“The Holy Lands of Russia. Alexander Nevskiy

« Two feats of Alexander Nevsky - the feat of battle in the West and the feat of humility in the East -
had one goal: the preservation of Orthodoxy as a moral and political force of the Russian people.
This goal was achieved: the growth of the Russian Orthodox kingdom
took place on the soil prepared by Alexander

G.V. Vernadsky

December 6 (November 23, old style) The Church honors the memory of one of the most famous and revered saints of the Russian land - saint Prince Alexander Nevsky... An undaunted defender of his fatherland, a wise conquering commander, a subtle diplomat and a skillful ruler, and at the same time a pious Christian and a humble prayer book, honored before the death of the great angelic image - this is how the image of the holy Russian prince appears before us, widely glorified both in the church and in a secular environment.

About the Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich. From the Obverse Chronicle

“This noble and noble, God adorned and worthy of praise, Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich, the eighth tribe of the autocratic and equal to the apostles tsar and Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich, who enlightened the Russian land with holy baptism, from Rurik, the eleventh knee, for many and glorious virtues from people, but also from God himself; for from a young age and from young nails he was taught every good deed by his pious father, the God-wise and sovereign Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, and his holy mother, the God-loving Grand Duchess Theodosia, named Euphrosinia in monasticism, by whom he was brought up in all kinds of good instructions. And the fear of God entered his heart in striving to keep the commandments of the Lord; for he honored the priestly and monastic ranks.

Always in his youth, he adhered to humility and abstinence, kept the purity of the soul and body, increased meekness and avoided vanity, putting a lot of effort into this. Gluttony restrained, for he knew that satiety of the flesh destroys chastity, and interferes with wakefulness, and opposes other virtues. In his mouth there were ceaselessly divine words that delight him more than honey and honeycomb. He read them with zeal, and heeded them, and wished to translate them into deeds. His relatives saw that he succeeds in all virtues, and tried to be useful, and tried in every possible way to please God, seeing how he tried to please God, and, burning with divine heavenly desire, he belittled before people everything good and honest in himself, and did not flaunt his spiritual multiplicity. And from his great humility he hid in every way his many good deeds.

Although he was glorified by God with the honor of the earthly kingdom and had children as well, he acquired humble wisdom more than all people. He was very tall; the beauty of his face was like Joseph the Beautiful; his strength was part of the strength of Samson, but his voice sounded like a trumpet among the people; in courage he was like the Roman king Vespasian, the son of Nero, who captured all the land of Judea, gathered his regiments and commanded to approach the city of Antipatos (Iotapatus). The townspeople went out and defeated his regiments; he alone went against them, and turned their army to the city gates, and to his retinue, laughing, said: "Why did they leave me alone?" So the Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich won everywhere and was never defeated.

He was very merciful, like his God-protected father Yaroslav, in everything following in his footsteps, he gave a lot of gold and silver for the captives, sending to Tsar Batu in the Horde for the Russian people who were captured by the godless Tatars. He redeemed them and delivered them from fierce slavery and from many troubles and misfortunes.

He himself was always protected by God and from all enemies everywhere remained unharmed, and the Lord glorified him with his mercy to him. And he was terrible and formidable to all enemies, and everywhere they trembled at his name. The wisdom and the sharpness of his mind, like Solomon, were given to him by God. Most of all, he respected justice, and his boyars often taught him in parables from the Divine Scripture, so that first of all they would ask God for wisdom, and refrain from drunkenness, and humble themselves before God, and did not forget to judge righteously, and would not be partial in favor of the strong , and would not accept an unrighteous bribe, and would not offend anyone, but would deliver the offended from the hands of those who offend, and they would not take anything more than their due, but would be satisfied with their rent. And he spoke so many times, sometimes frightening with his power, sometimes reminding about eternal reward, when at the Last Judgment Christ will reward everyone according to his deeds. Boyars and all people, seeing from God the wisdom given to him, could not answer, but unanimously promised to do as he commanded them. And so courageously and righteously ruled the power given to him by God.

And the fame of him passed through many distant countries, and many sought to see him. And even then there was a rumor everywhere that the godless Tsar Batu, by God's permission, had done a lot of evil to the great Russian land. And where this blessed Alexander and his father Yaroslav ruled, in Veliky Novgorod, some divine power prevented the wicked from reaching there and did not even allow them to approach not only the lands of Veliky Novgorod, but also to other lands where they had to visit and fight then. with hated enemies - Lithuanians and Germans. And everywhere, by God's permission, these cruel Tatars did not fight against them. "

Life of Alexander Nevsky

The holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky was born on May 30, 1220 in the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. He was the second son of the Pereyaslavl prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich from the Toropets princess Rostislava, in the baptism of Feodosia.From early childhood, St. the prince accepted the blessing for military service in the Name of God to protect the Russian land. According to the custom of that time, in the fourth year of his life, he received a military tonsure from the Suzdal Bishop Simon, who was performed over him in the Transfiguration Cathedral in the city of Pereyaslavl. The ceremony took place as follows. The boy was placed before the royal doors, and a prayer was said over him, in which the blessing of God was requested. Then the hair was cut as a sign that the child was dedicated to God. After the ceremony, the youth was put on a horse - this meant his future independence. They were given weapons, usually a bow and arrows, which indicated the duty of a soldier to defend his homeland from external enemies.

The most difficult time in the history of Russia began: Mongol hordes marched from the east, knight hordes were advancing from the west. At this terrible hour, the Providence of God raised up the holy prince Alexander, the great warrior-prayer book, ascetic and builder of the Russian land, to save Russia.

"Black years"- here is the exact name of that era in the history of the Russian land. After the hurricane invasion of the Mongol-Tatar beds of Batu in 1237-1240, when the Russian force was ground down and dozens of cities were destroyed, a system of heavy dependence on the Horde conquerors began to take shape, kept in fear of new invasions. Fortunately, the Novgorod and Pskov lands escaped a devastating defeat. But they experienced the strongest onslaught from the Swedes, Germans, Lithuanians.

Russia was turning into a second-rate region of Eastern Europe, weakening, splitting into many small and militarily weak principalities. The efforts of a few selfless, gifted and sagacious individuals, accomplished not without the help of the Heavenly Father, saved her from the final decay and death. Of these, the most famous is Alexander Yaroslavovich, nicknamed Nevsky.

In 1227, Prince Yaroslav, at the request of the Novgorodians, began to reign in Novgorod the Great. He took his sons, Fyodor and Alexander with him.

In 1228, seven-year-old Alexander was left with his elder brother Theodore and experienced managers, boyar and tiun, in Novgorod the Great- as an official representative of the father. From 1236 to 1240, Alexander Yaroslavovich continuously reigned in Novgorod, fulfilling his father's will. A huge responsibility fell on the shoulders of Prince Alexander: the defense of the Novgorod borders from warlike neighbors. And those, hoping to take advantage of the difficult situation in Russia, increased the pressure on the Novgorod region.

In the summer of 1240, the Swedish flotilla led by Jarl Ulf Fasi and son-in-law of King EricXI Birger Magnusson entered the mouth of the Neva. With them came the Catholic clergy- some "bishops", as well as the militia of the Finno-Ugric peoples, sum and em. The Habitat tells the following about the preparation for the battle with the Swedes: the enemy leader “... came to the Neva, drunk with madness, and sent his ambassadors, proud, to Novgorod to Prince Alexander, saying:“ If you can, defend yourself, for I am already here and ravaging the land yours. "

Alexander, hearing such words, flushed his heart and entered the Church of Hagia Sophia, and, falling on his knees before the altar, began to pray with tears: “Glorious God, righteous, God great, mighty, Eternal God, who created heaven and earth and set limits nations, you commanded to live without crossing other people's borders. And, remembering the words of the prophet, he said: "Judge, O Lord, those who offend me and protect from those who fight with me, take up arms and a shield and stand up to help me."

And, having finished the prayer, he got up and bowed to the archbishop. The Archbishop was then Spiridon, he blessed him and released him. The prince, leaving the church, wiped away his tears and said to encourage his squad: “God is not in power, but in truth. Let us remember the songwriter, who said: “Some with weapons, and others on horses, but we call on the name of the Lord our God; they were defeated and fell, but we stood and stand straight. "

With a small retinue, the prince hurried to the enemies. But there was a wonderful omen: the warrior Pelgusius, who was standing in the sea, in holy baptism Philip, saw at dawn on July 15 a boat sailing on the sea, and on it St. martyrs Boris and Gleb in crimson robes. Alexander, encouraged by the vision above, courageously led his army against the Swedes. "And there was a great slaughter with the Latins, and he killed an innumerable multitude, and the leader himself put a seal on his face with a sharp spear." For this victory on the Neva River, won on July 15, 1240, the people named St. Alexander Nevsky.

The victory brought Alexander Yaroslavovich great fame, but in the same year, having quarreled with Novgorodians, he was forced to leave the city with his family and squad. The townspeople told him, as they said to many princes before him: "Here, prince, the path is clear!" And he answered them: “Drive me away? As needed- do not call! "

The words of the unjustly offended prince turned out to be prophetic: in less than a year, the Novgorodians, alarmed by the imminent threat from the German knights, sent a secondary embassy, \u200b\u200bbegging Alexander to return and stand up for their protection.

The new embassy was given a special solidity: the archbishop of Novgorod went with them. The very fact of his presence among veche diplomats shows: Lord Veliky Novgorod stands on the edge of the abyss and trusts: his messengers will not beg for help, so at least the head of the clergy will conscience the Orthodox brothers.

The father called his son to him for a secret conversation. After that, the young commander reluctantly agreed and received from his father to help the Vladimir-Suzdal squad, led by his younger brother-prince Andrey Yaroslavich. In 1241, Alexander entered Novgorod with all his military strength, and “Novgorodians were glad to be”, exhausted by the merciless enemy.

In 1241, with a lightning march of St. Alexander returned the ancient Russian fortress Koporye, expelling the knights. In 1242, in winter, he liberated Pskov, and on April 5, on the feast of praise of the Most Holy Theotokos - the "Climbed Voevoda" of all Orthodox warriors, he gave the Teutonic Order a decisive battle on the ice of Lake Peipsi. The crusaders were completely defeated. The name of St. Alexandra became famous throughout Holy Russia.

With his two victories, Prince Alexander Nevsky not only saved Northern Russia from the conquest of it by foreigners, but determined its future fate. Novgorod was not cut off from other parts of Russia, and Orthodoxy was established in it for the centuries to come.

If in relation to the Western conquerors, Prince Alexander Nevsky was unshakable, then in relation to the Tatars he considered it necessary to pursue a peaceful policy so as not to expose the country to new devastation. When, after the death of his father in 1247, he became the Grand Duke and was summoned by the Khan to the Horde, he asked for the blessing of Metropolitan Kirill and made a vow to stand for the Orthodox faith. In the Horde, he did not bow to idols and had to make a long journey to Mongolia to the great khan. When the Tatars demanded that the Grand Duke Alexander worship fire and idols, he replied: “I am a Christian, and it is not for me to bow down to a creature. I worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, God alone, glorified in the Trinity, who created heaven and earth. " But, interceding for his land, he paid tribute to the khan himself, as a powerful earthly king, and managed to achieve various benefits for Russia. Baty, as his contemporaries say, "marveled at him and said to his nobles:" They told me the truth that there is no other similar Prince "and let him go to Russia with great honor."

This is how this event is described in the Illuminated Chronicle of Ivan the Terrible.

“In the same summer (1247) the wicked Tsar Batu, hearing the God-protected great prince Alexander, the noble courage and invincible bravery, his numerous glorious victories over his opponents, sent his ambassadors to him, saying:“ The most famous among Russian sovereigns, Prince Alexander! I know, you know that God has subdued many nations to me, and all obey my power, and of all, you are not willing to submit to my power? Think, if you want to keep your land intact, hurry up to come to me immediately, you will see the glory and honor of my kingdom, and you will gain something useful for yourself and your land. ” The God-wise Grand Duke Alexander judged that his holy father Yaroslav did not go to the Horde for the sake of a temporary kingdom and there he gave his life for piety and for all his people, and by this he acquired for himself the Kingdom of Heaven. So blessed Alexander became like the good zeal of his pious father and decided to go to the Horde for the deliverance of Christians. And he came to the glorious city of Vladimir with a large army; his coming, about which news reached the mouth of the Volga, was menacing; his menace the wives of the Moabites frightened their children, saying: "Be quiet, here comes the Grand Duke Alexander." Without delay, having only stayed there a little and taking a blessing from Bishop Kirill, he set off on his way.

And he came to King Batu, and everywhere the grace of God sanctified him. But Tsar Batu, seeing him, was surprised and said to his nobles: “Truly they told me that there is no one like this prince,” and showed him honors, presented the prince with many gifts. So God protects His chosen ones, that He puts the wicked in thoughts, so that they would be ashamed and revere them.

Then he sent the prince with his brother Andrey Yaroslavich to the khanovichi. "

In matters of faith, the Grand Duke was also unshakable before the ambassadors of Pope Innocent IV, who in 1251 tried to convince the great to submit to the Roman throne, referring to the fact that his father had promised to do so. But he rejected the offer and said that he was instructed in the right faith and would not accept their teachings.

The Life Story says: once ambassadors from the Pope from great Rome came to him (Alexander Yaroslavich) with the following words: “Our Pope says so: We have heard that you are a worthy and glorious prince and your land is great. Therefore, of the twelve cardinals, they sent two of the smartest-Agaldad and Remont, so that you listen to their speech about the law of God. "

Prince Alexander, having thought with his wise men, wrote him the following answer: “From Adam to the flood, from the flood to the division of nations, from the mixing of nations to the beginning of Abraham, from Abraham to the origin of the Israelites through the sea, from the exodus of the sons of Israel to the death of David the king, from the beginning of the reign of Solomon to Augustus and before Christ's Nativity, from the Nativity of Christ to His crucifixion and Resurrection, from His Resurrection to His Ascension to Heaven and to the reign of Constantine, from the beginning of the reign of Constantine to the First Council and the Seventh- we know all this well, but we will not accept teaching from you. " They returned home.

Upon his return to Russia, the Grand Duke Alexander began to restore the destroyed churches and monasteries. He had to fight with his western neighbors - the Lithuanians, who were pagans. Thanks to his works, Christianity penetrated the borders inhabited by Lithuanian tribes, and Russian influence was established there. In relation to his brothers, he was distinguished by a special longsuffering and always avoided the shedding of Christian blood. Whatever enmity connected him with the rival princes, he did not raise weapons against them and did not collect regiments.

During one of the trips to Batu, St. the prince converted the khan's son Sartak to Christ, becoming his brother. And since Sartak at that time ruled over the affairs of the Horde due to the decrepitude of his formidable father, Alexander Nevsky received seniority over all Russian princes - this contributed to the unification of Russia under the single rule of the Grand Duke. So the foundation of the future Moscow state was laid. Peaceful relations with the khan led to the fact that in 1261, through the efforts of St. Alexander and Metropolitan Kirill in Sarai, the capital of the Golden Horde, a diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church was established. Thus, the era of the great Russian Christianization of pagan Eurasia opened. Subsequently, after liberation from the yoke, many Tatar nobility adopted Orthodoxy and laid the foundation for the famous noble families in the Russian Empire.

In 1262, the Suzdal and Rostov people, not tolerating the Tatar tribute collectors, raised an uprising against them. There were rumors that the Grand Duke Alexander himself had sent letters to the cities, calling for "Tatars to beat". The revolted people, in spite of their just hatred of the oppressors, limited themselves only to the murder of the most ferocious predators, therefore there were few killed. They were waiting for Tatar revenge. But God directed events in a completely different direction: referring to the uprising of the Russians, Khan Berke stopped sending tribute to Mongolia and proclaimed the Golden Horde an independent state. In this great combination of Russian and Tatar lands, the foundation was laid for the future multinational Russian state.

Saint Prince Alexander again had to go to the Horde in order to appease the khan and save Russia from the retribution of the Tatars for the uprising. A peace treaty was concluded, but on the way back from the Horde, Saint Alexander fell mortally ill: according to some version, he was secretly poisoned by the Tatars. Before reaching Vladimir, in Gorodets, in a monastery, the forty-three-year-old ascetic prince gave up his spirit to the Lord on November 14, 1263, completing his arduous life path by accepting the holy monastic schema with the name Alexy. His holy body was transferred to Vladimir, to the Nativity monastery, where Metropolitan Kirill and the clergy performed the burial. In his funeral oration, Metropolitan Kirill said: “Know, my child, that the sun of the land of Suzdal has already set. There will be no more such a prince in the Russian land. "

The life story about Alexander Yaroslavovich tells about the posthumous miracle that happened during his burial: “It was then a wonderful miracle and worthy of memory. When his holy body was laid in the tomb, then Sevastian the economist and Cyril Metropolitan wanted to unclench his hand in order to enclose the spiritual letter. He, as if alive, stretched out his hand and took the letter from the hand of the metropolitan. And confusion seized them, and they slightly retreated from his tomb. Metropolitan and economist Sevastian announced this to everyone. Who would not be surprised at such a miracle, because his soul left his body and was taken from distant lands to winter time... And so God glorified his saint. "

Library of the Russian Faith
A lesson in memory of St. blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky. Great Menaion Chetiya →

Troparion and kontakion to St. Alexander Nevsky

Troparion, voice 4.

Like a pious root, a glorious branch was blessed Alexandra, the Christ of Russia of the land of the new miracle worker, as some kind of treasure is glorious and auspicious. Thus today, having united in faith and love, in psalms and in them we rejoice, praise the Lord, who gave you grace through healing. His prayers to save this city, and to the power of Thy kindred, to be pleasing to God, and to be saved by a Russian son.

Kontakion, voice 8.

Like the star you have shone in the russt of the earth, we will honor this day. Enriching this whole country with miracles and kindness, enlighten with faith those who honor your memory, Alexandra is blessed. With that cry, thy people are, pray to Christ God to save your fatherland, the state of the Russian princes, and all your relics flowing into the race, and crying out to you, rejoicing in our hail intercession.

Library of the Russian Faith

Temples in Russia in the name of the holy noble Prince Alexander Nevsky

In the name of the holy noble Prince Alexander Nevsky, the chapel of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin was consecrated. At the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries, a wooden Annunciation Church on a stone foundation stood on the site of the existing cathedral. At the end of the XIV century, a small white-stone church with a basement was erected instead. In 1484 the old one was dismantled and rebuilt. The construction of the new cathedral was carried out until August 1489. The Pskov architects, who built it, managed to give the temple an impressiveness, perfectly combined with exquisite decorativeness. In 1563-1564, by order of Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible (1530-1584), the Annunciation Cathedral was rebuilt.

Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Moscow Kremlin

In the name of the holy noble Prince Alexander Nevsky, the side-altar of the Spaso-Prilutsky monastery in Vologda was consecrated. The Savior Cathedral of the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery, built in 1537-42, is the first stone church not only in the monastery itself, but throughout Vologda. Until 1537, a wooden cathedral of the same name stood on the site of the current Savior Cathedral. A wooden church in the name of the All-Merciful Savior and the Feast of the Origin of the Honorable Trees of the Life-Giving Cross was erected at the place he had chosen for the construction of the monastery by the Monk Dimitri Prilutsky. When the wooden cathedral burned down, a stone one was built. During the Soviet years, the monastery was plundered. In the 1930s, the monastery housed a transit prison for dispossessed people who were transported to the northern camps of the Gulag; in the 1950s and 1970s, the territory of the former monastery was occupied by military warehouses. Only in 1975-79, the central group of monuments with the adjacent territory, after the restoration began in 1954, became a branch of the Vologda State Museum-Reserve. Thanks to the scientific restoration carried out in 1954-1975, the monuments of the XVI-XVII centuries. the intended original appearance was returned. Currently, the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery is active.

Spaso-Prilutsky monastery in Vologda

Posthumous glorification of the holy noble Prince Alexander Nevsky

Already at the end of the 13th century, the popular veneration of Alexander Yaroslavovich began. His body was laid to rest in the Vladimir Monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God. For a long time this monastery was considered "the first in honor" among the monasteries of North-Eastern Russia. In the 1280s, the "Tale of the Life and Courage of the Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky" was born, later it became extremely popular and became part of the Russian chronicles. The Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir Dmitry Ivanovich, nicknamed Donskoy for the victory at the Kulikovo field, in the fall of 1380 transferred the relics of Alexander Nevsky to a special tomb inside the same Vladimir Nativity Monastery. When the relics were opened, they were found incorrupt. At the end of the 15th century, the relics were damaged by fire.

Saint Alexander Nevsky, with a life. End of the 17th century Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat (St. Basil's Cathedral), Moscow
Alexander Nevsky, with scenes from his life. Early 19th century Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts

On February 26, 1547, under Metropolitan Macarius, at a church cathedral in Moscow, the official all-Russian glorification of Alexander Nevsky took place in the face of saints. At the same time, a special day of remembrance was established - November 23. The canon of the saint was compiled by the Vladimir monk Michael.

Peter I ordered to transport the relics of Alexander Nevsky to the new capital. During 1723-1724 they were kept in Shlisselburg, and then found their final resting place. It was the St. Petersburg Alexander Nevsky monastery. The transfer of the tomb and relics of St. Alexander Nevsky took place on August 30, 1724. In 1725 was established order St. Alexander Nevsky, which became one of the highest awards of the Russian Empire.

Higher patronage of Prince Alexander Nevsky

Throughout Russian history, Russian soldiers asked for help from the holy defender of our state on the eve of the most dangerous battles. So, in 1380, before the Battle of Kulikovo, the victory was preceded by the following miracle. The sexton, who reverently served at the monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God, was honored with a special vision: at night, on the eve of the battle with Mamai, he stood in prayer in the church porch and with tears prayed to the Lord and His Most Pure Mother for deliverance from the aliens, calling for help and the knight of Nevsky, a natural representative and the patron of his people. Suddenly he sees: at the tomb of St. Alexander lit candles by themselves, two godly elders left the altar and, approaching the tomb of St. warrior, they said: “Prince Alexandra! Rise up and help your great-grandson Dimitri, who is being overcome by aliens. " Then St. Alexander rose as if alive from the grave, and all three disappeared from the astonished gaze of the embarrassed church minister. The next morning, with the assistance of St. Alexandra was the first great Russian victory against the Tatar hordes.

In a similar way, assistance was provided in 1571, during the invasion of Moscow by the Crimean Khan Devlet Giray. In 1812, during the Battle of Borodino, and in 1941, when the Germans approached Moscow, they just as zealously resorted to prayers to Saint Alexander as to the great Russian governor. It should be noted that the turning point in the famous battle near Moscow, which then decided the fate of the entire Russian people, fell on the day of memory of its holy commander: for example, on December 5, the troops of the Kalinin Front (Colonel General I. S. Konev), and on December 6 - Western (Army General G.K. Zhukov) and the right wing of the Southwestern Fronts (Marshal S.K. Timoshenko) launched a counteroffensive against Nazi Germany.

The famous Russian historian N.M. Karamzin wrote that the Russian people included Alexander Nevsky in the face of their guardian angels: he was always revered as one of the greatest figures in the history of Russia.

Alexander Yaroslavovich is famous for the fact that he took the Russian ship half-wrecked, firmly sitting on pitfalls, with holes in the sides, and honestly worked to save him. He tirelessly pumped out water, patched holes, fought off marauders, standing knee-deep in icy waters. Moreover, he did not turn into a bloodthirsty beast, to which the harshest conditions, in which he had to exercise his power, were inclined, but remained a truly Christian sovereign.

And what?

The ship did not go to the bottom. Here is the main result!

The ship got off the stones and slowly, slowly, under one sail, where before there were three, and with a dozen oarsmen, where before there were fifty, but still continued sailing.

And therefore- a deep bow to Tsar Alexander Yaroslavich, an honest Russian man, who took a heavy burden on his shoulders and responsibly carried this burden until the last term, until God Himself freed the prince from the hardships. He did his job right. Low bow!

Note:Italic text - literally based on the book by Dmitry Volodikhin "Alexander Nevsky".

(a new style).

The Monk Sergius has a special grace to help in prayers for the granting of humility, taming pride, conceit, and arrogance. They pray to him for the mental development of children, help in teaching, for the preservation of the lives of soldiers during the war.

The Monk Sergius was born in the village of Varnitsa, near Rostov, on May 3, 1314, into a family of pious and noble boyars, Cyril and Mary. The Lord had previously chosen him from his mother's womb. The Life of St. Sergius tells that during the Divine Liturgy, even before the birth of her son, righteous Mary and the worshipers heard the infant's three-fold exclamation: before the reading of the Holy Gospel, during the Cherubic song and when the priest said: "Holy to the holy." God bestowed upon the Monks Cyril and Mary a son, who was named Bartholomew. From the first days of life, the baby surprised everyone with fasting, on Wednesdays and Fridays he did not take his mother's milk, on other days, if Mary ate meat, the baby also refused mother's milk. Noticing this, Mary refused to eat meat altogether. At the age of seven, Bartholomew was sent to study with his two brothers - the elder Stephen and the younger Peter. His brothers studied successfully, but Bartholomew lagged behind in teaching, although the teacher studied a lot with him. The parents scolded the child, the teacher punished, and the comrades scoffed at his senselessness. Then Bartholomew with tears prayed to the Lord to grant him a bookish understanding. One day, his father sent Bartholomew to fetch horses in the field. On the way, he met an Angel sent by God in monastic form: the elder was standing under an oak tree in the middle of the field and praying. Bartholomew approached him and, bowing down, waited for the end of the elder's prayer. He blessed the boy, kissed him and asked what he wanted. Bartholomew answered: "With all my soul I wish to learn to read and write, Holy Father, pray for me to God so that He will help me learn to read." The monk fulfilled Bartholomew's request, lifted up his prayer to God and, blessing the boy, said to him: "From now on, God gives you, my child, to comprehend literacy, you will surpass your brothers and peers." At the same time, the elder took out a vessel and gave Bartholomew a particle of prosphora: “Take it, child, and eat it,” he said. "This is given to you as a sign of the grace of God and for the understanding of Holy Scripture." The elder wanted to leave, but Bartholomew asked him to visit his parents' house. Parents greeted the guest with honor and offered him food. The elder replied that first one should taste spiritual food, and ordered their son to read the Psalms. Bartholomew began to read harmoniously, and the parents were surprised at the change that had taken place with their son. Saying goodbye, the elder prophetically predicted about Saint Sergius: “Great will be your son before God and people. He will become the chosen abode of the Holy Spirit. " From then on, the holy youth read and understood the contents of the books without difficulty. With special zeal, he began to go deep into prayer, not missing a single service. Already in childhood, he imposed a strict fast on himself, did not eat anything on Wednesdays and Fridays, and on other days he ate only bread and water.

About 1328 the parents of the Monk Sergius moved from Rostov to Radonezh. When their eldest sons got married, Cyril and Maria took the schema shortly before their death in the Khotkovo Monastery of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, not far from Radonezh. Subsequently, the widowed elder brother Stephen also accepted monasticism in this monastery. Having buried his parents, Bartholomew, together with his brother Stephen, retired to live in the wilderness in the forest (12 versts from Radonezh). First, they set up a cell, and then a small church, and with the blessing of Metropolitan Theognost, it was consecrated in the Name of the Most Holy Trinity. But soon, unable to withstand the difficulties of life in a deserted place, Stephen left his brother and moved to the Moscow Epiphany Monastery (where he became close to the monk Alexy, later Metropolitan of Moscow, commemorated February 12).

Bartholomew, on October 7, 1337, received monastic tonsure from Abbot Mitrofan with the name of the holy martyr Sergius (Comm. 7 October) and initiated a new residence to the glory of the Life-Giving Trinity. Enduring temptations and demonic fears, the Monk ascended from strength to strength. Gradually he became known to other monks who were looking for his guidance. The Monk Sergius received everyone with love, and soon a brotherhood of twelve monks was formed in the small monastery. Their experienced spiritual mentor was distinguished by rare diligence. With his own hands, he built several cells, carried water, chopped wood, baked bread, sewed clothes, cooked food for the brethren and humbly performed other work. The Monk Sergius combined hard work with prayer, vigilance and fasting. The brethren were amazed that with such a severe deed, the health of their mentor not only did not deteriorate, but even more strengthened. Not without difficulty, the monks implored Saint Sergius to take over the monastery. In 1354, Bishop Athanasius of Volyn ordained the Monk to the rank of hieromonk and elevated him to the rank of hegumen. Monastic obediences were still strictly observed in the monastery. As the monastery grew, so did its needs. Often the monks ate meager food, but through the prayers of St. Sergius, unknown people brought everything they needed.

The glory of the exploits of Saint Sergius became known in Constantinople, and Patriarch Philotheus sent the Monk a cross, a paraman and a schema, as a blessing for new exploits, a Blessed Letter, advised the chosen one of God to establish a communal monastery. With the patriarchal epistle, the monk went to Saint Alexis and received advice from him to introduce a strict community. The monks began to grumble about the severity of the rule, and the Monk was forced to leave the monastery. On the Kirzhach River, he founded a monastery in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. The order in the former monastery began to decline rapidly, and the remaining monks turned to Saint Alexis so that he would return the saint.

The Monk Sergius unquestioningly obeyed the saint, leaving his disciple, the Monk Roman, as hegumen of the Kirzhach monastery.

During his lifetime, Saint Sergius was rewarded with the blessed gift of miracles. He resurrected the boy when a desperate father believed his only son was forever lost. The fame of the miracles performed by the Monk Sergius began to spread rapidly, and the sick began to be brought to him both from the surrounding villages and from distant places. And no one left the Monk without receiving healings of ailments and edifying advice. All glorified the Monk Sergius and reverently venerated him on a par with the ancient holy fathers. But human glory did not deceive the great ascetic, and he still remained a model of monastic humility.

Once Saint Stephen, Bishop of Perm (Comm. 27 April), deeply venerating the Monk, was on his way from his diocese to Moscow. The road ran eight versts from the Sergiev Monastery. Planning to visit the monastery on the way back, the saint stopped and, having read a prayer, bowed down to the Monk Sergius with the words: "Peace be with you, spiritual brother." At this time the Monk Sergius was sitting with the brethren at a meal. In response to the blessing of the saint, the Monk Sergius got up, read a prayer and sent a blessing in return to the saint. Some of the disciples, astonished at the extraordinary act of the Monk, hastened to the indicated place and, having caught up with the saint, became convinced of the truth of the vision.

Gradually the monks became witnesses of other similar phenomena. Once, during the liturgy, the Angel of the Lord concelebrated with the Monk, but in his humility, the Monk Sergius forbade anyone to tell about this until the end of his life on earth.

Close bonds of spiritual friendship and brotherly love connected Saint Sergius with Saint Alexis. In his declining years, the saint summoned the Monk to himself and asked to receive the Russian Metropolitanate, but Blessed Sergius humbly refused the primacy.

The Russian land at that time suffered from the Tatar yoke. Grand Duke Dimitri Ioannovich Donskoy, having gathered an army, came to the monastery of St. Sergius to seek blessings for the upcoming battle. To help the Grand Duke, the Monk blessed two monks of his monastery: Schema-monk Andrey (Oslyabya) and Schema-monk Alexander (Peresvet), and predicted victory for Prince Demetrius. The prophecy of St. Sergius came true: on September 8, 1380, on the feast day of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Russian soldiers won a complete victory over the Tatar hordes on the Kulikovo field, laying the foundation for the liberation of the Russian land from the Tatar yoke. During the battle, the Monk Sergius, together with the brethren, stood in prayer and asked God for the grant of victory to the Russian army.

For his angelic life, the Monk Sergius was rewarded with a heavenly vision from God. One night, Abba Sergius read the canon in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Having finished reading the canon of the Mother of God, he sat down to rest, but suddenly told his disciple, the Monk Micah (Comm. 6 May), that a wonderful visit awaited them. A moment later, the Mother of God appeared, accompanied by the holy apostles Peter and John the Theologian. From an unusually bright light, Saint Sergius fell on his face, but the Most Holy Theotokos touched him with her hands and, blessing, promised to always patronize his holy monastery.

Having reached a ripe old age, the Monk, having seen his demise within six months, summoned the brethren to himself and blessed an experienced disciple in spiritual life and obedience, the Monk Nikon (Comm. 17 November). In silent solitude, the Monk reposed before God on September 25, 1392. The day before, the great saint of God summoned the brethren for the last time and addressed the words of his will: “Pay attention to yourself, brethren. First have the fear of God, spiritual purity and unhypocritical love ... "

In the history of the Russian state, you can find many of the greatest figures who left their mark and played a big role in its formation and development. Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky is one of them. The personality of this man, famous for centuries, still causes various disputes and contradictions among historians. Moreover, the very time in which he lived greatly contributed to this.

The life of Alexander Nevsky: a summary

On May 13, 1221, a second child was born in the family of Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, who was named Alexander. According to some sources, the date of birth is May 30, 1220. Fate has prepared the young prince bright and dignified life, forever inscribed in the history and memory of people.

The boy was deprived of childhood early - already at the age of 9 he, together with his older brother, sat on the princely throne of Veliky Novgorod. And three years later, after the death of Fyodor Yaroslavovich, his sole ruler, since the father left after a while to sit at the head of Kiev.

In 1239 he married a princess of Polotsk, who gave him five children:

  • Basil (1245-1271);
  • Dmitry (1250-1294);
  • Andrew (1255-1304);
  • Daniel (1261-1303);
  • Evdokia.

Military campaigns and battles

By the time that the years of the reign of the good prince fell, a rather difficult political situation had developed in the primordially Russian lands. In the east, the Mongol horde was gaining power and destroying everything in its path. In the west, another threat arose - the knights-crusaders, who also advanced to conquer new spaces with the blessing of the Pope. In addition, internecine wars between neighboring principalities for supreme power did not stop. All this had to regulate to the young prince of Novgorod.

Alexander Yaroslavovich took part in military campaigns from the very early age... At first he accompanied the priest, then independently as a renowned commander. Notable battles:

  • July 15, 1240 - Battle of the Neva. It was thanks to her that the name of the prince went down in history with the denomination "Nevsky". On the banks of the Neva River, the military leader, who was not yet 20 years old, stopped the invasion of the Swedes, who were going to seize Pskov and Novgorod. But despite the brilliant victory and liberation from enemies, the Novgorodians revolted, and Alexander was forced to leave the city. However, a year later the city was captured by the Livonian Order, and the prince again asked for help.
  • April 5, 1242 - The Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipsi, where the Livonian army was completely defeated. This battle was very important - a final truce was concluded with the order and completely got rid of the danger of its invasion of Russia.

Stories about these events can be found not only in the "Life of St. Alexander Nevsky", but also in western chronicles.

Political activities of the prince

The years of the reign of Alexander Yaroslavovich can be divided into several periods:

  • 1236-1240, 1241-1252, 1257-1259 - Prince of Novgorod;
  • 1249-1263 - Grand Duke of Kiev;
  • 1252-1263 - Grand Duke of Vladimir.

During the reign, Alexander proved himself not only a brave warrior, but also a very bright and far-sighted politician. He realized that it was impossible to keep power only by military actions with the Western colonialists. There was also an eastern threat. Here he was guided completely opposing views.

He repeatedly visited the Horde with peace negotiations, which resulted in the accession to the throne in Kiev in 1249, and his brother, whose name was Andrei, in Vladimir. True, in 1252 he had to take the Vladimir throne after the abdication of the ruling prince.

Similar policies Alexander adhered to all the years that he was in power. This aroused many questions and rejection, since most did not understand and did not accept constant friendly visits to the Tatar-Mongols.

Nevertheless, it was precisely this line of behavior that was the most effective for that time. Despite the obvious military leadership and a number of battles won, the priority for the prince was the peaceful settlement of conflicts. It was from these considerations that he paid friendly visits to the Horde khans and made concessions in their demands. And although they still had to pay tribute, this helped to save Russia from ruinous raids.

Death of Alekandr Nevsky

The prince died at a fairly young age - at 42. Having gone to the Horde to settle another controversial issue, Alexander fell seriously ill and, returning to his homeland, never recovered from his illness. Before his death, which occurred on November 14, 1263, he managed to take a monastic vow under the name Alexy. Initially, the grave was located in the Vladimir Rozhdestvensky Monastery, where he was buried.

Personality assessment in history

Who this prince is was briefly discussed above. He left an indelible mark on Russian history thanks to his personal qualities and a character unusual for his contemporaries. This also became the reason for the ambiguous attitude towards his actions and actions in the following centuries.

There are three different positions from which Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky is viewed:

  1. Ecclesiastical, according to which the clergy unconditionally recognize and praise the saint as an outstanding representative of his time, who made a huge contribution to the revival, development and formation of the Russian state.
  2. Eurasian, which emphasizes the unprecedented relationship of the Grand Duke with the Tatar-Mongol horde, which contributed to the fusion of two such dissimilar cultures.
  3. Critical, whose followers do not recognize the merits of the commander and see only the negative aspects of his rule. Its appearance is associated with various versions of the description of the life of the saint and contradictory information, which prompted historians to think about distortion of real facts and their exaggeration or understatement. According to the followers of this version, it was the reign of Nevsky that became the impetus for the further development and strengthening of the despotic power of the future rulers.

Canonization of the saint

During the reign, Alexander Nevsky was one of the patrons of the Orthodox Church. He never spared funds for the construction and improvement of churches, decorating them with various utensils and literature. He also became the founder of the Orthodox diocese in the Muslim Horde.

The prince was revered as a saint immediately after his death by his contemporaries. The Life contains evidence of a real miracle that occurred during the burial. First, until the very moment of burial, the prince's body had not undergone any changes. And, secondly, while putting the last parting word into his hand, he himself, as if alive, held it out and took the letter. This was regarded as a sign of the Lord's reverence for his saint.

Later, the life of the pious prince was compiled, which was subjected to repeated processing over the next centuries. In total, there are about 20 versions of it.

The church officially canonized Alexander Nevsky in 1547 during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. At the same time, not only his human qualities were glorified, but also feats of arms in the name of the fatherland.

All this time the relics of the saint were in the place of his burial in the monastery of Vladimir. And on the eve of the most significant and decisive battles, the commanders turned to them with a prayer for help and protection in the future. At the same time, either the image of the saint himself appeared to them, or some miracle occurred, which was regarded as a sign of blessing and impending victory. All miracles were regularly recorded by chroniclers.

With the coming to power of Peter the Great, a new period began in the veneration of the saint. He considered himself the successor of the great military leader in the fight against the Western aggressor in the person of Sweden. And after a brilliant victory over the Swedes in 1723, he ordered to move the relics of the noble prince to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, specially built for this by order of the tsar in the new capital. The procession was supposed to arrive at the place by the beginning of autumn, but due to various delays on the way, this happened only on October 1 in Shlisselburg. It was decided to leave the relics in the local church for a year.

The body of the saint was transferred to St. Petersburg on August 30, 1724. Peter the Great himself personally took part in the ceremony and ran the galley on which the remains were transported. It was this day that was established as the main day of the saint's memory.

Currently, the church celebrates the days of the celebration of St. Alexander Nevsky several times a year:

  • 23.05 (05.06);
  • 30.08 (12.09);
  • 23.11 (06.12).

At present, the icon of Alexander Nevsky is very popular among Orthodox believers and is treated with great reverence. In their prayers, the afflicted turn to the saint with various requests for help, for giving courage and protecting their Fatherland from enemies. This is the patron saint of all warriors, mothers who are waiting for their sons from the army turn to him.

The image of Nevsky in art

One of interesting facts is that the original image captured on the canvas during the life of the Grand Duke has not survived. His image was collected from various sources and descriptions of the 13th century, which is reflected in literature, fine arts and cinematography. The most famous portrait of Nevsky was painted from the actor who played a role in the film of the same name by Sergei Eisenstein. He is taken as a prototype for the order named after the famous commander.

In addition, streets and squares in many cities of Russia were named in his honor, monuments and monuments were erected. Churches in the vastness of the post-Soviet republics are dedicated to the Blessed Prince.

Despite such a contradictory description, the name of the saint rightfully took its place in the memory of posterity. And many have no doubts why it survived the centuries and became so famous.

Municipal budgetary educational institution Verkhnespasskaya secondary school of Rasskazovsky district

Nizhnespassky branch

Class hour for students of 3-4 grades
on the topic of:

"Alexander Nevskiy
Sergius of Radonezh -
patron saints of the Russian land "

Philosof Lyudmila Vasilievna,
primary school teacher
work experience -32 years
first category

c. Nizhnespasskoe

"Leading moral education means creating that moral tone of school life, which is expressed in the fact that each pupil cares about someone, cares about someone and worries, someone gives his heart to someone."
V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The problem of spiritual and moral education today is more acute in our society than ever. There are many reasons for this, and one of them is the absolute deilogization of society, the elimination of the institution of education. More and more people are coming to the understanding that the knowledge given by traditional education is not enough for the spiritual revival of society. IN modern world the school should focus not only on the intellectual, but also on the civic, spiritual and cultural life of the student.
The upbringing of a person, the formation of the properties of a spiritually developed personality, love for one's country, the need to create and improve is the most important condition for the successful development of Russia.
The main content of spiritual and moral development, education and socialization is the basic values \u200b\u200bstored in the socio-historical, cultural, family traditions of the multinational people of Russia, passed down from generation to generation and ensuring the successful development of the country in modern conditions.
The traditional sources of morality are: Russia, a multinational people Russian Federation, civil society, family, labor, art, science, religion, nature, humanity.
A school-age child is most susceptible to emotional and value, spiritual and moral development, civic education. Therefore, in the first years of study, I pay special attention to the formation of such concepts as: good, evil, duty, conscience, honor, dignity, responsibility to society, the meaning of life and happiness, beautiful and ugly.
The formation of the mentality, worldview of the modern younger generation is determined by the comprehension of such ideas as the spirit of the Russian people, the peculiarities of the Russian nation, its place in world history, its future word.
Among the remarkable qualities of our people are kindness, spirituality, lack of national and selfish interests, generosity, breadth of nature, versatile giftedness, patience, overwork in work, freedom, free search for truth, a sense of the Motherland, self-criticism, heightened awareness of personality, religiosity.
The best national qualities of the Russian people are the fertile soil of the moral feeling of the younger generation, the way of acquiring the specific properties of national Russian spirituality.
There are a number of names for the exponents of the Russian soul - these are the great classical poets (A.S. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, M. Yu. Lermontov, L.N. Radonezh, Seraphim Sorovsky, Joseph Volotsky, Matrona of Moscow, etc.), and great rulers and commanders (Prince Vladimir, Alexander Nevsky, Peter the First, Suvorov, etc.). Examples of the life and deeds of these people will help students understand the complex and, at times, contradictory world of the Russian soul, make their vital choice, just as our ancestors made it a thousand, and five hundred, and fifty years ago.
Own class hour I dedicated to Alexander Nevsky and Sergius of Radonezh, the people who defended Russia in the difficult years of princely strife, the Swedish invasion, and the Polish intervention.
Lesson topic:
"Alexander Nevsky and Sergiy of Radonezh - patron saints of the Russian land"

Purpose: fostering a sense of love and respect for past generations, outstanding figures of the Russian people.
- to bring up spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bamong schoolchildren.
- to form feelings of citizenship, patriotism, respect for the historical past, heroic deeds of our ancestors;
- to encourage children to show social activity, to take part in the revival of the greatness and glory of Russia;
- to expand children's ideas about Orthodox traditions.
Equipment: computer, screen, slide presentation.

From century to century
Your clear light
Shining over Russia.
Your image of the most holy
Lives in the hearts of people.

Teacher. There are many worthy personalities in Russian history that we can be proud of. It is common for every nation to honor the memory of its heroes. There is a proverb: "The earth is not worth it without a righteous man."
- Guys, who is called "righteous"?
A righteous person is a person who lives a right life and has no sins. There are such righteous people on the Russian land, to whom we must treat with special trepidation. The Orthodox Church sacredly preserves the memory of them, composes the biographies of the holy ascetics. Today we will talk about two great ascetics of the Russian land, these are Alexander Nevsky and Sergius of Radonezh.
Presenter 1. Alexander Nevsky was born on May 30, 1220 in the city of Pereyaslav - Zalessky. His father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was a meek, merciful and philanthropic prince. The mother of Saint Alexander, Theodosia, was a Ryazan princess with a kind and quiet disposition. When little Alexander was four years old, he was initiated into the warriors. The prince was put on a horse, girded with a ball, and given a bow and arrows in his hands. From that day on, they began to teach him the art of war.
Military science -
How to fight a battle
Beneficial reign
Studied Alexander
From a young age.
Make your face look good
Besides, broad-shouldered, tall.
He was spiritually distinguished by nobility.
Host 2. But the young prince understood not only the military business, they also taught him writing and counting. Hegumen Simon explained to him the Bible and the Gospel, read the ancient Russian chronicles. And my father instructed to defend the Russian land, rule over people, preserve the Orthodox faith, for at that time any Russian prince remained a ruler and a warrior until the end of his days.
Host 3. When Alexander was about 20 years old, his father left on business, and left Alexander in Novgorod (where he then ruled). At this time, the ruler of Sweden, Birger, came with a large army to conquer Novgorod. He sent to tell Alexander: “Fight with me if you dare; I already stand on your ground. " Alexander had a small squad, but he did not wait for help from his father and set out on a campaign.
Host 1. Prince Alexander gathered his squad and went to pray at the church. Encouraged in spirit, he left the church and said to his squad and all the people: "We are few - but not in power, God, but in truth."
On July 5, Russian troops approached the Neva River and struck. The Russian squad pressed against the enemy, who could not recover from surprise. The victory was decisive.
Pupil 1. The Swedish camp by the river, He hid behind the fog. Alexander brought the regiments, At night he hid. In the morning, just dawn, Arrows flew in. In vain you, Swedes, skidded, Into the Russian borders.
Disciple 2. One hundred ships sailed and five thousand troops. Only the Russian is no stronger Heroic valor. The Russian squads went on the attack from three sides. The enemy was driven back to the Neva by the onslaught of an avalanche.
Disciple 3. Someone fought, with an axOnly armed. Having caused great damage, Pal, struck down with a spear. Alexander took out Birger in his visor with a spear. The victory cry sounded: Glory to Alexander!
Disciple 4. The hewn tent fell down. The knightly flags fell. Like a bonfire, the camp caught fire. Someone rode on a horse, On a Swedish ship. Alexander Nevsky burned the enemy fleet in fire.
Disciple 5. Darkness saved the remnants of the Knights. The rumor called the Prince after the battle.
Host 2. For the victory on the Neva River, the people called Prince Alexander - Nevsky.
At first, the Novgorodians respected their prince very much, but over time they stopped obeying him, and Alexander Nevsky left for Pereslavl - Zalessky. Meanwhile, an army of German knights was approaching Novgorod. The Novgorodians were afraid that the knights would conquer their city, and asked Prince Alexander to protect them. Alexander Nevsky forgave the Novgorodians, because he was very merciful, and went with his squad to the Germans. The decisive battle was on the ice of Lake Peipsi. It's called the Battle of the Ice.
And as the frost recoiled, On an unforgettable April day, He boldly met the crusaders On the glorious Lake Peipsi.
Lead 3. On April 5, 1242, at sunrise, the Russian soldiers saw the German army moving towards them with a sharp wedge. The knights crashed into the Russian army, and immediately the Russians tightly surrounded the German wedge. They began to hit the Germans from all sides, the order of battle of the Germans was violated. The ice turned red from the spilled blood.
Disciple 1. Under the onslaught of damask swords, The vaunted wedge crumbled. The knights rushed back, And cracked the ice into hundreds of ice floes.
Disciple 2. I could not bear the weight of the armor, And the water stained my blood. But first, a chud in animal fur, She ran screaming in all directions.
Disciple 3. And the brave prince, putting his sword into the scabbard, took off his helmet and said to the army: “No one can defeat us, Kol Vera with a flame in his eyes!
Disciple 4. For native Orthodoxy, From year to year, from century to century, We will become a wall tightly, As long as the Russian man lives! "
Host 1. The German knights were defeated. The Livonian Order was faced with the need to conclude a peace, according to which the crusaders renounced all claims to Russian lands.
Host 2. Life was not easy in Russia. At that time, Russia was under the rule of the Mongol - Tatars. And so Prince Alexander was summoned to bow to the Tatar khan. Saint Alexander Nevsky decided to keep the peace with the Mongols, because he understood that any resistance to them at that time could destroy Russia. He decided to endure everything, but save the Russian land. When the noble prince came to the khan, he was ordered to worship idols. But Saint Alexander said: "I am a Christian and I will not worship them." For such a refusal, the khan usually killed people, but then he accepted the holy prince Alexander and even later made him the grand duke. From that time until the end of his days, Saint Alexander Nevsky devoted all his strength to his Motherland.
Host 3. In 1263, on the way from the khan, the right-believing prince Alexander died. Before his death, he took monastic vows. When the noble prince introduced himself, Metropolitan Kirill said: "The sun of the Russian land has set!" ...
Host 1. His death was perceived as a national tragedy. During the funeral, a miracle happened: when the deceased began to lay the prayer of absolution in the coffin, he himself stretched out his hand for her and again folded his hands over his chest. This event marked the beginning of the posthumous veneration of Prince Alexander Nevsky.
Presenter 2. In 1724, by order of Peter I, the relics of Alexander Nevsky were transferred from Vladimir to St. Petersburg, in order to establish a new capital, founded on the banks of the Neva, where the holy knight glorified Russia with his victories. The relics were installed in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Here they rest to this day, showing miracles by faith and prayer.
The Russians remember the behests of Prince Alexander and honor him as the great defender of Russia.
Disciple 1. Over Pskov, Novgorod, over the Neva Flies, Prince, now your soul Before the candle I bow my head, When I enter your Temple slowly. Pupil 2. Closing my eyes, it seems to me that I hear, A mighty voice, I see a slender figure Then, walking to your icon in a niche, I strive to understand what is true, what is a deception. Disciple 3. Your Destiny is beautiful and cruel, But Russia remembers a short, glorious path, Your difficult path, from which before the deadline, You had to step into immortality.
Host 1. One of the most revered Russian saints is Sergius of Radonezh. "Hegumen of the Russian land" - they call him among the people. The abbot is the abbot orthodox monastery... So, we can say that Sergius of Radonezh is the spiritual mentor of all Russian people.
Presenter 2. The Monk Sergius was born on May 3, 1314 in the village of Varnitsy near Rostov. His parents were deeply religious people. At baptism, he was named Bartholomew. Even as a child, his life was accompanied by wonderful omens. So, from the very first years of his life, Bartholomew surprised everyone with fasting: on Wednesdays and Fridays he did not take his mother's milk, and also refused milk on other days if his mother ate meat.
Presenter 3. At the age of seven, Bartholomew was sent to study, but, despite diligent studies, he lagged behind his peers in learning.
Once the youth met the Elder, and he said: "You are bright in spirit. You can study well and distinguish yourself before God."
From that moment on, sciences were given to the youth Bartholomew easily. Therefore, in the Orthodox tradition, the saint is considered an assistant in teaching.
Presenter 1. In 1328, Bartholomew's parents settled closer to Moscow, in the village of Radonezh. After the death of his parents, Bartholomew, together with his brother Stefan, settled near Radonezh in a deep forest. The brothers built a cell and a small church, which was consecrated in honor of the Holy Trinity. This was the beginning of the famous Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
Host 2. Bartholomew took monastic vows with the name Sergius and spent two years alone in the forest, enduring many temptations and dangers.
Disciple: He became a hermit, a monk; In the forest he fought with fear at night, By prayer driving away demons, filling Nature with light. Over the years, he took root in the forest, He even made friends with a bear. He was pure in heart, prayed a lot. And this pleased God.
Leader 3. The fame of the ascetic spread, and people began to come to him seeking salvation in monasticism. Soon, at the request of his disciples, the Monk Sergius became a priest and abbot of the monastery he founded. The Monk Sergius left not a single line behind him. He avoided edification, teaching. He taught others by the example of his life.
Presenter 1. Before his death, he left the brothers such a testament: to strictly preserve the purity of the Orthodox faith, to maintain like-mindedness, mental and physical purity, unhypocritical love, to retire from evil desires, to abstain in food and drink, to humble his pride, to show mercy.
Host 3. The Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Sergius of Radonezh on October 8. This is the day of the death of the saint. He died on September 25 (October 8, New Style) 1392. After 30 years, his relics and clothes were found incorrupt, which are still in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. In 1452 the Monk Sergius of Radonezh was canonized.
Our elder with a dedicated life,
For the good of the Russian whole land,
Communicated to the holy face,
Remained forever in Russia.
Presenter 1. The activity of the Monk Sergius was of great importance for the Fatherland: he reconciled the warring princes, supported the Moscow princes in the unification of Rus.
Disciple. Here is Sergius - an elder at the end of his days.
Feats and gates are in the past.
We take a look at his life,
We want to understand what was the main thing in it.
Hard work from dawn to dawn,
The style is simple, but clean and harsh,
He built souls and monasteries,
So that the word of God sounded in Russia.
He stretched out a living thread of faith,
To reconcile the princes, to unite
Around Moscow and strike
And throw off the heavy yoke of the Tatars
For a long time there is no elder on earth
The vastness is shrouded in dawn sleep.
Disciple 2. Sergius of Radonezh blessed Dmitry Donskoy for the Battle of Kulikovo, predicting his victory.
Disciple 1. And Sergius in those hours retired,
He prayed before the Holy Trinity
He seemed to be following spiritual sight
In the course of the greatest battle.
Disciple 2. The temple was filled with light and silence.
Sometimes the elder interrupted prayers -
He called the names of the dead
And those who were wounded on the battlefield.
Disciple 3. A terrible moment has come in battle:
It seemed that the shelves could not stand
A fierce fight and confusion,
Enemies overwhelm the Russians again.
Disciple 4. But after waiting for the time to strike on time,
From a small yellowing oak forest,
Chopping enemies left and right,
Volynsky led his ambush regiment, -
And the fresh forces easily crushed the Mongols,
Those from the battlefield fled in horror.
Host 2. For more than six hundred years now, Russian Orthodox people have been praying to Saint Sergius of Radonezh for themselves and for Russia, asking for help and intercession. His whole life is an example of humility, abstinence, patience, hard work, justice, moral purity and deep faith.
Disciple 1. I bow low to You, Protector of the Russian Land. In bright prayer, About native land, I will unite with you. May art flourish and live in high deeds, Fill the earth with wisdom, Great Holy Russia.
Disciple 2. Holy Russia, Great power, You are the light and wisdom, You are the soul of my Earth. To your sons and daughters Undying glory, They are love and the banner of peace, They have carried with honor.
Disciple 3. They illuminated the Road with a great feat, By their example, Pointing to the truth of the path. They carried the Fire in themselves, served their People, They came to Earth, To save humanity.
Teacher: So our conversation about great people - Alexander Nevsky and Sergius of Radonezh has come to an end.
- Guys, what qualities did these people have? Create a verbal portrait of them.
- And what do you think, what feat these great saints performed?
- What kind of intercession are we talking about? For whom and how can they stand up?
I want to end our class hour with these words:
So that the people of the world, For Eternity, seek ways, In great service, find Light and joy, Fill their hearts with Love, And bring the bright treasures of the soul to the Universe.

Zavadskaya E. For the Russian land. / Kid, 1987./
Tikhomirov O.N. Battle on the Neva / Children's Book Center, 1993./
Romanovsky S.T. Alexander Nevsky / Children's literature, 2010./
Smolnikova E.I. I'm going to class. / Moscow, 2008./
Averyanov K.A. Sergiy of Radonezh. Personality and era.
Borisov NS And the candle would not have died out Historical portrait of Sergius of Radonezh.
Ermakov A. Living Light. Reverend Sergius of Radonezh and his significance for Russian culture and enlightenment
Lives of Sergius of Radonezh. Collection of texts about Sergius of Radonezh.
Internet resources.


Music lesson summary in grade 2

Subject: Holy Russian lands. Prince Alexander Nevsky. Sergius of Radonezh.

Compiled by: Guz Natalia Viktorovna

Music teacher of the first category

Objectives: Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren through familiarization with musical culture.


1. Educational: acquaintance of students with the Saints of the Russian land, to trace the connection between music and literature.

2. Educational: patriotic education

3. Developing : development of vocal and choral skills

Musical material: S. Prokofiev "Song about Alexander Nevsky" from cantata "Alexander Nevsky", Chorus "Get up, Russian people" from cantata "Alexander Nevsky". A. Ermolov "New Year"

Equipment: laptop, multimedia projector, screen, tape recorder, CD-disk, visual material (terms, concepts),


I Organizational moment

Musical greeting (chant "Hello")

II Conversation about the Saints of the Russian Land.

Teacher: Each nation has its own national heroes who are loved, honored and remembered. Their names remain for centuries, the moral image is not only not erased in the memory of the descendants, but, on the contrary, becomes brighter and brighter over time. Those of them, whose life was illuminated with an aura of holiness, and whose deeds and service to the people were pleasing to God, are even more honored on earth. This fully applies to Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263) and Sergius of Radonezh (1314-1392) - the saints of the Russian land.

Guys, can you tell me about the hero Alexander Nevsky? (children's answers)

The name and deeds of the remarkable commander Alexander Nevsky are known much more than the quiet life of the monk Sergius of Radonezh. However, the name of both of them in Russia is pronounced with pride and respect. Orthodox Church she ranked the right-believing prince Alexander and the Monk Sergius among the saints, and this circumstance gives the interpretation of images a new understanding.

Really existing Russian people, who later became saints, are represented in the section not only by church music, but also by composer's music, not only by icons, but also by the works of artists. In their honor, or, as they used to say, “in praise,” many icons have been written, temples and chapels have been erected, prayers and chants have been composed, lives (biographies) and novels, poems and poems have been written, monuments have been erected, and films have been made.

A national hero, a people's defender, a sacred personage of our country, the memory of the people for almost eight centuries was and remains the holy noble Grand DukeAlexander Nevskiy:

He shared the feelings of the heart

Between the Fatherland and God.

Prince Alexander was born on May 30, 1220 in Pereslavl-Zalessky, where his father Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, great-grandson of Vladimir Monomakh, reigned. “Having learned to read and write early, he read a lot in Old Russian and Greek about the campaigns of his invincible namesake - Alexander the Great, and he didn’t just read - he drew plans for the Macedonian battles with a stick on the snow or on the ground, marked the strikes of the troops with arrows and figured out how he would he himself acted in battle.

Military addiction was not a whim. It was passed down from grandfather to father, from father to son. Otherwise, Russia would have perished ”2.

The adolescent and youthful years of Alexander Yaroslavich passed in Novgorod. At this time, the Tatars attacked Russia. And although Novgorod did not experience the horrors of the Horde invasion, the Novgorodians were also forced to admit that they were dependent on the Golden Horde and pay tribute to the khans. Novgorod was then more annoyed by the aggression of the Swedish, and later the German feudal lords.

After the victory over the Swedes in 1240 (Battle of the Neva), the people called Prince Alexander Nevsky. And two years later, the famous Battle of the Ice took place, about which S. Prokofiev's cantata "Alexander Nevsky" narrates.

Many years later…

Somehow, on the way from the Horde, the prince overtook a dying illness. Anticipating his end, Alexander, according to the custom of the Russian princes, took the monastic schema (solemn oath) with the name of Alexis.

The Orthodox Church canonized Alexander Nevsky in 1380 after the victory over the Horde of Prince Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander's great-grandson.

III Listen S. Prokofiev "Song of Alexander Nevsky" from the cantata "Alexander Nevsky"

What was the sound of the music and what was the character of the sound?

How does music convey to us the image of the hero of Alexander Nevsky?

Degree, unhurried, narrative intonation of the epic warehouse not only tells about events, but appears before the audience as the theme of the Motherland, expresses its invincible power and stern greatness. It is advisable to sing the beginning of the choir with words so that the melody is better remembered by children.

A strict, measured melody sounds in unison in the performance of male and low female (viola) voices. This sound is typical of epic storytelling. The choir is built on the alternation of phrases, performed first by the upper voices, then by the bass.

VI Paintings by artists M. Nesterov and P. Korin "Alexander Nevsky"

What is common between the reproductions of these paintings and the music of S. Prokofiev?

Nevsky is depicted on them, as in music, with courage and dignity.

A picturesque portrait of Alexander Nevsky occupies the central part of the composition of the triptych "Alexander Nevsky" by artist P. Korin. Prince Alexander stands at the full height of the canvas, leaning with both hands on a sword in a sheath. Above his head is a military banner with the image of the Savior-Bright Eye, the hereditary image of the Yaroslavich family. On the Korin canvas, there is no image of a military shield, the composition of the picture itself is represented by a shield, and the figure of Prince Alexander Nevsky is the personification of protection. In the background - the outline of Sofia Novgorodskaya - the main shrine of northern Russia.

The contrast of this image is the image of Alexander Nevsky in M. Nesterov's painting "Prince Alexander Nevsky". Putting aside the shield and sword, the prince prays in front of the icon of the Mother of God, around his head is a halo - a symbol of holiness. The picture radiates peace and tranquility.

Alexander Nevsky was a very determined person. We will hear it in the music of S. Prokofiev

V Listening Choir "Get up Russian people" from the cantata "Alexander Nevsky"

How did the music sound? What was her character?

What did this music call us to? To fight, to victory.

VI Conversation about Sergius of Radonezh. Page 44

Can anyone tell me about this hero?

In the village of Varnitsy near Rostov Veliky, on May 3, 1314, the boy Bartholomew was born to the pious parents of Kirill and Mary in a boyar family. Soon the family moved to the town of Radonezh in the Moscow principality, where Bartholomew lived before his monastic exploit. The place is beautiful, pleasing to the eye. The word "Radonezh" comes from the word "joy". Radonezh is a joyful place.

From the life of the Monk Sergius, in the world of Bartholomew, an episode is known that became a turning point in his fate. While still a young boy, Bartholomew, sent by his parents to look for a horse lost somewhere, met an old man standing under an oak tree, immersed in prayer, and this old man blessed the boy and predicted an extraordinary future for him, holy asceticism.

M. Nesterov in his painting "Vision to the youth Bartholomew" depicted the moment when the youth Bartholomew, approaching the elder, piously looks at him, quietly awaiting the end of the prayer. After the death of his parents, twelve miles from Radonezh, in the forest, on the top of Mount Makovets, by a spring, Bartholomew cut down a hut to live in solitude and pray to God. When a person firmly decides to get away from the hustle and bustle and devote his whole life to God, he is tonsured a monk. This is a great event in a person's life, it can be compared with a second birth, he is even given a new church name. So Bartholomew became Sergius and with this name entered Russian history.

According to the biography, Sergius had a friend in the wilderness. Once I saw a monk next to his cell of a huge bear, weak from hunger. Sergius took pity on the beast, fed him bread. Since then, the bear often came to the hermit and soon became tame.

But no matter how lonely Sergius was at that time, rumors about him as a prayer book spread throughout Russia. People began to come to him and ask to build cells next to him. The monk dissuaded them, referring to difficulties and hardships, but people were adamant, and Sergius's loneliness came to an end. The monastic brethren increased, the deserts revived. From this time began the centuries-old history of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

He turned away troubles with prayer,

And in the terrible hour with God of strength,

The gift of strength, glory and victory

I asked for my native country.

A mortal danger loomed over Russia: the hordes of Mamai were advancing on it from the south. Preparing to set out on a campaign, the Grand Duke Dimitri Ioannovich (Donskoy) considered it his duty to visit the Monk Sergius. This event tells us about the great importance of the personality of Sergius at that time. The prince received the blessing3 of the saint for the right battle for land and faith.

Popular memory, respect, veneration are expressed in the folk song about Sergius of Radonezh, as well as in the melody of Optina Hermitage "Oh, Glorious Wonder".

VII Vocal and choral work. Listening to the song "New Year" by Ermolov's muses. Learning a song.