Didactic material in geography. Didactic materials on geography "Working with a topographic map

"Didactic material on geography for students of grades 6-10."

In all classes:

  • 1-rank - base level;
  • 2rival - more difficult;
  • 3 Option is the most difficult.

For the development of students, it is necessary to provide for each situation of success; Need to offer suchtasks and tasks With which the child will certainly cope and feel like the winner. This can be implemented usingmulti-leveldidactic material.

6th grade

Topic: "Plan and Map" (Multi-level)

Option 1

  1. Draw conditional signs denoting the following geographic objects: a school, quarry, highway, well, village, thickets of shrubs, a forester house.
  1. What is the scale? What types of scale do you know?
  1. What is the significance of a plan and a map in practical activity?

Option 2.

  1. On the map of which scale, the territory is reduced to the larger number of times: 1: 5000 or 1: 10000? Justify your point of view based on the definition of the concept of "scale".
  1. What is the difference between the concepts "absolute" and "relative" height? Which one is signed on the maps?
  1. Compare the concepts of "geographic map" and "Plan of the Area".

Option 3.

  1. Picture with horizontals a hill of 17.5 meters high. The difference in the heights of neighboring horizontals is 5 meters. The western slope of the hill is steep, oriental gentle.
  1. Equator length is 40,000 kilometers. Determine what the length of the arc 1 ° is equal. If the distance between the objects located at the equator is 10 °, then what is the distance in kilometers?
  1. Are there any points on earth, to determine the position of which, just one coordinate is enough?

Topic: "Atmosphere" (Multi-level)

Option 1

  1. Give the definition of the concept of "atmosphere". What gases are part of the atmosphere?
  1. Why does the wind occur?
  1. How does the climate depend on the latitude of the terrain and the angle of falling sunlight?

Option 2.

  1. Tell us about the meaning of the atmosphere. From what destructive people for the life of the atmosphere phenomena protects the earth?
  1. Name the essential signs of the concept of wind. Is it possible to count the vertical movement of air raising from the heated earth surface?
  1. What time of year in Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Melbourne, if we have: Spring; winter?

Option 3.

  1. How does the air heats up? Why with high air temperature drops, because, removing from the earth's surface, we approach the Sun - heat source?
  1. What is common in the formation of fog and clouds?
  2. Is it possible: the earth rotates around the Sun, and the change of time is not happening?

Topic: "Atmosphere".

The class is divided into 4 teams and receive cards with questions, time to prepare 5 minutes. The team prepared answers earlier raises the signal card.

1 group

  1. Tell us about the building of the atmosphere? (Troposphere 0-20 km, stratosphere 20-55 km, upper layers of the atmosphere - 55 km.)
  1. How is the average daily temperature calculated?
  1. What is the wind? (air movement in the horizontal direction)
  1. What is called saturated air? (air that can not accommodate more water vapor than it contains)

2 groups

  1. What is the composition of the air atmosphere at the surface of the earth? (nitrogen, oxygen, inert gases, carbon dioxide, water vapor, random impurities: dust, ammonia, sulfur gas)
  1. What atmosphere pressure? (The force with which the air presses on the earth's surface, on all the items on it)
  1. What is called breeze? (The wind that occurs on the seashore, twice changes the direction within a day during the day - from the sea to land, at night - from sushi to the sea)
  1. What types of clouds do you know? (layered, cumulus, cherish IT.D.)

3 Group

  1. What ways to study the atmosphere do you know? (Meteorological stations, radiosonde, meteorological missiles, artificial satellites, surveillance of astronauts).
  1. What is absolute humidity? (The amount of water vapor in grams contained in 1 m3 air).
  1. What clouds fall out of rain? (layered, cue-rain, layered-cumulus)
  1. What is the weather? (The state of the troposphere in this place and at the moment or for some time lapse (day, month, season).

4 Group

  1. What is climate? (Many years of weather, characteristic of any terrain).
  1. Give examples of normal, elevated and reduced pressure? (760 mm Hg; 760 mm. Hg;
  1. What is called atmospheric precipitation? (water dropping to the earth's surface in a liquid or solid state)
  1. Name the size of the rain drop? (0.5-5 mm)

Card number 1.

  1. What is the name of the parallel, on which on June 22, the Sun is in Zenith, that is, at an angle of 90 degrees?
  1. Where is the sun in Zenith on the day of the winter solstice?

Card number 2.

  1. What is the name of the parallel, on which December 22, the Sun is in Zenith at an angle of 90 degrees?
  1. Between which parallels is the hot illuminity belt?
  1. What parallel on June 22 begins the polar night?

Card number 3.

  1. What is the illumination belt is between the tropic and the polar circle?
  1. What parallel on June 22 begins a polar day?
  1. Where is the sun in Zenith on the day of the summer solstice?

Card number 4.

  1. What is the illumination belt is between the tropics?
  1. What parallel December 22 begins a polar day?
  1. What is the name of the parallel, where on the day of the summer solstice the sun stands in the zenith, that is, at an angle of 90 degrees?

7th grade

Topic: "World Ocean" (Multi-level)

Option 1

  1. What kind of waves do you know? How do wind waves and tsunami differ in their origin and strength?
  1. What is the reason for the occurrence of flows in the ocean?
  1. Which groups in the way of movement are subdivided organic world ocean? Give examples of organisms related to various groups?

Option 2.

  1. Using knowledge about the distribution of solar heat and light on the surface of the Earth, explain how and why the temperature of the surface waters of the world ocean changes.
  1. What is a warm and cold current? How are they shown on the maps? In which directions are moving?
  1. What natural resources is the world ocean? Which of them are used most intensively?

Option 3.

  1. Why is water in the ocean have a bitter-salty taste? Where did salts come from?
  1. How did the ocean inhabitants adapted to life conditions? Can deep-water fish live in superficial waters? Why most rods are bright, and the spin is dark?
  1. Why the north-atlantic flow having a water temperature is only + 12 ° C, is considered warm, and the Canary flow with water temperature + 19 ° C is cold?

Topic: "South America" (Multi-level)

Option 1

  1. What are the basic elements of the earth's crust, form the mainland? What form of relief are they expressed?
  1. Why Amazon is the most long-fashioned planet river?
  1. South America's natural zones have specific names. What zones correspond to the following terms: "Selvas", "Llanos", "Campos", "Pampa"?

Option 2.

  1. South America is the most wet mainland. Confirm this fact using the required atlas card. Explain the reasons for this feature.
  1. Determine what climatic belts Located South America. Why, having a smaller length from north to south compared to Africa, does it have a wider range of climatic belts?
  1. How do climatic features affect the soil and the organic world of the mainland? Explain this fact on the example of any natural mainland zone.

Option 3.

  1. Mountains Andes are one of the highest mountains on earth. Using the map you need, prove this fact from the point of view of the structure of the earth's crust and the theory of the movement of lithospheric plates.
  1. Which of the previously studied mainland South America is similar to the peculiarities of their animal world? Justify your point of view.
  1. Why is the South American Human Lama Animal, dwelling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe equator, has thick long wool?

8th grade

Topic: "Geographical position. The border" (Multi-level)

Option 1

  1. What is the area of \u200b\u200bRussia, the length of its marine and land borders? Through what natural objects does it pass?
  1. Which of the seas of Russia belong to the outskirts, what are the internal?
  1. What types of business activities are related to the seas and oceans? What value for Russia has the northern seaway?

Option 2.

  1. Describe the position of Russia within the continent of Eurasia.
  1. The boundaries of time zones are meridians, however, on land, these boundaries do not always coincide with the direction of Meridian. What is this explained?
  1. Calculate the approximate length of Russia from the north to the south and from west to the east. What consequences has a big length of Russia?

Option 3.

  1. In which latitudes is the most part of the state? The situation, which major country of the world looks like the situation of Russia?
  1. In different sources, the unequal number of seas that wash the territory of Russia (12 or 13) is indicated. What reasons is it connected? What is your point of view?
  1. If you swim from Vladivostok in San Francisco from Vladivostok and break up 5 days, then what number does your ship arrive at the destination?

Topic: "Climate of Russia" (Multi-level)

Option 1

  1. What is solar radiation? Draw the scheme and show all the main types on it.
  1. Using the card you need, determine the territories on which the largest and smallest rainfall falls? What is it connected with?
  2. The territory of Russia is washed by the waters of three oceans. Which one has the greatest impact on the climate of Russia?

Option 2.

  1. Prove on the example of Russia that the climate depends on the geographical latitude, the circulation of air masses, the nature of the underlying surface.
  1. How do climatic conditions reflect on the economic activity of man, its nutrition, clothes, features of the dwelling, ways of movement?
  1. It is said that in the city there is a "Heat Island". Why in the city center the temperature is 3-5 ° C higher than on the outskirts?

Option 3.

  1. In the twenties of March and September, in the days of the equinox, the angle of inclination of the sun's rays to the earth's surface is the same for the same item. For example, it is 34 ° for Moscow. Why are mid the average temperatures of March and September differ significantly in the same paragraph? (In Moscow, the average monthly temperature of March is -5 ° C, and the average monthly temperature of September + 9 ° C.)
  1. The daily amount of radiation on June 22 in the Arctic is greater than in the most southern regions of Central Asia. Explain why in summer the air temperature in the Arctic is lower than the air temperature in moderate latitudes.
  1. In the north and south of the West Siberian Plain, approximately the same amount of precipitation falls (about 300 mm per year). However, in the north, the territory was converted (tundra, swamps), and in the south there is a lack of moisture (dry steppes). What is it connected with?

Topic: "Relief and geological structure of the territory of Russia"

Card number 1.

By atlas maps, find the names of the form of the relief of our country and enter them into the table:

The main form of relief

Name of relief shapes





Card number 2.

By the proposed plan, make a characteristic of the West - Siberian Plain:

  1. Geographical location of the territory. What kind of tectonic structure is timed?
  2. Breeds, what age is folded and how do they run?
  3. Height of the territory above sea level?
  4. What external processes form a terrain area?
  5. What mineral resources is rich in the territory, and how are they posted?
  6. What natural phenomena associated with the relief are observed here?
  7. How does human activity affect the territory relief?

Card number 3.

  1. Under the action of what time a constant change of land relief occurs?
  1. According to the tectonic map of Russia, determine which areas of our country are seismically active, name them; Indicate the names of the largest acting and extinct volcanoes of Russia.

Where in Russia in last years A strong earthquakes occurred? What were their consequences?

Card number 4.

  1. Recall what minefinks are related:

A) with magmatic rocks?

B) with sedimentary rocks?

  1. By a tectonic map, determine the deposits, what ores are characteristic of Paleozoic folding? Mesozoic folding?

Card number 5.

  1. What is the same as shown in the tectonic map of Russia?
  2. By a tectonic map, determine which tectonic structures are plains, mountains.

Card number 6.

With the help of a geochronological table, determine which era and in what period are formed:

  1. Ural Mountains;
  2. Mountains Caucasus;
  3. Mountains of Northeast Siberia;
  4. Mountains of the south of Siberia;
  5. Mountains of the Far East.

Card number 7.

  1. Fill in table: "The main features of the relief of our country". With the help of a textbook and satin, specify them.
  1. Name the most ancient era of the life of the Earth. What period, and in what era do we live?

Topic: "Relief. Climate of the Russian Federation " (Multi-level)

Card number 1.

1. Related section of the earth's crust is called __________________.

3. The country's ancient platforms are located on _______________ Russia.

4. In the West of Russia there is an extensive __________________ of the plain.

5. The Long and Old Mountains of the Russian Federation are called ______________________.

6. The supersaturation of the sun emit heat and the light is called ________________.

7. Low pressure vortices in the center are called __________.

8.Lot cyclone brings _______________________ weather.

9.Cefficient moisture is ______________________________.

Card number 2.

1. The designer on the surface of the Platform of the Crystal Foundation is ________.

4. In the east of Russia is _________________ Plateau.

5. The most young Mountains of Russia is _________________.

6. The general amount of solar energy coming to Earth is ____________.

7. Protective vortices with high pressure in the center is _______________.

8.Zima Anticyclone brings _____________________ weather.

9. Want why in the west of Russia falls precipitation more than Siberia?

Card number 3.

4. The Long and Old Mountains of Russia are called ______________.

5. The most ancient platforms of Russia are on _________________.

6.Lot Anticyclone brings ______________ weather.

7. Low pressure vortex in the center is _________________.

8.zimy cyclone brings _______________ weather.

9. Want why in the north of Russia is colder than in the center of the European part of the country?

Card number 4.

2. The people of the young Mountains of Russia are on ________________.

3. The designer on the surface of the Platform of the Crystal Foundation is _______.

4. The anticyclone takes ______________ the weather.

5.Tusemmapped vortices with low pressure in the center is _________________.

6.zimy cyclone brings _______________ weather.

7. Want why in the north of Russia is colder than in the center of the European part of the country?

8. In the east of Russia is _________________ plateore.

9. The most young Mountains of Russia are _________________.

Card data allows you to carry out control fairly quickly, do not require a lot of time from the lesson, simple when checking and allow you to fully check the knowledge of students. You can use these tasks systematically, changing options.

9 Class

Topic: "Population" (Multi-level)

Option 1

  1. What is the number of Russian population? What place among the countries of the world is Russia in population?
  2. What nations inhabit Russia? For what features, and what groups can they divide them?
  3. What is a natural increase? What factors do it depends on?

Option 2.

  1. What differences exist in the magnitude of natural growth in Russia? Explain this fact.
  2. What zones of resettlement are isolated in Russia?
  3. How do cities differ in the functions performed?

Option 3.

  1. What regions of Russia are characteristic of the special heterogeneity of the national composition of the territory? What reasons (historical, natural) is it connected?
  2. What population (urban or rural) prevails in Russia? How do individual parts of Russia differ in the ratio of urban and rural population?
  3. What is "labor resources", how do the concepts of "labor resources" and "economically active population" relate?

Topic: "Complex Materials Complex" (Multi-level)

Option 1

  1. What common features are inter-sectoral complexes producing structural materials?
  2. What is the value of the chemical industry?
  3. What are the main types of products are made by the forest industry?

Option 2.

  1. What types of enterprises are available in black metallurgy? What is a combine full cycle?
  2. What are the features of the ores of heavy and light non-ferrous metals, and how does this affect the placement of their production?
  3. Give an assessment of Russia's forest resources.

Option 3.

  1. Near the city of Cherepovets (central metallurgical base) there are no reserves of ore and coking coal. However, there is a large metallurgical combine of the full cycle. Explain this fact.
  2. What value for the chemical forest complex has a production combination? What advantages are achieved?
  3. Coking coals of the Pechersk Basin are located to the Metallurgical plants of the Urals closer than Kuzbass. However, the Ural plants use Kuznetsky coal. Why?

Grade 10

Topic: "Political Map of the World" (Multi-level)

Option 1

  1. Recall the main stages of the formation of a political map of the world. How did the political map of the world changed in the 20th century?
  2. How do the concepts of "country" and "state" differ?
  3. Give examples of economically developed countries. What groups are they divided into? Which countries belong to the "G8"?

Option 2.

  1. What events influenced the formation of a political card since the end of the 80s to the present? What changes on the political map are they led?
  2. Give examples of territories on which regional conflicts continue. What parties configure each other, what is the essence of these conflicts?

Option 3.

  1. What signs of countries would you allocate for their classification? Classify the countries of the world at the principle you suggested.
  2. What geopolitical problems began to be resolved lately?

Topic: "World natural resources» (Multi-level)

Option 1

  1. What is "natural resources", which groups are they divided into? What is called resourcelessness, in which units is it measured?
  2. Currently, the search for minerals go in two directions: "Washir" and "deep into". What do these terms mean, and in which countries of the world these directions prevail?

Option 2.

  1. As the concepts of "nature" correlate, " natural environment"," Geographical Wednesday "?
  2. To modern environmental issues Present the deficit of mineral resources, crucial biological, desertification. What are the reasons for their occurrence and possible solutions?

Option 3.

  1. Give examples of countries with a rich resource base and with a limited resource base. Is there a connection between the resource potential of the country and the level of its development?
  2. Over the time and development of the productive forces, the direct dependence of a person from nature has decreased. Does the time come when a person does not depend on the natural environment?

The training manual is part of the CMD in geography, the basis of which the textbook V. P. Dronova, I. I. Barinova, V. Ya. Roma "Geography of Russia. Nature. Population. Economy. Grade 8 "Edited by V.P. Dronova. It is intended for the organization of thematic and final control of subject and meta-reported results of the study of geography.
The tasks of verification works are compiled taking into account the planned results of the development of an exemplary program on geography and grouped by the themes studied in grade 8.

Determine the country-neighbor of Russia according to a brief description.
"On the variety of nature, the country can be compared with the whole mainland. Most of the country are occupied by mountains and high highlands. The country's contribution to the world culture has grumbled. Paper, Silk, porcelain, compass, powder were invented here. More than 50 different peoples live in the country. Most of the population lives in rural areas and is engaged in agriculture. At the same time, there are many cities here, including large, and the millionaire cities are much more than in any other country of the world. "

Install the chronological sequence in the names of the states that existed in our country.
1) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
2) Moscow State
3) Russian Empire

Part I. Verification
Verification work №1
Topic: Input Control
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 2.
Subject: borders of Russia. Russia on the map of time zones. Geographical position of Russia
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 3.
Topic: How the state territory of Russia was formed. Stages of geographical study of the territory. Administrative and territorial structure of Russia
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 4.
Subject: Geological structure, relief and minerals
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 5.
Topic: Climate and Climatic Resources
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 6.
Topic: Inland Waters and Water Resources
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 7.
Topic: Soils and Soil Resources
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 8.
Subject: vegetable and animal world. Biological resources
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 9.
Topic: Natural Zoning
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 10.
Topic: The population of Russia. Peoples, languages \u200b\u200band religions
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 11.
Topic: urban and rural population.
Placing the population of Russia. Migration of the population.
People and work
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 12.
Topic: Farmland of Russia. Natural resource capital of Russia
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 13.
Topic: Agriculture. Forestry.
Hunting and fisheries
Option 1
Option 2.
Verification work number 14.
Subject: Final control
Option 1
Option 2.
Part II. Checked results
Part III. Evaluation criteria and answers.

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In the collection "Secrets native region»Presented didactic materials for the lessons and extracurricular activities on subjects: mathematics, geography, Russian, physics, biology, the world. The collection is intended for use in the work of teachers of schools and additional education institutions.



Tasks for geography surrounding the world

4.5-9 classes

  1. Fill in the table using the Atlas and the Textbook "Geography of the Kemerovo Region".


Mining system

The highest point

Absolute height

Kuznetsky Alatau.



Mountain Shoria.


1570 M.

Salair Kryazh



  1. Using the Atlas, compare the mountain systems of the Kemerovo region according to plan. Find similarities and differences.

Comparison plan

Kuznetsky Alatau.

Salair Kryazh

Mountain Shoria.


In which direction stretched

Length in km

Absolute height of the highest peaks in (m)


  1. Place geographical concepts in three groups:

1. Related to Russia.

2. Related to the Kemerovo region.

3. Related to other territories.

Cape Dezhneva

Altai Mountains

Central Mersion Lake

Lake Baikal

Archipelago New Earth

Cape Southeast


Niagara Falls

Desert Namib



Taimyr Peninsula

Mount Kosmataya

Cape Chelyuskin

Lake Big Berchikul

Salair Kryazh



Mount Belukha

Kuznetskaya Koblovina


Kemerovo Region


Other territories

Central Mersion Lake

Cape Dezhneva

Cape Southeast


Altai Mountains



Lake Baikal

Niagara Falls

Mount Kosmataya

Archipelago New Earth

Desert Namib

Lake Big Berchikul

Taimyr Peninsula


Salair Kryazh

Cape Chelyuskin

Kuznetskaya Koblovina


Mount Belukha

4. Determine on the "Mineral Irsic Fundays" map What approvals are Fair:

A) Ore minerals are in the mountains.

B) sedimentary minerals are placed mainly in Kuznetsk a hood.


  1. only A.
  2. only B.
  3. and a and b
  4. nor
  1. Using reference material, draw, selecting the scale,table chartssquare of the Kemerovo region in comparison:

a) with the closest subjects of the Russian Federation,
b) with other Western European states.

Subjects of the Russian Federation

Area (km))

Countries of Europe

Area (km))

Kemerovo Region



Tyumen region



Tomsk Oblast


Novosibirsk region


Omsk Oblast


Altai region


Altai Republic


  1. Determine what year a negative migration increase in the population was observed in Yurga.

Mp \u003d and - u

Immigrants (arrived)

Emigrants (dropped out)

MP \u003d 1350 - 1500 \u003d - 150 people.

  1. Establish an analogy, draw conclusions.

Nature of the Kemerovo region

  • Taiga - podzolic soils - coniferous trees.
  • Steppe -?

(Chernozemas - cereal plants)

Economy of the Kemerovo region

  • Fuel and Energy Complex - Coal
  • Ferrous metallurgy - ?

1) copper ore

2) Gold

3) iron ore

4) Marble

  1. Find compliance:

Settlement Modern city

1. Kiyskoye a) Leninsk-Kuznetsky

2. Shcheglovo b) Mezhdurechensk

3. Kelchugino c) Kiselevsk

4. Tomazak d) Mariinsk

5. Olzheras D) Prokopyevsk

9. Determine the "unnecessary" word:

1) Mariinsk-Yurga Tom Novokuznetsk.

2) Mikhailo Volkov-Yegor Forest-Semyon Dezhnev-P.A. Schikhachev.

10. Install the correspondence between the concept and its definition: for each concept of the first column, select a suitable definition from the second column, indicated by the number

Concept definition

A) specialization 1) production relations between enterprises

B) COOPERING 2) translation of defense production for the production of peaceful products

3) the production of homogeneous enterprise


4) Translation of enterprises on water-turnover


Write down the selected numbers in the table

11 . Give the comparative characteristic of two coal basins located on the territory of the Kemerovo region according to plan by filling out the table. Make a conclusion about the efficiency of the operation of these coal basins (which of the 2-proposed pools is more profitable to use in Russia and why?)

Comparison plan




1. Geographical position in relation to the consumer

2. Production conditions

3. Total stocks

4. Costs for extraction 1 t. Conditional fuel

5. Quantity and quality (calorie) of mined coal

6. Problems ambient in mining areas.

  1. After analyzing the data, determine the magnitude of the migration growth (loss) of the population with. In 2014, write a solution to the problem.

The number and natural increase in the population of S.Novobacharats








Natural population growth, man, value of an indicator for the year


The increase is determined by the difference between the population on January 1. The difference can be as positive if the population has increased and negative at loss of the population.

1) 1645-1675 = -30

To determine the migration growth, it is necessary to subtract naturally out of the overall increase.

2) – 30 – (+ 4) = -26

In 2014, the population of the population Novobachaty decreased by 30 people. Migration loss of the population amounted to: -26 people.

  1. Population in p. Novobachaty as of January 1, 2016 amounted to 1630 people. During the year, 20 people were born, and 14 people died.

Saldo migration for this period was -34 person


1) population population at the end of the year;

2) the average annual population;

3) the absolute natural increase in the population for the year;

4) Natural Ratio,

5) the coefficient of general birth rate,

6) the coefficient of total mortality,

7) The vitality of the population.


1) the population at the end of the year is calculated by the formula:

S K \u003d S H + δ eats. + Δ fur. \u003d S n + (n - m) + (n - c)

S K. - population population at the end of the year

S N. - population population at the beginning of the year

Δ eats. - Balance of natural increments,

Δ fur. - Saldo migration (mechanical increase),

N - the number of born,

M - the number of dead,

P - number of arrivals,

B - the number of retired.

S K. = 1630 + (20-14) + (13 - 47) = 1602

2) Since there are data on the population at the beginning and end of the year, the average annual population is determined by the middle arithmetic formula:

S \u003d (1630 + 1602): 2 \u003d 1616

3) The absolute natural population increase over the year is:

Δ eats. \u003d N - m \u003d 20-14 \u003d 6

4) The natural gain ratio is determined by the formula:

5) The total fertility coefficient is calculated by the formula:

6) The overall mortality rate is calculated by the formula:

Didactic material for working with a card in grades in 6-8 classes

Developed teacher geography of the highest category
School No. 8, Novoplastorenovskaya Stanny
Pavlovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory

to help teacher geography

We are dana
And all the earth and all the water
Country of gigantic opportunities,
Country of Ocean's expanses
Semenova-Tianzhansky country
Przhevalsky, Miklukho-Maklai,
The country in which be friends,
Bad geographer can not!

The tasks presented on these cards correspond to the software material.

List of geoghaphic objects for learning students

1. Earth's crust

Sushi Mountains - Himalayas with the top of Jomolungma (Everest), Andes, Pamir, Caucasian, Ural, Scandinavian, Vulcan Klyuchevskaya Natka.

The plains are Eastern European and the Midnource and Valdais, the elevation, West Siberian and Amazonian lowland, the medium-grained and Arabian plateau.

Ocean Mountains - Lomonosov Ridge, Middle-Oceanic Kreb, North Atlantic and South Atlantic Rats, East - Pacific Rise.

2. Hydrosphere.

Sea - Mediterranean, Red, Bering. Straits - Magellan, Drake, Bering. Islands - Greenland, Hawaiian.

Peninsula - Kamchatka, Arabiani.

Currents - Golf Stream, Labrador.

Rivers - Terek, Volga, Yenisei, Amazon.

Channel - Volga-Don.

Lakes - Caspian, Baikal, Ladoga.

When performing the tasks of a game type, students develop the ability to navigate the geographical map and memorize a geographical nomenclature.

In Murmansk, where the ocean does not freeze,

Westerns our captain.

Murmansk in the north, Arkhangelsk south,

But in Murmansk for some reason warmer.

Where, I wonder, lives a stroke

Thanks to which the city is open.

In the Guinness Book of Records

Sea Records.

The biggest sea is Filipino,

Other marine anomalies do not read.

Let's be the records with you

And the most ... most ... now I call.

    1. The coldest current.

      The biggest island.

      The smallest sea.

      The very saline sea.

      The widespread strait.

      Sea without shores.

      The longest mountain chain

      The coldest mainland.

      The largest peninsula.

      The dry mainland

      The hottest mainland.

      The warmest current.

      The smallest mainland.

      The largest ocean.

      The most wet mainland.

      The smallest ocean.

      The deepest lake.

      The biggest lake.

      The longest river.

      The finest river.

      The largest waterfall.

      The largest mainland.

On the way, in the unknown edge

Our compass is the best friend.

One capital letter * y *

It marked south.

And the arrow is light - magnet

To the north the tip looks.

Pretty North I find

And I B. short term

I can determine the way

Where west, south, east.

S.Ya. Marshak.

For the formation of systemic knowledge and skills in schoolchildren, and enhancing practicality, much attention is paid to the formation of everyday geographic culture. The main task of the initial course of geography to teach children to read the topographic plan, physico-geographical and climate maps, to be based on their description of natural objects, routes, territories and water areas (according to type plans). Ensure the necessary cartographic and general-term training of students to explore the first page of the country and the country * continents and countries. * Work I am building so that the student fell in love with the map, in its modern perfection, allowing visually, mentally, emotionally sense conclusion with the world, touch and joy * contemplation * Any corner of the planet. I teach it * to talk * with a map of both good and wise companion. She would award a young friend with the language of free confident thoughts, and hence, and competent speech in all communicative monologues, dialogue, discussion, questions to themselves and comrades, and *what if...*

I consider it important that the student at the board will answer in the Commonwealth with the desired card, from the place - with the Atlas map and is used to this answer. It is impossible to let me overcome the thoughts and feelings of a young generation on the verge of centuries, while there is a geography - the main science of Earth and is not silent, and the living companion is a map.

In the initial course of geography at the first lesson, I introduce the golden rule of geography: * Everything you call, - Show on the map, all that show, call. * In the lessons I use cards that students have skills work with the card.

Card number 1.

The task:

1. List parts of the World Ocean:



bay ..............




strait ..................

2 What numbers on the map are marked:


mouth ...........


3 Fragments of which continents are shown on the map.

4 What is the number indicated and how it is called.

5 What kind of name are the highest peaks of the mountains.

Card number 2.

Set compliance:







    A - Jomolungma

    B - Elbrus

    In - Akonkagua

    G - Narodnaya

    D - Mak-Kinley

    E - Mont Blanc

Card number 3.

Set compliance:






A - River begins on the Pamir.

B - the longest river in Europe.

B - the boundary of the Western - Siberian Raving Nina and Siberian Plateau.

G - begins at Valdai Valida.

D - the longest river in the world.

E is the fastest river in the world.

Card number 4.

Sign the names of the contours of lakes, seas, bays, islands, peninsulas.

Card number 5.

1. Specify the numbers that characterize geographical position Mainland.

List the numbers that are indicated by the internal water of the mainland.

Write numbers denoting parts of the mainland relief.

Specify the numbers denoting on the mainland objects to which you can say the words: the most ... most ... the most ....

Card number 6.




B -


IN -



G -


D -


E -

La - Mansh.



S -


And -


To -


L -


M -


N -


Card number 7.

List geographic objects:







The mountains





Card number 8.

"Two, the third extra »

emphasize the superfluous name:

Volga, Pechora, Baikal.

Caucasus, Puratorna, Ural.

Wrangel, Dezhneva, Chelyuskin.

Card number 9.

" White crow "

Onega, moon, Baikal, Ladoga.

Karsky, Laptev, Japanese, Barents.

Smolenskaya, Volga, Leno, Stavropol.

The nature of the mainland
  1. Indicate and sign on the date of spring and autumn equinoxies and solstice.
  2. Sign the names of the winds marked on the map.
  3. Apply to the flow map that affect the formation of the climate of the continent.
  4. What are the names of local winds within the sugar? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. What is the name of the wind, which comes to sugar from Afghanistan? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. Sign the most wet place on the map in Africa.
  2. In which mountains of Africa is most of all thundering days a year? _______________________
  3. What is zenital rains

In Africa?

Strip on the map areas where they fall out.

  1. The inhabitants of Ethiopia are often often cases of avitaminosis. Try to explain this phenomenon.
  2. Think and explain why the main life of people on Ethiopian Highlands is concentrated at an altitude of 2000-3000 m above sea level.

Stories by pictures

1. Using the textbook material and additional sources, continue the story about the nature of the Himalayas independently.


Huge, Highestin the world of the Himalayas wall separates the hot and rich India from the desert and dry areas of Central Asia. Mountains reach 7 ~ 8 thousand meters. Here are the eight-thousandths of Mountains - Jomolungma, Choiri. _____________________

  1. Apply to the Himalayas card.
  2. What kind of geological era and the era of the pea formation were formed by Himalayas?
  3. Who the first of the climbers conquered the highest peak of the world?
  4. What is the effect of the Himalayas on the climate of the earth?
  1. List the eighties of the Himalayan Mountains.
  2. Name the Russian artist who lived in Himalayas, who reflected their nature in his work.
  3. Apply the path on which the wet sea winds penetrate the central areas of Himalayas.

Test "Natural Areas of South America"

Which natural fields are inherent in the following geographical features? Write the corresponding numbers.

  1. The area is located in a subequatorial, tropical and subtropical climatic belts.
  2. The area is located mainly within the equatorial climatic belt.
  3. More than 200 days of the year are raining, the weather does not change throughout the year.
  4. Most of the territory of the region has absolute heights from 500 to 2000 m.
  5. The most intense tectonic movements and modern volcanism are characteristic.
  6. Located within the shield of an ancient platform.
  7. The region began the formation of the Gersinian and finally formed in the Alpine folding.
  8. The region is rich in tin, copper and other non-ferrous metals, which are predominantly mining the Indians.
  9. The very largest river of the world proceeds.
  10. The area is located mainly in the subtropical climatic belt.
  11. Located Lake Titicaca.
  12. Mostly in this area is La Platus lowland.
  13. On the territory of the region is the desert of Atakam.
  14. There are constantly wet forests (Selva).
  15. Red-yellow ferrolytic soils with a small amount of humus and an acidic reaction prevail.
  16. Red ferrolite and red-brown soils predominate in soil cover.
  17. Characterized high-rise lower landscapes.
  18. Other minerals such as iron and manganese ores, uranium, gold, diamonds are widely represented.
  19. Dry winter (July) and wet summer (January) are characteristic.
  20. For vegetation cover characteristic: chocolate and chinny trees, saba, mope, orchids.
  21. Widely represented low-spirited edging from Cabracho.
  22. Fertile reddish-black soils with significant (20-40 cm) humus horizon are distributed.
  23. In the vegetation cover the cereals prevail.
  24. Typical Animals Area: Leniv, Tapir, Jaguar, Monkeys.
  25. The subalpine and alpine meadows are widespread.
  26. Typical Animals Area: Battleship, Puma, Bakers, Deer, Ostrich Nanda.
  27. The most widespread agricultural landscapes.
  28. As part of the animal world, many endemics: spectacled bear, chinchilla, Lama.
  29. Coffee tree plantations, sugar-cane, bananas are widespread.
  30. Low population density. The population is mainly engaged in cattle breeding.



Brazilian Highlands


35 questions on the geography of South America

  1. Country, the capital of which city of Caracas.
  2. The largest snake in the Amazon Pool.
  3. The southernmost strait off the coast of South America.
  4. The largest river flowing into the Bay of La Plata?
  5. Alpine lake on the border of Bolivia and Peru.
  6. The highest top of the mainland.
  7. The largest city of Brazil.
  8. The most high-altitude South American State of Precucumbia Epoch.
  9. The world's highest waterfall (Orinoco River basin).
  10. The most extensive mainland plateau.
  11. The largest predator in the forests of Amazon.
  12. Country, the capital of which G. La Paz.
  13. Archipelago, located east of Magellanova Strait.
  14. The lake is the largest area of \u200b\u200boil production on the mainland.
  15. Cold flow of the Pacific coast.
  16. Konkistador, the first embarled over the course of the Amazon.
  17. Desert in the north chile.
  18. Brazilian pine.
  19. The navigator who opened the strait between the continent and the fiery ground.
  20. The largest predatory and bird bird.
  21. The name of the extensive sublime area in the south of Argentina.
  22. The southernmost point of South America.
  23. The largest port of Peru.
  24. The largest hydroelectric power plant on the Parana River.
  25. Tree with the easiest wood.
  26. River, envelope from three sides, Guiang's plateore.
  27. The largest alpine animal Andes.
  28. The main article of the export of Colombia.
  29. The port on Amazon, to which the ocean vessels rises.
  30. The scientist and traveler who studied the fauna of Galapagos islands.
  31. The only silent animal that lives is not in Australia.
  32. The widest waterfall of the continent.
  33. The river collecting water from the territory of the seven countries of the continent.
  34. The main article of Venezuela exports.
  35. South American crocodile variety.
  1. Using this card and the atlas map, explain the features of the distribution of precipitation in South America.
  2. Explain the reasons for the formation of a tropical desert climate on the coast of the Pacific Ocean from 30 to 5 ° Yu.Sh.
  3. Sign on the map of the desert located in these latitudes.
  4. Why does the Western slopes of the Patagonian Andes fall so much precipitation?
  5. Specify on the map, in which part of South America is the greater amount of precipitation falls. Try to explain why.
  6. Apply the point on the map where the highest and most low temperature On the continent.
  7. What is the name of the wind in South AmericaWith whom we met the heroes of the book "Children of Captain Grant? __________________________________


Stories by pictures

  1. Using a textbook and additional literature, continue the story about the nature of Pamppa.

Before us drawing, where subtropical herbal spaces are depicted in the southern part of the la-platter lowland. These open plainsin Argentina is called Pampo

  1. On the map of South America, Strichy La Playt Lowland.
  2. By atlas maps, make a Pampma climate characteristic,

t January ____________________


t July _____________________

Drop mode ____________

  1. What types of animals and birds have been preserved in Pampa?
  2. What is the economic use of pampa? ________________________________
  1. How in South America (in Pampa) called shepherds? Tell us what you know about them (lifestyle, characteristics, etc.).
  2. What is "Pantanal"? Tell us what you know about him.
  1. Using the textbook materials and additional sources, continue the story about the Brazilian forest yourself.

The figure shows a kind of coniferous forest of Brazilian plateaus. The main arrays of the Brazilian Pine Araucaria are preserved in the middle course of p. Parana. Araucaria is a very peculiar tree with a slender straight trunk and a crown; reminding ____________________________________________

  1. Strip on the map Brazilian Plateau.
  2. In what natural zone is the south of Brazilian Plateau?
  3. Sign on the map River Parana.
  4. By atlas maps, give the climate characteristic of Brazilian plateaus.

t January _________________ Sediment _____________________________________________

t July ________________ Dropulation mode ________________________________________

  1. Where is the wood of Araucaria? __________________________________________
  2. What are the pops of the undergrowth in the arakaria forest and why are they used by a person? _____________________________________________________________________
  3. Which of the plant undergrowth of the araucaria forest is cultivated in the garden of Europe?
  4. Why is the forest from the araucarium called Parkov? _______________________________

Test "Natural Areas of Asia"

Which of Asian regions are the following geographical features? Write the corresponding numbers.

  1. The area is the hottest and dry area of \u200b\u200bAsia.
  2. In the area, the highest continentality of the climate.
  3. Located in the subequatorial and equatorial climatic belts.
  4. In the region drops from 1000 to 5000 mm of precipitation.
  5. Missual type of climate of moderate and subtropical belts is dominated.
  6. It is characteristic of dry hot summer and relatively cold dry winter.
  7. The area is located where the maximum amount of precipitation falls on the globe.
  8. The largest areas are occupied by mountain systems and highlands.
  9. In the region, the largest oil reserves.
  10. The area is located the largest Peninsula of the world.
  11. In the region, easily blurred leslays deposits are widespread, which gave the name of the river and the sea in which the river flows.
  12. In the area there is a deepest continental wpadin of the world.
  13. In the area there is a volcano Krakataau, with whose eruption, volcanic ash rose to a height of up to 80 km.
  14. A large number of tin ore deposits are open in the area.
  15. There is a Turfan Vpadina (- 154 m).
  16. In the region there is one of the largest extinct volcanoes - G. Big Ararat.
  17. Located the longest mountain system Eurasia.
  18. There is a Tibetan highlands with an average height of 4500 m.
  19. Mostly in this area there is the longest river Eurasia.
  20. Russian travelers made a big contribution to the study of the region

N. M. Przhevalsky and P. K. Kozlov.

  1. Evergreen, broadly and coniferous forests are widely represented.
  2. In plant cover, palm trees and bamboo are especially widely represented.
  3. In the soil cover are widely represented by yellow and reds.
  4. Main agricultural cultures of the region: millet, soy, corn, rice, wheat, cotton.
  5. Mangrove forests are most widely represented.
  6. For the animal world area typical tigers, rhinos, tapir.
  7. Camel is an indispensable animal for the population of the region, and the dates are "bread" of the poor.
  8. Merrates desert and semi-desert vegetation.
  9. In the area there is a desert tacla makan.
  10. In the region there is a volcano Fujiima, which residents call "Sacred Mountain".

Southwestern Asia

central Asia

East Asia

Southeast and South Asia

15 issues on the geography of Europe

  1. Northern Northern Archipelago of Europe
  2. The largest river flowing into the North Sea.
  3. The largest bay of the Baltic Sea.
  4. Mountains on the border of Spain and France.
  5. The highest top of the Alps.
  6. Dwarf state on the Mediterranean coast.
  7. The largest river France.
  8. Strait separating Italy from Sicily.
  9. Peninsula in the south of Greece.
  10. Mountains separating the Czech Republic from Poland.
  11. The only volcano in continental Europe.
  12. Lowland in the north of Italy.
  13. Nature inhabiting the northern part of Belgium.
  14. Mountains in the south of Bulgaria.
  15. Country, half of the territory of which lies below the sea level.
  1. The largest indochy river.
  2. Strait leading to the Persian Bay.
  3. Mountain ridge, serving the northern border of Tibet.
  4. Desert in the south of the Arabian Peninsula.
  5. Russian merchant, who has committed a journey from Russia to India in the XV century.
  6. The island state in the Persian Gulf.
  7. Chinese "Bamboo Bear."
  8. Malaysia main minerals.
  9. The highest volcano Eurasia.
  10. Strait separating Arabia from Africa.
  11. The deepest in the world of the Wpadina on land.
  12. Russian traveler who has committed three expeditions to Central Asia.
  13. Country, the capital of which G. Colombo.
  14. Island state in the Mediterranean Sea.
  15. Main River India.
  16. The longest river Asia.
  17. The largest predator of Asia from the Feline family.
  18. Plant with the largest (to a meter in diameter) flower.
  19. Country on the peninsula in the Persian Gulf.
  20. River, giving the name of the Yellow Sea.
  21. The highest peak of the Urals.
  22. Lake on the border of Russia and China.
  23. Nature on the Kola Peninsula.
  24. River arising from Lake Baikal.
  25. The sea in which the Lena River flows.

25 questions on the geography of Asia