Where did the Bible come from. Who and when wrote the Bible? Book of Acts and Cathedral Messals

Apostle Paul

The Bible is the most readable book in the world, in addition, millions of people precisely build their lives.
What is known about the authors of the Bible?
According to the religious doctrine, the author of the Bible is God himself.
Studies have shown that the Bible has written and was refined for 1000 years with different authors in different historical epochs.

As for the actual historical evidence of the one who wrote the Bible is a longer story.

Who wrote the Bible: the first five books

Portrait of Moses Rembrandt

According to the Jewish and Christian dogma, the books of Genesis, Exodus, Levit, Numbers and Deuteronomy (the first five books of the Bible and the whole of the Torah) were written by Moses about 1300 BC. The problem is that there is no evidence of the existence of ever Moses.
Scientists have developed their own approach to someone who wrote the first five Bible books, mainly using internal tips and writing style. It turned out that the authors are much, but they all diligently wrote in the same style.
The names of their unknown and scientists gave them the conditional names themselves:

Eloist - wrote the first collection of the Bible in the first chapter of Genesis, about 900th to N.E
Yahweh - is considered the author of most of the existence and some of the heads, approximately 600 BC During the Jewish Board in Babylon. It is considered the author of the chapters about the appearance of Adam.

The destruction of Jerusalem under the rule of Babylon.

Aaron (High Priest, Brother Moses in the Jewish Tradition), lived in Jerusalem at the end of the 6th century BC. I wrote about kosher laws, Saturday's holiness - that is, practically created the foundations of modern Jewish religion. Posted by all Levit and numbers.

Tsar Josei

Joshua and Yahwe stop the sun in one place during the battle in Gavaone.

The following answers to the question about who wrote the Bible came from Jesus Books, judges, Samuel and kings, which, as believed, were written during the Babylonian captivity in the middle of the sixth century to our era. Traditionally it was believed that this was written by Josus and Samuel himself, they are now often confronted with their broadcasting due to their similar style and language.

Nevertheless, there is a significant gap between the "discovery" of Deuteronomy at Iosia in 640 BC of our era and the middle of the Babylonian captivity somewhere around 550 BC. However, it is possible that some of the youngest priests who were alive during Iosias were still alive when Babylon captured the whole country.

Whether these priests of the era of Deuteronomy or their successors, who wrote Joshua, judges, Samuel and Kings, these texts are a highly mythologized story of their newly acquired people thanks to the Babylonian captivity.

Jews forced to work in their time in Egypt.
With full and accurate consideration of all the texts of the Bible, the conclusion suggests only one - religious doctrines attribute the authorship of the Bible to God and the Prophets, but this version of science check does not withstand.
The authors are a great set, they lived in different historical epochs, added entire chapters, while the historical truth is intertwined with mythology.
As for the most famous prophets-authors of the Bible Isaiah and Iermey, indirect evidence that they existed.

Gospel. Four Gospels from Matthew, ?? Mark, Luke and John - tell the history of the life and death of Jesus Christ (and that after that happened). These books are named after the Apostles of Jesus, although the actual authors of the books may simply use these names.

The author of the first gospel, which be written, perhaps was Mark, which then inspired Matthew and Luka (John was different from them). In any case, the data suggests that acts seemed to be written at the same time (end I century AD) and the same and one author.

How was the Bible

The oldest writing material was a stone, and the tool for the letter is a cutter. The first mention of writing in the Bible is associated with the story of the Ten Commandments carved on the stone.

Space for writing was made of wood or ivory and covered with a layer of wax. They used the Assyrians, Greeks and Romans. Sometimes two planks were combined with loops. The letter to the letter served a pointed wand.

Babylonians for writing used clay thin rectangular plates. The words were squeezed on the surface of soft clay with a triangulated stylus, and then the plate was dried in the sun. Archaeologists have found entire "libraries" of such clay plates. It was often used fragments of a bit of dishes, "shards", on which they made notes for memory, constituted accounts and even lists of the desired purchases. Ink was prepared from soot divorced in vegetable oil or gum.

Even before the construction of the Pyramids of the Egyptians, they learned to produce papyrus from the core of the Nile reed, grew up in swampy places. Wet thick stalks laid rows, one on top of another, and beat a beater until a thin sheet was obtained. Then the sheet was dried, and it could be written on it. Papyrus was dear, but he was learned to use more than once, washing or scrapping former records. I wrote to the Egyptians with reed tassels, and ink was obtained from plants juice infused on some types of insects.

Sheep leather, goats, calves and antelopes were dried, screamed and cleaned, and then stretched and beat with a beater to get a smooth smooth surface for the letter. So the material was manufactured, called parchment. The guns for the letter did from the cane, pointed and splitting one end of the reed stick.

Bible languages


About 1500 BC. In Khanaan, someone came to mind a wonderful idea to come up with a symbol - letter - for each sound in the language. It took only about 25 letters. Now it was not necessary to memorize hundreds of different icons to transfer hundreds of different words. Any word could be recorded, just listening to his sounds and picking up the appropriate letters. This brilliant idea quickly adopted media of other languages.


Most of the Old Testament is written in Hebrew. In the Jewish alphabet of 22 letters for consonant sounds (the vowel reader had to substitute himself). Text is read right left, so the book turns away from left to right and the beginning turns out where we are accustomed to see the last page.


The Aramaic language was widespread in the Persian monarchy - the leading power of the Middle and Middle East for two hundred years (starting from about 550 to R.Kh.). Aramaic became the language of merchants in the whole region. Some parts of the Old Testament Books of Daniel, Ezra and Jeremiah were written in Aramaian.
However, the Hebrew remained the language of prayer and worship. The educated people still understood the Hebrew, although, when the Jewish Bible was read aloud in the synagogues, often the translator explained the meaning of Arames. The manuscripts of the units of the Old Testament are preserved, written in Arames; They are called "Targumi".

Greek language

In 331 gto R.Kh. Alexander the Great won Persia. He ruled almost all the well-known ancient world, and the "helpful" Greek became the language that the majority understood. The followers of Jesus wanted the whole world to hear the good news; Therefore, with Aramaic, which Jesus spoke, was translated into Greek. Only in a few places the initial Aramaic words have been preserved (for example, the word "AVVA", meaning "father"). Turning to the daughter of Jair, Jesus said: "Talifa Kumi," the Aramaic phrase spoke, uttered by him. The authors of the Gospel gave us and the Greek translation: "The girl, I tell you, get up" (MK 5:41). In the Greek alphabet, 24 letters, the letters for vowels were included in it. They wrote in Greek from left to right. In the revelation of John the Bogoslov (Rev 1: 8), God says: "I am alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end ..." (Alpha and Omega is the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet).

Who wrote the Bible.

The modern Bible is usually a very thick book, in which more than a thousand pages. Different parts of the Bible were written by different people over a long period of time, probably up to 1500 - 2000 years. Only later these numerous parts were collected in one book. Famous stories with ancient Jewish characters - Moses and the Ten Commandments, Joseph and His Multicolored Clothing, David and Goliath - happened about 3,500 years ago and were recorded at about the same time.

Oral tradition

The first stories in the Bible go back to prehistoric times, long before writing was invented.
They were transmitted exactly as children's play songs are transmitted online, "by constant repeat.
This transmission of stories is called oral tradition. In the evenings by the fire, during worship services, at work and in war, people sang songs and told the stories that they learned in childhood. These stories were treated with the greatest revelation, as it was about God in them. It was important to every word, and it was necessary to repeat it correctly.

Book Tradition

Scientists cannot say for sure when the Books of the Old Testament appeared: several centuries continued to record them. To the III century. Prior to R. H. Judea recognized some of their books "sacred", written in direct suggestion of God. They were formally recognized as such as the Cathedral in Yavne (Yamnii) in 90. P. R. X. and became the books of the Old Testament, as we know it now; True, we have them in a somewhat different order.

New Testament

Jesus from Nazareth gathering a lot of later writing of Old Testament books, exactly two thousand years ago. But the stories about it first were also transmitted hersal. Matthew, Mark, Luka and John wrote four Gospels, based on testimonies about the life of Jesus, left witnesses. All the stories about the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, about his life and the wonders committed by them, which we learn from the Gospels were recorded until 100 g. According to R. Kh. Matthew's books, Mark and Luke are usually called synoptic gospels; Apparently, they are based on the same oral legends about the life of Jesus and his teaching.

Apostle Paul and other authoritative mentors wrote messages in which they explained the believers of the provisions of Faith and taught them Christian behavior. The first of these messages appeared about 50 g. According to R. H., even before writing the Gospels. When the apostles and Christians of the first generation began to die, younger believers tried to collect the Genuine Scriptures, most precisely telling about Jesus and his teachings. Approximately 100 g. According to R. Kh. The Church recognized the most part of the Scriptures known to us as a new covenant, and about 200 g. He received recognition that the Canon of the New Testament of 27 books, which we know today.

Scrolls of the dead sea 1947 Bedunes a shepherd, who looked after the flock of sheep in a deserted hilly terrain to the west of the Dead Sea, noticed in one of the sheer clips. Entrance to the cave. He threw a stone there and suddenly heard the sound of the beating clay dishes. Interested in this, he climbed into the cave and found a lot there clay vessels. Continuing his surveys, he discovered inside vessels a parchment scroll covered with ancient Jewish letters. Its discovery did not cause interest, but when these scrolls saw archaeologists, a real excitement began. Over time in the caves around the place called by Kumran, about 400 scrolls were found, which were the library of the Jewish religious sect of Esseev. The scrolls contained parts of all the books of the Jewish Old Testament, with the exception of the book of Estheri. In times of Christ, the Ascetic community of Esseev lived near this place, who founded the settlement, which was excavated by scientists. The watchtower, a meal, scripting, where the deaths of the Dead Sea were probably rewriting, as well as ritual pools, a pottery workshop and cemetery. Cumran Radio carbon analysis showed that the deaths of the Dead Sea were written between 200 G. B. Kh. And 70 g. According to R. H. Scroll with the book of Isaiah was preserved almost completely; He is 1000 years old as he follows him the most ancient list of Isaiah, but both text are almost identical. This shows how accurates were the corresponders, as seriously they treated their work.

When the Bible was recorded, the books usual for us were not yet invented. People wrote on the scrolls. They were made from papyrus sheets, parchment or even from thin copper plates, stitching or gluing them together, so it turned out a long tape, up to ten meters long and thirty centimeters width. The ends of the ribbon have twisted on wooden rods: the reader has deployed the scroll with one hand, and the other walked it onto the second rod. Having finished reading, the scrolls wrapped the cloth and cleaned for preservation in high vessels.

Birth book

To transfer scrolls from place to place was inconvenient; Much time was required to find any brief biblical passage in a long scroll. In II century Christians gathered together the books of the New Testament. Probably, they were the first to refuse the scrolls. Instead, they came to connect to a notebook several sheets of papyrus or parchmen, folding in half and stitching in the fold, and then further add the same notebooks. This early type of book is called "Code"

The earliest of the famous full specimens of the New Testament was written shortly after 300 g. According to R. X. It is called Codex Sinaiticus, because it was found at the foot of Sinai Mountain, in the monastery of St. Katerina. In 1844, the Hermann Scientist Konstantin Tischendorf, during a visit to this secluded monastery, found several parchments with early Greek texts. It turned out that manuscripts contained part of the Old Testament and dated IV century. According to R. X., Tissendorf excited by its discovery was re-visited by the monastery and eventually found so many sheets in it that the almost complete Bible was gathered. Currently, Codex Sinaiticus is kept in the British Museum in London. Among other important early bible manuscripts on greek We note Codex Vaticanus, now in the Vatican Library, and Codex Alexandrinus, in the British Museum.

How did the Bible reached us

Jewish scribes

In antiquity, scribes enjoyed special respect, because they often turned out to be the only ones who could read, draw up testaments and conduct accounts. When new scrolls of the Old Testament were required, each word had to be carefully copied, and the sacred duty to keep the text and explain it. In order for the scribes to confuse the importance of their work and did not allow mistakes, strict rules were developed. For instance:

Every day the scribe was supposed to start working with prayer;
- Instead of the name of God, the gap was left, who filled out a person who wrote more "clean" ink;
- I finish copying one or another section, the scribe recalled the number of rows, words and letters in the original and compared with what he had in copies. He found and checked the central word in each section.

Errors still happened. But it is estimated that on average one error accounted for 1580 letters.


For the first time, the Old Testament was translated from the Jewish language to Greek in III - II centuries. Prior to R. X. This translation is known as Septuagint (from Latin numerical "seventy" by legend, the translation was performed by seven-way scientists). Jews by this time were settled throughout the Mediterranean and often spoke in Greek, and not in Jewish. The mentioned translation was made in Alexandria in Egypt for a fabulously huge Alexandria library.


"Monk" in Greek means "the person who lives alone." The first Christian monk was Anthony, who lived in the deserts of Egypt about 270 to 290 years. According to R. X. Others followed his example. More often, however, men (and separate women) lived in groups in monasteries, spending days in prayers, studying the Bible and work - they were engaged in agriculture or care for patients.


In the dark centuries, the defendant of the Roman Empire, the texts of the Holy Scripture kept and protected the monks. Each code rewrite from hand. It was a long and time-consuming business. Sometimes mistakes happened, perhaps due to the fatigue of the monk, or from scarce lighting, at which then worked. Sometimes the scribe even deliberately made changes, wanting to state the Scripture in his own words or lead the text in line with his own understanding. Often the monks worked in the scripting, i.e. A room where everyone was sitting at her table in full silence. There were no furnaces and lighting in such rooms because of the danger of fire. The work of the correspondence was tedious. There was such a nurse: "Feather hold two fingers, but everything body works."

Bible translation

By 300 g. According to R. Kh. The new covenant was translated into several languages, including Latin, Coptic and Syrian. The Syrian Bible was called Peshitt, or "Simple" version. Syrian preachers reported the Gospel and the whole Bible to China, India, Armenia and Georgia.
The Armenian and Georgian alphabets were probably created specifically in order to translate the Bible into these languages. The Bible was also translated into Coptsky (late form of ancient Egyptian) - the language of Christians of North Africa.

Bible for ready

Before IV. Nobody recorded the language of the German people. But approx. 350 G. Hepskop Ulfille translated the Bible into the language of the sharp and thus fixed it. The best of the preserved copies of this translation is Codex Argenteus (Silver Code), now stored in Uppsal (Sweden), is written in gold and silver on purple parchment.

Scientist named Ieronim, born in Northern Italy Ok. 345 in R. H., very worried errors allowed by the correspondence of the Bible. He traveled a lot, learned a lot of languages \u200b\u200band rewrote many parts of the Bible. OK. 382 G. P. Kh. Pope Damas asked Jerome to prepare a new full translation of the Gospels, as well as Psaltiri and other Old Testament books in order to try to get rid of the mistakes.


At that time, most Christians in the West spoke Latin and it was difficult for them to understand the Greek New Testament, but numerous translations to Latin seemed awkward and inaccurate. Jerome, who in 386 settled in a secluded monastery in Bethlehem, began to translate original Jewish and Greek texts of the whole Bible to Latin language. Jewish Rabbi helped him to learn Jewish language and translate the Old Testament from the original. This work took twenty-three years. Herone's finished translation over time received increasingly distribution. Known as Vulgate, "People's" version, he from the VIII century. Until 1609 was the only Bible that Roman Catholic Church enjoyed.

Precious books

Irish tradition

In the V - VI centuries. Irish monks went to Scotland and North England, where they, weird, talked about the Christian faith and founded monasteries. These monks brought with them the art of Celtic drawings. Excellent decorated books were manufactured in distant monasteries located on dull cliffs and islands. The monk could work all his life over one book, showing her love for God.

As decorated books

At that time, the books did from the finest calf skin, or from the leather sheep and goats. Copying the pages of St. Scripture after the monk completed the rewriting of the Latin text with a beautiful, elegant handwriting, his work was checked. Over time, the monks have become not only to copy the texts, but also to decorate the pages. Such bloomed drawings of the book are called illuminated manuscripts. Sometimes the rewriters were placed on the page hand drawn stem with complex patterns. The initial letter of the first word of chapter or paragraph could increase the way that she occupied almost the entire page, and then decorated it with patterns, flowers and even small figures. The monks created complex, glossing compositions from curves of lines, spirals, curls, shields where tiny, but carefully worked images of animals and birds. They used homemade watercolor paints, and sometimes thin leaf gold was added to larger effect. The tools served aspiring bird feathers and simple brushes, but they saw the scribes to achieve astounding results.

Gospel of Kels

In the book from Kels, there is one small figure (1.6 square meters. Cm), which is composed of 158 tiny twisted elements. This manuscript decorated with colored drawings is the greatest masterpiece of the art of Celts and Anglo-Saxons. Work on the manuscript began in the VII century. In the monastery, located on Island Island in Western Scotland. After a raider of Vikings, the book was taken to the Koe Monastery in Ireland, where she was finished. In the book of 339 sheets with a size of 33x25 cm and each of them is richly messenger. Now the book is kept in Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland).

Lindisfarnian Gospel

In 635, a monastery was founded on Lindisfarne, an island from the northeast coast of England. Lindisfarnian Gospels, outstanding in the beauty of illuminated manuscripts, rewritten and decorated in this monastery OK. 700 g. After about 300 years, the priest Aldred inscribed between the Latin text lines. Translation into Anglo-Saxon (Old English) language.

Golden Gospel

Golden Gospels are a series of amazing illuminated handwritten gospels created in VIII V.V. France under the supervision of Alquin, who arrived from the city of York in England. The inscriptions in them are made mainly gold, and decorations - silver and gold, and all this on a painted purple of the finest calf skin. From vi in. a copy of the Bible translated into Gothic Ulfilo; It is also written in gold and silver on a painted purple parchment.

Bible "In Chains"

Most of the Bibles was decorated much more modest than the Koe Book or Golden Gospel. But even a simple rewriting of books took years. The Bible was very expensive, and when the finished book was exposed to the monastery chapel or in the cathedral, it was often accounted for a chain to the analog or department to avoid theft.

In the Middle Ages, most of the Bibles wrote on Latin, that is, in a language, incomprehensible ordinary people. Some bravemen decided to change this state of affairs - to translate the Bible to the national language.

Translation Valdo

Around 1175, Peter Valdo, a wealthy merchant, who lived in France, in Lyon, decided to devote his life to God. Understanding the words of Jesus literally, he distributed all his property. The followers of Waldo, Waldens, transferred the Bible to Provencal language and, probably, also to Italian, German, Piedmont (Northernalian) and Catalan (they are spoken in the north-east of Spain).

Alphabet for Slavs

In IX V.Dva Brother, Christians, Kirill and Methodius, from the city of Fesaloniki in Greece went with a sermon to the Slavs of Eastern Europe. For their purposes, they transferred the Bible to the Old Slavonic language. To record the translation, they invented the alphabet, who became the prototype of Cyrillic (on behalf of one of the brothers), which today enjoyed in South Eastern Europe and Russia. Here the names of the Gospels are written in Church Slavonic Cyrillic.

Jan Gus

In the XV century In Prague, the capital of Bohemia (now part of the Czech Republic), the Rector of Karlova University Jan Gus (1374 -1415) began his performances against the greedy, promiscuity and ambition of priests. He was under great influence of the teachings of the weekef. For the open expression of views, Hus was accused of heresy, imprisoned and eventually burned on a fire. However, the followers of Gus began to translate the Bible into Czech, and the New Testament on Czech was printed in 1475.

The very first biblical book translated into Anglo-Saxon was a psalter; This translation took about 700 g. Bishop Aldehelm from Sherbourne. Later, the trouble is honorable, the abbot of the monastery in Jarrow (Northeast England), translated shortly before his death in 735. Part of the Gospel of John.

John Wicklife

John Weekelif (1329 -1384) dreamed of translation of the Bible into English, so that SV.P. Women became accessible to ordinary people. He was annoyed that only priests could decide which parts of the Bible to read and how to interpret them. Weeklyph taught at Oxford University, until he was expelled from there for criticizing these and other flaws of the Church. Later, the weekell was tried as a heretic, and some of his valuable books were publicly burned at a fire. Weeklifa followers, Nicholas from Hereford and John Pervi, transferred to English to the whole of the Bible; The work was completed in 1384. In 1408, the Wicklife Bible was banned, but it was manufactured in hundreds of copies and secretly sold. Since simple people then rarely knew how to read, followers of the weekef - poor priests, or "Lollarda," - went on the villages, reading and interpreting the Bible. Some of them died on a fire like heretics; During the execution on the neck they hung their Bible. Nevertheless, about 170 copies of this translation reached this day.

Pook printingOne of the early printed Bibles in 1450 was an event that could not help but influence the most decisive way on the history of the Bible spread: a typography was invented (better to say, a typography was discovered, because the Chinese began to print their books from 868 by R. H.). Johann Gutenberg from Mainz (Germany) guessed that the text could be drawn on parchment paper with the help of wooden letters, smeared with paint. In addition, it is easy to make hundreds of printed books instead of rewriting every hand. Then Gutenberg began experiments with metal fonts. The first book, which Gutenberg printed completely, was the Latin Bible (1458).

In 1978, one of the few preserved Gutenberg Bibles was purchased for 1,265,000 pounds. Although Johann Gutenberg and Mainz residents tried to preserve their invention in secret, the secret of them soon became known to all of Europe, from Rome and Paris to Krakow and London. In England, the first typographic machine started William Caxton (London, 1476). Soon the Bible was printed everywhere. The Old Testament in Hebrew was first published in 1488 in Italy by the Soscino brothers.

Two great translator

Great reformer Martin Luther

In the XV-XVI centuries. In Europe, there are huge changes. There are more and more educated people who can judge the religion and society. In church affairs reigns a restlessness: many priests are dishonest or lazy, preach their own ideas without links to the Bible. One of those who rebelled against the existing orders was the German priest Martin Luther, born in 1483. In those days, churches often used as a bulletin board. And in October 1517, Martin Luther nailed to the door of the church in Wittenberg, a sheet with 95 theses of religious reforms. Luther's activity led to a huge change in the church, which we call the Reformation, and he himself entered the story as a reformer of the Church.

Luther was announced outside the law and he had to hide in the Wartburg Castle. There Luther began to translate the Scripture to German, so that other people could experience the joy he himself found in the Bible reading. Luther believed that a good translation could be performed only directly from the original language and should be created on the basis of everyday spoken speech.
The full "Luther Bible" is one of the first Bibles written in the language of ordinary people, was published in 1532 and today the translation of Luther, who had a noticeable impact on the formation of a modern German language, remains the most beloved German Bible.

Bible for migrants

The Welf Bible contained many errors made by translating and rewriting. Even after the invention of the typographic machine, the British did not have a good printed Bible, which they could read in their own language. The authorities were considered dangerous to allow ordinary people to read the Bible and decide by themselves, as what to believe in what. Translate and print any parts from the Bible forbidden. But one Englishman named William Tindale, as the priest said: "If God remains life to me ... I will do that the peasant guy who drives horses, pronounced in the plow, will know about the Bible more than you know."

Bible smuggling

William Tindal (1494-1536) is the greatest English translator of the Bible. Living in exile in Germany, he translated from the Greek New Testament. In 1526, printed specimens were taper brought to England in bags with grain and baskets with fish. King Heinrich VIII commanded them to burn. Translation of the Old Testament Tindale did not have time to finish: he was devoted, captured and burned on a fire in Belgium. Dying he prayed: "Lord, open the eyes of the English king."

Do not stop the Bible

Bible in Dutch

Many Bible translations were based on Luther's Bible. Protestant Bible translation to the Dutch language was made by Jacob Lispheldt and published in 1526. The Roman Catholic Church released a Dutch translation made by Nicolas Wang Wing in 1548

Geneva Bible 1560 was translated by English Protestants living in exile in Geneva. It was the most accurate English translation at that time; Sometimes it is called the "Block Bible", because in the Book of Genesis 3: 7 in translation says that Adam and Eve "made their own pants." The translation began to immediately use in Scotland churches.

Translation of king James

When the King of Jacob I entered the English throne in 1603, there were two translations in the go: the Geneva Bible and the Bishop Bible (the corrected version of the Miles of Miles Coverdale, released in 1568). With the assistance of the King of Jacob, it was decided to prepare a new edition, renovated on these translations, as well as original Greek and Hebrew texts. Fifty scientists were divided into six groups, each of which translated its part of the Bible, and the resulting text checked the Commission, which included two scientists from each group. This "approved version", first printed in 1611, is still very popular due to its accuracy and beauty of the language.

Portuguese Bible

The New Testament on Portuguese (First Joao Ferreira D "Almeida) was published in Amsterdam in 1681. The full Portuguese Bible appeared only in 1748-1773.

Spanish Bible

The full Spanish Bible translated by Valencian Catalan appeared in 1417, but all the copies were destroyed by the Inquisition. The translation of the monk Kassiodor de Rain, who lived in exile, was published in 1569 in Basel (Switzerland). The transfer of the Rhine, refined by the monk Cyprus de Valera, was reissued in 1602 and became the generally accepted Protestant Bible in Spanish (Rhine Valera Translation).

Bible in French

The priest of the Roman Catholic Church of Jacques Lefevre D "The stage published the French translation of the New Testament in Paris in 1523. The church authorities, however, reacted to this enterprise with suspicion, as Lefevr sympathized with the Reformation. Therefore, its full translation of the Bible, which included uncanctic books of the Old Testament. , Lefever had to be printed in Antwerp (Modern Belgium), where the publication could not be confiscated. Translated from Vulgata This version became known as the Antwerp Bible. The first Protestant French Bible was printed in Neuchatel (Switzerland) in Pierre Robert Olivetan, Jean Calvin's cousin . The edition of 1650, often called the French Geneva Bible, has become a recognized French Protestant Bible. Meanwhile, the French Roman Catholic Bible was released in the University of Louvent in 1550; it is called the Luvan Bible.

Bible for Italy

The very first Italian Bible was printed in Venice in 1471. The Catholic Bible Antonio Brocholi was published in 1530, and the first Protestant Bible - 1562. The most famous Protestant Bible in Giovanni Diodeati came out in 1607 in Geneva.

Bible in Russian

The Bible was published in Russia in 1518 in Slavic; It was based on the translation made in 863 by the preachers of Kirill and Methodius. In Russian, the new covenant first appeared in 1821, and the Old Testament only in 1875

Swedish Bible

In 1541, Sweden received the Ustina Bible; Translation made Laurentis Petri, Archbishop Up Pasta.

Bible for Danes

Denmark has become a secious Protestant country in the initial period of the Reformation. The first Danish translation of the New Testament was published in 1524. The adopted Danish version printed in Copenhagen in 1550 is called the Bible of the King Christian III, named by the Monarch, who was right then by Dania.

Bible in a new light
Transferring the Bible to most European languages, Europe's Christians made their gaze to other parts of the world.

Bible for the indigenous people of America

In the XVII century, some English Christians called "Puritans" felt that the state church no longer adheres to the teachings of the Bible. Puritan group, known as Pilgrim Fathers, in 1620 sails to North America to start there new life. After eleven years old, English priest John Eliot (1604-1690) arrives in a new light with another group of colonists. Having learned the language of local Massachusetts Indians, Eliot began to preach the gospel. By 1663, he translated the Bible into the Language of Massachusetts Indians. This translation into the language of the indigenous inhabitants of America was the first Bible released in North America.

South America

The first printed biblical book for the indigenous people of South America was the gospel of Luke in the language of Aimar, released in 1829. Translation made Dr. Vincent Pasos-Khanka, Peruvian, who lived in London.

First Indian Bible

At the beginning of the XVIII century. Representatives of the Danish Mission of Pieteists went to East India. The German missionary Bartoloma Siegenbalg (1628-1719) translated the new covenant to Tamil's language; This is the very first translation of the part of the Bible into any of the languages \u200b\u200bof India. He also managed to translate the Old Testament to the book of Ruth. The translation of Siegenbalga completed another German missionary christian Christian Fritrich Schwartz (1726-1760). By 1800, the Bible was translated into at least 70 languages. By 1900, at least one biblical book was translated by 500 with excess languages. How to explain so fast change? During this period, researchers began to travel around the world; Entrepreneurs have established the offices of their companies in distant countries. Often, they invited priests to accompany their trading agents; An example of William Carey breathed in Christians enthusiasm to sermons and the translation of the Bible.


Researchers and missionaries like David Livingston began to visit Africa in the XIX century. Scotland Robert Moffat translated the Bible into the language of the Bechuiana. The translation of the Bible into the language of Yoruba was followed by Ajaya Krautter, a liberated slave from Nigeria, who became the first Bishop African. Translation was completed in 1884

Shoemaker who translated the Bible

When the young Englishman William Carey (1761-1834) left the school, he was given to put together to the shoemaker. Baptist, he began to study the New Testament and became a Baptist preacher. He independently mastered Latin, ancient Greek, Hebrew, French and Dutch languages. Carey believed that the words of Jesus: "Go, teach all the peoples," were turned not only to the apostles, but also to Christians of all centuries. Carey called on his listeners: "Expect the Great from God ... Take a great accomplishment for God." Thanks to his zeal in 1792, a Baptist missionary society was formed.

Carey in India

In 1793, William Carey, together with his wife and the Four Children went to India. There he earned a living, serving a master in the factory of indigo paint, and in free time He studied several Indian languages. Soon he began to translate the Bible to Bengal. Ultimately, under his observation, transfers of the full Bible were performed for six local languages, and separate biblical books were translated into 29 languages, including Sanskrit, Bengali, Marathi and Singalese. Kary's colleague, Joshua Marshman, began to transfer the Bible into Chinese, which was already engaged in another Englishman Robert Morrison. The full Bible in Chinese was published in 1823.

Bible and History

Data mined during excavations can often have many interpretations, and their reliability remains relative. Absolute accuracy can be achieved very rarely. When did a person come? How old is the earth? When did Abraham lived? When did the outcome happen? How did the conquest of Canaan occurred, by invasioning from outside or as a result of an internal social coup? Was Moses the author of Pentateuch? Neither biblical criticism nor archaeological excavations can give convincing answers to these questions. Sometimes it seems that archeology and biblical science contradict each other. The problem lies in part in the inability to adequately understand the biblical text, partly in the improper interpretation of the evidence of archeology. Some places could be incorrectly identified, other unprofessional excavations, or the excavations data were evaluated erroneously. Archeology can often help us better understand some things, but it rarely contributes clarity into the difficult places of the Bible. It is too much to require it - it means that it is incorrect to understand its essence.

Acts of God

The Bible is a meeting of books written over the centuries from the position of Judaistical monotheism. Bible authors never intended to write a story in a modern sense; Their goal was to demonstrate the acts of God in Jewish history. The main contribution of archeology into the study of the Bible is that with its help, we can clarify and clearly imagine the story, in the context of which the biblical faith arose. The Bible was not written in vacuum, and the events that are described in it, too, did not occur in vacuum. The ancient Jews experienced the influence of the cultures of other peoples with which they were in contact, and the Bible notes these influences as good and bad. Biblical archeology penetrates the depth of the area of \u200b\u200bancient history, which gave birth to the Bible.

What is the meaning of these stones?

What value are archaeological discoveries for the reader of the Bible? The main contribution archeology does not contribute to apologetics. Undoubtedly, the results of archaeological works clarified some difficulties. For example, in the Greek city of Thessaloniki, an inscription on a stone containing the word politicians was found, this term of Luca will pay in Acts 17: 6 in relation to the Roman authorities. Bible critics considered this a mistake, because before this discovery there were no evidence of the use of this term. On the other hand, all attempts to find Jericho Joshua Navina or Jerusalem Solomon still brought for most of the disappointment.

Exciting discovery

Nevertheless, many exciting discoveries have been made, perfectly illustrating the Bible: the clay Prism of Sinaiheriba (SENNAHIRMA), who mentions the king of Jews by Jews; Black Obelisk of Salmanassar with the image of the Jewish Tsar Iiu's Blancher; Babylonian chronicle, giving reason to date the destruction of Jerusalem 587 to R. x.; Cyliner Kira, showing that the Persian monarch encouraged the subjects of the people, among whom were both the Jews, return to their native land and restore their cities and temples.

The inscription on the stone floor of the theater courtyard in Corinth, containing the name of Erast, the urban treasurer, perhaps the one who is mentioned in Rome 16:23; Winter Palace Herod of the Great in Jericho and the place of his burial in Irodion. However, the famous archaeologist, the deceased Roland de in warned: "Archeology cannot" prove the Bible. The truth of the Bible of the Religious Property ... This spiritual truth cannot be proved, nor refute, it cannot be confirmed or discredited by the material finds of archaeologists. However, the Bible is written, to a large extent, as a historic story ... It is precisely the confirmation of this "historical" truth of the Bible is waiting for the archeology. "

Value of archeology

The greatest value of archeology for the man studying the Bible in its ability to put our biblical faith in its historical context and demonstrate a cultural context in which biblical events took place. For those who love the Bible, there is nothing more wonderful than standing on the oilseed mountain in Jerusalem and inspect the results of archaeological excavations in the Holy City: Here is a part of the walls restored nehemia; Here are the steps that in the time of Jesus led to the temple; Excavations in Masada, near the Dead Sea (Israel) Here is the tunnel of Jeskey, leading to the Siliam pond, where Jesus opened his eyes blind; Here are the beautiful stones of the temple, which was indicated by Jesus students. And what an excitement to walk through the kolesnoe city of Solomon and Ahava in Megiddo; To wander among the Ruins of Caesarea Primorskoy, the Majestic City on the Mediterranean Sea, or among the pools, built by Essey in Kumran, where scrolls of the Dead Sea were found. Caesarea aqueducts, Bani Masada and Jericho, Synagogues of Galilee, Water Tunnels Megiddo, Hacoror, Gezra and Jerusalem, Strengthening Lahisha, Altar of Bethlehem and Mountains Geval, Forums and temples of Samaria and Geras, Amman and Ephesus Theaters - All this creates an indelible impression of civilization, When it existed in these places. In your imagination, we can restore these cities as they were in the times of Abraham, Solomon, Jesus and Paul.

Historical context

The history of Jesus begins not with "Once in a certain distant country ...", and "When Jesus was born in Bethlehem Jewish in the days of King Herod ..." (MF 2: 1). How to miraculously cross the hills of Judea, walk through the streets of Bethlehem, to wander around Nazareth, ride a boat along the Galilean Sea or walk through the Jerusalem Old Town. What an excitement to monitor each movement of the shovel of the archaeologist, conscious that it was here that, in these very places, in the historical and geographical reality, humanity was transferred to the most precious heritage in history. That is the value of biblical archeology - is that it allows you to place faith in the reality of ancient history.

The average visitor of the church does not know anything about what sophisticated questions Can call familiar words. However, scientists studying the Bible consider this book by the artifact of the human race, like any other books. To decipher and analyze it from this point of view, it became the meaning of their lives.

Based on self-studying texts, the biblies came up with many theories, who was actually written to Scripture. And these theories are challenging the traditional assumptions about who is the author of the Bible.

10. Moses did not write a pentateuger

Jews and Christians believe that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. Nevertheless, there were still doubts about the medieval rabbis on this occasion. The first obvious fact, causing suspicion: Moses could not write in the 34 chapter of Deuteronomy Poems 5-10, which speaks of his death. But this blatant inconsistency is only the beginning of inconsistencies.

From the verse of Being 12: 6 it follows that the author wrote about the time coming after the Cananei was expelled from this region, although this happened after Joshua appeared, the Moses receiver. Similarly, the information concluded in Genesis 36:31 says that this text was written when Israel has already become a monarchy. Genesis 24 mentions homemade camels, but camels were domesticated much later. As for the trading caravan in the Book of Genesis 37:25, then such a business flourished only in the eighth and seventh centuries BC.

One of the earliest explanations of all these text mistakes was that Moses wrote only the very essence of the pentateuct, but later editors (such as Ezdra) contributed their additions to it. But in 1670, the philosopher Baruch Spinosa for the first time suggested that Moses did not write any of these books at all. In the ancient East, it was quite ordinary to attribute their work to the predecessor hero, or even God to legitimize his message and its content. That's probably something similar happened here.

9. Documentary hypothesis

In the 19th century, scientists began to detect even more inconsistencies and mistakes in the Bible, which is why its composite story turned out to be much more complicated than previously expected. In 1886, the German historian Julius Wellgausen suggested that six-story (pentateuch, together with the book of Joshua Navina), was drawn up from four different documents of different authors. These documents are marked: J (Jahwist, translated from it. - Yahvist), E (Elohist, in the lane. With it. ELOGIST), D (Deuteronomium, in Per. With Lat. Deuteronomy) and P (Priesterkodex, in Per. With him. Prophe's Code). Each of them has its own theology and purpose.

This theory explains the presence of recurring stories ("Doublets"), such as two references to the creation and two references to the Flood - in Genesis 7:17 describes a 40-day flood, while Genesis 8: 3 says that it lasted 150 days . It is assumed that later editors were combined into one narrative data from several sources, sometimes twisting two versions of one story, and sometimes neglecting the smoothing of obvious discrepancies, as can be seen in the stories about the flood.

In Yahviste (j), God is called "Yagwe" (Yahveh) or "Jehovah" (JAHVEH) on german languageHence the name "J". His concept allows God to perceive God in the anthropomorphic concept, because he appeared in front of people as Abraham face to face. The book indicated by the letter E calls God with the name "Elohim" and depicts it indirectly as in dreams. D is a source of information for broadcasting, as well as for the book of Joshua Navina, the books of the judges of Israel, the first and second book of the kingdoms and the books of the kings. This document defines God as a non-shaped one that any person can see. As for the Prophetic Code (P), it focuses mainly on the cult around God and loops on its pedigree and genealogical lists.

Most recently, the idea of \u200b\u200bfour separate, full and consistent documents aroused a lot of doubt, but the complex nature of writing the pentateuch still remains an indisputable fact.

8. Deuteronomy arose as royal propaganda

Deuteronomy literally means "Second Law". It is assumed that this book was written during the reign of King Iosia in the seventh century in order to publish new laws that strengthen the position of the clergy and thereby create a more special religion of the Jewish kingdom.

A new set of laws rethinks the old provisions established on the Sinai mountain in the light of new political and social realities. The nature of his story suggests that Deuteronomy will read residents of cities and villages focused on the Board of the Temple of Jerusalem. The legislation written for the temple is replaced by the previous law written in the book Exodus 20:24, and this indicates that Deuteronomy was written much later after the Israeli people struck the wilderness.

In 1805, Wilhelm Martin Lebereht de Velta suggested that the "Book of Laws", found in the temple of Jerusalem during the reign of Iosia, was actually a broadcast. Supporters of this point of view believe that the document was deliberately put so that it was easy to detect. The commandments described in Deuteronomy are identical to the reforms carried out by IOSIA, and therefore the book can be written by the royal supporters who want to ensure the actions of the kingdom support from God.

There is also evidence that Deuteronomy is a composite work written in different periods of time. The book discovered in the temple was its main part. However, individual episodes suggest that the Babylonian captivity of the sixth century BC has already happened at the time of their writing. These passages could be added here many years later.

7. Daniel was his prophecies in the back

The Book of the Prophet Daniel is often compared with the book of revelations, because they both may indicate future events that are accomplished until the end of the world's existence. Many of the alleged prophecies of Daniel were fulfilled, but does this prove that Daniel was a corn-borne visionary?

Scientists see more prosaic explanation to this fact. Daniel is possible and in fact was a Jew from the Hellenistic period, but did not exactly belonged to the number of Babylonian judges. Its, the so-called prophecies can be called "Vaticinium Ex Eventu" or "the prophecy about what happened", which was made on the basis of confirmed facts, so he could simply give himself for a genuine clairvoyant.

The book itself, apparently, was made up far from one author. After all, her chapters 1-6 are written in the Aramaic language, while chapters 7-12 - in Hebrew. Daniel makes many historical mistakes when it comes to the Babylonian period, the time in which he supposedly lived. For example, he claims that Valstasar was the son of Nebuchadnezzar, but the typida cylinder found in Ura points out that the real father of Valtasar was Naboid. In addition, Valstasar was the hereditary prince, but never became the king, contrary to the statements of Daniel. In the book of the Prophet Daniel 5:30, Daniel tells how a certain Darius from the mussel conquered Babylon. In fact, it made Cyrus Great, PERS by origin and is not at all from the mussel. It is he who overthrew Babylon.

On the other hand, Daniel writes about the events of the Ellinism Egypt with emergency accuracy. Chapter 11, presented here in the form of a prophecy, describes literally every item of what was supposed to happen. This leads to the conclusion that Daniel witnessed these events, but did not immediately live in the Babylonian period, the description of which it gives very vague and incorrectly.

Thus, scientists suggest that the book of the Prophet Daniel was written in the period from about 167 to 164. BC, during the persecution of Jews by the Syrian Tirana of Antioch Epifan. The book was written in the form of inspirational Scripture, which was to support Jews during severe life tests. Once Daniel even tried to make real prophecy, speaking of the death of Antioch in the Holy Land. But it turned out unsuccessful. Antioch died in Persia in 164 to R. Kh.

6. The Gospel does not contain eyewitnesses

Four canonical gospels in the New Testament are anonymous. The names of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were not attached to them until the second century.

Whoever there were real authors of one of the four Gospels, they never claimed that they personally witnessed the events described by them. The gospel most reminiscent of religious agitation than the biography of Jesus, because theological motivation is clearly visible here. Each book is a special interpretation of Jesus, where Jesus is the theological position of the author-evangelist.

In the Gospel of Matthew, the most Jewish Gospel, we hear how Jesus proclaims the continuing relevance of the Torah. In the Gospel-oriented Gospel from John, Jesus himself suits the day off on Saturday. And the gospel of Mark represents us Jesus, which is in agony and suffers from the very death. As for the Gospel of John, then Jesus, on the contrary, looks calmly and keeps everything under his control.

Some scientists suggested that the Gospel was written in the technique of Midrash - the Jewish way of interpretation, allowing new forms to give old biblical stories (as it were, they would have been told in Hollywood, they made a "Rimeik"). Thus, the 40-day stay of Jesus in the desert reminds of 40-year-old exile Moses in the land of Madiam. That is, a story about when Jesus comes from the desert, notifying all about the kingdom of God, was borrowed from the story about the return of Moses from exile and proclaim them the immediate liberation of Israelis from slavery. And the loud name "twelve apostles" was inspired by how Elijah called Elisha. And here then you can find many similar moments, because all the gospels were built on the balances of old stories, but told about new participants and new places of action.

5. The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel from Luke was the plagiarism of the Gospel of Mark

Most New Testament scientists agree that the Gospel of Mark was created by the first of all four Gospels. It is short, written on bad Greek and contains many geographic and other errors.

Instead of presenting an independent description of the life of Jesus, the Gospel of Matthew and from Luke largely borrowed information from the Gospel of Mark, and in some cases even copied his text almost literally. The gospel of Matthew uses about 607 of the 661 styles brand, and the gospel of Luke is 360.

To their honor, Matthew and Luca improved the original brand text. They corrected grammar, style, correctness of data and theology.

For example, in the verse of the Gospel of Mark 5: 1 Eastern shore of the Galilean Sea is mistakenly called the Gratesian country, which is actually located in more than 50 kilometers from the place. The verse of the Gospel of Matthew 8:28 replaces it to the more believable country, Gadarinskaya, located only 12 kilometers from the lake (notes. There is in mind the Tiber Lake, which was previously called the Galilee Sea). In the Gospel of Mark 7:19, Jesus "announces all the food pure", with a carefully read the Pentafa, seems to do not agree, because he decided not to copy this application to his parallel Scripture.

Mark mistakenly attributes a quote from Malachi Isaiah, and in the verse of the Gospel of Matthew 3: 3 This error is fixed. A more primitive doctrine of Christ, which can be traced in the Gospel of Mark, allows you to call Jesus "Lord" only once and not at all the Jew. In a more developed Christology, Matthew, the word "Lord" is used 19 times, and in the Gospel of Luke it is repeated 16 times.

4. Forgotten Gospel Q

Both gospels from Matthew and from Luke have common Materialnot found in the Gospel of Mark. Scientists suspect that they had another document, apparently lost, because for these statements they call the same unknown source, indicated by "Q" (from the German Quelle - "Source"). We can restore some data from the source q, noting the general quotes from the Gospels from Matthew and from Luke. Apparently, Q included such important biblical records as the commandments of bliss and the prayer of the Lord (our own).

Oral arrangements between Mathethem and Luke suggest that the material taken from the brand was supposed to be taken from a written, unusual source. Matthew and Luca could not copy these texts from each other, because in both gospels contain contradictory history (for example, the story of Christmas and Resurrection by the Lord).

Q For the most part, is a collection of statements, not narratives. Matthew and Luke added separate sayings in the context of their stories, and they also used different styles in them. For example, the Gospel of Matthew includes the commandments of bliss in the Nagorny preaching of Jesus, while Luka decided to break the same sermon and submit separate statements from it throughout its history.

Recovery Q led researchers to a strange conclusion: as q does not contain the passion of the Lord, the one who first wrote this document must be considered Jesus Teacher of Wisdom and anyone more. The death of Jesus had no significant meaning for this writer.

3. It turns out that Simon Volkhv and Paul is the same person

While some of the theories given in this article are approved by most scientists, others may well be more speculative.

One of them concerns Simon Mag. The fathers of the Church condemned him as the creator of Gnostic heresy, promoting hostile attitude towards God, Jews and Torah. So, for many it can become a shock that Paul, the greatest apostle and the author of most of the New Testament, can actually be Simon.

In Pavl's messages, it is difficult to distinguish between the consistent course of thoughts. His writings are chaotic, incoherent and contain conflicting theology. But didn't Paul observed the Ten Commandments? Did he not allow women to participate in worship? Didn't he achieve recognition of his gospel among men? Scientists, such as Herman Destreering and Robert Price expressed a radical assumption that Paul's letters were changed and redone later writing to erase or soften their Gnostic content. This made it more acceptable for immigrants from the primary orthodox Roman Catholic Church. It is assumed that the original, non-fake letters were the hands of Simon Magniphe or one of his followers.

Some similarities exist between Simon and Paul. Simon was known for his meeting with the apostle Peter. In the message to the Galatians 2: 11-14 Paul and Peter were not in freaks with each other. Simonov called the "father of Yeresya," and Paul was recognized as the "apostle of heretics". Simon betrayed himself for someone great, saying "the little one should become great." Latin name "Paul" means "small". Jewish historian Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200btalks about Magi, who may have been Simon, because he was called "Atomus" or "indivisible", that is, "small."

If the assumption that Paul is Simon is true, it turns out, most of the new covenant was based on the works of the arch-heretic.

2. Pastoral Messages is a fake

Messages to Timothy and Titus differ from the style of writing and the biblical values \u200b\u200bof genuine messages of Paul. This suggests that the messages were actually the cause of the hand of the falsifier trying to feel the influence that Paul possessed. Most scientists, not wanting to call the messages with fakes, began to marry them as "pseudo epigraphs", which means the same thing.

Of the 848 words (with the exception of their own names) found in the messages, 306 were never used in the remaining messages of Paul. Their vocabulary More like the language of popular Hellenistic philosophy, than on Paul's speech. Also, the falsifier issues a literary style. While Paul uses dynamic and emotional Greek, messages serene and meditative. In the end, these letters focused on topical issues of the developing Catholicism of the second century (and not on the Catholicism of the first century, when Paul lived), such as the church organization and the preservation of traditions. In writing messages, the emerging church turns Paul from the Gnostic Heretic Apostle in the defender of the emerging orthodoxy.

Professor David Tobish suspects the writing of these fakes of the Bishop of Polycarp Smirnsky. Tourish says that the polycarp practically puts his signature in the second message to Timothy 4:13: "When you go, bring the Felon, which I left in the Troadade at carp, and books, especially leather." The name of the carp, unlike other names in this chapter, never appears in the Acts of the Apostles or in earlier letters of Paul. It says that Carp brought "Felon", that is, it is meant to take the mantle of Paul. He also used Paul's written accessories. Later, the verse mentions a guy named Cristnic, and, although he never appears anywhere in the canonical messages, the Cristnic is mentioned in the Polycarp's Message.

1. John did not write a revelation

The traditional assumption seem to be a student of Jesus, John, wrote a book of revelation, caused doubts already in the third century. Christian writer Dionysis Alexandria with the help of critical research methods, still used by modern scientists, noticed the difference between the elegant Greek Gospel from John and the rough illiterate prose of revelation. These works could not be written in the same person.

Dionysis notes that in the revelations of St. John the Theologian, the author identifies himself at work, while in the Gospel of John there is no one. He argued that two men simply had the same name.

Modern scientists also added their own understanding of this problem here. Today it is assumed that this author was a Jew who opposes the image of Christianity as Paul showed, with his pagan elements and salvation without taking into account the Pentateuch. The author calls Paul's church in Smyrna "Satanic", and a woman manager in another church, located in the city of Fiat, "Jezebel". In short, he could not be the one who could be called a Christian today.

In fact, the revelation may have been originally written before Christianity. Links to Jesus Christ were inserted here many years later to make this document more Christianized. They are mostly grouped in chapters 1 and 22, and only occasionally occur in other places. Surprisingly, these poems can be removed from here without disturbing its main structure and flow of surrounding poems, while preserving general meaning The text is practically intact. This suggests that the original book of revelations did not have anything in common with Jesus.

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"He served us well, this myth of Christ ..." Pope Leo X, XVI century.

"Everything will be fine!", "Said God and created the Earth. He also worked the sky and all sorts of creatures in a pair, did not forget about vegetation, so that the creatures were doing what to eat, and, of course, created in his own way and like a person to prevail and rushing over his mistakes and violations of the commandments of the Lord ...

Almost every one of us is sure that everything really happened. What assures the alleged holy book, which is so dimly and called - "Book", only in Greek. But her Greek name was accustomed to hearing - "Bible"from which in turn went the name of book repository - Libraries.

But even here there is a hoax that few people or at all pays attention. Believers are well known that this book consists of 77 smaller books and two parts of the Old and. Does any of us know that hundreds Other little books were not included in this big book just because church "bosses" - high priests - an intermediate link, the so-called intermediaries between people and God, so decided among themselves. Wherein repeatedly changed Not only the composition of the books included in the Big Book itself, but also the contents of these smallest books.

I am not going to analyze the Bible once again, it is still with a feeling several times, with the sense, and with the arrangement, many wonderful people read about written in the "Holy Scripture" and outlined seen in their writings, such as "biblical truth "David Naidisa," Funny Bible "and" Funny Gospel "Leo Texil," Biblical pictures ... "Dmitry Baida and Elena Lyubimova," Crusade "Igor Melnik. Read these books and you will learn the Bible on the other hand. Yes, and more than confident that believers do not read the Bible, because if they read it, it would be impossible to not notice such a number of contradictions, inconsistencies, substitutions of concepts, deception and lies, not to mention calls to extermination All the peoples of the Earth are by God-loved by the population. Yes, and this folk himself destroyed several times under the root in the process of selection, while their gods did not take the group of perfect zombies, which all his commandments and instructions learned very well, and most importantly, they were strictly performed, for which life and continuation were kind of her, and ... new.

In this work, I want to draw your attention to the fact that it was not included in the above canonical books, or what do hundreds of other sources speak no less interesting than the "holy" Scripture. So, consider biblical facts and not only.

First skeptic, referring to the inability to call the author of the pentateuch of Moses (namely, Christian and Jewish authorities assure us), there was a certain Persian Jew Hii Gabalki, who lived in the 9th century. He noted that in some books talks about himself in the third person. Moreover, sometimes Moses allows themselves to be extremely immodest things: for example, it can characterize himself as a man of the oldest of all people on Earth (book of numbers) or say: "... There was no more Israeli of the Prophet of such as Moses" (Deuteronomy).

Next the topic developed Dutch philosopher-materialist Benedict Spinoza, who wrote his famous "theological and political treatise" in the XVII century. Spinosa "dug" in the Bible is such a number of inconsistencies and frank leaps, "say, Moses describes its own funeral - that there is no longer an inquisition to stop growing doubts.

At the beginning of the XVIII century, First, the German Lutheran pastor Witter, and then the French doctor Jean Astryuk made the discovery, which consists of two texts that have different primary sources. That is, some events in the Bible tells twice, and in the first version, the name of God sounds like Elohim, and in the second - Yahweh. It turned out that in fact, all the so-called Books of Moses were drawn up in the period of the Babylonian captivity of Jews, i.e. much laterThan they say the rabbis and priests, and unambiguously could not be written by Moses.

A series of archaeological expeditions In, including the expedition of the Jewish University, did not find any traces of such an epocal biblical event, as the outcome of the Jewish people from this country in the XIV century BC. None in any ancient source, whether the papyrus or the Assiro-Babylonian clinical plate, never mentioned about the stay of Jews in the Egyptian captivity at the specified time. Mention of later Jesus is, but about Moses - no!

And Professor Zeave Duke in the Gaaretz newspaper summed up long-term scientific research on the Egyptian issue: "Perhaps someone will be unpleasant to hear and difficult to accept, but today it is quite clear to researchers that the Jewish people were not in slavery in Egypt and did not wander in the wilderness ..."But the Jewish people were in slavery in Babylonia (modern) and adopted from there many legends and legends, including them then in a revised form in the Old Testament. Among them was the legend of the World Flood.

Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bVespasian, the famous Jewish historian and a military leader who lived allegedly in the first century AD, in his book "On the antiquity of the Jewish people", which was first printed only in 1544, besides, in Greek, the number establishes The books of the so-called Old Testament in the amount of 22 units and says which books do not dispute, because they are transmitted since ancient times. He talks about them in the following words:

"We have no thousand books, we do not agree with each other, one of the other not refuting; There are only twenty-two books covering all the past and by justice those considered divine. Of these, five belongs to Moses. They contain laws and legends about generations of people who lived before His death are a period of three thousand years without a small one. Events from the death of Moses and to the death of the ArupSerx, who reigned in after Xerxes, described the prophets who lived after Moses, the contemporaries of what happened in thirteen books. The rest of the books contain the hymns to God and instruct people how to live. Everything that happened from the artaxerxes to our time is described, but these books do not deserve the same faith as the aforementioned, because their authors were not in relation to the prophets in strict succession. As we treat our books, it can be seen in fact: there are already so many centuries, and no one dared to add anything to them or take away, do not rearrange; Jews are congenital faith in this doctrine as a divine: it should be kept tightly, and if necessary, then to die for him with joy ... "

Traditional misconceptions

Bible - Sacred Book for a significant part of the population Globe, Moreover, many of them blindly believe that it was written by the Lord himself or at least from his words. This can be found fairly confirmation, especially for real historical events, one way or another veiled by sacred texts. This ancient book is just a storage of wisdom with which it is not even possible to join the dispute.

But all this is only at first glance. After all, if you approach this issue on the other hand, it becomes clear who wrote the Bible in fact, and also why he needed it. We will try to figure it out.

Who wrote the Bible. The opinion of the theologian

Who, as not a person, "especially close to the Lord," will be able to fully answer such a delicate question, who worrying the minds of some part of the parishioners? True, how truthful will their answers, judge only those who hear them. So, according to scientists, the Bible itself, the new covenant and the Old Testament are written by the prophets, based on the prominses sent by him over (read by the Lord). Moreover, the names of these prophets, except for John the Cologovo ("Apocalypse"), is not possible to find. You can, of course, believe it, but you can turn to another delicate question about how to name a person who believes that in a dream he is talking to the Lord, and the rest of the time broadcasts the truth to the people.

Who wrote the Bible. Opinion Mistikov

Mystics are capable of any, even the most insignificant thing to put out supernatural abilities and hidden meaning. Fook "Cost of Profession". But their opinion, oddly enough, is more like the truth. They believe that the Bible is a kind of collection of century-old wisdom of peoples, covered by a veoy of ordinary, to find it only one who will imbued with divine light. It will have to agree with this, because only those who find fanaticism can blindly believe each of the words that says that each said phrase is endowed with the meaning and is the truth.

Who wrote the Bible. Opinion historians

Various researchers inclined to compare historical monuments believe that most of the events described in the Bible have already been described in other books or legends of the ancient peoples. Indeed, it is impossible not to see the obvious similarity of the New Testament with the most common legends of different nations: one, Hercules, Hercules, Oziris. All these characters were children of some kind of deity sent to our world different ways, they carried the Divine Truth and died (they did not die). But even historians are prone to penetration into the divine light, they often begin to look for some kind of code that allows you to understand the truth of the universe. To judge his existence, as well as the feasibility of his search, is still early. Time will show everything.

Who wrote the Bible in fact

Ready to get a truly objective answer? But in order to fully answer this question, you will have to first pay attention to what the Bible consists of: This is, first of all, the numerous stories of the misfortunes of the Jewish people who are completed well due to the intervention over. Approximate structure of each of them: a description of the problem, a description of the difficulties, getting rid of difficulties. And some stories are also instructed and contain morality ("Exile from Paradise", parables), which can be safely applied to today's life, without fearing to be mistaken. It turns out that the Bible is historical work, a description of the history of one people, based on real events and the legends of the terrain, on which he had to be. This concerns the Old Testament (by the way, the small part of another sacred book - Torah). The New Testament is a description of the life of a really existing person, which is engaged in propaganda of new views, recorded by one of his followers. In it, too, you can find both instructive stories, and smart thoughts, but it remains an artistic work.