What makes the sticks for garter tomato. How and why tapping tomatoes in the open soil

With the cultivation of tomatoes, robus is often faced with the problem of their garter. Find out what basic methods for fastening tomatoes on supports.

Tomato garter is one of the important components of the care of these cultures. First of all, the garter needs a bushes of tall tomatoes, which under the weight of the fruit are inclined to the ground. The lowest tomato varieties are tied up if necessary.

Why tapping tomatoes?

  • In the ripening of fruits, the plants of tall varieties may not withstand their weight and break.
  • Fruits that lie on Earth are stronger than pest attack.
  • Tomatoes on tied plants get more sunlight and better ventilated.

We invite you to get acquainted with the 5 most common ways of tomato garter.

1. Wire frame

For tomato garters, there are many framework options - in the form of a prism or cone. The design can be made of wood or metal. Such frames can be purchased in the store or make yourself. But note that this method of tomato garters can be quite expensive if you grow a large number of tomatoes.

2. Kens

This is a very simple way to gate tomatoes for which only pegs and twine (or yarn) will be needed. For one bush, it will be enough for one support. It is recommended to take pegs that exceed the growth of tomatoes at least 20-25 cm. This will help to encourage new shoots of tomatoes above and above as plants grow.

3. Horizontal tweer

The garter of tomatoes to the horizontal chopler allows the plants to tie as they grow. For her organization, it is also necessary to boil in the land of stakes. But there are differences from the previous method: the twine is tensioning between them. At the same time, tomato stems are "skipping" between several twine threads.

4. Vertical tweer

This method of tomato garter is shown if vegetables are grown in a greenhouse. Its principle lies in the fact that the plants are tied up to the ceiling of the greenhouse, and as their bushes "pull up", which allows you to protect tomatoes from injury. In addition, this is a convenient way of garter of tomatoes, if there is not too much space on the site.

5. Grid, Wire hedges

To create the necessary design, two-meter grids will be needed, which should be extended between the rows of tomatoes. The stalks are tied to the grid with twine, which ensures their reliable mount. The convenience of the design is that as the tomato bushes grow, you can bother from one level of the grid and tie to higher. In addition, you do not need to drive the stakes for each individual bush - several plants can be tiered to the same grid.

Tomato's garter is an important procedure that should not be forgotten when growing tall and some low-speed varieties. True, not all gardeners agree that the tomatoes must be tested.

Hello, dear dachank!

In this summer season, In the spring of 2017, I sowed on the seedlings new low tomato varieties and already then thought about the replenishment of the reserve of pegs to trim the tomato bushes, but could not dwell on the choice of which specifically pegs and most importantly, from which material to buy to the already available metal pegs.

Looked like a country shop She looked metallic pegs, but at the price they went very expensive. Do you know, 10 metal pegs for 1500 rubles, and I need not ten pegs, but, for example, 40-45 pieces. So it turns out that from family budget You need to lay out a round sum.

We are with my wife, this option, Naturally, not satisfied and then ... helped, as it happens in many cases, his majesty is the case!

I went somehow in one shop, I examined the proposed product range, but I did not find anything suitable as a peg. Then I decided to ask the seller, do they have something that could replace metal pegs for taking tomatoes?

Seller, not thinking short He brings me to the twisted bay of something light and similar to the reinforcement (with a ribbed surface) and says that this is a great option for pegs. The cost of the route was 40 rubles, the diameter is 10 mm.

There were 50 meters in the twisted bay, So, if you cut the pegs on one meter, then in the end it will turn out 50 peasants. This, of course, was interested, but I had no idea what this fittings were made.

The seller explained to me that this is the glass and plastic alloy and this material will not be nervous and does not break and is used to concrete foundations and others. concrete workas an alternative to metal fittings.

I told the seller What you need to think and weigh everything, and so from the bay-junctions to lay out 2000 rubles. For "unknown that", I do not agree. Having arrived at the cottage, I started a conversation with my neighbor, and she told me that such reinforcement was on sale last year and make it not far from our city Lipetsk.

Neighbor was looking for too An additional number of pegs for taking their tomatoes, and we decided to learn more about the properties of this reinforcement, whether it can be used as a backup for low-spirited tomato varieties, and then also buy.

Well, talked and talked. I was engaged in the dacha with my own business, and the neighbor was necessary to go to the city for the products (she lives in the country all summer) and solve other things.

Shortly speaking, In a couple of hours, the neighbor returns from the city and calls me so that I admire her purchase. She opens the trunk of his car (her Zhiguli-Four), and there already lies the bay of fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm., The price of the row of 23 rubles. (The length of the solid rod is standard - 50 meters).

So that it does not upset I gently hinted that she was hurried to buy such a thin fittings, as it was necessary to buy a diameter of at least 10 mm., After all, this thing is bought once and maybe for the rest of my life, but the case was done.

And the situation with the diameters is here such. It is 8 mm on the outer twisted veils., And the rounds itself (the body itself) itself has a diameter of 6 mm., Therefore, it looks like, and, in fact, such a diameter of the reinforcement looks hip and unreliable.

Here, sudid yourself. The pegs themselves, sliced \u200b\u200bone meter from the whole whip, durable, but after all, their task is to hold the tomatory bush in a vertical position. And if the variety of tomato dyzharynnye, and, do not give God, there will be strong winds during the country season, then the reinforcement may not withstand such a load and fall on the soil along with the bush?

No, fiberglass itself It will not break, it will not be afraid and will not crack, but simply will not hold in the base of the Delianka under such a load of the bush and falls.

Based on these considerations I bought a bay (50 meters) of this fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm. I bought it not in that store, where I saw the first time, and in the building store on the road to the cottage.

And, by the way, the temporal meter In this store I managed 32.5 rubles. After the purchase, the seller immediately warned me that it was necessary to unwind the whole whip from the twisted bay, and it is necessary to do it better, since the fittings itself is hard and immediately straightened.

And if you remove all wire twists, Which fixed the twisted whip, then not an hour, can be obtained in the teeth. Here, in short, I bought such a fiberglass reinforcement bay (see photo) ...

And where to unwind this bay? After all, 50 meters, it's not that you ...

Shortly speaking, My wife and I decided to gently unwind all the whip along the garages. There is no people here and the place is full. Oh, and we suffered with my wife, while they blurred this "Wheel".

And the point here is That when we removed one wire twist and freed one end, then all the whip like the hour spring tried to break out of the arms to straighten up how he would do.

If not our four hands, Which we slowly and carefully intercepted alternately along this "Wheel", spinning it one centimeter, it would definitely be forces for teeth.

But everything went without injury, The whip lay comfortably along 11 garages, and I remained marker to the marker one meter all this "sausage" and drink these pegs.

Saw this material An ordinary hacksaw with a web for metal. It was a feeling that the knife cuts the oil - the material is sawing without any effort and tension. And by the way, the length of the whip was not 50 meters, but 50.5 meters (extra).

Then I brought these pegs to the cottage, And I wanted to immediately insert them next to the bushes of tomatoes, but I noticed that on both twisted veins, which are squeezed by the "body" of the reinforcement, there is a brilliant "omission".

Here you know, as before, If anyone worked with a glassate, then after these works, all the hands were like in glass "needles" and then the body was scratched from these "needles".

No, there was no such effect, Since these "needles" were soft (I tried them with my fingers of my hands), but just in case, I still decided to undergo these twisted veins to pass by sandpaper, so that there were no, God for the future, do not give God, excesses with these "needles" .

After I sank every peg, Washed them in the bucket of water and put on drying. No, of course, it was possible to immediately insert pegs into the soil next to the bushes, but I approach each work thoroughly and slowly.

The final result of the work There must be not only the competent execution, but also a beautiful performance.

Not understood, what I'm talking about?

Yes, everything is simple. It is necessary to stick the pegs so that their tops are on the same level - it will be much more prettier to look at all the tomato dealer than these tops will be at different levels of the horizon.

Well, so or not?

That is why, After drying the pegs, I laid them on the armrests of old chairs, aligning them along the length and marking a 25 cm marker. Just at such a length I was going to stick these pegs into the soil, and 75 cm remained above the soil.

For any little low, And the average variety, such a height of the pegs will be just right. Then I put these pegs in the soil of tomato plots.

And so that you can compare Whether the negative from fiberglass pegs or not on the tomato plants in two nearby melts with a variety of "Unknown", I used pegs from a different material.

Here is one plot with metal pegs With a variety of "Unknown" ...

Second Delianka of the same variety with pegs from fiberglass fittings ...

Here is a dealer with a variety of Roma VF, In which one bed with metal pegs, and the second with fiberglass pegs (see the photo below) ...

And this is a whole plot only with fiberglass pegs, Grade "Snow Fairy Tale" ...

On June 24, the situation for the worse Not changed and it is already happy. Here are pictures for this period.

These are two plots with a variety "Netzuless" ...

Here is a photo of a little closer. See which raspberry bushes are growing this year ... They are even sorry to packing ...

These are pictures of Delica with a variety of "Roma VF" ...

This is a dealer with a variety of "Snow Fairy Tale" ...

This is from one side ...

This is from another side ...

And so, according to this season It will be possible to judge the action of fiberglass pegs on tomato plants.

If the result is neutral, i.e. there will be no negative for plants, I will buy another bay of this reinforcement, since the next year I plan to increase the number of tomato plots.

Well, and on the drying ...

The spouse is surprised and rejoicing Tomato plants grade "Snow Fairy Tale" - they are standing like small oak trees! This grade is growing at our dacha, but I am also amazed by his power of growth and development.

Spouse and does not suspect that I have already broken and applied 8 baths of my uniforms of Em-Elixir and watered them on a mulch under plants (on the leaves from illnesses have not yet sprayed) and tomatoes, and apple trees, and currants with gooseberry, and honeysuckle, and bows, and garlic, and Potatoes, and carrots, and grape bushes, etc.

Perhaps in July will begin to spray the elixir And on the leaves, all cultures so as not to give diseases not a single chance to "raise the head", and then it rains we do not stop and strongly large air humidity.

And here is another rain ...

See what positive effect To deter disease in all cultures, they gave spraying by elixir in the past 6 years, starting from 2011. And, well, the same. Can I offer you the information that I did not use and did not check in practice?

I have such a principle - test himself in my practice, and then, if there is positive result, You can also offer to people. "Cat in a bag" I do not offer.

Here are some photos of the bath With influence EM-Elxira in the country (see the date of shooting) ...

In color they turned out a little different, But in the composition of the ingredients are the same ...

Shed this specifically infusion Tall tomatoes in melts at the fence and the walls of the shed ...

One plot of fence ...

Eastern Wall Shed ...

South Wall Shed ...

Western Wall Shed ...

Second Melinka at the fence ...

Infusion crossed up to the bottom ... And immediately broke the new ...

Here in a couple of days Infusion is ready (you see the film on the surface of the water - it means it is ready!) ...

I used this infusion and broke a new ...

And this infusion used for watering under the bushes Currants, gooseberries and honeysuckle ...

This infusion has not yet used ...

If anyone else has no my materials At the start of the reliable and kindness of the Em-Elxira, it is possible to place an order with a coach in Russia on my site - http://elicsir.dacha7.ru/

Who will need an electronic version These materials (in order not to be confused by mail) or who has the opportunity and the desire to pay for his order to my Sberbank card, write me here on this email address - [Email Protected]

After receiving the material, Immediately make the first starter and after a couple of days, use on your plants. The weather is warm, so infrared ripen quickly.

And every year your plants They will be less affected by fungal and viral diseases and delight you with a delightful and environmentally friendly harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries!

And the last ...

Now I have such questions for you:
« You used Pensions from fiberglass fittings?
If yes, Was there a negative for tomato plants by the end of the season?
If not, Do you plan to use this fittings as pegs for taking tomatoes, peppers and eggplants? "

Your questions, suggestions and wishes, Write in the comments to this post.

And today everything, bye.

Sergey Dyakov.

Tomato bushes Even low-speed preferably to grow with the use of support. Exists
Many solutions for the device of such supports. Learn how not only to make the cultivation of tomatoes is comfortable, but also improve the design of your garden.
Tomato bushes need to be removed from the ground to:
- avoid disease damage
- Simplify the harvest
- The fruits were clean and did not lose its turn
- Simplify pollination and care of plants.

Wooden boards are a simple and inexpensive solution. You will need to tie them to the support. Be sure to use several boards to support your tomatoes well.

Opports for tomato bushes can be set, below are somewhat pretty simple and convenient to choose one of them.

Well made cell, such as this weld, can be a sculptural element in the garden, as well as structural support for tall tomatoes.


This simple support requires only a little effort to drive it into the ground near each bush and subsequent consolidation to the cola as the plant grows. Supports for tall varieties should be 1.5-2 meters in height. Such high supports are preferably led by a less long peg or deeper to wear for stability. You can buy wooden, plastic and bamboo stakes for this purpose, or make your own from tubes or other suitable materials.

This cell is made of concrete reinforcement grid.

Install such a support next to the bush, you need when you plant it in the soil. If you want to wait until the bush is growing, do not wait long, because you can damage the roots. Tie the main stalk to the support is not a tight with a soft rope, so as not to damage the plant. Knitted strips are ideal for this purpose.

Create an original central point in the garden by setting a high support for tomatoes in the form of Wigwam. For support used extra-long slices of bamboo.

Cheing are installed at a distance of 60 -100cm from each other, depending on the size of the bush of your variety of tomatoes. The seals are easy to remove at the end of the season, they are simply pulled out of the soil.

Bamboo planks are long enough to withstand high tomatoes, such as this variety.

Tomato cells

Plants growing in the cell do not need a garter, because the sides of the cell support the stalks. You can buy ready-made wire cells, although they are often not large enough for tall varieties.

it a good option For low-speed Tomatoes

You can make a large tomato cell that lasts not one year. Such a cell can be quite simple to build out of the finished lattice canvase, such as a grid for pasture fencing. For the cell device, you just need to cut off the grid piece of the desired size and turn it to be cone. The edges can be copper with wire, and the cell is ready.

Install the cage around the plants shortly after the landing until the plants are still small. This ensures that you do not damage the roots.

First you need to plant a bush of tomato, and then around it to install a cage.
Install the cells at a distance of at least meter from each other, depending on the size of your tomato variety. Cells are easy to shoot at the end of the season.

In this garden, metal spirals hang from a metal frame down. Pretty original example of support for tomatoes.

Wire grill

Wire grille is a combination of two aforementioned methods. To install the grille, you need to insert or drive into the ground seoles at a distance near the meter from each other. Make sure that they are deeply drunk and properly fixed to withstand the weight of all tomato bushes, with ripened fruits. The height of the stakes should be at least one and a half meters. After installing the reference stakes, secure the grid on them.

Rustic style support is made of conventional tree branches.

Rail tomatoes along the lattice at a distance from 60cm to one meter from each other. Direct the stalks so that they themselves rose on the grill, tie them from time to time when it is necessary. The lattice can stand in one place for several years, and you can alternate tomatoes with beans and cucumbers to avoid problems with accumulation in the soil of insects and diseases. Unlike two other methods of support, the wire grille is not mobile, and its dismantling is not so simple.

The covered pillars with a wire mesh stretched between them form this high and durable tomato lattice.

Permanent supports

Some gardeners set permanent lattices from fittings welded into a high rectangular frame. He is heavy enough to dismantle at the end of the season and remains in place as a sculpture, even in winter.

Garders always grow different varieties of tomatoes, which differ in the height of the bush. So that long stems and branches do not break, you need to know how to tie tomatoes in open soil. There are several ways to conduct such a procedure with their own characteristics.

Do you need to tie tomatoes?

Not all varieties need to be fixed to the support, so early and low plants can do without garter. Many gardeners argue about the importance of conducting a similar procedure, so before finding out how to tie tomatoes in the open soil, you should specify its existing advantages:

  1. One of the mandatory procedures to prevent the growing bush is it. It is more convenient to carry out when the plant is fixed.
  2. Thanks to raising branches over the Earth, damage should be avoided, since the tomatoes will not rot, and to attack pests.
  3. By watering it is important that the moisture does not get on the leaves and wound up, and if the bush is lying on Earth, it will be difficult to implement it.
  4. High tomato's garter in open ground is important to prevent the stem fracture due to the weight of the fruit.
  5. Thanks vertical location bush, it becomes open for the sun and air, which contributes better development. The spraying in this case is also simpler, and the procedure will be more effective.

How to suspend tomatoes in open soil - fixtures

It is mistaken to believe that for the procedure you can use different materialsBecause they should be safe and reliable. In most cases, a support is used or metal rods, a rope, a grid and so on. The stores sell a special loop for tomato garters, which is multiple. Note that when using fixing materials next season, it is necessary to carry out disinfection. For this purpose, boiling water or chlorine solution can be used.

Poles for garter tomato

Most of the gardens are used to fix shrubs from the tree stakes, which should be about the same length. You can also use pipes from metal and plastic, and also thick bars. Pickles for garter Tomato are installed next to the bushes, and they must be 25-30 cm above the plants, since this distance comes to this distance. It is necessary to place them at a distance of 10-15 cm from the trunk, so as not to damage the root system.

Rope for garter tomato

For fixing bushes to the support more often use the rope, but it is important to pay attention to its thickness. It is not recommended to take thin ropes, as they can cut the stalks. In garden stores you can purchase a special twine for a tomato garter, which is convenient to use and safe. It is best to cut it into the same pieces so that the rope is not confused during the garter.

Racks for garter tomato

For fixing vegetable crops, various designs are used that can be bought in the store already in finished video Or make it yourself. It is important that it be compact and did not occupy a lot of space, but at the same time it was easy to tidy tomatoes. Design for garter Tomato can be straight like a wall, having a circle or triangle form. There are racks intended for each bush individually and large supports for entire rows.

Wire for Garter Tomato

Often, people are used to fix the bushes of brew materials, for example, different wire options. All methods of garter Tomato exclude the use of wire, which often leads to damage to the soft barrel and branches. Because of this, it is not recommended to use threads, a fishing line and other thin garters. If there is nothing else, then it is better to take a cotton fabric and cutting it on the strip, width of 4-5 cm. Another available option is old tights or stockings that are soft and well stretch.

Methods of tomato garters

Many gardeners have a favorite method of garters, so you can try several options to choose for yourself the most acceptable. It is necessary to recommend to acquire capital designs that will serve for a single year. There is a certain instruction, how to properly suspend tomatoes in the open soil on which you can navigate:

  1. First, it is recommended to conduct steaming and prepare everything necessary materials For the selected method of fixation.
  2. At the next stage are carried out preparatory work on the construction of the reference system.
  3. After that, the garter is carried out and the procedure for watering the plant is completed.

How to suspend tall tomatoes on the grid?

A common option, thanks to which you can spend a garter at once several bushes. It is necessary at the end and beginning of the row to drive the supports, for example, wooden bars or iron pipes. A grid is tensioned between metal or plastic. Such methods of tomato tumors are suitable for other vegetable crops, such as cucumbers.

Experienced gardeners recommend using a network with large cells to make it easier to attach the stalks and branches of the plant. Describing how to tie tomatoes in the open grid, it is worth noting an important advantage - as the tomatoes grow, you can fix branches at a more convenient level. When using a metal grid, it can not be removed for the winter, and plastic variants are preferable to twist before the onset of cold weather.

Tomato's garter on a horizontal shleler

One of the most convenient options, thanks to which the entire range of bushes can be tied up. There are recommendations, how to better sue tomatoes on a horizontal shleler:

  1. It is necessary to prepare two powerful timber or pipes and insert them into the ground at the beginning and end of the row.
  2. It is tightened between the prepared supports, the twine is stretched into one or more rows, given that the frequency should be 30-40 cm.
  3. For horizontal stretch, buy steel P-shaped studs that will hold the sleeper.
  4. For those who are interested in how to suspend tomatoes in the open ground to the horizontal grinder, it is important to indicate that there are two options for fixing bushes. If several rows of twine are stretched, then the selected garter material must be attached to the central stem to the horizontal choplet. You can fix the stem using several parallel tensiones, directing the plants on one side of the tag, then another, creating weave.

Tomato Tomato Vertical Shopeler

Beginner gobblers are confident that the presented method of fixation can be used only when growing vegetable culture in a greenhouse.

  1. The suspension of tomato in the open ground on the vertical grinding is possible when building high supports, since the bushes are attached to the horizontal crossbar.
  2. The garter material is chosen so that its length is equal to height from the soil and to the transverse sword plus 30 cm.
  3. It is tied at the bottom of the plant under the lower sheet, but note that the stem will thicken, so there must be a stock.
  4. After that, border material circle the plant on the spiral and fix for the transverse split.

Tomato Tomato Eight

This method implies the use of conventional stakes, and it is considered the easiest and affordable. To drive the support should be at a depth of 25-3 cm. Proper tattress garter in the open soil indicates the need to use individual stakes for each bush. The trunk of the plant is winding up with the selected garter material and its ends should be crossed eight, twisted and tied to the support. In the instructions regarding how to properly tie tomatoes in the open ground to the support, it is indicated that such manipulations are carried out with heavy brushes.

Tomato garter in open ground on wire frame

In this case, the use of blanks in the form of circles made of thick wires is implied. Describing how to suspend tomatoes in the open soil, it is worth indicating that the circles must be attached to several metal supports at different levels in order to obtain a strong cell as a cylinder. In garden stores you can buy ready-made designs.

Such and tomatoes imply individual fixation of each bush that for many is a cost-effective. Finished cells are swapped at a depth of 15-20 cm, and then, a seedlings are carried out to it. Instead of a wire frame, you can make it from wooden BruschevBut then they will have a square shape.

In this article we learn how to properly tie tomatoes in the open soil. Consider the benefits of garter. We will understand what to use the mount. Answer questions.

Agroteering of growing tomatoes on cottage plot It does not provide for the binding of bushes as a mandatory procedure. However, the gardeners use the tomb of tomatoes in order to preserve the health and fortress of plants. Accordingly, the crop will increase.

Reasons for tatting tomatoes on the garden plot

Competent care for tasty tomatoes Holds watering, feeding, weeding and processing from pathogenic microorganisms. But, dachini use bonding bushes with certain tasks:

  1. Strengthen the plant. During the ripening of fruits, especially large, the stem does not withstand their weight and breaks. So that this does not happen, the tomatoes are tied.
  2. Save the crop. Tomators hanging to the ground with high humidity pollute and rot. Slugs, snail and insect pests are convenient to get to the fruit and harm.
  3. Proper to water and feed the tomato planting. Watering tomato bushes is carried out under the root. When the bush is ruined and the fruits touch the Earth, it is difficult to do it. The moisture falls on tomatoes, they begin to rot. The same thing happens with a subaccharium solution, which should not fall on the barrel, leaves and fruits of tomatoes. Extra-corner feeding hits the entire bush, compactly located on the garden.
  4. Provide the velocity of tomato varies. In the fight against phytoofluoro, this is an important event.
  5. Optimize culture care. Swimming, weeding and mulching take place more quickly and better.

Terms of Tomatoes Tomators on Garden Pots

  1. Consider climatic features Region. In areas with a hot climate and the active Sun, the reception is not appropriate. Fluities lying on Earth easier to overcome the shortage of nutrient elements.
  2. In areas with periodic protracted rains, the garter is necessary, even for low-speed varieties. It will eliminate the contact of the fruits from the ground, the phytoophulas, rotting and pest will save.
  3. Do not use garters that used last season. They are able to become carriers of diseases.
  4. Start building devices for garter 15-20 days after planning seedlings for permanent residence. The design depends on the growth rate of the variety and its tallness.

Tip # 1. To crack the tomatoes, do not use a wire, a fishing line or a thin rope so as not to press the stem. Apply kapron products, solid rope or strap.

Get plastic clips for tomato garter to not damage the stalks.

Methods for tatting tomatoes in the country area

Grow delicious fruits in the open air and in the greenhouses. The border is necessary in both cases. The variants of the technique are tested by gardeners in the areas, so any effective. Read also Article: → "" You only need to choose ideal for your conditions and opportunities. Natural fabrics should not be taken, they overload and serve as pedalous diseases. Soft synthetics - the optimal option. For gardeners who grow large volumes of tomatoes is useful to purchase a "garter". This device used in grape garter. It will significantly save time and strength, qualitatively attract the plant to the support.

For large tomato plantations, use a device for tapping to secure plants.

The table discusses the methods of garters:

Method Materials for use
Kolya. Wooden, metal or plastic stakes.

Thick rod.

Trellis Thin bars.

Durable pegs.

Wire for tension.

Cells Metal racks.

Variamatic wire.

Lattice Segments of reinforcement wire.

Wire in a means for pulling.

Cap Loose sweater

Methods for fastening tomato bushes to elements of support

The table discusses the mounting methods:

Method How to use Features
To individual fasteners Plug to install next to the plant and tie a bush. For one tomato bush prepare one support. The height of the support is equal to the height of the adult tomato bush.

Used for low-speed and varieties of medium height.

The height of the fastening for low-speed - 35 cm, tall is needed from 2m to 2.5 m, which is not entirely convenient.

To metallic grid A wide tube wrap a grid with large cells.

Shallowly dive into the ground and tie tomatoes.

Disadvantage of the collection of fruits with a tomato bush.
Linear On both sides of the ridges are riding fasteners, between them stretch the rope.

It is tied up to the bushes.

An option for a large amount of bushes.

Economical and easy to manufacture.

Not suitable for very tall and large-scale varieties.

Sleerer Drink fastenings on two sides of the tomato bed.

Tighten the rope into one or more rows. Take the stems and sweaty branches with fruits.

The option is used with the use of ready-made plastic choler.

Suitable method of fastening with clips or threads through the rope grid.
On the grid A variant of the heat attachment, only instead of the rope stretches a large-scale mesh of metal or plastic. It is convenient to fix the plant, taking to the right place.

In the photo year-round greenhouse:

For year-round greenhouses, use vertical trellis withsting high weight.

Detailed description of methods for taking tomatoes on the garden plot

Consider in detail every way of tapping tomato bushes and its stages.

Variety Method of execution Where to use
To individual collections Support is installed near the plant.

Strip cloth stem is fixed to the support.

In greenhouses and outdoor soil for compact high-yielding bushes.
Metal grid The grid wrap around a wide support, fix in the ground, tie stems and heavy fruit branches. For all types of cultivation, the design is dismantled and transferred to a new place as needed.
Linear garter Drink from both sides of the beds stuck, pull a solid rope between them.

Suspend plants, withsting an equal distance between them.

For greenhouses and open soil.

Do not use for tall tomato varieties.

Trellis It is prepared similarly to the previous way, only the rope is tightened into several rows and you can drive the intermediate supports for the stability of the structure and replace the rope with a ready-made plastic chopper. For greenhouse growing.

In the open ground, the cumbersome design, it is better to use a linear suspension for tomatoes.

Grid. Option Trelliers using a grid. For all types of cultivation. Favorable method for moving places of fixing tomatoes.
Cell. Construction of reusable. It is manufactured under a separate bush. On vertical racks, circles of equal diameter from reinforcement wire are fixed.

Available wooden option For several bushes.

For open soil and greenhouses.

The plant is placed inside the design and are tied up as it grows.

Tip # 2. Do not tie up the stems of tomatoes to the octoral supports. This method is not suitable for pasty.

In order not to damage the stalks of the plant, the suspension is used with a thin material. The twine will dive into the stem and the plant will die.

Little tricks when tomato garter on a garden plot

  1. Nylon screeds or clamps for electrical cable. Budget and profitable. One package (100 pieces) can be purchased for 25 rubles. Use the clamps is recommended to be reused and disinfected during re-use.
  2. Handbook made reusable garters from old cycling or car chambers. It looks like a design as a thick strip, on one side of which the slot, and on another triangular head. After hiding the stem of the strip, it remains only to insert the head into the slot.
  3. Dried fat stems of the Topinambur. Unusual, but proven material, however, one-time use.
  4. Combining garter methods on one ridge. It is used with a deficiency of a certain material or when growing varieties of different heights.

Tomato bonding - an important stage in growing plants. It should not be missed, otherwise you have to spend time on the service of laidden bushes on the ground, which takes time no less. Methods of garters are updated with the advent of new materials, so save time and labor costs are quite possible.

Errors of gardeners when taking the tomatoes on the cottage

Ignore the garter as necessary event. In this case, the branches are thrown into the ground, the fruits lie on the soil, the processes of watering, feeding, loosening and mulching of tomato varieties are hampered.

Select the method of garter without taking into account the height of the bush. It is not worth taking powerful tall plants to individual supports. The height of this support requires its stability, which is not always possible to implement.

Tomato is carried out once per seasonal season, without taking into account the growth and branching of the bush. The garter does not fulfill its role, the plant bends towards Earth, landing is thickened. Tomatoes do not get enough light and ventilation, which leads to the development of diseases.

Not competently selected the material to trigger the tomatoes. Use wire, fishing line, natural fabrics. The fabric quickly decomposes under the action of wind, sun and rain. The remaining materials damage the stalk of the plant and lead to its breakdown or death.

How to properly tie tomatoes in the open ground: Questions and Answers

Question number 1.What extraordinary materials can be used when tomato garter to reduce the time for this operation?

Answer: The tool for garter grapes is perfect. The second option is a velcro for sneakers, which is acquired in the store. For different varieties, take "your" color to not get tangled. Velcro is convenient for several criteria:

  • wide, in the barrel is not crashed;
  • reusable;
  • easily removed and does not stick.

The third option is a wide sewing gum.

Use extraordinary materials for tomato bushes to save time and not damage plants.

Question number 2.How to properly tie up the tomato trunks with twine?

Answer: When tapping the twine to twist around the tomato stem, and not vice versa. At the same time, watch one turnover for 2 interstices. If you do less often, the stem splits down from the support.

Question number 3.What to confine the brushes of tomatoes? It is difficult to devote time for each branch.

Answer: Use clips or plastic hooks. Convenient and reusable application is that the gardeners need.

To quickly clog the tomato brushes and branches, use hooks and clips to make a mobile garter.

Question number 4.At what distance there should be a tomato stem from support after garter?

Answer: The optimal distance of at least 2 cm between the plant and the support, the twine is wrapped not tight.

Leave a sufficient distance between the plant and the support so as not to injure the stem, but do not use a thin material for garter! In the figure illiterate the choice of material.

Question number 5.There is no possibility to build a sleeper on the plot. How to get out of the position?

Answer: Apply the wall of the structure for fixing tomato bushes. On the wall of the greenhouse or a cozpostroy, pull the largest mesh, on the other side of the garden, put supports. Now between them, too, pull the grid and bring tomatoes to it.