What country created the game. The best political simulations

Rating "Top-100 countries by profitability of the gaming industry". The researchers compared the population of the countries, the volume of the Internet audience and the total income from games. According to analysts, Russian market in 2014 will grow to $1.14 billion and take 12th place in the overall standings.

Russia, according to NewZoo, is in the top countries in terms of profitability among game developers:

The editors of the CPU turned to representatives of the gaming industry and asked them to comment on the NewZoo rating.

Leonid SirotinGame Insight General Producer

The figures look unreasonably high for some countries, but generally reflect trends. I think that it is not very correct to dump consoles, mobile and MMOs into one basket, because these are very different markets and the figure of spending by one player, it turns out, does not mean anything at all, it is synthetic. For developers who read these statistics, I recommend two things - to think globally, not only in Russia, which is quite obvious. But I would not recommend chasing the "Asian miracle", you can not catch up.

Dmitry BurkovskyVice President Global Business Development, Xsolla

Any such study is a good thing, but one should always look at it with a fair amount of skepticism. Nigeria, which is higher than Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia? Or Italy and Spain, which are larger than Russia? And Egypt is in 38th place, above Malaysia?

India in the top 25 is generally awesome. Well, Brazil is high there - that's nothing, there is an industrial legend such that there is a giant market (which is actually smaller than Russia, but oh well), but India ?! The number of people in the country is not converted into money, they are not there in the gaming segment.

The reason for all these inconsistencies and oddities is that Newzoo does not have any secret tools other than a survey of market participants and open source data. This method, in the end, can give a good result - after the first publication, the authors listened to criticism and corrected a number of the most obvious points by lowering the rating of Egypt and Venezuela (the latter bypassed most Asian countries in the first version) and by raising the ratings, for example, for Thailand . Just accepting the usefulness of the report and using it for your own purposes (to determine which markets should be localized in the first place or for what else), do not take it as the only true source of information, and everything will be fine.

Nikita Lyubimovrepresentative of the Japanese publisher BlueQuest

I would like to dwell on the Japanese market in more detail. In 2013, the total volume of "console + software" was $11 billion, of which $5.4 billion came from mobile games. The mobile market should grow to 6.4 billion, which will give a total volume of $12 billion.

However, this is with consoles, and in the original news, NewZoo claims that hardware does not take into account. Maybe there was, of course, still the growth of MMORPGs.

The rest seems to be true. The mobile market is really growing. In 2013, 42% of the country's population used smartphones, in 2014 it is predicted already 62%, not to mention the fact that mobile internet used by about 80%.

At the same time, smartphone users are actively playing. Of the 80 million smartphone users, 28 million have downloaded Puzzle and Dragons, and its fresh competitor, Quiz RPG, 26 million. Given the high paying activity of users and their understanding that f2p games are also high-quality projects in which you can and should pay, the Japanese market can only grow.

Sergey Meshchaninovmarketing director Nika Entertainment

We all know that the gaming market develops and grows every year. Previously, it was more due to PC and consoles, then MMOs and games on social networks came and spurred the growth of the market, now this growth is intensifying, thanks to mobile platforms, as more and more people buy smartphones and tablets. In the future, perhaps this market will be spurred on by other devices - from watches to Google Glass and other interesting gadgets that you can play on.

The Newzoo report looks at least controversial in places (I would swap a couple of countries), but in a global form it is quite truthful and shows how things are now in the global gaming market.

If the report also showed the forecast for the next year or two, it would be even more informative and interesting.

But most importantly, this forecast shows that the market is growing, making games is becoming more profitable (albeit more difficult due to competition) and that the gaming industry, in the very near future, will be perceived in all countries, including Russia, as one of the usual industries for work and spending personal time, along with cinema, going to the theater and so on. And not as something strange and incomprehensible to the majority.

Games and entertainment modern man very diverse, and many of them, most likely, came from antiquity. And here one cannot but be interested in the question of how the very first game in the world appeared. If you delve into history, we can say that one of the first games is called Senet.

Archaeologists who excavated ancient Egyptian burials witnessed such finds as peculiar boards on which lines and various drawings were carved. Similar items were placed even in the tombs of great people - pharaohs and princesses.

Studies of ancient civilizations have confirmed the hypotheses of the scientific world that people from the distant past played board games. This allowed them to develop their thinking and create a special strategy, to find a way out of the situation not only in the game, but also in reality.

In the writing "The Book of the Dead" there is mention of such a game, which was called senet. This word means passing through. The board game senet was addicted not only to noble people, but even to the poor. On the walls of the pharaoh's tombs one could find an image of this board game, the working field of which was made of ebony and elephant bone, and the dice were made of colored glaze or faience.

The playing field of the senet consisted of thirty squares, as well as a dice, which helped determine the player's move. There is another version of the board game with twenty squares. Among the boards that are found during excavations, there are those that have different versions of the game on both sides.

There is another ancient game that is still popular today, this is mancala, which originated in Africa. Also, some archaeological excavations have become evidence that they knew about Mancala in Jordan, where in one of the houses they found a limestone slab with a field with holes appropriate for playing.

Some scholars believe that the mancala is much older than the ancient senet. To play a game of the game, you need to take a handful of pebbles or seeds, which are laid out in the recesses of the field. The winner is the one who captures as many pieces of his opponent as possible.

Among the Vikings, tafl was very popular, which became the prototype of modern chess. Figures were placed on the playing field, among which the king was placed. The goal of the game was to bring the main piece to the opposite edge of the board, while the other figurines were supposed to prevent this.

Among the games of antiquity, one can single out the mill, the game boards of which were located in Sri Lanka in 1444 BC. They were made of stones, but in Ireland and Troy such boards were made of bronze. On the playing field, each participant had three chips, from which it was necessary to build a line. If this could be done, then the opponent lost one chip, and the game was over when the participant could not build a windmill due to the impossibility of making a move with a lack of a game coin on the field.

One of the oldest games is also the royal cheer, in which the rules have been preserved in the original to this day. Very old play sets were found in Iraq in 1920, and were similar to the senet. The essence of the game was to roll the dice and move game pieces to the finish line. For a long time, this entertainment was considered the prototype of today's backgammon.

Among the ancient games, one can also single out Chaturanga, which was played by both Koreans, Indians and Thais. According to its rules, it is very similar to chess. The game Mansion of Happiness, which was invented in the UK as a teaching of virtues to Christians, has also gained great popularity.

Studying the topic “Society” under the program “The World Around the World” for the 3rd grade, the son became very interested in the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe state structure. He immediately came up with the idea to create and invent his own country, with his own flag, with his own map, his own laws, and so on.

I myself wanted to invite my son to create such a project and thought about how best to inspire him for this. It turned out that this was not necessary at all. Everything worked out by itself.

Where to begin?

As expected, my young student immediately wanted to start creating a country with a flag, coat of arms and anthem. But I had a different opinion on this matter. And with the help of leading questions and brief reflections, we agreed that we should enter from the other side.

Flag, coat of arms and anthem are symbols of the state. And the symbols, respectively, should symbolize something. Each flag and emblem carries some kind of history or legend, colors and symbols mean something.

Since we still do not know anything about our new country, we do not know its features, characteristics, unique features - it is very difficult for us to come up with a worthy flag and coat of arms that would characterize our new state.

After thinking and thinking, the child came to the conclusion that first you need to create the country itself.

We create our country

We immediately agreed that we would not strongly strive for complete realism in our project. The climate may not match climate zone in which our country will be located. The same applies to the flora and fauna of the new state.

So, you can start...

1. Where is the country on the world map?

First, we determine where our country will be located on the world map?

  • Will it be an island in the ocean?
  • Or will she miraculously appear among real countries on some continent?
  • Does it have access to the sea, the ocean?
  • What countries borders?

Our country turned out to be an island in Indian Ocean. The coordinates are 32 degrees south latitude and 50 degrees east longitude. The name for the country was thought up at once - Cavia.

2. Country shape

3. Landforms, natural areas and ecological systems in the country

Decide with your child whether your country will:

  • mountains or mountain ranges,
  • desert,
  • jungle,
  • volcanoes,
  • big lakes,
  • rivers (big and small)
  • permafrost zones,
  • forests,
  • seas,
  • swamps, etc.

Put it all on your map.

4. Civilization vs nature

Decide which part of the country is wild and uninhabited by people, and which is developed and civilized.

5. Climate and agriculture

  • What will the climate be like in our country?
  • Is summer long?
  • Is there winter and how cold is it?
  • What can people grow?
  • How many crops per year can be harvested?
  • What can people do in winter and what in summer? (beach holidays, skiing, sledding, etc.)

6. Settlements and main attractions.

Think and map:

  • state capital,
  • 5-10 major cities,
  • airport or airports (if any)
  • sea ​​or river ports,
  • major railroads or highways,
  • the main attractions of the country and interesting places for tourists and local residents (come up with 5-10 places)

7. Resources and features of the country

Come up with:

  • 3 main minerals (what is mined in the country);
  • 3 main agricultural resources (what is grown on an industrial scale);
  • 3 most famous products that are produced in the country;
  • 3 favorite holidays;
  • 3 national dishes;
  • culture and crafts (perhaps some special folk craft, famous artist or composer, national dance, etc.)
  • legends or specific myths about the country.

In a nutshell, we got the following:

In Cavia, gold, oil, iron and stone are mined. There is very little wood, so houses and buildings are mostly stone. A lot of things grow in the country, but grapes, wheat, pineapples, coconuts and bananas are grown on an industrial scale. Therefore Cavia is famous for its wine, bread and exports pineapples, coconuts and bananas all over the world.

3 national dishes - banana porridge, pineapple pizza and Kavian bread. Visiting tourists are happy to treat themselves to these delicious dishes, and the inhabitants themselves eat them almost every day.

The 3 most popular, mass and famous products are glass (since there is a lot of sand in Cavia), wine and the most magnificent gold jewelry.

Favorite holidays of the people of Kavkaz are Linogor's Day and New Year.

Once there was a great drought in Cavia and the hero Linogor cleared the river and water gushed into the valley. All the inhabitants were saved, the hero died heroically, and another attraction was formed - the Linogorsky waterfall. Currently, it is a harvest festival, a festival of water and nature, and all the best.

State symbols

Now we have sufficient information to approach such a serious task - the development of the symbols of our new state. Using all the available information, we will try to create such a flag and coat of arms that they characterize our country. Well, if you haven't got a name for the country yet, it's time to come up with one)))

What can such a project provide?

In general, I really like projects in my studies. It's exciting, educational, useful and fun. This develops the imagination, and systematizes knowledge, and helps to see the connections between different academic disciplines. This is a wonderful family leisure, it is an opportunity to communicate with a child, discuss important things with him. In a word, we love projects very much.

This project was also very interesting and useful.

  • The child saw very clearly (not without the help of leading questions from adults, assumptions and reflections) the relationship between a person's life and the place where he lives. That the way of life of a person, his activity may depend on the terrain, climate and nature that surrounds him.
  • We understood how much wisdom a ruler, and indeed every person, needs in order to wisely manage the resources that are given by nature.
  • We spent a lot of time together, in joint creativity and communication.
  • After the completion of the project, we invited our dad to the presentation and the son tried himself as a lecturer.
  • Now we have a country ready for games and further creativity: at least make board role-playing games on it, at least compose folklore, at least write books))))


10th place - The Political Machine 2016

  • Year of issue: 2016
  • Developer: Stardock

The Political Machine 2016 is an election race simulator from Stardock, the fourth game in The Political Machine series, in which the player leads an election campaign to be elected President of the United States. The goal is achieved by traveling from state to state in which the player receives money and ratings to achieve the ultimate goal.


9th place - Urban Empire

  • Year of issue: 2017
  • Developer: Kalypso Media

Urban Empire is a successful combination of urban and political simulator. The city in the game is ruled by the Mer dynasty, around which their rivals constantly weave intrigues. The player will have to build infrastructure, create entire districts, use power to pass certain laws for the city, participate in political processes and even bribe their rivals. The city begins its development in the 1820s and goes through 5 different eras, each of which implies its own dangers and opportunities.


8th place - PeaceMaker

  • Year of issue: 2007
  • Developer: ImpactGames

A political simulator in which the player has to choose a side in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It is necessary to react and make social, political and military decisions. Critics note that the game is very realistic and forces the player to delve into the essence of the situation.


7th place - President for a Day: Corruption

  • Year of issue: 2015
  • Developer: Serious Games Interactive

President for a Day: Corruption - a strategic simulation of the president of one of the African countries. The responsibilities of the player will include the solution of various social, economic and military problems. How to resolve them depends only on your actions.


6th place - Crisis in the Kremlin

  • Year of issue: 1991
  • Developer: Sphere Inc.

According to the plot, we have to play for the General Secretary of the CPSU (incorrectly called the President during the game) in the period from 1985 to 2017. The player can choose reformer Mikhail Gorbachev, nationalist Boris Yeltsin, or conservative Yegor Ligachev as the protagonist. The game contains political jokes, quoted by the KGB chairman, depicting disasters Soviet people in a humorous light. There are many inscriptions in Russian to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the game.

5 Victoria II

5th place - Victoria 2

  • Year of issue: 2010
  • Developer: Paradox Interactive

Victoria II can be played as any of the 271 countries in the world between 1836 and 1936. The player has access to a number of tools that have both direct and indirect effects on the internal processes taking place in the state. Unlike the previous game in the series, Victoria II has virtually no strictly predetermined historical events tied to a specific date. Instead, a system has been introduced according to which certain events occur when certain conditions are met. The entire working-age population of the world in the game is represented as separate groups, each of which has a certain profession, nationality, religion, literacy rate and political views. Each resident of the country can migrate, get a job (or lose it), change a profession, and also has certain needs for goods. The entire population is divided into 12 types.


4th place - Tropico 5

  • Year of issue: 2014
  • Developer: Haemimont Games

There are four different eras available in Tropico 5, ranging from the colonial era, world wars, cold wars, to modern times, allowing you to progress from the 19th to the 21st century. El Presidente now has a dynastic family that will be present on the island. In addition, functions in the areas of trade, research, upgrades and exploration have been redesigned. Through multiplayer, diplomacy allows players to share resources, builders, and electricity. In addition, they can help each other with money. Finally, players can compete and even declare war on each other.


3rd place - Super Power 2

  • Year of issue: 2004
  • Developer: GolemLabs

The game has the planet Earth with almost all states at the beginning of 2001. In SuperPower 2, the map is spherical and extended. Many elements of the game are realistic. The population, GDP, geopolitical relations and military equipment are identical to the present, which is in service with the respective countries. As in real life, states are members of various international organizations, these are the UN, the CIS, NATO and others, less well-known. In addition to the traditional focus on military units for global strategies, SuperPower 2 has macroeconomic regulation tools: the Central Bank refinancing rate, income tax and corporate tax, which is different for economic sectors.


2nd place - Democracy 3

  • Year of issue: 2013
  • Developer: Positetech Games

There is no foreign policy, all diplomacy comes down to humanitarian aid, laws on foreign investment and others like them. There is no war at all (although there are armed forces, and occasionally it happens that the steepness of the army affects the outcome). The main essence of the game is to satisfy all segments of the population, while keeping the budget in the black.


1st place - Power and Revolution: Geopolitical Simulator 4

  • Year of issue: 2016
  • Developer: eversim

Power and Revolution - the fourth part of the game in the line computer games in the Geopolitical Simulator strategy genre, in which the player takes the role of the head of state or the leader of an opposition party. The player's responsibilities include both solving economic problems, as well as social and military ones. Of the pluses, players note a detailed world, where everything is interconnected; new scenarios and game mode for the opposition. Of the minuses - an outdated engine and a large number of bugs.

In today's article TOP 10 game developers, we will talk about the best companies and corporations that are engaged in the creation and distribution of games.

You may also be interested in TOP 10 games from Electronic Arts and TOP 10 games from Valve.

This top ten is familiar to all gamers, because it has all the most famous video games in the world on its account.

10. Naughty Dog

In tenth place we have a studio that was founded in 1984. At that time it was also called James Software, and the founders of the company worked in their garage. The company was renamed in 1989 to Naughty Dog.

The fame of the company brought the first part of the game Crash Bandicoot development of which began in 1994. In 2001, the studio was acquired by Sony to develop exclusive games for the company's consoles.

Presently Naughty Dog famous for a series of popular games Uncharted and post-apocalyptic drama The Last of Us.

9 Capcom

The company was founded in 1983 - at a time when the gaming industry was born and many truly legendary companies appeared, such as nintendo.

Capcom made a name for itself when the game console came out Ness. The company has a lot of memorable old school games, including Mega Man.

But the company's biggest success has been the Resident Evil series of post-apocalyptic games, which has been the subject of numerous films.

8. Bethesda Softworks

Bethesda is one of the world's leading game development studios. role playing and racing.

This company is best known as the developer of the world-famous series of role-playing games The Elder Scrolls, as well as post-apocalyptic shooters Fallout.

7. Infinity World

The American company, founded in 2002, creates games for various game consoles and PCs. The most important brand of the company is a series of games call of duty which only the deaf have not heard of.

In 2003, the company was acquired by major game publisher Activision. Each game in the series is famous "Koldy" consistently sold in the millions.

6. Nintendo

This company was founded in 1983. The word "legendary" is not enough to describe this studio, which led several revolutions in the history of the gaming industry at once.

Nintendo created Super Mario, Legends of Zelda, Metroid and many other brands.

The company essentially created the video game industry in the early eighties. In addition, Nintendo has changed the way we interact with games, and every moment it does it again.

5. Blizzard

The company that gave the world strategies that the whole world is cutting into, the creators starcraft and war craft. The company resulting from the merger Vivendi Games With Activision in 1994. In the same year, their most legendary game, Warcraft, was released, which brought the company worldwide fame and brought it to the forefront.

Every game from this studio has been a bestseller since the very first Warcraft. In 1996, the company successfully bought out the Contra Games studio, which developed the no less legendary Diablo. And in 1998 Blizzard released StarCraft- the game that became the best-selling game of that year, gaining wild popularity in South Korea and around the world.

Bursts of Blizzard's popularity were in 2002 with the release of the third Warcraft and, of course, in 2004, when one of the most popular MMORPGs appeared. World of Warcraft.

Blizzard is known for throwing Easter eggs and references to many of their other games in many of their games, and for April Fools' Day they write playful news on the official website.

4Valve Corporation

In 4th place is a development company founded by Gabe Newell.

Valve was founded by ex-Microsoft employees Gabe Newell and Mike Harington in 1996. Having bought a license for the Quake engine, they began to develop Half-Life, and the famous science fiction writer Mark Laidlaw was invited to finalize the script.

The game was shown at E3 in 1997, where it made a real sensation, the same as a year later, when it finally came out. After the success of Valve released several games and modifications, including the famous Counter strike.

In 2003, the second part of Half Life was announced, which was divided into several episodes. Well, in our time, the company is fed by crayfish and Dota 2.

3. Electronic Arts

A company that develops games in various genres, from sports simulations to strategy games, is famous for EA Games.

One of the oldest gaming companies, founded by Trip Copkins in 1982. Almost entirely the start-up capital was raised from his personal savings.

Initially, EA was only a game publishing company, but already in the late 80s, it began to support console projects. Currently, many sports simulators have been released under the EA brand, such as the series FIFA, NHL, as well as a series of games Harry Potter, Need for Speed and The Sims.

Many games and franchises have been released under the logo of this company, but there is no one about which we can say that this brought fame to EA.

2 Rock Star Games

The same developers who delight us with one of the most popular action games. The company was founded in 1998 as an amalgamation of many studios at once.

RockStar became famous for its main franchise, which is associated with the company from the very beginning - GTA - an action game with an intricate plot, where you, playing as a bandit, go through the entire criminal career ladder from a car thief to a legendary mafia.

This series of games has been released since 1997 and still collects huge revenues and new fans each time.

1. Ubisoft

Our creators come first Assassinov, Farkraev and sixth Heroes- European company Ubisoft, whose offices are located in more than 20 countries, and the main headquarters - in France.

The history of the company originates from five brothers who founded Ubisoft in France in 1986. In 1994 they opened offices in Canada and developed Raymond, a game whose franchise remains with Ubisoft to this day.

In 2000, acquiring a company with the right to publish games based on books by Tom Clancy, Ubisoft began to develop new games. And in 2011, the company created a subsidiary studio that is going to make films based on games.

Visit the site of game developers (creating your own game from professionals to order).