How to care for home strawberries. Strawberry care during fruiting

The plant is very demanding to the soil and, first of all, it is necessary to give him a lot of fertilizers after the winter. Strawberry pulls out of the soil almost all potassium, magnesium and phosphorus in it. It will be best to use complex fertilizers for the garden and the garden, which contain the entire necessary list of minerals and macroelements. The packaging is intended for 300-400 liters of water, that is, 1 dimensional spoon is stirred in 10 liters. This mixture it is necessary to water the bushes under the root.

You can still make a dry dressing of plants: break the upper layer of the soil, pour into it 10-15 grams of the mixture and close the ground. Within a few days, this mixture itself is dissolved. It will be better to scatter 1-2 days before the rain so that Potassium and Magnesium for this period evenly absorbed into the ground and roots.

After winter, the garden will look very untidy - covered with straw or cheese, some bushes or individual branches can freeze. All this must be eliminated from the site and leave only those shoots that went this year. The whole backfasting is signed by light rakes, removing leaves can be cut into a secateur or eliminate weeks after 3-4, when they finally separate from the living stem. All this must be burned, as the pathogenic microorganisms, which are contained in the dead leaves, can fall into the soil and cause many diseases.

A bed must necessarily loosen, because after frosts and parting of snow, the Earth is knocked down into one big ships and practically does not let oxygen. Plants will grow much slower. You can make looping with ordinary peak or forks, it is enough to do holes in the soil and undermine it a bit by pressing the instrument handle. If the air temperature is up to +15 degrees during the day, there will be many weeds in the soil - make a rolling of aide to cut the top layer of the soil. This will allow you to destroy the thread (weeds of weeds), as well as increase the access of oxygen to the roots of strawberry.

Strawberry reproduction - where to start and how to get a lot of bushes

After 3-4 weeks after the last frost, it is necessary to think about the reproduction of strawberries. The first 15-20 days, it is gaining a vegetative mass and begins to form a mustache - the generative organs of the plant. To make them a lot, it is necessary to make nitrogen fertilizers that affect cell division and allow stalks to grow much faster. Do not try to get out of 1 bush as much as possible uglots (there may be 20 and 40, and even more), it is necessary to take quality, not quantity. Leave only 5-7 processions - they will grow much faster, and you will get a new bush in a month. Many varieties can be fruitful even in the first year of planting if the bush starts well and rooted (Mostly it is remote species). If the care for strawberries in the spring was correct, then young bushes begin to bloom in 3-4 weeks after rooting.

Make sure that the mustache grew into different directions and fell into a broadcast - it will significantly simplify the care of the plant in 2-3 months, when it will have an increased vegetative mass. If there is no aisle, and you put in a checker order, then just choose a free space and direct the mustache on it. It is necessary to dissemble bushes only when they are completely rooted and grown by a third of the size of an adult plant. This happens about 1.5-2 months after the mustache appears. Of course, it all depends on watering and fertilizers. If everything is enough, then this process will be much faster. It is necessary to disembark the bushes to another place, it is desirable where the strawberry has not yet grew. This is done in order for all pathogenic bacteria, pests that remained in the soil did not damage young bushes. Fungal diseases that can affect the root system of the plant are especially dangerous.

How to properly care for strawberries after a transplant to a new bed

The first thing you need to pay attention is the correct ridge. If the groundwater is very close to the surface, it will be best to make a ridge with a height of up to 35 centimeters. On ordinary soil it will be enough to pour 10-15 centimeters. It is done so that the roots are in a relatively dry space with great oxygen access. This minimizes the risk of formation of root rot and many other diseases characteristic of these berries. Fertilizing the new site is necessary. It is best for this a manure that needs to be made 5-7 months before landing so that he can dissolve in the soil.

pay attention to features of strawberry disembarking on peat soils. Per 1 sq.m. Add at least 10 kg of coarse sand, 4-6 kilograms of manure. In some cases, if the soil wetland is too high, drainage is made - a large crushed stone or clamzite falls asleep, after which the fertile layer is poured on top. If the soils are acidic, it is necessary to treat them with hawed lime (3% solution) or make a building chalk in the amount of 1 kg per 1 square meter. Nitroposka or growth-1 will be the best solution in terms of saturation of mineral fertilizers.

It is important to remember one thing: Never use chlorine as a fertilizer for strawberries. It is extremely dangerous for her and can lead to the death of the plant. Dolomitic flour is entered only from the fall, if they eat it in the spring, it can significantly brake the growth of the bush. Calcium, which is much in it, slows down all the processes of the exchange of organic substances and minerals in the stem.

Watering young bushes also has its subtleties. Cannot pour water under rootbecause in loose land She can make peculiar tunnels. It is best to use sprayer or very small sprayers. It is necessary to saturate the earth strongly until small puddles appear on the surface of the soil. It is necessary to do it every 3-4 days until the seedlings are completely rooted and does not get dark green. You can then watered 1 time in 6-7 days, depending on precipitation. The main thing is to prevent the land of stopping and cracking, because this is the most dangerous condition for the plant.

Care after the first fruiting

Caring for strawberry in the summer is carried out very often and carefully. There are several rules that need to be adhered to this time, and their violation can lead to loss of crop and even bushes. Consider them in more detail.

  1. Immediately after collecting berries, feeding bushes is carried out, since all the forces and nutrients have already gone to the formation of berries. Prior to that, leafy treatments could not be carried out, since the berries would be toxic and their use could bring harm to the human body. For processing, you can use a carbamide (20 grams per 10 liters) or ammonia fertilizers. It will be nice to fit superphosphate. It is important to remember: the procedure is relevant only for ordinary varieties, since the repairing will be froning again in a week or two and berries can imagine harmful substances.
  2. It is impossible to carry out the bushes, how they love to do a lot of gardeners. Excessive shelter of bushes will limit oxygen access and if it is too hot on the street, the roots simply sprinkle under the ground.
  3. Falker of plants is not carried out after August 10th. If you have late strawberry varieties, then this procedure must be excluded from the list. Pay special attention to nitrogen fertilizers - they are generally not recommended to be made after spring, as they contribute to the set of vegetative mass of the plant. If the movement of substances does not stop until the first frost, the bushes are completely freezed in winter.
  4. The soil looser is mandatory after the first crop will be assembled. Even if you use agriched or film, you still need to remove it and loosen the soil.

Follow these items, and the second fruiting will be the same abundant, as the first and bring you a lot of big and juicy berries.

Prevention and elimination of diseases

The plant whimsically for weather conditions, the composition of the soil, is exposed to the invasion of different pests and infectious diseases. Consider the main problems that may arise on the way to a large harvest:

  1. Gray Gnil. Her, most likely, knows every gardener, especially if his plot is in a cool and raw place. Berries are often damaged in areas with plants that grow in one place for 3-4 years, as well as on too thickened areas. The disease is fungal and easily diagnosed - brown spots are formed on berries, after which they are hidden in a completely gray bloom and simply rot on. For the struggle, we propose to eliminate damaged fruits from the bed, since they are the pedestrians of this disease. Before flowering, it is necessary to handle the bushes with copper vitriol and chlorine (5 grams per 1 liter of water), and once again handle after flowering, the dose is similar.
  2. Of different kind spotted (White, brown, black). Determine the disease is very simple - the leaves change the color, become spotted, then dry and fall. Thus, the bush is far behind in development, and the fruits have very small sizes. It is treated with chlorine oxide (3 grams per 1 bucket of water), as well as a soap solution (50 grams per 10 liters) after all leaves are dissolved in the spring. The second processing is carried out already after collecting the last harvest. If the disease is greatly progressing, it can be processed more often by soap solution - it is absolutely harmless.
  3. Puffy dew - The enemy of strawberry №1. Amazes the whole stem. To diagnose it is the easiest way to leave the leaves - they are the first to take a blow on ourselves and twist in the tubes, become bronze. The berries most often immediately begin to rot, without changing the color, and then are already covered with a tormented raid. If you smell the fruit, he will have a smell of a mushroom (you should not try to taste - upset). Method of struggle: spray diluted sulfamide (it is sold in the form of a special paste, which can be diluted). You can also process with colloidal gray (14 grams stir in water bucket), but spray no more than 2 times per season.
  4. Strawberry tick. He loves to be touched with young leaves, which sometimes eats completely. It greatly prevents the proper exchange of substances of the plant, since after the invasion of the pest, it stops the process of photosynthesis. It is difficult to determine the presence of the pest, since the first symptoms are identical to those resulting from damage to spotlights. The leaves acquire the coloring to the point and black a little. It is necessary to navigate the shades of the damage area - it becomes yellow. Most effective method Fight - spraying with carbofosomes (12-15 grams of 10 liters). It is necessary to dissolve it in warm water, at least +30 degrees if the water is cold, the effect will be insignificant.
  5. Snails, multihair and miscellaneous Slug. They, as a rule, rarely attack the strawberry, but in some areas of Russia they simply have no salvation. Spraying the best Matalogise for 20 grams per 1 square meter. Dilute 1:25 with water, if the pests are much, then 1:20. You can spray 3-4 times for the season, but not more often than 1 time in 2 weeks. It is also necessary to remember that it is impossible to handle 3 weeks before harvest, since harmful substances can accumulate in berries and do not have time to dissolve until the moment of eating.

If it is in advance to fight with all pests, the strawberry will grow and develop very quickly and will certainly please you with a good harvest. And remember, in confrontation with pests wins the one who organizes the strawberry drip watering, since excess moisture is the first cause of the reproduction of most pests and bacteria.

To get the maximum strawberry yields (garden strawberries), it is necessary to correctly care. Agrotechnical can be corrected by many mistakes made by landing, as well as identify all the advantages of the variety. With ne. proper care Strawberry gives small acid berries, and the varietal differences are reduced to no.

Behind this strawberries were correctly calmed.

Acquaintance with strawberries

Strawberry is a perennial plant grown by the sake of obtaining berries. Plantation gives high yields for no more than 4 years, then berries minor, the taste of them becomes sour. Although the bushes with proper care can live for more than 20 years, but there will be few yields from them.


Rosettes (horns) The bush is about 30 pieces. The older the bush, the more from the number of horns
It consists, their number depends on the care and variety. The growth of sockets begins after the end of fruiting, every year they are formed above the ground. Strong bushes of strawberries have many horns, weak - little.

Flowerines appear from the tops of the sockets, respectively, than a lush bush, the more abundant flowering and fruiting. At the bottom of the sockets grow together into one small troller, on which the apparent roots are formed. Powerful bushes lay a lot of flowers, bloom for a longer time and harvest from them above.

Strawberry bush building scheme


The strongest messengers of the plant are given in the first year of cultivation, every year the order becomes weaker, while the mustache becomes smaller. By the fourth year, strawberries usually no longer gives us a mustache. If someone gets vegetative shoots with its 5-6 year plantation, so it's because it was poorly worked out and there are bushes of different ages, and the mustache give young rooted plants.

Vegetative shoots begin to form at the length of the light day more than 12 hours and temperatures above 15 ° C. The laying of flowering kidneys in rooted mustache occurs after 2-3 months (therefore, with autumn landing, the kidnew is laid very little, they do not have time to crumble and yield the next year is low).


On the quality of strawberry berries, several factors affect.

  1. The composition of the soil. In strawberries growing on poor soils, taste is less pronounced than when growing on fertile lands.
  2. Weather. The more direct sun falls on the bushes, the sweeter of the berries. In strawberries growing under the crowns of trees, as they do not care, berries usually with sourness.
  3. Grade. Most European strawberry varieties are sweeter than domestic.
Properties of berries.
  • Torn by unripe berries blush in the process of transportation and storage, but they will not be completely sweet.
  • The taste characteristic of the berry variety is only acquired in the case of full ripening on the bush. For the disclosure of taste, completely blushing berries are not removed within 2-3 days. Such berries are unsuitable for storage or transportation, but they are completely manifested.
  • To obtain maximum yields, berries are disappeared by misappropriate, as it stimulates the growth of the remaining barriers. As a result, strawberry yield increases.
  • The unripe berries of any variety have the same sour-sweet taste.

On a personal site, where a good taste is more appreciated than harvesting is 300-500 g, it is better to fully comprehend the berries to completely mature and try their true taste. But in crude weather you should remove the berries not fully mature, since it is ripe berries Amazed by rot and mold first.

Advantages and disadvantages of culture

The main advantages of strawberries.

  • Strawberries can give good crops when making very minor doses of fertilizer and simple care. The main thing is to eat well before planting culture.
  • Annual yields. Strawberry has no frequency periodicity, like some other berries (for example, raspberries).
  • Rapid receipt of the first harvest.
  • Very simple and easy reproduction. The bush for the season is able to give several dozen mustache, of which they take the best and root them. Over the summer, it is possible to plant a bed of the most valuable variety.
  • Unpretentious plants. Strawberry can grow under the crowns of young trees, in flower beds, among weeds (but harvests in such thickets are reduced).

Disadvantages of culture.

  • Defeating with gray rot. Most modern varieties are quite resistant to this disease, but with improper care, you can lose to a third of the harvest. Domestic varieties are more resistant to the disease than European.
  • Insufficient strawberry samopy. For good taped berries on the plot, several different varieties are grown.
  • Winter hardiness - this ability not only tolerate negative temperatures, but also the winter thaw without damaging. In domestic varieties, it is pretty high, the loss of the bushes in the spring is insignificant. European varieties of strawberries are winter hardiness below, the plants are frozen, and in the harsh winters you freeze completely. But some imported varieties are successfully growing in our conditions; For the winter, the bushes are covered, which slightly reduces the loss of plants.
  • A small period of fruiting. The maximum yields of the berry gives 3-4 years, then it must be fully updated.

All flaws of the berry are overcome, the main thing is not to leave strawberries without proper care.

Features of growing and strawberry care

The main components of the correct care are:

  1. weeding;
  2. loose;
  3. water regime;
  4. podrel.

Strawberry care is simple, but requires patience and systematic.

Greeting strawberry beds

Landing strawberries should always be free from weeds. This culture does not like competitors and, in the event of a misconception, it gives small acidic berries. Weeding are carried out as weeds grow, for the season 6-8 times.

Simultaneously with the removal of weeds cut and mustache, especially in the spring. If you delete them on time, the plants switch to flowering, otherwise all the strength of the bushes will go to the settlement and the berries will not.


Strawberry loves loose, well permeable soil. The roots should always be free air access. Before the start of flowering, the soil loose 3 times, and after harvesting berries - every 2 weeks. If the weather is rainy and the earth is quickly compacted, then loosening is carried out more often. Treat the ground to a depth of 3-4 cm.

Starting from the second year, strawberry bushes plunge, because there appears on the truncory roots. Plugging stimulates the root formation, the growth of horns, the bushes become lifestyle, which gives an increase in harvest.

How to water strawberry

The most demanding strawberry to moisture in June, when berries, mustache and leaves are growing at the same time. If the weather is arid, then the defense is watered every 2-3 days to a depth of 30 cm, and if there is an opportunity, then every day.

Watering is better to produce in the aisle, for which the in the middle of the garden when landing makes a furrow, which will collect water when melting snow and during irrigation. Under the root of the plant do not watered, because the root strawberry system is spread and the bulk of the roots is located along the periphery of the above-ground part of the plant.

After harvesting, the plants begins the second peak of root formation and building foliage. At this time, the plot is watered 1-2 times a week. If there is no rain, then watering is carried out daily. Before flowering and after it, the bushes can be watered with sprinkling, strawberry loves the increased humidity of the air.

Before flowering, strawberry plantations can be watered "rain".

During the flowering and fruiting period, only aisle, the water temperature should be not lower than 15 ° C. During the rest of the time, the plants are well tolerated by watering with cold water.

In the fall make moisture profitable premium watering. The land is shedding for a depth of 30-50 cm. Wet soil protects the strawberries from frost better, so it is necessary that the melon goes under the snow raw.

During the flowering and growth of the barring in the event of a strawberry rainy weather suffers from the conjunction. The signs of this are the appearance of large brown spots on the leaves and strings of large brown spots (without their damage). Especially often the overalling of the strawberry plantation occurs on dense clay soils. Roots cannot provide normal nutrition of the above-ground part and bushes begin to drop the largest berries.

When signs of oxygen starvation appear, deep loosening (5-7 cm) are carried out. If the berry is experiencing a constant overjoyment, the beds rise to 15-20 cm. When there are no striking on the strawberry, it does not suffer from overvailing, but, on the contrary, gives lush foliage and powerful mustache.

Strawberry feeding folk remedies (ash, chicken litter)

Strawberry with berries makes a lot of nutrients from the soil, these are not only the basic nutrition elements (NPK), but also the trace elements that must be fill. The lack of food begins to manifest themselves in the second year of cultivation, in the first year there are enough fertilizers made before landing.

The lack of food is never manifested by any one element, so comprehensive fertilizers containing trace elements always contribute to the defense. Finger the strawberries are better than organic fertilizers, as they act more softly and continuously.

In the first year of cultivation, if the soil was properly prepared, fertilizers do not contribute. In the second and subsequent years, the berry feed 2 times the season. Spring on the surface of the soil around the bushes make ash, and then the ground is shallow mooring. On lowland soils in May, together with ash, you can make humats, humus or

It is impossible to make ash along with manure, because it happens chemical reactionAs a result of which a large amount of nitrogen is released, which can damage plants.

To prepare herbal infusion, the grass is placed in a plastic barrel, poured with water and leave to roam 10-15 days. Upon completion of fermentation, 1 liters of infusion is divorced in 10 liters of water and the bushes are watered at the rate of 1 liter on the plant.

After harvesting, the strawberries begins the second wave of rope of roots and leaves, and at this time it needs nitrogen. Make feeding with a solution of a cowboat or bird litter (1 l / 10 l of water). Bird litter for strawberries is preferable, now it is sold in garden shops. This is the most concentrated fertilizer nutrition elements.

In the case of non-valid use, the organics may occur overgrown and the fat of strawberry bushes. With proper fertilization, an increase in the size of the leaves and berries occurs, yield increases.

Surplus nitrogen is manifested in the appearance of large leaves and grinding berries, the yield of plants is significantly reduced. The persistence occurs due to the frequent use of herbal fertilizer or non-compliance with the norms of making other organic fertilizers.

To prevent the residence of plants with an organic matter (except for manure and compost), ash, which does not contain nitrogen and creates in the soil the predominance of potassium and phosphorus. Publisted by nitrogen plants poorly tolerate winter and are stronger than illness and pests.

Non-worker for strawberries (and not only for her) is better than the stubble, since in this case the situation is easier to fix.

Do I need to feed strawberries yeast, iodine, boric acid and ammonia alcohol

Podkord folk remedies (yeast, iodine, boric acid, ammonic alcohol) for culture is extremely undesirable.

First, it is a mono-breed that does not provide plants with a whole set of trace elements.

Secondly, the bushes can be easily reconciled, (especially ammonious alcohol), which will cause significant damage to plantation.

Third, iodine, boric acid and ammonia are volatile solutions that quickly evaporate, they must be immediately flush to the lower layers of the soil, which is impossible at a large area of \u200b\u200bthe defense.

Fourth, yeast is an excellent protein feed for animals, but do not contain any elements of plant nutrition.

The fertilizer of the strawberry plantation should be systemic, fully ensure the plants with the necessary elements, and no experiments with feeding are unacceptable.

Strawberry plantation

Regular care is the basis of a high harvest. Strawberry with proper agrotechnology already in the first year can give up to 300 g of large berries from the bush. In the garden plot you need to have four pieces (beds) of strawberries: the first, second, third and fourth years of fruiting.

How to care for seeding strawberries

When planting seedlings, no fertilizers contribute. The soil must be fertilized in advance. The landed mustache is provided with the sun, otherwise the seedlings occurs, since the roots cannot replenish the loss of water, which is lost during evaporation by it with leaves. The building is not very dangerous for seedlings, upon the occurrence of the evening, they will disappear.

For shading must be covered with newspapers, white cloth or a little herb is thrown on them. After 2-3 days, the shelter is removed, by this time the plants have already been rooted and can independently produce water from the soil. In the first days, landed mustache watered well. In the future, the land under the young bushes should always be wet. In the case of warm and dry autumn, strawberries are watered once a week.

It is important to not allow strawberry to the weeds. If this is not done in the year of landing, then in the future the struggle with them will complicate. Weighing plants will germinate through the bushes and remove them without damage to the culture will not succeed.

Young strong mustache after rooting themselves begin to give the mustache that need to be removed because they weaken the plant and prevent its preparation for winter.

Preparation of strawberry beds for winter

Special care in the preparation of the defense to winter requires European varieties, since they are less winter-hardy. In the fall, if there is dry weather, waterproof irrigation is carried out. Water well protects rhizomes from extinction, spending heat from below to plant roots.

It is better to warm up on the strawberry.

For the best wintering, strawberries are insulated, folding under the bushes and in the aisles of straw foliage, chew. It is covered only by naked land, the plants themselves do not need to cover, because they go under the winter with the leaves, by themselves insulating.

The main thing in winter is to prevent the feedback of the roots. If there is no insulation, then in the aisle and under the bushes, the ground is plugged with a layer of 3-4 cm.

Strawberry Care Spring

In the spring, after melting snow, the bushes are cut off dry leaves, remove the insulation from the bed (if it was used), are stolen from the first weeds and loosen. Old bushes, who have a small weighing trunks with apparent roots, additionally plunge so that they are more powerful. Large plants are better than flowering and higher yields.

Swimming is carried out to a depth of 2-3 cm, since the roots of strawberries are shallow. With such a processing, the Earth warms up faster and plants are rolled into growth.

The main task in the spring is to ensure the rapid warming of the soil so that the plants will rather increase the foliage and start bloom. With the early early vegetation, bloom will occur with more wet soil. For the early warming of the Earth, it is possible to put a black film into aisle.

Some gardeners, on the contrary, do not remove the insulation for a long time, fearing strawberry damage to frosts. But, first, freezing to her in the spring is not terrible, and second, strawberries fruits from mid-June to mid-July (depending on the variety), and in May she needs time to prepare for flowering. The better it will prepare, the larger the berries will be.

Dry leaves in the spring should be removed to heat the earth faster.

Old dry leaves along with last year's mustes are removed, but it is not necessary to cut the young foliage. The trimming of green leaves in the spring detains bloom for 2 weeks (until new), the plant spends a lot of strength to build foliage, because of this berries minor.

With a dry warm spring, when the Earth is quickly drained, watering is carried out. After the rustling of young leaves, make spring feeding.
If plants after winter are weakened, poorly grow, they are sprayed with a stimulant of the "zircon" growth or "epin".

What should be the care of strawberries after harvest

After fruiting, the spring leaves look yellow and spotted them are removed with the thrusts and weeds. It is impossible to scroll through the whole foliage because the roots growing at this time requires starch, which comes from the leaves, if you delete them, it will lead to a slowdown in the preparation of strawberries by winter.

After harvesting, the second feeder must be carried out to replenish the batteries made with berries.

In the second half of summer, the strawberries are more actively begin to grow by the mustache. In no case cannot be reversed. They compact landing and weaken bushes, which leads to a decrease in the yield and taste of berries.

If the bushes are designed for fruiting, then they break all emerging mustache. The defense looks up once every 4-5 days, since the mustache appears until October, and remove the spears just appeared.

Strawberry has a balance between the ugrave and fruiting: if plants do not give the opportunity to form a mustache, then it enhances fruiting and vice versa, if they do not cut down, the yield is much declining.

Plantation should always be clean from weeds, fertilized, the bushes should be with cropped mustache.

In the fall, waterproofing irrigation is carried out, if necessary, the insulation is laid out in the aisle.

Care for the plantation of the last year of cultivation

With a spring feeder, you can give a little more nitrogen, the bushes will not have time to be stray, and the crop will not fall from it. With dry soil, watering is carried out. Immediately after fruiting, the garden is drunk. This year, it can be planted on it early cabbage, which will have time to grow before the onset of cold weather (for this, high doses of nitrogen were given).

Mulching strawberries

When careing for plantation, mulching materials are used to protect berries from dirt and reinforcement, insulation of bushes in winter and protection of the soil from premature warm-up in thaw. and prevents the formation of soil crust after rain or watering.

The use of mulch when growing strawberries is the best way The content of the defense in purity, which greatly facilitates care for it. To prevent undesirable effects when applied, the mulch is made in compliance with certain conditions.

As mulching materials, sawdust, straw, dry moss, fallen leaves, chew. The disadvantage of them is the binding of soil nitrogen, which causes nitrogen starvation of plants. Therefore, the mulch is brought in autumn as a heater in a broader, by the spring, the process of fiber decay (of which it consists), the nitrogen binding will not occur.

In the spring, the insulation is cleaned for better soil warming up, then it is returned as a mulch, and a fresh portion of the material is added to it. When making mulching materials in spring, they are necessarily impregnated with a solution of humate, cowboy or bird litter.

To do this, either soaked them in a barrel with a solution of fertilizer (sawdust), or very abundantly watered with these fertilizers so that the mulch is completely soaked with a solution. Then the binding of the soil nitrogen will not happen, and the plants will not experience nitrogenous fasting.

Mulching strawberry sawdust. Sawders are very acidified by the soil, watering them with urea as nitrogen fertilizer enhances the acidification. Such an effect gives excellent results on leached chernozem. On acidic soils cannot be allowed. To prevent the acidification of soil, the sawdust first is soaked in a barrel with humats or chicken litter, after which they become an excellent mulching material. Scattered on the beds with a layer of 6-10 cm. Owls are stronger than hay and straw oppress the growth of weeds.

Straw as mulch.

Mulching grass and straw. Hay and straw will consist of almost one fiber and the soil nitrogen is very strongly associated. They are brought in autumn. When used as a mulch of hay or straw, in the spring, along with them, the nipped crumb or for the minor mulch is carried out by watering with nitrogen fertilizers (humats, cowboy, herbal infusion). In this case, nitrogen binding does not occur and yield does not fall. They are laid out in a broadcast layer 5-7 cm.

Mulch from leaves. The foliage of deciduous trees is desirable to be made from autumn, laying out a layer of 15-20 cm in the rivers. In winter, it will be insulation. With spring use, it has been done by watering with humats, a cow, or herbal influence.

Mulching strawberry cheese. Pine and spruce bark and needles protect the plants from diseases well, since they contain phytoncides. The material is taken only under healthy trees, scatter in the aisle and under the bushes layer 7-10 cm. Since this material is very acidified with the soil, it is made with a dull crumb.

Peat as a mulch On the strawberry are not used because it has a number of essential flaws:

  • greatly acidic soil;
  • it has a very large moisture intensity, because of which it is almost impossible to impregnate with nitric mortar;
  • with crude weather, it wets and prevents the normal breathing of the roots;
  • in winter, it can be covered with an ice crust, which leads to the peaks of plants.

The correct use of mulch not only helps to simplify the care of the plantation, but it itself is a good fertilizer.

Protection of berries from dirt

The berries lying on Earth are polluted by the earth, besides, they are stronger than amazing with gray rot. So that the berries do not come into contact with the soil you can make various backups under the bushes: from the wire, plastic bottles, skulls, films, in stores sell special rings on legs. But all this is suitable for a small plot.

On the big plantation under the green berries put the torn lower peripheral leaves. If the bush is healthy, red berries can lie on Earth for some time without damaging.

When growing strawberries, it is not necessary to contain plantations of a more productive period of fruiting. The berry must move along the area in frequent rotation.

Other useful articles on the cultivation of strawberries:

  1. What pests can threaten your plantation and how to deal with them.
  2. Are you going to do strawberry? Then this is the first article that you need to read.
  3. . So that the strawberries grew large, it will have to carefully care for it.

Everyone is known red, sweet, juicy berry called strawberries. To get a good full harvest, it needs to provide high-quality care not only during the period of active vegetation, but also during flowering. Caring for strawberries It lies in the right irrigation, feeding, cleaning weeds, extra mustache and the ingun of the soil around the bushes.

Did you know? The weight of the largest strawberry in the world was 231 grams.

Features of strawberry feeding during flowering, how to fertilize a sweet berry

Many girodnikov holds the opinion that during the bootonization of the strawberry does not need fertilizer, but this is not the case. Almost all their own vitality A bush spends on the formation of inflorescences and ripening berries. Belonging to the text will be considered to feed strawberries during flowering, fertilizers are made under just planted and already fruiting bushes. Strawberry needs felting three times per year: at the beginning of the growing up the bush, during flowering and at the end of fruiting. The most significant for strawberries is the fertilizer of bushes during flowering and formation of berries. You can feed the strawberries during flowering by the fact that experienced gardeners are recommended: complex mineral fertilizers. For the penetration of fertilizers in the ground and absorb their roots of strawberries of the soil around the bushes should be explosion.

Important! Mineral fertilizers during the bootonization of strawberries make one more.

Simple agrochemicals during the flowering of strawberries are not used.During the formation period, the bushes require potassium in large quantities. To meet the need for potassium, the infusion of chicken litter is used, a korovyat + ash or a potash salter. When buds begin to appear, the celitra teaspoon is bred ten liters of water and watered every bush. The rate of consumption under the bush is about 0.5 liters. When the inflorescence appears, the strawberry is poured with a solution of chicken litter or a cowboy with ash in the calculation of the floor-liter bank for ten liters of water.

The extraordinary dressing of strawberries by boric acid during flowering contributes to the increase in inflorescences, which in turn affects the amount of harvest. For spraying bushes 1 g boric acid Break ten liters of water. Also, spraying is carried out with a 0.02% sulfate zinc. Such a spraying not only satures the strawberry by microelements, but also contributes to the formation of the promise and increase the harvest to thirty percent.

Strawberry yeast It became known not so long ago, but I managed to earn a popularity among gardeners. Feed plants with yeast twice per season.One kilogram of yeast is dissolved in five liters of water and allowed to brew within two hours. A half-liter bank is taken from this solution and divorced in ten liters of water. Under each bush pour at least 0.5 l of finished fertilizer. The effect of the use of yeast in the garden plot will pleasantly surprise you.

Based on the foregoing, everyone himself chooses for himself than it is better to bother strawberries during flowering. The main thing, remember that the fertilizer of the bushes has a great influence not only on the growth of bushes, but also on timely ripening of berries.

Did you know? Taking off strawberries with a fruit, you extend the shelf life of the torn berry.

Soil care during flowering and removal of unnecessary mustache

When the strawberry blooms (the end of April is the beginning of May), it requires increased attention and care. Promotes good blossom to the timely removal of weeds and loosening the soil around the bushes, which improves air exchange. In order for the flowering bushes to be gained for fruiting forces, an advance trimming of mustache and leaves for strawberries should be made. Furious leaves are carefully cleaned with a secaterator.
During flowering, everything is removed without exception, as they take moisture and useful substances from the plant. In addition to the mustache and dried leaves, the first inflorescences of the strawberry are also subject to removal. It is believed that subsequent flowerons are larger than previous ones, and this affects the size of the berries. The removal of flowers is not necessary to produce. During flowering under the bushes, it is necessary to plunge the straw or sawdust, so that the berries were clean and did not rot from contact with the wet soil.

How to pour strawberries while flowering

Watering strawberries during flowering plays a big role. Because of the surface root strawberry system, it is not able to get moisture from the earthly depths, we should help in this, gardeners. To get juicy large berries, you need to water the land around the bush so that the water gets to the roots. Follow in watering need gold media.

Negatively, on berries and root system, it affects both non-reassible water. In the first case - the root dries down, the berry does not hurt, in the second - and the root, and the berry will begin to rot. How often watered strawberries during flowering, depends on atmospheric precipitation. If the weather on the street raining and high humidity is high, watering stop. In dry hot weather, heavy irrigation spend once every three days so that the bushes do not fall apart and the berry evenly poured. Watering is carried out in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is not baked, water should not be cold.Watering plants with drip irrigation or under the bush. Watering under the bush, make sure that the roots are not taken away.

Important! Water flowering strawberries only under root, water in no case should fall on the flowers.

Rules for pollination of strawberries

The consequence of deferred strawberry pollution becomes distorted little berries. The reason for bad pollination can be a sharp decrease in temperature ambient, fog, frequent precipitation. To avoid so unwanted consequences, you need to help strawberries with pollination. If your strawberry bed is small, you can resort to pollination with the help of soft brushes on flowers in the afternoon. In dry windless weather on large plantations and in greenhouses use a fan. Pollen, praised by air flows, is distributed across the garden.

Garden strawberries differs from wild on many qualities. The cultural plant needs a space for growth, trimming and weeping. With the complete absence of departure in the first summer, strawberry bushes grow in all directions, preventing each other. The yield decreases, berries become small. Next year, strawberry plantation turns into the jungle, and the berries are very small. On the third year, strawberry beds are not visible at all, and berries may not be at all. Strawberry care is to create comfortable conditions for plants. Selection varieties grow well and fruit only in ideal conditions.

On the strawberry ridges, gardeners go out early as soon as snow cover and the ground will get rid of excess moisture. Caring for strawberries in spring in different regions start at different times.

Liberation of strawberry beds from mulch

For the winter, strawberries protect mulch. During the melting of snow, the organic oxidizes and begins to decompose. It develops bacteria, mushroom disputes, insects in mulch winter. If you leave the winter protective layer on the ridges, simply reappear the ground, pests and pathogenic flora will be in the soil. This will increase the risk of developing strawberry diseases and will lead to an increase in pest populations.

Strawberry bushes that were pulled out of the soil when cleaning mulch, have a weak root system, perhaps their roots partially extinct and started.

Stalks and leaves of damaged strawberries are dark red. If such plants remained after removing the mulch, they are digging and discarded.

Soil and weeping

The first spring loosening of the soil is an important stage of the garden strawberry. Loose soil fluctuates water and air well. In heavy and blind soils, moisture is stared, the fungal flora multiplies, the mold appears, which affects the roots.

The root strawberry system is not distributed in depth, but to the sides, so the soil is absorbed with great care to apply minimal harm to the roots. A significant part of the roots is at a depth of less than five centimeters. Ruffle make a small chopper with a narrow blade, a trident with a trident.

If the roots of strawberries are denaked, they are sprinkled with earth (plunge). If the growth point was underground, it is freed from excess soil.

Swimming is usually combined with weeding and seeding.

Seawing strawberry

In the spring, strawberries are searched by the division of the bush (horns). Little bushes are sitting at a high distance from each other, so that the root system and the ground part of one plant did not interfere with the other.

The distance between the plants must comply with the requirements for a specific variety. With a bush landing, it is equal to 40-60 cm, when planted with rows - 15-25 cm (with a distance between rows 40-50 cm), when planting a "socket" - 25x35 cm. When carovaya landing, thick thickets of strawberries are simply thinned, and the divided Plants are sitting on the free area of \u200b\u200bthe garden.

You can not satisfy the different varieties of strawberries. This will lead to resellers of colors and a reduction in yield.

It is impossible to fall asleep the earth stalks, leaves, a rosette of strawberries, nor must be over the soil. When coating the ground part of the soil increases the risk of fungi damage. But the root system should be covered with the earth completely.

Strawberry bushes divide in the spring, at the end of March - early April. This can be done in the summer, after fruiting.


Strawberries inspect to identify dried, sick, sluggish leaves and stems. Damaged parts of the plant are cut at an altitude of 4-7 cm. If all the leaves and stems are damaged, the plant is digging and destroyed.

If you do not plan to multiply strawberries, they are also cut off. For trimming use sharp scissors or a secateur. The tool must be disinfected.

Watering strawberries in spring

The first watering of strawberries are carried out after loosening, weeding and searches. The beds are abundantly watered so that the soil layer is well enough and water began to circulate in the root system. The following watering is carried out with
by consideration of weather conditions of the season.

In dry weather, strawberries watered once a week. If there is rainy weather, alternating with sunny days, the ridges are watered with soil drying. To determine the degree of drying, the soil is carried out test. From the pit, a depth of 25-30 cm, dug in aisle, take a handful of land and squeeze it. If, when digging palm, the soil falls into large lumps, there is no need for moisture. If the earth is crumpled by small pieces or turns into dust, the beds require abundant irrigation, after which the soil gets 40 cm into depth.

The first strawberry watering makes the way to sprinkle (from watering can or sprinkler). During the formation of barriers, flowering and growth of berries, drip watering is carried out. At this time, water getting into the leaves and marking leads to a mooring, the formation of rotes, which reduces the yield.

Mulching in spring

Needles and cones, bark, thin branches of coniferous trees - Good material to protect from weeds and additional protection from the slug and. This material "whirls" the soil during decomposition. After using coniferous mulch, it is recommended to make a dolomite flour or ash.

Wood chips and sawdust Protect the ground well from drying out. These materials have shortcomings. Wood, decomposing, extracts nitrogen from soil. Pests and bacteria live in sawdust. After using sawdust and chips as a mulch, nitrogen fertilizers need to be made into the soil.

Mulching materials are combined with each other. It is allowed to mulch the strawberry jero and chips, sawdust and dry leaves, grass and straw at the same time.

Fighting pests and diseases of strawberries in spring

In the spring to combat pests of strawberries, chemical and biological preparations are used. Supporters of environmental agriculture use folk remedies.

Making fertilizers in spring

Do the next recipes:

  • A glass of bird litter is poured a bucket of water, the solution is stirred. The means insist 24 hours.
  • A half cup of cow manure is added to 10-12 liters of water and insist two to three days. The mixture is penetrating a tablespoon of ammonium sulfate, stirred to dissolve the granules.
  • A tablespoon of the carbamide is diluted in one bucket of water, the means is ready to use after dissolving the powder.

Fertilizers are brought by watering from watering to 10 square meters of the square. Watering aisle and space between strawberry bushes.

Strawberry Care Summer

Care of beds in the summer is regular watering, weeding weeds, soil looser in aisle, additional mulching and pest protection. After collecting the strawberry harvest from the site, old plants are cleaned, which were fruited 3-4 years, removed strawberries affected by fungal diseases and pests.

in the rainy years, it destroys to 70-80% of the crop. To prevent the reproduction of the fungus, the frames tightened with a polyethylene film are installed during the protracted rains. Under tall bushes install special backups. The fungus actively multiplies on thickened landings, so the silent leaves are cut off.

Wheel beetles larvae There may be the cause of the death of strawberries, as they eat the roots. White larvae on the roots and in the outlet are detected when digging from the soil of the fallen and damaged bushes. To destroy the pest, the plants are poured under root to the fufanon means.

Cobed tick Plugging on the strawberry if the summer is very roast. The insect has a size of 0.4-1 mm. The tick lives on the underside of the leaves and sucks juice. Damaged leaves are covered with white dots, they must be cut until the first of August. To destroy the spider tick, strawberries spray carboofos drugs, phytodeterm, Omaith, insane.

Larvae weevil and web tick - the most common pests of strawberry.

Care in the garden in the summer includes the reproduction of plants by the Usami. Strawberry sockets, designed for breeding in this way, are chosen at the end of June. Daughter bushes root until the end of July, at the end of the summer they are transplanted to a permanent place of growth. New bushes will have a good root to winter.

The transplant can be postponed to autumn (mid-September) if the bush does not give the desired amount of mustache. Later to transplant strawberries, it is impossible, since the underdeveloped root system in the winter cold will die.

In June, before the start of the flowering of strawberries and during the formation of the strings, the plants are fed with water with cow dung, bird litter, carbamide, ammonium sulfate. The feeding is preparing for recipes for spring watering.

In August, the soil fertilize nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers. The square meter of the beds make:

  • teaspoon of urea;
  • tablespoon of potash salt;
  • half a tablespoon of superphosphate (or a spoonful of phosphoritic flour).

Granules and powder are scattered over the ground, or soil is dissolved in water and water. Instead of synthetic fertilizers, you can use ash, humus.

Strawberry Care Autumn

Proper strawberry care is the key to a good harvest next season. Autumn works include the following steps:

Late autumn, strawberry ridges are covered with fallen leaves, beveled grass, straw, coniferous branches. High ridges for removable varieties are closed with tarpaulin, spunbond, other nonwoven materials, burlap. Fully packaging a long-term bed can only after the resistant setting of minus temperatures.

Snow is the best material for the shelter of strawberries in winter. In the harsh minor winter winters on the beds pounce an additional layer of snow.

Strawberry - capricious culture requiring continuous care. Only thorough compliance with the rules of agrotechnics guarantees good crops. Gardening should choose varieties of strawberries recommended for cultivation in a specific climatic region.

Home gardening is extremely effective if you make a large amount of effort. Strawberry care should be careful in order to get a large yield. Strawberry is a perennial plant, and every year it becomes more and more demanding on the conditions of their cultivation. Performing non-hard recommendations, you can get a big harvest every year.

Pay attention to the bushes of strawberries will need to be immediately after it becomes snow on the beds. How to care for strawberries in the spring, you know almost all experienced gardeners. Strawberry begins to dissolve its flowers and be froning significantly earlier than all other garden berries. Preparation of it to this period will consist of several events:

Everything you need strawberries in spring, care, feeding and regular watering. Before the bushes begin bloom, it is permissible to water to produce a sprinkle. And as soon as the berries and flowers begin to appear, watering is carried out under the very roots. In no case can not fall water on the leaves, they can burn.

Caring for strawberries in the spring in the country is also not necessary without removing weed grass. It is best to prevent their appearance can be mulching sawdust. Weeds in the embryo will die, because the sawdust will not be able to go out through the layer. But water and fertilizer during irrigation will perfectly leak through such a protective layer.

As soon as the summer period comes, it is necessary to care for berries a little differently. Here's how to care for strawberries in the summer:

  1. Almost every day requires a weeding of beds, weeds very interfere with bushes to develop correctly and give a good harvest. Therefore, the sanitary processing of the garden is extremely necessary.
  2. Water recommended once a week, but if the summer is issued very hot, you can increase the number of watering halve. It is necessary to make such procedures with water only at the early time of the day before the sun's rays begin to burn the plant.
  3. During irrigation, plants should be inspected, as pests and various diseases may appear on them.
  4. All strawberry bushes damaged or damaged pests should be removed from the common garden and burn.
  5. As soon as the first fruits begin to get tie, it is necessary to wake up the soil once again sawdust or dried straw. It is necessary so that the berries, when they are released down, do not fool around the ground. This will avoid rotting fruits.
  6. The feeder should be made before the flower buds appear. Potassium sulfate and nitroposk are added to the water with fertilizers.
  7. All the fruits that are already ripe must immediately shoot. Remove the fruits, with a bush tapping together with a fruit.
  8. After all the berries are ripe, bushes feed again to start cooking them to wintering. It is necessary to do this at the very beginning of August.
  9. If there are strong rains or too frequent, strawberry and strawberry bushes are recommended to cover films.

All these care points for garden berries must be observed in order to achieve a large yield.

A lot of work in care for strawberries is on the autumn period. Everything that will be done will help bushes survive a harsh winter and give a wonderful harvest in the summer. At the end summer period New leaves begin to grow on the bushes, new horns and flower kidneys are laid. Preparation of the plant for winter includes:

If we meet a number of rules for the care of strawberries before wintering, you can be sure that the strawberry bed will give a huge harvest in the summer.

Advantages and disadvantages

The cultivation of strawberries has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • With proper care, such a garden berry gives a very large harvest.
  • The crop give bushes every year. The difference can be in the amount of harvest, but it will be annual.
  • Fruption begins from the first year of life.
  • Strawberry breeding is very easy. Each bush produces a large amount of mustache. From one bush can be 8-10 permanent. The best of them are chosen and rooted.
  • Strawberry bushes are very unpretentious. It can be grown both on solar beds and in the shade.


With all the problems during the cultivation of strawberries, it is very easy to cope if you make efforts.

Such a garden berry like a homemade garden very easily breeds. It is best for this that a method is suitable for which the reproduction occurs by the formation of new bushes from the growing mustache. You can also resort to such a way as the division of the bush.

Growing from Usov.

The mustes are called the processes on which the rosettes with leaves begin to form. After the leaves have formed, they begin to let the roots. That is how they are fixed in the soil and form a new young plant.

Interesting is the fact that from one adult bush for the season may appear on average about 6-8 sockets with leaves. Accordingly, as many new bushes can be planted to develop on a separate bed. The mustache themselves begin to actively grow and develop when the light day is very long and the temperature regime holds a mark above 16-17 degrees. Over time, bushes give less and less vegetative shoots and then no longer reprimand.

Such reproduction of shoots has its advantages:

  • Rapid receipt of new bushes.
  • Such processes have all the varietal qualities as the gathering bush escape.
  • Extremely high percentage of survival of the process in a new place.
  • The speed and lightness of the breeding process.

The mustache from the bushes is separated in July. At this time, they are already quite hardened and well formed. Before the onset of the first frosts, they will perfectly have to root and increase the powerful root system. And precisely during this period of time they will also be able to form a lot of floral kidney. Separating from the mustache mustache, you need to leave at least 5 processions on it, otherwise it will die. Each of them should have three outlets with leaves. The rest can be quietly separated and distributed in beds to root.

If failed to achieve good material For landing from processes, in this case it will have to be resorted to a less popular method of reproduction - this is dividing the bush. For this procedure for breeding garden strawberries, three-way bushes will be required. They need to dig up in advance processed and sterilized tool and divided into horns.

The bushes are needed for three year old, as young people will not be able to give a large amount of material for seating. And old plants may not bring after dividing a good harvest. On average, from a full-fledged three year old plant can be from 5 to 20 horns. Sharing and disinfeating the root system, you should land them in bed. It is also worth noting that division, like the trimming of the mustache, is produced in July.

Both breeding methods are quite simple and much more efficient than growing strawberries from seeds. But in this way of reproduction, gardeners are also engaged. Strawberry beds need to constantly update and transplant bushes on them so that the yield rises.

Strawberry Honey

This variety is considered to be grooming, but very quickly forming. Each bush is formed only an average of 3 horns. They give the gifts to reproduction, so it is better to resort to the second method - the division of the bush. For this variety, the disembarkation scheme is not important, it can land with a solid clearing and give a huge yield. It is precisely because the mustache on the bushes will be not enough, the garden will not turn into dense thickets.

Fruits at the variety are extremely large, have a dense structure and glossy shade. Taste the flesh gentle and juicy. Fruits have a very fragrant aroma. Each berry grows an average of up to 4-5 cm and weighs about 30-35 grams. Buckets are quickly gaining greens and flowers. The variety tolerates most of the well-known diseases that are undergoing garden berries, and is very rarely amazed by different pests. Indicators of the yield of such a variety are always at a high level and are considered one of the best statistics.