How to cure cracks in the back pass. Available treatment of anal crack at home

The rear passage cracks most often happens in women of reproductive age. However, men and children are subject to this disease. The risk category includes people who lead a sedentary image, often suffer from constipation, and also fail.

Anal crack is the break of the mucous membrane of the direct intestine. Cracks are of different sizes and cause great discomfort to the patient. If a person has long been in this case, an anal crack may occur even on the side walls of the anal canal. In 25% of people who applied to a proctologist for a particular issue, diagnose the crack of the rear passage.

The very first and main symptom is a sharp pain that occurs at the act of defecation. The pain can be maintained within 40 minutes after the intestinal emptying, while at the beginning of the patient there is a sharp pain, then it develops into a stupid, pulsating.
If the crack is deep enough, you can notice a small amount of blood scarlet on the toilet paper.

If, with each subsequent, the pain is enhanced, and the amount of blood released increases - it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor-proctologist. At first, there is enough conservative treatment - the doctor will register special ointments or candles, if the disease is launched - then there may be operational intervention.

The main reason for the occurrence of the fracture of the rear pass is frequent constipation. In addition, constipation can be the cause of hemorrhoids, and this disease is much more serious than anal crack. The following factors can also contribute to the development of the disease:

If the disease is caused by constipation, the normalization of the chair eliminates the disease over time. However, at the first constitution, the disease returns. Basically, the rear passage is due to several factors at once, so if you have found the first signs of illness - you need to contact the proctologist as soon as possible.

Anal cracks are divided into two subspecies:

  1. The acute crack - arises as a result of constipation, passes quickly and does not strive for much discomfort;
  2. Chronic crack - appears as a result of hemorrhoids and the thinner of the mucosa of the rectum. Requires special treatment and continuous control.

What complications can cause the crash of the rear pass?

Due to the fact that small bleeding wounds appear on the anus, infection may occur, swelling, irritation. In addition, the crack may contribute to violation menstrual cycle among women. In chronic disease, the anal ring (beacon) is sealing, with the result that constipation may occur in the patient.

Infections lead to the fact that the patient. Also, when infected, the injection of the wound, the appearance of a strong itching, mocking and maceration is not excluded.

Anal cracks often in symptoms can not differ from a more serious disease - hemorrhoids. In this case, recognize which disease is disturbing the patient only an experienced coloproktologist. You can not hide a visit to the doctor!

Blood and purulent allocations, the difficulty of the act of defecation, sharp pains can also become. If you do not apply for help in a timely manner, engage in self-medication (especially if the patient believes that he has hemorrhoids or) you can miss the moment when the disease is in the embryo and is subject to treatment.


In some cases, the specialist is quite enough visual inspection. If the crack is located inside the anal opening - in this case, the proctologist introduces a finger into anus - applying the Palpation method, it will be able to determine the degree of the disease, grip the size of the anal crack, its depth.

The reorganoskope is a special device that is used to identify the problems of the rectum. Thanks to this, the device can be diagnosed with diseases such as fistula, hemorrhoids and the crack of the rear passage. Usually it is used if the crack is deep, or its diagnosis of the finger method is unacceptable for a number of reasons. Also, the doctor can apply an alososcopy - examination of the finite departure of the rectum.

Almost every time, anal cracks appear in people who have serious specific diseases: HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis, syphilis ,. If you have the following diseases, you must necessarily put a doctor informed before the examination.

The crack of the rear pass in children

Anal crack in a child is most often caused by improper nutrition, namely use too sharp or smoked food. In addition, there are additional factors:

The rear pass cracks in children are much less common than in adults, so surgery is prescribed in extremely rare cases.

Usually prescribes the doctor ointment from the cracks of the rear pass and candles, diet. Include in the diet of the child needed products rich in fiber - vegetables, cut bread, fruit. It is also necessary to use a sufficient number of plant and animal fats. Kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka, serum - all fermented milk products must be present in the kid's diet daily!

Treatment of the cracker of the rear pass

Many worries the question - how to cure a crack in the rear pass quickly and forever. The above mentioned candles and ointments (this is the most common treatment method). Easy pain and accelerate the healing of the wound can be at home.

Well helps with anal cracks warm baths (no more than 45 degrees C) with the addition of healing herbs like mint, cleanliness, chamomile. For removal of sphincter, nitroglycerin ointment or manganese is used.

Normalize Chair will help tablets:

  • Senedexin,
  • Ajax
  • Bisakodil.

The decoction with the addition of hay and crash also contributes to the normalization of the chair. Rectal candles with benzocaine content will also give a positive effect. For healing anal cracks, "ultrafrok", etc.

Do not forget about the masses - "Solkoserin", "Levomikol" are quite effective means, which quickly eliminate pain syndrome and contribute to healing the rocke of the rectum. Specialists recommend taking relaxing baths before applying ointments and candles - it will strengthen the result from treatment.

In which cases is assigned operation?

If the prescribed treatment does not help, the anal crack does not heal and continues to root, cause discomfort and bleed - the patient is prescribed operational intervention.

The essence of the operation lies in the fact that the proctologist sews cracks. The operation is simple, and literally three days later the patient is ready to return to ordinary life and forget about the problem who worried him. After the operation, it is necessary to observe a simple rule - monitor its power and prevent constipation and other mechanical damage to the anal hole.

Treatment of the cracked rear pass by folk remedies at home

Recipes folk Medicine - This is an effective, harmless and simple way to get rid of the disease. Candles with a crack in the back pass (like ointment) can be prepared at home.

All suppositories need to be stored in the refrigerator!


If you are disturbed by such a disease, like a crack in anal passage, it is very important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Otherwise, the wound can inflame, the process of suppuration will go, the infection will begin to develop. This will complicate the course of the disease and add unpleasant sensations, besides, much longer need for treatment.

Well help with the crack of the rear pass of warming, if you do it regularly. Do not forget about the fiber - if there is no possibility to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, take the fiber in the pharmacy and take it to 1 tbsp. Twice a day before meals.

Get rid of anal cracks - tablets can be administered orally, or to make ointment. To do this, heat the floral honey and in the resulting liquid substance to introduce a waste mummy tablet.

Capping juice therapy is a good method to establish the work of the stomach and intestines. Take 100 fresh cabbage juice on an empty stomach daily.

Most effective and popular ointments for treatment

Many of us live in a mad rhythm of life, and there is no time or forces on self-preparation of ointments and candles. In this case, it is better to turn to the pharmacy medicinal preparations - Many of them are based on natural ingredients. Below is a list of the most efficient ointments that will quickly help eliminate the disease.

1. Nitroglycerin ointment is the most long-time, common and effective method of treating anal crack.
2. - antisepticwhich quickly heals the wrecks and blocks inflammatory processes in the rectum area.
3. Ultrafrokt - not only disinfects the wounds and contributes to the healing of anal crack, but also has a pronounced painkiller effect.
4. Ointment "Rescuer". All the well-known means that we apply for wound healing. Possessed antiseptic properties, based on natural components. Suitable for use even with chronic anal cracks.
5. "Salcoseril" - quickly restores good well-being, promotes the regeneration of cells and restoring the tissues of the mucous membrane. To enhance the effect, the ointment can be applied on the swab and enter into an anal hole overnight.

Anal cracks during childbirth and pregnancy

During pregnancy in the female body there are significant changes that. As a result, complication in the form of anal cracks and hemorrhoids.

Since during pregnancy, women are not recommended to use pharmacological agents, proctologists recommend to adjust the diet in order to soften the chair and prevent the development of constipation.

Pregnant women who suffer from the gaps of the mucous anus are recommended to use:

Do not forget about the aqueous diet - at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Tea and coffee are not taken into account, drink only natural water without adding gases!

It is very important to identify the disease in a timely manner, since during the birth, the anal crack can turn into a gap of the rectum - which is fraught with additional complications.

Prevention of the fracture of the rear pass

Treatment of the rear passage at home depends on the cause of their occurrence. Therefore, to recommend using this or that the doctor should be a doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis and diagnosis. Outstanding cracks help ointments, candles, baths, etc. Why cracks arise, and how can I handle this unpleasant problem?

Rear pass cracks - damage to the mucous membranes covering the rectum. Anal crack delivers a person painful sensations. In most cases, it is diagnosed in women (especially pregnant women or just giving birth), but there are pathology and men.

To treat an anal cracker at home, the doctor can recommend ointment, suppositories, gels or cream. Sometimes it is necessary to use tablets.


The treatment of cracks of the rectum should always begin using baths that differ in anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Optimal temperature Water for the procedure is 30 degrees. In such a bath you need to be about 15 minutes.

For the preparation of the baths are used by the heralds of medicinal herbs (daisies pharmacy, oak bark). Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, and the bark of oak has an astringent effect and contributes to drying the crack. They can be replaced by calendula and thousands of thousands.

If at home has not been necessary medicinal plantsYou can make a weak solution of manganese. But, at the same time, it should be carefully dissolved, otherwise it is possible.

If the anal crack appeared due to the fragility of the vessels, and is accompanied by bleeding, then on the recommendation of the attending physician you need to take tablets. As a rule, such drugs are prescribed:

  • Vikasol - contributes to the improvement of blood coagulation;
  • Chemoroidin is able to get rid of itching, burning and discomfort, which may appear during defecation;
  • Detralex - improves the condition of the venous wall and reduces the permeability of capillaries;
  • Lithuage b - used to normalize digestion, accelerate the regeneration of tissues and eliminate bleeding.

Drugs manufactured in the form of tablets are characterized by high efficiency, but at the same time have a number of contraindications and possible side effects. Therefore, we recommend that their use can only doctor.

Local preparations (cream, ointment)

Preparations for local use (ointment, cream, etc.) do not cause irritation. Choosing a tool, pay attention to its composition. It should present ingredients with regenerating and anti-inflammatory property. As a rule, the course of treatment is 10 days. It is necessary to apply ointment after the intestine is emptied and a seated bath has been held.

Most often, patients who have the rush fracture are prescribed:
  1. Ultrafrokt. The drug includes cincorhocaine and glucocorticoid fluocortolone, which helps to eliminate itching, relieve pain and inflammation.
  2. Aurobin - contributes to the removal of the inflammatory process, reduce pain and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  3. Bepanten - contributes to the early healing of the wound and contributes to the normalization of protein and fat Exchange in tissues.
  4. SalkoSeril normalizes the process of saturation with oxygen tissues and nutrients.
  5. Actovegin - contributes to the disposal of glucose and restores cellular breathing. Regular use of the tool helps to restore the structure of damaged tissue.
  6. Proktosan - has a dry effect, as a result of which the crack heals much faster.
  7. Methyluracil ointment has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory action.
  8. Emla - contributes to anesthesia and is assigned in the case of spa spa, which often happens in chronic cracks.
  9. Heparinic ointment - removes inflammatory reactions, pain and itching, and also accelerates tissue regeneration.
  10. Levomecol - has an antibacterial effect and contributes to the early healing of wounds.
  11. The ointment of Vishnevsky - improves blood circulation, stops pain and inflammation process, promotes rapid healing.

Alone the best preparationsthat help quickly and effectively cure cracks are suppositories. Along with the wound healing, anti-inflammatory effect, they can act like a laxative.

If cracks are chronic, then it is necessary to combine drugs with different effects. It is recommended to put candles twice a day after the intestinal emptying.

Most often, patients are prescribed:
  1. Relief - stops pain, removes inflammatory reactions, increases the rate of tissue regeneration and blocks bleeding.
  2. Candles with methyluracyl - contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the damaged area and has an immunomodulatory effect.
  3. Posterizan Forte - effectively treats anal cracks, but can not be used pregnant.
  4. Protect-Gylänenol - due to the content of lidocaine, the candles have an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory effect and activate blood circulation.
  5. Candles with butter sea buckthorn are used if the crack is not too deep. The tool has an anti-inflammatory effect, and increases the wound healing rate.

Use of laxatives

Often, the fracture factor in the anal hole becomes constipation.

To soften feces and normalize the defecation process, it is necessary:
  • mitigating drugs (Northax, etc.);
  • medicines with a slight laxative effect (Duhalak, sorbitol, etc.).

Conducting treatment at home, often apply folk remedies. But it is worth remembering that they will be effective only if they use them when the first symptoms occur. To do this, use: compresses or cooked independently rectal candles. The combination of different methods helps speed up the process of recovery.

The active substances that are part of the rectal candles are as quickly penetrated into the damaged place and begin to act.

There are several recipes for their preparation that help get rid of anal cracks:
  1. Cold candles remove pain, stop bleeding. To make them, you need to take 1 teaspoon of dried birch leaves, colors pharmacy chamomile, Salfa and Pijmas. Prepared raw materials poured 1 liter of boiling water and insisted for 1 hour. After cooling, the decoction is filtered and poured into special molds, which in size resemble a rectal candle. Molds with decoction are placed in freezing chamber for freezing. The course of therapy is 10 days. Put suppositories in the rectum at night
  2. Potato candles are effective if you need to quickly stop pain syndrome or stop bleeding. It is very simple to make them - enough fresh potatoes cut pieces that look outwardly resemble suppositors. Use them before bed, pre-watered in natural honey. 10 days later, there will be no trace from the crack.
  3. Candles based on flour from corn and plantain. The preparation is effective even in the case of chronic pathology. To prepare such candles, you should squeeze the juice from the fresh seafronts and mix it with corn flour to a dense dough state. Rock candles out of a mixture and place them in the freezer. Before bedtime, insert 1 such suppository into the rectum.
Put the compresses at night:
  1. 2 spoons of dried raspberry leaves are flooded with 250 ml of steep boiling water and insist 30 minutes. In the resulting infusion, a piece of bandage is pulled out and applied to the patient. To strengthen the effect, it is recommended to take the same means inside.
  2. A bit of propolis is crushed and dissolved in a piece of lowering cream oil. The tool is applied to a piece of gauze and applied to the patient site for the night.

After inspection, the doctor will determine how to treat the crack of the rectum. Simultaneously with this patient will tell about the principles proper nutrition. This is necessary because often their violation becomes often the cause of the anal cracks.

The basis of the diet must be:

  • rich in fiber fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • bran;
  • dairy products.
At the same time, you need to remove from the menu:
  • smoked products;
  • pickles;
  • sharp seasonings;
  • spices;
  • alcohol.

It should also limit the consumption of eggs, fatty varieties of fish and meat, cheese and semi-finished products.


In order not to suffer from troubles that are able to deliver cracks in the rear pass, it is recommended to comply with the preventive measures that are in:

  1. Prevention of constipation and timely liberation of the colon. To do this, enter more products rich in fiber or taking laxatives in the menu.
  2. Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.
  3. Move more, less passive lifestyle.

With such pathology, many are facing. Such a disease causes a huge inconvenience to the patient and may cause severe complications. In order not to have happened, it is important to comply with simple preventive rules, and in the event of their occurrence immediately contact the doctor. Effective treatment Anal cracks are possible including at home.