Definition of nature and its structure in ecology. Abstract structure of modern ecology

Introduction to the environment.

Item, goal and course content.

The term "ecology" (from Greek Oikos - housing, habitat) was introduced into the literature in 1866 by the German researcher E. Geckel, they were given and general definition Ecology. E. Hekkel wrote: "... By ecology, we mean the overall science on the body's relations to the environment, where we include all the" conditions of existence "in the broad sense of the word". N. F. Reimers in the Environmental Management Dictionary (1990) indicates that "Ecology is: 1) part of biology (bioecology), which studies the relations of organisms (individuals, populations, biocenoses, etc.) among themselves and the surrounding medium; 2) Discipline that studies the general laws of the functioning of various hierarchical ecosystems. " The same author in another work notes that for ecology is characterized by a wide, systemic intersectoral look ... Ecology is a combination of branches of knowledge exploring the interaction between biologically significant individuals and between them and the environment. Ecology is determined by both "science that studies the relations of organisms among themselves and the environment, as well as the organization and functioning of organized systems of various levels: populations, communities and ecosystems, natural complexes and biosphere. " With all the variety of existing ecology definitions, the main concepts in it, on which it is based, are: live systems (organisms and their communities), interaction and environment (habitat).

Thus, ecology is a complex discipline. From the content of ecology, its tasks arise, which, first of all, are to know the relationship between plants, animals, mushrooms, microorganisms and their habitat, the diversity of living on earth, studying the functioning of various levels of different levels. The tasks of ecology include predicting changes in nature under the influence of human activity, scientific support for the restoration of disturbed natural systems. The ultimate goal of environmental studies is to preserve human habitat.

History of ecology.

Ecology - This is a new science area that appeared in the second half of the XX century. More precisely, it is believed that the ecology originated as a separate discipline at the turn of the 20th century, and that it received public fame in the 1960s, due to the widespread concern for the state ambient . Nevertheless, the ideas of ecology to some extent known for a long time, and the principles of ecology were developed gradually, closely intertwining with the development of other biological disciplines. Thus, perhaps, Aristotle was one of the first ecologists. In the "animal history", he gave an ecological classification of animals, wrote about the habitat, type of movement, habitat, seasonal activity, public life, the presence of asylis, the use of votes. His follower, theophrast, mainly investigated the plants and is considered an antique founder of geobotants. Plinles Senior in his work "Natural History" presented an economic field of zooecological representations. In Indian treatises of "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata" (VI-I century BC), it is possible to detect descriptions of the lifestyle of animals (more than 50 species), habitat, nutrition, breeding, daily activity, behavior with changes in the natural situation

The structure of modern ecology.

Modern ecology considers and examines not only the relationship between living organisms and their habitat, but also results anthropogenic influence On the natural environment and the use of its resources. It includes:

dynamic ecologywhich studies the transfer of substance, energy and information between systems whose elements are interconnected;

analytical ecology - Methodical basis of modern ecology, which includes combinations of a systematic approach, inventory observations, experiment and modeling,

general ecologywhich unites the variety of environmental knowledge at a single scientific level,

geoecologystudying the relationship between organisms and habitat in terms of their geographic affiliation, i.e. Ecology of sushi, freshwater, seas and highly, and also explores the anthropogenic environmental impact,

applied ecology - a large complex of disciplines related to various areas of activity and relationships between society and nature,

social ecologywhich explores the relationship of social structures with nature and the social environment of their environment;

human ecology - Complex disciplines dedicated to the study of human interaction as an individual (biological individual) and personality (social entity) with the environment and social environment.

In turn, general ecology includes:

outecologystudying the relationship between individual organisms or families with the habitat;

demecologywhich explores the relationship between organisms of one type and habitat;

syncology - considering the relationship between various communities of organisms and the habitat;

biogeocenology - scientific discipline that studies the pattern of formation, functioning and development of biogeocenoses;

global ecology - The teaching of the biosphere, as well as the ecology of plants, animals, microorganisms and aquatic organisms.

Applied ecology Includes industrial, agricultural, medical and chemical.

Social ecology It consists of ecology of the city and ecology of population. Urbaecology includes the ecology of the personality, the ecology of mankind and the ecology of culture.

What is modern ecology

For the first time, the term ecology introduced the German scientist Geckel in 1866, under this terman understood the science, which studied the interaction of a living organism and the environment. Today, ecology is more comprehensive.

Definition 1.

Modern ecology is an interdisciplinary science that studies not only the interaction of the body and the environment, but also the role in nature a person is playing, studies the impact of anthropogenic factors on our planet.

A person takes a special place both directly in modern ecology and on Earth as a whole, since, unlike all other organisms existing on Earth, it is endowed with a mind. The person created his own habitat, which is called human civilization. A man has interferes with a long time in the natural development of nature. Today, finally, the awareness came that if the rate of negative impacts will accelerate, our planet will be at risk of destruction. Modern ecology sends its actions to the environmentalization of all aspects of human vital activity.

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Note 1.

Under the term "environmentalization" means the introduction of measures that are aimed at preserving the environment.

Modern ecology mainly studies the biosphere, its interaction with man. Modern ecology connects natural sciences with social. The development of modern ecology is aimed at expanding the areas of study in other sciences. At the present stage, ecology solves a number of tasks from absolutely different, but inextricably linked disciplines:

  • social questions
  • economic questions
  • technical questions
  • geographical questions
  • biological questions

At the present stage, ecology has a pronounced worldview aspect, so it is also connected with philosophy.

Goals and objectives of modern ecology

Note 2.

Today, the purpose of modern ecology is to study the patterns of the interaction of components in the model "Man-Nature" model.

The main thing is to develop approaches that will help humanity to stand on the path of development, in which it will be possible to meet the needs of modern people and at the same time not to damage the environment.

In order to achieve this goal, scientists set themselves a number of important tasks:

  • explore the role of man and society in the biosphere,
  • explore the criteria that determine the compatibility of the person and the biosphere,
  • work in the direction of environmentalization of human behavior,
  • monitor environmental monitoring
  • make forecasts for environmental development,
  • explore the mechanisms for regulating the number of living organisms.

The structure of modern ecology

Despite the fact that modern ecology is an interdisciplinary science, it is based on bioecology. In modern ecology, various directions are allocated:

  • outecology - explores the interaction of the body with the environment,
  • population ecology - explores the interaction of individuals of one species,
  • sinecology - studies communities of living organisms and their relationship with the environment.

A special place in modern environmental science is applied ecology. Applied ecology is the direction of general ecology, which studies the mechanisms of human destruction of the biosphere, as it studies in which methods can be prevented or minimized by a negative anthropogenic environmental impact and develops methods of rational and gentle use. natural resources.

Applied ecology is also a rather extensive discipline, so a number of other directions follow from it. For example, the biosphere ecology is this section of applied ecology, which is engaged in the study of changes occurring in the environment under the influence of anthropogenic influence.

Industrial ecology is also part of modern applied ecology, it studies which harm to industrial enterprises of the environment, develop possible options for reducing this negative impact. Scientists work on inventing more advanced industrial technologies that will leisure environmental damage to the invention of more efficient cleaning facilities.

There is also such a section of applied ecology as agricultural ecology. Agricultural ecology in turn studies how it is possible to obtain rich crops without depletion of the soil, the destructive effect of pesticides, and negative action for the environment.

Medical ecology studies as environmental factors affecting a person. The human body is constantly exposed to environmental environment, for example, the chemical elements accumulated in the environment, radioactive radiation, atmospheric pressure affects a person. Medical Ecology is engaged in the study of communication "Environmental factors - human health."

Geoecology is a discipline formed at the junction of geography and ecology. It studies both the composition, structure, properties of geochemical geospheres affect the habitat of living organisms, including a person.

Economic ecology is a section of social ecology. Scientists working in this area are studying the interaction of rational use of the resources of the Earth and the economic component.

Today, a special place in modern ecology takes such a direction as legal ecology. Legal Ecology is engaged in the development of legal norms that regulate the relations of society and nature. The basis of this direction is a number of important principles. For example, each person on Earth has the right to a favorable environment. Legal ecology oversees the protection of human life and human health, issues of rational use of natural resources. For non-compliance with the rules that apply to environmental law, punishment is most often large fines.

One of the most characteristic features of modern environmental knowledge is continuously increasing relevance.

In the philosophical literature, environmental problems are very active on various levels and in a wide variety of aspects, relative to the subject of ecology, clarity in determining the boundaries of its competence and research methods there are a variety of opinions. A lot of options for the name of modern ecology are offered: global ecology, megaecology, human ecology, noogenic, natural displacement, noology, Mostology, society, social ecology, etc.

If you look at this problem from the point of view of philosophy, it is impossible to draw up an adequate idea of \u200b\u200bthe biosphere without reliable analytical data on each fragment, and vice versa, it is impossible to solve which one specifically the environmental task without knowledge of the basic patterns of the development of the biosphere as a whole, without determining What role the concrete object is played in this whole. Here, the principle of the dialectical relationship of universal, special and unit, where not only individual components of the biosphere reflect its nature, but also it itself, as a holistic education itself, determines the nature and essence of the individual components of its components. Careful study is possible greater circle of individual specific environmental interactions is prerequisite For the development of general ecological concepts. And the development of the development of the last beneficial effect on improving the first. Interconnecting simultaneous development of general-ecological and specific environmental concepts leads to the complication of the structure of modern environmental knowledge and generates substantial difficulties of a gnoseological and methodological nature. Specialization and integration of environmental areas, strengthening the role of probabilistic - statistical methods, the synthesis of historical and structural-functional approaches determine a rather complex epistemological situation in an environmental study.

The traditional separation of environmental knowledge is carried out on the basis of the following main criteria (11).

By types of organisms (taxonomic division). The basis is the principle of specificity of taxonomic branches of the organic world. According to this criterion, ecology is primarily divided into animals ecology and plant ecology. Both the first and the second ecology is divided into a number of more private ecologies. It should be noted that the human ecology is of a specific nature, because the object of its consideration is a person, the essence of which is inexpressible from its social nature, from the forms of its practical and social activities. The increasing influence of anthropogenic origin on the natural environment attaches special significance of the human ecology, takes it beyond the ecology of the biological profile.

By type of medium (biomam). Several simplifying features of the structure of the biosphere, we can say that it. Like a mosaic, it is composed of a variety of diverse components (biomes, place-habitats), each of which has clearly pronounced natural boundaries and is characterized by a special set of climatic, biotic and abiotic factors, a specific relationship between intensive development (Sukessias) and a period of relative equilibrium in the development of environmental Systems (Climax). However, it should be stated that the differentiation of environmental knowledge according to the characteristics of habitat focuses not on the functional, but rather on the structural characteristics, given the integrity of the natural complexes of geographic landscapes. When developing private ecology formed on the basis of a landscape approach, the researcher's attention is concentrated on a specific, clearly designated section of the earth's surface. Such a unit makes it possible not only to characterize each natural complex separately, but also to explore the relationship between them.

According to the types of interaction both between the organisms themselves, and between the diverse forms of the organic world, through which organic forms carry out the trophic and damplit transfer of substances and energy, always hit researchers with their complexity and multiplicity.

According to the organization of the lives. Here, the differentiation of ecological knowledge was carried out in accordance with the concept of structural levels of the organization of the living. So, Yu. ODUU allocates the following divisions: ecology of individuals, ecology of populations and ecology of communities.

The division of environmental research on certain special areas, according to the concept of structural levels of the organization of the living, is presented in modern ecology. This concept is based on the objective hierarchical orderliness of the material world, which is equally inherent in both unity and diversity. The concept of structural levels of living organization, stressing at the same time the essential unity of life and multi-qualityness of its manifestations at each specific moment and at a certain structural level, leads to an important conclusion on the inseparable communication of the specifics of the living with the method of its organization.

By type of impact of anthropogenic factors on the natural environment. These special departments of environmental research can be attributed here, as resource studies, soil science, ecology of the city (urbanisational ecology), engineering ecology, exploring cycles of water and air, the productivity of eccentric biocenoses (agrogenosis), agrochemical ecology, study of all kinds of contamination of industrial waste, chemicals, radiation (radioecology), noise pollution, etc. To this type, the cosmic, or, as it is also called the ecology of the space flight (exo-ecology).

The development of these private sectors of modern environmental research is due to a number of negative consequences of related scientific and technical progress and with a decisive impact on the modern environmental situation. According to Yu. Odum, "" "Improving the research technique requires a new generation of ecologists of strengthening activity from these little learned areas, because the deeper knowledge of nature is stimulated now not only curiosity: ignorance in matters of maintaining equilibrium in ecosystems becomes the threat to the existence of a person" " (eighteen).

All these industries of modern ecology, formed according to this criterion, are components of one of the most important areas of the application of the ecology - the protection of nature and the rational use of its resources. Therefore, these industries received the name of applied and technological aspects of ecology.

Separately, a group of common environmentalists, reflecting the tendency of the association in a single concept of the whole manifold of the fundamental relationship "Man-Nature" and the synthesis of all private-environmental aspects. They are currently subject to discussions in the literature. This is primarily global ecology (megaecology), human ecology, economic ecology (econology), society society, social ecology.

The discussion on the status of modern general ecology is largely based on attempts to attribute it to the competence of social science or only natural science. "Global ecology is interested in not all types and forms of human relations (and society) with nature, but only defined, above all, relations with the nature of the Earth as a holistic system. Global ecology does not develop the question of human spiritual relations with the nature of the Earth "(7).

Modern ecology has become the largest interdisciplinary area of \u200b\u200bknowledge covering natural, technical and social phenomena. But she has its own specifics. How successfully notified N.F. Reimers: "She always puts lives in the center of studied phenomena, looks at the world with his eyes, whether it is a separate person, the population of organisms, biocenosis or a person, all of humanity; And if not alive, then created by a lively - biogeochemical cycle, for example, a compartment of carbon dioxide or oxygen in the biosphere, an industrial enterprise or an agricultural field. "

Therefore, it is necessary to keep in mind that the fundamental ideas are based on all modern areas of ecology. bioecology(or "classical ecology").

Bioecology is divided into studying levels of biological systems on:

Out ecology (ecology of individuals and organisms);

Demolar (population ecology);

Eidecology (ecology of species);

Sysecology (ecology of communities);

Biogeocenology (or teaching about ecosystems);

Global ecology (biosphere ecology).

In accordance with the largest systematic categories of the organic world, bioecology is divided into:

Ecology of microorganisms;

Environmental Mushrooms;

Environmental of plants;

Ecology of animals.

Inside these systematic categories, there is more detailed dismembrance - to study certain taxonomic groups, for example: bird ecology, insect ecology, environmental ecology, ecology of individual species, etc.

The use of the environmental method to any taxa of zoological, botanical or microbiological material complements and develops a common ecology. For example, the study of the ecology of one type of oyster on the sandy banks of the North Sea allowed the German hydrobiologist K. Mebius to introduce an important general-ecological concept of "biocenosis".

Based on the general ecology, such new disciplines appeared as: ecological morphology, environmental physiology, environmental systematics, ecological genetics, as well as evolutionary ecology, biochemical ecology, paleoecology and others.

Such sciences occur at the junction of ecology in one or another biological discipline, which is characteristic of each intensively developing fundamental science.

In the 90s, a new direction is formed in ecology - geoecology.Geoecology originated from geography and biology as an independent scientific direction, closely associated with many areas of natural science, social studies and technicians.

Geoecology(from Greek. GEO - Earth) - science on the interaction of systems - geographical (natural-territory-rial complexes, geosystems), biological (biocenoses, biogeocenoses, ecosystems) and socio-industrial (natural-economic complexes, neoto-systems).

The first scientists who used the word "geoecology", were the German geographer Karl Troll, and in Russia who wrote about it in 1970, V.B. Okayva. The latter associated the emergence of this term with the need to reflect the ecological orientation of landscapes.

The term "geoecology" appeared in the scientific literature as a synonym for the term "landscape ecology" or "ecology of landscapes". Landscape- This is a certain portion of the earth's surface, within which various components of nature (rock formations, relief, climate, water, soil, plants, animals), interrelated and interdependent, are one of the whole and form a certain type of terrain.

The interests of geoecology are focused on analyzing the structure and functioning of landscapes, the relationship between their components and the impact of a person on natural components.

Geoecology is divided by environmental lifes, environmental components and regions on: Sushi ecology, ocean ecology (sea), ecology of continental waters, ecology of mountains, islands, sea coasts, Limanov, Estairiev, ecology TundR, Arctic deserts, forests, steppes, deserts and so Further.

The most important directions of modern environmental science are ecology of manand social ecology.

Ecology of man(Antropoecology) he studies human interaction as a biosocial being with a complex multicomponent world around, with a gradually complicating dynamic habitat.Ecology of a person is a complex, integral science, exploring the general laws of interaction and mutual influence of the biosphere and anthroposystems. The anthroposystem form all structural levels of humanity, all groups of people and individuals.

The term "human ecology" in science introduced American scientists R. Park and E. Burger in 1921. In Russia, systematic studies on human ecology begin in the 70s. The list of tasks solved by the ecology of a person is extremely wide. In their aggregate, two directions differ. One is associated with the influence of the natural (geographical) environment and its components on the anthroposystem, the other follows from the need to study the consequences of anthropogenic activities.

The ecology of a person considers the biosphere as an ecological niche of humanity, studying natural, social and economic conditions as human habitat factors providing its normal development and reproduction.

New directions are separated from human ecology: ecology of the city, ecology of population, historical ecology and others.

Social ecology(Socioecology) - science, studying relationships in the system society- nature, environmental influence on society.

The main goal of social ecology is to optimize the existence of a person and the environment on a systematic basis. A person acts in this case as a society, so the subject of social ecology is the major contingents of people decaying for individual groups, depending on their social status, the genus of occupations, age.

Social ecology considers the Biosphere of the Earth as an ecological niche of humanity, associating the environment and human activity into a single system "Nature - Society". It reveals the impact of a person for equilibrium natural ecosystems, studies issues of rationalizing human and nature relationships. The task of social ecology as science is also to offer such effective ways to exposure to the environment, which would not only prevent catastrophic consequences, but also allowed to significantly improve the biological and social conditions for the development of a person and all living on Earth.

Social ecology also develops scientific foundations of rational environmental management aimed at protecting nature.

Considering the social environment as the most important direction of ecology, it should be noted that it is not only relatively independent, but also complex science, philosophical, socio-economic, ethical and other aspects of which are developed by new scientific directions. For example, such as: historical ecology, ecology of culture, ecology and economics, ecology and politics, ecology and morality, ecology and law, environmental informatics, etc.

A large place in social ecology belongs to the field of environmental education, upbringing and enlightenment.

One of the directions related to the social environment is applied ecology,developing the norms of use of natural resources and living environment, setting permissible loads on them and defining ecosystem management forms. Applied ecology includes:

Industrial (engineering) Ecology,

Technological ecology,

Agricultural ecology

Fishing ecology

Chemical ecology,

Recreational ecology

Medical ecology,

Nature environmental management.

To date, no science has tried to identify laws reflecting the unity of society and

dy. For the first time, social ecology claims to establish such sociocher laws. Law- this is a necessary, repeated relationship between phenomena in nature and in society.Social ecology is intended to formulate qualitatively new types of laws reflecting the relationship of society, technology and nature within the Unified System. The laws of social ecology should reflect the degree of coherence, synchronization of natural-energy information flows caused by the transformative human activity and the natural circulation of substances. Relying on such laws, society will be able to solve issues of interrelated environmental and socio-economic development.

In 1974.year american biologist Barry Commoner, summarizing the provisions of bioecology and social ecology, formulated four basic law of ecology,sometimes called "environmental proverbs" and widely used currently in the popular and educational environmental literature:

1. Everything is interconnected with everything.

2. Everything must go somewhere.

3. Nature knows better.

4. Nothing is given in vain.

These laws should be taken into account in rational nature management and in general, with any human activity on Earth and in space.

Famous English philosopher Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) i wrote: "No human laws cannot have a valid value if they are struggling to the laws of nature." Therefore, it is the synthesis of natural and public, if people manage to implement it, will become a characteristic feature of civilization of the coming XXI century.

Ecology as science was formed only in the middle of the last century, but a long way led to the formation of basic concepts and principles of modern ecology. The history of ecology development can be represented as an environmental event calendar (Table 1.3).

Table 1.3.

Calendar of environmental events (by G.S. Rosenberg, with changes and additions)

Ecology(from Greek. "Okos" - a house, dwelling and "logos" - doctrine) - Science, which studies the conditions for the existence of living organisms and the relationship between the organisms and the environment in which they live. Initially, the ecology developed as an integral part of biological science, in close connection with other natural sciences - chemistry, physics, geology, geography, soil science, mathematics.

Subject of study Ecology is a totality or structure of ties between organisms and the environment. Main object study in ecology - ecosystemsi.e., uniform natural complexes formed by alive organisms and habitats. In addition, the area of \u200b\u200bits competence includes study separate species of organisms(organism level), their populationsi.e. the aggregates of individuals of one species (population-species level) and biospherein general (biosphere level).

Study methodsecology is very diverse, and they are all used within system approach. Environmental practice covers many techniques and research methods, adequate manifold of ecology directions and therefore we list the main ones:

1) experiment (laboratory experiments);

2) observation;

3) modeling (mathematical models).

In the study of diverse processes that occur in wildlife, first of all, experimental methods are used. In laboratory experiments are investigated various conditions On the organisms, they find out their reactions to the specified effects. Studying the relationship of organisms with the habitat in artificial conditions, it is possible to disassemble deeply in the occurrences of nature. However, ecology is by no means laboratory science. It is quite obvious that the relationship of living organisms with their environment can be studied most fully in nature. But this is not easy business, especially if you consider to what extent is even the simplest environment. Therefore, in ecology, field observations and experiments occupy the most important place. . At the same time, the impossibility of experimental verification often causes ecologists to translate the observed facts into the language of mathematics. Mathematical analysis (modeling) allows you to allocate the most important objects and connections from the whole set of relationships of the body and environment to understand the nature of these phenomena deeper . Of course, it is not necessary to forget that mathematical models are only an approximate display of natural phenomena.

As a rule, in environmental Research These and other studied methods used are used together or comprehensively.

The main, traditional part of the ecology as biological science is general (fundamental) ecologywhich studies the general patterns of relationships of any living organisms and medium (including a person as a biological creature).

As part of general ecology, the following main sections are allocated:

out ecologyexploring individual connections of a separate organism (individual) with its surrounding medium (influence on the organism of environmental factors - temperature, light, humidity, relief, wind, soil, etc.);

population ecology (demoecology), The task of which includes the study of the structure and dynamics of populations of individual species, their mutual influence and the impact on them of the environment;

syncology (Biocenology), studying the structure and patterns of the functioning of communities of living organisms and ecosystems, as well as their relationship with the environment. Part of the syccology is global ecology, whose study object is the entire biosphere of the Earth. A somewhat isolated direction of syccology is biogeocenology.studying the ecosystems of a certain spatial scale - ecology deserts, ocean, tundra, highly, savanna etc.

For all these directions, the main thing is to study survival of living beings in the environmentand the tasks in front of them are predominantly biological properties - to study the patterns of adaptation of the organisms and their communities to the environment, self-regulation, stability of ecosystems and the biosphere, and so on.

Knowledge obtained in the framework of the study of general ecology and applied to the analysis of the Society-Nature system, formed a new direction - applied ecology. The structure of applied ecology has not yet established. typically, the following main directions are distinguished in it:

industrial ecology - examines the impact of various industries (mining, food, metallurgical, chemical, and other), utilities and services of the environment;

chemical ecology (ecological toxicology) - studies the effect of toxic chemicals on living organisms, their populations and ecosystems; patterns of migration toxicants in natural environments;

radioecology - studies migration in nature and the effects on organisms of natural and artificial radioactive substances;

engineering ecology - Engaged in the development of engineering solutions ( claiming facilities; energy-saving, low-waste and waste-free technologies; more eco-friendly fuels) aimed at protecting the environment and human health;

agricultural Ecology - studies the functioning of artificial ecosystems (fields, gardens) and optimizing management such systems;

ursoecology- studies the functioning of urban agglomerations, their influence on the environment and human health, and also develops measures to reduce the negative impact of cities on Wednesday;

medical ecology- studies the effect of various adverse factors on human health;

environmental protection - Complex discipline aimed at developing measures to reduce the negative consequences of human activity (the development of environmental legislation and economic mechanisms of rational environmental management, the development of a network of specially protected natural territories); Includes environmental expertise (development of conclusions on the state of natural complexes), environmental control (measures to identify and curb illegal acts regarding the environment), environmental forecasting (creating forecasts for the development of situations under various impact scenarios - identification, evaluation and management of environmental risks ), environmental rationing (development of marginal environmental load standards), environmental monitoring (development of continuous monitoring systems for the change in natural complexes);

social ecologyconsiders the diverse aspects of the interaction of human society and nature. However, it is selected in a separate direction, it looks somewhat artificial, since the interaction of man and nature is one way or another is considered in fundamental and applied ecology. N.F.reimers included environmental psychology and environmental sociology (analysis of perception by man and society of nature), environmental education and environmental education (the formation of environmental thinking and behavior), as well as ethno ecology, personality ecology and ecology.

Ecology development is currently continuing. And the main goal of this development is to solve such an environmental problem on Earth as the preservation of life. Decision Same environmental problems Requires great work in all areas of science and technology. And the theoretical foundation of all environmental activities is the science of ecology. Only knowledge of environmental laws - the laws of development of natural and social processes - will allow us to bring with nature and resolve social conflicts. Environmental measures not reasonable scientifically are useless, and often even harmful, as they can be contrary to the laws of nature.