Consequently, the interaction of power and society determines. Power and Society: Mechanism and Forms of Interaction


  • Gorelov A.A. Political Science and Answers (Document)
  • Kuzmin P.V. Political Science in Schemes and Tables (Document)
  • Achkasov V.A., Gutors V.A. Political Science (document)
  • Galuchenko T.A. Political Science (document)
  • n1.DOC.

    Section two

    Power and Society: Mechanism

    and the forms of interaction
    An understanding of the nature of changes in politics, its ability to ensure stability and maintain a dynamic equilibrium of interest groups needs to be taken into account two circumstances. First, the policy is relative to the independent sphere and has the features of the system. In this sense, according to expression L.. Von Bertalfand, it is a combination of "elements in collaboration". Secondly, being independent, politics acquires meaning through interaction with the world of non-political, being an integral part of the wider integrity of society. Awareness of organic interconnection political life And other spheres of human vital activity came to political science.

    Original politics, according to the observation M.. INeberh., it was reduced to the activities of the state as an institution that carries out the monopoly of the legitimate use of force in this territory. " All social life laid in the framework of the political sphere and submitted to the state. The state, as a carrier and the subject of government, solely distributed values \u200b\u200band resources. The identification of political with the state was fair until the moment allocations of civilianssociety.

    The development of civil society institutions reflected the process of increasing multiplicity of interests of various groups of the population. On this basis, there was a specialization of political roles and functions within the political community. It was impossible to understand the causes and consequences of the distribution of power and values \u200b\u200bin society without taking into account the influence of social communities, mentality and the cultural system was impossible. Replacing the concept of the state The concept of a political system made it possible to take into account the influence of informal mechanisms for the functioning of the policy of politics, reflect the growing relationship and mutual influence political structures, political culture, political behavior and civil society.

    To characterize the interaction of power and society in American political science, the concept is used politicssystem», representing the totality of all social structures in their political aspects. A-priory G.. BUTl.monda, political systemin addition to political institutions, social and economic structures, the historical traditions and values \u200b\u200bof society, the cultural context of its development. The interaction of the world of politics and economic sphere, civil society (social and spiritual spheres) is systemic, i.e., changes in one of the elements certainly leads to a change in all integrity (society). This means - the world of political can only be understood from the relationship of it so that it is not politics. As, however, true and the opposite - changes in non-political spheres are carried out under the influence of policies.

    It is known that the purpose of all political activity It is power - either the impact on it or participation in it. Power acts directly content policy. but content of powerit is not concluded in it itself. Power is the interaction of those who carry out that in the aggregate is the social environment in which it is carried out. As a result of their interaction, the exchange of activities, resources, values, information is exchanged. Consequently, the government can be understood through the connection with the fact that it is not power.

    At the same time, not only power affects the social environment, but the environment affects power. The mutual influence may have the nature of the direct impact of power and environment on each other on the basis of political roles. For example, the state, as a carrier and the subject of government, is managed by the Company's affairs, ensures the legality and law and order, and citizens recognize the legality of the decisions taken by the authorities and perform them. However, the impact may be indirect and not to be directly character. For example, increasing profits tax creates the opportunity to increase support for employees of budget spheres.

    Consequently, the interaction of power and civil society determines the nature of change social system, its stability and dynamism. That is why it is important to know how society affects the distribution of power. No less significant is the understanding of the forms and the parameters of the impact of power to civil society. The interaction and interdependence of power and society are expressed by the concept of " political system».

    Chapter IV. Theory of the political system

    Introduction to the scientific use of the concept "Political system" meant in consideration by the transition from analysis formal structure Institutions to their interaction and understanding the integrity of politics as an independent sphere. Attention to processes in counterweight to the structures allowed to identify factors that ensure the stability and variability of the system.

    1. Policy in the context of system analysis

    The creation of a holistic understanding of processes in the political sphere, its relationships with the world of not political led to the development of a systematic approach in political science. System theorythere was a reaction to the extreme empiricism that prevailed in social studies, to the practice of "split" consideration of certain elements of political life (for example, official government structures).

    System theoryoriginated in biology in the 20s of the XX century. Ludwig von Bertal.aNNIhe explored a cell as a "set of interdependent elements", i.e., as a system associated with the external environment. These elements are "so related to each other that if you change one element, the rest will also change and, therefore, the entire totality will change."

    Decades have passed before the system approach began to be used in social sciences. IN sociologythe use of the system approach is associated with the name T.. Parsons. Instead of gross empiricism that prevailed in sociology, T.. Parsonsintroduced social Action Theory. Social action includes all the diversity of human behavior, motivated and directed by those values \u200b\u200bthat it discovers in the "external world takes into account and to which reacts.

    Actions of a person as an answer to the totality of signals received from ambientare never isolated and simple, and act as a set of actions of several subjects, i.e., as interaction. Any action can be considered at the same time and as a set of single actions, and as an integral part of wider integrity. Hence, system of actionit is a complex of interactions of the subject and objects, items with which it enters certain relations.

    For its existence and self-sustainment, the system must function. Any system T.. Parsons, must comprises four functions that serve its elementary needs:

    1. adaptation function, i.e. establishing system connections with the environment. Adapting to the environment, the system draws the resources from it that it is necessary; transforms the external system in accordance with its "needs", giving her own resources in return;

    2. facility function, consisting in determining the systems of the system, as well as the mobilization of energy and resources to achieve it;

    3. integration function, aimed at maintaining the ordination relationship of the components of the system of the system. Such coordination allows you to protect the system from radical changes and shocks;

    4. latent function, aimed at preserving the orientation of subjects to the norms and values \u200b\u200bof the system and to ensure the necessary motivation of their supporters.
    Society T.. Parsonsconsiders as a social system consisting of four subsystems interacting. Each subsystem, in turn, also performs certain functions. For example, the function of adapting society to the needs in consumer goods is carried out by the economic subsystem. The function of the sacrificing system, which is manifested in the desire for collective actions, mobilizing the subjects and resources to achieve them, fulfills the policy. The function of socialization institutions (family, education system, etc.) is the transfer of norms, rules and values \u200b\u200bthat become important factors for the motivation of public behavior of subjects. Finally, the function of integrating society, the establishment and conservation of solidarity bonds between its elements is carried out by the institutions of the "social community" (morality, right, court, etc.).

    The political subsystem includes T.. Parsons, three institutes: leadership, authorities and regulation. Each of the named institutions also performs certain. Functions. Thus, the Leadership Institute ensures the occupation of a certain provision that prescribes the obligation to exercise initiatives and attract community members to achieve the common goals. The regulatory institute contributes to the publication of the norms and rules that create a legal framework for social control.

    However, the model T.. Parsonstoo abstract to explain all the processes flowing inpolitical sphere. In addition, being focused on the stability and stability of the political system, it does not include cases of dysfunctionality, conflicts, social tensions. And yet, theoretical model T.. Parsonsi had a noticeable impact on research in the field of sociology and political science.

    Theory of Systemsintroduced into political science D.. Easton. In a number of their works, especially in the monograph "Systemic Analysis of Political Life" (1965), he investigated the conditions necessary for the self-configuration of the political system, and analyzed the four categories: a political system surrounding its environment, reaction and feedback. Using some positions of the structural and functional approach T. Parsons, D.. Eastonit turned out that the "systemic analysis of political life is based on the concept of" system immersed on Wednesday and exposed to its exposure ... Such an analysis assumed that the system to survive should have the ability to react ".

    Responding to those or other objects and objects, subjects, groups enter into interaction, based on the values \u200b\u200bthat they attach these objects, subjects. "Political interactions in society make a behavior system," noticed D.. Eastonand he emphasized that this is why political life should be considered "as a system of behavior included in the environment and thereby exposed to its impact, but with a possibility to answer it."

    Insofar as D.. Eastoni defined a policy as a "volitional distribution of values", he examined the political system as a set of interactions through which the values \u200b\u200bare authoritatively distributed in society. Hence, political system,by D.. Easton, There is a combination of political interactions in this society. OS. new appointment it consists in the distribution of resources and wagdenia to the adoption of this distribution as a mandatoryfor most members of society.

    Being an "open" and adaptable behavior system, the political system is experiencing an influence of the external environment. With the help of regulatory mechanisms, it produces responses, regulates its behavior, converts and changes its external structure, adapting to external conditions.

    The exchange and interaction of the political system with the medium is carried out on the principle of "entering output". D.. Eastondisasters two types of "entrance": demandand support. Demand it is possible to determine the opinion concerned to the authorities about the desired or unwanted distribution of values \u200b\u200bin society. For example, the requirements of workers to increase the size of the minimum wage; The requirements of teachers about increasing allocations for education. Requirements tend to loosen the political system.

    Support , on the contrary, means strengthening the political system. It covers all positions and all behaviors favorable for the system. Forms of supporting support can be considered a good payment of taxes, fulfilling military debt, respect state institutions, dedication to the ruling management, conducting demonstrations in support of the regime, the expression of patriotism.

    Support provides relative stability of power bodies transforming the requirements of the environment (subjects, groups) to the relevant decisions, and also creates the conditions for applying an adequate requirement of the moment of social technologies with which transformation is carried out. Support is important in achieving the consent between members of the political community. The main objects of support in the political system D.. Eastoncalled political regime, power and political community.

    In accordance with the objects, he allocated three types of support: 1) support regime, understood as a set of sustainable expectations, including values \u200b\u200b(for example, freedom, pluralism, property), which relies with a political system, norms (constitutional, legal and power structures; 2) support power, i.e. all - and formal, informal - political institutions (for example, charismatic leaders), which perform power functions; 3) support for the political community, i.e. groups of persons related to the division of political labor.

    The role of "entrance" is to effect the environment on the system, resulting in a reaction to the "output", i.e., authoritative solutions for the distribution of values. The response of the pulse system received from the outside occurs in the form of solutions and actions. Political decisionsmay have the form of new laws, applications, regulations, subsidies, etc. The implementation of the decisions is ensured by the power of the law. Bylithic actionsdo not have such a compulsory nature, however, have a significant impact on various sides of public life. They take the form of measures to regulate and solve current issues: economic, environmental, social, etc., respectively, we are talking about economic, environmental, social, etc. Politics.

    Consequently, the political system and external environment are in relation to deep interdependence. The political system must transform incoming requirements and support to appropriate decisions and actions, which is possible only if it has its ability to self-regulation. The political process turns out to be the process of transformation of information, transferring it from "input" to "output": reacting to environmental signals, political system at the same timeimplements changes in society

    And maintain stability. Moreover, if the variability acts in the system activity as a private functional characteristic, the survival and self-preservation are fundamentally important features.

    However, focusing on interaction with the external environment, D.. Easton, essentially, the inner life of the political system, its internal structure, which makes it possible to maintain a dynamic balance in society.

    The ability of the political system to carry out transformation in society and maintain stability depends on the specialization of the roles and functions of political institutions that constitute a set of interdependent elements. Each integrity element (whether it is a state or party, a group of pressure, elite, right) performs a vital function for the entire system. Consequently, the system can be considered from the point of view of not only the preservation, changes, adaptation, but also the interaction of structures that perform certain functions. Each structure implements an important function for integrity, and together they ensure the satisfaction of the basic needs of the system.

    Functionalismas an analysis methodintroduced into sociology english researcher G.. Spencer, which conducted an analogy between the structure and development of biological and social organisms (referring to the Company). Those and other organisms evolve due to increasing diversification (diversity) and specialization of organs and parts. As a result, the number of "social structures" and "social functions" is growing in society. Each structure performs a certain function, making up inseparable integrity with other. W. G.. Spencer concept« structure» identifiedwith a concept« organization» However, subsequently the concept of "structure" was specified. Initially, the "structure" was interpreted as a set of statuses, roles, stratified social groups related to functional relations, and then as a set of roles (expected behavior in accordance with the status of individual, group).

    The main contribution to the development of functionalism belongs to the American political scientist G.. Almond. He explored the negative consequences of the practice of transferring Western systems to developing countries in the 50s - 60s. Once in other than in the West, socio-economic and cultural and religious

    Wednesday, political institutions could not fulfill many functions, and first of all achieve the stable development of society. Based on the analysis of this practice began to develop comparative studies political systems that headed G.. AAmond.. Evaluating various political systems, it was important to determine the list of basic functions that contributed to effective social development.

    Comparative analysispolitical systems assumed the transition from the study of formal institutions to consider specific manifestations of political behavior. Based on this, G.. Almond and D.. Powelldetermined the political system as a set of roles and their interactions carried out not only by government institutions, but also by all structures in their political aspect. Thus, under structure they understood a combination of interrelated roles.

    Following the provision D.. Eastonabout the "system immersed in Wednesday", which supports numerous links and role-based exchanges with it, G.. Almond and D.. Powellrevealed sufficient parameters of its operation. The latter are determined by the ability of the political system to effectively carry out three groups of functions: a) the functions of interaction with the external environment; b) the relationship features within the political sphere; c) System Conservation and Adaptation Functions.

    The transition of developed countries to information technologies, marked by the mass introduction of computer equipment in various spheres of life of society, contributed to the use of mechanistic models in the analysis of social systems. Cybernetics celebrated the similarity of the models of human behavior with the "behavior" of the car. It is due to the fact that self-organizing systems must have the ability to independently respond to information, change their behavior or location. If the changes are effective and the system reaches the target, then part of its energy or internal voltage is usually reduced.

    The efficiency of the system depends on the two variables: a) from timely and complete transmission of information and b) from the mechanisms for submitting commands, guides and controlling actions. First, who passed political SIS.topic Cybernetic Machine, there was an American political scientist TO. Doych. He considered the political system in context "Communication approach".Policy TO. Doychi understood how the management process and coordination of people's efforts to achieve their goals. Formulating goals, their

    Rection is carried out by a political system based on information on the position of the Company with respect to these goals; about the distance left to the goal; On the results of previous actions.

    Consequently, the functioning of the political system depends on the quality and amount of information coming from the external environment, and information about its own movement. Based on these two streams of information, political decisions are made, implying follow-up actions on the way to the desired goal. Not by chance TO. Doychthe control of the piloting process ("driving") is: determining the course (for example, a ship) based on information about its movement in the past and whereabouts are currently relatively intended target.

    The achievement of the desired goals is the desire of a political system to ensure a dynamic equilibrium in society - the balance of groups, status, interests. However, the equilibrium of the social system is, rather, the perfect state than the real, since it constantly changes the goals. The implementation of the desired goals depends on the interaction of four quantitative factors: 1) the information load on the system (it is determined by the scale of the tasks and frequency of social changes that suggests the government); 2) delay in the reaction of the system (i.e., how fast or slowly political system is able to respond to new tasks and new conditions of operation); 3) increments (i.e. the sums of the changes that arise as the system moves to the desired goal: the more radical it reacts to new facts, the more significant the amount of changes, therefore, the further the system is deviated from the target); 4) Protections (the ability of the system to anticipate the possible development of events, the emergence of new problems and willingness to solve them).

    Comparing these variables TO. Doychderived a number of dependences: a) when the goal is achieved, the possibility of success is always inversely proportional to the information load and delaying the system reaction; b) Until a certain moment, the chances of success are associated with the magnitude of increment. But if the level of changes as a result of the correction is too high, the ratio becomes inverse; c) the possibility of success is always correlated with the absorption, i.e., with the ability of the government to effectively predict new problems that may arise and act with ahead.

    Model TO. Daughterallows, according to the author himself, impartially assess the effectiveness of political systems. The criterion of effectiveness, he considered the ability of political systems to "function as a more or less effective steering mechanism." The basis of such a mechanism is the government's activities to make decisions formed on the basis of various information flows. Conditional the decision-making process disintegrates to a number of stages. Initially, information flows coming from the inner and external environment are recorded by numerous host blocks. They also conduct information selecting, data processing and their encoding. Then information enters the "Memory and Values" block, where it is correlated with the data on the existing experience and comparison of the available opportunities with preferred goals. In the same block, there is an accumulation and storage of information. Options for the possible development of processes when moving to the target are transmitted further - to the decision-making center. A solution is preparing here, which is given to the executive blocks, or, in other words, "effectors". After performing the commands, the effects inform the system about the results of the implementation of solutions and the status of the system itself. Based on the information on the actual results of previous actions, the system movement is corrected to the desired goals. Following the feedback principle, the decision-making data is returned to the system as a new "login" and are processed.

    Model TO. Daughterdraws attention to the importance of information in the life of the social system. In the conditions of existence of branched communication systems, information. The "nerves of management", whose activities largely determines the effectiveness of power. However, it lowers the meaning of other variables, including those that affect the process of transferring the information from top to bottom, and vice versa. For example, political will, ideological preferences may also affect the selection of information, ways to bring it to decision-making centers.

    Without constant exchange of information between all participants in political life, it is impossible to imagine the full functioning of the political system. Process transfer processlithic information, thanks to which it circulates from one part of the political system to another, as well as between poly-

    t.andschtoaboutand and sociallyj. Systems, calledpolitical com munic c. iay. . Of particular importance in political communication is the exchange of information between the managers and manageable in order to achieve agreement. On the one hand, the government with the help of communication encourages the population to make their decisions as compulsory. On the other hand, managed through the means of communication seek to express their interests so that the government learns about them.

    Information transfercarried out in various ways. The most wide channel are funds mass media: Printed (newspapers, books, posters, etc.) and electronic (radio, television, etc.). In addition to them, political parties, pressure groups, political clubs, associations and other organizations are acting as the means of communication. An important way to communicate is informal (personal) contacts leaders of states, parties, movements.

    The movement of information from one part of the political system (for example, elite) to another (citizens) depends on the maturity of the Company itself. Sociocultural, economic and political development Societies determines the focus of information, its volumes, mobility, differentiation, depending on social groups. In developed countries, political information is addressed to all groups of the population, its circulation does not face a censorship, it functions on the basis of mutual exchange: both from leaders in the population and citizens to power.

    In totalitarian and developing societies, communication prevails on the basis of informal contacts of the first persons. The information itself is essentially differentiated by volume and content, depending on the addressee (intelligentsia and peasants, residents of the city and village, etc.). The underdevelopment of the media, the lack of an independent press determine the dosage and volume of political information, full control over the state from the state.

    2. Structure and function of the political system

    The political system as integrity is functioning due to the interaction of the components of its elements. But it is not reduced to their sum. In order to understand the meaning of each element of integrity, the system is theoretically split, is structured on various bases.

    Political system can be structured based on her role understanding, and then it is considered in terms of types of interaction of subjects, performing various political roles and oriented specific samples of political behavior. Thus, the interaction of managed and managers can be constructed on consent based on the recognition of fair formal rules for the formation and functioning of power (for example, free elections, the principle of separation of the authorities), or on preference in the public consciousness of certain values \u200b\u200band behaviors (for example, law-performance, political activity etc.).

    In addition, elements of the political system can be reduced based on institutional approach. Each Political System Institute serves certain groups of needs and performs certain political functions. Thus, the state expresses common interests; Parties strive to represent sustainable group needs; Pressure groups lobby the conjunctural interests arising in a certain situation, etc.

    The structure of the political system can be differentiated by following the principle political stratification, i.e., the order according to which those or other groups take real participation in the administration of power. Political elites directly take political decisions; The bureaucracy is designed to fulfill the decisions of the elite, citizens form the institutions of representative power.

    The possibility of using different bases for structuring the elements of the political system reflects the hierarchical nature of its components, which themselves are organized by system principle. Consequently, the political system consists of subsystems, the interaction of which forms political integrity.

    The main element of the political system is iN. stitty subsystem , i.e., the set of institutions (state, party, socio-political) expressing and representing various interests - from non-governmental to group and private. The most important tool for the implementation of public interest is the state. The most concentrating power and resources in their hands, the state distributes values \u200b\u200band encourages the population to comply with its reasons

    . In addition to the state in the institutional subsystem, both political (parties, pressure groups, client-lies) and non-political, but having significant opportunities for the power and society of the organization - the media, church. The maturity of the institutional subsystem is determined by the degree of differentiation and the specialization of the roles and the functions of its structures.

    Institutions of power and influence perform their roles on the basis of various norms (political, legal, moral, etc.). The whole set of rules governing political relations is regulatory subsystem. The rules perform the role of the rules on the basis of which political interactions occur. The rules themselves may be recorded (in the Constitution, legal acts), and can be transmitted from generation to generation in the form of traditions, customs, symbols.

    Following this formalized and informalized rules, political entities enter into interaction. Forms of such interactions based on consent or conflict, their intensity and focus are communicative subsystem. The system of communications characterizes the openness of the authorities, its ability to enter into a dialogue, strive to agree, respond to current requirements of various groups, exchange information with society.

    Political interactions are determined by the nature of the cultural and religious environment, its homogeneity. A combination of subcultures, a confessional system, defining priority values, beliefs, political behavior standards, political mentality is culturalsubsystem. It gives common sense of political actions, relations of various subjects, stabilizes society and acts as a matrix of mutual understanding and consent. The higher the degree of cultural homogeneity, the higher the effectiveness of the activities of political institutions by the basic element of the cultural subsystem is a religion dominant in society, which determines the models of interaction and individual behavior.

    The desired models of the Company, reflected in the system of cultural values \u200b\u200band ideals, determine the combination of methods and methods for the implementation of power. This set of political technologies is functional subsystem. The predominance of methods for coercion or consent to implement

    The power relations determines the nature of the relationship between the authorities and civil society, the ways to integrate and achieve integrity.

    All the subsystems of the political system are interdependent. Interacting with each other, they provide the vital activity of the political system, contribute to the effective implementation of its functions in society. One of the most complete classifications of the functions of the political system Dali G.. Apmund I.D.. Powe.lL. They used a level approach when considering the interaction of the political system with an external environment (economic, social, etc.), then inside the political system itself, and finally analyzed in general the ability to preserve and adapt. Each of the functions implements a certain need of the system, and together they ensure that the system is preserved through its change "( D.. Easton)."

    Interacting S. exteriorthe medium, the political system acts as an integral part of the wider integrity of the socio. It seeks to ensure the stability and development of society. The solution of this task implies the implementation of a political system of a number of functions:

    1. regulatory function . It is expressed in coordinating the behavior of groups, individuals, communities based on the introduction of political and legal norms, the observance of which is ensured by the executive and judiciary;

    2. extraction function . The essence of it is the ability of the system to draw from the external or internal environment the resources necessary for their functioning. Any system needs material, financial resources SAH, political support;

    3. distribution function . It implies the distribution of the political system of goods, status, privileges of social institutions, individuals and groups. Thus, centralized financing require education, management, army. These funds are drawn from the external environment, for example, from the economic sphere, through taxation. The resources entering in the form of taxes allow you to finance budget sectors and contain state bodies;
    4) reacting functions . It is expressed in the ability of the political system to be susceptible to impulses from the external environment. These impulses acquire the form of the requirements, which are presented by the authorities of various groups of population. The developed reacting ability of the system determines its efficacy and effectiveness.

    The political system retains the state of dynamic equilibrium using an adequate broadcast of pulses entering "input" and balanced political solutions and actions on the "output". With an effective conversion of signals at the "Input-output" related functions to ensure it internaldevelopment. G. BUTl.mond and D.. Powellsex six functions:

    1. articulation function (expressions) of interests. These integers are limited in their significance, and interested groups represent their authorities in the form of requirements;

    2. function aggregation of interests . The scatter of the interests of various groups, individuals is significant, which requires their generals, distribution to the degree of importance, translating the requirements for the language of programs and bringing them to power. This function is carried out by the benefit of political parties.
    Three following functions G.. Almond and D.. Powellnamed "government functions", as they correspond to the activities of the three branches of government - legislative, executive and judicial. As for the legislative power, this the function of developing rules and norms ; executive - the function of applying rules ; judicial - control function for application of rules . The effectiveness of the implementation of these functions largely depends on the degree of specialization and structural differentiation of the roles of political institutions, a clear compliance with the principles of separation of powers and their interaction.

    The latter function that ensures the internal development of the political system - political communication feature . It involves different forms of interaction and exchange of information between the various structures of the political system, leaders and citizens.

    Any power needs support from citizens and society. Without the support of the main element of political life, the individual political system cannot effectively act, ensure its own viability. The political system acts so far, because it is capable of creating and supporting the faith of individuals in its legality and justice. That is why the political system is important to form positive identity settings for the system, contribute to the voluntary making of the political goals they offer. In this regard, the functions, thanks to the execution of which it helps self-

    Conservation and self-adaptation, represent another level of policies functional analysis. The ability of a political system to preserve and adapting in conditions of changing reality is ensured by functions political social c. ialization and political recruiting .

    Naturally, a person is not born with political experience, certain social qualities and culture, he acquires them throughout his life. In order to live within a particular society or group, he must learn existing values, landmarks, positions that allow it to adapt to the social environment. Political socializationmeans the process of assimilating the individual of political values, ideals, knowledge, feelings, experience, allowing him to successfully perform various political roles.

    The readiness to act like this, and not otherwise involves the formation of the political culture of the individual, which is primarily expressed primarily in the set of political positions in relation to power, the political system. In general, political culture - the phenomenon is very complex and multi-storey. It is most difficult to form sustainable samples of political behavior in societies, where political culture is characterized by heterogeneity, interaction of political subcultures, such as in Western European countries.

    The ability of the political system to adapt to a large extent depends on the quality of political personnel performing a variety of political roles. In industrialized countries, there is a steady recruiting system (preparation and selection) of political functionaries. The selection of elite, leaders, managers occurs purposefully with an emphasis on professional qualities of applicants, mental features of their character, general culture and personal charm.

    3. Typology of political systems

    The diversity of political systems existing in modern worldindicates that the relationship and interdependence of subsystems forming political integrity occurs in various ways. On natureinteraction of elements inside the political system and itsrelationships with external environment affects a number of variables - Culture, historicale.traditions, economic development, zre-

    l.aboutcivil society styleetc. The domination of certain variables in the mechanism of interaction of the system with an external or internal media is the basis for the type-rivalization of political systems.

    One of the first classifications of political systems comes from their character is mutualt.wearing with an external environmentand highlight openand closedpolitical systems. Closed political systems have limited links with an external environment, immune to the values \u200b\u200bof other systems and self-sufficient, i.e., they find resources of development within the system itself. (Socialist countries can be an example). Open systems Actively exchange with the outside world, successfully assimilate the values \u200b\u200bof other systems, they are movable and dynamic.

    The basis of typology of political systems can serve socio-economic factorconditions of the political domination of the economically dominant class. We offer such a classification TO. Marx I.F.. Engels.they took the basis of the production method and allocated accordingly slave owner, feudal, bourgeoisand socialistpolitical systems.

    However, in the noted typologies, the role of one factor is absolutely absolutely and the influence of other variables is not taken into account, which makes them insufficiently pragmatic.

    The typology of political systems is considered generally recognized. Almond. He distinguished them type of political culture and role-playing structure(i.e., structures of roles performed by the official authority, parties, pressure groups, media). In accordance with these criteria, four types of political systems are distinguished: 1) Anglo-American, 2) European continental, 3) pre-strial and partially industrial, 4) totalitarian.

    Political systems anglo-American type different with "homogeneous, secular political culture", oriented on liberal values \u200b\u200b(freedom, security, property), and the "strongly branched role-playing structure" represented by autonomous parties, groups of interests, etc. Uniform political culture and developed system of multifunctional institutions, Capable to respond to emerging needs provide stability.

    Continental European systems are characterized by the "fragmentation of political culture", the presence of ins-

    Bathrooms from each other subcultures, i.e., systems of values, ideals, beliefs inherent in a social group (class, ethnos, confessional or territorial community). So, frenchthe political culture characterizes the interpenetration of the Catholic, socialist and communist subculture. In accordance with these subcultures, political roles are distributed, but not across society, but on the scale of the group. Each subculture is represented by its batches, media. Fragmentality and splitting of political culture give rise to instability, the threat of the "Caesarankail" ( G.. BUTlMhe's D), therefore, in European countries, government and parliamentary crises are often frequent.

    Before and ndust al. both and partially industrial political systems are characterized by the existence of a closed, closed to the local ("parish") political culture. People are low-surround to global political culture, to national integrity and focus on the local political subsystem - a tribe, clan, village. The variety of political subcultures reduces the possibilities to achieve agreement and compromise. This causes a high level of violence acting as a means of reconciliation. Differentiation of political structures and functions is minimal, inconsistent and unstable, therefore, for example, executive bodies can assign themselves the functions of legislative.

    IN totalitarian political systems dominates the "subdinctive" political culture, values \u200b\u200band samples of political behavior are imposed by power. Political culture has a class or nationalistic character. The existence of other subcultures is impossible. Although there is a differentiation of political and government structures, nevertheless, all power is concentrated in the hands of the monopololation party. Power controls all areas of human life.

    Later within modernization theories , G.. Almond and D.. Pau-ellthey appealed to the consideration of the number of variables underlying the classification of political systems. These components show the dynamics of political system development, the possibility of transition from one type to another. Such variables G.. Almond and D.. Powellconsidered differentiation of political roles, independence subsystems and secular

    The risk of culture. Structural differentiation was considered as "a process in which roles change and become more specialized or independent, or by which new types of roles are introduced and new structures and subsystems appear or are created." New roles require structural specialization, existence of relatively independent and differentiated political institutions (parties, pressure groups, etc.).

    Differentiation of roles implies cultural secularization. G.. Almond and D.. Powellidentified it as a "process, during which an individual participating in political activity becomes more rational, capable of analyzing and accounting for empirical reality."

    Based on these indicators, they proposed the classification of political systems in which three groups were identified: primitive(with weak cultural secularization and differentiation of roles); traditional(with a differentiated government structure, although actually power concentrates at the monarch); modern(with differentiated political infrastructures). This typology made it possible to cover the entire variety of political regimes that ever existed and exist in the world. She absorbed and simpler classifications, for example, such as dividing political systems on traditionaland modernizeddepending on the specialization roles I. functions of political institutions .

    Modernizedsystems have a high structural and functional specialization of political institutions, which allows them to effectively respond to constantly changing interests of civil society. Relations between society and the authorities are rationalized and decorated by law. IN traditionalsystems All functions are practically concentrated at the monarch, the leader, which relies on the institutions of violence and the habit of the population to obey the power.

    In the system G.. BUTl.monda and D.. Powellthere is a more private classification of political systems - by the type of dominant political orientation and (i.e. the principles on which the desired model of society is founded): radical authoritarian(Communist Systems); conservative authoritarian(fascist systems); liberal democratic(Western democracy); authoritarian-modernizable(systems in Latin America, Southeast Asia, etc.).

    Logic tasks and problematic issues

    1. Think and determine what combines political systems:

    A) Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Spain;

    B) Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco. What type of political systems can they be attributed?

    2. What a sign, in your opinion, is the main condition for the nature of the democratic political system:

    A) the presence of multiparty;

    B) free elections providing people with equal opportunities to choose and be elected to the authorities;

    D) guarantees of personal rights and freedoms?

    1. What, in your opinion, are the closed and open political systems differ? Name the countries whose systems could be attributed to the other type.

    2. In art. 80 constitution Russian Federation It is said that "the presence of the Russian Federation is a guarantee of the Constitution ... human rights and freedoms and citizen. In the Constitution established by the Constitution, it takes measures to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and state integrity ensures the coordinated functioning and interaction of the state authorities. "
    Is it possible to determine the type of political system in Russia on this basis?

    1. In what condition, in your opinion, is the political system, if the requirements are dominated at the "entrance"?

    2. What, in your opinion, the types of support can be noted in relation to the political system of modern Russia?

    Examination in the 11th grade in social science

    on the topic "Politics"

    Option 1

    Exercise 1

    A) the plane in his Tro-Dach "Go-Su-Dar-State" and "In-Ko-us" from Lo-lived his eyes on the arms-su-darisos, Ti-well re-Ly-we and the forms of rights-les. (B) The shape of the rights-les is pre-becoming a structural-tu-RU-SID-GA-SU-Dar-Dar

    v-STI, the dock-dock of their o'-ray-zo-via and ras-pre-de leuity of compendium between them. (C) Plat-Mr. were the first you de-le-we-du-du, the forms of Right-Lea: Mo-Nar-Chia, Ari-Stro-Krai, Ti-Mo -Kra-Tiya, Oli-Gajia, de-Mo-Krai, Ti-Ra-Ra. (D) without sore, but

    net-Wa-Waiter is a contribution to his contribution in the time of the Li-Ti-Thieh thought of that time. (E) after it is to give the mustache, his stri-le rest in the Ka-Thier of the head of the head for pro-color Tas-Su-Dar-Dar-Dar-Wise His pra-v-te-lei.

    1) Factory Ti-Thy Ha-Cancer Ter

    Task 2.

    The pro-si-tai-leading text below, each of the same-it-ro-go obviously aware of the beech.

    (A) Pro-gram-Ma Co-Cy-Al-na-thro-building - one of the best Ak-Tu-alone co-ours pro-gram. (B) one of the rights-lesions, co-der-in-making in this program, Java-La-Xia CO-Zda in small go-roes with -No-men-in-fraction-structures. (C) Dru-Gueu on-Rule-Lea, obviously in the pro-gram-me, - CO-Zda pro-from-water, which could take - The work of the places of Mo-Loomy. (D) In \u200b\u200bthe next, one hundred and twit-sm would have more than any more knowledge, as a rap - his own de-one, -Not-Ski-re-Wash-and-ni-bond-men-but-go-zyy-ultrasound. (E) Once-Ra-Bot and Re-A-Lee-Options of the Tse-Le, CO-C-Al-Holy Program - the function of the GO-SU-Dar.

    Defo-de-ley-th, which in the Luck Tech-Stow

    1) Factory Ti-Thy Ha-Cancer Ter

    2) Ha-Cancer Ter Uce-Night Souge de-Nei

    3) Ha-cancer tero-re-ti-horshi state-waiting

    Task 3.

    Pro-si-tai-th-ve-den of the text, in which a number of words. You're from the pre-la-ga-e-mo-go Walled Words, which are non-o-ho-di-mi-di-to-vehicle.

    "De-Mo-Krazya - the form of the Li-Ti-Che-Sov-Ga-Ni-nation of the GO Sous-Dar-Nava, Os-na-Vania on -On-yes source ________ (a), his rights are part-to-invest in the re-s-su-darny affairs in accordance with Ro-Kim Cro-Gom Rights and Bod. An important at the sign of de-Mo-Kra-Tii - Gray-Ran-Tiya SO-Blue De-Bod-Ka and ________ (b). Another important black-like de-m-edge of the Java-La-Xia WHO WHO WHO MODE OF YOU-RA-ENGLES OF DIFFERENT LI-CHILDS ________(IN). Once - Li-Come de-mo-edge straight and ________ (g). In-style-Tom straightforward (non-differential) de-M-Krai Tii is ________ (e). In this case, ________ (e) myself, without media, you are, or a sieve or another re-neck. "

    Spiece Termen:

    1) Li-Ti-Che-sky plu-leather

    2) Pre-Sta-Vi-Tel

    3) in-country nonsense

    4) Power

    5) people 6) state

    6) Is-Paul-Ni-Tel

    7) Re-FE-REN-DUM


    9) Su-ve-re-ni-tet

    Task 4.

    "The goal of all-ki ___________ (a) is the power of the Power - avei on it or teaching it in it. OD-to-ko-ko-dodgy is not a key-with-key in it. Power is a mutual who is of those who have it, with the fact that in co-in-journaling co-becoming-in ___________ (b), in Something she is a lot-of-smi. In the re-zul-ta-those their cas-and-son-de-u-ho-ho-dit exchange de-y-tel-no-stew, ___________ (c), price-no-stya, in -for-ma-ni-her. Before-va-tel-but, the power can be in a na-type through the connection with the fact that there is no Yav-La-Xia Vä-Stew. At the same time, not only the power of the power in the co-ci-alone, but also the Wen's Wednesday is to power. The sulfur-terra-th-Mo-and-Mo-Da-and-Wednesday may have a ha-and-and-one-friend ___________ (d). On-pre-measures, go-su-gift as a na-si-tel and sub-ecto-ect of the ESSA-La is a control-le-le -I-si-va-konnost and great-in-outer-dock, and the citizens - yes, do not know ___________ (e) at ni-ma-ours Stew re-necks and you are-half-nya. FE-VAS-TEL-BUT, US-AND-MO-DI-STIT-STI and OPERA-DE-La Oblocity (e) Co-Qi-Ali Si We, Syu Stara-Bill and Di-Maism. "

    1) de-ya-tel of che lo-ve

    2) co-ci al-naya environment

    3) Pra-Mon-Make

    4) Lit-Ti-Che-Sky Pro-Cess

    5) Li-Ti-Che-Skye De-Ya Tel

    6) ha-cancer-ter of me nonsense

    7) Lit-Thieves

    8) Li-Ti-Chech Study

    9) Re-Sur-Sy

    Task 5.

    "Ame-Ri-Kan-sky Dyas-Log M.G. Herm Mann Pre-At-Nya-La in Pyut-ku You de-pour fact-ry-ry-rye vli-yu on ha-cancer in Li-Ti Ski ____ (a). To them, from - no-Syat-Xia: Li-Ti-Che ____ (b), re-action on Davith and Stress, ___ (B), Style, Pre-Shode - I have experienced experience, an Obra-Ya-Tel-Tel, in the one-ry-oxo-century, in the inheritance of the RU-Ko-Di- la. Out-of-the-soulful factors pose, POS-LAI gives from-no-tel-but-ki-te-river-ku Ti.

    In the Oblast Society, the Skla-Deli-Vas-Xia Opera-Delo-Vasya ___ (d) of one or another Li-Ti-Che-go de-ya , on-s'y-va-e-my them-jam. It may be WHO Ni-Kat ____ (e), without Speci-alone efforts, de-ya-la or his Stro-Ron-ny. One-na-ko, non-red-ko is created ____ (e) ECT-Li-I-Mi in Li-Ti and under-derivatives-au-His group-Pya. At the same time, at the vile-ka, the lifestyle to those ka-horses of the Lich-Ni-Soo, which co-from-vetorous is revolt-yes-ni-yam The masses, and the MAS-Ki-Ru-smta, those of its features, which can be a pre-at-na-you non-gosh-but ".

    Spiece Termen:

    1) Motif

    2) image

    3) leader

    4) Avt-Ri-Tet

    5) Tse-le-on-Right-Len

    6) seri-chi-but

    7) convinction

    8) Image

    9) pre-enemy

    Task 6.

    How, according to me, Avto-Ra, the MNA-PAR-Tiya-Ti-O-at-on-Little Little Mass? At-ve-di, any two at least this cas-and-zi.

    Go-Su-Dar-Dar-Ski-Xia de-Mo-Kra-Che-Skim and Pra-Vym, if pre-becoming a li-th-che OR-GA-NE-GEZH-DAN-KO-goes. DE-CRA-KRAYA OSE-ESS-SA on OS-no-ve-Qi-voya Ideos-Lo-Mi-Che-go and in Li Ti-Che Plu-Ra Liza Ma.

    Ideo-Lo-che-sky plu-leather means that in the Ros-Siy FE-de-Roma, with the idea-Lo-Lo-Chest MOT-OR-RA-SIR, NI-KAYA Ideo-Lo-gia cannot be installed-in-su-dar-sv, or obya -No-Noah (h. 1, 2, Art. 13 Consts-Treatment of the Russian Federation).

    Ros-Siy-Skye Fe-De-Roma Pro-WHO G-Scha is a light-skim-su-Dar-Sv-Dar (part 1 of Art. 14 of the Contest-Tuction of the Russian Federation). This means that Ni-Kaja Re-Li-Gia cannot push-na-li-sv in ka-s-su-dar-noya or obu-tel -Noah. The light-ski-cancer-ter year-su-dar-test is also the fact that the re-li-hy-oh-de-le - They are equal before in-co-nom (part 2 of Art. 14 of the Consts-Tuction of the Russian Federation).

    In the Lit-Ti-White plu-lisma pre-lifting on-li-li-person-person SO-Qi-Al-Al-Li-Li-Che Stro-Tour, Fun-Qi-Ni-Rukh in the Security Council, Super-Committee of the Li-Thi-Che-th RA-ZIA, MNA-PAR-Ti-N. (Part 3 of Art. 13 Consts-Tuction of the Russian Federation). The de-ya-tel of all-molaous objects-units of Count-Dan in the commonplace of the OK-WA-VLI-I-NIE on Li Ti-Che -skaya pro-process (the for-Mi-RO-VAR-Ma-Ga-Su-Dar-Sv-Dar-Noya Poi, the nya-Tie-Su-Dar-Dar and etc.). The Po-Para-Tiyase of the Pred-La-Mashe Le Galnost of Li-Ti-Cheka OP-in-Environment, SPO-Sob -Thow in the li-thy-well life of the more shi-kih layers on-ce-les. Optionally, only the CO-building and the de-ya-telos of such soci-sortable volumes, the goals or action of the one-ry -This-les on the Na-Sil-Sil-Tu-Qi-Oh-no-throing and on-line STI of the Ros-Siya Fe de-Roma, sub-dying without the danger, and the city-su-Dar-Dar-State University, CO-Zda-Uro-Women Vaews, time-gay CO-Qi-Alo, Ra-Soh, Na-o-Nal-Najo and Re-Li-Ozno Reta (part 5 . 13 Contest-Tuction of the Russian Federation) ...

    Li-Ti-Che-Sky plu-lisma Ba-Zhu-Rou-Xia on the MHO-OB-RA-ZIA Forms of Eco-No-Mi-Chest De-Ya Tel-but -st. This is a though-on-ray-bearing of the fact that Os-No-W / Eco-No-Mi-ki of the Russian Federation Co-Al- NEO-NE-NE-NE-ZY-STICH, WHERE-PE-SHI-VAE-SA-BO-yes Eco-No-Mi-Skoy de-Ya-Tel-Noi, Kon-Ren-Ren-Ren-Renni-Renni and Rav-Nae, the forms of Sob - N., their right-Waja ... Earth and other re-Sur-Sur-Sur-Us-Ut-Syu-Xia and Nya-Yu-Xia in Ros-Siy Fe de Ros - But the life of the life and de-ya-tel-stubs of Na-Ro-Dov, the pro-Zhiva-Yu-Ri-Ri-Rii. Land and other re-Sur-Sur-Sur-Sur-Sur-Sur-Sur-Sur-Sur-Sur-Noy, Mu-Su-Dar-Noy, Mu-Ni-Palp and Others - Sob-no-st. (Art. 9 of the Consts-Tuction of the Russian Federation). GU-SU-DAR-STI-RAS-Ti-Ru is also the only one-eco-e-Mi-Mi-Ski-th pro-country, its bodie-na-render- The NIE-VA-WAN, services and fi-nan-social means.

    Task 7.

    You are instructed to prepare an expanded answer on the topic "Political Mode". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.

    Option 2.

    Exercise 1

    The pro-si-tai-leading text below, each of the same-it-ro-go obviously aware of the beech.

    (A) In the Pre-Two-Rii, but-in-year, all the vessels of the par-thies are pro-in-lies their pho-ru. (B) In Mi-Mo PE-DE-MO-MOCs of Li-De-Society Men's Par-Tii obo-Nov-Lya-Lo-Lo-School . (C) the general acquaintance of the idea-Lo-chest Plat-Fort-Way is one of the most important par-Tii. (D) Par-Tiy-Ti-Tiy-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Zia Becoming Good luck. (E) the pre-e-one-year-in-one, the SNA-ON-TEL-CA, to the de-ya-tel-ether par-Tii, can in - Naja ka-human do-c-men-com.

    Defo-de-ley-th, which in the Luck Tech-Stow

    1) Factory Ti-Thy Ha-Cancer Ter

    2) Ha-Cancer Ter Uce-Night Souge de-Nei

    3) Ha-cancer tero-re-ti-horshi state-waiting

    Task 2.

    The pro-si-tai-leading text below, each of the same-it-ro-go obviously aware of the beech.

    (A) In the Mi-Nuv-Shi, you're-ours in the country-no co-palm-pon-like you-bog.

    (B) they were pro-shlie, according to the Blue-Da-te -e-lei, in the Sloa-Vih-Socya of the Ak-Bi-e-lei.

    (C) in La-Ga-it, which is a similar Jav-le-NEI with the role of the role and a si-mono-game NEWS-NO-GO SA-MO-DEVICE IN THE LIFE OF CO QUI-MA.

    (D) OR-GAS-NO-GO SA-MO-DEPA-LIA pre-labeled C-ste-mu-ha-ni-ours and de-ya-tel -The Claw-Dan, Breaking-Pie-Va-Yu-Sa-Mo-Na-Tel-Nie Recaria on-SE-LE-NI-OS -The knowledge of the Mu-Ni-Pal-Palne-Na-Ni-Swehi, an IS-Ho-Dia from the In-Te-Sov Le lei Dan-Ri-Rii.

    (E) Re-Zul-Ta-you-bouts Obl-Souzh-Da-Sia is a Lie-Lo-Ga-Mi and Blo-Go-Safa-Roy.

    Defo-de-les, what kind of tech is worn

    1) Factory-Thieh Ha-Cancer;

    2) ha-cancer-ter Oce-night Souzh dences;

    3) Ha-cancer theo-re-ti-che-li-li.

    Task 3.

    Pro-si-tai-level text-based text, in which-rum Pro-Pu-pu-pu-poured a number of words (symbol-co-Che-Tasy). You are, from the pre-la-ga-e-mo-go Words lubrica (SO-CO-CO-TA-NIA), which non-ob-Ho-di- Mo get up to the place of pro-PUS.

    "The Li-Thi-Skye Cul-Tu-Ra as the type of different individuals, group-POPs, which include three levels of or-en- Total to once-personal ___________ (a).

    The first Uro-Ven on-no-neck of you-Ra-Women in the pre-becoming-les-de-rah, Eli-Tah, in-eta-Tah and Price-no-stakes, defo-de-la-de-de-de-treatment. When the Li-Ti-Che-Ski-Ste-Ma Le-Mi-Tim-on and Sport-on Ef-Feq-but Re-A-Mi-Row on ___________ (b), Count-da-do not believe themselves by the obligations of the vessels of its in-style-tu-tuh.

    OR-WHO URO-VENI-EN-TAZATION CO-POST-BLE-DI-MOU-MOU-MU LI-MU-CUME CURRATURE: whether ___________ (c) with Va-Shi-Mi-Da Na-I-Mi and Ka-Ko-you are your pre-facilities on the sob -Li-ke? The answer to the in-mind, which Si-Ste-Ma Control Lea is better to refrain-Yu-Xia with the Su-Yu-silence of Pro-Ble-Mi and you-zo-va "And co-becoming-in-de-su-Dar-Dar-Dar-Dar-Dar-Dar-Dar. At the same time, ___________ (d) GREZH-DAN in Li-ku can be once a personal - Ak-nic part-ni-ki, grazing-yes-no, which-rye pass-sivo Under-chi-yu-smo, people, people, is-key from li-ki.

    Trey Uro-Ven - this is different to ___________ (e) about-di-di lyual-ki, where the main crib-teem evaluation -Ith-tel-oku-vi-tel-тества из ___________ (e) and the growth of blah-co-co-service "

    1) Dei-Primea Gra-Vi Tel

    2) me non-dy

    3) Li-Ti-Che-sky conifer

    4) from non-not-no-stey

    5) Obliga

    6) personal self-danger

    7) Enable

    8) Lit-Thi-Thieves

    9) re-zul-ta-you

    Task 4.

    Pro-chi-ta-those-led text below, in which a number of words. You're from the pre-la-ga-e-mo-go Walled Words, which are non-o-ho-di-mi-di-to-vehicle.

    "Pre-Zi-Dent-Skye Res-Pub-Li-Ka-Rak-Te-Ri-UT-Xia Co-Tem-Na-Ni in the hands of Pre-Zi-Den-Ta Paul The head of the chapter ______ (a) and the heads of the IP-Paul-Ni-Nau-Nu-Stu. The post of pre-Mi-Mi-Ni-country in such RES-Pub Li, as Gu Vi-Lo, from-day. Pre-Zi-Den-Ta country from Bi-Rasy: or all-in-genus ________ (b) (as, on-at-action, in ar -He-not), or the number of you-boring (like Ska, in the USA). This is a launch-in-free source of ________ (c) pre-zi-Den from par-la-men. Pre-Zi-Dent in Louc is also right _______ (d) in a non-sequence of par-la-men-sky re-necks: it can be verified for a second races -Sotume-re-in the highest in-co-but-yes-tel body of any ______ (e). But if the pala-la percent of the WTO Rich, but, Kva-Li-F-Wo-Vi-Vi-2/3 in both pa-la-takhs - Go-Lo-Su is for him, then the pro-ect of the hundred-but-vit-x-ko-nom, about it, non-_________ (e), non-VZI-Paradise on me -And. Not injecting Pre-Za-Dent and Rapt Para-La Parabe.

    Spiece Termen:

    1) Yuri-Di-Chey Power

    2) Power

    3) from-la-ga-tel veto

    4) in-co-no-pro-er

    5) go-su-dar

    6) the form of right-le

    7) go-lo-co-va

    8) Li-Ti

    9) in-co-no-yes-tel

    Task 5.

    Pro-si-tai-level text-based text, in which-rum Pro-Pu-pu-pu-poured a number of words (symbol-co-Che-Tasy).

    You are, from the pre-la-ga-e-mo-go Words lubrica (SO-CO-CO-TA-NIA), which non-ob-Ho-di- Mo get up to the place of pro-PUS.

    "The Li-Ti-Che-Schay Elite of Jaw-La is one of __________ (a) in Li-ki. It is different to the In-Ste-Tu-Qi-O-Nal-No-Mu Kom-Ohn-Tu __________ (b). This is a narrow circle of persons, the focal power of power in society. In __________ (c), at a time de pouring, this soci-core layer into two groups-POPs. PER-WAY OPI-RAA-XIA on Vla de Niem, __________ (d), re-li-gia, pro-Is-Hahog de-Nei, is Mu from-no-Sith To the tra di-ou-no-mu type. OS-NO-VO-WHO, SO-VRE-MEN-NUM GROUP - Li-Ti-Che

    knowledge, experience, __________ (e) in the pro-sac of co-ci-alone life. In the first group, it is difficult to work in the first group, the heads of __________ (e) of the boss of the people of the Stro-No-Wit-Xia of their IS-Paul-Ni-Tel and the personal Danos. Seall members of the second group also

    re-Gua-Li-Ru is a pro-process of at-home new persons, but the main tre-bo variest is the pro-Fes-Si-O-lism. "

    Spiece Termen:

    1) Bo-Gat

    2) Object

    3) compence

    4) Cree-Te-Riy

    5) Sub-anch

    6) Eco-no-Mi-ka

    7) Li-Ti-Che-Skya Si-Ste-Ma Oblast

    8) co-qi-al-naya structural

    9) Die-Lo-gia

    Task 6.

    Pro-Chai Time Text and you are-half-omni.

    The author states, expecting that in the society, maybe the WHO Ni-Ket Pro-Ti-in-Reyia between the Al-Tar-Mines and non-Al-Tar-Nom " IS-Paul-Zhuya So-Der-Tek-Straw and Obno-Veda-Che-Ski-Ski, the pre-di-Those WHO WHO -Not-no-ve-ty-re-chiy. What is the indicator of the Li-Ti-Thieh Elite of the Little Little Element of the Little Element of these pro-ty-re-si?

    Lit-Thi-Chey Elite is a group of persons, Pro-Fes-Si-O-Nal-Nal-Na-Yu-Yu-Ya-Ya-Xia de-y-Tel-No-Stewy in the sphere of wi-sv-sv-dar-sv-dar (par-ti-mi, other in-line-che-ta-ta -). On the go-su-dar-stem-nomed level it is Kon-Prica-three-ru in his hands the high-tech and control-len-che-lin-ghay-you Oblost, pre-defo-de-lying due to this path and the form of it in the Li-Thi-Ski-th time-Viya.

    The Li-Ti-Che-Skye Elite is only the definite part of the more shi-kih el-packing layers in general, in the one in which more species and autumn-rifs of eco-no-mi-ker-gov, gu-ma-ni-tar and tech Thus in-tel-li-gene. The pain-tire of scientists SHO-DIT-XI is that those non-many people, who-ry, at-above-les-zham to the Li-Ti-Che-Ski Vlas-Vu a circle, not a t-pic-pich, pre-sta-vi-la-mi-ours, Fore-Mi-ru-ryu It is from the pre-sta-vi-les of the highest co-ci-al-eco-eco-no-lies. Prak-Ti not under-tel-di the thesis that the de-ya-telly elite is non-in-medium-but-de-la Samen on-ce-les. Thus, in any socio-stem, a serious pro-Ti-in-re-si-vom and in-rep-S. Eli- Tarny and non-el-packaging groups.

    In half a non-NE-NE-Va-Va-Vi-Cit-Thol-Ko-Ko-Ko-Ko-Ko from ENS or Kon-Kretny Si-Tu-Aition, with the order-swarm-vi -er-whether shi-ki-ci-alone layers of on-chi the mother-defined teaching of the participation in the bottom-in-law, but in the meaning-of-Tel-neu-ne, Group pi-ro-wok. In this sense, the ELITA of Java-La-Ski-Rahe-Mo-Re-Gua-Li-Ru-Yu-Sia-Liu-Saty, which-paradise from Bi Tel-but pre-Pusa in its medium of pre-sta-vi-lei mass.

    In the polnea co-from-vet and a non-Ma-Maum, the Li-Ti-Chey Elite of the Little Life It is a number of important tasks and functions. Pre-expecting everything to her co-qi-alto-da-cham from-no-Syat-Xi-Nya-Tie and Con-Trol for the re-A Li-Qi-her Syan, Ras-Cra-Washing Price-Trawl Role in Governorates Go-Su-Dar-Sv-Dar and Obno. In the number of OS-new functions include form-Mi-Mi-Vasya and the pre-facilities of a group of time Loose layers on-ce-les. I will point to ransight and on the non-co-dual-du-du-rho-via of Eli-so-no-one Price-no-stones. FOR-MI-RUE ON-PERSON-LO Ideas, Myths or Co-Qi-Already Pro-Ek-You, Di-Ti-Chey Elite Poku-Et-Sm Bi-Li-Zo-depth GREZH-DAN, to take them under the con-trol of their energy for the re-neck of non-o-X-di-s-dial tasks.

    Task 7.

    You are instructed to prepare an expanded answer on the topic of the state of the state. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.

    2161. Financial market performs functions
    I. Transformation of savings in investment
    II. Estimates of the market value of financial assets
    III. Provision of liquidity of financial assets
    IV. Infrastructure creation for the exchange of financial assets

    2162. In a number of European countries, the kings and the queen who receive their inheritance authorities perform only executive functions, without providing a significant impact on the activities of the legislative, judicial and executive authorities. What form of government is established in these countries?

    2163. Read the following text in which a number of words (phrases) missed. Select from the proposed list of words (phrases) that you want to insert into place of the pass. "The purpose of all ___________ (a) is power - influence on it or participation in it. However, the maintenance of power is not concluded in it. Power is the interaction of those who carry out, so that in the aggregate is ___________ (b) in which it is carried out. As a result of their interaction, the exchange of activities is exchanged, ___________ (c), values, information. Consequently, the government can be understood through the connection with the fact that it is not power. At the same time, not only power affects the social environment, but the environment affects power. The mutual influence may have the nature of direct interaction of power and the environment on each other based on the implementation of ___________ (d). For example, the state as a carrier and the subject of government carries out the management of the Company's affairs, ensures the legality and law and order, and citizens recognize ___________ (e) decisions taken by the authorities and perform them. Consequently, the interaction of power and society determines ___________ (e) the social system, Syo stability and dynamism. " Words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once. Separate one word after another, mentally filling each skip. Please note that the list of words is more than you need to fill the passes.

    In this below, the table shows the letters indicating the word skip. Write in the table under each letter number of your chosen word.

    2164. The parliament of the country Z is elected popularly on the proportional system. The political party or block of parties who won the elections form the government. Parliament elects the president who performs only executive functions. What is the form of the board in the country z?

    2165. The establishment of the relationship between supply and supply of labor, the formation of the number of employees and professional-qualification composition of personnel on a specific object of the labor market is carried out using a specific function that salary in society performs, namely:

    2166. In the state of X. After parliamentary elections, the leader of the parliamentary majority began to form the government. At the same time, parliament deputies began to coordinate the candidacy for the presidency, which will fulfill executing functions. What type of state is the state of X.?

    2168. In the state Z, the legislative power is carried out by parliament, and the elected head of state forms the government and heads executive. Citizens have all the fullness and freedoms, the institutions of civil society are developed. The state Z includes territories that have defined political independence. Parliament has a bipotable structure. Find in the list of the form of the state form in the list and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

    2169. Read the passage from the historic essay I. A. Christform and determine the date of reform, which in it is spent.
    "The purpose of the reformers was to insulate the peasants as much as possible from their former owners ... But the deprivation of landlords of direct control over the peasants, which means even over the local life in general, meant that this control should be transferred to other hands ...
    Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200bworld mediators appeared, designed to take over the hardest burden of realizing the reform, clarifying it and peasants, and their former owners, the settlement of conflicts, etc. ".

    2170. If the variable is defined outside the function, the memory for it is given once at the beginning of the program execution, and the variable is destroyed only when the program is completed, then such a variable is called

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    To understand the nature of changes in politics, its ability to ensure stability and maintain a dynamic equilibrium of interest groups needs to be taken into account two circumstances. First, the policy is relative to the independent sphere and has the features of the system. In this sense, according to L. von Bertalanfi, it represents a combination of "elements in collaboration". Secondly, being independent, politics acquires meaning through interaction with the world of non-political, being an integral part of the wider integrity of society. The awareness of the organic relationship between political life and other spheres of human life has come to political scientific research.
    Initially, the policy, according to M. Weber, was reduced to the activities of the state as an institution that carries out the monopoly of the legitimate use of force in this territory. " All social life laid in the framework of the political sphere and submitted to the state. The state, as a carrier and the subject of government, solely distributed values \u200b\u200band resources. The identification of political with the state was fair until the allocation of civil society.
    The development of civil society institutions reflected the process of increasing multiplicity of interests of various groups of the population. On this basis, there was a specialization of political roles and functions within the political community. It was impossible to understand the causes and consequences of the distribution of power and values \u200b\u200bin society without taking into account the influence of social communities, mentality and the cultural system was impossible. Replacing the concept of the state The concept of a political system made it possible to take into account the influence of non-formal mechanisms for the functioning of the policy of politics, reflect the growing relationship and mutual influence of political structures, political culture, political behavior and civil society.

    To characterize the interaction of power and society in American political science, the concept of "political system" is used, which represents the set of all public structures in their political aspects. By definition of the city of Almond, the political system includes in addition to political institutions, social and economic structures, the historical traditions and values \u200b\u200bof society, the cultural context of its development. The interaction of the world of politics and economic sphere, civil society (social and spiritual spheres) is systemic, i.e., changes in one of the elements certainly leads to a change in all integrity (society). This means - the world of political can only be understood from the relationship of it so that it is not politics. As, however, true and the opposite - changes in non-political spheres are carried out under the influence of policies.
    It is known that the purpose of all political activities is the power - either the impact on it or participation in it. The government acts directly content. However, the maintenance of power is not concluded in it. Power is the interaction of those who carry out that in the aggregate is the social environment in which it is carried out. As a result of their interaction, the exchange of activities, resources, values, information is exchanged. Consequently, the government can be understood through the connection with the fact that it is not power.
    At the same time, not only power affects the social environment, but the environment affects power. The mutual influence may have the nature of the direct impact of power and environment on each other on the basis of political roles. For example, the state, as a carrier and the subject of government, is managed by the Company's affairs, ensures the legality and law and order, and citizens recognize the legality of the decisions taken by the authorities and perform them. However, the impact may be indirect and not to be directly character. For example, increasing profits tax creates the opportunity to increase support for employees of budget spheres.
    Consequently, the interaction of power and civil society determines the nature of changes in the social system, its stability and dynamism. That is why it is important to know how society affects the distribution of power. No less significant is the understanding of the forms and the parameters of the impact of power to civil society. The interaction and interdependence of power and society are expressed by the concept of "political system".