What relates to anabolic steroids. What is anabolic steroids

Many athletes choose a cycle with the use of "chemistry". So it is time to find out what steroids are safer and effective. Rating the best preparations - in this article.

Best mass steroids

Have you decided to build an ideal body with the help of "chemistry" in training? Then you will be interested to know which steroids are the best, in demand and popular. After all, sometimes it is very difficult to understand the huge assortment of the proposed drugs, and choose exactly the one that will give an expected result without hurting health.

Anabolic Steroid Deca Durabolin

Deca-Durabolin (other names - Nandrolon, Retabolil) is an undoubted leader among anabolic steroids in many signs. This is high efficiency, and relative safety. In addition, you should not forget about low androgenic activity and a minor phenomenon of rollback. The list will not be complete, if not adding the lack of aromatization and low toxicity.

Such a tool can be used in a solo course or in an ensemble with other drugs. Quite often, this anabolic causes erectile dysfunction during the reception: it's all the case in a decrease in the course of use of Dihydrotestosterone preparation by the feedback mechanism.

This injection steroid helps to quickly grow muscle mass. The results are just amazing: in just three months it is possible to dial from thirteen to eighteen kilogram muscular mass. So bodybuilders are happy to take this miracle medicine.

This drug is an excellent painkiller. In addition, it is capable of hearing the injured joints to some extent. This steroid is almost not toxic. When you have achieved impressive results in a set of muscle mass, this steroid retains the indicators achieved. From side effects, the bloating and water delay should be selected.

Anabolic steroid Dianabol

Danabol (other names - methandienone, nianabol, metandrottenolone, buttime) - the most famous and effective steroid Among all such oral preparations. For about half a century, it has not come down from the first position in various rankings of steroids.

With this tool, it is possible to achieve unprecedented results in the growth of muscle mass. The same applies to the strengths. Although there is one "but" - after the course of this fund, an impressive rollback is observed. In addition, Danabol delays water, flavored and possesses side effects Androgen action. But still bodybuilders prefer this tool to many others due to its high efficiency in the growth of muscle mass and the growth of force.

It is not necessary to listen very much to criticism, because it is necessary to experience this drug that is really effective. Its toxicity is quite moderate, by the way. When choosing a steroid course with this preparation, the optimal combination with deck and testosterone will be.

Anabolic steroid Turinabol

This steroid ranks third among the best preparations for muscle mass. By parameters, it is very similar to the metandioneon, only even cleaner. The drug is not flavored, practically does not delay water. Yes, and the phenomenon of rollback is small. Therefore, the quality of the dialed muscular mass is excellent.

True, due to the lack of aromatization and the effect of a water battery, the massset is worse than when taking traditional methane. That is why this drug ranks third, and not the second.

The effect of the drug is quite long - about sixteen hours. For an oral agent, this is an excellent indicator.

During the course of the drug excluded estrogenic adverse reactions, such as gynecomastia. In excessive dosages, this means is toxic for such an important organ as a liver. Therefore, it is not best to use solo, but combined courses.

Anabolic steroid Sustanon 250

The components of this steroid is Testosterone Enantat. With this drug, it is possible to achieve impressive success in the growth of the strength and mass of the muscles. Due to the fact that Sustanon is an androgenic anabolic, it has negative properties and has side effects.

So, the drug is very flavored, delays water and depresses the hormonal system. With excessive doses, even chemical "castration" is possible. Rollback phenomenon is quite strong.

The drug is unique in that it is absorbed in it with different speeds. Therefore, the injections of this means are made less frequently compared to other steroids.

For impressive power indicators in steroid year It is best to use Sustanon in combinations with other anabolics. Due to the prolonged action of the drug, you can make injections once a week.

Anabolic Steroid TestoSterone Enanthate (Cypionate)

With this ether, you can achieve unprecedented results in a set of muscle mass. Although due to the fact that it is Androgen, there are both undesirable parties - side effects and a significant rollback after cycle passage.

This anabolic steroid enters almost all courses and complexes in bodybuilding. It is effective not only for a set of muscle mass, but also to work on the relief. The impressive results can be achieved in the fight against overweight. But here in each case you need an individual approach and selection of a certain variety of drug. So, for a set of muscle mass is best suitable enanthate and cypionate, and propionate will be more appropriate as a fat burner.

Testosterone occupies an important place in any steroid cycle - it does not matter, it is short or long, combined. Depending on the goal, you just need to use it differently.

Anabolic steroid anadrol

Anroidol is one of the most powerful steroids when it comes to increasing the mass and the growth of force. Few drugs can compare with it in this. Although here in the presence of pronounced side effects - violations of hormonal balance, hypertrophy of the heart muscle, liver damage.

But basically such reactions are possible only in the event of an overdose, so it is necessary to consult a specialist about the duration of the cycle and dosages. And the scheme of classes will appoint your coach, do not forget to consult with him too.

With excessive dosages, the drug is able to lead to myocardial hypertrophy. In addition, a powerful rollback is observed after the cycle.

Anabolic Steroid Trenbolone.

This is the strongest anabolic steroid, which, according to the action of muscular growth, exceeds Deca Durabolin four times. But, unfortunately, the side effects of Trenbolone are also impressive. This, for example, increased androgen activity, resulting in fragrament of steroid.

This drug is the best steroid that increases the insulin-like growth factor. As a result, the sensitivity of the receptors increases. The same applies to anabolic activity. The Trenbolone Course should not exceed 8-10 weeks, while it is important to rest at least twenty days.

Be sure to consult your doctor, because it is a steroid with impressive side effects. And, it means, only a specialist will be able to properly choose the dosage and assign the duration of the cycle. And with the coach, do not forget to communicate on the topic of choosing the ideal scheme of classes against the background of the reception of this steroid.

Anabolic steroid Equipoise.

With such an anabolic steroid, like Equipolis, you quickly gain a lot. This is conditionally an injection form of methandienone, although the action is drastically different with the prototype. The means is little flavored, with it, it is possible to quickly increase muscle mass.

In addition, this drug perfectly increases appetite, and is an excellent protein synthesis stimulator in muscle tissues. It slightly delays water and allows you to maintain a mass that was gained during the course, even after it is completed. Injection steroid is not toxic for the liver, it improves the composition of the blood.

Best Steroids on Drying

  • Anavar.It is safe to say that this is the safest anabolic steroid. Anavar (Oxandrolone) - a drug of soft anabolic action. It has pretty low toxicity. The same applies to the androgenic effect. This means Success is used as a fat burner in a cycle on drying and relief.

    In addition, this is an excellent filler on the course for the increase in muscle mass and increase strength. Anavar enjoying great popularity in bodybuilders and Powerlifters. A small-toxic steroid has practically no effect on the production of endogenous testosterone.

  • Trenbolone. This is a wonderful fat burner. It is used not only in courses for mass, but also for drying. This drug is able to increase the level of insulin-like growth factor, due to which it is used for burning fat.
  • Masteron. Anabolic steroid is taken to achieve muscle relief. Here there is a pronounced androgen effect, and, it means that the corresponding side reactions are. Thanks to the course with a workone, it is possible to achieve muscle hardness - it's all about the diuretic effect.
  • Winstrol. Such in demand among the athletes steroid, like Winstrol (Stanozol), is used during drying. It is toxic for the liver, so you should consult a doctor about the dosages during the course. The tablet form is less efficient and more toxic. It is better to pay attention to the injection of this drug. With the help of Winstrol, it is possible to significantly increase strength. The same applies to venous vision.

Athlete's life is solid workouts, rods and jogs, diets and competitions. Every day you should be in the form and at the height. Even for the experienced bodybuilder it may not be easy. And what to talk about newcomers, who only came to the training hall. They would like to achieve excellent results faster, however, they lack forces and endurance. They are most often starting to collect information that such steroids, how to use them correctly, to quickly achieve the desired forms.

Magic Tablet or Something Other

In society, there is a huge number of myths associated with what steroids. Let's deal with you. These are substances for accelerating anabolic processes. The first preparations based on them were created to treat sick people.

Of course, gradually the world began to learn what steroids, and someone from the athletes occurred to which the property of these drugs would help healthy people to gain ideal muscles in a short time. But the thing is that this effect works correctly only with a certain nutrition, compliance with the regime and rest, careful calculation of the dosage and right choice The drug is that only experienced doctors.

Testosterone and its esters

For a set of muscular mass really work. They are able to give the desired figure in the most short time. But there are difficulties that need to be taken into account. Available steroids are used as anabolics, which can penetrate the cell membrane. Synthesis proteins provoke androgenic steroids. They are responsible for signs of masculinity. This is the reason that the female athlete becomes like a man. Such effects in great sports were observed more than once. Today, doctors have significantly accumulated experience that avoids such errors.

Testosterone for men

And now the next moment that allows you to better understand what steroids are. These substances reduce cholesterol levels, destroy body fat reserves and already last cause muscle tissue growth. You need to take into account yet. Most of the testosterone, the most famous androgenic steroid, produced by male sementes. If you prick it regularly and in large quantities, the body ceases to synthesize the hormone on their own. After canceling the steroid, this process can start again, but sometimes it does not occur.

Another problem is characteristic of all androgenic steroids. Under the influence of enzymes, they will turn into estrogens. This leads to obesity on the female type after the cancellation of the drug. As you can see, the nuances grabs. Maybe it's better to go to the rocking chair without steroids?

The perfect body and how to achieve it

Despite all the flaws, it is worth noting that without the use of special preparations and sports nutrition It is quite difficult to get good results. Sometimes years of workouts pass with a minor weight. In this case, the perfect assistants are steroids for a set of muscle mass. However, it is very important to choose those that cause minimum harm with the maximum benefit. But in order to evaluate everything for both opposite, it is important to take advice from a specialist. For example, the use of testosterone ether varies depending on the purposes:

  • An enanthate and cypionat are suitable for the mass.
  • For drying and burning fat, it is better to use propionate.
  • To preserve muscle energy - enanthate testosterone.

Best mass steroids

We have already talked a little about Testosterone. It must be the basic at the heart of any course. However, today, rarely, which bodybuilder uses monotherapy. Most often a combination of several preparations + proper nutrition + Sports loads.

  • Considering the best steroids for a set of muscle mass, it should be noted "Methandrottenolon", it is "Dianabol". In practice, he proved its effectiveness, despite the delay in water. The growth of muscle mass and power is simply colossal, but also rollback after the course is significant. Many athletes are ready to come from this and even come to terms with side effects (flavoring, significant fluid delay, liver toxicity), since in the period of body weight increases it is difficult to find something more efficient.
  • "Deca-Durabolin" - not to say that he is the strongest in a set of mass. The growth rates will be less than in the previous case, but this drug is safer. It is not toxic and in competent use practically does not have side effects. Let you get less muscle mass for a certain period, but the rollback will be minimal.
  • "TURINOLAR". In fact, it is the same "metandrostenolone", only he is not flavored and does not delay the water so much. That is, the massset goes slower, but its quality is much higher, and there is practically no rollback. However, due to the lack of an effect of a water battery, efficiency indicators are lower, so "tourolobol" stands in third place. However, the effect of this oral steroid lasts 16 hours, which is a very high indicator for such funds.
  • "Equiply" is an injection preparation that is considered one of the best for a set of mass. Like any other, it increases appetite. The steroid stimulates the synthesis of protein in muscle tissues, little delays water, which means that the scored mass is better saved after the course. It is not toxic for the liver.

Abstract on the topic:

Anabolic steroid

Steroid anabolic agents have been known for more than 40 years, since in the 50s it was synthesized by chemical by derivatives of men's sex hormone testosterone. Initially, they were used exclusively for medical purposes when additional stimulation of anabolic processes in the human body was required. However, very soon, these features of steroids were interested in athletes. The era of using steroid anabolic tools in sports practice began. To date, a number of anabolic steroids have been created, which has already more than one hundred items. All of them are testosterone derivatives and substances close to it, and possess its properties. The state of the problem according to the Doping Control Laboratory of VNIIFK, at competitions of schoolchildren, about 50% of competing from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tula, Smolensk regions anabolic steroid, Cocaine, amphetamines and other drugs. In connection with this depressing statistics, as well as in connection with many of the most delusional rumors on the problem of anabolic steroids, the editors considers the necessary publication of truthful information on anabolic steroids that exclude any speculation and error. Enlightenment on this issue should be most accessible to everyone, in one way or another engaged in sports. Steroid Anabolic Sport Testosterone

Anabolic steroids (anabolics) are preparations synthesized on the basis of the male sex hormone testosterone. Some of them (for example, Nerochol) are used in the form of tablets, others (for example, retabilic, necolic) are means of prolonged that is extension and are intended for intramuscular injections.

The main property of these drugs is the strengthening of the process of the exchange and assimilation of those substances that go to the construction of the fabrics of a living organism, with the simultaneous weakening of the exchange reactions associated with the decay of complex organic substances. Thanks to this property, they are called "construction" hormones. And first of all, the anabolics stimulate protein exchange. Anabolic steroids also activate the mineral exchange, delaying in the body of potassium, phosphorus and sulfur, necessary for protein synthesis, contribute to the calcium delay in the bones.

Anabolics make it easier and accelerate the suction of the substances necessary for cell activity. They can be said, stimulate "muscle nutrition" and increase weight due to the growth of muscle mass. Anabolic steroids are testosterone derivatives, so they have an androgenic effect, that is, they act according to the type of testosterone male sex hormone, providing the formation of a male muscular figure.

Initially, anabolics are not intended not to turn into the similarity of Schwarzenegger under their impact. First of all, it is a medicine, and it is intended for long-friendly people who lose weight of the body for the time of illness, they suffer for a long time and they need to be restored to somehow. In the treatment of various violations of the sexual sphere, men use analogs of anabolic activity. It is clear that in all these cases, the use of anabolic is justified. At the same time, very many men, especially those who engage in bodybuilding and attend the gyms, resort to the help of these drugs with one intention - to increase their muscle mass. As a rule, this is done so that without any particular physical effort to achieve the desired parameters and with their help more successfully move in sports, or with a banal goal of becoming if not the owner of sports awards, so in any case a beautiful courageous figure. Yes, of course, the anabolics give some strengthening of secondary sexual signs, but always need to remember that, unfortunately, engaged in bodybuilding, not every man can become so beautiful as, say, Schwarzenegger. Explanation is very simple: it all depends on the structure muscular fiberAnd it happens different - thicker, thinner, and the features of muscle activity are determined.

There was a time when Anaboliki belonged to relatively harmless tools. Detect them in biological fluids I could not, and it also contributed to the use of anabolics with a certain part of athletes, since it was impossible to catch them. When the methods of identifying anabolic steroids developed, they were included in the list of doping - substances whose use is prohibited in sports. Currently, controls for anabolic steroids are made not only at large competitions, but also in training.

C. e. m same threatens to receive anabolics? First, they are doping, and, therefore, the reception is prohibited. The athlete, coming to, anabolic steroids violates the moral and ethical demands of the sport. Secondly, the use of anabolics threatens with numerous violations of health, which are usually detected not immediately, but after a long time. The consequences of accepting anabolics can be nausea, vomiting, dizziness, increase arterial pressure, loss of appetite, irritability, aggressiveness, violation of cardiac activity, liver damage. Men often observed a decrease in sperm, impotence, a tumor of the prostate gland can develop, as well as other serious pathology. In women, the menstrual cycle changes, the voice is noted, the hair growth on the male type, the clitoris hypertrophy and other disorders.

Especially dangerous use of anabolics for teenagers. In addition to the listed complications, they can cause their premature cessation of growth. As it turned out, anabolics are involved in injury. Despite the fact that people who used the muscles who used the anabolic steroids are quickly hypertrophy, become stronger, bundles and tendons remain the same. They sometimes, and do not withstand the sharply increased load, which occurs with short-term muscle stresses of high intensity. The more the muscle hypertrophy, the bigger the risk of tearing her tendons.

Some steroid molecules can maintain activity for several weeks, the molecules of others are quickly modified in the body, turning into ineffective forms in a couple of days after use. Some steroids have significantly greater efficiency than others. What determines and from which the effectiveness of anabolic steroids depends? If you answer extremely briefly, it all depends on the following factors: the specifics of the steroid itself; individual characteristics of a particular human body; steroids application schemes; the presence of sufficient amounts of amino acids and energy for the synthesis of a new protein in the cell (the problem is full, including specialized nutrition of an athlete); The level of physical exertion when taking drugs, as their insufficient volume will adversely affect the effectiveness of the drug (the problem of proper selection and intensity of training). Not all steroids have the same chemical structure, which determines the rate of conversion of the drug in the liver into a biologically inactive compound and its removal from the body and, accordingly, have a different degree of impact on the human body.

In general, drugs possessing the greatest anabolic effect contribute to the growth of muscle tissues to the greatest extent. Traditionally, for example, it is believed that drugs such as Anavar, Winstrol and Primobalan are steroids with a high degree of anabolic effect on the body. Anroidol, Dianabol and Testosterone are even stronger effect. In medicine, the anabolic activity of one or another drug is determined with respect to the anabolic activity of testosterone, which is applied conditionally for 1. Similarly, the androgenic activity of steroids with respect to the androgenic activity of testosterone is expressed. The attitude of anabolic activity to androgenic is called an anabolic index. From here it becomes clear that the most valuable is the drug that has the greatest anabolic index (AI), as an indicator of the maximum predominance of anabolic activity over androgenic. In this below, the table (according to Yu.B. Bulanov) provides anabolic and androgen activity of various drugs according to different authors, where testosterone is used as a standard. As we have already said, another most important factor affecting the effectiveness of anabolic steroids is the individual features of the body of a particular user. Some athletes have an extremely high individual sensitivity of biotransforming systems, as well as a large number of receptor molecules entering the steroid into interaction and initiating a biological effect in the complex. This provides a compound of receptors with a much large amount of free molecules, which in turn increases radically anabolic effect. This explains that famous factthat some rods, taking small doses of steroids, continuously increasing performance. Among the athletes there are individuals with a small amount of receptor molecules in muscle cells, in connection with this, only the most potent steroids and in large dosages are effective for them.

Very often, these users take large doses from a mixture of different steroids without a visible effect. As for the application schemes of anabolic steroids, the foreign authors describe at least several ways to introduce anabolic steroids into the body of athletes, which, in their opinion, cause maximum effects with minimal side effects: the "combination" method is to simultaneously use several anabolic steroids. (orally and in injections) that strengthen each other's action; The phenomenon of "plateau" involves the use of anabolic steroids in the case when the preparations already used do not give the desired growth of muscle mass and strength; The method of "fast switching" from one steroid to another, which allows effective action next drug after the end of the influence of the previous one; The "narrowing" method is slow (4-6 weeks) to reduce steroid dosages after a long course reception to reduce side effects and return to the initial state; The method of "shooting fraction" allows the use of many drugs in small doses in the hope that one of them will complement the other.

) - these are substances that stimulate protein synthesis in the body; The chemical structure is close to male sex hormones. Anabolic steroids include metandrostenolone (see), (see), Nandrolon-phenylpropionate (see). All anabolic steroids have a greater or lesser extent a man's activity (androgenic activity). The effect of anabolic steroids is manifested by improving the overall state of patients, an increase in, increasing the mass of skeletal muscles, sizes and weight of the kidneys, liver and bones, an increase in body weight, accelerating the healing of fractures.

Simultaneously with anabolic steroid preparations, the patient should receive the required amount of proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.

Indications for the purpose of anabolic steroid preparations are: various origin, slow recovery after operations, infectious diseases or injuries, slow fractures, osteoporosis, growth delay in children, absence of appetite, etc. Contraindicated the use of anabolic steroid preparations, breastfeeding, acute liver diseases; Caution is observed with jade, nephrosis, heart diseases with edema. Sideflines -, voices, hair on men's hair in women - are associated with the androgenic activity of anabolic steroids and pass after the abolition of drugs.

Anabolic steroid preparations are synthetic androgen derivatives (see sex hormones) with a pronounced anabolic effect, i.e., reinforcing protein assimilation processes in the body. These include metandrostenolone (see), nandrolonphenylpropionate (see), metylandrindiol (see).

Stimulating protein synthesis, anabolic steroid drugs make a nitrate balance positive, lead to an increase in the content of protein in muscle tissue and some organs, cause weight gain, contribute to the deposition of calcium salts in bone tissue. The mechanism of action of anabolic steroid drugs is not yet clear, but, according to available data, their action is associated with an increase in the activity of some enzymes involved in protein metabolism. Activating protein synthesis, anabolic steroid drugs are opposed to the catabolic effects of various exogenous and endogenous factors, in particular pathogenic, hormonal, etc., Including the catabolic effect of glucocorticoid adrenal cortex.

Indications K. medical application Anabolic steroids are diverse and determined by frequent in therapeutic practice the need to stimulate protein synthesis in the patient's body.

Among the testimony are the most important: cachexia, depletion and asthenia of various origin, anorexia, slow recovery after acute infections, surgical intervention and injury, after a large blood loss, slow fractures, senile osteoporosis, various systemic muscular and bone diseases, breakdown, renal failure With azotemia, heavy diabetes mellitus, complicated by retinopathy, inoperable cases of breast cancer, cystic mastopathy, radiation disease. In pediatrics, anabolic steroid preparations are prescribed during dystrophy, a delay in the growth of various origin, the supply of food. The purpose of anabolic steroids during treatment with corticosteroid drugs warns or relieves complications associated with the catabolic action of the latter. According to some data, the "protective" role of anabolic steroids is also expressed in the prevention of adrenal cortex from atrophy during corticoid therapy.

In the treatment of anabolic steroids, nutrition is needed with sufficient protein content.

Contraindications: Pregnancy, breastfeeding period, prostate cancer, liver disease with pronounced function failure. Side effect It can be observed with too long use of anabolic steroids in high doses in the form of androgenic effect (voices flaking, violation menstrual cycle, the appearance of acne). There are cases of housing cells and even damage to hepatic cells. Changes disappear after discontinuation of treatment. Ordinary medicinal doses and intermittent treatment courses (four weeks at intervals of 4-6 weeks) are not accompanied by a side effect.

- Regular reception of steroid hormones, which are derived from the natural hormone testosterone. Widespread among athletes, especially professional. It often occurs in people engaged in bodybuilding (including at the amateur level). Anabolics stimulate the growth of muscle mass, increase muscle strength. With constant use, negatively affect the liver and endocrine system. There are studies confirming the development of psychological dependence on anabolic steroids.


Anabolic steroid abuse is a common problem among athletes. Anabolics are used in almost all kinds of sports, there are evidence that only figure skating and female hockey on the grass remained "clean" from anabolic steroids in the Olympic Sports Sports. Since 1974, Anaboliki has been included in the list of sports doping, which made it possible to reduce their use. Preparations of this group are very popular among bodybuilding fans, they often begin to use almost the first visits to the gym.

Many patients at the time of the first reception have not yet reached the age of 16. Early age The start of use increases the likelihood of a variety of complications. First, the use of hormones before the completion of growing can cause serious damage to the endocrine system and other organs. Secondly, adolescents are impatient, they need "everything immediately", which leads to the reception of the extensively high doses. At the same time, anabolics are danger not only for adolescents, but also for adults. Preparations of this group are not psychoactive substances, however, due to the development of dependence, this problem pays attention not only to endocrinologists and sports doctors, but also specialists in the field of psychiatry and narcology.

Anabolic steroid

Anabolic steroids are a group of drugs produced on the basis of testosterone. Testosterone is the main male hormone. It influences the development of men's genital organs and the emergence of secondary sexual signs (sore, including - the appearance of hair on the face, the formation of a noticeable cade, baldness, a small amount of fat, a male type of shape with a narrow pelvis and wide shoulders). All listed effects are called androgenic action. In addition, testosterone has an anabolic effect, slowing down nitrogen removal and stimulating protein synthesis in muscles.

In clinical practice, the anabolic steroids in men are used in the delay in puberty, the insufficiency of the function of the genual glands due to the testicular hypoplasia or their removal (for example, about malignant education). In women, small doses of anabolics are used in fibrous mastopathy, endometriosis and some postmenopausal disorders. In addition, the preparations of this group are prescribed to patients of both sexes in the treatment after severe injuries, large operations, extensive burns, chronic infections, etc.

The most common anabolics are retabolil, phenobolin, silabolin, metylacetendiol and metandortenshenolone. Jargon names - feed or speakers. All listed drugs are synthesized on the basis of testosterone, but testosterone itself in medical or non-medical purposes is not used due to very rapid destruction during metabolic processes. Strengthening the effect of testosterone derivatives turns into more pronounced side effects. Preparations not only activate muscle growth, but also increase aggressiveness, the libido increases, cause delay in potassium, sodium, phosphates, sulfates and water in the body. In addition, synthetic anabolics affect the testicles, pituitary gland and hypothalamus, the coal products of endogenous hormones and breaking (sometimes irreversibly) hormonal balance.

Distribution and reasons for the reception of anabolic steroids

Among the athletes, Anaboliki became popular in the 50s of the last century. Initially, drugs took only weightlifts, then other athletes joined them, including women. The uncontrolled reception continued until 1964. Then the use of hormones gradually began to restrict, and 1974 they were officially included in the list of doping. Nevertheless, anabolics continue to be used, often in amateur sports, where there are no such tough checks and restrictions. Preparations of this group are especially popular among bodybuilding fans. Testosterone derivatives buy in gyms (Including in the form of biodeadows), discharged via the Internet and so on.

Steroids are taken inside, intravenously or intramuscularly. Means for oral administration have a more pronounced destructive effect on the liver. They are faster from the body, so the athletes choose them during the period of preparation for the competition, to then safely pass doping control. Solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration are less on the liver cells, however, when they are taken, the danger of infection through the non-sterile syringe increases. Flebites, abscesses and other complications are possible.

For the first time, anabolics use, as a rule, in youthful age. An example of peers becomes an incentive to receive the drug, inherent in the age of impatience and the desire to find a sports attractive body as soon as possible. In groups of people engaged in bodybuilding, the philosophy of the reception of anabolics, as the mandatory conditions of the good effect of classes, can be distributed. Young people with faster psyche adopt this "philosophy", which leads to a sharp increase in the importance of anabolic steroids in the personal system of worldview. With long-term reception, psychological addiction arises.

Action of anabolic steroids on the body

Steroids contribute to the rapid growth of muscle mass and increased muscle strength. However, these effects are achieved only with constant, competently organized training. Reception of anabolics without exercise It leads to a certain decrease in the fat content and a little activates the growth of the muscles, but these changes are not careful and practically not reflected in the appearance. Even in training, doses of drugs are needed to achieve a noticeable effect, many times larger than the level of natural testosterone in the body. Such rude interference in the metabolism is wrapped in a number of side effects.

Acceptance of anabolics in adolescence leads to premature cessation of growth. The likelihood of the appearance of acne is increasing. Like baldness (like young men and girls). Sometimes alopecia is saved even after canceling the means. In adult men, steroids depress Testosterone products with testicles. With long-term use it is possible sterility and decrease in the size of the testicles. Usually, these processes are reversible, with complete abolition of anabolics, the synthesis of natural hormones and sperm products are restored, spermatozoa is approximately within half a year gain the ability to fertilize. Some men develop irreversible gynecomastia (increase in the mammary glands).

Women often observes hair growth on the face and on the body, with a large "experience" use may occur irreversible increase and cutting clitoris. Reception of anabolic steroids by the faces of both sexes entails a violation of the functions of the liver. With long-term reception, steroid toxic hepatitis develops, the outcome of which can become cirrhosis of the liver and progressive hepatic insufficiency. The likelihood of sugar diabetes is increased. The skin becomes fatigue and more often infected. Perhaps hair loss on the head.

Steroids negatively affect the immune system, leading to a decrease in blood globulin levels. The patient's body becomes more susceptible to infections, there are frequent colds, often with complications (bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis). Random wounds and abrasions are raised more often. The heart when taking anabolics increases, however, the growth of the heart muscle is ahead of the growth of vessels. In the thickness of the muscular tissue that does not receive enough nutrients, the foci of necrosis occurs. There are cases of sudden death as a result of a heart attack.

Anabolic reception provokes an increase in the level of collagen and reducing the level of elastin in the vascular wall. The vessels become less elastic. Increases cholesterol. All of the above increases the risk of developing complications. The connecting fabric "lags behind" in growth from muscle tissue, which entails a high level of trauma. In patients who regularly use anabolic, more often arise bundles and tendons.

Steroids do not have a direct damaging effect on brain cells, but they definitely affect the patient's behavior. Possible expressed fluctuations in the mood - from joy to apathy and despondency. Often there is an increase in the level of aggression, a tendency to disputes, outbreaks of irritability. Often there is a thrust for violence or risky behavior. Some patients develop depressive disorders and steroid psychoses.

The abolition syndrome in the use of anabolic steroids is not yet sufficiently studied. It has been established that the cessation of admission is often accompanied by subdepress, depression and thoughts of suicide. There are two phases of cancellation syndrome. The duration of the first phase is about 1 week. There may be an increase in temperature, pain in the joints (arthralgia), runny nose and other symptoms resembling a cold illness.

The second phase lasts until six months. Acute somadegentative manifestations are not expressed, prevail the disorders of mood, sleep disorders, decline in appetite, fast fatigue and dissatisfaction with themselves. There is a need to adopt anabolic steroids. Athletes often use anabolic cycles. To avoid cancellation syndrome, patients even during the break continue to take small doses of the drug, motivating this to prevent the organism's cancellation, which allegedly entail a decrease in steroid effects.

Treatment and forecast for abuse of anabolic steroids

Pronounced mood fluctuations, suicidal thoughts and the need for steroids when trying to stop taking the drug are a reason to appeal to a narcologist. Due to the danger of development of depression, the abolition of anabolic steroids is determined individually for each patient, it is possible both one-time and gradual cessation of consumption. Preparations are canceled against the background of supporting psychotherapy. It is usually not required, if necessary, sedatives and antidepressants may be assigned.

The forecast for the abuse of anabolic steroids depends on the state of the patient's body and the level of its motivation. The abolition of the drug does not entail expressed physical suffering, psychological disorders are usually adjusted for six months. Most somatic and endocrine disorders are transparent and gradually disappear after the abolition of drugs. The greatest danger represents the damage to the liver. In the presence of toxic hepatitis, treatment is needed by a gastroenterologist. In the absence of motivation, the forecast is worsening, breakdowns are observed.