant lost weight. In the same year, other independent researchers published the opposite results of experiments conducted with another group of obese people. According to these data, a decrease in body weight was observed precisely in those who took CLA preparations. Another experiment was carried out by scientists in Norway. They divided the participants in the experiment into four groups, in each of which the daily intake of CLA was 1.7 g, 3.4 g, 5.1 and 6.8. The decrease in weight occurred only in the last two groups, which used higher doses of the drug.

Experiments and conclusions of Michael Peiris

How does conjugated linoleic acid work on humans, not just animals, as a weight loss aid? The research was carried out on a fairly large scale. The participants were men and women of all ages, belonging to different ethnic groups. Michael Peirise, the discoverer of this substance, involved a group of obese people (71 volunteers) in the experiment. All of them took 3.4 g of the drug daily for 2 months and followed a diet that excludes foods that contribute to weight gain. The control group lost weight only with diet, without taking the drug. The participants in the project did indeed lose weight, but at the end of the diet they began to gain it again, and those taking the drug increased only muscle mass, while the representatives of the control group again increased the growth of body fat. These data allowed the scientist to make a statement that CLA does not so much reduce the size of body fat, but rather prevents their further increase. The experiment showed that the drug is able to increase the secretion of insulin in patients with type II diabetes and reduce the quantitative parameters of glucose in the blood. Such results were observed in about two-thirds of the experimental volunteers.

Medicines with CLA

Many are interested in the question of which conjugated linoleic acid is contained in which preparations. Here are some of the bioactive supplements available in pharmacies and sports stores with this ingredient:

  1. Linofit. The package contains 60 capsules, each with 800 mg of acid. Price for russian markets from 1500 rubles. Along with CLA, the capsules contain iodine and vitamin B6, which significantly increases the beneficial properties of this dietary supplement.
  2. Reduksin Light. Available in packages of 30, 90, 120 and 180 capsules, each of which contains 500 mg of conjugated acid, as well as vitamin E. The price is from 1000 to 2720 rubles (depending on the number of capsules).
  3. "The Chocolate of Life". The package contains 10 bags of CLA powder, from which the drink is prepared. Price from 300 rubles.

There are also foreign analogues: Zerofat, CLA, CLAextrim and others. Their approximate price starts from $ 15.

Natural sources

There are quite a few dietary supplements from various manufacturers, in which the main component is conjugated linoleic acid. Customer reviews vary, as do research results from academics. There are many people who have noticed the positive effect. At the same time, there are many of those who did not observe a decrease in weight or it was very insignificant. In addition to dietary supplements, CLA is found in a large category of natural foods, so they can be eaten daily without any restrictions. The figures shown in the table for milk, meat and eggs refer to animals raised on natural feed.

CLA in food
P / p No. Product name Unit measurements Quantity mg KLK in 1 g of fat
1 Beefmg / 1 g fat30
2 Pork- " - 0,6
3 Chicken- " - 0,9
4 Young lamb- " - 5,8
5 Fresh milk- " - 20
6 Pasteurized milk- " - 5,5
7 Butter- " - 4,7
8 Natural cheese- " - 20
9 Cottage cheese- " - 4,5
10 Sour cream- " - 4,6
11 Yogurt- " - 4,4
12 Egg yolk- " - 0,6
13 Salmon meat- " - 0,3
14 Ice cream sundae- " - 3,6
15 Beef (mixed feed)- " - 4,3


It has not been noticed that the rational use of the above products caused negative reactions of the body (with the exception of individual immunity in individuals). When using drugs that contain conjugated linoleic acid, side effects, unfortunately, did arise. So, some buyers who used dietary supplements with CLA, there were exacerbations of previously existing hemorrhoids, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, rash, nausea. During the experiment in Sweden, only 47 out of 60 people who took part in the experiment were able to complete the entire course. The rest were forced to refuse due to health problems.


Conjugated linoleic acid is a group of isomers of linoleic acid (one of the group of omega-6 fatty acids) that differ from each other in the arrangement of double bonds in the molecular chain and in the spatial orientation of fragments of the molecular chain relative to double bonds. In order to make it clear what is at stake, 2 points should be considered.

1. "Conjugated" - means "with conjugated double bonds". That is, there is one single bond between two double bonds in a molecule. The fact is that in ordinary linoleic acid, double bonds are called isolated and they are located like this: one between 6 and 7, and the second between 9 and 10 carbon atoms (if you count from the omega end of the molecule). That is, there are two ordinary (single) bonds between two double bonds. And in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), one bond is located as in the usual one (between 6 and 7 carbon atoms), and the other between 8 and 9 atoms (counting from the omega end).

2. "Cis and trans isomerism" - varieties of molecules of the same substance, differing in the spatial orientation of the opposite fragments of the carbon chain relative to the double bond. "Tsis" means "on one side" and "trance" means "on opposite sides." In the case of linoleic acid, it is known that it exists in nature (in natural animal and vegetable fats) in the form of the cis isomer - that is, all fragments of the carbon chain, relatively speaking, stick out in one direction from the plane of the double bond. Unlike conventional conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), it has the first (from the omega-end) trans double bond, and the second cis. The isomer with the first cis bond and the second trans bond is much less common.

Common linoleic acid has been known for a long time and is widespread in animals and especially flora... Conjugated linoleic acid is found in much smaller quantities (because it is an intermediate product of linoleic acid processing by bacteria) and has only recently begun to be investigated.

The biological role of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)

The spatial structure of the molecule and the arrangement of double bonds depend on chemical properties substances, and, therefore, their role in human metabolism. Therefore, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) plays a slightly different role in the human body than ordinary linoleic acid.

For the first time, Michael Pariz was able to investigate CLA in the 1980s. He established that it was this substance that was responsible for the anti-cancer effect of beef extract, discovered in 1979 in experiments on mice at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. CLA reduces the number of mutations in the DNA of cells. However, the mechanism of counteracting the development of CLA cancerous tumors has not yet been fully established.

After some time, it was also found that conjugated linoleic acid prevents atherosclerotic vascular damage, and even stimulates immunity. A watershed moment was research that showed that CLA stimulates energy production mechanisms by breaking down fat cells and enhances tissue growth (primarily muscle).

RoleCLA in weight loss

In the 1990s, studies were conducted that showed significant in people taking CLA. Therefore, CLA supplements have become available in large quantities and are popular with athletes and weight-loss individuals.

There were also noted such important and relevant effects as a small increase in muscle mass and improving the proportions of the figure due to the active reduction of fat deposits in the waist area, as well as better drawing of muscle relief.

On the other hand, in a number of studies, the described effects were manifested to a much lesser extent. The most noticeable effect was found in the case of obese people, so it was concluded that CLA itself is responsible for only small weight loss (approximately 70 g per week), and the more significant effects are caused by physical training and other reasons. Moreover, after a few months of taking CLA, even this microscopic effect disappeared.

It is believed that the main mechanism of the effect of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on fat burning processes is to reduce the sensitivity to lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that inhibits the breakdown and processing of fats. Almost all processes in the body are based on dynamic equilibrium: the processes of accumulation of any substance correspond in speed to the processes of its processing and utilization. An increase in the intensity of the process on the one hand immediately entails an increase in the intensity of the oppositely directed process. So the body maintains homeostasis - a stable state. Therefore, in particular, it is so difficult to lose fat - after all, the body has been accustomed for years to slowly accumulate fat (several grams per day), and an attempt to activate the processes of its splitting is immediately perceived by the body as a threat to the balance that has been worked out for years and causes the activation of lipoprotein lipase, which inhibits this process. CLA weakens this effect, allowing us to still get rid of fat, but its effect is very subtle and therefore subtle.

Negative effectsCLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)

Unfortunately, CLA also has disadvantages, despite the fact that it is a natural substance that, in general, performs beneficial functions. After all, any good medal always has a downside.

Taking conjugated linoleic acid in people who are very overweight can alter the body's insulin balance, which can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus... Also, CLA can increase the concentration of cholesterol in the liver, and provoke gallstone disease.

When obese people take CLA, there is a risk of imbalance in leptin and blood lipid profile. Also, do not forget that CLA belongs to the class of fatty acids of the Omega-6 group and is able to increase the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are responsible for inflammatory processes in the body.

There is one more important pointconcerning interaction with other substances. It is known that human consumption of unsaturated fatty acids should be in a ratio of 4: 1 to 10: 1 (omega-6: omega-3). This is important because we already consume omega-6 fatty acids in excess with regular food (90% of which are all vegetable oils), and all unsaturated fatty acids are broken down by the same enzymes. Thus, by increasing the proportion of Omega-6 in the ratio between them and, we simultaneously reduce the possibility of normal assimilation even for that small amount of Omega-3 that still enters the body. Supplementing with CLA may be beneficial in and of itself, but it simultaneously increases total Omega-6 fats and decreases Omega-3 absorption, which can adversely affect cardiovascular health.


What is the conclusion? Should or shouldn't you use CLA? Of course, everyone will have to answer this question independently, taking responsibility for their body. If in doubt, consult your trusted doctor (if, of course, you have one). And we will briefly summarize the effects of CLA.

1. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has a positive effect on the process of fat burning, but its effect is very small (at the level of 70 g per week).

2. The same insignificant effect is hardly found in the increase in lean muscle mass.

3. CLA has an anti-carcinogenic effect and also improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

4. For people who are very overweight, there are significant risks of negative effects from taking CLA - insulin resistance, the risk of gallstone disease, lipid profile disorders, etc.

5. CLA belongs to the group of Omega-6 fatty acids and its additional intake harms the absorption of Omega-3 fatty acids, which also have a positive effect on fat burning, and also seriously protect the heart and nervous system.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA, CLA) is one of the specialized dietary supplements for weight loss. Unlike hoodia, which suppresses appetite, or white beans, which block carbohydrates, CLA is a fat burner. And it is desirable to apply it in combination with other measures.

What is it and how does it work

Linoleic acid in general is one of the essential fatty acids of the Omega-6 group. Irreplaceable - means that they are not produced in the body, but they are necessary for its normal functioning. We get it from food (beef, vegetable oil, etc.). But CLA is a separate substance, a compound of some linoleic isomers. In any case, it is understandable, I think that this is not some kind of "chemical" - we eat foods that contain linoleic acid every day. These substances are involved in natural fat burning processes. However, CLA is not a stimulant.

In addition, conjugated linoleic acid has antioxidant activity, strong antitumor effect. Stimulates the immune system, strengthens cardiovascular system... That is, in general, it has the most positive effect on the body.

It must be understood that the fat burning process itself does not start in any case. He needs at least some kind of physical activity. None of the dietary supplements will help you lose weight by lying on the couch and eating a cake. If you do not eat properly and lead a sedentary lifestyle, drinking fat burners is useless. It is necessary to change your lifestyle and diet in any case. And dietary supplements will significantly enhance the effect of such positive changes and accelerate the process of losing weight and transformation. And the reviews of those losing weight about conjugated linoleic acid, including, directly depend on their own behavior. However, most of the reviews are positive.

Clinical researches

Studies have been conducted on the real effectiveness of conjugated linoleic acid for weight loss. However, based on the results of experiments using conjugated linoleic acid, the reviews of scientists are not always unambiguous. So, studies conducted in 2004 and 2007 yielded controversial results, and scientists came to the conclusion that acid does not significantly affect weight, but it can be used in sports and the fight against obesity as part of a complex, provided that it has a general strengthening effect on the body.

At the same time, in 2000, the Journal of Nutrition published data obtained as a result of a blind clinical study involving a placebo group, which showed that when taking about 3.4 g of CLA per day in the experimental group, the body weight of participants was reduced by about 6 lb (2.7 kg) versus placebo group. A four-week study in Sweden found that people who took 4.2 grams of CLA per day lost an average of 1.4 cm in waist size.

The conclusions of most of the studies conducted (there are more than 30 of them) agree that taking conjugated linoleic acid helps to reduce subcutaneous fat and increase the percentage of muscle mass in the body (by reducing the percentage of fat), that is, its benefits are undeniable. It does not affect muscle growth in any way, however, it prevents their destruction. That is why CLA is often used in bodybuilding - as a substance that prevents catabolic processes (muscle breakdown).

By the way, the anti-catabolic property of linoleic acid is very important not only for athletes and bodybuilders. The problem is that with passive fasting (a strict diet and lack of physical activity), it is muscles, not fat, that are destroyed in the first place. After all, they require a lot of energy for their own maintenance - and the body considers them in "hard times" (caused by hunger) less important than "strategic reserves" of fat. At the same time, if you have a lack of muscle mass, after losing weight, you will gain weight again very quickly - and again precisely due to fat. In the presence of a normal muscle frame, the very maintenance of it consumes the same calories, which otherwise go to new "strategic reserves." In a word, maintaining muscles is important at least in order not to immediately gain weight again after losing weight.

The general conclusion is simple, as always. Everything is very individual. Any supplement helps one person, but does not help another. It is necessary to try and look for "your own", there can be no universal recipes.

And the most important thing. CLA is most effective in combination therapy. That is, it is desirable to combine it with other means with a fat burning effect. And of course, it is imperative to do it against the background of proper nutrition.

Conjugated linoleic acid contraindications and side effects

There is evidence that the use of CLA in very obese people may increase insulin resistance. This increases the risk of developing diabetes. Also, for very obese people, there is a risk of an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the biliary system.

Accordingly, you should not take CLA for diabetes, gallstone disease and a very high degree of obesity.

Conjugated linoleic acid - application and dosage

The effective dosage of CLA in the "solo" version is about 3 g per day. It is better to break this dose into two or three doses. In preparations containing other fat burners, the dosage may be lower.

CLA is a fat-soluble substance. It must be taken with food. In order to avoid negative reactions from digestion, it is better to drink capsules not before or after, but during meals.

CLA interferes with resveratrol and fat blockers. Not to be confused with fat burners! With most of the latter, KLK works just fine in combination. But fat blockers - substances that prevent the absorption of fats - alas, also prevent the absorption of fatty acids, including CLA. So if you are taking blockers, take them along with linoleca at different meals.

Combines well with fucoxanthin.

Choosing a drug containing conjugated linoleic acid

The most widely known drug with conjugated linoleic acid in our country is Reduxin-Light. Do not confuse it with simply "Reduksin" - this is a very unsafe remedy that has a lot of severe side effects and is prohibited or restricted in most countries. For its "magic" action you have to pay very seriously with your health. But "Reduxin-Light" is a product based on conjugated linoleic acid already known to us. It does not possess some supernatural or "magical" effect, but it does not pose a danger to health either. It is a normal working drug that is effective in the treatment of obesity.

Another thing is that the same conjugated linolek can be bought much cheaper and in better dosages. Let me remind you that the working dosage is about 3 g per day.

Below is a table comparing prices and dosages of "Reduxina-Light" and drugs with "Ayherba". Other active ingredients are also listed in the table.

A drug Price Dosage (per capsule) Capsules in a jar Other substances
Reduksin-Light From $ 16 625 mg 30 Vitamin E
Reduksin-Light fortified formula From $ 48 500 mg 90 shredded Chinese yam root, 5-hydroxytryptophan, extract from wild yam extract
$9.57 1000 mg 50

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a compound of various isomers of linoleic acid, primarily positional and geometric isomers, found mainly in dairy products and meat. CLA is one of those supplements that many have heard of, but no one really knows. Recent research has shown that CLA has a number of beneficial properties for bodybuilders and other athletes. The uniqueness of conjugated linoleic acid also lies in the fact that this compound is present in products of plant and animal origin; at concentrations close to human consumption levels, CLA has anti-cancer effects.

General information and useful properties

Conjugated linoleic acid is a slightly modified form of lipoic acid (LA), an omega-6 fatty acid that plays an important role in maintaining human health. Omega-6 fatty acids enter the body with food, mainly from meat and dairy products. Consequently, CLA is found in meat and dairy products.

Scientific interest in CLA first arose in 1988 when a researcher at the University of Wisconsin discovered the cancer-fighting properties of CLA in rats fed hamburgers. CLA is not produced in the human body, but it comes from food, such as whole milk, butter, beef and lamb.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a powerful antioxidant, anticarcinogen, anti-catabolic and immune system stimulant. CLA helps burn fat, build and maintain lean muscle, and fight cancer.

The most typical purported benefits of CLA supplementation include:
Increases metabolic rate. This is definitely a plus for any athlete looking to lose weight and improve body composition.
Enhances muscle growth. Muscle burns fat, also contributing to an accelerated metabolism. It is beneficial for weight loss and optimization.
Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Since today many people celebrate elevated levels cholesterol and triglycerides, even with treatment, this property can play an important role in people with high cholesterol levels.
Reduces insulin resistance. Reducing insulin resistance has been shown to help prevent adult diabetes and facilitate weight management.
Reduces the risk of food allergic reactions. Since food allergies can be a problem that makes weight loss difficult, CLA may help.
Strengthens the Immune System - With the sheer numbers of bacteria and the weakness of the immune system in modern humans, stimulating the immune system to function properly can be beneficial for everyone.

It has been found that CLA supplements optimize the ratio of lean / adipose tissue in the body, reduce fat deposition, especially in the abdomen, and enhance muscle growth. This effect is achieved by increasing insulin sensitivity, when fatty acids and glucose are allowed to pass through the membranes of muscle cells, away from adipose tissue. The result is a better muscle / fat ratio.

There is strong evidence that CLA improves metabolic function and reduces body fat. The unique mechanism by which this fatty acid provides protection against disease makes CLA an essential element in any nutritional supplement program.

As a rule, today people are deficient in CLA, which is associated with changes in the methods of feeding livestock. Since CLA comes to the body mainly from meat and dairy products, changes in the way livestock are fed could lead to a decrease in CLA content in these products.
For optimal CLA production, cows should be grazed in pastures rather than artificially fed in forage areas. Studies have shown that grass-fed cows contain approximately four times more CLA than other fed cows. In modern dairy products, only one third of CLA is present in the amount that was detected before 1960.
Of course, CLA is not a panacea for obesity. However, CLA deficiency can play a role. A number of animal studies have shown that supplementation with CLA in food can lead to a leaner, more muscular body. For example, in a 1996 study, the amount of fat in mice that were given CLA supplements was reduced by 58%.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published a study confirming the anti-cancer properties of CLA. Bodybuilders use CLA to inject glucose into muscle cells to increase anabolic effect... Dieters can use this same sugar-burning mechanism to prevent serum glucose from being converted to fat.

CLA is close in chemical structure to linoleic acid. However, in several important areas, CLA exhibits opposite properties. For example, lipolic acid stimulates the process of fat formation in adipose tissue, known as lipogenesis, while CLA has been shown to suppress it. Another difference lies in the formation of tumors: linoleic acid promotes the growth of neoplasms, while CLA is an inhibitor of the tumor formation process.

Finally, another difference is that linoleic acid makes it more susceptible to oxidation, while CLA makes it more stable. In view of the enormous effects that fatty acids have on our bodies, excess linoleic acid combined with CLA deficiency can have far-reaching consequences for human health and longevity.


More recently, CLA has emerged in the form of a concentrated dietary supplement that has been attributed to many useful properties... CLA has been claimed to help burn fat, build muscle, and fight cancer. Although promising research has been conducted over the past few decades, it has mostly involved small animals. However, there have been a few human studies as well.

In an interesting study, the results of which appeared in December 2000, a group of Swedish scientists reported that CLA burns fat while increasing muscle mass. The overweight and obese people in this study experienced a decrease in body fat with 3.4 grams of CLA per day for 64 days. However, none of the participants experienced any weight loss. Many people complained of nausea, claiming that it was difficult for them to take 12 CLA capsules a day. Only 47 of 60 participants completed the study.

Another study, published in December 2000 in the Journal of Nutrition, showed that CLA reduces fat and preserves muscle tissue... According to the organizer of the project, in the experimental group, the average decrease in body fat was 6 pounds, compared with the placebo group. In the course of the study, it was found that in order to achieve a fat burning effect, a dose of about 3.4 g per day... Dr. Michael Parisa, who conducted the CLA study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told the American Chemical Society in August 2000 that “CLA does not reduce the size of fat cells. CLA prevents their increase. "

In Dr. Paris's study, none of 71 obese people experienced weight loss. However, the researcher found that after stopping the diet, people who took CLA were more likely to gain muscle mass rather than fat.

Another study, conducted at Purdue University, Indiana, found that CLA increases insulin levels in about two-thirds of diabetic patients and also slightly decreases blood glucose and triglyceride concentrations.

In another large study, researchers from Norway observed a group of healthy men and women who were overweight. Participants were given 1.7 g, 3.4 g, 5.1 g, or 6.8 g of conjugated linoleic acid per day. All groups showed a decrease in body fat and an increase in lean muscle mass. However, this effect was most pronounced in the last two groups. In addition, there was a decrease in blood fat and cholesterol levels in all groups.

Further, Swedish scientists observed 25 men aged 39-64 for 4 weeks and found that those who took 4.2 g of conjugated linoleic acid per day, waist circumference decreased by 1.4 cm on average.

In another double-blind study, people participated in a physical training program in which they received 600 mg of CLA or a placebo three times a day for 12 weeks. Compared to placebo, when taking CLA, a decrease in the percentage of fat was observed, but body weight did not change significantly.

In a study of obese people, taking a dietary supplement with CLA at a dosage of 4.2 g per day for four weeks resulted in a small but statistically significant decrease in waist circumference. However, compared to placebo, CLA did not promote weight loss. To date, there is insufficient evidence that CLA can be used to treat obesity.

Animal studies suggest that CLA supplementation can reduce body fat. In a study on people with limited control, it was found that taking CLA at a dosage of 5.6-7.2 grams per day does not cause a significant increase in muscle size and strength in both experienced and inexperienced strength athletes. Animal studies also show that CLA limits allergic food reactions, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and improves glucose tolerance. With regard to research on cancer, the effect of CLA on this disease in humans remains unclear.

Despite a number of studies with positive CLA data, there are also a large number of newer studies that have not shown any real benefits of CLA supplementation, as discussed earlier.

For example, in a study of experienced strength athletes who took 6 grams of CLA per day, there were no significant positive changes in total body weight, lean mass, fat mass,% body fat, bone mass, strength, serum substrates or total markers of catabolism and immunity during exercise. An earlier study lasting 3 months showed no significant improvement in weight optimization after weight loss. Interestingly, however, conjugated linoleic acid has been shown to favor the preferential recovery of lean body mass at both experimental doses of 1.8 g and 3.6 g per day.
As with most stimulant nutritional supplements, research results are highly controversial. It is also quite common for one product to help one person and not help another. Therefore, it is up to everyone to find the right supplements for themselves to achieve their goals while taking into account body chemistry.

What are the natural sources of CLA?

As mentioned earlier, CLA is found primarily in dairy products, red meat, poultry, eggs, and, surprisingly enough, corn oil. In addition, the human intestine contains bacteria that are capable of producing CLA from lipoic acid. However, linoleic acid supplementation does not increase blood CLA concentrations. CLA is also available as a dietary supplement. Shown below is the amount of CLA in common foods in mg per gram of fat:
Lamb - 5.6 mg
Homogenized cow's milk - 5.5 mg
Homogenized cow's milk - 4.8 mg
Oil - 4.7 mg
Curd - 4.5 mg
Fresh ground beef - 4.3 mg
Spicy Cheddar Cheese - 3.6 mg
Poultry (chicken) - 0.9 mg
Pork - 0.6 mg

Side effects

The side effects of CLA are unknown due to the limited number of human studies, especially with regard to long-term effects. However, one unpublished study reports individual cases disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. At the moment, no significant side effects of CLA have been identified, as well as known drug interactions with KLK.


Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a powerful antioxidant, anticoncinogen and anticatabolite, as well as an immune system stimulant. CLA deficiency can be a significant cause of obesity, which is so widespread today. As an effective antioxidant, CLA uses other mechanisms to inhibit the development of cancer.

Nevertheless, attempts to increase the intake of CLA in a natural way make no sense, since even if all these theoretical positive properties are confirmed, in order to obtain the required amount of CLA (at least 3 grams), you will have to consume at least 500 g of fat daily, mainly saturated. And this is more than 4500 calories per day only due to foods rich in CLA. Thus, in order to take CLA in the amounts used in scientific research, you will have to resort to dietary supplements.

As for CLA supplements, it is best to use supplements with an isomer composition close to natural CLA, for example, with a predominance of cis-9, trans-11 CLA. This isomer is commonly found in store-bought CLA. Although the trans-10 isomer, cis-12, may have more potent fat-reducing effects, there are too many questions about its potential health risks to date to recommend the use of this substance in large quantities.

Not all fats are created equal. Some of them are only suitable for giving energy to the body. Others have multiple health effects. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) belongs to the second class of fats. For example, it helps you lose weight.

What is Conjugated Linoleic Acid?

Linoleic acid is an omega-6 fatty acid found in many vegetable oils, as well as milk, meat, and butter.

The term "conjugated" refers to the arrangement of double bonds in a linoleic acid molecule. These connections can have different localization. There are actually 28 different types of linoleic acid, but only 2 of them are important. These are cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12.

Look at the picture structural formula linoleic acid.

The topmost chain is the so-called regular linoleic acid. Below it are the two main forms of conjugated acid.

CLA always contains both cis and trans double bonds. The difference between the CLA forms lies in the different arrangement of these links. And here it is important to remember that such a small difference in the position of double bonds, as shown in the figure, can have a huge impact on the human body.

Since conjugated linoleic acid includes not only cis but also trans double bonds, it is a trans fat. But don't be intimidated.

Unlike those trans fats that are synthesized by humans and have a huge negative influence on health, this trans-acid is natural and only good for health.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid for Weight Loss

Today, CLA supplements are very popular with people looking to lose weight. But can they help solve this problem?

Not exactly established. For there are both scientific data confirming and refuting the possibility of losing weight on CLA.

CLA helps you lose weight

The significant biological activity of CLA was first shown in 1987, when a team of researchers discovered that it helped fight cancer in mice.

More recent studies have shown that conjugated linoleic acid can help you lose weight.

To date, no clinical trial has been conducted comparing the rate of weight loss between volunteers who take CLA and those who do not. In many of these studies, it was shown that the linoleic acid groups lost weight faster (the increase in speed, depending on the experimental conditions, could vary from 8.7 to 400%).

It was also noted that in addition to helping to combat obesity, CLA also improves body proportions, as when taken. In addition, the amount of muscle mass may increase.

How does conjugated linoleic acid affect weight loss?

Apparently, several biological mechanisms are involved at once, which include:

  • reducing the number of calories consumed;
  • acceleration of fat burning;
  • stimulating the breakdown of triglycerides in fat cells and the release of fatty acids from these cells to the outside;
  • slowing down the formation of fatty deposits in fat cells.

CLA does NOT help you lose weight

A rainbow picture is obtained, isn't it?

Not true. As in other studies, it was not possible to obtain significant positive results.

And in one of the most extensive reviews, promising data from 18 studies on the effects of conjugated linoleic acid on line weights, positive results although they are marked, they are more than modest.

So it was found that under the influence of CLA, the participants in the experiments were able to lose no more than 100 grams of excess weight per week. The effect lasted for 6 months, after which the weight loss ceased.

Supplements with linoleic acid

The main source of CLA is ruminants. These are cows, goats, sheep. Moreover, the amount of conjugated linoleic acid that these animals can provide depends on what kind of food they eat.

So if cows eat grass, then the amount of CLA in their milk and meat is 300-500% more than if they eat grain. Unfortunately, in modern livestock farms, cows tend to eat grain. If they eat grass, then their meat and milk are extremely expensive.

Therefore, at the moment there are a large number of dietary supplements on the market that contain conjugated linoleic acid. But what is this acid?

Usually, linoleic acid from dietary supplements is obtained by chemical modification of some of the. That is, it is not natural conjugated linoleic acid, but chemically produced.

In such a man-made CLA, the balance between the different cis and trans forms is imbalanced. So if the cis-9, trans-11 form of linoleic acid predominates in nature, then the trans-10, cis-12 form dominates in the dietary supplement, which is found in very small quantities in natural sources.

For this reason, conjugated linoleic acid from dietary supplements does not have the same positive effect on health as natural acid from quality food.

Taking large amounts of CLA supplements is fraught with side effects

Since most dietary supplements on the market do not include naturally occurring conjugated linoleic acid, but chemically produced, long-term use of them in large quantities can lead to side effects.

So it was shown that large doses of CLA supplements contribute to the deposition of fatty deposits in the liver, and, therefore, provoke the development of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

In addition, some animal studies have found that while conjugated linoleic acid can help you lose weight, it increases chronic inflammation in the body, lowers high-density lipoprotein ("good cholesterol") levels, and accelerates the underlying serious diseases.

It is also worth mentioning that many people who take CLA, even in moderation, experience unpleasant symptoms such as:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • abdominal pain.

So is it necessary to take dietary supplements with conjugated linoleic acid for weight loss?

Everyone gives the answer to this question for himself, given that weight loss with CLA is likely to be insignificant, but side effects may occur. And the side effects are serious, for example.

So, everyone decides for himself what is more important for him - to lose a little weight and for this to risk his health, or try to lose excess weight in other ways.

In any case, all those who answered themselves to the question posed "yes, I agree to take dietary supplements with conjugated linoleic acid" should remember that

the safe dosage of this dietary supplement is from 3.2 to 6.4 grams per day and nothing more.

Healthy Natural Sources of Linoleic Acid

Natural CLA can be obtained from ruminants - from their meat and milk.

Numerous studies show that people who regularly eat foods rich in natural CLA are less likely to suffer from obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Not that linoleic acid in cream, meat or milk made it possible to rapidly lose weight or treat serious diseases, but in general it is proper nutrition helps to maintain health and normalize weight.

Of course, you need to understand that all these healthy food products have a positive effect on the body not only due to CLA. They are also rich in a host of other extremely important substances: vitamins E and K2, proteins, and omega-3 fatty acids, carotenes, etc.

All this in a complex and has a beneficial effect on human health.

Unfortunately, only meat and dairy products obtained from animals that were fed with grass, and not grain, have a pronounced positive effect. But ordinary store-bought meat and milk still contain useful compounds, only in smaller quantities.


1. Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a naturally occurring trans fat with positive rather than negative health effects.

2. CLA can help you lose weight, though not too much. But all the fat left with its help will be concentrated in the abdomen.

3. Dietary supplements with linoleic acid can be dangerous if taken for a long time and in large quantities, since they contain not natural, but chemically produced CLA.

4. Natural meat and dairy products from grass-fed animals are the best natural source of conjugated linoleic acid.
