Historical lectures of audio recordings. Audiobook Audibillek "Knowledge-force" - History of world civilizations

And since we started about books - I'm here in lately Heping on audio set.

If it is interesting to an expensive audience - let's post per 100 books

So, let's begin.

The first were the lectures of the shooter on history Ancient Greece. A very good course, gives a common picture of the History of Greece, the internal logic of development, etc. In fact, both shooters and rowas - these are part of a large lecture course, which was recorded for a distance of the Institute of Culture History, and recently I found it entirely on the torrents. They go first numbers

History of Ancient Greece (7:35:21), Arrowov Andrei Valentinovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department "Stories ancient Mira"MSU them. M.V. Lomonosov

History Ancient Rome (4:36:48), Petr Vladimirovich Ryabov, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor

History of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (7:14:15), Roman Alekseevich, Candidate of Philosophy. Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy MPGU

History of Russia with other times until the 16th century (2:49:37), Ryabov Peter Vladimirovich, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor

Antique Literature (7:00:25), Lupin, Alexey Igorevich

Medieval literature and rebirth era (3:56:01), Faigina Catherine Vitalevna

Literature 17-18 centuries (2:36:30), Pasharian Natalya Tigranovna

Old Russian literature (3:54:38), Poutkin Alexey Arkadyevich

Mythology (12:04:14), Barkova Alexander Leonidovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences. Senior Researcher of the Public Museum. N.K. Roerich

Orthodoxy and Russian Culture (4.37: 52), Volkov Maria Alekseevna

Judaism Christianity Islam (9: 12.24), Shilkina Margarita Vasilyevna, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. Assistant professor.

Christianity (3.23: 38), Shilkina Margarita Vasilyevna, Candidate of Philosophy. Assistant professor.

Antique philosophy (2.08: 47), Hyrenok Fedor Ivanovich

Medieval philosophy (2:36:33), Hyrenok Fedor Ivanovich

New Time Philosophy (3:55:07), Faybyshenko Victoria Julievna

for those who do not master, there is an abbreviated version
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t\u003d3 438973

2. Anatoly Alekseevia Alekseev, Bible History
http://russiantens.ru/ru/author/alek SEEV /
one of the outstanding domestic biblists, a very good review course - 10 lectures for 20-30 minutes - on the history of the Bible, about listened to great pleasure

3. Lectures on philosophy and history of science for graduate students of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t\u003d4 445403.
lectures - I do not doubt - beautiful, especially for philosophers, but, unfortunately, a bad record from the voice recorder; I realized that I could not listen, but maybe someone rules

3_1. History of philosophy of science for graduate students of the Faculty
also MSU, reads Vladimir Yakovlev. Until he listened, only tested the very beginning - hearing ok
http://vfc.org.ru/rus/personalsites/shap oshnikov / audiopgs2011-2012.php - more lectures for graduate students, reads shaposhnikov
it seems that Yakovlev's lectures - for graduate students of the Mathematical Faculty, Shaposhnikova - for the entire stream of natural works, too graduate students

all that is lower - what I found and put in line, but personally did not listen to, except for the first lecture on the philosophy of mathematics

Lectures for schoolchildren
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t\u003d1 874304.
very skeptical about sections of the "peoples of Russia" and "Russia's largest companies" (LUKOIL and TNK, and Gazprom national heritage, yes), but swaying hopes for animal and Vegetable world, as well as nature and geography

http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t\u003d3 421403.
audio recording Transfer Kapitsa

Lotman, conversations about Russian culture
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t\u003d1 462364.
Lotman, just Lotman.

Teeth, history of religious ideas
http://rutracker.org/forum/ViewTopic.php?t\u003d2 857506.
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t\u003d2 110930.
We remember this Zubet on the congress of political scientists whether in 2002, or in 2003 ... But I generally remember much ...

Lectures on cultural studies and lectures on ethics
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t\u003d1 343158.
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t\u003d1 346106.
let them be listed, but still cause my healthy skepticism

Cycle Transmission Academy
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t\u003d3 518896.
the humanitarian part of the cycle personally has some doubts - we will listen to the DNA and the emergence of life on earth, I believe in our natural and scientific school

Lectures on Literature Mikhail Budaragin
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t\u003d4 260898.

Philosophy of the Frankfurt School
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t\u003d3 929053.
one lecture of Peter Ryabov. Let's be listed

V.Ya. Perminov, Mathematics Philosophy
http://vfc.org.ru/rus/media/audio/index.p hp? section_id \u003d 115

Where to look great

it is clear that our tastes with you may vary, and much of the fact that I didn't find it necessary to put in my author's list, for you may well be Mast Reed - for example philology

audio section on rutreker
http://rutracker.org/forum/ViewForum.php?f\u003d1 48.
49 pages of all sorts of different, diamonds are looking for handles by stupid squirrels among endless secrets of Picaperov (Aaaaaaaa How to build a wife and start the Aaaaaaa's mistress), Orthodox yoga, the interpretations of the Koran, omnipred by Kurginyan, Eci Echo Ether, Fragments of the Speech of Lunacle and Stalin, as well as the New Year's appeal Yeltsin And Sobchak 1993

The Golden Lecture Fund of the Russian World, almost all is Professor SPbSU. I still downloaded to Alekseeva (philologists are advantaged there, and I now do not feel the mood for philology), but I think many will find something else interesting for ourselves. I also advise you to pay attention to the lectures of Krivosheev in Russian history.

Open audio set archive. There are many things - there are no courses on the history and philosophy of science for graduate students of Moscow State University, and there is Alexander Gelhevich with the postmodern philosophy, introduction to the Zhargolontic and puzzles as a tool for developing creativity. Even the structure of the scientific revolutions of Thomas Kun, but unfortunately only the first chapter (((

virtual Philosophical Center for the Philosophical Faculty of Moscow State University. The philosophy of mathematics for graduate students of Mehmat is all, and snowflake flies over the fire ...

While all. Download, listen, complement)))

18th century in history

element-529452-SND1-NE_TAK-26-07-1 Element-529452-SND2-NE_TAK-26-07-2 Transcript of the transfer "Not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" S. Buntman: Good afternoon. Sergey Bundman at the microphone. This is our program, together with the magazine "Knowledge - Strength," I hope that you have now been convinced after heard in the "Victory price" Elena Syanov, that she really is on vacation and in August we begin a new cycle. And now(…)

18th century in Russia: Middle Ages or New Time?

The transcriptor of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on January 15, 2001. In the live radio station "Echo of Moscow" program "Not so." Visiting the historian Alexander Kamensky. Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S.Buntman: Good evening. Asked questions on the Internet, I hope that there will be still on the pager. Here this fundamental question from Pskov came to us (...)

18th century: expansion of the borders of Russia

Transcript of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on April 26, 2003. Live "Echo of Moscow" Alexander Kamensky, historian. Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S. Buntman: So, the 18th century, the expansion of the borders of Russia. Today we are completing the epic of the 18th century, approach the key era, the Catherine Epoch, which is most important and stable, which started the beginning of many things, which if not (...)

1812 In search of the general battle

4-2012-08-25-NetAk-1408 Transcript of the transmission "Not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" Sergey Bunman: Well, what? Dear friends, we continue our series, and I am now before, I will announce once again to look at the Magazine "Dieletant", except for the Higher Musketeer Block, which is in the "Amateur", really a very solid historical block with everything that is associated with the era Only the most, (...)

400 years old Cathedral

2009-06-06-NetAK-1413 (1) The transcriptor of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" C.Buntman: So, well, here we have sincere perturbation: "Today" Day D ", Operation" Overlod "Why" Echo "does not react?" Reacts, there are big events - "Day d". We also reacted, we had materials about the 20th anniversary of our events on Tiananmen Square. But today, we, of course, (...)

90th anniversary of the First World War

The transcriptor of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on September 4, 2004. On the radio station "Echo of Moscow" program "Not so". Guest in Studio: Oleg Budnitsky. Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S.Buntman: We are now: you know, we interrupted the series first in connection with normal any events such - I had a vacation, I wanted to continue it, the series (...)

Alexander I in the Patriotic War of 1812

2012-07-28-NetAK-1409 Transcript of the transmission "Not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" Sergey Bunman: Once again Good afternoon! 14 hours 10 minutes. Sergey Bundman at the microphone. Already here is legal absolutely, here in its place ... We have so it happened that "cultural shock" was also close to our topics, and I really hope that everything will go well, humanly and on (...)

Alexander I. Part 1

Transcript of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on March 16, 2002. Live radio stations "Echo of Moscow" program "is not so!" Visiting historian Andrei Levandovsky. Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S. Buntman: Little Matvey Muravyov-Apostol asked her mother, "Why do people disappear on the street, is it now Easter? No, not Easter, his mother replied. This was(…)

Alexander I. Part 2

Transcript of the transfer "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" March 23, 2002. Live radio stations "Echo of Moscow" program "is not so!" Visiting the historian Andrei Levanovsky and Ilya Ber, the participant of the project "One Family of the Times of Vladimir Putin". Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S. Buntman Transfer "Not so!" We continue the series "Romanov Dynasty", Alexander First. Andrei Levandovsky (...)

Alexander I. Part 3. Arakcheevshchina

Transcript of the transfer "Not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on March 30, 2002 in the live radio station "Echo of Moscow" program "not so!" Visiting Andrei Levandovsky, historian. Ether leads Sergey Bundman theme: "Romanov dynasty. Alexander 1. Arakcheevshchina, "the transfer of the third s.Buntman: today the program" is not "the third, the final part dedicated to the reign of Alexander 1, and remind you that (...)

Alexander II. Part 1. Great reforms

Transcript of the transfer "Not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" S. Buntman - What's wrong? We continue to go for the fork russian history. "In search of your story" - a book on which we will be referred to and go on, to break, up, down, deep into. Andrei Levandovsky. Good day, Andrey. A.levandovsky - Hello. S. Buntman - We are a few broadcasts back, we (...)

Alexander II. Part 2

Transcript of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on June 15, 2002. In the live radio station "Echo of Moscow" Leonid Lyashenko - historian. Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S. Buntman We continue the reign of Alexander II, but here, of course, we return from reforms to the very beginning of the reign. Today we will talk about the external concerns of the empire, and external concerns (...)

Alexander II. Part 3.

The transcriptor of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on June 22, 2002. In the live radio station "Echo of Moscow" Leonid Lyashenko - historian. Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S. Buntman We continue to talk about the epoch of Alexander II. We approached the Society, which has changed very much to the Alexander Epoch, and in connection with reforms, and in itself. (...)

Alexander II. Part 4.

The transcriptor of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on June 29, 2002. In the live radio station "Echo of Moscow" Leonid Lyashenko - historian. Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S. Bunman We are completing, summing up the reign of Alexander II. We will ask questions, and you will answer these questions with the help of a pager. We will ask four questions, two in (...)

Alexander II. Part 5.

The transcript of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on June 1, 2002 in the live radio station "Echo of Moscow" Leonid Lyashenko - Historian, Alexander Vereshchagin - historian. Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S. Bunman. We are in the epoch of Alexander II. This is our series "Romanov Dynasty". Alexander II, liberator. Alexander II not only the liberator, but also (...)

Alexander III. Part 1. Conservative peacemaking

The transcriptor of the transfer "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" - Valentin Kornilov, historian. Ether lead Anton Nut and Nikolay Alexandrov. A. Walf Our joint program, the program "not so", "Echo Moscow" and the magazine "Knowledge Strength". We start the transmission cycle about Alexandra III. "Conservative peacemaking" - under such conditional call it all will (...)

Alexander III. Part 2

Transcript of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on September 14, 2002. In the live radio station "Echo Moscow" Valentin Kornilov - historian. Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S. Buntman Today we continue to talk about the emperor Alexandra III. It began last time. I was not, but I know. My colleagues, Anton Nut and Nikolai Aleksandrov, (...)

Alexander III. Part 3.

The transcriptor of the transfer "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on September 21, 2002 in the live radio station "Echo of Moscow" Valentin Kornilov - a historian. Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S. Buntman continue the Romanov Dynasty series. Suitable for the completion of the novel dynasty itself, her story. And the penultimate, not formally, and truly, the emperor from the Romanov dynasty, Alexander III today, (...)

Alexander III. Part 5.

The transcriptor of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on September 28, 2002 in the live radio station "Echo of Moscow" Valentin Kornilov. Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S. Buntman program "Not so", together with the magazine "Knowledge Strength". The "Romanov Dynasty" series, the penisture actually after all the sovereign of this dynasty Alexander III. And his era tells, the fourth and final gear, Valentine (...)

Alexander III. Part four

On September 7, 2002, Valentin Kornilov, Historian, Library of the Radio Station "Echo of Moscow". Ether lead Anton Walnut and Nikolay Alexandrov. A. Walf Our joint program, the program "not so", "Echo Moscow" and the magazine "Knowledge Strength". We start the transmission cycle about Alexandra III. "Conservative peacemaking" under such conditional call it all will be on the air in the nearest (...)

Alexander Nevsky - between Order and Horde

bCST-50810-SND1 Transcript of the transmission "Not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" S. Buntman - Igor Danilevsky in our joint program with the magazine "Knowledge - Power". Igor, good afternoon! I. Danilevsky - Good afternoon! S.Buntman is some kind of anniversary once we return to Alexander Nevsky. I. Danilevsky - yes. S. Buntman - and Ice Bare. And I would immediately wanted to ask a question, (...)

Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov

Transcript of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on September 15, 2001. In the live radio station "Echo of Moscow", the program "is not so" visiting - historian Igor Andreev. Ether leads Lev Gulko. L. Gulko - Alexey Mikhailovich, Older and novelty. In general, all Romanovs, one of them. The first question is before we listen to some essay (...)

Anna Ioannovna - Anna Grozny

The transformation of the transmission "not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" on December 1, 2001 in the live radio station "Echo of Moscow" program "not so!" Visiting - Igor Kurukin, historian. Ether leads Sergey Bunman. S. Bunman. We are proceeding with the reign of Anna John. Igor Kurukin here, Igor, good afternoon. I. Kurukin - Good afternoon. S. Buntman Let's (...)

Arakcheev in Russian history

2010-03-27-NetAk-1408 Transcript of the transfer "Not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" S. Buntman: Well, we start, or rather, we continue our cycle within the program "Not so!", As mentioned, "Our all - 2", these are state figures of the seven reigns of the house of Romanov, from Catherine II to Nicholas II, we decided to include in the cycle "not so" because here (...)

Ariadne Tyrskova, Iron Lady of Russian Liberalism

Transcript of the transfer "Not so" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" S. Buntman - We begin our transfer, together with the magazine "Knowledge - Strength". Our pager 961-33-33 for subscriber "Echo Moscow". Oleg Budnitsky. We have two troubles, we have all the time, here all August, all July and August we have the 17th century, 20th century, 17th century, 20th century (...)

This rating is not static, its results are not final, the books are sorted in it due to the estimates of readers. Leave your estimates and reviews, help a common cause, it is you who decide which audiobook on the history of Russia will be on top of the top. We hope that in the future list will be one of the most informative and useful.

    Fourth edition, recycled and supplemented. The textbook contains the history of Russia since ancient times to the present day, taking into account the latest data accumulated by historical science. For students of higher educational institutions, applicants and all interested in the history of the Fatherland. ... Further

    Sergey Fyodorovich Platonov

    The publication contains full text Fundamental work on the history of Russia "Tutorial of Russian History" of the famous Russian historian Sergey Fedorovich Platnovov, Academician Russian Academy Sciences (1920), Professor of the University of St. Petersburg, heads of Petersburg Historical Schools, "enemy of the Marxist-Leninsky" class "approach to the study of historical processes. The textbook was written before the 1917 revolution, covers the period of the history of Russia from ancient times until the end of 1917, was used to teach gymnasics and students, in Soviet Russia was banned. ... Further

    Valentin Pikul

    Valentin Savvich did not think to write this novel (which he will subsequently give the name "The Square of the Fighters" and The first Tom - "Barbarossa" - seems to be a court of listeners) - It is known to be interested in the more distant events. And only when the details of the death of the father became known, he turned to the study of the events of the Stalingrad battle. The Stalingrad epic is written a lot - the books of historians and memoirs of Frontovikov make a solid library, a considerable part of which Valentin Savvich studied in detail. He used more than 500 historical and archival sources, monographs, memories of domestic and foreign eyewitnesses. ... Further

    Ivan IV Vasilyevich on nicknamed Grozny (1530-1584) - the Grand Duke of Moscow and All Russia (from 1533), the first Russian king (from 1547). During his reign, large-scale reforms of the central authorities were carried out, the convening of Zemsky Cathedrals was launched, a judiciary was drawn up G., Changed the state structure of the country - an oprichnina was introduced. With Ivan the Terrible, trade relations are established with England, the Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate are conquered, Siberia's accession began. A talented statesman, a wise reformer ... and bloody tyrant, a man who has poured his people in chaos of monstrous repression. How was he, Ivan the Terrible, the founder of the Moscow kingdom, the sovereign, which had a huge and ambiguous effect on the course of historical events? ... Further

    Oleg Stanislavovich Ryasakov

    At the reception at the Governor of Boston, the heroes will learn about strange murders, literally shocked citizens with their cruelty. Vangouver offers the governor to use the services of Ushakov to catch the killer. But for this he needs a "bait" ... the role of which agrees to fulfill Vorontsov. ... Further

    Nikolay Starikov

    Why is Russia now alone on the political arena? Why is it always, regardless of the social system and the regime of the Board, are accused of something? How to build your policy in such a situation? ... Further

    Nikolay Starikov, the author of best-selling "liquidation of Russia", "Who made Hitler attack Stalin?", "Crisis. As it is done, "" Fer Oil ", convincingly proves that political unions have provided a deepetive impact on our story. So it was at least for 300 years, when the roaring of the Russian state stood the Romanov dynasty. So it was under the Government of Kerensky, and in the civil cross-visor, when the countries of the Entente, pretending to help white, actually betrayed them. So it was and during the period of a terrible war with the German fascism, specially grown in the English "test tube" to the destruction of our state.

    In response to betrayal, Russia continued to fight and help, save and create, paying these gifts with the blood of his sons. Is it time to break this vicious circle? After all, Russia has no friends because we are backward and miserable, but because we are big and strong. China is also no allies ...

    The book was previously published under the name "Ladered Russia". ... Further

    Boris Akunin

    "The country we call Ancient Rusy.So it was so different from Russia of the Unlosegol era, that through the crowd of past centuries it seems to us some kind of cigent, the legendary Atlantis ... was there really a Rurik? Have the Slavs of Varyagov invited? Did Oleg Bled on Doctor Tsaregda? " ... Further

    Boris Akunin addresses its own history of the Fatherland of a wide audience of listeners: people who are interested to know (or with the author to enthusiastically calculate), as it really was. And try to understand that in our millennial state - the cause and Russian misfortunes, and Russian victories are "so" and that "not so" (and why).

    Attention! From November 16, audiobook is available for purchase in the "Listen!" in the AppStore. ... Further

    Alexandra Ishimov

    5. From Paul I to Alexander I. Patriotic War 1812. ... Further

    Alexandra Ishimov

    The wonderful book of Alexandra Osipovna Ishimova withstood the test of time and can rightly be considered one of the best presentations of domestic history for children. ... Further

    Written by a rich, figurative and clear language, she conquers from the first page, and will undoubtedly become a favorite book in every home, where they care about education and mental development of a young generation.

    4. Empress Elizabeth (1741-1762). Epoch of the Board of Catherine II (1762-1796). ... Further

    Alexandra Ishimov

    The wonderful book of Alexandra Osipovna Ishimova withstood the test of time and can rightly be considered one of the best presentations of domestic history for children. ... Further

    Written by a rich, figurative and clear language, she conquers from the first page, and will undoubtedly become a favorite book in every home, where they care about education and mental development of a young generation.

    2. From John III to the first Romanov (1462-1682). ... Further

    Alexandra Ishimov

    The wonderful book of Alexandra Osipovna Ishimova withstood the test of time and can rightly be considered one of the best presentations of domestic history for children. ... Further

    Written by a rich, figurative and clear language, she conquers from the first page, and will undoubtedly become a favorite book in every home, where they care about education and mental development of a young generation.

    1. Ancient Russian state. 6-12th century. Rus conquered. Tatar-Mongol yoke. 13-14th century. ... Further

    Alexandra Ishimov

    The wonderful book of Alexandra Osipovna Ishimova withstood the test of time and can rightly be considered one of the best presentations of domestic history for children. ... Further

    Written by a rich, figurative and clear language, she conquers from the first page, and will undoubtedly become a favorite book in every home, where they care about education and mental development of a young generation.

    3. The era of Peter the Great (1682-1725). From Catherine I to Elizabeth (1725-1741). ... Further

    Oleg Stanislavovich Ryasakov

    Evgenia Kaidalova

    Whatever the people will be delayed on this land, he sought, by all means, to take possession of the magnificent peninsula. An unceasing struggle was followed by the Crimea, thanks to which amazing pages were inscribed in history. ... Further

    This book will tell you about what role the Crimea played in the baptism of Russia, you will learn about the links of the Crimean War with the excavations of the legendary Troy, and will also open the mystery of one cliff in the Balaklava Bay.

    A lively and fascinating story will allow you to become a member of the commemorative triants of the Scythian king, the dedicated defense of Sevastopol and a poetic evening in Koktebel. You will see how over the Crimean Mountains, not yet rebelted from the seabed, swim sharks meghalodons and descend to Kerch's catacombs, where 15 thousand soviet soldiers Without water and among gas attacks, the Hitler's troops resist.

    So, on the road! The journey through the Crimea begins. ... Further

    This publication covers the main sections of studying the school program on history for students of 11 classes of general education institutions. The textbook is an informative manual for history intended for in-depth study subject preparation for exams and ... more

    This publication covers the main sections of studying the school program on history for students of graders of educational institutions. The textbook is an informative manual for history intended for in-depth study of the subject, exam preparation and Repeat. In an interesting and accessible form, he introduces students with history, its events and heroes. ... Further

    Sergey Satin

    At the beginning of the XIX century. N.M. Karamzin created his 12-volume "Russian state history" - the work is very solid and serious. Some time later, A.K. Tolstoy wrote the famous ironic poem "The history of the Russian state from the Genomysland to Timashev." And around One hundred and a half years old Our contemporary Sergey Satin decided to reflect the domestic history - from the time of the formation of statehood in the Eastern Slavs until the last decades in the chastushki. ... Further

    Witty, caustic, funny and alive - they will not only make a listener, but also think about. To look at your past, even on the most gloomy pages, at an unexpected angle sometimes very helpful. And to afford it can only a person who really loves and knows his native story.

    For a wide range of readers. ... Further

    Alexander Myasnikov

    The history of Russia is the territory of the protected. It is full of amazing relationships, parallels, secrets and mysteries. So the author of the book "Secret Code of Russia" believes Alexander Butchers. And trying to identify these very relationships, designate riddles. In his opinion, all versions, legends, Traditions, bought versions of truthful truthfulness, and hide the key to the secret code of Russia. ... Further

    Audio "Secret Code of Russia" - an invitation to an amazing journey. The author offers readers to try together to find the key to the secrets of Russia and take a look at many well-known and little-known events of Russian history. ... Further

    Our famous masters of the scene and the screens have long been recognized worldwide, and their contribution to the world treasury of culture is so significant that the European Theater of the two-year period without Russian names, and together with him the filmmatic XX century is impossible. Enough Remember Paul Mochalov, Mikhail Shchepkin, Maria Yermolov, Faina Ranevskaya and still dozens of brilliant names, each of which could make a separate page in the history of world acting art. ... Further

    "In any country's biography, there are chapters beautiful, caressing national pride, and ugly that you want to forget or mythologization. The era of Mongolian dominion in Russian history is the most unsightly. This is a severe historical memory injury: humiliation times, decay, loss of own statehood. Write and read about the events of the XIII-XV centuries - the occupation at first is very depressive. However, gradually the mood is changing. The process of scarlet wounds, revival worries and fascinates. It has something from the Russian fairy tale: Rus sprinkled dead water, then alive - and she resurrected, yes it became stronger than the former. Tatar-Mongol conquest brought a lot of troubles and suffering, but at the same time, it demonstrated the viability of the country that sustained a terrible test and managed to create a new statehood instead of the former who died. " ... Further

    We present to the attention of listeners the second audiobook of the Boris Akunin project "History Russian state"In which events are covered from 1223 to 1462. ... Further

    Vladimir Medinsky

    What did Ivan Grozny do with six wives? What Order Peter I gave Mazepa for Poltava? Why did Suvorov dough? Casual Napoleon find a woman in Moscow? Did Nicholas II renounced the throne? Is it true that Lenin did not believe in the revolution? How much dzerzhinsky paid Hitler? ... Further

  • Valentin Pikul

    Valentin Savvich honestly admitted that he did not consider himself to invite readers to the "Trennarad Troops", because he did not happen in them. But as a historian writer and the participant of the war could not pass by the grandiose events on the Great Russian River. ... Further

    Debating this Book of Memory of Father, Valentin Savvich took great moral responsibility: he had to write a book worthy of that heroic time.

    The novel was difficult. I had to retreat, stop, translate the breath and, gathering the will, go ahead again ... And although health has already been undermined by many years of wear, the loyalty to the sown duty obligated to continue the hard thing. He loved his father very much, often recalled that, despite the difficult life, the father for the last penny bought him children's books. Thanks to his father, he was already fluent in four years, making the first step on the staircase of the vocation. The memory of the father in Valentina Savvich was inextricably contacted with the concepts: debt, honor, conscience, faith. Sorrow intensified the greater, the clearer, he realized the disappearance of these qualities in humans. And apparently, hence the question: "And what was our good at that time?" - On the page of the book spilled out:

    Audio will be interested in anyone who wants to better understand the history of Russia of the last time and the logic of transformation of the external (and internal) policy of Vladimir Putin from very progressive reforms of the beginning of the 2000s to a clearly pronounced rejection of the Western Way of Development.

    What is audiobook

    Audiobook talks about the history of Russia throughout the reign of Vladimir Putin, from 2000 to 2015. The narrative was based on documents, open sources and dozens of unique personal interviews, which the author took from the actors from the nearest environments of Vladimir Putin. Collected together, facts, events, intrigues and opinions of heroes constitute a complete picture of the Kremlin's life, from which the logic of Metamorphosis of Vladimir Putin is clear: how and why from the liberal pro-Western president of the beginning of the 2000s, he turned into an authoritarian ruler and one of the most tary opponents of the West .

    Why Audiobook "All Kremlin Rail: Short story modern Russia "deserve listening

    The book was written by the editor-in-chief of the Rain TV channel - one of the few in Russia of independent media.

    In audiobooks are collected unique, nowhere formerly not published facts and interviews of the nearest approximate Vladimir Putin, which make it possible to learn a lot about the true causes of certain solutions of the President of Russia.

    Mikhail Zygyar is the editor-in-chief of the sole independent television channel "Rain" in Russia. In 2014, he was awarded the International Prize of the International Press Freedom Award, which awarded the Committee for the Protection of Journalists.

    Ten years worked as a military correspondent of the Kommersant newspaper, covered conflicts in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, Uzbekistan, revolution in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. He worked as Deputy Chief Editor in the Russian Newsweek magazine. Together with Valery Panyushkin, he wrote the book "Gazprom: New Russian weapons", which is translated into 15 languages. ... Next ... Next

Photo: Personal page on Facebook

It makes sense to represent this person in circles of literary crop. For all other explanations: perhaps the most famous modern researcher of American literature of the XX century, aesthetism, European modernism and the author of several artistic books. On his website or official Youtyub-Channel there is a whole selection of free lectures on Salinger, Kafka, Eliota and Oscar Wilde. All interested foreign literature is simply contraindicated by.

"Smoking Gutenberg"

A relatively recent non-commercial educational project specializing in living events held in Moscow and other major cities. Records of the performances of local lecturers are laid out in the official group "VKontakte" in the perfect open access. The spectrum is incredibly wide - as the organizers themselves write, "a biologist, philologist and cosmologist can perform in front of you. The format is rather scientific and popular and more than fascinating.

Despite the sufficient fame of this resource, it is impossible not to say about it. This popular worldwide site creates consistent lectures and weekly exercises, see and pass which can be completely free to any registered user. At the end of the most part of the courses are supposed to pass an online exam. More than 109 different universities are involved in the development of materials, mainly foreign. Dominates here, of course englishBut if desired, it is easy to bother science granite and with the help of great and mighty. There are, for example, courses from the Higher School of Economics or joint laboratories ABBYY and DIGITAL OCTOBER.

Academic Earth.

Another academic English-language resource. As in the case of Cercery, the participation in the development of the project takes many different universities, including Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and other loud names. Also presented mainly courses, all materials are available for free download. A separate big plus is the local interface: Academic Earth is always happy to suggest to his visitor to pass and see, in stock convenient separation from universities, specialties and difficulty level. Many video tracks are laid out separately from the main courses in a special section, and authorization is not even required to view them. True, here you will not find texts and rollers in Russian, so you have to be self-scamming in the language of Shakespeare.


The list cannot be accessed by the project and the project of the former Glavreda magazine "Big City" Philip Dziadko, who loudly shot this year. Arzamas offers its users whole courses consisting of video decks, articles and documentary photo galleries. Fully focused on humanitarian sciences. Here you can find out how to listen to classical music, which was from myself Petersburg on the eve of the 1917 revolution, read about the beliefs of South American Indians or about the English Revival Theater. The benefit that the project is completely Russian-speaking.


Online magazine, also irregularly producing printed almanacies. Offers its readers the materials of a really academic level. Therefore, it is not worth trying to try attempts to understand it, for example, in the capitalism of the beginning of the 20th century. But for people engaged in history, culture, sociology, religion, or philosophy, the resource is completely invaluable. The characteristic feature of Skepticism is also the fact that the magazine authors are not shy to speak out in their articles and lectures on topical modern topics, whether education or political manipulation. Chief Editor - Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Sergey Soloviev.

Khan Academy.

The project of the feet of Bangladesh and Graduate Harvard Salvana Khan is not exchanged for additional materials. Everything that is here is a whole galaxy of micolsters for all possible scientific specialties. Moreover, despite a serious academic approach, many disciplines are given here from the most basic foundations. Deeply study to study these disciplines, of course, will not work, but get a general idea is easy. The site exists due to donations, and Google has a considerable part of financial support. They are engaged in the translation of the "Academy" rollers into world languages \u200b\u200b(in the list, however, the truth is only English, Spanish, French, Norwegian, Portuguese and Turkish).


Let's go back to the most popular area in RuNet - social network VK.com. Education. - This is an extremely curious community, existing exclusively "VKontakte". The administration of a public with enviable regularity posts video and audio recordings of lectures, mainly in humanitarian and natural directions. It is believed that there are also incompetent materials, such as, for example, conversations about culture with Joseph Brodsky, are also part of the contest of the community. And here there are movies, documentary and not only, and audiobooks.


The Radio Station "Orpheus" not only makes it possible to listen to classical music, but also to learn more about it and culture as a whole. Program entries in huge numbers are presented on the official website. Franco Dziffirelli, Stanley Kubrick, Johann Sebastian Bach and Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Lloyd Webber and Rock Opera - all this in the format of twenty and thirty-minute records of radio wave. It is unlikely that somewhere else can be found such a large number of really interesting and professionally made podcasts in Russian.

Lectures Alexander Pyatigorsky

Photo: From the archive of Alexander Pyatigorsky

The laureate of Andrei White Prize, Soviet-British philosopher and an orientalist, translator from the dead languages \u200b\u200bAlexander Pyatigorsky - the personality is practically legendary. On the radio "Freedom" website, you can listen to the full cycle of his lectures on various philosophical ideas from Buddha and Zarathustra to Sartre and Homski. Lectures of a very small volume - to eight minutes - but extremely informative. Each in the form of text is accompanied by a small professional comment that facilitates the perception of the material.

Lectures Natalia Basovskaya

Photo: Natalia Krasikova / Photoxpress

Draft Radio "Echo Moscow" Transfer "All so" is a series of conversations on foreign history. The author is Natalia Basovskaya, medieval, doctor of historical sciences, the largest Russian specialist in century war. All materials exist both in the form of text and in the form of podcasts. You will not find here chewing historical facts and consecutive events. The focus is on the analysis of the logic of the historical process, the significance of various cultural myths, periods and events.


Since 1984, the TED annual conference is held in the United States, dedicated to "technologies, design and entertainment". It was for the first time a CD, Macintosh computer, first experiments on creating artificial intelligence. Among the participants are scientists from all over the world, public figures and Nobel laureates. The official website TED is a storehouse for those who want to learn about new developments in any fields of science. Here are speeches from the main conference, local events TED and just separate lectures. Knowledge of English is needed, but this is perhaps the only minus. The resource is extremely conveniently organized, synchronized with all major social networks, there is an excellent search system for materials and news.