The process of starting the construction of the house. How and from what is cheaper to build a house: compare materials and technologies

You want to build a private house do it yourself? To do this, you will need a clear construction plan.

It is important to say that the land on which a private house will be built should be as suitable for such work. Before you start construction worksIt is necessary to carefully examine all the technical properties of the territory and find out whether its price is acceptable.

Know that the construction of the house with their own hands has many advantages. First of all, it is a decrease in cash spending compared to those if you decide to buy a ready-made home. In addition, you yourself will carry out construction control and will have confidence that you will get a qualitative result.

Previously, the house and cottage had several differences between themselves. So to speak, during, when the restructuring was born, the cottage called the house in which there were amenities of a city apartment, but now, as you can see, it has already stopped building houses with amenities outside, and therefore the house and cottage now have the same value.

How much does it cost to build a house?

It is said that for the construction of the cottage you need to stock up a considerable amount of cash, in the area of \u200b\u200b5-10 million rubles. And then it's not worth starting this business. But it is not really wrong, because there are not so many millionaires in the world. Thanks to innovative technical solutions, a phased construction plan will make it easy to build a house with just one season, which begins with March, and ends in November. Then in the winter to study his finish, and in the summer it is already enjoying your own home.

Nevertheless, according to practice, the main interference to the implementation of this plan is a large cash costs that need to be held for a fairly short time.

How to make a construction plan?

Of course, no one wants to engage in construction for a long time, but we will offer a variant in which phased and targeted construction is thought out. It is necessary to prepare a plan in order to calculate financial costs.

Based on a lot of experience in the construction and design of low-rise private houses, you can define a number of the main optimal principles of the laying out of the residential premises.

House plan - stages

At the entrance to the house there is usually a porch. Of course, you can use the most ordinary for your cottage, and this is limited to. But, as a rule, in the individual planning of the house, it is especially beautiful and practical. In addition, the porch is a need for decoration. It is clear that the porch should be a canopy.

In this case, in the summer, when it rains, you can sit there on the chair and breathe fresh air, while you do not catch up and do not promo.

Also, it is necessary to bring a comfortable small track to the porch so that the car can get sideways, for example, the door to the entrance. And then even if the weather is completely spoiled, you will be able to go to your car directly from the house.

The entrance also includes an entrance hall and a dressing room, as well as a vestibule. And after the door, Seni go - it can often be seen in a rustic house. If talk more modern tongueThis is the so-called transitional room (i.e. tambour).

It is done to not open the door from the street immediately into the room, or to the house to in winter time There did not penetrate the cold, and in the summer heat. This is a certain buffer.

The right plan of the house also provides its presence. In addition, this room can have some kind of functionality. For example, it can be a place to store sports accessories: skis, sled, bicycles. But it should not force him particularly. After it should be an entrance hall. In it, everything is as usual: hanger, wardrobe, mirror.

Basically, the house has 2 levels for residential premises: the 1st floor and the 2nd floor, the attic may also be present and the base.

Stairs. As a rule, from the hallway, the staircase leads to floors located at the upper levels. There are residential premises for each family member and some functional rooms.

The cottage provides for rational planning and allocation of common and personal family zones.
The greatest compliance with sanitary requirements can be ensured during the allocation of a family at least 28 m² on one member, but in order to create psychological comfort, 40 to 50 m² is required.

House layout - surface zoning of premises

How much will be residential premises, you can calculate using the formula: N +1. Here n is the number of residents, 1 - the number of common rooms.

On the 1st floor we mainly spend time during the day. It should fit as much as possible rooms of functional purposes.

Must be:

  • guest room (living room);
  • dining room (according to the construction plan of the house);
  • spacious kitchen adjacent to the dining room;
  • bedroom for guests;
  • winter Garden;
  • and it is also important to have a comfortable room for a bathroom.

Entrance to the dining room, as well as in the living room, it is better to do immediately from the hallway so that the smells do not pass to the rest of the house. Rooms designed for cooking and meals are best made separate.

On the second floor, as a rule, people are resting - there is quiet, there can be a bedroom, the second bathroom, access to the balconies or a terrace.

Everyone in the family should have their own bedroom, and even for children, because they grow quickly and also want to have their own separate room. If the bedrooms are more, then you can invite to relax our guests with overnight, sometimes many come from another city and it is very convenient, and if this is yours vacation home, There you can always invite a company of friends.

Auxiliary premises. Cabinet, the library has already become familiar to many houses. In such premises, you can always feel calm, focus. And of course it is better that such rooms are on the second floor, because There is much calmer.

Be that as it may, all this, of course, are very conditional parameters. You should also build your own home in which all your requirements and needs will be scientified. And do not forget that the price is not always a reflection of the quality of the house, it all depends in person from you - you can build an excellent country house, not overpaying. But the underline cost of construction will not justify your hopes - here you need a certain measure and clear calculation. You pay once, and to live in this house you will need to be constantly, so you should not worry too much because of the tools spent.

Construction of a new dwelling is always big expenses. Few people can afford to build, not paying attention to the estimates. Most often have to save to fit into the budget. However, the savings should be reasonable, because in a new place will live the owner and his family. The building must be warm, dry, comfortable, pleasant in appearance. How to achieve without overpayments? First of all, to save on the team of workers. If the developer has the right skills, then all or almost everything can be done. You can also choose inexpensive materials, available technologies, typical project. How cheaper to build a house with your own hands? What is worth saving, and where is better not to risk?

Savings begins with the selection of the project. The harder the architectural forms, the more expensive the construction costs. It is irrational to try to reduce costs at the expense of workers, technical supervision or quality of materials, initially choosing an expensive project.

It is better to clearly decide on the necessary living space without making a family, but not allowing yourself of extra square meters, choose a simple roof shape. This will create a cozy housing that fully meets the needs of the family, but without architectural "excesses" - a multicate roof, erkers, columns, arches.

It makes sense to consider the options for building a single or two-storey construction with a residential attic.

Residential attic is much more profitable than a separate floor. There will be more materials for the construction of the floor - for walls, insulation, finishes

If you choose lightweight building materials and suitable technologies for the construction of walls, you can save on the foundation. It will take a less powerful design, plus the formwork can be made from a non-the board of the board used plates of the Fiberboard.

The only thing that is unwanted to reduce costs is cement. It needs to be purchased quality, otherwise the strength of the design will be under a big question. The depth of the trench for the foundation should also correspond to the estimated weight of the building to avoid a strong precipitation that can lead to the appearance of cracks in the walls.

What is most often used when building:

  • brick;
  • bar;
  • gasoblock.

When erecting houses and cottages, framework technology is increasingly used. This is a promising method that allows you to build quickly and with minimal expenses.

To find out what the construction will be cheaper, you will have to calculate the estimates for each of the options, because The cost of the material itself is not always the indicator of the benefit. For example, the choice in favor of multipurpose resources will help reduce costs. The cost of hydro, vaporizolation "Two in one" will be ultimately cheaper than the purchase of two different types of isolation.

When calculating, it should be processed from the fact that the finished building must be comfortable for living, comply with heat resistant standards, security.

The advantages of the frame construction - in smaller time and labor costs for the construction of the building. The design is light, does not create an increased load on the foundation and does not require its gain

Option # 1 - Frame house building

The dwelling on this technology is being built in time from several weeks to several months, depending on whether the owner is building himself or hires a brigade. Ready buildings are durable, resistant to deformations. The estimated service life is about 75 years.

Bearing structures are convenient for subsequent sheat finishing materialsbecause All elements are unified. This significantly expands the choice of facade facing options: you can mount siding, cassette panels, block house on the walls. When sheeling increases the strength of the entire design without a significant increase in its weight.

Video about design

There are two main technologies, each of which has its own characteristics.

Frame-panel. How cheaper to build a house? Collecting himself personally. Of course, this will require skills and equipment. Thanks to this type of construction, this is possible, at least it will be necessary to invest a lot of time and additional money in the purchase of insulation and other things. The frame is made of wood and cure sandwich panels. Every detail has to be mounted separately, which affects the timing and labor intensity of construction.

Frame-bill. This option is expensive, but reliable and requires much smaller labor costs. The design is collected from the finished shields that are manufactured at the factory by special order. Shields are supplied already insulated and completely ready for assembly. If we compare the prices of shield and panel buildings, then the first is more expensive. However, the final cost may be the same if it is necessary to invite workers for the assembly of frame-panel housing, because it is necessary to pay all types of work separately - assembling, trimming, thermal insulation, finishing.

Wooden frame in the assembled form is already similar to the finished house. It requires only sheathing and finishes. In the wall walls, steam and waterproofing materials are still mounted at the factory, which contributes to an increase in the life of the building

Indisient advantages of technology:

  • Efficiency. A small weight is the obvious opportunity to save on the foundation, and a short time - on the payment of workers. It is believed that at home erected by frame technology, costs cheaper, but largely economy depends on the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction selected components, finishes, etc. Calculations of experienced engineers show that it is profitable if the building length does not exceed 20 m, and the floods - 3. Often everything solves the project.
  • High energy saving coefficient. Designs quickly and efficiently warm. Walls are made of low thermal conductivity materials, thanks to which the design is well held heat. The wall thickness can be 15-20 cm. Among additional benefits - reducing heating costs compared to the usual construction of the same area.
  • No shrinkage. The walls of the design are durable, resistant to deformations, differ in high rigidity, and the house itself does not shrink. It also has a positive effect on construction timing: finishing work can be started immediately after the end of the main work. The covering does not require additional processing, which reduces the cost of finishing.

Disadvantages or what to take into account:

  • For assembling such a design, special knowledge is needed, tools. The qualifications of builders are of fundamental importance, therefore, not every developer will cope with himself, and the brigade will have to carefully choose.
  • Wooden frames require additional processing by the compositions for biological and fire protection.

When choosing a project, special attention should be paid to ventilation. Artificial materials are perfectly insulating, but from the point of view of environmental safety leave to desire better. If the dwelling is small, then theoretically you can do with natural ventilation, but ideally, it is necessary to calculate and establish a system of normal air exchange.

When mounting frame structures, "wet" technologies are not used. This feature is a big plus, because Allows you to work at any time of the year.

Tightness - one of the main advantages frame housebecause serves as a key to good thermal insulation. But it also has a circulating side - a violation of air exchange. So that human life products, dust and other factors did not worsen the microclimate in the building, did not reduce the amount of oxygen in the air, it is necessary to design a high-quality ventilation system.

What to make:

  • Wood. Despite all sorts of treatments, wood is exposed to moisture, microorganisms. On average, such a frame is up to 60 years and is inferior to metal counterparts, ease, resistance to destructive factors of the external environment.
  • Metal. Light thermofiligant is used for manufacture. His advantages are excellent fire resistance, low weight, corrosion resistance. Metal parts are not subject to attacks of fungi and mold. All this is capable of increasing the life of structures up to 100 years.

What makes it cost cheaper? When drawing up the estimate, an explicit advantage will be for wooden carcass. However, if you "look into the future" and take into account higher operational properties of thermopropille, then its service life fully pays for costs.

The foundation can be selected tiled, columnar or ribbon depending on the type of soil. You can save on an easy-to-install roofing - double or attic. Choice - for the developer.

1 square M metal frame weighs 30-50 kg, with a trim - about 200 kg. Small specific weight ready House Allows to be built on unstable soils. The profile also applies with the reconstruction of buildings with highly worn carrier structures.

Option # 2 - Construction of bricks

Brick is one of the most popular. Houses are difficult to call cheap. The walls have to do thick, plus they require additional insulation, which leads to even greater increase in the cost of structures. The weight of the finished facility is great, so the foundation is needed truly durable. It is done on the whole depth of the freezing of the soil.

Save on it is difficult. For minuses should be attributed and long, labor-intensive construction. However, the durability of structures, their fire safety and practicality is largely paying for expenses.

If you check prices for the construction of a good construction on the websites of specialized companies, then it seems that the cost is small. However, even in the price of turnkey construction, finishing finishes are not laid: installation outdoor coating, interior doors, plumbing devices, etc.

If all this is done yourself, only the cost of buying materials should be added to the cost. If you need to hire workers, then also pay for their labor. Construction is beneficial only if the owner of the site initially picked up the project and most of the work can be performed independently.

Video: Brick for buildings

Option # 3 - Fuel Blocks

Aerated concrete block - a decent competitor to traditional brick. The construction of the box is significantly more profitable than the construction. The wall thickness may be less than 1/3 without loss of thermal insulation properties. The material itself is noticeably easier, which allows savings at the expense of the foundation. An additional "bonus" for the home owner is good sound insulation.

The dwelling from the aerated concrete blocks "breathes", the air exchange is not disturbed in it, because Pores through. However, for the same reason, blocks are considered not the most the best option From the point of view of waterproofing. If the construction is conducted with a violation of technology, the finished design can also be bludging. You need to pay attention to the finish.

As for construction terms, the aerated concrete structure can be built 2-3 times faster than brick, it practically does not give a shrinkage. Special adhesive compositions are used to connect blocks. At the same time undesirable to use the usual cement mortarbecause It gives thick seams that can cause the formation of "cold bridges".

One of the disadvantages of aerated concrete blocks is a relatively low frost resistance, so you have to take care of high-quality finish. As materials you can use plaster, siding, stone

Option # 4 - Economy Bruce Buildings

For developer, the bar is more profitable than anything else. If you compare the brusade and brick wall According to heat-saving properties, it turns out that the design of eats with a thickness of 220 mm and from a brick with a thickness of 600 mm will be equally warm. Usually, the construction of 200 mm is taken for construction, a heater is 100 mm thick and applied layer of plaster from 20 mm.

Benefits of timber:

  • economy;
  • fast construction (will be built in a few weeks);
  • simple technology;
  • environmental Safety;
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • comfortable microclimate;
  • ease of construction.

If you choose from which it is cheaper to build a house, the bar is a win-win version. It is beneficial, and the technology is simple, and almost any owner of the site can master it, if he already has a construction skills.

During the construction of houses from a bar, it is necessary to carefully design the heating and energy supply systems. Constructions are considered fire hazard. Also, the tree is afraid of moisture, so requires protection against dampness and fungus

Compare prices per square meter

How and from what is cheaper to build everything, you can see in numbers. If in the calculations proceed from the averages (the depth of the primer of the soil is 1.5 m, groundwater - 2.5 m, the suction ground), then you can determine the cost of construction of 1 square meter. Depending on the components, the figures will be such:

  • frame design - 875 rubles;
  • brick - 2330 rubles;
  • aerated concrete - 2000 rubles;
  • bar - 1900 rubles.

Overview of Popular Materials - Video

It's obvious that frame house It will cost the developer cheaper than just. Finally, determined with the choice, you need to consider all the features of the project, soil, the site itself. The calculations are not included in the payment of services for the construction team. Female workforce is an additional (and considerable!) Expenditures.

Regarding the repair and construction of new housing, sometimes they say, the main thing is to begin, but you can finish too. Of course, this is provided that the person knows, in which direction he needs to go. This rule concerns almost all aspects of our lives, and the construction of a new home in this regard is no exception.

Start building a residential building

How to build a private house?

Stage First

I do not think that it is worth telling anyone about how to choose a plot for new construction. With this you ourselves will figure it out, but the documentation and permits should be stopped in more detail.

It should be understood that the package necessary documentsDepending on the region of your stay, it may differ, but the main and unchanging stages of collecting this package look like this.

  1. We go to local governments and get permission to design the house.
  2. With the resulting resolution, we go to the local architecture department and get source project data there.
  3. Further, according to the initial data obtained data, we collect technical specifications from all utilities. As a rule, the list of necessary TU is indicated in the source project documentation.
  4. That's just now you can proceed to the design of a new house.
  5. The finished project (it does not matter who performed it) must pass the stage of coordination first in utility services, and then in the district architecture.
  6. Only after that with the documents that have passed the coordination can be sent again to local governments and receive permission to build.

How to get permission to build a house

And this is only the beginning - there are still many complex problems ahead that will have to be solved in the construction process.

Stage Second - Studying the foundation

It is not worth saving on the foundation - no matter how much the temptation to make it yourself, it is better to refuse this venture. Not because it is a difficult job (in the fact that you will handle her, I am sure), just here are a lot of all sorts of subtleties that must be observed. Still, the foundation is the basis for the house, and if you want to build a house for a century, then it is better to trust this work to commit professionals.

Where to start building a house

Before switching to the next stage of building a private house, concrete foundation Must be good to settle, so to speak, to gain strength. This is not a fast process - as a rule, by time it takes from one to two months, during which it is not worth loading it. One small crack that appeared in the process of pouring concrete can lead to disastrous consequences.

It should be understood that all this time the foundation should be bare, i.e. Unmamped soil and most importantly without waterproofing. It is performed, the smaller one, a month after concreting. The waterproofing foundation can be squeezed with soil and move to the next stage of construction of a private house.

The third stage is the construction of walls

If you are not a professional builder, you should understand the importance of this stage and know why build the walls better to experts in your case. The only thing you can save here is on the material - the modern industry produces their vast variety. In extreme, of course, it is not necessary to rush, you should remember that too good is also bad. It is necessary to find the so-called golden middleIn which the quality of the goods corresponds to its price and properties.

To date, there are quite a lot of relatively inexpensive, but at the same time reliable construction technologies. In the walls, the main thing is that? So that they are durable and reliably maintained heat - precisely from these indicators and it is worth repelled by defining with the material.

There is one very interesting technology of the construction of walls - monolithic casting using a non-removable polystyrene or foam formwork. If you compare the cost of the walls constructed in this way with the final result obtained, you can conclude that today it is one of the best options.

The formwork from the foam after pouring the concrete remains in place and plays the role of the insulation. Subsequently decorative finish The facade is performed using the technology of insulation walls by foam. By the way, this is one of those methods of building walls at home, which can be implemented independently.

Stage Fourth - Roof Roof

It certainly should not be greedy and construct the roof structure yourself - professionals will make it faster and better. You will only need one - choose the roof material. And you need to do it even at the design stage of the house - the total weight of the building depends on it and, as a result, the construction technology of the foundation.

Stages of the construction of a private house

It should be understood that it is necessary to cover the house before the onset of cold weather. If you do not have time, the construction will have to be conserved. If you have time, then you can install windows and proceed to the next stage, which provides phased construction at home.

Stage Fifth - installation of doors and windows

If you burn a strong desire to reduce the construction estimate, then this work is quite realistic to do it yourself - the only thing that will have to do is to study the question of how windows and doors are installed. There is nothing difficult in it, the main thing is exactly accurate to comply with technology, and everything will be fine.

Phased home construction: installation of windows

Special attention should be paid to the choice entrance door and windows need to come not only from their appearance, but also from technical characteristics. It is not necessary to save on these products, since it depends on the ability of your home to hold heat and, as a result, reduced costs during the operation of housing.

Stage Sixth - Finishing House

The one who has already come across private construction knows that it is not even half the box, but the finishing works are expensive. At this stage, the house needs to be equipped with life support systems (heating, water supply, ventilation, sewage, air conditioning), produce draft floors, put in order wall and only then move to finishing.

The only thing that can please here is that the lion's share of work can be taken over and reduce the cost of construction.

Stages of building house: finishing with their own hands

What else needs to be aware of this stage of work, so this is what any home gives a sediment during the first year, that's why interior decoration It is better to wait, if, of course, you do not want to get the flourished surfaces.

To a greater extent, it all depends on the weight of the structure - cottage You can safely start to separate already six months later, but it is better to give a lot of higher buildings.

Stage seventh - commissioning and receiving guidelines

In principle, the house is ready, and it can be missed, but to put it into operation and get documents that make you how the owner can be used. The main thing is to understand that without this stage the house you built can not be sold or transferred by inheritance.

So it looks like phased construction. Now you know not only where to start building the house, but also to finish it. Good luck in your endeavors, and most importantly in search of qualified specialists!