Whey Protein Pre-Workout When and why do you need protein - before or after training? How to choose and buy whey protein

For beginners who are just getting acquainted with sports nutrition, the question arises: when should you drink protein? It should be noted here that it all depends on what kind of protein blend you have purchased. After all, today you can find different protein powders that have their own characteristics. More on this and how and when it is best to take protein below.

How to consume protein by type?

All protein blends on the market today sports nutrition can be divided into several categories:

  • Isolate and Concentrate;
  • Hydrolyzate;
  • Complex protein;
  • Casein.

If you decide to purchase several types of protein at once, then you need to know the correct intake regimen, because each of these types of mixtures is intended for different purposes. But before you start taking it, you need to remember the optimal amount of protein for athletes exercising in the gym. That's 2 grams for every kilogram of your body. Within this volume, it is necessary to distribute the use of all types of protein.

Isolate and Concentrate

Concentrate is the most common form of protein blend and the most readily available. In addition to protein, the composition can include carbohydrates, lactose, and saturated fat. It is a versatile protein that can be consumed in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

The isolate, in contrast to the concentrate, has a better degree of purification. It contains practically no carbohydrates, fats and lactose. The isolate can be categorized as "fast" proteins. It takes about 30-40 minutes for its complete absorption by the body. Therefore, it is well suited for consumption after exercise and especially in the morning.

Both concentrate and isolate can be mixed with water or milk. To do this, take one serving, pour it into a shaker and add milk or water. As a rule, jars of protein already have a measuring spoon, which is convenient for measuring portions.


A hydrolyzate is a form of protein that is 99% protein. That is, it is an isolate, but has already undergone an even deeper purification from impurities. Such processing allows the hydrolyzate to be called the most effective form of protein mixtures, because the product is already partially split protein. This makes it, unfortunately, the most expensive type of protein, but in terms of the rate of absorption, it is not inferior to anyone.

In addition, the hydrolyzate is better tolerated. Due to the absence of impurities (lactose, fats and carbohydrates), this type of protein mixture can be safely used by allergy sufferers and people suffering from lactose intolerance.

In terms of ideal timing, many athletes prefer to consume this protein before and after training. After exercise, hydrolyzate is especially beneficial because it helps to quickly replenish protein stores and begin the process of muscle tissue repair.

Remember! The hydrolyzate can only be dissolved in water!


Above, we examined the features of taking whey protein. But complex protein blends are becoming more and more popular in the sports nutrition market. The name speaks for itself, and it is obvious that the manufacturer has combined several types of proteins in one jar.

Complete protein can be considered a versatile protein replenishment tool. It can be consumed in the morning, afternoon and night. It is also advisable and recommended to take it also before training and after exercising in the gym. Taking a pre-workout meal will help provide the body with the essential amino acids that will keep muscles from burning out.

This is a protein for all occasions, and for those who do not want to bother with choosing a sports nutrition category. However, it must be remembered that such a complex of proteins can heavily load the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, it is still wiser to purchase certain types of protein mixtures in order to control the intake of proteins in the body and not overload the digestion.

A standard serving of complex protein is about 30 g. It should be mixed with 200-300 ml of water, juice or milk.


Casein protein is a type of slow protein. Casein protein blends are made from casein, which in turn is derived from caseinogen. Milk, if anyone knows, is 80% casein, the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bis whey protein.

Perhaps someone knows one more statement that it is better to eat cottage cheese at night, because there is a "long-playing" protein. That's right, casein is found in all dairy products, including cottage cheese. It is called "nighttime" protein precisely because of its ability to be absorbed in the body for a long time and prevent the development of catabolic processes. Nutrition with essential amino acids occurs throughout the night, so muscles are not destroyed while we sleep.

Casein is also actively used for weight loss. Its properties help us get a feeling of fullness and satiety for a long time. This blocks hunger, and the person does not consume too much. In this case, fat cells are lost, but not muscle cells, because the latter receive a sufficient amount of amino acids.

When is the best time to drink protein - the right time!

The question of how to drink protein is not too difficult to parse. Everything is very clear here: he poured a portion of the mixture into a shaker, filled it with water, milk or juice, shaken it and drank it. Another question that requires more detailed explanation is: When is the best time to take protein?

There can be many options for taking during the day. Protein can be consumed in the morning immediately after sleep, in the afternoon between meals, before exercise, after exercise, and before bed. And depending on the type of protein mixture, you can build an ideal intake regimen that will fit into the same optimal amount of protein (2 g per 1 kg of its own weight).

For example, whey protein (concentrate, isolate, and hydrolyzate) can be consumed in the morning to quickly replenish protein deficiencies in the body after sleep. Especially in this case, hydrolyzate helps, which is absorbed very quickly and helps to avoid catabolism. Whey protein is also recommended before and after workouts.

Casein, as noted above, is a "nighttime" protein. In other words, perfect timing for taking such a supplement will be the evening just before bedtime. Casein protein is not suitable for the morning intake and before training, when you need a quick jump in insulin into the blood and the same fast muscle nutrition. Casein is absorbed for a long time and saturates the body with protein for a long time, so it is better to take it at night.

As for the complex supplement, the answer to the question of when to take protein is not so complicated. Complete Protein Blend suitable for morning, afternoon, evening and night. In short it is universal additive, which can be taken at any time of the day to replenish the necessary protein stores in the body. The complex supplement is suitable even for overnight intake, because it contains, in addition to whey protein, casein.

Let's leave you a convenient table of the appropriate times for taking various types of protein supplements:

Best Time to Take Protein
In the morning Between meals Before training After training Before bedtime
Concentrate and isolate *** ***** *** **** *
Hydrolyzate ***** **** ***** ***** *
Complex protein ** ***** *** **** **
Casein * * * * *****

In the end, we want to wish you good luck in your sporting achievements! Leave comments about your protein intake.

Sports nutrition takes a special place in the diet of athletes. How to drink protein kit muscle mass? Protein is a building material from which new ones are formed muscle fibers... To get the desired result, you need to follow some rules of protein intake.

The need to use

Regular intense training forces the body to adapt to the increased physical activity. To prevent human activity from being affected in new conditions, the body stimulates the formation of additional muscle fibers. The increased muscle mass helps to withstand increased physical activity. Thanks to such changes, human organs and systems work as usual during training.

New muscle fibers are created from protein that is absorbed into the body through food. It is also used to repair existing muscle fibers that have been injured by exercise.

With intense training, the protein supplied from food, with a normal diet, is not enough to replenish the body's losses. Therefore, athletes need enhanced nutrition rich in protein foods.

The body experiences the strongest protein starvation immediately after an exhausting workout. Strength training depletes the supply of essential amino acids. They are used for the recovery and growth of muscle tissue. Taking protein immediately after strength training will ensure the full building of new muscle fibers and help replenish the depleted protein reserves.

In conditions of an acute shortage of proteins, the body absorbs all nutrients entering it as quickly and efficiently as possible. The opened "protein - carbohydrate window" allows you to direct a portion of protein directly to the needs of muscle tissue.

Protein for mass can be drunk by both men and women.

The need for proteins depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the intensity of the exercise.

The amount of an effective serving of a protein supplement is calculated according to body weight. At medium-intensity loads and during training, to maintain shape, it is enough to consume 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. This dosage is recommended for beginner athletes.

If you need to quickly gain large muscle mass, for each kilogram of weight, there should be 2 - 3.2 g of protein. The more intense the workout, the more protein is required. The larger the athlete, the more protein he needs to restore and gain muscle mass. In the case when the weight of an athlete is 75 kg, in order to obtain the desired result, he must consume at least 150 g of protein per day. In case of mild subcutaneous fat, the dosage can be increased by 20 - 30 g to achieve the desired relief.

A chicken egg contains only 3 g of protein. To gain the required amount of protein, the athlete must eat more than 5 dozen eggs per day. It is physically impossible to consume such an amount of protein food. It is capable of causing serious damage to human health.

Protein supplements are recommended to help build muscle quickly. They will provide the body with the building blocks for the formation of a large number of muscle fibers. If the recommended dosages are observed, protein preparations will not harm human health.

When consuming protein, do not exceed daily rate 340 g (for women 300 g). An excessive amount of protein in food will create an increased load on the kidneys and liver, provoke an acidic environment in the body and cause an intense leaching of calcium. An overabundance of proteins affects the nervous and the cardiovascular system... In such conditions, muscle building cannot be achieved.

When using protein supplements, it should be borne in mind that protein enters the body and with normal food. Protein supplements contain 70% - 80% protein.

The daily serving can be divided into several meals or drunk at one time immediately after training. However, if you drink the entire daily dose, then some of the protein may not be absorbed by the body.

How to Drink Protein Properly? The optimal time to consume a product depends on its type.

Whey and egg whites are referred to as "fast" proteins. They are absorbed by the body at a high rate.

Whey protein is prepared from whey. It is the most popular sports nutrition product. Whey protein is the most commonly used muscle building protein. It allows you to quickly build muscle and get rid of excess body fat. The product is available in three main forms: hydrolyzate, isolate and concentrate.

For the manufacture of hydrolysates, proteins are split into amino acids. In this form, the protein supplement is absorbed easily and very quickly.

Isolates are purified proteins, they are absorbed by the body after half an hour.

Whey Protein Concentrate is considered the most readily available and widely used form of protein for muscle building. It is a purified whey and is absorbed within 2 to 3 hours.

A whey product containing three types of purification is the most preferred for muscle building.

Whey proteins contribute to the maximum activation of anabolism. Anabolism is a chemical process that produces cells and tissues. Take whey protein between workouts up to 5 - 6 times a day.

Egg protein is made from whole eggs. Egg protein products have a minimum amount of fat (0.5%) and a balanced amino acid composition.

The most effective "quick" drugs in the morning and immediately after training. They help reduce the natural inhibition of exercise-induced anabolism in the body.

When consuming "fast" proteins for muscle growth, 50% of the protein should be obtained from regular food.

Slowly absorbed substances

The "slow" proteins include casein and soy proteins. For gaining muscle mass, it is preferable to use "slow" casein protein.

Casein protein is made from milk. A portion of casein is absorbed for 6 - 8 hours, saturating the body with amino acids. Once in the stomach, it turns into a long-digesting clot. Casein protein tends to slow down the digestion of other proteins.

Casein sports nutrition inhibits the breakdown of muscle fibers. This type of protein is an excellent fat burner as it significantly reduces appetite.

Casein protein is poorly soluble. Before use, it is diluted in cow's milk using a blender or shaker to stir it.

Soy protein is of plant origin. It has a low biological value and an incomplete amino acid composition. Due to its weak anabolic effect, soy protein is used in combination with other supplements.

A serving of "slow" proteins must be taken before bedtime. At night, when no food enters the body, anabolic processes are reduced. The consumption of casein protein will reduce the loss of muscle mass during the attenuation of anabolic processes and activation of catabolism. Catabolism is a process that destroys cells and protein structures.

"Slow" proteins will replenish the body's protein reserves. They are recommended to be taken during forced fasting.

Complex protein supplements include "fast" and "slow" proteins. A mixture of different proteins provides the peak concentration of amino acids immediately after taking the drug. The "slow" proteins contained in the preparation will nourish the muscles and saturate the body with amino acids for several more hours. The spike in amino acid concentration causes the strongest muscle fiber growth.

The time before bed is the ideal time to consume the complex drug. The mixture can also be consumed in place of whey protein 2 hours before training. It is recommended to use it in cases when there is a fasting period. If you cannot eat in the next few hours, you should drink 30 g of the complex protein.

Protein should be consumed daily until the desired result is obtained, regardless of the presence or absence of training. By reducing the intensity of the load, you should reduce the amount of protein supplements. On days when there is no physical activity, it is enough to drink one or two servings of the drug.

A protein supplement should not be consumed later than 1 hour before training and earlier than 30 minutes after.

During a night's sleep, the body is actively wasting nutrients to keep organs working. By morning, the available reserves are depleted. In the morning, the hormone cortisol is actively released. High cortisol levels cause a decrease in the hormone testosterone, an increase in fat storage, and muscle loss. To neutralize the action of the hormone cortisol and saturate the body with nutrients, it is recommended to drink a portion of "fast" protein right after waking up.

Throughout the day, you need to constantly replenish the amino acid pool. Amino acid pool refers to a certain amount of free amino acids that are constantly present in the body fluid. In intense physical activity there is a constant loss of amino acids. To avoid losing muscle mass, you need to eat regularly. In between meals, you should drink 2 to 3 servings of a protein shake.

Drink a dose of "fast" protein one hour before your workout. The protein portion will be wasted during physical exercise... At the same time, the internal reserves of the body will be used minimally.

Drink a gainer 30 minutes after your workout. A gainer is a protein-carbohydrate mixture. It may also contain fats, vitamins, and trace elements. The drug will increase amino acid levels, replenish carbohydrate stores and help the body recover in the shortest possible time. After using the gainer, you can eat in 1 - 1.5 hours.

Drink "slow" casein protein 30 minutes before bedtime. But it's better to use complex preparation... It will provide a stable level of amino acids during a night's sleep and inhibit catabolic processes. Protein supplementation does not stimulate fat storage.

Reasons for the lack of the desired result

If the use of protein supplements does not work, the dosage of the drug may be insufficient.

A slight increase in muscle mass can be caused by low intensity of physical activity or non-adherence to the drug intake schedule.

The result depends on the type of constitution of the person. With an asthenic physique, muscle mass builds up very slowly. Such people should put in much more effort than those with an athletic physique.

The reason for the lack of result may be a poor-quality product. When purchasing a protein supplement, one should not save.

Even a quality product may not be suitable for a specific person. In this case, you need to replace the product.

Protein is one of the most popular dietary supplements to help ensure muscle growth and muscle definition. Many athletes consume sports protein daily.

Protein is the complex of amino acids that make up our muscles. Proteins create nitrogen balance, which is important for muscle growth. The use of protein in sports has a long history, but now a large number of studies have appeared to prove its effectiveness, and the optimal diet for the athlete has been developed.

Protein types

There are several types of proteins on the market:

  • Whey Protein. Consists of essential amino acids that actively influence the growth and development of muscles. Whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate are found. The concentrate is relatively inexpensive and contains only 5-10% lactose, the rest is protein. Absorbed in 3-4 hours. It is extremely useful for training purposes and allows for quick success. The isolate is a purified concentrate. The protein content is not less than 97%, which makes it one of the best species protein.
  • Soy protein. Includes about 20 essential amino acids. It is easily absorbed and has an excellent effect on muscles and the body as a whole. The effect of soy protein is similar to the effect obtained from milk, but it is needed several times less and all nutrients are in high concentration.
  • Casein. This protein is slowly absorbed and absorbed by the body, allowing the nutritional effect to be extended over a long period of time. It is not only suitable if food intake is not possible, but it also prevents nighttime catabolism if taken before bed. It combines well with whey protein and greatly enhances its effect. In our time, the most popular is micellar casein, which has the best effect, absorption and taste.
  • Egg protein. It contains all the amino acids the body needs. It has many advantages, but at the same time, it has a high price.
  • Collagen Protein. It has no discernible effect on muscles, but is good for connective tissues and joints. They often suffer in professional athletes, and therefore its reception is desirable. With a wide spectrum of action, it is popular among athletes, but is inferior to whey and egg protein.

All of these types of protein are widespread in the sports environment and each has its own key characteristics, and therefore, when choosing a supplement, you need to ensure that at least several types of protein are included in their composition.

Popular Protein

How does protein work

For athletes, the daily protein intake is 3 times higher than for ordinary people. It is broken down in the stomach, absorbed in the intestines and from there it is sent to the muscles. Much depends on the rate of protein absorption. So, for example, the whey form is rapidly metabolized, but at the same time is unable to provide muscles with nutrition for a long time, but casein, on the contrary, is not as effective after training for saturating muscles with protein, as it allows to provide muscle fibers with the necessary substances for a long time. So it is extremely important to provide yourself with both fast and slow proteins, including a variety of protein foods and sports supplements in the diet. The undoubted benefit of protein lies in the fact that proteins are contained in maximum concentration. If you consume regular protein foods, you can run into excess fat, cholesterol and other negative components.

Effects of taking protein

During training, many muscles are injured, microdamages appear, and a quick recovery of the affected fibers is necessary. Protein does the best for this. This is the main construction material, without which it would be impossible to significantly increase mass or optimally recover from stress.

In addition to the effect on muscles, protein has a positive effect on the condition of the heart, blood vessels and a number of other body systems. Therefore, the use of protein has a general healing effect and prevents the development of a number of diseases.

How to take protein correctly: before or after training?

Many aspiring athletes ask questions. When should you consume protein? Which is better protein before or after training?

For a long time, it was believed that taking protein is necessary after exercise. However, in recent times other data appeared. There are many benefits to taking pre-workout protein, here are some of them.

  • Timely and adequate muscle nutrition. Your lunch may not be enough to equip your muscles with protein, and therefore you risk wasting time. But if you consume protein before training, this unpleasant effect can be avoided. Especially if you are taking BCAAs, which are absorbed by the body almost instantly and sent to the muscles.
  • Improving the transport of amino acids. In the case of pre-workout protein intake, it is possible to achieve the highest rate of provision of the necessary amino acids. In this case, the body assimilates them better, and the result is much higher.
  • Burning extra calories. If you are looking to lose weight, taking protein shortly before training can help you burn excess calories. These data have been confirmed by numerous studies, but this effect has not yet been fully explained. Scientists believe this is due to increased post-meal metabolism and low levels of fat and carbohydrates in protein.

The timing of protein intake is also important. The effectiveness of your workouts depends on this, so it is very important to know how to consume protein.

In the field of bodybuilding, a solid experience has been accumulated and now scientists have derived 3 basic rules for taking protein. It must be consumed:

  • In the morning, after sleep. During the night, muscles are subject to slight catabolism due to forced starvation, and therefore in the morning hour it is important to replenish the lost amino acids to maintain shape.
  • During the day. It is necessary between meals, consume 2-4 servings of protein, 20-35 grams each.
  • Before and after training. Exactly this optimal time... Fast forms of protein, such as whey, are best suited for this.

Both isolate and concentrate are good. And a full meal should be done 1-2 hours after training.

It is very important to take the protein at the indicated intervals, as only then will they have the best effect.

The benefits and harms of protein.

In general, this topic is very popular, but most researchers agree that there is no particular harm from protein. Its effect on the digestive, cardiovascular, genitourinary and other systems was studied.

It has been found that if you follow a sports diet, protein does not harm the body. In case of overeating, it will easily come out without creating unnecessary problems. Overeating is harmful, but due to the fact that the body is "accustomed" to protein, problems do not arise. Myths about the dangers of protein are created by people far from sports, so in any case, you can safely consume protein and not worry about your health and well-being.

(9 estimates, average: 4,89 out of 5)

Today's article will focus on protein: how to take it in bodybuilding, in what quantities, at what time of the day, and how to calculate the effective working dosage for a specific person.

Protein - how to take

Protein is protein. Protein is what muscles and internal organs are made of. Protein is the most anabolic substance. The word "protein" in bodybuilding is usually understood as a dietary supplement with a high protein content.

To take or not to take protein is like answering whether to eat or not. Protein is essential anyway. Our body needs a minimum of 37 g of protein for a non-exercising man and 29 g of protein for a woman to maintain normal vital functions every day.

In order for the body not to use its own muscles, approximately 1 g of protein per 1 kg of its own weight is needed as energy sources (again, a person who is not involved in sports). In order to gain muscle mass, it is generally accepted that this dose lies in the region of 1.5-2.5 g per 1 kg of weight.

Where do these numbers come from and why are they so important? Let's start with the latter. You should take protein as a sports nutrition supplement based on the need to cover the protein deficiency in your daily diet.

We take protein in the following cases:

  • When you can't get the right amount of protein during the day with solid natural food.
  • When it is not always possible to eat solid food.
  • On drying, when protein is needed not as a building material, but as a source of energy for the body (due to the fact that the amount of carbohydrates is reduced).

By and large, if you get a sufficient amount of protein with natural food, then you do not need protein as a sports supplement.

Now to the numbers. There is such a thing as nitrogen balance. Those. every day our body spends a certain amount of protein to maintain its normal existence (in the region of 25-40 g). This amount must be replenished daily. However, an adult, and even a sports person, has much higher needs. Firstly, due to the presence of high physical activity, and secondly, due to the need to build new and maintain existing muscle volumes.

This additional need is approximately 1.5-1.6 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight... From the point of view of physiology for the growth of your muscles, this is the minimum necessary and sufficient amount. In practice, it is necessary to dance from him. Those. You eat exactly one month, consuming 1.5-1.6 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight daily. In this case, you can count on an increase of 2 kg of muscle mass (at the rate of 0.5 kg per week).

The slower you grow your mass, the better this mass will be (minimum fat and water, maximum muscle).

If the coveted increase does not occur, you simply increase the amount of protein and again wait a month. Thus, empirically, you will select the required amount of protein that you need for muscle growth. Anything that you cannot get with natural food can be safely compensated with protein.

Why am I talking about this approach? To save your health and your money. Do not heed the recommendations of the fitness industry thoughtlessly. Anything that you take at face value will enrich the sports nutrition manufacturer. The phrases "should take 2-3 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight" from this series. Someone will need 1.5 g, someone even 3.5 g will not be enough for the growth of their muscle mass, but you should not listen to the phrases "2-3 g of protein per 1 kg of weight", which bring everyone down one size fits all - they do not take into account the individual characteristics of a person (weight, level physical development, training experience, etc.)

Protein: how to take for maximum absorption

The main point of the above paragraphs is that protein should be taken to cover the protein deficiency in the daily diet. Your task is to determine the amount of protein that you are missing.

Example: Vasya Pupkin, 80 kg. The required amount of protein at the rate of 2 g per 1 kg of body weight is 160 g. Vasya eats 120 g of protein with natural food per day. He will have to get 40 g with whey protein. Vasya breaks this amount into two meals of 20 g of protein (not protein) and eats it in between the main meals.

In order to maximize the absorption of protein, follow these principles:

  • Don't go overboard! You should not increase your protein intake above the amount you have determined (as described above). Everything that the body needs will take and assimilate, the rest will be sent to the toilet.
  • Protein is absorbed best when the diet is high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are friends with insulin, a transport hormone that delivers the necessary substances (including protein structures) to the cells of the body. So protein intake can be combined with carbohydrate intake.
  • The smaller the single serving of protein, the better it is absorbed. There is evidence that protein is best absorbed in doses of 10-30 g.
  • The more often you take protein, the better it works for you. Not everything is so literal here !!! This is protein. The more often you can supply your body with small portions of protein throughout the day, the better. For example, you eat 6 times a day, 4 of which are solid protein-carbohydrate foodand 2 doses are whey protein. The principle is observed.
  • Choose a quality product. Buy protein from proven specialized stores. Give preference to American brands, their quality is noticeably higher than the rest.

The protein is mixed with water, milk or juice in a blender or shaker. Milk can give you an extra 2.5 g of protein from 100 ml, and sweet juices will give you fast carbohydrates (this is a surge of insulin and some extra calories). Consider this.

Usually 30 g of powder is mixed with 250-400 g of liquid. The amount of the latter is not at all important, so rely on the taste of the resulting cocktail. You can keep the resulting protein shake for several hours, but the sooner you drink it, the better.

Never pour boiling water over protein. The protein in the supplement simply denatures (coagulates) and loses its properties.

Protein intake does not depend on the time of day. A person needs protein constantly, both in the morning and in the evening (carbohydrates in this regard are "capricious"). You can take it with your main meals or in between. Make sure that the amount of protein entering the body per day is always constant, i.e. independent of whether you have practiced today or not.


I hope this article will help you answer the question about protein: how to take it and how to calculate the working amount of the supplement.

Remember: sports nutrition is secondary and will never replace natural food. Try to get the amount of protein you need primarily from animal products. Anything that you cannot get safely finish off with protein.

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When you walk into any modern gym, you probably hear the sound of a shaker as often as the clink of dumbbells and barbells. Protein and other sports supplements have become so firmly established in our lives that it is now quite difficult to imagine a workout that is not supported by a special cocktail (some take a supplement even in the middle of a workout). In most cases, protein provides an extra boost of energy. Protein powder is made different ways: made from whey, soy and even peas, it can be purchased almost everywhere, from shops to gyms, this popular supplement has firmly entered our lives and proper nutrition... But how to take protein correctly, how much should you drink at a time, and should it be mixed with other foods?

Whether you're an athlete or just getting in shape on the weekends, chances are there is a protein supplement pack in your home. You may be drinking at least one cocktail or smoothie. But do you know the composition of your protein powder and how to use it for the best results? To help you get the most out of this supplement, we've created this guide to answer some of the most popular protein questions.

Protein Powder is the same protein, but in a convenient liquid form. For muscles to grow, they need protein as a building material. The recommended rate is 1.5 - 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. That is, a person weighing 70 kg needs to take about 105 - 140 grams of protein per day. But you cannot take all the protein at one time - it must be distributed into 4-6 servings, approximately, 30-40 grams of protein each. Each jar of protein contains a measuring spoon, its volume is about 23-25 \u200b\u200bgrams, that is, you need to put one and a half to two spoons per cocktail.

Protein: Why and why you need to take it

Many fitness enthusiasts buy protein and introduce it into their diet without even realizing why they are taking protein or if they need it at all. According to Brian St. Pierre, a sports nutritionist and nutritional instructor, protein provides the body's daily protein needs and should be added to your diet. However, protein powder is not a panacea. “If you meet your protein needs through food, that's okay,” says St. Pierre. In the event that you take 3-4 servings of natural protein per day, at the rate of 1 gram of protein per 400 grams of weight, then there is no need to take protein powder. But in the opposite case, protein can become your faithful ally.

While labels may say otherwise, the protein content is pretty much the same everywhere. All protein powders contain only what should be there - protein made from whey, soy or other original product. Also on the packaging you can find terms like "hydrolyzed", "the latest achievement of science", etc. St. Pierre claims that the desire to purchase a protein that is "absorbed better" is wrong, his opinion is also similar to research on this issue. “Many companies will insist that you buy only their products made from whey from cows fed exclusively fresh grass or cold filtered whey,” says St-Pierre. "Perhaps their products are really better, but you can hardly tell how much."

So, if the cost of a protein powder does not affect its quality, then what should consumers look for when shopping? Saint Pierre recommends purchasing products from a well-known manufacturer with a good reputation in the market (the detailed composition is indicated on the packaging of their protein). He also encourages the purchase of products that have passed veterinary control and certification from organizations such as Informed Choice. Companies of this kind purchase products in stores and conduct various tests to make sure that the product contains exactly what is written on the label.

After you've settled on a few well-known sports nutrition brands, look at nutritional and energy values. While the numbers and data may seem confusing at first glance, Saint-Pierre recommends simply looking at the characteristics of the product. He likes protein, low in fat and carbohydrates.

What happens if you mix protein with other ingredients

So you've finally bought and brought home a pack of high quality protein. What's next? A problem may arise at this stage. Below are two of the most common uses of protein powder throughout the day and specific directions for each.

1. Replacement of food products

If you wake up late in the morning and are late for work, you have very little time to prepare a nutritious breakfast. In this case, a protein shake can help you out. St. Pierre recommends adding vegetables as a base, one or two servings of fruit, a serving of saturated fat, and a scoop of protein powder. He and the team at Precision Nutrition coined a special term for this kind of meal replacement - super shakers. These shakes can be used as a meal replacement or as a food supplement if your goal is to gain weight. Healthy recipewhich will suit both men and women:


  • 2 scoops of protein powder
  • 1 to 2 cups vegetables (like spinach, which won't affect the taste)
  • 2 handfuls of fruit (fresh or frozen)
  • 2 tablespoons saturated fat (nuts, butter, or seeds)


  • 1 tablespoon protein powder
  • 1 cup vegetables
  • 1 handful of fruit
  • 1 tablespoon saturated fat
  • Liquid part (almond milk, regular milk, water - your choice)

These recipes bring up another important topic - gender differences. Fitness supplements are often viewed as purely masculine, but protein shakes are effective for women as well. However, St. Pierre notes that women's nutritional needs are somewhat different. They need less protein per unit of body weight (primarily due to differences in physique). For this reason, he recommends that women add one scoop of protein powder instead of two. However, he admits that this is not entirely the right decision. “The point is not that women should halve the rate for men. You can measure it based on your personal needs, ”says St. Pierre.

Gender differences aside, if these shakes are so nutritious, why don't you just mix one at a time in the mixer after each meal? St. Pierre warns, despite all the benefits, cocktails cannot replace food. “Natural foods contain a lot of nutrients that powder cannot replace,” he says. Also, sometimes not all nutrients and vitamins can be absorbed. For this reason, he recommends no more than two servings of protein a day. Do not rely entirely on cocktails, do not neglect the main meals during lunch and dinner.

2. Taking protein after exercise

A short period of time after training allows you to drink a protein shake to replenish the lost nutrients, such shakes and a mixer have become an integral part of the gym... If you have not put off taking protein immediately after your workout, you will be particularly able to benefit from its use and improve the results of your workout. Taking protein after exercise has been shown to be beneficial in helping you regain strength after strenuous exercise, as well as increase stamina and muscle gain. However, these confirmations are perhaps slightly exaggerated. St Pierre recognizes that post-workout nutrition is important enough, but it shouldn't be overly important. “It's generally okay to have one cocktail right after your workout, but this ritual is optional,” he explains. "Don't go crazy just because you didn't have time to drink a cocktail immediately after you finish exercising."

So how does a post-workout protein shake fit into your diet? It depends on your personal preference. It used to be that protein shakes were more quickly absorbed in the stomach than regular foods and provide faster muscle building through the intake of nutrients. According to St. Pierre, new research has proven that this is not entirely true. He advises his clients to do what is convenient for them. “If you want to have a cocktail, well that's great. If you want to eat, that's okay too. Any of the options is correct, and the choice depends on you personally, ”says the coach. Gastrointestinal sensitivity also matters. Some people feel bad if they eat right after exercise. In this case, it will be more correct for them to take a protein shake.

It would seem that protein powders have become an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, just like high-tech fitness trackers and athletic shoes. While protein shakes can be called a convenient product, this does not mean that they should be taken all the time. Healthy food continues to be the main source of vitamins and nutrients. In the best way It will be to combine food from your healthy diet and use protein powder as a convenient and healthy addition.